malevich booklet

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La ura Purs eg love C O N T E X T UAL an d CR I T I CAL S T UD I E S


K a z i m i r M A L E V I C H

Cath Chan presented

the cover design is inspired by the Malevich exhibition in Tate Modern Museum

I ntro duc tion Suprematism is a style first creat e and organized by Malevich. You are able to see it simplify the complicated things by geometry all the time. It presents the emotion and the movement of the artist. Colour, balance and formation are very import ant for suprematical art.

Dynamic Suprematism ,19 15 or 19 16 Oil paint on canvas


Suprematism Suprematism is neccessily aware about the order of the objects to present the movement and emotion of the artist. The import ance of the balance is revealed in this painting.

Suprematism, 19 16-19 17 Oil paiint on canvas

Abstrac t a n d S uprematric This painting is a typical style of S uprematism. The positions of each grometric sha pe form a nice balance. It seems drawing two space st ations and a planet behind th e large space st ation. And the tone of the colour is warm and feel comfort able.

Sportsmen, 193 1 Oil paint on canvas



fo u r s p or t s m e n Suprematist portrait of four peoples. It very colourful and it seems reprenting the althelet from different country or doing different sports.

Women Torso, 1932 Oil paint on wood

Suprematic al P or t ra i t

This portrait of a woman is drawing in a st age or style between Suprematism and Symb olism. It used the main shapes to create the image of a woman. The left half is wearing clothes and the right part seems is naked. Furthermore, this painting leads people think ab out a popular artist - Lady Gaga.

Landscape with Five Houses, 1932 Oil paint on canvas

A peace

c ityscape The contrast of the colour between the sky and the ground cause the peace of the landscape. The five houses look pure and silence.

A poster for Doctor Mabuse, 1927

Poster des i g n Fritz Lang meets Kazimir Malevich. This is a poster for Doctor Mabuse by Malevich. It is suprematical and is using a grid system similer to josef muller brockmann’s works.

Yellow Quadrilateral 19 12 Oil paint on canvas

Gradient c olo u r A geometric shape with yellow gradient. It is not often to see gradient colour in other suprematical paintings of Malevich. The faded colour and the direction or the shape of the polygon reveals the emotion with time.

Black square, 19 13 Oil paint on canvas

I conic painting Black square is the most iconic image of Malevich and also represent the suprematic style created by Malevich. This painting is peaceful and clear. It shows the hand drawing feeling by looking at the outline. The outline of squre is not tot ally straight like drawing by using a tool such as a ruler.

White on White, 19 18 Oil paint on canvas

Pale and L i g h t The difference between this painting and the usual art painting of Malevich is the colour. It using the similar white of this painting to create a less contrast of colour.

Black Circle, 19 15 Oil paint on canvas

M inimal

t h e c o m p l ex We always find the geometric shapes are ret angular in Malevich suprematric paintings. However, this painting looks special in the s ame style of paintings which are also minimal like this.

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