Gwalior International Cricket Stadium
Radiation Analysis: The Lord’s
Inferences: 1. Lying on higher latitude (around 51 N), the average temperature range is low, and sun angle is also not so high. 2. As a result North side is majorly devoid of radiations and sunlight. 3. While it’s good for the stands that they are open and receive ample amount of radiation and sunlight on summer days, but on the other hand, Lord’s pavilion receive very little sunlight and radiations making it much more cooler experience for players using the sports facility. 4. Due to cooler climate and low level of radiations, exposed seating stands (stands with less roof covering) isn’t a bad option. 5. London does experience fairly moderate rainfall. Leaving stands uncovered, exposes a lot of spectators to rains.
Fig 47- Radiation Analysis- The Lord’s Source- Author (Using Rhino7.0 and Grasshopper)