Module 2 chen chaoming 769691

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M2 JOURNAL - SLEEPING ARMOUR Jaqlin Lyon/Chen Chaoming (762561/769691) Tim Cameron


2nd Skin proposed design V.1

This design produces an armour of sorts; it is both protective yet intimidating due to its sharp points and threatening scale. This helps in delineating personal space while also achieving a sense of security by the wearer who knows they will not be disturbed. From the inside, the pod is comfortable and private, while the exterior is harsh and unwelcoming. The design also uses the compressive benefits of the hyperbolic paraboloids in providing support for the neck and head regardless of which angle they decide to sleep.


Sketch Design #1

Considering the way the head falls and rotates when people sleep upright, we have focused on using the hyperbolic paraboloid to support it. Somewhat like a neck pillow.

The hyperbolic paraboloids in action; as one side compresses, the other expands.


2nd Skin proposed design V.2


Sketch Design #2 EXPANDABLE // SHELTER //

An expandable shell allows for a full enclosure either of the head (above) or body (top right). This design can either be fitted to the wearer’s upper body (to sit on the shoulders and enclose the head) or be constructed at a larger scale to fully shelter the body in its entirety. The amount of personal space that the wearer wishes to have is up to them depending on which size they opt for.

Precedent: Veasyble by GAIA

Since it is so comfortable to sleep in a ball/fetus position, we profited on this in that the body could be completely enclosed and the user in a comfortable position. This is a potential design variation.

We have mimicked the expandable nature of this precedent project, as we feel it very much addresses the idea of personal space. Within one motion (sweeping the pod over you), one is completely shut off from the outside world. Their personal space is now impenetrable. The panel and folding nature of this project is also very similar to ours.


Precedent Research Huyghe + Le Corbusier Puppet Theatre_MOS Architects

DYNAMIC SURFACES / DEVELOPABLE / CURVATURE Begin with a simple piece of planar geometry

Organic shapes with curvature and dynamism developed via tesselation

The panels also differ in size, creating a dynamic and unpredictable surface; this is a concept we could use in our design to mark personal space. (Variation in sizing of the hyperbolic paraboloid could create an interesting volume. It would also allow us to cater for different parts of the body. ie. have larg hyperbolic paraboloids around the neck, but smaller ones in the nooks and crannies of the upper body. The theatre comprises many 2D panels which have been arranged and tesselated in a manner which creates a dynamic surface; flat surfaces have been combined to develop a curved one. This results in an interesting space where the visitor is pulled between viewing the space as a static and flat one, or as an undulating and dynamic one.


Precedent applied to design What is the concept of the precedent? [Maximum 5 key words - repeat from page1]

The aforementioned concept is intrinsic to the hyperbolic paraboloid; it gives the paraboloid a warped shape.

The result is a dynamic volume of 3D proportions that can enclose the body and mark personal space. We will warp the quadrilateral shape of the paraboloid which will in turn produce even more interesting curved shapes and volumes, all derived from 2D panels.

In our design we will explore how interesting and unpredictably curved surfaces can be derived from flat, planar 2D ones. This will aid us in developing a design that can enclose the curved nature of the body and undulate depending on the body part it surrounds. Variation in sizing, such as that of the Theater’s panels, could also be helpful when fitting the paraboloids to the body. 7

Design development - Version #1


_Front Elevation

_Right Elevation


_Plan 8

With a variation in geometry and size for each paraboloid, we were trying to create an undulating effect; one that was inconsistent and unpredictable. Thus the design is unapproachable by passers by wwho would be weary of disturbing this bizarrely formed structure.

Research from Glen McBride suggest that our upper body is more sensitive in terms of personal space. Around our head we feel most vulnerable.

Our design revolved around the need to protect the head and to mark personal space a great distance from the body, while using an object fitted to the body. A way to do this, was to generate spikes using the points of the hyperbolic paraboloids.

_1 Beginning with a simple sketch of threatening spikes around the head.


_2 Variance of spike sizes creates a dynamic effect; it makes the object seem alive increasing threatening levels. People wouldn’t want to come near it and disturb it. This is the effect explored from our precedent.

Translating this design onto the body using the general shape of hyperbolic paraboloids.

_4 Sketching the complex geometry of the hyperbolic paraboloids, while maintaining this spikey form that focuses on marking personal space around the head.


Design development - Version #2

The face component is an array of smaller hyperbolic parabloids around the shape of a human face, that compresses when being rested upon. This component is attached to the arm and can be used whtn the weaarer wishes to sleep on their forearm. _Front Elevation

_Right Elevation 10

_Left Elevation


_Back Elevation


Design development - Version #2: How does it work?

As the user rests their head to either side or backwards, they are supported by these large paraboloids which compress.

_Front Elevations The images on the lerft show an upright position, while the second show the user sleeping using the support of the paraboloids.

The arm extension supports the head in a similar way - using the compression of the paraboloid as the head falls to the table. _Plans

We were hoping to mimick the form and comfort of a massage table head rest. 11

FAILED MATERIAL TESTING Flexible Foamboard Flexible Foamboard was tested as a potential because of its soft and comfortable texture. But when we tried to make a paraboloid, it was clearly too fragile to be cut along the folding lines; when we tried to bend it, the foamboard cracked immediately. Also the foamboard has no tensility to form hyperbolic paraboloid shape. It is too brittle. Thick cardboard When we tried to use 2mm cardboard, buckling occured on the surface which affects the asthetic perfomance. Also, due to the thickness of the cardboard, it was difficult to create sharp folds.



Polypropylene sheet

When testing both of these materials, we thought they had each had potential in different ways. The thin card and polypropylene sheet were both able to be successfully folded into the hyperbolic paraboloid shape, both performing well in compression. We found that the different compressive abilities of each material could be utilized in different parts of model. Since the thin card is more compressive and less stiff than the polypropelene, we thought the card could be used in areas that don’t require support; ie. in the facial cover. The polypropelene on the other hand, could be used as a more supportive element such as for the neck due to its strength.


Physical Model The shoulder element is made of polypropylene sheets, which makes the user feel more supported as they rest their head on it. The face coving segments are made using the thin cardboard, as it needs to be lightweight and easily compressible to fold over and compact.

Shoulder part of segment (full scale prototype)



One piece of sponge is added to increase the comfort level of the product by softening the stiffness of polypropylene and preventing the user’s face to be hurt by the sharp folds. 14

Physical Model - continued




Arm segment (full scale prototype) The arm segments are made from several small polypropylene hyperbolic paraboloids with pins attaching them to eachother and the cardboard panel. This allows the paraboloids to adapt different angels that accomodate the user’s head resting on the arm. Note: the sharp spines of the hyperbolic is facing outwards to avoid injury. 15

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