Eggo Guide book

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Eggo to go

Guide book

table of contents

About the Brand ----------------------- 07 Story & Characters ------------------- 09 Relationship Chart ------------------- 34 Proportion of Characters ----------- 36 Package --------------------------------- 40 Environment Design ------------------ 42 Game ------------------------------------ 50 Pattern----------------------------------- 52 Logotype -------------------------------- 56 User Guide ----------------------------- 57


eGGo to Go

Guide book


eGGo to Go

Guide book

ABOUT THE BRAND – Eggo and Dudu

from Hope City can help all

the lucky ones fulfill their wishes! Unlike traditional super

heroes that flaunt egoism and infallibility, the not-quite-so

powerful little heroes Eggo and Dudu often find themselves

in trouble. But through teamwork and coordination they are able to help everyone fulfill their

wishes. Friendship, courage and the pursuit of growth serve as

the main themes of every Eggo to

go story. With “Fulfilling Wishes” as the main theme,

Eggo to go is sure to evoke resonance in the heart

of every person.


eGGo to Go

Guide book

STory & CHaraCTErS – EGGo AnD DUDU hAVE EmBARkED on A JoURnEy to fULfiLL EVERyonE’S WiShES! This is an adventure story that takes place in Hope City. Carrying the orders of the magnificent King Omelette, little youngster Eggo and his twin sister Dudu, (under the disguises of red and white bird masks that symbolize courage and wisdom, respectively) b ecome heroes w ho fu lfill every on e’s wis h es ! In Hope City, any wish can come true. Once you are chosen, Eggo and Dudu will lead the rest of the residents in making your wish come true.


Eggo Hero of the Hope City –


59 days old (around 4-10 years old in human age)




A red bird mask (symbolizes courage and strength)


Eggo carries the mission of completing wishes for the residents of Hope City. Created at the same time as sister Dudu by King Omelette, Eggo is deceived by the lies of Ezra the Cobra. This causes Eggo to drop from the tree during the hatching process, causing a permanent scar on his face. Eggo becomes incredibly nervous about being easily broken, but fortunately, the kind King Omelette gives him a chance to redeem himself. King Omelette creates a mask in the form of a red bird and imbues it with courage and strength. Eggo is now ready to embark on a journey with his sister Dudu to fulfill the wishes of the people!


Neurotic and amped up with justice. Eggo feels insecure without his mask on due to the hole in his eggshell. Once the mask is on, he becomes incredibly brave and powerful.

eGGo to Go

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eGGo to Go

Guide book

Hi 13

DuDU Charmer of the Hope City –


59 days old (around 4-10 years old in human age)




A white bird mask (symbolizes love and wisdom)



Created by King Omelette at the same time as her brother Eggo, Dudu too fails to successfully complete the hatching process due to Eggo jumping off the tree and her following in suit. With the help of King Omlette, Dudu wears a white bird mask that symbolizes love and wisdom. She is Eggo’s best partner in completing missions! Dudu’s adorable and dream-like appearance makes her a popular character in Hope City. However, as she is still a baby egg, more often than not, Dudu comes up with nonsensical theories and actions. A hopeless romantic with a soft heart. Memory dissipates and movement becomes incredibly slow when the mask is not worn. When worn, Dudu can read voraciously and memorize chemical formulas backwards.

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Guide book


Thunder Sentimental Fox, The Best Friend of Eggo –


80 days old (around 8-14 years old in human age)




A tail that spews electricity


Thunder falls head over heels for Dudu as soon as Eggo and Dudu arrive in Hope City and the three become good friends. Thunder continuously helps Eggo and Dudu with fulfilling the wishes of the residents of the city. Thunder came to Hope City in hopes of having one of his own wishes fulfilled.


Impatient and impulsive, Thunder feels somewhat selfconscious about his tail that often lets out electricity.

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eGGo to Go

Guide book

W! 21

Ezra the Cobra A Cunning Villain –


Allegedly 2 billion years old




His mirror-like eye can emit light wave to enrapture people


Born with the abilities to hypnotize and release illusions, Ezra decides to destroy Hope City as King Omelette refuses to let him handle the matters of this city. Although Ezra was successful in hypnotizing Eggo and Dudu to jump from the Mysterious Tree, he is unable to prevent them from completing their missions in Hope City. As a result, Ezra begins the next step of his evil plan and swears to ultimately destroy the city.


Conniving, manipulative and ready to destroy at all costs.

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Guide book


eGGo to Go

Guide book


King Omelet Almighty Creator of the Hope City – AGE

Allegedly 2 billion years old




God-like power to create things


Appearing on Omelette Galaxy at the same time as Ezra the Cobra, King Omelette harnesses the power to create things. After hearing the wishes made by the residents of Omelette Galaxy, King Omelette decides to create Hope City. Despite being close friends with Ezra the Cobra, King Omelette is abundant in justice and fairness, and decides to create Moctopus the Octopus to manage people’s wishes. It is for this very reason that King Omelette and Ezra the Cobra are no longer friends. King Omelette sees Eggo and Dudu as his own children and hold high expectations of them.


Distinguishes right from wrong, peaceful and extremely nice. However, he has the tendency to become incredibly scary when angered.

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Guide book


Moctopus the Octopus Wish Lottery Machine – Appearance

A gigantic robotic octopus with countless tentacles.




Has the power to attract the Wishing Balls with this tentacles and depositing them into a wishing pond. On the day he is to pick a wish to fulfill, a horn will sound, a wish will be chosen, and the wish will be read out.

