PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE On behalf of the Town & Gown Board, I wish all of our members and friends a Happy New Year filled with many blessings. Following a busy and exhilarating holiday season, we welcome the quiet days of January to catch up with the business of life and re-evaluate where we are spending our time and energy. I encourage you to save some special time in your 2011 schedule to take advantage of the many programs, lectures and events at Chapman University. Try to attend Dr. Marilyn Harran’s Lunch at the Forum lecture, Mondays in Leipzig: Peaceful Protests that Brought Down the Wall on Thursday, February 3, 2011. On Thursday, March 3, 2011, you will not want to miss David Currey, director of athletics, as he tells us the secrets of how to train the Chapman athletes to develop a focused mind and a competitive spirit. Plan to enjoy a bus day trip on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, as we travel to the Reagan Library to join the celebration of Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday. Come with us! Thank you for your loyal support of our Town & Gown events. Please join us in making 2011 a very special year for Chapman University. Warm Regards, Elaine Parke
Town & Gown members enthusiastically embraced the first two Lunch at the Forum lectures, which showcased the film school and the leadership program at Chapman. The rest of our series promises to bring two totally different, interesting programs. On February 3, 2011, Dr. Marilyn Harran will present Mondays in Leipzig: Peaceful Protests that Brought Down the Wall. It is her eyewitness account, complete with photos, of one of recent history’s most important events. On March 3, 2011, we’ll turn our attention to Chapman’s athletic program in a lecture titled The Chapman Athlete: Focused Mind, Competitive Spirit, presented by Dave Currey, director of athletics. Many changes have occurred since Chapman gave up athletic scholarships and turned to a more academic focus for its athletes. Be sure to join us for both of these outstanding programs. Marcia Cooley, 1st Vice President, Programs
On Wednesday, February 16, 2011, our first trip of the new year will be a docent-guided tour of the newly remodeled Reagan Library and Air Force One. This promises to be very special, because President Reagan’s 100th birthday is celebrated on February 6, and we will be among the first to see artifacts and memorabilia, some never-before seen, the library will exhibit as part of the Centennial Celebration. There will be ample time to see other fascinating material in the Library as well: the scale model of the White House, which took more than 600,000 hours to create; the original microphone President Reagan used for radio broadcasts as a young sportscaster; a re-creation of the Oval Office (Jelly Belly Beans and all); the Rose Garden; gifts from heads of state; and, of course, Air Force One. During our visit, we will enjoy a buffet lunch in the Air Force One Pavilion. Be sure to mark your calendar now. You won’t want to miss this experience. Fay and Bill Amneus, 2nd Vice Presidents, Special Events
T&G LOGO IN THE READING ALCOVE When the Town & Gown Reading Alcove was dedicated April 2010, something was missing. In honor of T&G’s fourth decade of service to Chapman University, Bill and Fay Amneus completed the alcove by gifting the T&G logo to adorn its wall. True pride and pleasure comes when you see how the logo helps the alcove stand out in a very special way. No early catching of a bus is needed or a long ride to view the logo; simply visit the Leatherby Libraries. Take the elevator to the second floor to the Attallah Library of Arts and Humanities, walk to the south wall, turn right, and just past some of the other
alcoves, look to the left. There you will see the T&G logo above the filled bookcases. Now it’s complete! Anne Wood Editorial Board
Gown Talk
MEET ONE OF OUR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Town & Gown was able to give three scholarships this year, the most ever. Please meet one of our recipients Cecilia Lau. The value of education has been imprinted into my memory since I could read. My parents spoke broken English, thus mastering the language was not easy. Meticulously dissecting every vowel, I struggled to pronounce target as “tarr-get” and not “taa-get.” Finally, in the fourth grade, I was certified as proficient in English. My performance picked up speed with my new-found confidence and endearing teachers. With a supportive environment and a right dosage of initiative, anything was possible. I chose Chapman University because its vision statement promised an education that would “reach beyond the boundaries of the classroom and work toward developing the whole person…” with intellectual growth and a supportive family. Like mastering a language, I knew I could succeed with the right tools and mentors. Chapman has provided me with everything and more. This would not be possible without the strength of Town & Gown. I am sincerely grateful, and I know that I will fulfill Town & Gown’s objectives while simultaneously working toward my own goals to give back and serve my community. Cecilia Lau T&G Scholarship Recipient
IN MEMORIAM Our hearts are with the family of Dr. Walter Clark
