Publisher: James L. Doti President
Executive Editor: Sheryl Bourgeois Executive Vice President for University Advancement
Managing Editor: Mary A. Platt
Editor: Dennis Arp
Art Direction: Noelle Marketing Group
Photography: Dennis Arp Sheri Geoffreys Jeanine Hill Mary Platt John Saade McKenzi Taylor
Editorial Office: One University Drive Orange, CA 92866-9911 Main: 714-628-2816 Circulation: 714-997-6607 Chapman Magazine (USPS #007643) is published quarterly by Chapman University. © 2010 Chapman University. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Orange, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Chapman Magazine One University Drive Orange, CA 92866-9911 The mission of Chapman University is to provide personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens.
The excitement ranneth over after the Panthers won the final game of the 2009 water polo season, so the women decided to make their team photo a gleeful action shot in the Julianne Argyros Fountain at Ambassador George L. Argyros ’59 Global Citizens Plaza. Pictured from left are Lisa Horn ’12, Stephanie Roy ’12, Adrienne Lebsack ’11, Sabrina Cook Chazen ’09, Briana O'Keefe ’12, Celia Huling ’11, Arielle Worthington ’12, Hannah Thomas ’11 and Daniella Beintema ’09. The photographer is teammate Sarah Lee ’12.
President’s Message: A community of ideas
State of the University: Projects and promise
28 Exploring the many mysteries of quantum reality
Reflections on Freedom Without Walls
Another milestone in the School of Law’s rapid rise
34 Going above the clouds for clues to the next quake
49 Thomas Robichaux finds delight in the details
Department of Theatre achieves national accreditation
36 Breathing new life into virtual film worlds
50 Health is at the heart of Fulbright winner’s research
10 “Don’t give evil a second chance,” Wiesel tells students
38 Giving voice to hope out of unspeakable darkness
51 Class Notes
14 Messages of urgency at Beyond Copenhagen conference
40 Unearthing the economic core of cooperation
56 Panthers on the Prowl
19 A crucible called Haiti tests a Chapman senior
42 Bringing out the best in medical marijuana
DEPARTMENTS 24 Philanthropy News 26 Sports 44 In Memoriam 46 Faculty Bookshelf 48 Faculty News
20 An interdisciplinary team documents Africa’s contrasts 22 Fences role takes Baron Kelly on a journey of discovery
Disney movie is a breakthrough for Hallock Beals
55 Friends We Will Miss
p r e s i d e n t ’s m e s s a g e
A Community of Ideas “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES JR. Life and learning are actively pursued at Chapman. We strive to create an environment where the big ideas are explored and tough questions asked; and where innovation, creativity and freedom of expression are celebrated. Although we are a small university, we have always been willing and able to take risks that will help us achieve our dreams. We believe in thinking big because the world was never improved by small thinking. Over the past decade, we’ve constructed and dedicated many new buildings that have expanded the borders of our campus. Now our strategy involves filling those buildings with the world’s most renowned scholars. These scientists, researchers, artists and leaders are not only excellent professors but also change-agents. With the infusion of intellect, this campus is electric with positive energy! When I see Professors Yakir Aharonov and Jeff Tollaksen, whose work in quantum physics was featured in a cover story in April’s Discover magazine, hold a spirited dialogue with a small group of students on a sunny afternoon at Attallah Piazza, it’s how I imagine that life in the Academy during the days of Plato and Aristotle must have been. And I can’t help but wonder how many breakthroughs and discoveries that affect our world will originate at Chapman. Regards,
James L. Doti
Board of Trustees OFFICERS Donald E. Sodaro Chairman Doy B. Henley Executive Vice Chairman Paul Folino Vice Chairman David A. Janes, Sr. Vice Chairman Scott Chapman Secretary Zelma M. Allred Assistant Secretary TRUSTEES Wylie Aitken The Honorable George L. Argyros ’59 Dennis Assael Donna Ford Attallah ’61 Raj S. Bhathal Phillip H. Case Arlene R. Craig Jerome Cwiertnia Kristina Dodge H. Ross Escalette
Barry Goldfarb David C. Henley Roger C. Hobbs William K. Hood Mark Chapin Johnson ’05 Donald P. Kennedy Joann Leatherby Charles D. Martin James V. Mazzo Randall R. McCardle ’58 S. Paul Musco David E.I. Pyott Harry S. Rinker James B. Roszak The Honorable Loretta L. Sanchez ’82 Mohindar S. Sandhu James Ronald Sechrist Allen L. Sessoms Ronald M. Simon Ronald E. Soderling Glenn B. Stearns R. David Threshie Emily Crean Vogler Karen R. Wilkinson ’69 David Wilson EX-OFFICIO TRUSTEES Marta Bhathal
H. Ben Bohren Jr. James G. Brown Don Dewey Robert D. Diaz ’97 James L. Doti Elaine Parke Kelsey C. Smith ’05 Stanley D. Smith ’67 Denny Williams TRUSTEES EMERITI Richard Bertea Lynn A. Booth J. Ben Crowell Leslie N. Duryea Robert A. Elliott Marion Knott Thomas J. Liggett Jack B. Lindquist Gloria H. Peterson ’40 Cecilia Presley Barry Rodgers Richard R. Schmid
Board of Governors OFFICERS Marta Bhathal Chair Judi Garfi-Partridge Executive Vice Chair
Gary W. Kalbach Vice Chair James Burra Secretary GOVERNORS Marilyn Alexander Kathleen A. Bronstein Kim Burdick Michael J. Carver Kathleen Gardarian Lula Halfacre Lydia Wang Himes Sue Kint Scott A. Kisting Dennis Kuhl Steven M. Lavin ’88 Ken Lineberger ’87 Jean H. Macino Thomas Malloy Richard D. Marconi Melinda Masson Nicholas R. Reed Jerrel T. Richards Daniel J. Starck Ralph L. Tomlinson Jr. Douglas E. Willits ’72
GOVERNORS EMERITUS Donald A. Buschenfield Gary E. Liebl EX-OFFICIO GOVERNORS Sheryl A. Bourgeois James L. Doti
President’s Cabinet Julianne Argyros Heidi Cortese-Sherman Lawrence K. Dodge Onnolee Elliott ’64 Dale E. Fowler ’58 Douglas K. Freeman Robert Gray Frank Greinke Lynette M. Hayde Gavin Herbert General William Lyon Hadi Makarechian Anthony Moiso Milan Panic Lord Swarj Paul The Honorable Ed Royce Susan Samueli Joseph Schuchert Ralph Stern David Stone Roger O. Walther
By Karen Gallagher, Ph.D., Instructor of German, Chapman University
hen we started planning last fall’s Chapman events marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, I never could have imagined the many ways the campaign would strengthen historical and community connections. Yes, the wall was built to keep people apart, but at Chapman, it just keeps bringing us together. Local Freedom Without Walls efforts, sponsored by the German Embassy, began after a meeting my language students and I had with retired Air Force Col. Gail Halvorsen at a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift in 2008. Col. Halvorsen signed a copy of his book about his role in the airlift for Guy Fox, who in 1999 donated the services of his global shipping company to transport a section of the wall for permanent display at Chapman. When Mr. Fox wrote to thank me for the book, he mentioned that it had special significance for him because his aunt, Ida Larkin, had served as a Red Cross nurse during the aerial campaign to provide food and other supplies to blockaded West Berlin. Col. Halvorsen is connected to my own family history, too. My mother became the first German to receive a Care Package during the Berlin Airlift, and my father worked with the colonel at Berlin Tempelhof Airport in the 1970s. What’s more, my mother became one of the first postwar exchange students to the United States two months after the airlift
through my involvement with Freedom Without Walls, I have learned that it can take many years to tear down barriers. Even though I grew up all over the world (including West Berlin in the 1970s) due to my father’s work with Pan American World Airways, and although I later returned to West Berlin as an exchange student in 1988, I still approached the Cold War with a sense of naïveté. I simply was unable to grapple with its complexities. That’s why, when I first agreed to direct Chapman's bid to educate the next generation about the wall,
Karen Gallagher, Ph.D., and business leader Guy Fox, who transported a section of the Berlin Wall from Germany to Chapman in 1999, share a moment in Liberty Plaza on campus.
Yes, the wall was built to keep people apart, but at Chapman, it just keeps bringing us together.
had ended. The airlift is also the essential part of a recently published biography by Chapman history Professor Robert Slayton, Ph.D. — Master of the Air: William Tunner and the Success of Military Airlift (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2010; see page 47). People build walls out of fear, and
I saw myself as a facilitator, not a participant. I didn’t realize my role would include telling my own tale. After reading an account of Freedom Without Walls in the Chapman Now publication, Kay Wickett Ostensen, Ph.D., counselor at Thurston Middle School in Laguna Beach and granddaughter of
Chapman University founder Charles C. Chapman, introduced me to one of her students and his father, who had escaped communist East Germany at age 13. In an oral history project, the student, Oliver Rothe, described how his father, Detlev, and his friends often stumbled upon loaded weapons and bombs in postwar Germany: “It was the kind of childhood where making a mistake could be fatal.” How is it that 11-year-old Oliver could honor his father's story, while it has taken me a lifetime to tell my own? As Dr. Ostensen says, it’s often traumatic to speak about the unspeakable. Yet the silence has finally been broken. My quest for answers to this question took flight over spring break, as my mother and I traveled to Washington, D.C. to visit Earl Albers, who as a sergeant broke the non-fraternization policy imposed on American soldiers in Berlin after World War II by teaching a group of German children to play baseball. The commander of the American Zone in Germany, Gen. Lucius D. Clay, caught him in the act, and Albers was sure he would be demoted. Instead, he became the founding member of the German Youth Activities organization, providing a safe place for children like my mother to escape the fresh memories of war and learn about democracy. It was Gen. Clay who gave my mother the Care Package during the airlift two years later. Without the Freedom Without Walls campaign, I never would have felt compelled to make these connections. Without Chapman’s section of the wall, the effort wouldn’t have had nearly the same significance. When Guy Fox transported that piece of concrete to Chapman, he bridged communities. The wall has become a communications link, and as someone who has been at Chapman only a short time, it has helped me feel a greater sense of belonging here. It’s my hope that the conversation surrounding this enduring symbol of the Cold War will continue to connect generations on our campus for years to come.
More Alumni News, Please
Remembering Dr. Kakis
The magazine is gorgeous, but it would be nice to have more alumni news — not just about those shaking up the world but about those of us who are the “glue” of daily life.
Neighborly Appreciation The magazine is very worthwhile to me as a neighbor. I appreciate knowing about events available to the community, as well as sharing in the pride of Chapman students’ accomplishments. JAN CARMICHAEL, ORANGE
A ‘Thought-provoking’ Feature I enjoy the magazine. The feature on the liberal arts (fall 2009) was well done and thoughtprovoking for this 1970 grad with a history/ poli sci major. Kudos to (Professor Emeritus) Jim Miller, my favorite! LARRY PACKETT ’70, ARLINGTON, VA.
Tell us what you think! Send us your feedback about Chapman Magazine or anything else related to Chapman University. We especially welcome your reflections on the Chapman experience. Send submissions to Please include your full name, graduation year (if alumnus/a) and the city in which you live.
here are several individuals who have inspired me as great mentors through the years. Fredric Kakis is extremely high on my list. I had the privilege to be one of his students while attending Chapman College and majoring in Chemistry. He was very strong in his dedication to his teachings and to his students. He worked to bring the best out in all his students and to ensure that everyone in his sphere of influence understood not only what was critical to the understanding of chemistry but what was needed to build relationships together as people and as friends. Fredric Kakis, Ph.D. He expected a lot from his students. If you paid attention and studied hard, you did well in his class and you felt that you accomplished something great. You worked hard and did well on his exams because you had an internal desire to meet Dr. Kakis’ expectations of you. I have been very successful in my chemical engineering field over the past 35 years, working in Africa, China, South America, Australia and the U.S. to develop better application technology and product development. My success is in great part due to Dr. Fredric Kakis and his belief that I would be exceptional in whatever field I chose to follow. My heart and thanks go out to someone who really cared for and inspired those around him. I will surely miss his smile and kind manner, and I hope that his legacy will live on in all who knew him. ELIOT G. QUINN ’72, NIGERIA
Chapman Magazine is now online. Here you’ll find enhanced content, including video, slide shows, discussion groups and more. Go to
This mom-and-cub artwork is the latest panther sculpture at Chapman by the nationally renowned wildlife artist Rosetta. The sculpture is named in honor of Harriet Sandhu and her granddaughter, Shanna Brajevic, and is meant to represent the love of the students’ families and the caring family feeling evident at Chapman’s new Sandhu Residence and Conference Center.
From physics to film, economics to history, big ideas abound at Chapman. To learn more about some high-profile projects making a substantial impact, turn to page 27.
