High School Clubs | 2024-2025 | Sem 2

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High School

Clubs, Support Labs, and Study Hall

2nd semester 2024-2025


Being an IB school, Chapel values and encourages students to explore learning and development beyond the classrooms. As stated in the IB Learner Profile,

"We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live."

To support students' holistic development, Chapel offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. These include clubs, physical activities, and after school academic support. All students are encouraged to enroll in clubs that requires regular attendance and active participation. Therefore, Chapel recommends that students enroll in no more than three extracurricular activities, to partake meaningfully in each activity they undertake, and to keep a focus on academic responsibilities.

Support Labs

All students in high school can benefit from the Student Support System. At least once a week, teachers from the core courses (Sciences, Math, English, Portuguese) are available at different times to guide individualized studies, help students with their homework or project questions, and revise content explored during classes. The Support Labs are an excellent opportunity for students to look for a more individualized approach, when doubts about specific topics remain or they want to further explore one subject. Students can attend these programs whenever needed. However, it is expected that students performing below C-, or below 4 in grade 7 and 8, should look for support until academic results increase and surpass that grade.

Below you will find the list of Support Labs available.

Study Hall

Implemented during the 2nd semester of the 2020-2021 school year, the study hall is a space for students to work individually or in groups in their homework assignments or other academic projects under the supervision of a teacher that may offer general guidance in relation to planning and studyhabits.


Clubs can be founded by teachers or students, but all of them are under adult supervision. It is expected that students assume leadership in these groups, but all actions must be guided, approved, and supervised by an adult advisor. The main goal of activities led by club members is to provide opportunities for students to explorevariedinterestsbeyond subjectstaughtinregularclasses.

Each semester the school will publish a schedule of extracurricular activities designed for high school students. Students are encouraged to contact Club Advisors in case they need further clarifications about the activities introduced in thisbooklet.

Club advisors (faculty) are responsible for developing guidelines and expectations for club membership. They are responsible for taking attendance and guarantee that membersinteractionsandbehaviorarealignedtoChapel’svaluesandexpectations.

All club activities must follow the High school parent-student handbook and the guidelines presented in this section. Each club has a specific process for enrollment and participation. Some clubs are created and developed by Chapel community members, e.g. STUCO (Student Council), while others are related to other organizations and follow their main guidelines such as MUN (Model United Nations), NHS(NationalHonor Society)andNJHS(NationalJuniorHonorSociety).

Each club must have a Mission statement, clear guidelines and expectations, proceduresforenrollment,andmaintenanceofmembership.Tobeconsideredaclub member and receive a participation certificate, students must follow the Student CodeofConduct,adheretotheclub rulesandexpectations,andattendtheminimum number of meetings established by each club organization. Depending on each club'srules,studentsmayparticipateinactivitiesas avisitor.

Attendance will be controlled in all club activities.The initiation and the continuity of anyClubdependsonthe minimumof5participantsineveryencounter.

Sports Journalism Club

Objectives Students cover JV and Varsity games at home and away, and are expected to turn in 15-20 slides with great comments, short clips and photos of the highlights of each game. Students will develop responsibility, commitment as wellasphotographyandcaptionwritingskills.

Os alunos cobrem jogos de JV e Varsity em casa e fora, e espera-se que eles transformem 15-20 slides com ótimos comentários, clipes curtos e fotos dos destaques de cada jogo. Os alunos desenvolverão responsabilidade, compromisso,bemcomohabilidadesdefotografiaeescritadelegendas.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Thursday

Advisor mrendtorff@chapelschool.com

CIC - Chapel’s Investment Club

Objectives The Chapel Investment Club’s principal mission is to teach its members to becomemoreinformedinvestors. Inthespring,theclubparticipatesinthe Wharton Global High School Investment Competition from the University of Pennsylvania. In which the club design and maintain an investment portfolio for an imaginary client. In the fall, the group creates educational videos to help the Chapel community learn the basics about investing and finance.

