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6. Resources
6. Resources
The school believes that teachers should have all the classroom resources necessary for effective teaching. Below you will find the guidelines to request materials.
6.1 Requisition Forms
The teacher should submit a requisition form (See attachment I – Requisition Form) to the appropriate secretary when an item is needed (inform description and estimate cost). Teachers will not be reimbursed for materials purchased prior to filling out the form and receiving approval. Student activities that require items purchased, deliveries and/or site visits must have requisitions approved in advance.
Requisition forms should be submitted at least 7 school days prior to the event.
6.2 Copy Center
Copy requests can be submitted via email to copias@chapelschool.com (to send digital files to be printed) and, by copy request form in the copy center (see Appendix). The copy request form must be filled out correctly, including formatting, time, date of delivery, and number of copies. Copies for school-related business that exceed 150 black and white pages per request or 10 color pages per day, will require written authorization signed by one’s Principal. The copies will then be delivered to the teachers’ boxes located outside the copy room. Regular copy requests should be submitted at least 3 hours in advance of when they are needed. Please note that files sent after 4:30 p.m. will be delivered the next morning. Special copy requests (bound workbooks, pamphlets etc.) should be submitted at least 48 hours before they are needed.
Be mindful of copyright both when you request copies, scan material, and share these with your students.
Students are not allowed to get materials or copies for the teacher under any circumstances.
6.3 Classroom Supplies
The Supply Room is located directly across from the Copy Room and operates from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Small requests may be placed in person or via e-mail almoxarifado@chapelschool.com. Large requests require a signed requisition form from your principal.
Students are not allowed to pick-up materials for the teacher under any circumstances.
6.4 Book Order Season (Divisional offices will comunicate about the season)
Teachers must submit book orders through their Department Heads (High School) or to their Principal (Elementary School and Early Childhood). A budget meeting is held annually to plan and approve the purchase of materials requested. Once approved by academic and administrative departments, the orders may be processed. Teachers must send and suggest items to be included in the system. These should be sent to each division’s administrator.
6.5 Technology
In order to assist teachers, Chapel has adopted some technology systems to expedite grading, attendance and course management. All of these systems can be accessed through the Chapel School portal. The following systems are in place and will be reviewed in professional development and/or by new teacher mentors. All staff are expected to sign an Appropriate Use of Technology agreement.
• Atlas - Used schoolwide for curriculum documentation and alignment as well as for lesson planning and collaboration;
• GOLD - system used by ECEC teachers for assessing students;
• Plus Portals - Online course management system and parent /student communication tool;
• Mimio - All classrooms come equipped with a Mimio whiteboard system and stylus. The library also has a limited number of MimioPads and MimioView document cameras available upon request.
Obs.: If you are using a school computer and you would like to add/update software, you should contact the IT department and a requisition must be submitted to your Principal.
The school also provides electronic devices for the class (iPads, laptops, cameras….) which may be booked through our Sign-Up Genius system (http://www.signupgenius.com/). Along with the requested material, you will receive a form to list the students using the numbered equipment. Teachers must report damage or inappropriate use immediately.
6.6 Help Desk
All technical support requests should be sent to helpdesk@chapelschool.com. For better operational control, all requests will be recorded and monitored through this channel. Users can track the status of their requests on the website http://chapelschool.freshservice.com/google/login, by clicking on “Your tickets”. Use your Chapel School e-mail to access this service.