Chapman Magazine is printed on recycled-content paper.
Whither Theatre? I
graduated from Chapman in 2007, and even though I have moved a few times since, your magazine still finds me. I don’t have a lot of time to read it, but the fall edition caught my eye — a picture of Shakespeare and the fight for liberal arts. I finally had some time read that article, and I have to say, I was a little disappointed. The cover clearly depicts Shakespeare, but there was no mention of those who pursue theatre or even film. Does theatre even count as a liberal art anymore, or is it simply in a category all its own? From all the liberal arts majors, I believe theatre receives the most adverse reactions and condescension. How do I know this? Because I have my bachelor’s in theatre. I was lucky because my parents supported me; they were never able to really pursue their passions, and so they wanted me to be able to pursue mine. I had a 3.9 GPA in high school and was accepted to all the schools I applied to as a business major. And what did I do? I decided I didn’t want to spend four years of my life studying business. I had been involved in theatre all my life, and it made me insanely happy, so why would I want that to change?
Chapman was a great experience for me, and the theatre program showed me many things I don’t think I would have gotten out of a business degree. Since graduating, I have made my living mostly in theatre, working at South Coast Repertory, Musical Theatre West and The Laguna Playhouse.
foundation. I love my work in production — everything from running lights or sound to stage crew — and the people there are my family. There aren’t words to describe my relief when I go to work at night and run the lights for a one-man Gershwin show. I may never be rich in money, but I don’t believe that to be a measure of success.
“How does one convince the powers that be to donate to what the populace thinks is a dying cause, a waste of time?”
I have been at the Playhouse for three years, and with the state of the economy, we are budget-cutting left and right. We can no longer afford to produce our shows. Instead, much of our season will consist of hosting productions — a “show in a can,” if you will. Many shows will come with their own crew, and our only responsibility will be to put it up and take it down. I suppose I write to you to express my sadness that no one spoke up for theatre, a dying art form, and why we should save it. Laguna is my home. No matter how badly things in my life are going, it is my
What will it take to save theatre? It will take $1.5 million to keep our production space functioning until 2014. How does one convince the powers that be to donate to what the populace thinks is a dying cause, a waste of time? These are the battles that my friends and fellow theatre alumni face. JANETTE SHUGART ‘07, ORANGE
As the clouds of a February storm parted, Matt Miller, web managing editor in Chapman’s Office of Publications & Creative Services, captured this idyllic shot of Reeves, Roosevelt and Memorial halls. Turns out you don’t always have to travel far to go chasing rainbows.
s u p p o r t
t h e
c h a p m a n f u n d Chapman University is a dynamic place bustling with the energy and electricity of 6,000 talented students from 50 states and 60 countries who are taught by more than 600 renowned faculty from around the world. Inspiring and life-changing exchanges take place daily on our campus, which is abundant with opportunity and exploration. Some have even said that there’s a bit of magic here at Chapman. We agree with that sentiment, but we also know that support from parents, friends and alumni plays a big role.
Chapman University.
Bold. Purposeful. Transformational. Your support makes it so.
Gifts to the Chapman Fund support a wide range of priorities and opportunities for our students. Participation by alumni, parents and friends is crucial to keep us on the forefront of higher education. Your gift, regardless of size, has a direct and immediate impact on all Chapman students.
To learn more or make a gift to the Chapman Fund, please go to
Full of Projects, Promise
The planned 1,100-seat Center for the Arts on campus will provide a venue for student performers as well as for professional productions.
Chapman University President James L. Doti highlighted the achievements of the past year but perhaps more importantly gave members of the university community a glimpse into the future during his annual State of the University Address on Feb. 26 in Memorial Hall.
There is “great progress” on four transformative projects that fall under the heading “A Path to National Stature,” the president said.
The university is close to bringing plans to the city of Orange for the Center for the Arts, which will include an 1,100-seat, state-of-the-art theatre. Mid-2012 is the target for groundbreaking.
Plans are also progressing for the 100,000-square-foot Science Center, a hotbed of interdisciplinary research scheduled to be built at the Palm Avenue site of a historic fruit packing house, which will be preserved and renovated.
Want more details? View President Doti’s complete presentation at
An artist’s drawing depicts the planned 100,000-square-foot Science Center that will include preservation and renovation of a historic fruit-packing house.
Designs are in place for the Millennial Studios addition to Marion Knott Studios, which will include a backlot and new theatre. A filmmakers’ village, with housing for Dodge College students, is also in the works. Up first is the expansion of Argyros Forum, which will grow by 25,000 square feet and include a new student union. Plans call for construction to begin in January 2011, with completion in September 2012.
Plans for the Millennial Studios addition to Marion Knott Studios include a backlot and new theatre.
Among the other highlights of President Doti’s State of the University talk:
Despite the challenging economy, Chapman’s financial health is strong, with the university projecting net assets of $550 million at the end of 2010.
Student selectivity and average SAT scores continue to rise as Chapman maintains occupancy in the top tier of academic rankings.
One statistic in particular highlights “the changing cosmopolitan nature of our campus,” President Doti said. In fall 2000, 46 percent of Chapman freshmen were from Orange County. By fall 2009, that figure was 24 percent, with 40 percent coming from out of state. In addition, more students than ever are studying abroad. SPRING 2010
Role in Disney’s Last Song a Breakthrough for Beals
hapman alumnus Hallock “Skip” Beals, B.F.A. theatre performance ’05, landed a major role in the Disney film The Last Song, an adaptation of the best-selling book by Nicholas Sparks. Beals plays a volleyball star and jealous boyfriend who causes trouble for Ronnie (Miley Cyrus) and Will (Liam Hemsworth) in the major motion picture that premiered in March. Beals said snagging the role in the sun-drenched love story allowed him to “quit my day jobs.” The Disney movie was released the same month as Godspeed, an indy film from Robert Saitzyk that also featured Beals and that played the tournament circuit, winning Hallock Beals ’05 awards at the CineVegas film festival. Godspeed, a thriller about a troubled gun-toting faith healer, filmed in Alaska in summer 2008, and The Last Song filmed in summer 2009 on the beaches of Georgia. “It was an amazing time. I had completely opposite summers,” says Beals. “Both of them are summers I will never forget.” While budget, locale and fanfare differed — Beals got a taste of the paparazzi traveling with Cyrus — the day-to-day work was not so different between the two. “At the end of the day, acting is acting and I approach it no differently than when I was doing plays at the Waltmar,” he says.
Interim Dean Scott Howe, left, joins his predecessor, John Eastman, in celebrating the Chapman School of Law’s climb into the second tier in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings.
Law School Sheds a Tier as Rapid Rise Continues
he upward momentum continues for the Chapman University School of Law, which climbed into the second tier in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report ranking of the nation’s top law schools, announced in April. A spot among the top 100 ABA law schools in the United States (No. 93, to be exact) reflects the law school’s second major jump in recent years, with Chapman entering the third tier in 2008. “This is an extraordinary achievement for our School of Law, moving up in the rankings this quickly in just over 15 years since its founding,” said Chapman President James L. Doti. “It is a tribute to the dedication and hard work of our past deans, John Eastman and Parham Williams, and to our outstanding law faculty who have always reflected such credit upon Chapman University.” Eastman stepped down as dean in February to seek the Republican nomination for California attorney general, although he remains on the Chapman law faculty. The school is currently conducting a national search for a new dean. Scott Howe, a criminal law expert and member of the Chapman law faculty, is serving as interim dean. For Chapman’s rapid rise, Dean Howe cites an increase in bar pass rates, an influx of top faculty members, exacting admissions standards, expanding clinical programs and one of the lowest student-faculty ratios in the country.
History Repeats
or the fourth year in a row, Chapman University history students took most of the awards for their undergraduate research papers at the Southern California Regional Phi Alpha Theta History Conference, held in April at Cal State Bakersfield. Of the five undergraduate research papers chosen for honors at the conference, four were written by Chapman seniors: Jonathan Cohen, Annie McCausland, Andrew Paull and Nobchulee (Dawn) Maleenont. The students were mentored in the senior seminar by Professor Robert Slayton, Ph.D., Associate Professor Lee Estes, Ph.D., Associate Professor William Cumiford, Ph.D., and adjunct faculty member Brenda Farrington.
Chapman One of OC’s Most Trusted Brands
survey chronicled in the April issue of OC Metro magazine praises Chapman University as one of the 10 most trusted brands in Orange County. The top 10 organizations were saluted at a “Trust Summit” April 19 in the Sandhu Conference Center at Chapman.
The 10 most trustworthy OC brands: Disneyland, Trader Joe’s, Chapman University, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Mother’s Market and Kitchen, Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, In-N-Out Burger, Vizio, California State University, Fullerton and St. Joseph Hospital.
Chapman scored high for ability and consistency as well as for “capacity to achieve what they promise.” The findings were announced after a six-month study developed by the Values Institute at DGWB, an independent think tank at DGWB Advertising & Communications of Santa Ana.
NATIONAL ACCREDITATION FOR THEATRE DEPARTMENT The Chapman University Department of Theatre has achieved a key milestone — accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST). The announcement was made at NAST’s yearly conference in Boston on March 26, as Chapman’s program was one of eight selected from a pool of 30 applicants. The effort to earn accreditation was led by Nina LeNoir, chair of the Department of Theatre, with help from the entire theatre faculty. NAST is an association of about 162 schools of theatre, primarily at the collegiate level. The Department of Theatre is the third program in Chapman’s College of Performing Arts to gain accreditation, after the Conservatory of Music and Department of Dance.
Chapman Alumni a Big Hit in Top 40
auded for their talent, energy and ingenuity, Chapman University alumni make up fully 10 percent of those selected to OC Metro’s 40 Under 40 list of top young professionals in Orange County, highlighted in the magazine’s May 2010 issue. The four from Chapman selected for their impact on the business community are Gabriel E. Serrato-Buelna ’97, founder and owner of the public relations firm Serrato+Co.; Sinan Kanatsiz ’97, chairman and CEO of the marketing firm KCOMM; John E. Stratman Jr. ’97, director of public affairs for Kaiser Permanente; and Matt Gahan, Class of ’05, co-founder of 18 Stone Giant Media. Besides being young and successful, the four are praised for other shared traits, including their passion for their work and for their communities. For instance, Kanatsiz serves on the boards of Pretend City Children’s Museum and the YMCA in Santa Ana as well as serving as the YMCA’s national outreach chairman for the California Youth and Government Program. “My parents taught me early on to always give back,” he says in the OC Metro article. “It really does make a difference.” A link to the OC Metro feature is at
WIESEL URGES HARD WORK ‘for Hope to Become Reality’ “Goodness has as much mysterious power as evil has,” Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel tells students at Memorial Hall.
e yourself, speak out and “don’t give evil a second chance,” Holocaust survivor, author and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel told an audience of Chapman and Orange County high school students who turned out to hear the human-rights leader on April 26 in Memorial Hall. “Goodness has as much mysterious power as evil has,” Professor Wiesel said. “It is possible for hope to become reality. It’s not easy. So what. Why should it be easy?” Professor Wiesel’s visit to Chapman was part of a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education and the 25th anniversary of Marilyn Harran, Ph.D., the center’s director. A story on Dr. Harran and the Holocaust programs at Chapman begins on page 38. Professor Wiesel’s talk to the students and his address at a Sunday gala celebration were laced with parables, gentle humor and stories. He said that by listening to his story and those of others, audience members had become witnesses for the witnesses, an acknowledgement to the shrinking generation of Holocaust survivors. Who is to tell their stories when they are gone? “You are,” he said. “He or she who listens to a witness becomes a witness.” Professor Wiesel urged his audience to speak out and resist indifference to any assault on human dignity. Professor Wiesel first visited Chapman five years ago to help dedicate the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library and to receive an honorary doctorate.