Aprincipal missão do Chapel Investment Club é ensinar seus membros a se tornarem investidores mais informados. Na primavera, o clube participa da Wharton Global High School Investment Competition da Universidade da Pensilvânia, onde o clube projeta e mantém uma carteira de investimentos para um cliente imaginário. No outono, o grupo cria vídeos educativos para ajudar a comunidade da Chapel a aprender os conceitos básicossobreinvestimentoefinanças.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment Any student interested in investments, finances and economics.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor bcannon@chapelschool.com

Drama Club

Objectives The Drama club aims to provide students with the opportunity to express their talents through the performing arts and to develop oral communication, body language and public speaking skills. As well as develop student's creativity, empathy, self-esteem and an appreciation fortheartsandcollaborativeteamwork.

O clube visa proporcionar aos alunos a oportunidade de expressar seus talentos através das artes performáticas e desenvolver a comunicação oral, linguagem corporal e habilidades de fala em público. Além de desenvolver a criatividade do aluno, empatia, autoestima e apreciação pelasartesetrabalhoemequipecolaborativo.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment No requirements.All students who want to learn how to act, who want to participate in different plays.

Rules Attendance, respect, engagement, readiness, flexibility.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor coliveira@chapelschool.com ainglesi@chapelschool.com


Glee Club

Glee Club is a space where students develop their vocal talents and learn how to sing in harmony with others. The group performs pop songs arrangements in many school events, such as Christmas Bazzar, Chapel Day, International Festival, Recitals, Music in the Library. Students who participate develop their cooperation and collaboration skills, create bonds with people from different grade levels, and learn how to better manipulate their voices in order to performasagroupandinsolos.

O Glee Club é um espaço onde os alunos desenvolvem seus talentos vocais e aprendem a cantar em harmonia com outras pessoas. O grupo realiza arranjos de músicas pop em diversos eventos escolares, como Bazar de Natal, Dia da Capela, Festival Internacional, Recitais, Música na Biblioteca. Os alunos participantes desenvolvem suas habilidades de cooperação e colaboração, criam vínculos com pessoas de diferentes séries e aprendem a manipular melhorsuasvozesparaatuaremgrupoeemsolos.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment No requirements.Anyone who likes to sing, and wants to sing in a vocal group, splitting into voices.

Rules Attendance, respect, engagement, flexibility.

Weekday Friday

Advisor coliveira@chapelschool.com



At the Cineclube, students will choose films to watch and mediate discussions, from themes that will be decided collectively. We will give preference to topics involving education, citizenship, social problems and relevantglobalissues.

NoCineclube,osalunosescolherãofilmesparaassistiremediardiscussões, a partir de temas que serão decididos coletivamente. Vamos dar preferência para temas que envolvam educação, cidadania, problemas sociais e questõesglobaisrelevantes.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Friday

Advisor tcavalari@chapelschool.com

Knowledge Bowl

Objectives Knowledge Bowl is an academic tournament consisting of teams from various international schools in Brazil, Chile, and Panama. Teams work collaboratively and apply their multidisciplinary knowledge to answer questions in various subjects ranging from Mathematics and History, to pop culture. Students practice trivia and academic knowledge questions during lunch, Wednesdays and Fridays. Travel to compete at least once asemester.

O Knowledge Bowl é um torneio acadêmico composto por equipes de várias escolas internacionais no Brasil, Chile e Panamá. As equipes trabalham de forma colaborativa e aplicam seu conhecimento multidisciplinar para responder a perguntas em vários assuntos que vão desde Matemática e História, até cultura pop. Os alunos praticam perguntas de trivia e conhecimento acadêmico durante o almoço, às quartas e sextas-feiras. Viagens para competir pelo menos uma vez por semestre.

Audience 9th - 12th Graders

Enrollment Any student interested in.

Rules Studentsneedtobewillingtolearntheformatandshowupontime.

Weekday Wednesday and Friday

Time 12:45 to 1:30 PM

Advisor mplain@chapelschool.com

Yearbook Club



The Yearbook Club aims to provide an opportunity for students to learn about teamwork, responsibility, brainstorming, content, writing, headlines, captions, editing, photography, and graphic design.All members work together to create a yearbook with integrity that captures the essence of Chapel community, students,staff,events,andmemoriesofeachschoolyear.

O Yearbook Club tem como objetivo proporcionar uma oportunidade para os alunos aprenderem sobre trabalho em equipe, responsabilidade, brainstorming, conteúdo, redação, títulos, legendas, edição, fotografia, e designgráfico.Todososmembrostrabalhamjuntosparacriarumanuáriocom integridade que captura a essência da comunidade Chapel, alunos, funcionários,eventosememóriasdecadaanoletivo.


