The beginning of a new year always puts me in a reflective frame of mind. January 2011 has been true to form. My thoughts keep returning to cherished memories of my two years as president of Town & Gown. Having enjoyed leadership roles in other organizations over the years, I fully expected to get pleasure from my duties in my new office. However, little did I realize how distinctive my Town & Gown board members would be and how very fond I would become of these new friends. At each board meeting, I observed a devotion and loyalty to Chapman University that warmed my heart. I watched board members give extra time and endless energy in helping to make our projects grow stronger and better. I watched board members volunteer to help without being asked. I listened to board members encourage me with words of “thanks” after the completion of an important meeting. I saw smiling faces as I looked around the board room, telling me that all was well with the world. I witnessed the anticipation of Town & Gown members as they entered Argyros Forum to attend our Lunch at the Forum series, and I knew by their sparkling eyes that we were adding something unique to their lives and to the fabric of Chapman University. As I complete my term of office, I want to say “thank you” for giving me these memories. Warm regards,
THE CHAPMAN WORLD NEWS HOSTED BY PROFESSOR DICK DOETKOTT You will be up front and personal with “Your Source for the Most Wild, Outrageous and Side-splitting Stories from Your Favorite Small University” when you attend Town & Gown’s Annual Luncheon on May 12, 2011. You will be entertained with the reminiscences and observations collected over his 46-year tenure by our guest speaker, one of Chapman’s most popular professors, Dick Doetkott. Known to thousands of students and alumni as “The Speech God,” Professor Doetkott has developed Chapman’s public speaking course, Communications Studies 101, earning him and Chapman University national recognition. In other business, Town & Gown will induct the four speakers from the 20102011 luncheon series into the T&G Hall of Lecturers: Bill Kroyer and Janell Shearer, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts; Dr. Mark Maier, The Chapman Leadership Project; Dr. Marilyn Harran, religious studies and history; and David Currey, director
of athletics. In addition, we will elect and install officers for the coming year. Because this luncheon is not part of the Lunch at the Forum series, reservations are required and tickets are $30 each. Members will receive an invitation to this luncheon in the mail. Early reservations are encouraged and can be made through Melida Canfield at 714-544-4436. Plan to join us. You won’t want to miss this outstanding program. Marcia Cooley 1st Vice President, Programs
MEET ERIN BELA, TOWN & GOWN SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Ever since she was a little girl, Erin Bela has been passionate about mathematics. Her earliest memory of being astonished by math was when she was four years old and her sister taught her that zero times anything equals zero. Erin remembered how amazed she was that she had just learned an infinite number of multiplication facts in a single moment. For her, mathematics has always been like a fascinating, giant puzzle where each solution gives us a tiny glimpse of the big picture. Since transferring to Chapman University in spring 2009, Erin has maintained a 3.99 GPA while taking rigorous math and science courses, including physics, astronomy and cosmology, computer programming, complex analysis and
abstract algebra. She has worked in the Math Department as a paper grader and a tutor for lower-division classes such as Calculus I and II, and multivariable calculus classes. After graduation this spring, Erin plans to enroll in a Ph.D. program for mathematics. Her long-term goal is to become a university mathematics professor. As one can see, math is Erin’s first love. She realizes that pursuing a career in math is not an easy path, but she can’t imagine any other. Perhaps Rene Descartes put it best when he stated, “With me everything turned into mathematics.” Roseanne Bye Director, Gifts/Scholarship
ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Town & Gown members have been asking how a friend’s or family member’s student can apply for the T&G Endowed Scholarship. Although the process may have appeared confusing in the past, going forward it should work as follows: 1. Students must apply for a Chapman University Grant through the Financial Aid Department and be eligible for said grant. 2. The Financial Aid Department will determine the amount of aid for which each applicant will qualify. 3. By mid-May, returning students will be advised of their financial aid, tuition and other costs for the fall semester. At this time, students may file for an increase in aid due to changes in their overall need, such as a financial change in their household. 4. By the end of May, the Financial Aid Department will identify three to five students who meet our criteria and ask them to apply for the T&G Endowed Scholarship. 5. In June, the T&G Scholarship Committee will review these applications and make its recommendation for one or more students to receive the scholarship. 6. By the end of June, the selected student(s) will be notified with a special award letter that they will receive the T&G Endowed Scholarship, including the amount they will receive. Following this format, the T&G Endowed Scholarship is not just a replacement of Chapman grant funds, but is of great importance to our student recipients because it fills a very real need. Roseanne Bye Director, Gifts/Scholarship