Ad Team Triumphs Again
Chapman advertising students celebrate a victory that earned them a chance to compete for a national championship in Orlando, Fla.
or the second year in a row, Chapman University has taken top honors in the Southern California and Southern Nevada district-level student competition sponsored by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Repeating last year’s triumph, Chapman topped eight university and college teams, including those from UCLA, USC, UC Irvine and Cal State Fullerton, during the competition held at UC Irvine on April 23. Chapman advanced to compete at the AAF National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) in Orlando, Fla. on June 10-11. The NSAC is real-world experience that prepares advertising students for careers in the ad industry and provides sponsoring companies with integrated marketing campaigns. View the Chapman team’s winning TV commercial at
Straight Outta
hOllywOOd O
h, the stories and insights that have flowed at Dodge College of Film and Media Arts during the academic year just concluded. Among the industry insiders sharing wisdom was comedy legend Jerry Lewis, left, who spoke to students and others in the Chapman community April 26 in Marion Knott Studios. Also sharing his knowledge was actor-director Richard Benjamin, above, this year’s artist-in-residence at Dodge College. Benjamin screened several of his films, including Catch-22 and Laughter on the 23rd Floor, and worked directly with students. Then on April 30, seven panelists talked about their lives as television writers, directors and producers during the 8th Annual Women in Focus Conference in the Folino Theater. Featured were, from left, Kim Fleary (Everybody Hates Chris, Home Improvement), Lesli Linka Glatter (Weeds, Mad Men), Jessika Borsiczky (Flash Forward), Lee Shallat Chemel (Gilmore Girls, Murphy Brown), Anne Beatts (Saturday Night Live, A Different World), Felicia Henderson (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Moesha) and Danica Krislovich (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart). The event was moderated by Nina Tassler, president of CBS Television. SPRING 2010
Department of Art Moving to Wilkinson
he Department of Art is moving to the Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences — “a natural fit,” said Wilkinson Dean Patrick Quinn. “There’s a leap of faith you have to make,” Dean Quinn said after the Faculty Senate voted unanimously in April to move art from the College of Performing Arts (CoPA) to Wilkinson, effective June 1. “As far as I can see, art belongs in Wilkinson.” Ever since CoPA was launched in 2007, the fit of art with the college’s other programs — Department of Theatre, Department of Dance and Conservatory of Music — was a subject of debate. Many thought art had a more historical and appropriate connection with the humanities. Now that connection is reflected by its incorporation into Wilkinson College. As the Graphic Arts program transfers to Wilkinson, the BFA Studio Art program will be suspended for a year. However, classes in painting, drawing and sculpting will still be available for those pursuing a BA in art. In addition, the Photography program will move to the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. Chapman Chancellor Daniele Struppa said the current budget of the Department of Art will transfer intact to Wilkinson. Individual faculty members may change, but the size of the faculty will remain the same, he added. Some other specifics of the plan to transfer programs, faculty and other resources still remain to be worked out, but Dean Quinn expects a smooth transition. Seniors earning degrees in spring 2010 from the Department of Art were set to graduate as planned from CoPA.
Attending the unveiling of the George P. Shultz bust at Chapman are, from left, Ginny and Peter Ueberroth, Charlotte and George Shultz and Donald and Brigitte Bren.
Bust Honors George Shultz
bust of George P. Shultz was unveiled April 14 at Chapman, where the former secretary of state also heard students deliver papers about his career as a statesman during a special panel discussion. The bust of Shultz was installed on the promenade near the Ambassador George L. Argyros ’59 Global Citizens Plaza, about 20 yards from that of Ronald Reagan, the president Shultz served. The bust was created in honor of the Donald Bren Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics, which is held by Chapman President James L. Doti. Bren and his wife, Brigitte, attended the unveiling and ceremony honoring Shultz, as did Ginny and Peter Ueberroth, the benefactors of the bust. Shultz, 90, served Presidents Reagan and Richard Nixon in three different cabinet posts during his distinguished career. In addition, he was a professor of economics at MIT and the University of Chicago, and currently is a distinguished fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a public policy think tank. In 1989, he was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest U.S. civilian honor. “As current and future generations of our students stroll through this promenade and read on the pedestal of George Shultz’s bust the words he wrote on the final page of his monumental book Turmoil and Triumph, I hope they will begin to understand not only what led to the free world’s victory in the Cold War but what will lead to the preservation and advancement of freedom in the future,” President Doti said at the ceremony. The words: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to act in its defense.” Charlotte Shultz plants a kiss on the bust of her husband as the former secretary of state looks on.
The speakers hailed from Korea, Great Britain, North Dakota and North Carolina and included world-renowned scientists, lawyers, policy wonks, filmmakers and even a skateboarder. The topics ranged from law to water, from film to shoe manufacturing. They fired up PowerPoints, showed movies and drank gallons of organic lemonade.
Schmid College Dean Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., moderates a panel discussion.
ut participants in the international Beyond Copenhagen Conference organized by The Schmid College of Science, in conjunction with the School of Law, had a surprisingly common message — it’s time to change how the world talks about climate change. Scientists pushed scientists to polish their message skills. “We need to make sure that the information we generate is simple enough and understandable enough and delivered in a timely fashion for the users,” said Ghassem Asrar, Ph.D., head of the World Climate Research Programme, Geneva, Switzerland. And time is of the essence, a message noted by no less than the Hon. Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the United Nations, who sent a statement to organizers of the threeday April conference, praising their efforts. “Nature does not negotiate. Any further
deferment of action will only jeopardize our ability to prevent runaway climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. As Secretary-General, I thank you for your contribution to addressing this grave challenge,” the statement read. The conference succeeded in launching an interdisciplinary conversation that went beyond just the science of studying climate change, said Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., dean of Schmid College and vice chancellor for special projects at Chapman. “If it were just a science gathering, it would be the usual suspects getting together,” Dr. Kafatos said. “But that’s not really building community and participation, which was the main focus of our conference.” Whether another large conference or a series of smaller events is created for next year remains to be seen, he said, adding, “We’re definitely going to keep up the momentum.”
‘NATURE DOES NOT NEGOTIATE’ Varied voices project a message of urgency at Chapman’s Beyond Copenhagen conference.
William Sprigg, Ph.D., speaks on climate change and health as moderator Dr. Larry Santora and panelists William K. Lau, Ph.D., Jill Whynot and Lewis Ziska, Ph.D., look on.
So as the headlines of the moment were clouded with the volcanic news of nature’s latest rumblings in Iceland, the Beyond Copenhagen experts considered the future. Here are a few of the highlights:
Geography and Fate The conference opened with a climate — change primer delivered by Paul Chan, Ph.D., chief operating officer, I.M. Systems Group, Inc. It was a fact-packed and whirlwind presentation explaining the techniques and modeling systems used by scientists to monitor carbon dioxide levels, a process which began in earnest in 1958. Dr. Chan also explained polar melt, ocean acidification and rising heat cycles. He also noted that by virtue of their spot on the globe, some nations will adapt less easily to climate change than others. “The United States, Canada, Russia, China — the big countries — they have climate diversity, they have places to hide,” Chan said. Then he opened a satellite image of Vietnam. “They have no place to hide. The entire economy of Vietnam is on the coast and 70 percent (of that) is on the Mekong Delta. They have no climate diversity.”
Engineering Solutions It’s tempting to look for one big answer, or “hammer,” to pound out a solution to climate change, said Jane Long, Ph.D., principal associate director at-large, Global Security Principal Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Most likely, though, a mix of solutions will be needed and geo-engineering must be supported, Dr. Long said. Long described geo-engineering techniques that are successful at removing carbon from the environment, but others are needed, too. “In the end, we have to ask: Are we building the capacity to build this geo-engineering? For example, we need to look for specific geo-energy strategies that will help with our water supply.”
He showed off a jacket made in part of recycled music tapes, showed slides of furniture constructed from old skateboards and talked about the 1,600-plus solar panels at his offices that leave him with a zero-sum electric bill. But what about his manufacturing partners in China? Well, he’s now working with a clothing manufacturer whose dye process uses air instead of water, saving hundreds of thousands of gallons a year. “I expected resistance,” he said. “But they seem to get it.”
Sole Man In the 1980s, Pierre André Senizergues competed as a pro skateboarder, but these days it’s his entrepreneurial and environmental wheels that always seem to be turning. The founder and CEO of Orange County-based action sports apparel maker Sole Technology Inc. told a luncheon crowd April 22 he is gaining on his goal of making his 500employee company carbon neutral by 2020.
Sole Technology CEO Pierre André Senizergues is working to make his company carbon neutral by 2020.
Joel Kotkin
CONTENTIOUS CLIMATE? Verbal fireworks fizzle, but panelists’ common ground remains unsteady. It was billed as a discussion, not a debate. But given the diversity of views represented, the prospect for verbal fisticuffs heightened interest in the April 22 panel at Chapman’s Beyond Copenhagen conference. So how come these guys spent so much time illuminating points of agreement?
arly on, there was a barbed message for the environmental movement, delivered by Joel Kotkin, journalist, author and Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman. “The climate-change bandwagon certainly is in trouble,” he said. Kotkin didn’t dispute the science behind the day’s climate-change warnings, but he chided environmentalists for presenting a message he sees as relentlessly negative. “If you basically tell people that people are bad, they probably are not going to like it or like you very much. Plus, there has been a tendency to exaggerate everything, and that hasn’t helped.” The other panelists tended to agree that the battle for hearts and minds has swung toward the climate-change skeptics. And considering the political climate, that swing might be difficult to reverse anytime soon.
Another point of agreement: the economic downturn is hampering efforts to enact environmental initiatives. “The best research indicates that you are not going to create green jobs without a growing economy,” Kotkin said. As an entrepreneur, Tom Campion has a financial stake in a growing economy, but his perspective is also informed by a firm commitment to environmentalism. Campion, chairman of the action-sports apparel and equipment company Zumiez, said that while the recession has adversely affected his bottom line, so has climate change. He noted that the financial pain extends to public coffers as well. In 2006, he said, his company generated $150,000 less in New York state sales tax compared with the previous year because warmer temperatures meant less
snow in the region and fewer people buying snowboarding clothes and gear. Campion argues for greater environmental restrictions, especially on the production of oil- and coal-based energy — “The more oil we drill, the warmer the planet gets.” It’s a position many see as anti-growth, but he says the business community deserves more credit for its ability to adapt to changing realities. “I sell fashions to teen-agers, so we’ve had to learn to adjust to changes that happen every few minutes,” he noted, drawing laughs. Kotkin (, author of The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050 (Penguin Press, 2010), said that new sources of energy such as wind and solar
Tom Campion
can’t be counted on to pick up the slack for cutting use of oil and coal. He said nuclear power needs to be an increasingly important part of the plan, at least for the near future.
provide objective and understandable information about climate change and potential solutions. “I lived in France for five years, and I don’t think I saw a diesel train engine during that whole time,” he said. “They were all electric, and that’s because of nuclear power generation.” Dr. Moore advocates for a suite of technologies. He noted that in the North Sea, wind power is being farmed successfully, and in the desert Southwest “solar power makes a lot of sense.” Such an integrated approach is advocated by Robert Bishop, who is leading efforts to build an International Center for Earth Simulation, seeking to use advanced computer technology to find insights into weather, environment and disaster risk reduction. “If we look at all the recent natural disasters, what we find is a natural connectedness,” he said. “Climate is just the thin edge of the wedge.” Building sophisticated models may help foster a seamless approach to solving global problems, “which is the way nature works,” Bishop said. “We’re at a point where we need to integrate that which we have disintegrated.” Also making a strong point was Edward Wegman, Ph.D., The Bernard J. Dunn Professor of Data Sciences and Applied Statistics at George Mason University. Dr. Wegman chronicled his statistical research, indicating a “fundamental error in the methodology” behind the famous “hockey stick graph” — a tool climate-change advocates have used to show a steep upswing in temperatures in the 1990s. For his role in the research debate,
“The best research indicates that you are not going to create green jobs without a growing economy.” JOEL KOTKIN
Agreed, said Berrien Moore, Ph.D., director emeritus of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire and executive director of Climate Central (, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think-tank that seeks to
Robert Bishop
“Why is support (for climate change) dragging? There has been an unwillingness to admit mistakes were made,” Dr. Wegman said. Kotkin is more than willing to point out PR and marketing mistakes made by climate-change advocates trying to rally support for their cause. He says those supporting environmental restrictions are predominantly the older and affluent telling the young and poor they have to give up their chance at economic opportunity. “When you already have yours, it’s much easier to tell others they can’t have theirs,” he said. By the time the Q&A portion of the panel discussion wound down, audience members were eager for any semblance of promise for the future. Well, they were told, though Congress is divided and probably will be even more so after November, incremental progress on climate-change initiatives is still possible. “That,” Bishop said, “is about the best we can hope for.”
Wegman has been labeled a climate-change denier — a characterization he refutes. But he does point to the hockey stick and the “Climategate” e-mails that more recently have come to light, fueling skeptics’ belief that climate scientists have manipulated data.