Enrollment Thereisnoprocessforenrollment,butpreviousknowledgeofInDesignand Photoshopisdesirable.


● Absences in the meetings should be informed beforehand.

● Meet the deadlines set for theYearbook project.

● Members are expected to share the responsibilities as a team and help other team members when they need it.

● Strive for diversity in the yearbook and make sure that the yearbook shows all the diversity in our school community.

● Be professional and courteous while covering activities and taking interviews and photographs.

● Quote sources accurately, and cite facts accurately and objectively.

● Edit carefully for spelling, grammar and mechanics.

● Be careful with all school property such as cameras and memory cards.

Weekday MondayandThursday

Advisor fcaires@chapelschool.com


Programming & Coding Club

The club aims to create an engaging environment where students can learn to code, collaborate on projects, and develop a passion for technology. Success in this club will be measured through regular attendance, active participation in coding challenges, and enthusiasm for programming. Students will use the programming language to create simple games using platforms like Scratch, Python's Pygame, or JavaScript libraries and build simple websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

O clube tem como objetivo criar um ambiente envolvente onde os alunos podem aprender a programar, colaborar em projetos e desenvolver uma paixão pela tecnologia. O clube de sucesso será medido através da frequência regular, participação ativa em desafios de codificação e entusiasmo pela programação. Basicamente, os alunos usarão a linguagem de programação para criar jogos simples usando plataformas como Scratch, Pygame do Python ou bibliotecas JavaScript e construirão sitessimplesusandoHTML,CSS,eJavaScript.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment Any student interested in.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor lsilveira@chapelschool.com

NJHS - National Junior Honor Society

Objectives Closed Club - selection process startsAugust. Based on: 3.5 GPAor higherpillars-scholarship,leadership,character,andservice.

Clube Fechado - processo seletivo começa em agosto. Com base em: GPA 3,5ousuperior-pilares-espíritoescolar,liderança,carátereserviço.

Audience 7th - 9th Graders

Enrollment 3.5 GPAor higher

Rules Click here

NHS - National Honor Society

Objectives ClosedClub- selectionprocessstartsAugust.Basedon:3.5GPAorhigher- pillars -scholarship,leadership,character,andservice.

Clube Fechado - processo seletivo começa em agosto. Com base em: GPA3,5 ou superior-pilares-espíritoescolar,liderança,carátereserviço.

Audience 10th - 12th Graders

Enrollment 3.5 GPAor higher

Rules Click here

Weekday Wednesday

Advisor epadilha@chapelschool.com

Weekday Wednesday

Advisor cabbs@chapelschool.com



The STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) club is a student-centeredclubthattakesplaceafterschoolonourHSmakerspace.Itis interdisciplinary and exploratory in nature and we'll work with the intent of understanding, building, testing, re-building, sharing and having fun with a number of different projects. This is a place for those who are looking for an amusing environment to discuss anything from IoT to fashion to robot domination.

É um clube centrado nos alunos que acontece após o horário de aula no makerspace do HS. É interdisciplinar e exploratório por natureza e vamos trabalhar com a intenção de compreender, construir, testar, reconstruir, compartilhar e se divertir com uma série de projetos diferentes. Este é um lugar para aqueles que estão procurando um ambiente divertido para discutir qualquercoisadeIoTamoda.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment Any student interested in.

Rules ● Respect all peers.

● Be on time.

● Actively participate in projects

Weekday Thursday

Advisor fkoolman@chapelschool.com


Sustainability Club

The club aims to create a dynamic environment where students can explore the wonders of science beyond the classroom, collaborate on projects, and develop different skills. The success will be evaluated through a combination of student engagement, skills development and participation during learning experiences. Will also focus on developing scientific inquiry, collaboration and teamwork, communicationandcriticalthinking.

O clube tem como objetivo criar um ambiente dinâmico onde os alunos podem explorar as maravilhas da ciência além da sala de aula, colaborar em projetos e desenvolver diferentes habilidades. O sucesso será avaliado através de uma combinação de envolvimento do aluno, desenvolvimento de habilidades e participação durante experiências de aprendizagem. Também se concentrará no desenvolvimento da investigação científica, colaboração e trabalho em equipe, comunicaçãoepensamentocrítico.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment All HS students


To be decided with club members.