Standby mode

Blue in color with eyes closed as if sleeping

Wish-picking mode


Wish-selected mode



A robotic octopus created by King Omelette. It is permanently suspended directly above Hope City. Moctopus usually looks like it is dozing off and only awakes when wishes need to be picked.

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eGGo to Go

Guide book


rElaTionSHip CHarT – Creates

Brother/ Sister



eGGo to Go

Guide book


protects Creates

Hypnotizes Jealous agitates


Destory 35

proporTion oF CHaraCTErS –

eGGo to Go

Guide book


eGGo to Go

Guide book


Package –



















Eggo to go

Guide book


Environments Design –

Eggo to go

Guide book


Eggo to go

Guide book


Eggo to go

Guide book


Eggo to go

Guide book


gamE –

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Guide book


Pattern –

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Guide book


Eggo to go

Guide book


logotype –

C:29 M:0 Y:99 K:0 PANTONE: 366 U

C:7 M:7 Y:98 K:0 PANTONE: Yellow U

C:0 M:95 Y:98 K:0 PANTONE: 192 U

Eggo to go

Guide book

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


User Guide – a. Trademark and Copyright Conditions 1. Authorization Guideline: This guideline is a formal and legal documentation for the commercial licensing agreement to use “Eggo to go” as expressly authorized by Fevolution. This guideline targets authorized usage of (including but not limited to) the trademark logo, character, printed matter and design elements of “Eggo to go.” Under the basis of the aforementioned commercial licensing agreement, this template provides relevant guidelines to the usage of the trademark logo, characters and design elements of “Eggo to go”. 2. This guideline (including but not limited to relevant attachments such as compact discs) must be returned to Fevolution once the commercial licensing agreement contract has been terminated. 3. This guideline is used solely for the commercialization and publicity of “Eggo to go”. Anything else is strictly prohibited. b. Trademark and Copyright Notice 1. TRADEMARK LOGO USAGE • The original trademark logo design must not be arbitrarily deformed or inversed.

eGGo to Go

Guide book

• Refrain from overlapping the original trademark logo design with other design elements or text unless absolutely unavoidable.

2. COPYRIGHT USAGE The usage of all authorized copyrighted materials of Fevolution, including but not limited to, trademark logo, design elements, packaging or relevant commercialization products must be labeled in the following way as listed below. Should there be any technical or design difficulties, please submit your proposal and kindly wait for approval before further implementation. The copyright of the company will be consistently marked by: ©2014-20XX Depending on the actual year in which the product is completed, the copyright usage should be Fevolution Innovation Inc. If the year in which the product is completed is 2016, the copyright notice will be: ©2014-2016 Fevolution Innovation Inc. 3. TRADEMARK AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE Fevolution Innovation Inc. attaches great importance to the protection of trademarks and characters of the company, and places stringent control in the management of all trademark and copyrighted materials. To help you better understand and correctly use Fevolution’s trademarks and copyrighted materials, please refer to the following guidelines:


• All relevant characters, artworks, names, dialogues, layouts and text translations are protected by Fevolution’s trademark and copyright policies. Permission must be approved and granted by Fevolution prior to usage. •All completed products, packaging, advertisements or promotions must be labeled accurately and meet Fevolution’s trademark and copyright specifications. • Only a set of trademark and copyright label should be seen on the same product, packaging or promotional material even if multiple characters are used in the design. • Prior to the usage of all relevant materials (including but not limited to trademark) of Fevolution, please submit the proposal with the completed product and its schematic designs to Fevolution’s authorized department for approval (This proposal should explicitly state: design concept, target audience, sales channel, sales period, product and merchandise that is expected to be developed, trademarks, copyrights and etc.). Use of the aforementioned materials is prohibited by the licensee prior to the formal written notice of approval authorized by the company. Any violation to this agreement will be handled accordingly with relevant provisions of both contracts and intellectual property laws. c. Guidelines to Character Usage 1. CONDITIONS FOR CHANGES IN DESIGN OF MATERIALS • All materials of this style guide must not be arbitrarily deformed or inversed (mirrored or reversed) for usage. • When creating 3D objects, please use standardized colors. Should the colors of authorized characters (including but not limited to its subsidiaries or accessories) that are licensed be changed, please submit your proposal and kindly wait for approval before further implementation. • Color of clothing worn by characters may be altered after receiving authorized permission. However, if the products are made public during the same marketing period, all colors must be consistent.

eGGo to Go

Guide book

• In order to emphasize the positive image of Eggo and Dudu, try to use happy and positive expressions when designing. • Please refrain from overlapping design elements or text materials with characters when designing. • Please refrain from cropping the characters. • Artwork and materials from this style guide must not be arbitrarily altered for usage. Should it be for the purpose of giving the characters a more natural look or for performing special projects, please submit your proposal and kindly wait for approval before implementation. • Should you find any materials lacking from the style guide, please submit your creative design brief (design fees will be required). Please refer to the company’s authorized department for further details. 2. PROHIBITED USE • Content, behavior or advertising relevant to alcohol, pornography or content that serves as a bad influence for children is strictly prohibited. • Conversation boxes (whether containing or devoid of dialogue) and/or text must not be added to the characters. To add text, please use a simple frame.





OW! eGGo to Go

Guide book


+886 2 2706 7000 +886 2 2703 8977 7F. No 26-3. Sec 3. Ren’ai Rd. Da’an Dist. Taipei Taiwan ROC. 106 W E T F A

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