2 minute read
The purpose of this guide is to give new teachers answers to frequently asked questions around Chapel. If you need clarification on an item contained herein, please consult your Mentor, Department Head or Principal.
Revised in July, 2023
Our Mission Statement
“In a caring and academically challenging environment, Chapel provides an American-style education to an international student body. Through Christian values, students learn to make informed decisions, to own responsibility for personal actions and community needs, and to respect life and cultural diversity.”
Our Shared Vision
“Engage. Challenge. Support. Care. Prepare students for life.”
Our Motto
“Faith in Education”
Our Definition of Internationalism
“Chapel School is an accepting and inclusive environment that respects and embraces cultural uniqueness and diversity. We seek to create an open-minded community while making connections between different perspectives, beliefs, and nationalities to promote a sustainable future in all its dimensions.”
Our Definition of Learning
“Learning is a unique and lifelong process sparked by the interests, curiosities, interactions, and experiences of the individual. It builds on previous knowledge and leads to making meaningful connections. It is the process of understanding and acquiring knowledge, skills, and dispositions as well as being able to apply them to different settings and contexts. It involves learner development as a whole addressing social, emotional, cognitive, and physical dimensions. Learning has a higher purpose to positively impact society.”
Our Ideological and Party-Political Position Statement
“Diversity and Inclusion are fundamental pillars and are part of our institution’s guiding principles. The plurality of opinions, beliefs, and cultures is welcome at our school. However, this does not invite ideological and party-political campaigning in the school environment or events promoted by Chapel, whether explicit or implicit.
To preserve a neutral and more conducive learning environment, we respectfully request everyone’s collaboration to avoid ideological and political-party campaigning of any nature within the school.
It is up to us to preserve a neutral school environment for everyone. We count on the support of our community so that together we can provide a welcoming space for parents, teachers, students, and employees.”
Statement of Philosophy
Chapel School is a Catholic international school. We bring together students and staff from many countries and of many religions. Our diverse student body thrives in the three-fold curriculum we offer: American, Brazilian and International Baccalaureate. Our curricular structure and pedagogical approach are especially geared to prepare learners for universities and life in the United States, in Brazil and the world beyond.
To achieve this, we have developed rigorous, multidimensional curricula and provide a variety of activities that support the intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of our students. Additionally, we invest heavily in professional development and support teachers and staff so they are able and confident in promoting learner success. We work collaboratively and foster an environment that is positive, always assuming good intentions.
Chapel believes that beyond striving for academic excellence, parents, administrators, teachers, students and staff should come together to reach out and enable others to grow to their full potential as well. We believe in a shared humanity and see each and every person as unique and valuable. Stakeholders are called upon to make a personal contribution to the building of a more just and peaceful world. We are committed to education that instills social responsibility, ethical behavior, and respect for all beliefs.
At Chapel School we take on the challenge to prepare young men and women so they are both willing and able to make difficult choices. Concerned with moral leadership, we hold as our vital role the development of knowledgeable, critical minds which value humanity.