Weekday Friday

Advisor lsilveira@chapelschool.com

StuCo - Student Council

Objectives Closed Group - Represent students for the Student Body and develop school spirit.

Grupo fechado - Representar os alunos para o corpo estudantil e desenvolver oespíritodaescola.

Audience 7th - 11th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules StuCo By laws (Constitution).

The Trojan Times

Objectives TheTrojanTimesisaschoolnewspaperforstudents,teachersandstaff.Through a dynamic and effective channel, we deliver news, recognize staff members who have excelled among students, keep up with the latest Chapel sports news, bring information about other clubs happening at Chapel, and publish information about variousuniversities.

O Trojan Times é um jornal escolar para estudantes, professores e funcionários. Através de um canal dinâmico e eficaz, entregamos notícias, reconhecemos os membros da staff que se destacaram entre os alunos, acompanhamos as últimas notícias esportivas da Chapel, trazer informações sobre outros clubes acontecendoepublicarinformaçõessobreváriasuniversidades.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment No requirements needed for joining the club.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Thursday

Advisor mkuroiwa@chapelschool.com lsilveira@chapelschool.com

Weekday Friday

Advisor fcaires@chapelschool.com


MUN - Model United Nations

Chapel Model United Nations aims to actively promote an awareness of global issues through the simulation of organs of the United Nations and related international organizations, to promote an awareness of the aims and work of the United Nations, to instill a responsibility towards the international issues of the day within the student body, and to provide an adequate forum for the discussionofsaidissues.

O Chapel Model United Nations visa promover ativamente uma consciência de questões globais através da simulação de órgãos das Nações Unidas e organizações internacionais relacionadas, promover uma consciência dos objetivos e trabalho das Nações Unidas, para infundir uma responsabilidade para as questões internacionais do dia dentro do corpo estudantil, e proporcionarumfórumadequadoparaadiscussãodasreferidasquestões.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment MUN is open to all Chapel high school students.

Rules More detailed rules and regulations can be found in the Chapel Model United Nations Constitution

Weekday Friday

Advisor bmanning@chapelschool.com

History Club


Increase awareness of historical topics. The club aims at enhancing their ability of makingconnectionsbetweenhistoricaleventsandlookatthemanalytically.

Aumentar a conscientização sobre temas históricos. O clube tem como objetivo aumentarasuacapacidadedefazerconexõesentreeventoshistóricoseolharpara elesdeformaanalítica.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment No requirements needed for joining the club.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Thursday

Advisor rmeints@chapelschool.com

Math Olympiad Club

Objectives Encourage curiosity and a positive attitude towards math-related activities, while also preparing for Math Olympiad Tournaments such as Canguru. Math Club will provide opportunities for members to improve their mathematical knowledgeandproblem-solvingabilities.

Incentivar a curiosidade e atitude positiva em relação às atividades relacionadas à matemática, enquanto também se preparam para torneios de olimpíadas de matemática, como o Canguru. O Math Club irá proporcionar oportunidades para os membros melhorarem seus conhecimentos matemáticosehabilidadesderesoluçãodeproblemas.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor abenites@chapelschool.com

GuidedArts Club

Objectives Create actions of service using art, as well as engage students in meaningful creationofart.

Criar ações de serviço usando arte, bem como envolver os alunos na criação significativadaarte.

Audience 7th - 12th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Wednesday


Enem & Vestibular Club

Discussion on the structure of ENEM and the main vestibular of São Paulo, structuring of questions and analysis of evidence, as well as proposals for writing and analysis.

Discussão sobre a estrutura do ENEM e dos principais vestibulares de São Paulo, estruturação de questões e análises de provas, bem como propostas de redação e análise.

Audience 9th - 12th Graders

Enrollment There is no process for enrollment.

