Summer where the grass grows And water that flows Eating ice cream all day And playing with your friends Summer is a great time to play where you Play and play all day summer is fun Summer is cool sleep all day if you want to
BLUE Blue is an amazing color like the sky Blue is my favorite thing to choose Blue is pretty and big as the ocean Blue is my favorite flavor when I bite into sweet candy Blue is what I love it makes the world a better place.
Friends there the ones who stand by you They let you have something to look forward to school. You will not be alone Friends will be there waiting for you every day When you have a friends next be there for them.
Fall is where the leaves fall down Sweeping up the leaves make a pretty sound Fall is when you make a pile And jump have fun You can’t get to much of fall so enjoy it while you can.
Day and night Day night all so beautiful night is like day and day is like night Day is when the suns out Night is when the suns down Day u can play Night you have to sleep I love both every day.