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10-11:30 AM EVERYTHING DOUBLES 11:30-1 PM 2.5-3.0 USTA RATED








Playing tennis has many physical health benefi ts. Tennis will strengthen your heart, muscles and can help promote bone density. On average playing a match of tennis, men will burn over 600 calories and a female player will burn over 400 calories. If physical fi tness is what draws you to the sport, we off er “Cardio Tennis” it’s heart pumping and more exci ng than jogging on a treadmill. We off er several “Cardio Tennis” clinics each week. If you work a tradi onal 9 to 5 or can’t play during the day, two of these classes are off ered in the evening. Tennis can help you reach your fi tness goals, whether you play in one of our clinics, compete in a league or simply play tennis with some friends.

In addi on to being a good overall body workout, tennis has many mental health benefi ts. Playing tennis regularly increases produc on of serotonin and endorphins. This helps relieve anxiety, improve mood and sleep.

Tennis is great for children’s self-esteem. This is easy to see with the kids we teach at the club. We off er several group classes for children, which is a great chance for your kids to meet new friends. Junior Team Tennis registra on will begin in Spring. Tennis compe on allows for posi ve stress and the reduc on of nega ve stress. While tennis can be challenging, it promotes self-discipline, character and the ability to manage mistakes.

If you are new to the club, you can schedule a free tennis lesson with me and I can help you fi nd a match or guide you to a class of your ability level and interest. We also have several social events where you can meet new people and play in round robins. Whether you are new to the sport or have been playing for years, we would love to help you on your journey through tennis. I know that you will become more physically fi t, your mood will improve, meet new friends and strengthen exis ng rela onships. There are many ways to get involved and it would be our pleasure to help you in any way we can!

Max Hilkey Director of Tennis

Junior Tennis

Junior Tennis Clinics

Tuesdays and Thursdays Tiny Tots: 2:30-3pm Pee Wee: 3:15-4pm Future Stars: 4pm-5pm Academy Team: 5–6:30pm

Consult the Pro Shop for a skill level assessment for your child to determine the appropriate clinic.

The junior tennis program is ac ve and growing quickly! Our youngest players, star ng at 2.5 years old, always look forward to playing Fruit Salad, an exci ng game that improves their listening and reac on, while working on volley. As soon as they come through the gate they ask if it’s me to play Fruit Salad. One of my favorite things about the game is how crea ve they are with what they want to be; strawberry, Olaf, pancakes, fountain, you name it and they’ve wanted that to be their name for Fruit Salad!

Our “Future Stars” love to rally and see who can have the longest rally. Some of our star players have go en rallys over 100 balls in a row. I never got that many rallys when I was 7. I like to think we have the Red, Orange, and Green progression balls to thank for our young players’ quick development. They allow even our youngest players to begin to rally and play matches. With that being said, all of our juniors look forward to Junior Team tennis where they can test their skills in matches against other clubs.

Allison Himes Assistant Tennis Professional

TENNIS SHOP: (919) 932-2855 MAX HILKEY: (919) 260-4248


ADRIAN BALUYOT: (252) 373-1008


ALLISON HIMES: (317)374-9746

What an amazing me to be a junior tennis player at the Chapel Hill Country Club! Our program is thriving as evidenced by the excitement and improvement among all the juniors.

In the past year we have off ered many opportuni es for all our juniors to par cipate in all aspects of tennis through private lessons, clinics, and camps. One of the newest, and most popular, classes off ered was tennis specifi c fi tness training. Junior players had the chance to work on specifi c fi tness rou nes designed to improve their game and excel to the next level.

We are very lucky to have some of the best junior players in the na on train and par cipate in the HighPerformance Program right here at our facility. Oliver Narbut, Johnathan Baddour, Cody Benton, Ryan Hanes, and Samantha Benton, are all currently compe ng throughout the United States in the highest na onallevel tournaments that junior tennis off ers. They are all on track to have an amazing opportunity to play college tennis in the near future.

Another exci ng new program is the Tournament Tough Program, which con nues to expand. All the juniors par cipa ng in the program have improved drama cally and con nue to do so. The majority of the players are currently playing at the top of their line up in high school and middle school, and are also playing in many of the local Junior USTA tournaments, and seeing amazing results. This group comprises of Carter Harris, Thompson Falk, Alex Sevilla, Wesley Hanes, and Kathryne Woods.

Other exci ng events include the end of the year Junior Club Championship hosted just before Christmas. Carter Harris was the winner for the Tournament Tough Draw and Will Davies was the winner of the Green Dot Draw. We also hosted the Winter Break High Performance Tennis Camp, drawing much interest and par cipa on each day. The camp provided juniors the opportunity to train, work on fi tness, and improve skills before compe ng in local and na onal tournaments.

We also have to give a huge shout-out to our juniors that are now in college and using all the skills they learned throughout their me in the program. Madeline Towning will be heading into her sophomore year playing for the Sewanee Tigers, and Ben Goldstein, also in his sophomore year, will be represen ng Duke Blue Devils with their Club Team.

The junior tennis players are not the only ones with so many amazing achievements, our coaches also con nue to excel. Most recently, I traveled to Boston to par cipate in a Top Court training program, learning from some of the greats of the game. The week featured some of the best current and re red tennis players in the world: Mar na Navra lova, widely considered among the greatest tennis player of all me; Nick Kyrgios, with a career high ATP singles ranking of 13 in the world and most recently the Australian Open Doubles champion; Casper Rudd, currently ranked 8 in the world; and Denis Shapovalov, with a career high ranking of 10 in the world. I was recently selected as a team coach for the USTA Spring Team Championship that will be held in Mobile, AL in early March. This is a Na onal Level 1 event and considered the highestlevel team compe on in country.

As the tennis program con nues to grow, we can’t wait to see all the exci ng places our junior players will go, taking with them the lessons they’ve learned on and off the court.

Adrian Baluyot Head Tennis Professional


Did you know that pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States? According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Associa on’s (SFIA) 2022 Topline Par cipa on Report, released in Feb. 2022, Pickleball grew in 2021 to 4.8 million players in the US, an incredible two-year growth rate of 39.3%.

Have you ever told your partner to stay out of the kitchen? If so, you might be a good candidate for an exci ng game of Pickleball! The kitchen is the preferred name amongst players for “The NonVolley Zone”, an area on court where balls can only be hit a er bouncing fi rst.

Now, with the addi on of four new pickleball courts at the club, you too can join in this fun, fast paced sport! If you haven’t given it a try yet, stop by the Tennis Pro Shop where we can provide you with demo paddles, balls and book a pickleball court for you. If you need help fi guring out the scoring or want to learn some good shots and strategies, we off er lessons and clinics to match your skill level. Pickleball is an exci ng game for all ages and can be enjoyed by both experienced tennis players and those new to racquet sports. Since the construc on of the new courts, I’ve really had a blast teaching kids as young as 7 years old, and adults who are just now picking it up in re rement. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, we are looking to get more members involved in pickleball leagues and events.

The Tennis Pro Shop is also your go to place for new tennis racquets, paddles, balls, shoes, hats, and sportswear. As we are all aware, it’s been challenging these past couple of years ge ng items in stock, and in the sizes we requested. But now we are seeing a gradual improvement in selec on with less out of stock items and shorter lead mes. We look forward to stocking the latest gear for you as soon as it becomes available.

Jon Connolly Tennis Shop Manager

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