Rules To be decided with club members.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor To be confirmed

Support Labs’ Schedule - From

3:20 to 4:20 pm

(7th-12th) BSS (7th-12th) Int. Science/Chemistry (7th-10th)

Sc./Math (11th&12th)

English (9th-12th) Int. Science/Chemistry (9th-12th) Int. Science/ESS/Bio (8th-12th)

French (9th-12th) Math (7th-12th) Social

Int. Science & Bio (7th,11th&12th) Portuguese (7th-12th)

Int. Science & Physics (8th-12th)

Studies/Religion/TOK (7th-12th) Portuguese (7th-12th)

(9th-12th) Study Hall (7th-12th)

Art Lab

Objectives TheArt Lab is a moment for any High School student to produce anArtwork that will support other subjects or that will fulfill the students’ choice. The materials will be provided by the school to support our students production. It is also a moment where other Chapel clubs and organizations may use to produceArtasforexampletheDramaClubpanels,andStuCoboards!

OArtLabéummomentoparaqualqueralunodoHSproduzirumaobraque sirva de suporte para outras disciplinas ou que atenda a escolha do aluno. Os materiais serão fornecidos pela escola para apoiar a produção dos nossos alunos. É também um momento onde outros clubes e organizações da Chapel podem usar para produzirArte como por exemplo os painéis do DramaClub,eosquadrosdoStuCo!

Audience 7th-12thGraders-Optional-Fewrequiredsessions

Enrollment EverystudentfromChapelHighSchooliswelcometocomewhenneeded orregularly!

Rules Respectandengagement

Weekday TuesdayandThursday

Advisor salmeida@chapelschool.com

Objectives The goal of BSS support lab is to provide HS students academic assistance and guidance in developing activities, taking tests and exams, as well as meeting the expectationsofBrazilianSocialStudiesaccordingtothecurriculum.

O objetivo do laboratório de suporte BSS é fornecer aos alunos do HS assistênciaacadêmicaeorientaçãonodesenvolvimentodeatividades,realização de provas e exames, bem como atender às expectativas dos Estudos Sociais Brasileirosdeacordocomocurrículo.

Audience 7th-12thGraders

Enrollment Norequirementsneededforjoining.

Rules The rules are the same as for a regular class. In addition to school rules and attendance,academicrigor,dedication,andparticipationarealsoexpected.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor epadilha@chapelschool.com

BSS - Brazilian Social Studies Lab

Science/ IB Chemistry Lab

Objectives The Science/Chemistry support lab is recommended to all IB students who have any questions about one topic seen in class or need to complete an assignment or homework. The student must come to the support lab with his/herquestions/doubts.

O laboratório de Ciências/Química é recomendado a todos os alunos do IB que tiverem alguma dúvida sobre um tópico visto em aula ou que precisem concluir uma tarefa ou dever de casa. O aluno deverá dirigir-se ao laboratóriodeapoiocomassuasquestões/dúvidas.

Audience 7th-10thGraders(Mr.Silveira)|9th-12th(Mr.Kuroiwa)

Enrollment Therearenorequirements.

Rules Respectandpatiencewithallpeers.

Weekday Wednesday

Advisor lsilveira@chapelschool.com/mkuroiwa@chapelschool.com

English Lab

Objectives The English Support Lab was created with the aim of helping students improve their writing skills. They should bring written work to be reviewed and receive feedback. Students can also use the lab as a space to do independent quiet reading and work on English-related tasks, as well as clarify any questions they mighthaveabouttasksassigned.

O English Support Lab foi criado com o objetivo de ajudar os alunos a melhorar suas habilidades de escrita. Eles devem trazer trabalhos escritos para serem revisados e receberem feedback. Os alunos também podem usar o laboratório como um espaço para fazer leitura silenciosa independente e trabalhar em tarefas relacionadas ao inglês, bem como esclarecer quaisquer dúvidas que possamtersobreastarefasatribuídas.

Audience 9th-12thGraders(Ms.Meints)|7th-9th(Mr.Koolman)

Enrollment Therearenorequirements.


Weekday Tuesday|Wednesday

Advisor mrendtorff@chapelschool.com|rmeints@chapelschool.com

Spanish Lab

Objectives Support Lab Spanish aims to answer Language and Literature questions arisingfromregularSpanishcourseclasses.

O Support Lab Spanish visa responder a questões de Língua e Literatura decorrentesdasaulasregularesdocursodeespanhol.