THE DREAM WITHIN REACH For Chapman’s College of Educational Studies, the new Attallah Academy strengthens ‘the soul of what we do.’
he ideas are flowing, the excitement growing, the anticipation building. All this and the Donna Ford Attallah Academy for Teaching and Learning at Chapman University isn’t even in full flower yet. When it is fully up and running, Chapman’s widely respected programs preparing K-12 educators will take their next step up in prominence and influence, said Don Cardinal, dean of the College of Educational Studies (CES). “It’ll be our programs on steroids,” Dean Cardinal added. For now, the “what if’s” outstrip the realities, but that’s enough to create quite a buzz. Funny how a $3 million gift can get people’s minds and motors running. The academy will officially open this fall, with a search already ongoing for an academy director, who will be the Donna Ford Attallah Professor of Teacher Education — the result of a separate gift from the alumna who is fueling all of the excitement. Donna Ford Attallah ’61 taught kindergarten and first grade in Orange County for 40 years, and says of herself and her late husband, Fahmy Attallah, Ph.D., “We always felt our education put us where we were. We never had children, so we wanted in some way to give back to young people and to support their quest for a fine education. “Chapman gave me an excellent foundation to go out into the teaching profession and become very successful. The university has been well known for its excellent teacher programs for many years, so when the opportunity came about for me to support this new teaching academy, I was very happy to do it.” The happiness has spread to CES faculty members, who are energized to
have been asked to contribute ideas that will help shape the academy’s programs and priorities, Dean Cardinal said. Attallah has allowed CES to take a year to brainstorm and research so the resulting academy best meets the needs of students. One of the first innovations: Instead of hiring a permanent director, CES is looking to recruit a visiting professor — “a national or international expert in teacher education who can assist the faculty in thinking through what the academy can be and who can suggest innovative ways to get there,” Dean Cardinal said.
what Dean Cardinal calls premium programs. Among them: an undergraduate program in athletic training, credential programs in school psychology and school counseling, and graduate programs in communication sciences and disorders. “These premium programs now make up two-thirds of what we do,” Dean Cardinal said. “So we had to rethink, ‘Where does our teacher ed program fit in?’” The Attallah Academy allows CES “to reaffirm that teacher education is the soul of what we do,” he added. “It allows us to rediscover our roots.”
The Attallah Academy “allows us to rediscover our roots,” says College of Educational Studies Dean Don Cardinal, left, with Donna Ford Attallah ’61, Chancellor Daniele Struppa and President James L. Doti.
There are some elements of the academy that have been decided. It will exist within the College of Educational Studies, Dean Cardinal noted, and it will include “everything we do in teacher education from now on, from our three master’s programs in special education, elementary education and secondary education to our numerous teaching credential programs, our community literacy program and more.” In recent years, CES has branched out into high-profile specialty offerings —
Those roots stretch back to 1861, when the university, then known as Hesperian College, first began educating teachers. The fun part is that after nearly 150 years, the process of preparing educators just got more exciting, Dean Cardinal said. “In this field, it’s hard to find an environment where you get to think big and then act on your ideas,” he noted. “The Attallah Academy allows teachers, students and the community to do just that.”
A Crucible Called HAITI
t was the most physically exhausting, emotionally testing and ultimately rewarding experience of Logan Sullivan’s young life, and it never would have happened if the winter-break software job he rushed to Arizona to begin hadn’t gone belly-up during his drive. The setback left Sullivan ’10, a business major and student Ambassador at Chapman, without a backup plan for January. He was crashing on a friend’s couch in Scottsdale when he saw alarming images on the news — a major earthquake in Haiti had turned whole neighborhoods into rubble,
in the newspaper, you figure that’s the worst of the worst,” Sullivan said. “But when you get there you see, the most extreme is everywhere.” People wandered the streets, seeking medical aid or work. Troops with automatic weapons struggled to keep order. Makeshift tent cities sprang up daily, including on the lawn of the presidential palace. On a single hole of what had been a golf course, an estimated 30,000 people set up camp. Inside the gates of the medical compound where Sullivan went to work, things changed “from real chaos to controlled chaos,”
“It made me feel like if I did this kind of work the rest of my life, I’d be able to look back with great satisfaction.” LOGAN SULLIVAN ’10
leaving thousands dead or homeless in the now-chaotic capital of Port-au-Prince. Sullivan immediately started crafting a plan to help those in need. “I just decided it would be the perfect thing for me to do.” He made hundreds of calls to aid organizations, finally getting a yes from the International Medical Corps, a nonprofit providing health care training and relief. Yes, if he paid his own way to Haiti, the organization would find plenty of volunteer work for him to do at its field clinics. By Jan. 23, 11 days after the quake had turned a nation upside down, Sullivan was in the heart of Port-au-Prince, a bus window providing close-up views of dazed residents and widespread devastation. “When you see the images on TV and
Sullivan said. Doctors and nurses scurried from exam area to operating table as the entire facility ran like one big emergency room. Soon after he started as an assistant to logistics officials, there were signs one of his supervisors was experiencing traumatic stress. “He would just look at you and walk away,” Sullivan said. It wasn’t long before the supervisor was getting the help he needed and Sullivan was taking on more responsibility. When six patients and their beds needed to be moved to a new ward, he figured a way to get it done stat. When more patient space was needed at an overburdened field clinic, he helped negotiate with school officials to use one of their classrooms.
He also found “incredible” professionals with IMC and Doctors Without Borders from whom to learn, including doctors and logisticians who could take on a daylong task and get it done in an hour. “I think about it now, and it’s still hard to comprehend,” Sullivan said. “I’ve definitely developed a strong appreciation for the medical profession.” As he looks back on the entirety of his experience, Sullivan says those days seem pretty surreal. He had always hated hospitals, but somehow with blood and suffering all around, he found myriad ways to make a difference. He had searched for his academic niche, traversing from philosophy to PR to business administration, but in Haiti, his purpose seemed unmistakable. “This is the first thing I’ve ever found that really hit the spot,” he said. “It made me feel like if I did this kind of work the rest of my life, I’d be able to look back with great satisfaction.” As Sullivan prepared for graduation from Chapman, the native of Tualatin, Ore. was taking some self-assured steps. He and nine other Chapman students will travel to Honduras on a microlending project, then he will return to Haiti for a stint of up to eight weeks doing logistics with IMC. He has applied for a fellowship with Kiva, a nonprofit seeking to alleviate poverty through microlending, and for work with Doctors Without Borders. “The whole experience (in Haiti) makes me realize that I’ve been given an advantage,” Sullivan said. “I want to take my good fortune and make something more of it. And not necessarily for myself.”
Africa’s many contrasts fill the lens and lives of a Chapman interdisciplinary team.
IMAGES OF CAMEROON Hot, uneasy and filled with anticipation, 12 students and four professors from Chapman University landed in Cameroon after almost 24 hours of travel. They waited for a ride into the heart of Yaoundé, the capital, where they would begin a two-week journey, their mission set forth by an anonymous donor to promote the interdisciplinary work of students from Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, the Chapman School of Law and Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The goal: build awareness and expand visibility for worthwhile non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through a series of documentary films illuminating human rights.
previous film project had taken a Chapman team to Cambodia, but in June 2009 the focus was on a West African nation that many of the students traveling had difficulty pointing out on a map. They realized, however, that they had signed up for a unique studyabroad experience. What they faced was a feeling, an understanding that no classroom — no matter how dynamic — could begin to convey. It was an opportunity for exposure to a new level of challenges, including a basic struggle to understand people and to be understood. The French spoken by the Cameroonians is not quite French and the English is not quite English — a colorful mix that reflects the heritage of the country and its colonial influence. 20
Because their aim was to make a promotional film for the NGOs, the professors and students worked to discover the essence of the organizations’ goals and actions by meeting the people involved. In the city, they focused on Asseja, a non-profit that rescues children from the streets, teaches them basic literacy skills and helps them develop a trade such as sewing, cooking or mechanics. One of the young men being helped, Ezechiel, was training to be a restaurant cook and invited the group over for a traditional Cameroonian meal. Ezechiel worked confidently as he prepared the meal, no longer a shy, uncertain boy but one transformed by pride in his newfound skills. Animated with excitement, Ezechiel told them about all the different foods
PROJECT PARTICIPANTS Team leader: Jeff Swimmer. Other faculty members: Stephanie Takaragawa, Ph.D., Michael Kowalski, Jurg Walther. Students: Roxana Amini (J.D. ’11), Andrea Capranico (M.A. ’11), Joey Huddleston ’11, Taylor O’Sullivan ’12, Carly Pandza ’10, Matthew Prouty ’10, Ruthie Rubietta ’10, Hannah Taylor ’10, Jacob Taylor ’12, Nicholas Wiesnet ’11, Breanna Wing ’11, Tasha Wiggins Hunter (M.A. ’10).
Story by Virginia Halverson Photos by Joey Huddleston ’11, above
they were eating and how they were prepared. It was one of many compelling and heartwarming experiences for the Chapman team members. Quickly it became clear that education is a luxury in Cameroon, where secondary school basically doesn’t exist. The group also heard of young boys lost to village raids that plunged them into child labor under the empty promise of a better life. But most striking was the group’s observation of an extreme polarization in Cameroon. Exploitation and corruption were part of everyday life, but just as common were examples of extreme giving and selflessness.
The second NGO the group investigated was Glowa in Bamenda — rural, impoverished and welcoming. Glowa works to help address the trafficking and exploitation of children in Cameroon, operating with only two paid employees and several full-time volunteers. During the group’s filming, one of the women being helped discussed how she contracted HIV from a man who had kidnapped her, kept her prisoner in his house and sold her for sex for several months. It was the first time she had revealed the details of her past to the staff at Glowa, and as they listened, the Chapman team members were moved by her story. The Glowa staff members’ commitment to improve the lives of their fellow Cameroonians for little or no pay was just as moving. Their sense of giving was contagious. Some Chapman students left behind their belongings: clothes, shoes, jackets — items so easily procured back home but worth so much more to the people in Cameroon. One student gave her camera to a man who delighted in viewing his pictures on the screen. The students, however, came away with something more valuable: an enrichment of their lives, a realization of what true poverty is and a new understanding of the human capacity for generosity.
Now back at Chapman, the group has created a poignant and powerful film, Notre Joie, Notre Vie (Our Joy, Our Life), with Dodge College Professor Jeff Swimmer, the film’s executive producer. As the group shares its work — on PBS and as a submission to film festivals around the country — the participants are accomplishing their goal, one viewer at a time. And despite the distance of oceans and time, they remain connected to a world so contrasting with their own, one that has helped redefine their perceptions and their sense of humanity. “Cameroon,” student Joey Huddleston ’11 wrote in his parting blog, “you have impacted me in a way I will not soon forget.”
‘This is Goodbye’ From the final Cameroon blog entry of peace studies and sociology student Joey Huddleston ’11: Well, this is it, Cameroon. This is goodbye. It could be a long time before I taste your fried plantains or groove out to the pulsating beats that rock your land and air. I must say, Cameroon, my friend, that I never expected to come to appreciate your art of life as much as I do. …There is nothing stiff about you. Everything ebbs and flows like a brook winding down one of your many forested hills. Everything gracefully bends and curves, intersects without delay, and splits back off into an amazing dance that involves every part of you — people, land and nature. I hope I return to drink your flavors. …Your potholed roads will beckon me again. Your orphaned children’s laughter will ride the rhythmic winds to my distant ears, unable to be ignored, and I will come back.
By Dennis Arp
Preparing to play a challenging role in Fences takes Professor Baron Kelly on a daily journey of discovery.
“It’s about finding the compassion, the heart of Gabe,” says Dr. Baron Kelly, with castmates Charlie Robinson and Juanita Jennings.
ackstage at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa, more than three hours before performance time, not even the ghosts of Christmas Carols past can stir the silence. And yet there exists an energy as powerful and positive as any standing ovation. Baron Kelly soaks it up. “I feel it,” says Kelly, Ph.D., a Chapman professor of theatre who has performed on stages all over the world. “Even without people, there’s something about being in a theatre. The atmosphere helps me to center myself.” It’s midweek during a February run of the August Wilson classic Fences, in which Dr. Kelly plays the pivotal role of Gabe, a character who suffered a head wound during World War II and now thinks he is the archangel Gabriel. It’s a demanding role that calls for stage presence and physicality but in the wrong hands can slip into caricature. “Many of Wilson’s plays have a ‘crazy seer’ character, and it’s important to keep such a role tethered to the story’s reality,” The Orange County Register’s Paul Hodgins writes in his review. “Kelly finds the right notes.”