By Joanne Jurczyk, University Advancement Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for: it is a thing to be achieved. -William Jennings Bryant 2011 is a time to celebrate at Chapman University as we look back at 150 years of this institution’s dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and learning. This year, I hope you, as a member of Town & Gown, will join us at various concerts, sporting events, lectures and other celebratory events to mark this historic anniversary. Included in the festivities will be the dedication of the new Elliott Alumni House and the Town & Gown Gardens slated to occur at Homecoming 2011. One of the more exciting opportunities surrounding Chapman’s sesquicentennial is our 150 Faces of Chapman. This is a campaign to honor and recognize 150 people whose talents, accomplishments, leadership and support have made a difference in the university. To ensure there is no stone left unturned, we are inviting everyone in the Chapman family to consider making a nomination of a deserving candidate. All members of Town & Gown are encouraged to consider making such a nomination. Whether living or not, who do you feel is deserving of such recognition as one of the 150 Faces of Chapman. Ask yourself the following: • Who has played a seminal role in making Chapman such an extraordinary success? • Who represents the face of Chapman, either because of longevity on campus; or because of academic, artistic or leadership contributions; or because of gifts of time, talent or treasure? • Who are the most noteworthy Chapman alumni? Nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee and the final 150 Faces of Chapman will be revealed at Homecoming 2011. Please visit for more information, including the criteria and nominating protocol, and make your nomination today!
Town & Gown members take their responsibility to help others seriously. In addition to diligently working for Chapman’s benefit and on T&G’s numerous projects, our members are involved in multiple civic and philanthropic endeavors. Betty Bartley is one such member. A dedicated Council on Aging-Orange County volunteer, Betty helped establish the “Angel with a Heart” award. This award is given annually to organizations whose commitment makes the biggest impact on the Council’s holiday “Angel Tree” project. In July, in honor and celebration of Betty’s 90th birthday and her years of service to the Council, this award was renamed the “Betty Bartley Angel with a Heart” award. As a T&G honorary life member, Betty has always been an angel and a lady with a caring, giving heart. Congratulations to our angel! Bob Stockton Associate Editor
Town & Gown Past President Eric Scandrett has been named “Neighborhood Hero” for 2010 by the city of Santa Ana. Nominated for the honor by the Morrison Park Neighborhood Association (MPNA) where he lives, Eric was cited for having won Santa Ana’s “Most Beautiful Yard” award for having completed the Leadership Santa Ana Program and for being involved in ConnectTo-Council’s Santa Ana Urban Leadership Forum. Elected president of MPNA in 2008, Eric has encouraged monthly board meetings, chaired the traffic committee dealing with non-resident parking problems and helped develop the mission statement for the organization. He writes welcoming letters to new residents of Morrison Park and helps coordinate the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas “Snow” Party and Holiday Decorating Contest. His neighbors say Eric’s tireless commitment to MPNA makes him their “Neighborhood Hero.” Betty Bartley, Editorial Board
Town Talk By Paul Sitkoff, City of Orange What’s the deal? As you probably remember reading, in the spring 2009 issue of Talk of the Town, Wahoo’s Fish Tacos and Ruby’s Diner were on their way to Old Towne. Ruby’s planned to open in the Santa Fe Depot at the Metrolink train station and Wahoo’s had their eye on an historic building not too far away. And, as a year-and-a-half have passed, you may be wondering where they are. Take heart. As is so often the case in our beloved Old Towne, things are never as they seem. While it doesn’t look like much has happened on either of these two projects, a lot has been going on behind-the-scenes. Both of the structures selected by Ruby’s and Wahoo’s are historic buildings. Since this is Orange, every effort is being made to both protect the integrity of the historic structures, and make the properties viable for the tenants waiting to move in. You’ve probably passed the building slated to house Wahoo’s many times and not given it a second thought. The nondescript, white stucco structure to the east of the Plaza Bible Church, on the southeast corner of Chapman Avenue and Lemon Street, certainly doesn’t look historic. And it isn’t. But directly behind the bland, single-story commercial building is the oldest hotel in Orange, originally built in 1886. And it’s this building that Wahoo’s has set its sights on. The project is continuing to move forward. Oh, and don’t worry about the white stucco building in front. Wahoo’s is just using the façade as a construction wall. The rest of that building is, pardon the pun, history. Fortunately for Ruby’s, the Old Towne Depot has been renovated many times in its 72-year history. Although the project may be taking a while, both Ruby’s and Wahoo’s are looking forward to joining us in Old Towne Orange. And the rest, as they say, is history.