Town Talk By Paul Sitkoff, city of Orange Even in times of economic uncertainty, the city of Orange understands and is committed to the importance of community. Part of that commitment is the need to provide public infrastructure that not only fulfills a need for today, but also invests in our community’s future. In Grijalva Park, just north of Chapman Avenue, off Prospect Street, the latest investment in our community was recently unveiled. This past January marked the opening of a decade-long dream come true for the residents of our city as the Sports Center at Grijalva Park opened. This amazing new facility is on a former landfill and asphalt processing facility. The “brown field” was reclaimed, making the land usable for public recreation purposes. The center boasts a beautiful building, which was constructed using recycled materials and sustainably grown and harvested wood, and landscaped using native, drought tolerant plants that are watered using smart irrigation. The Sports Center also boasts advanced technology window shading and glazing, which will reduce energy consumption, as well as water conserving fixtures in the restrooms. Inside the Sports Center at Grijalva Park, you will find a full-size basketball gymnasium with two full cross-courts. These courts will serve as a home for adult and youth sports leagues. Just next to the gym is a large utility classroom designed to be divided to hold two classes at once. Last, but not least, is the Chapman University Fine Arts Legacy Dance Room. The Chapman-sponsored dance room will be home to budding dancers of all ages, and the home of some of the many dance programs offered by the city’s Community Services Department. I hope you will take time to visit the new Sports Center, and I urge you to take a look at the new programs and classes that will be offered there. You’ll find them in the latest edition of Our Orange, the city’s publication of news, activities and programs mailed to every resident each quarter.
TIME TO RENEW T&G MEMBERSHIP The most important reasons to renew your Town & Gown membership are that you support student scholarships and contributions to the university that enhance the campus. This year, three students received T&G scholarships. Additionally, thanks to our commitment to the renovation of the Elliott Alumni House, many will enjoy the Town & Gown Gardens. When in the Leathery Libraries, visit the Town & Gown Reading Alcove, filled with volumes purchased through our T&G Library Endowment. Joining Town & Gown provides other rewarding activities: the Lunch at the Forum series, featuring outstanding faculty speakers, and bus
excursions to educational and interesting Southern California venues. Watch for your renewal letter in the mail. Consider upgrading your membership to include your spouse, or invite a friend to join. New membership applications are accepted any time during the year. Remember, your dues are fully tax-deductible. Join others in making a difference in the lives of Chapman students and the university. If you would like more information, please call Judy Crum at 714532-3264.
seminars and performances, and of course, Town & Gown events. These students are selected by a detailed application and personal interview process and must maintain a 3.0 grade-point average. Criteria include campus involvement, high personal standards, interpersonal skills and proven
leadership. Most Ambassadors attend Chapman by scholarship and appreciate this opportunity to express their gratitude for the difference Town & Gown makes in their lives. Margie King Special Advisor to the President
Judy Crum 3rd VP, Membership
CHAPMAN AMBASSADORS The delightful students in red blazers who lead the pledge of allegiance at Lunch at the Forum are members of the Chapman Ambassadors Program. They represent the best of our students at high profile events such as Homecoming, American Celebration, Trustees meetings, special
Gown Talk
By Joanne Jurczyk, University Advancement “Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.” Steven Wright, Comedian The next time you are visiting Chapman University, I hope you will have a chance to walk around and enjoy its beauty and the various lectures, concerts and plays that are a part of Chapman’s 150th Anniversary. We have many exciting events planned for this yearlong celebration of our campus community and it is all truly within walking distance. Mark your calendar for the upcoming May 6 Chapman University 150th Birthday Celebration. The festivities will include open lectures by selected faculty members, music and food on the Attallah Piazza, fireworks and a birthday cake reception. This will be the kickoff event for the weekend, followed by the May 7 Sholund Concert in Memorial Hall at 4 p.m. (A quick reminder to Lunch at the Forum series ticket holders, you have a complimentary ticket to this annual concert!) Other 150th Anniversary Celebration events that will continue through the summer include: • The Carson Gladson Art Exhibition at the Guggenheim Gallery, June 6 – July 8 • Economic Forecast Update at the Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa, June 16 • Chapman Family Reunion Luncheon, July 10 • Opening Convocation, August 24 I once again want to remind Town & Gown members about a particularly noteworthy opportunity to participate in Chapman’s sesquicentennial: 150 Faces of Chapman, a campaign to honor and recognize 150 people whose talents, accomplishments, leadership and support have truly made a difference to the university. I encourage all members of Town & Gown to consider nominating someone, living or deceased, who you feel deserves to be recognized as one of the 150 Faces of Chapman. Please visit for more information, including criteria and nominating protocol, and make your nomination today! The final 150 Faces of Chapman will be revealed at Homecoming 2011.