Soon will begin a period of meditation, when he will shelve the real-world demands of a day that started at 5 a.m. and has included teaching an Advanced Acting Techniques class at Chapman and holding a production meeting with the head of design for a play he’s preparing to direct. He will begin to truly inhabit the role of Gabe when he gets into costume — patched pants, sweater vest and dusty fedora — and grabs his trusty horn from the prop table next to the stage. “I find my character as I’m on my feet, working through rehearsal,” Dr. Kelly says. “It’s a journey I need to go on — to find a note in the voice that will lead to the physical life of the character. “The one thing I don’t want to do is play him as a buffoon. It’s about finding
“It’s a journey I need to go on — to find a note in the voice that will lead to the physical life of the character.” DR. BARON KELLY
On this afternoon, Dr. Kelly has just finished a nap on a wooden cot and sits in a spartan dressing room he will soon share with several cast mates. But for now he has the space to himself, save for a visiting reporter and photographer who have asked to see behind the curtain of his preparation rituals. Clad in sweatpants, hoodie and baseball cap, a man who recently performed in Macbeth at the Bargello in Florence, who has completed two Fulbright fellowships, who has been a visiting scholar at Harvard and who is at work on a book for Focus Publishing called The Act of Acting, talks about getting ready to play a character with the intellect of a child.
the compassion, the heart of Gabe.” Dr. Kelly says taking on such a challenging role was made easier from the start by an open and collaborative cast that includes Charlie Robinson in the iconic role of Troy, Gabe’s brother, and Juanita Jennings as Rose, Troy’s wife. “With August Wilson’s plays, there tends to be a special bond,” Dr. Kelly notes. When the evening’s performance begins, Dr. Kelly isn’t onstage, and in fact his character doesn’t appear until well into the production. This gives him a chance to go “old school” in his final preparations, he says. In costume, with his horn at his side, he sits in a nondescript chair at the edge of the stage, dog-eared pages of his script in a manila
folder on his lap. There, he picks up on the cadence as his castmates deliver their lines, immersing himself in the rhythm of the play. “Every audience is different,” he says. “I can tell a lot by how soon they give themselves permission to laugh.” Once onstage, Dr. Kelly plugs into the energy of his fellow actors and the audience. “It’s like a circuit, from actor to audience and back again. You feel that loop.” Later, Dr. Kelly will describe the evening’s audience as wonderfully supportive. But the next night ends up being even more memorable. Not only does he enjoy a chance to dine with theatre-going Chapman friends, including university Trustee Joann Leatherby, but the final scene of the play takes on a unique tenor. At a climactic moment, the script calls for Gabe to try to blow his horn to open the gates of heaven for Troy. But on this night, the interaction with the other actors takes Dr. Kelly in a new direction, and the strain of trying to hit the note knocks Gabe against a gate, then to the ground. As everyone stays in character, the other actors rush to him to make sure he’s all right. It’s a powerful, unplanned moment Dr. Kelly later describes as “phenomenal.” It’s also a moment not to be repeated. “If something like that happens, it happens,” he says. “To try and force it again would be too planned, too stagey.” On such a night, when something new and exciting gets explored on stage, the magic elevates audiences and cast members alike, Dr. Kelly says. It will take lots of classical music during the drive home and perhaps even a classic movie on TV later for the actor to decompress from the experience. The best part for Dr. Kelly? Rising the next morning, he says, and preparing to take a new journey with Gabe all over again.
phil anthr opy ne ws
hen Class of ’98 alumni Jason and Nicole (Lejuwaan) Hernandez married, they developed a will as an essential component of their family planning. Over the years, their family has grown by two: Charlotte and Georgia Ann. “Wills are important to establish early on,” Jason says. “It’s very important to have your wishes documented, especially if you have children.” Through their will, the couple is establishing an endowed scholarship fund. Their gift has very special criteria, as it is both need- and merit-based. They want to support students who perform well academically and love Chapman but may not have the means to afford a privateschool education. Nicole and Jason both value their undergraduate experience highly and want others to have the same opportunities. The pair met at Chapman, and the university remains a very heartfelt place for them.
Nicole learned about the many ways philanthropy benefits Chapman students while she worked as coordinator of the university’s phone outreach program to alumni, parents and friends. During their undergraduate studies, the two were involved in student government, athletics and numerous volunteer projects. They appreciate Chapman’s small, familylike environment and remain close to peers and professors. Jason participates in a number of alumni-related events in Tennessee and annually joins his Pi Kappa Alpha brothers for the 10k Mud Run at Camp Pendleton. He is proud to note that all of his groomsmen were fraternity brothers and most of Nicole’s bridesmaids were her Alpha Phi sisters. The Hernandezes are very active in their communities. Jason is a board member of a local orphanage in his hometown in Tennessee, and Nicole raises funds for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the leading organization in the fight against breast
“It’s very important to have your wishes documented, especially if you have children,” says Jason Hernandez ’98, shown with wife Nicole (Lejuwaan) Hernandez ’98 and daughters Charlotte and Georgia Ann.
Photo courtesy of Allison Rodgers Photography
cancer. The couple plan to instill the same values in their two young daughters. Jason’s advice to his fellow alumni and others involved with Chapman? “Understand the value of making an estate plan, and when planning, try to keep Chapman in mind so future generations can benefit from a similar, meaningful experience.”
Chapman University’s Panther Productions presents MONDAYS at 8 PM
Journalist Scott Marshutz ’87, left, is shown with interview subject Mike Durant, a U.S. Army helicopter pilot who was shot down and taken prisoner in Somalia. Marshutz is helping to revive a Distinguished Writers Lecture Series at Chapman.
Dialogue with Doti and Dodge Exploring timely topics with fascinating guests.
Arts: Coast to Coast On location from NYC to OC, the best of the arts.
Motivate Alumnus Marshutz
Never underestimate the power of a luminary guest speaker.
or Scott Marshutz ’87, hearing author Tom Wolfe address a small but vigorous bunch of Chapman journalism students back in 1985 was an unforgettable moment. “He walked on the campus and it was like the parting of the seas. It was incredible to listen to him in Bertea Hall with about 500 people in there and then seeing him come to class and talk to us directly,” says Marshutz. Such memories stirred Marshutz to create a $25,000 endowment to help revive the English Department’s Distinguished Writers Lecture Series. The program hosted the Wolfe appearance and visits by other acclaimed authors, playwrights, poets and journalists, including Joyce Carol Oates, Amy Tan, Kurt Vonnegut, Edward Albee, Allen Ginsberg, Joseph Heller, Edmund White, Sandra Tsing Loh, Donald Margulies and Sarah Ruhl. Marshutz recalls that seeing and meeting such high-caliber writers was a prestigious perk for students of Chapman College, as it was known then. There were perhaps just 10 English majors with a journalism emphasis then, he said. “Chapman was a very small liberal arts college at the time, in the shadow of USC, UCLA and even the Cal State system. But we had the luxury of hearing and seeing these people,” he says. Now a resident of Dana Point, the freelance journalist and real estate investor hopes other alumni will add to the endowment and help rebuild the speaker series tradition and further enhance the journalism program now under the guidance of Susan Paterno, professor of English, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “A liberal arts education, whether it’s writing fiction or non-fiction or whatever, is still a very useful discipline to have,” he says. For more information about the fund, contact Steven Harvath, director of development for Wilkinson College, at 714-628-7369.
Cooking for Health and Pleasure A cooking show like no other from Randall Dining Commons.
THURSDAYS at 8 PM Health Matters with Dr. Larry Santora Straight talk about health and wellness.
FRIDAYS at 8 PM Chapman Report Economist Esmael Adibi looks at local business news.
SATURDAYS at 8 PM Chapman Shorts Exciting young filmmakers screen and discuss their movies.
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s p o rt n e w s
Aided by the 10-0 pitching of Brian Rauh ’13, the Panthers achieved a 30-9 regular-season record in baseball.
BASKETBALL TEAM Enjoys Dose of March Madness By Chris Watts, Sports Information Assistant You can’t talk about the spring sports season without first mentioning the men’s basketball team and its run into second round of the NCAA Division III Tournament. For 26 years, Chapman’s men’s basketball teams had gone without a postseason appearance, last making it during the 1983 – 84 season.
hile men’s basketball technically isn’t a spring sport, the team’s season continued into the first week of March and had the campus buzzing, even as the spring sports season got underway. The Panthers hosted a first-round matchup against Claremont-Mudd-Scripps in the Hutton Sports Center, winning 58-47 before a packed house. Their season ended a few days later with a second-round loss at Whitworth University in Spokane, Wash. Nevertheless, for the second consecutive season, the men’s basketball team finished with a 24-3 record. The success of Chapman’s athletic programs and its athletes continued well into the spring, highlighted by strong seasons from the baseball and women’s tennis teams. After making its fifth straight trip to Appleton, Wis. for the NCAA Division III Championships in 2009, the baseball team entered 2010 with some Kyle Wood ’10 helped uncertainty, having lead the Chapman men’s graduated several key basketball team to its second straight 24-3 season. contributors. Since Tom Tereschuk took the helm of Chapman’s baseball program in 2003, it seems as if an All-American has graduated each season, and Panthers’ fans are left wondering who the next group of players will be to step up and fill the void.
This year’s baseball team is on pace for another playoff appearance having reached as high as No. 2 in the top-25 national poll. Once again, a batch of new faces and first-year starters has played an important role in the team’s success. Matt Luzar ’10 and Joe Lehman ’10 have produced consistently in the middle of the lineup, along with freshman James Parr. The three are batting a combined .371 on the season. Anchoring the Panthers’ pitching staff are Brian Rauh ’13 and Travis McGee ’13, who have put together two of the most impressive seasons for Chapman pitchers in recent memory. Two-time All-American Liz Lewis ’11 and the Chapman University women’s tennis team have put together a strong spring as well, reaching as high as a No. 2 in the West Region rankings. Lewis spent much of the season as the top-ranked women’s singles player in the region, at one point having won 24 matches in a row, a streak that dates to 2009. Her winning streak ended, however, in the quarterfinals of the Ojai Valley
Tennis Tournament in April. Doubles partners Kelley Fox ’11 and Lewis also spent a good portion of the season at the top of the regional rankings. On the golf course, senior Van Pierce capped off his career with six top-five finishes in 2010, including wins against Whitman College, La Sierra University and in the Chapman Invitational. A handful of school records were set in the spring as well, with freshman women’s water polo player Ani Marganian breaking the single-season assist record. Also, freshman Peyton Collins ’13 set a new school track and field record in the 400-meter hurdles at the UC San Diego Invitational. Her time of 1:08.07 beat by five-hundredths of a second the previous record, set 14 years ago. In addition, Chapman’s softball program moved into a new home this spring, with the facility getting rave reviews. The Panthers’ new diamond at El Camino Real Park, just west of campus, features batting cages, covered dugouts and permanent fencing. The program moved from Hart Park, its home since 1983.
Track star Peyton Collins ’13 set a school record in the 400-meter hurdles.
The research of Chapman Professors Jeff Tollaksen and Yakir Aharonov has proved to be of fundamental importance and has inspired wide participation from across the scientific community.
CHECK [ [ By Mary Platt
“Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever? And time keeps flowing like a river to the sea.” – ALAN PARSONS PROJECT
Time flows backward and the future influences the past? Welcome to the mysterious quantum world of Yakir Aharonov and Jeff Tollaksen.
o a scientist, making the cover of Discover magazine is something akin to a rock star making the cover of Rolling Stone. And while Yakir Aharonov, Ph.D. and his group, including Jeff Tollaksen, Ph.D. — both professors of physics in Chapman’s Schmid College of Science) — didn’t quite get their photos on the April 2010 cover of Discover (they had to cede that to an image of Einstein, so they were OK with that), it’s still a terrific honor. The cover story — “Beyond Einstein: Three Radical Theories Challenge His Ideas of Space and Time” — leads to the article “Back From the Future,” which is all about the work of Aharonov, Tollaksen and their team. Their work has resulted in all sorts of amazing discoveries about the nature of time and the universe.
THE ARROW OF TIME Dr. Aharonov is proving that in the quantum world, the “normal” arrow of time that flows from past to future actually works just as well from future to past.
Many additional discoveries have followed from the breakthroughs of Aharonov and his group; everything from paradigm-shifting practical applications to what they like to call “the really big questions of existence.” Tollaksen has organized multiple visits to Chapman by the members of Aharonov’s group who have been most influential in developing these theories. They include Alonso Botero, Ph.D. (Universidad de los Andes), Aharon Casher, Ph.D. (Tel Aviv University), Sandu Popescu, Ph.D. (Bristol University), and Lev Vaidman, Ph.D. (Tel Aviv University). For example, the Discover article provocatively asks “Could the laws of physics be pulling us inexorably toward our prewritten fate?” — and leaves the question mark hanging in the air. Aharonov and his group, says Discover writer Zeeya Merali, are “looking into the notion that time might flow backward, allowing the future to influence the past. By extension, the universe might have a destiny that reaches back and conspires with the past to bring the present into view. On a cosmic scale, this idea could help explain how life arose in the universe against tremendous odds. On a personal scale, it may make us question whether fate is pulling us inexorably forward and whether we have free will.” The article says that because of its usefulness, the work of Aharonov and his group is gaining acceptance from many other physicists. The number of derivative research papers in mainstream journals (Nature, Science, etc.) is growing rapidly.