Audience 9th-12thGraders

Enrollment Everystudentinneedofsupport.


Weekday Tuesday

Advisor smoreira@chapelschool.com

Science/ IB Biology / IB ESS Lab

Objectives The Science/Biology support lab is recommended to all students who have any questions about one topic seen in class or need to complete an assignment or homework. The student must come to the support lab with his/her questions/doubts.

O laboratório de apoio a Ciências e Biologia é recomendado a todos os alunos que tiverem alguma dúvida sobre um tópico visto em aula ou que precisem concluir uma tarefa ou dever de casa. O aluno deverá dirigir-se ao laboratório de apoiocomassuasquestões/dúvidas.

Audience 8th-12th

Enrollment Therearenorequirements.


Weekday Thursday

Advisor tvieira@chapelschool.com


IB Math & IB Computer Science Lab



Audience 7th-12thGraders

Enrollment Everystudentinneedofsupport.


Weekday Thursday

Advisor cgragnani@chapelschool.com

Objectives TheMathSupportLab'saimistoofferacademicsupporttohighschoolstudents.

O objetivo do Support Lab de Matemática é oferecer apoio acadêmico aos alunos doHighSchool.

Audience 7th-10thGraders

Enrollment Therearenorequirements.

Rules Weekday Wednesday

Advisor abenites@chapelschool.com

Math Lab

Science/ IB Physics

Objectives Offerextrasupportforphysicsstudents.


Audience 8th-12thGraders

Enrollment None.Allstudentsarewelcome.

Rules Respectpeers.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor rsalvalajo@chapelschool.com

Study Hall

Objectives The study hall is a space for students to work individually or in groups in their homeworkassignmentsorotheracademicprojects.

A sala de estudos é um espaço para os alunos trabalharem individualmente ou emgruposnastarefasdecasaouemoutrosprojetosacadêmicos.

Audience 7th-12thGraders

Enrollment Therearenorequirements.

Rules Respectandengagement.

Weekday Tuesday

Advisor vsouza@chapelschool.com


Social Studies/ Religion/ ToK

The lab is a support for any of the social studies subjects: History, Geography, Economics,WorldReligions,Religion,andTheoryofKnowledge.

O laboratório é um suporte para qualquer uma das disciplinas de estudos sociais: História, Geografia, Economia, Religiões Mundiais, Religião e Teoria do Conhecimento.

Audience 7th-12thGraders

Enrollment Everystudentinneedofsupport.

Rules Studentsshouldabidebytheexpectationsofthestudenthandbook.

Students should also attend the lab only with a specific question or assignment theyneedhelpwith.

Students must be able to access the assignment instructions by bringing their laptops.

Weekday WednesdayandThursday

Advisor jsilva@chapelschool.com



The Portuguese Support Lab aims to solve doubts about Language and Literature,arisingfromtheregularPortugueseclasses.

O Laboratório de Suporte à Língua Portuguesa visa sanar dúvidas sobre Língua eLiteratura,decorrentesdasaulasregularesdeLínguaPortuguesa.

Audience 7th-12thGraders

Enrollment Foreignandnativestudents.


Weekday Tuesday|Wednesday

Advisor aalves@chapelschool.com |tcavalari@chapelschool.com

Objectives Support Lab French aims to answer Language and Literature questions arisingfromregularFrenchcourseclasses.

O laboratório de suporte de Francês visa responder a questões de Língua e Literaturadecorrentesdasaulasregularesdocursodefrancês.

Audience 9th-12thGraders

Enrollment Everystudentinneedofsupport.


Weekday Tobeconfirmed

Advisor Tobeconfirmed

Science/ IB Biology

Objectives The Science/Biology support lab is recommended to all students who have any questions about one topic seen in class or need to complete an assignment or homework. The student must come to the support lab with his/her questions/doubts.

O laboratório de apoio a Ciências e Biologia é recomendado a todos os alunos que tiverem alguma dúvida sobre um tópico visto em aula ou que precisem concluir uma tarefa ou dever de casa. O aluno deverá dirigir-se ao laboratório de apoiocomassuasquestões/dúvidas.

Audience 7th,11th&12thGraders

Enrollment Therearenorequirements


Weekday Tuesday

Advisor ivompean@chapelschool.com

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