TO OUR MADAME PRESIDENT – THANK YOU Elaine Parke is nearing the end of her second term as president of Town & Gown, and most would agree that, when she calls our meetings “to order,” things already are very much “in order!” As straightforward and open as Elaine is, there are a few things you might not yet know about her. For instance, does the fact that her email address starts with “nana” give you a clue that she is mother of two and grandmother to five? When she and husband John attended the 55th reunion of their graduating class at Stanford University last year, it reminded them of what might have been the busiest weekend of their lives. That weekend was in 1955, when John was commissioned into the Navy, they graduated - him with a business degree and her with a music degree - and they were married! In 1957 the Parkes settled in Orange County. John engaged in a life career as a
broker, while Elaine taught school and for many years was controller for a law firm. Friends introduced them to Chapman College through its Artist-Lecture Series, which lead Elaine to join Town & Gown, where she served on the board before being elected president. Somehow, Elaine also found the time and energy to be president and a life member of the Assistance League of Santa Ana and of her PEO chapter. With her duties as T&G president, she has been an ex-officio member of Chapman’s Board of Trustees, an experience she has found enlightening. As she completes her term of office, we are proud of the accomplishments and contributions Town & Gown has made under her leadership. Thank you, Elaine, for a job well done! Betty Bartley Contributing Editor
Dr. Gail Stearns will join the Chapman family on June 1, 2011 as Dean of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel. Dr. Stearns comes to us from Washington State University in Pullman. T&G member Linda Boone has stepped down from the chairmanship of the American Celebration Opening Night Committee after 10 years of service.
THANK YOU It has been our privilege to be editors of the Talk of the Town these past two years. We wish to thank our editorial board members for their support and always being there when called. Also, a thank you to our many contributors and those who have given us words of appreciation and encouragement. Marge Carter, Editor Bob Stockton, Associate Editor
SLATE OF OFFICERS PRESENTED FOR ELECTION The Board of Directors accepted the following slate of officers for the 2011 - 2012 year as presented by the Nominations Committee at the March board meeting. At the Annual Meeting in May, additional nominations will be accepted from the floor and officers will be elected and installed. The Committee includes Kathleen Barker, Donna Gladson, Linda Ruth, Eric Scandrett and Shirley Lapier, Chairman. (Nominees are listed on the back page.)
Slate of Officers Presented for Election EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Kathleen Barker Treasurer
Gina Lineberger Recording Secretary
Anita Storck Corresponding Secretary
Mari Jo Buchtel Parliamentarian
Awards Chaplain Gifts/Scholarship Historian Hospitality
Bill and Fay Amneus 714-832-4754 Co-2nd VPs Special Events
Marge Carter 714-829-4787 Editor, Talk of the Town Robert Stockton 714-871-9274 Associate Editor, Talk of the Town Editorial Board: Betty Bartley, Merry Berkowitz, Donna Gladson, Joanne Jurczyk, Shirley Lapier, Penni McRoberts, Elaine Parke, Mary Lou Savage, Salli Stockton, Anne Wood
Marcia Cooley Melida Canfield Penni McRoberts Fay & William Amneus Judith A. Crum Linda Ruth Joyce Miller Lynn Marie Domer Linda Mueller
Dr. Shauna Farley Mari Jo Buchtel Kathy Paukstis Betty Rivera Lynn Huston Fran Lewis
Handbook and Membership Roster Editor Betty Bartley Nominations Roseanne Bye Talk of the Town Editors Carol Howansky Carroll Howansky
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Rhea Black Marge Carter Patricia Elliott Shirley Lapier
Bob Stockton Salli Fai Stockton Anita Storck Sarah Villamil
SPECIAL ADVISORS TO THE PRESIDENT Immediate Past President Donna Attallah Kathleen Barker Margie King
Elaine Parke Dr. Barbara Mulch Barbara Parker Eric Scandrett
LIAISONS Chapman University University Advancement Joanne Jurczyk Faculty Dale Merrill Community Representative City of Orange Paul Sitkoff
Chapman University One University Drive Orange, CA 92866
Talk of the Town
Judy Crum 3rd VP Membership
President 1st Vice Presidents 2nd Vice Presidents 3rd Vice President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Parliamentarian
Marcia Cooley 1st VP, Programs
A publication of Town & Gown of Chapman University
2010-2011 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Elaine Parke 714-544-2254 President