FUTURE SHOCK And if that doesn’t completely blow your mind, how about this? A series of quantum experiments seems to actually confirm the notion that the future can influence results that happened before those measurements were even made. Aharonov and his group
have made extraordinary theoretical predictions about the nature of quantum reality, some of which bring to mind the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland (“Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,” thought Alice; “but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!”). The novel effects they predicted have been verified in many independent experiments (about 15 laboratories around the world have done or are doing these cutting-edge experiments). Recently, these discoveries have found their way to the covers of other popular magazines such as Scientific American (Asian edition) and New Scientist (“They said it couldn’t be done — but now we can see inside the quantum world”). Even The Wall Street Journal and The Economist have covered the time-bending aspect of these theories and experiments. Dr. Tollaksen says that his collaboration with Dr. Aharonov is continuously fruitful and astonishing. “Aharonov was one of the first to take seriously the idea that if you want to understand what is happening at any point in time, it’s not just the past that’s relevant — it’s also the future,” he told Discover.
DOES GOD PLAY DICE? Dr. Aharonov was — as Einstein had been — puzzled by the fact that two identical radioactive atoms can behave completely differently; decaying, for instance, at different intervals. This indeterminism led Einstein to famously grumble that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” Aharonov, says Tollaksen, turned the question around. “Yakir asked, ‘What does God gain by playing dice?’ and speculated that nature gains something very beautiful and exciting by playing dice — namely, “if a particle’s past doesn’t contain enough information to determine its fate, then maybe its future does.” But the kicker is that the “playing of dice” is just the right amount so that the future could be relevant for the present without violating causality or free will. Aharonov says. “The future can only affect
the present if there is room to write the influence off as a mistake.” This led to a whole new approach to physics which Aharonov and his colleagues first set forth in the early 1960s. “Everybody knows that if your only tool is a hammer, then you tend to treat everything as if it were a nail,” says Tollaksen. “The problem was that the ‘hammer-type’ measurements usually made in the present moment are not the most useful in figuring out how the quantum world links the future with the present in subtle and significant ways.” Aharonov and his team worked for two decades on new types of gentle “weak measurements” which could see these linkages — “akin to tapping something softly with your finger rather than smashing it with that hammer,” according to Tollaksen. Their breakthroughs have proved to be of fundamental importance and have inspired wide participation from across the scientific community: for example, they led to new types of (quantum) computers that can solve otherwise unsolvable problems, new types of sensors that can measure physical phenomena previously thought to be unmeasureable. These findings were the subject of a week-long conference held at Chapman in February 2010. About 50 physicists visited from around the world, including faculty members from MIT, Caltech and Princeton. The many practical applications of these discoveries allowed Tollaksen to win a grant from the Office for Naval Research to pay for the conference.
There are more strange, jaw-dropping findings than can be covered here. How often do you run into a theory — which now seems provable — that could change the way humans think about the very movement of time?
In the future, the team plans collaborations with Chapman’s Vice Chancellor for Special Projects, dean of the Schmid College and group leader Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., and Arizona State’s Paul Davies, Ph.D. (last year’s Chapman commencement speaker) involving cosmological implications, and another with Chancellor Daniele Struppa involving a new form of mathematics.
“Their breakthroughs have led to computers that can solve otherwise unsolvable problems, and to sensors that can measure phenomena previously thought unmeasureable.”
n exciting new addition to Chapman’s Schmid College of Science will be the proposed International Center for Quantum Studies — another “quantum leap” forward for the university, California and the nation. The man at the center of the Center will be Yakir Aharonov, Ph.D., one of the best-known physicists in the world and co-discoverer of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, who holds the James J. Farley Chair in Natural Philosophy at Chapman. Aharonov is the recipient of the prestigious Wolf Prize, the Elliott Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute and the Hewlitt-Packard Europhysics Prize. He was voted most likely to receive a Nobel Prize in the coming years. Referees from the National Science Foundation declared him “equivalent on a world scale to what the Japanese would call a national treasure.” The relevance of the work of Aharonov and his group is reflected by the group’s exponentially increasing rate of citations by the rest of the scientific community. Aharonov’s presence has also attracted to Chapman many prominent scientists. The Aharonov group is well known for making progress on the “big questions” of existence — from the origins of the universe to the deep nature of reality and the mysteries of time. With the Center, Chapman seeks to advance several spheres of physics excellence, blending pure and applied quantum physics research of interest to the academic, commercial and military sectors. What’s more, the Center will communicate the relevance and importance of quantum studies by initiating an “Aharonov Distinguished Lecture Series,” presenting internationally recognized speakers as well as other outreach efforts. The Center’s research themes will include the nature of time, non-locality and many other subjects. Why is studying time so important? Sir Anthony Leggett, Nobel laureate, stated that Aharonov’s theories on time “generated an enormous amount of interest in the context of quantum computing and related areas. …It will have important applications in (sensors).”
And that’s precisely what happened: the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman (AAV) Effect has resulted in a new paradigm for the design of precision signal-amplification sensors. Renowned scientists who have come to Chapman include Paul Davies, Ph.D. (director of the Beyond Institute at Arizona State University; Alonso Botero, Ph.D. (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia); Aharon Casher, Ph.D. (Tel Aviv University and co-author of the Aharonov-Casher Effect); Shmuel Nussinov, Ph.D. (Tel Aviv University), Sandu Popescu, Ph.D. (Bristol University); and Lev Vaidman, Ph.D., co-author of the AAV paper, the 20th anniversary of which was celebrated at a recent conference at Chapman. Aharonov’s research has led to many
high-energy physics from UC Berkeley and actively conducts research in this field The Center will also support experimental and theoretical work being performed at a new Chapman laboratory in Maryland that houses several other physicists connected with Chapman: Armen Gulian, Ph.D.; Michael Steiner, Ph.D.; Louis Sica, Ph.D. and others. The Maryland lab was created with almost $900,000 in grants from the Office of Naval Research to Jeff Tollaksen, Ph.D. (principal investigator) and Gulian (lead researcher). Research applications include Internet connectivity and battleground awareness for soldiers. In addition, the Center will foster relations with other organizations worldwide, including the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Recently Aharonov and Popescu were offered
Renowned physicists Yakir Aharonov, Ph.D., right, and Paul Davies, Ph.D., are collaborating on projects at Chapman.
novel, surprising and often remarkably useful features of quantum mechanics. Another research segment planned for the new Center will be field-theoretic/ high-energy particle physics issues and the dramatic new physics being carried out at the new Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. Interestingly, these issues overlap the interests of Scott Chapman, grandson of Chapman University namesake Charles C. Chapman and secretary of Chapman’s Board of Trustees. Scott Chapman has a Ph.D. in
Distinguished Research Chairs at Perimeter along with a few other top physicists in the world, including Stephen Hawking. They retain their permanent positions at their home institutions. “This new Center at Chapman is urgently called for,” says Tollaksen, who will serve as its first director. “It is different in spirit, design and organization from any other entity, and it will attract more theory-inclined graduate students to Chapman, inspired by the many events, lectures and projects being carried out here.”
Menas Kafatos, Ph.D.
Is the Universe Conscious? “Stars, in your multitudes Scarce to be counted, filling the darkness With order and light — You are the sentinels, silent and sure Keeping watch in the night.” – “STARS,” LES MISERABLES
f the notions proposed by Chapman Professors Yakir Aharonov and Jeff Tollaksen
intrigue you, you may want to pick up a book by Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., dean of Chapman’s Schmid College of Science and vice chancellor for special projects,
and Robert Nadeau, Ph.D., science historian and professor of English at George Mason University, called The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality. Kafatos and his colleagues are exploring deep questions of the nature of reality. Having studied astrophysics, general relativity and quantum theory, Kafatos was led to an integration of scientific views reminiscent of the approach of the ancient philosophers.
In opening the door to the vast realm of consciousness, modern quantum theory has opened the door to a profoundly new vision of the cosmos. According to Kafatos’ book, modern physics has opened up the issue of
consciousness through a number of seemingly paradoxical aspects of quantum theory, placing many deep questions in scientific terms. In the past, these questions were believed to be in the realm of philosophy. The prospect has now emerged to explore the issue of our universe scientifically — and perhaps, Kafatos says, even the possibility that our universe is conscious and evolving at increasingly larger scales and times. “Consciousness can no longer be fundamentally divorced from our understanding of the way the universe works,” Kafatos says, insisting that these are not philosophical issues anymore — that quantum theory has opened the door to what had been pure speculation. 32
‘Grounding of the Cosmos’ Not that physics can prove the universe is conscious: The possibility is there, but the question may not be answerable in purely scientific terms, Kafatos says. “Consciousness may indeed be the grounding of the cosmos and, hence, not subject to being separated as the object of inquiry.” The weird and wacky world of quantum physics posed a threat to traditional physics. In 1964, John Bell published his classic no-go theorem in which he proposed that no physical theory of local hidden variables (a theory that conforms to ordinary views of reality) can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. In separated regions where no information can be sent even at the maximum speed of light, Bell thought a measurement taken in one cannot influence what occurs in the other. Yet, in a strange way, the two parts of a quantum system remain unified, even at vast distances between sides of the universe. Many quantum experiments and effects illustrate non-locality. Bell’s theorem, Kafatos says, posed the stark question of which sort of reality exists: the classical notion that physical reality is local, or the quantum form of reality, which is non-local. All the experiments indicate this startling conclusion: Ordinary views of the world are wrong (and one may consider the human mind that creates them), and quantum views of the world are right.
Time and Reality Kafatos has pursued these notions beyond the Conscious Universe work. He believes the universe operates under the guidance of deep underlying principles. The most obvious and important is a generalized principle of complementarity, beyond the complementarity principle encountered in quantum systems proposed by physicist Niels Bohr. Kafatos, Chapman Chancellor Daniele Struppa and their
co-workers have explored the possibility that deep underlying principles, such as a generalized complementarity, may be fundamentally mathematical. A profound prospect of this complementary view of the universe is that ordinary concepts of time may not be the whole picture. Kafatos explored the possibility that relationships linking all fundamental constants of nature exist. These relationships
hold at all levels, he says, and from unity there is evolution into diversity. “As such, the arrow of time is introduced in an observer-dependent universe as these fundamental ‘constants’ change,” says Kafatos. “Time does not exist independently of conscious observers. This approach equals an axiomatic approach that results in an apparent expanding universe, yielding the same successes as big-bang cosmology.” In other words, time has no meaning by itself. The universe appears to be evolving as the number of particles and ratios are varying. This is a new complementary view of time, and in Kafatos’ view, it’s as valid as the ordinary concept of the “flow of time.”
Future Science Kafatos and Nadeau seek to prove that complementarity is an “emergent property or dynamic in the life of the evolving universe” and, most astonishing of all, to show that non-locality “allows us to reasonably infer, without being able to prove, that the universe is a conscious system, with self-organizing and self-regulating properties that result in emergent order.” Now add in this radical notion: Human consciousness may “fold within itself” the fundamental logical principle of the conscious universe. The idea that the universe is a seamlessly interconnected whole, rationally ordered and consciously evolving, Kafatos says, may open up the way to a new dialogue between science and religion, physics and metaphysics, that could “function as the basis for a global human ethos.” Central to this vision would be an undivided wholeness, evolving out of itself endless realms of reality — a living whole. “In our new situation,” says Kafatos, “science in no way argues against the existence of God, or Being, and it can profoundly augment the sense of the cosmos as a single significant whole.” Yet the mystery at the center of it all remains. In opening the door to the vast realm of consciousness, modern quantum theory has opened the door to a new vision of the cosmos, Kafatos says. It’s a vision in which the observer, the observed and the act of observation seem to be fundamental and interlocked. In subsequent papers with Sisir Roy and Mihai Draganescu, Kafatos has explored how these views arise from mathematical descriptions of the quantum universe. Kafatos and Draganescu, in their book Principle of Integrative Science, put together how future science may evolve. “Implications for a new, radically different view of the cosmos emerge,” says Kafatos, “as well as a new science which will provide the tools to study the wholeness of the universe.” SPRING 2010
A Chapman professor goes to great heights to explore the frontiers of earthquake science.
Perhaps within the next decade, an interdisciplinary hybrid of ground, seismic and satellite measurements could allow for accurate forecasting of major seismic events, says Dr. Dimitar Ouzounov, associate professor of geophysics at Chapman University.
By Dennis Arp
Earthquake Myths ways happen “Big earthquakes al ng.” in the early morni se we want it to common becau This myth may be so of day. uakes occur all times thq be true. In fact, ear
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he swag lamp sways eerily and the walls creak ominously. The ground rolls and nerves jangle. It seems like a given that there’s no place like terra unfirma to learn more about the wheres and whys of earthquake science. So then why does Chapman Professor Dimitar Ouzounov have his head in the upper atmosphere? Actually, he’s researching a big idea: that clues to the next big quake may be above the clouds as well as on the ground and inside faults. As methodology is refined and the volume of data grows, there might even come a day when the morning shows give us an earthquake forecast alongside the weather report. “We are not there yet; it will take more years — maybe in the next decade,” said Ouzounov, Ph.D., associate professor of geophysics and a member of the Center of Excellence in Earth Observing at Chapman’s Schmid College of Science. “But the good news is it’s a growing field and the science is maturing.” News coverage this year of large, sometimes-devastating earthquakes in places like Haiti, Chile, Mexico and China fuels interest in the possibility of reliably forecasting major quakes.