ALUMNI HOUSE AND ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS RECEIVE TOWN & GOWN’S LATEST GIFTS Continuing its long tradition of support to Chapman University, Town & Gown has pledged $50,000 to the new Alumni House. The recently acquired Victorian manor located at Maple and Olive, will undergo extensive renovations. In honor of our gift, its new gardens will be named the Town & Gown Gardens. We also celebrate the naming gift for this new facility which was made by T&G members Tom and Pat Elliott. Understanding the importance of student support, the T&G board decided whenever a payment is made on our seven-year pledge to the Elliott Alumni House, the same amount will be gifted to the Town & Gown endowed scholarship. There is only one way we continue to meet our goals, and that is through you, our members. We do not solicit additional gifts but use the revenue from annual dues to meet our commitments. Thank you for your continued generosity to Town & Gown. You are making a difference both to the Chapman University campus and to the students. Donna Gladson, Immediate Past President Special Advisor to the President
Elliot Alumni House
The Town & Gown board needs you! Be part of an enthusiastic and dynamic group that will make you proud of your part in furthering the work of the university. Each year members are offered the opportunity to serve on the T&G board. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact Nominating Committee Director, Shirley Lapier at 714-774-7218. Shirley Lapier, Director of Nominations
AMERICAN CELEBRATION 2010 Vitality, enthusiasm and professionalism have become the hallmark of Chapman’s American Celebration
2010-2011 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Elaine Parke President
Marcia Cooley 1st VP, Programs
Bill and Fay Amneus 714-832-4754 Co-2nd VPs Special Events Judy Crum 3rd VP Membership
Kathleen Barker Treasurer
Gina Lineberger Recording Secretary
Anita Storck Corresponding Secretary
Mari Jo Buchtel Parliamentarian
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT... T&G members purchased 143 tickets and were responsible for $8,150 for scholarships at the 2010 Opening Night presentation of American Celebration ‌ New members for you to welcome at our next luncheon meeting: Christine Baker, Linda Dempsay, Sylvia and George Evans, Nancy and Ray Fleeman, Diane Francis, Rita Kennedy, Polly Kennison, Katherine Miller, Christy and John Ward, Norma and Dean Wilson ... Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire have been replaced by the newest dancing couple, Julianne Argyros and President James L. Doti, as evidenced by their performance at American Celebration ... Dr. Doti’s latest book, A Christmas Adventure in Little Italy, can be found in the T&G Reading Alcove in the Leatherby Libraries.
Marge Carter 714-829-4787 Editor, Talk of the Town Robert Stockton 714-871-9274 Associate Editor, Talk of the Town Editorial Board: Betty Bartley, Merry Berkowitz, Donna Gladson, Joanne Jurczyk, Shirley Lapier, Penni McRoberts, Elaine Parke, Mary Lou Savage, Salli Stockton, Anne Wood
A publication of Town & Gown of Chapman University
Talk of the Town Chapman University One University Drive Orange, CA 92866
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