Atmospheric and seismology charts compiled by Dr. Ouzounov and his colleagues show that a “thermal anomaly” was recorded in the days leading up to a magnitude-6.2 earthquake that hit L’Aquila, Italy on April 6, 2009.
changes in ion composition and electron density before some earthquakes, Dr. Ouzounov said. These changes sometimes occur hours or even days before a major seismic event. “The problem is that there needs to be more convincing evidence,” he said. Each year on earth there are more than 140 quakes that measure more than 6 on the Richter scale, Dr. Ouzounov noted. “We have to chase each of them, which is a complex task that takes international cooperation.”
“The social element of a weather forecast is just as important as the science. The reason to do it is to save lives, not to make things worse.” DR. DIMITAR OUZOUNOV
As a geophysicist, Dr. Ouzounov also investigates climate change, fire detection and the earth’s electromagnetic environment with satellite- and groundbased observational data. However, for 10 years a key focus of his work has been quake precursors, working with colleagues at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Environmental satellites are helping researchers compile data at elevations of about 600 kilometers. At this layer of the atmosphere, the degree of ionization fluctuates daily, and researchers are seeing
More than a few in the scientific community voice skepticism that research into geophysical anomalies such as electromagnetic signals will ever lead to reliable quake forecasting. U.S. funding of such research languished for years but has picked up since 2004, Dr. Ouzounov said, when a magnitude-9 quake off the coast of Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands. “This is still underfunded because officials are basically not convinced it is possible,” he added. “But there is lots of research and success, especially in China and in Europe.”
Researchers have been compiling data for 25 years in China and for more than 40 years in Russia. The key now is to coordinate all that information, along with what’s being collected in California, Japan, Italy, Greece and elsewhere. As increasingly sophisticated satellites and accompanying technology go online, the quality of the data should improve, Dr. Ouzounov noted. There are hurdles in coupling data from, say, the U.S. and Japan because of regional differences in weather and atmospheric conditions, but it’s nothing that can’t be overcome, he added. Dr. Ouzounov said a 1995 quote by the famous seismologist Ari Ben-Menahem, Ph.D. is still relevant: “Unless we launch a concentrated interdisciplinary research effort, we shall always be surprised by the next major earthquake.” “We started our interdisciplinary research learning from the seismology experience,” Dr. Ouzounov added. The winning approach will likely be the interdisciplinary one — a hybrid of ground, seismic and satellite measurements, he said. With that in place, a quake forecast might be possible. Of course, forecasting major quakes will be counterproductive if all it does is cause a panic. “The social element of a weather forecast is just as important as the science,” he said. Ditto quake forecasting. “The reason to do it is to save lives,” Dr. Ouzounov said, “not to make things worse.”
BIG IDEA? ofty l o t 3-D d e re a h c s n t u n de r la u t a t s a n v A ma re. p e a h h t C om ts. r f h t g i i e h ke a t o t ng i r a p e pr
ynd R r e h ristop h C By
er l Kroy sor Bil Profes
“Chapman has really prepared me so that I am confident going in that I can do any type of work (the studios) require,” says Brian Ramirez ’12, who founded the Chapman Digital Arts Club.
magine a day when movies like Avatar are no longer advertised as “in 3-D” because that’s how all movies are made. That day is near, says Greg Foster, president and chairman of filmed entertainment at IMAX. Speaking in March at Chapman’s Folino Theater as part of the Dodge College “Business of the Business” lecture series, Foster said IMAX is working with nearly every studio to produce 3-D versions of their feature films. “Everyone in the industry is thinking about 3-D,” he says. “There’s real momentum behind this technology.” Now imagine a day when the topgrossing blockbuster 3-D movies are directed and produced by graduates of Chapman University. This is the next big idea taking flight at Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. “We are building the greatest digital arts school in America,” says Professor Bill Kroyer, animation pioneer and governor of the animation branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Kroyer was recruited last spring by Dodge College Dean Bob Bassett to lead Chapman’s digital arts program. “We are doing it through our faculty, our curriculum, our students, our facility and the relationships we form with the schools that supply our talent and the studios and businesses that will absorb these students when they graduate from Dodge College.” Trained in classic hand-drawn animation at the Disney Studio, Kroyer was one of the first animators to make the leap to computer animation as computer-image choreographer on Disney’s groundbreaking 1982 feature Tron. “Landmark films like Avatar represent the tip of an iceberg of innovations and technologies that have been emerging into the industry for some time,” he says. “The digital arts — synthetic imagery, CG
animation, visual effects, pre-visualization, motion capture — are a huge growth area.” Case in point: Autodesk’s Maya 3-D Stereo Max, the state-of the-art software for 3-D animation, 3D modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering and compositing. “New techniques, tricks and faster ways of doing things get invented constantly,” says Professor Judy Kriger, who teaches Maya at Dodge College. “But it’s not about the technology really. You have to be an artist first — learn to visualize, learn to draw — then the software becomes your paintbrush.” In fact, emphasizing core skills such as visualization, color theory, anatomy and mechanics of motion was Kroyer’s first digital-arts initiative at Chapman. “The act of drawing is unsurpassed in making an artist think like an artist,” he says.
One of Rote’s most popular courses features the motion capture (or mocap) stage at Dodge Marion Knott Studios. It’s a multi-camera studio where human action is captured and digitized, laying the foundation for character animation. Rote and Kriger have students who intern and graduates who work at Pixar, Dreamworks and Nickelodeon as well as at smaller visualeffects boutiques like The Mill, Rhythm & Hues and Blizzard Entertainment. Both professors encourage collaboration so students teach each other and eventually hire each other. Visits to the major studios allow students to see the pros in action. “Chapman has really prepared me so that I am confident going in that I can do any type of work (the studios) require,” said animation student Brian Ramirez ’12. Ramirez founded the Chapman Digital Arts Club, which provides peerto-peer workshops and mentorship “We are building the greatest outside the classroom. This strategy resonates digital arts school in America.” throughout the many programs at PROFESSOR BILL KROYER Dodge College. Professor Kroyer is working with Dave Master, a high school animation instructor renowned Maya gives filmmakers the ability to for connecting students’ aspirations with visualize an entire film before production professional opportunities. begins. Many studios customize the “Mentorship is key,” says Rote. “I want my software, creating software plug-ins that students to call me at 3 in the morning. I want can calculate the positions of the cranes, to help them get their first IMDB credits. We cameras and lenses while the film is still have to work together to stay in tune with in the mock-up stage. “In this industry, you have to keep Hollywood and scale the great wall of progress waxing your board or you’ll get pummeled with technologies like 3-D stereoscopic.” by the next wave,” says Professor Adam From small steps come giant leaps. Rote, who’s been teaching annimation at “Double-click,” he says, “and we’re Dodge College since 2001. over the wall.”
Shelf Life News flash: Hollywood digital artists collect some pretty cool stuff. So we asked to see what’s on the walls and shelves in the office of Adam Rote, Chapman digital-arts professor and an animator on films such as Barnyard and Cats & Dogs. Here’s some of what we found: Professor Adam Rote
• • •
A 3-D rendering of the Hal 9000 computer from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001.
A vial of blood from the set of the Showtime series Dexter.
An alien from the comedy Men in Black.
A helmet worn by Robert Downey Jr. in Ironman (which pinches your ears when you put it on, BTW).
“If you go into the cubicle farm at a major animation studio, you’ll find all this and more,” Professor Rote said. “I just need a bigger office.” 37
BIG IDEA? For 11 years now, the Holocaust Art and Writing Contest has been bringing together survivors and students.
Voices of Memory and Meaning By Dennis Arp
National awareness of Chapman as a center for Holocaust education.
An extraordinary roster of survivors sharing their stories on campus.
A Holocaust memorial library with an array of resources for research.
A community outreach effort that might be the program’s biggest idea of all.
“It would take a lot of chutzpah to say I had that kind of vision,” Harran, Ph.D., said recently, as the Rodgers Center for Holocaust History prepared to celebrate its 10th anniversary. “What I envisioned was being able to raise $200 to take my students to the Museum of Tolerance (in Los Angeles).” A decade ago, Chapman had a record of engagement with ethical issues but no such record regarding the Holocaust. In fact, there was very little engagement with the Holocaust in all of Orange County, which was home to one of the world’s largest Holocaust-denial organizations. “So to play a role in turning that reputation around and having it happen through the work of Chapman University 38
is really something for which all of us can be proud.” The “us” includes a host of donors who have embraced the program at Chapman, as has President James L. Doti, who “when I came to him with one idea and then another, invariably said, ‘Go for it,’” Dr. Harran said. Then there are the members of the 1939 Club, one of the largest and most active Holocaust survivor organizations in the United States and “the heart and soul of the program,” Dr. Harran added. But the driver of the effort, the one who has helped make it all happen, is Dr. Harran herself, the Stern Chair in Holocaust Education and the founding director of the Rodgers Center. Among her big ideas: What if the Hope, Shannon Finley, Marine View Middle School, Huntington Beach
Turning a Blind Eye, Melinda Moen, Western High School, Anaheim
program mentored not just Chapman students but those at area middle and high schools as well? What if efforts connected them with the real-life stories of survivors so they could grapple with the meaning and lessons of the Holocaust? For 11 years now, students have been participating in the Holocaust Art and Writing Contest, and in 2010, they represented more than 105 schools from throughout Southern California. Participants listen to the testimonies of survivors and witnesses and then use what they learn as inspiration for their own works of art. As it says on the Rodgers Center web page for the contest, “A young person who meets a Holocaust survivor is forever changed by that encounter. Yet each year brings fewer such opportunities and gives added urgency to preparing today’s young
people to become witnesses to the future.” High school student Natalie Beisner became such a witness when she wrote a poem about Silvia Grohs-Martin, the last surviving member of the Jewish Theatre of Amsterdam. Beisner read her winning poem at the annual contest award ceremony in Memorial Hall and when she finished was surprised to learn that Grohs-Martin, then in her late-80s and quite frail, had made the trip from Los Angeles to attend the ceremony. Grohs-Martin came forward and Beisner rushed from the dais, the two meeting at the front of the stage to share an embrace as they burst into tears. “It was one of the greatest moments ever,” Dr. Harran recalled. Not only did the student and the survivor remain in touch, but Dr. Harran developed a friendship with Grohs-Martin and helped her live out her days without having to give up the last measure of her independence. “It’s not just about vision and purpose,” Dr. Harran said, “it’s about things you never could have imagined being a part of but that become some of the most meaningful and important things of life.”
Establishment in 2005 of the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library, where teachers and students can gather to learn from survivors, visual testimonies and printed resources. In the main display area, the library’s Themes of the Holocaust exhibit features photographs and artifacts donated or loaned by survivors. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel spoke at the library’s dedication and returned recently to help mark the Rodgers Center’s 10th anniversary (see story on page 10).
Development of a minor in Holocaust History, which has allowed students from a range of disciplines to pursue interesting academic journeys. For instance, Liane Burns ’11 is mixing passions for dance and history. “Dr. Harran’s passion for her subject and her commitment to her students are why we love her,” Burns said. “It’s not just a lecture, it’s her life.”
High School, First Place, Poem
While the past 10 years have been an extraordinary time in the history
of Holocaust studies at Chapman, it’s important not to think of the anniversary as an end point, Dr. Harran said. She describes the decade ahead as “the most important we could possibly have.” “We have to make the most of this opportunity with the survivors, and we have to think in directions about how we will effectively teach the Holocaust when they are gone.” Who then will carry their witness to the future? At Chapman, the legion of voices is growing.
Chapman Professor Marilyn Harran, Ph.D., with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Eli Wiesel
Collaboration on the Indestructible Spirit photography and memoir project, in which 125 Chapman students have worked with some 80 survivors. “Those students now feel a personal responsibility for remembering and passing these stories,” Dr. Harran noted. “They learn about extraordinary examples of humanity, how people could learn to trust and to live again.”
“It’s not just about vision and purpose, it’s about things you never could have imagined being a part of but that become some of the most meaningful and important things of life.”
The meaningful moments and milestones have helped the Rodgers Center quickly carve out its own place in Chapman history. Among the high points:
People Listening blindly with deluded vengeance, Until their consciences died in flames Like the synagogue, burnt down, and left to ruin. People Purposefully Plundering, burning, breaking. As we shivered upstairs, I wish I had known. Murderers Herding cattle into cars, Until each was on its way Like birds in a cage, kept every day, every day. Mercilessly Whipping, trampling, beating. As I lay in the snow, I wish I had known. Animals Erasing any dignity, Until deprived of identity Like flowers, dried out, and withered. Animals Analytically Demoralizing, degrading, destroying. As I was stamped with that number, I wish I had known. And I sit here today Mourning, reliving, and wondering How never again, happened, again. By Porter Hahn, 10th grade, J Serra Catholic High School, San Juan Capistrano, from survivor testimony by Fred Diament
Upping the Ante
By Dawn Bonker
By Dawn Bonker
As students cash in on cooperation, Dr. Bart Wilson gets answers to a key economic question. art Wilson is so delighted, he’s chuckling. The video playing before him caught two students in a moment of economic cooperation. What could be jollier for an experimental economist whose passion is figuring out what makes humans tick when it comes to economic behavior? “Watch this. This is a good one,” says Wilson, Ph.D., Donald P. Kennedy Endowed Chair in Economics and Law at Chapman University. On the video are two cash-hungry Chapman students parked in front of two computers, each moving a computer mouse, playing a simple matching game with red circles and blue squares. They’re struggling to find the pattern that causes the machines to spit out $1 to each. They try a few game rounds with different combinations of circles and squares, and the money machine barely sputters — a single quarter here or there for one or the other. Sometimes zilch for both.
A gam e Dr. Ba with pok e r about t Wilson, r chips he lp be ec o n o mic b low, learn s ehavio r. They ponder a bit, then one student says, “Let’s try this,” indicating that each should play the red circle. The other follows her companion’s lead. Cha-ching! It’s the winning combo. The pair continues to play the profitable pattern until time is up and they leave the Economic Science Institute lab, pockets jingling with enough to treat pals to pizza. On the surface it appears to be just a novel game, but it’s a serious experiment
“Humans are the most cooperative and collaborative species on the planet” DR. BART WILSON
aimed at answering a big question — how does cooperation happen? It’s exactly the sort of problem the top scientists at Chapman’s Economic Science Institute are bent on solving. Wilson was among the scholars recruited in 2007 to launch Chapman’s ESI, where the laboratory
method of inquiry is used to test out economic behavior and theories. This particular project is supported by a $170,000 National Science Foundation grant and is part of a joint study with Georgia State researchers, who put chimps, capuchins and rhesus macaques to a similar computer game test, but with
kibble treats instead of pocket change for rewards. At his end of the project, Wilson wants to discover how people find and navigate the paths that lead to cooperation. “Humans are the most cooperative and collaborative species on the planet,” he says.
But how do they do it? The search for the answer bears similarities to Wilson’s other research examining how trust and fairness play out in economic behavior. However, this is the first time he’s collaborated with researchers who study comparable issues in non-human primates. The researchers were curious to see how deeply rooted cooperation is in primate behavior, both human and non-human. The secondary reason for the dual project was to help scientists fine-tune the experiment so it could be used crossculturally. Any time instructions are translated, a certain amount of variation in meaning goes with it. Wilson and his colleagues wanted to craft a minimalist experiment that could be used anywhere in the world. “Words carry meaning that can frame the problem (culturally),” Wilson says. So to winnow the experiment down to its essence, the humans’ instructions were sparse — scarcely more than “you will sit at a computer and make decisions.” Chimps and monkeys had no instructions but were adapted to working with a computer joy stick. How’d they all do? Well, the chimps weren’t the champs. But they weren’t bad, either. “This is a little humbling. Human primates were a little better than nonhuman primates, but not spectacularly,” Wilson says, with a smile. At the same time, human success soared when participants talked about the game, as did the two women in the video that so fascinated Wilson. That talking business was an important ingredient to cooperation, Wilson says. “We don’t live in a world where all of the possibilities for cooperation are known. We have to find them,” he says. No talking? Fewer payoffs. Wilson shows another video of two young men. Unlike the first one, Wilson stays in the room with the subjects
sts the study te An element of to cooperate. chimps’ ability
and sits behind a cardboard partition. The game is played manually with poker chips, and Wilson “feeds” the quarters through a slot in the cardboard, but the players still see what the partner plays. The set-up inhibits talking, and without that component, the poker-chip duo stumbles. They don’t experiment. One player plods along, playing the blue poker chip over and over, earning a measly quarter for each play. The other player keeps playing a red poker chip — at a cost, since that play pays out zip. Perhaps he hoped his partner would pick up on the non-verbal clue, Wilson says,
Games that in hibit talking tend to limit student succ ess. between hunting solo and snaring a measly hare each, or hunting in tandem and together bagging the better prize — a stag. Neither hunter knows which course the other is choosing. What is new is exploring the game in a lab under controlled conditions without all the baggage of the outside world’s culture, rules, laws and market systems. Wilson and his colleagues are still compiling their results and mapping out the papers they plan to write up on the project this summer. But Wilson says he is already struck by the importance of language among the human game players.
“We don’t live in a world where all of the possibilities for cooperation are known. We have to find them.” DR. BART WILSON
but there’s no way to be sure. Without the advantage of conversation, they run out of time with barely enough money to buy a latte. “The one guy was never willing to risk giving up the one quarter to explore other possibilities,” Wilson says. “It reinforces the social glue that’s connected to doing well.” The riddle of cooperation is not a new one. The game used in Wilson’s experiment is actually an old game theory game called Assurance, also known as “The Stag Hunt,” and was originally described by Jean-Jacque Rousseau. Two hunters may choose
“Without language, the discovery problem is a tough problem for humans,” he says. It reminds him of the Disney movie Ratatouille, a favorite of his — he quotes the movie on his Chapman website, and a parade of plastic characters given to him by his nieces sits on a bookshelf in his office. “Ratatouille has elements of trust in it, but it’s also about being willing to open up and discover something new. That’s a great theme for a scientist.” And it’s not a bad attitude for anyone trying to discover the nuances of cooperation.
Sometimes it might seem as if the discovery of marijuana dates to the days of those noted explorers Cheech and Chong, but medicinal use of the drug actually has a history that goes back several thousands of years. ore recently, California voters and legislators have sought to grant the seriously ill access to the medical benefits of marijuana without necessarily understanding the science behind the drug’s applications. Now, however, we may be on the path to clarity and to a new era of treatment, thanks to a group of scientific sleuths that includes Chapman Professor Keung-Hang (Susan) Yang, Ph.D. A study recently published by Dr. Yang and five colleagues in the prestigious Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics provides clues for the first time that a particular chemical in marijuana is the source of its effectiveness in treating vomiting and nausea.
as well as those with a variety of other conditions. Although marijuana was known for centuries to have therapeutic actions against vomiting, its use has so far been fairly limited due to the undesirable psychological actions of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another chemical in the drug. These actions include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, and loss of motor coordination. While the majority of these adverse psychological actions are known to be mediated by THC, the contribution of CBD and cannabinol (CBN) to the overall actions of marijuana have remained unknown. Dr. Yang, director of international science programs and professor of biological science
Shedding New Light on Medical Marijuana It’s hoped that by isolating this chemical, called cannabidiol (CBD), and administering it individually, patients will be able to enjoy the medical benefits associated with marijuana use without experiencing the adverse psychological effects. The research indicates that CBD potently inhibits the activity of a neurotransmitter receptor linked closely to the treatment of vomiting, which is often experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
and computational biology at Chapman, and her colleagues continue to perform research into CBD at several sites. There are still many hurdles to clear and answers to provide before the possibility of a new medication is considered. However, the initial research paper piqued the interest of the medical community enough that in February it was top-ranked on the infectious disease portal of the MDLinx web site, which showcases the latest research to healthcare professionals.
Nobel Laureate Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D.
1 2 3 4 5
University of Chicago Chapman University University of California, Berkeley University of California, San Diego George Mason University
1 2 3 4 5
University of Chicago University of California, San Diego Chapman University Harvard University New York University
Counterclockwise from top left: John Dickhaut, Ph.D.; Bart Wilson, Ph.D.; Stephen Rassenti, Ph.D.; David Porter, Ph.D. and Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D.
he field of economics was rocked off its foundations when Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D. first conducted experiments on markets and consumer behavior in a laboratory setting. The results of this cutting-edge research have spanned fields as diverse as finance, accounting, information systems, engineering, psychology, space travel, computer science, law, neuroscience and philosophy. For founding the revolutionary field of experimental economics, he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics.
In 2008, Professor Smith and his colleagues established the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University. This interdisciplinary research effort of the Argyros School of Business and Economics and School of Law distinguishes Chapman University’s educational experience. By fostering an exciting and collaborative approach to teaching and research — and involving their students in the discovery of innovative business solutions — these Chapman scholars are breaking new ground.
in memoria m
LOUIS B. ROCKLAND A leader in the field of food science and a longtime Chapman sports fan, Louis B. Rockland, Ph.D., director emeritus of the Food Science Research Center and professor emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition, died Nov. 1, 2009. He was 90. Dr. Rockland was appointed in 1979 to establish the Food Science program at Chapman after a long and distinguished career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He worked for 35 years — in two different Department of Agriculture laboratories in California — and held several patents for his food research. He served as chair of the Chapman Department of Food Science from 1979-82 and director of the Food Science Research Center from 1979-88. Dr. Walt Clark, former faculty member of Food Science and Nutrition at Chapman and a friend of Dr. Rockland for more than 50 years, described his colleague as one of the brightest food scientists of his day. Dr. Rockland was a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), an international scientific society for food science and food technology professionals and the accrediting body for food science undergraduate programs. Active in the organization, he held a number of officer positions, including chair, in the Southern California Section of IFT. Fred Caporaso, Ph.D., professor of food science at Chapman, worked with Dr. Rockland and said he was internationally recognized for his research on dried beans and water activity.
John Dickhaut, Ph.D., a world-renowned researcher and a founding member of Chapman’s Economic Science Institute, passed away April 9. He was 68. “John loved interacting with students and challenging them to think carefully and deeply about the world around them,” Chancellor Daniele Struppa said in an e-mail to the university. “He was legendary in seminars for asking penetrating questions of speakers and not relenting until the question was answered clearly. Although John was passionate about research, he had a unique sense of humor that made it easy to be relaxed when discussing topics with him,” Dr. Dickhaut, the Jerrold A. Glass Endowed Chair in Accounting and Economics, was acclaimed for his research into the role of information in economies, the laboratory study of preferences and trust. He was also one of the first researchers to use brain imaging to understand the nature of the choice process in the human neural system. He explained his work in an interview for the spring 2008 issue of Chapman Magazine: “The other thing we think we’re beginning to uncover is that the way the brain makes choices seems to be mimicked in how organizations build their norms and their rules. It’s an important frontier,” he said. In a 2008 interview in The Orange County Register, Dr. Dickhaut expressed hopes that the laboratory work of experimental economics could be used to forestall future economic disasters. “Because of the financial debacle I and Steve Gjerstad, a visiting scholar at Chapman, have begun to ask under what conditions can we produce a financial crisis in the laboratory based on the introduction of lending instruments (including derivatives). It is our belief that by beginning to really go after such questions in the laboratory it might help us avoid additional $700 billion experiments down the road,” Dickhaut said. Prior to his arrival at Chapman, Dr. Dickhaut was the Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Accounting at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, where he was a professor of accounting for more than 30 years.
BARBARA STANSELL Known for her vitality and enthusiasm, Barbara Stansell, Ph.D., former Chapman professor and director of the original Communication Science and Disorders Program, passed away April 18. She was 92. Dean Emerita and Director of Fellowships and Scholar Programs Barbara Mulch, Ph.D., recounts, “Barbara was an amazing teacher and mentor as well as being so committed to the program. Under her guidance, the program was very strong and produced outstanding graduates.” Dr. Stansell was known for her strong personality, her many beloved sayings and her outstanding professional work ethic, says Chapman education Professor Judy K. Montgomery, Ph.D. “Dr. Stansell was the most vital faculty member and director of the original CSD program at Chapman. She was a champion for the field,” Dr. Montgomery says.
A founding member of the Communication Studies program and an innovative teacher, Richard A.R. Watson, Ph.D., died Jan. 21. He was 73. “Richard had a quirky personality which charmed many of the students. His creative spirit challenged them to think in new ways and see the discipline through fresh eyes. Richard’s research and teaching interests were truly interdisciplinary,” Chancellor Daniele Struppa said in an e-mail to the university community. Dr. Watson taught a wide range of courses, from interdisciplinary topics such as literature and science and literature and film to communication theory. After receiving his doctorate from the University of Washington, Dr. Watson was appointed to Chapman’s English Department in 1966. Inspired by the teaching of Marshall McLuhan, whom he had met while completing his master’s degree at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Watson worked with Richard Doetkott, Ph.D., to form the Communications Department in 1972. For the rest of his career, Dr. Watson had a joint appointment in both English and communications. Among his more recent scholarly interests was the juncture between semiotic theory and Internet imaging, which he defined as “web poesis.” He developed the website, which uses animation and text to develop a Mennipean satire exploring the communication process for academics and students. He was also working on a book to complement the website, ProXemiotics: A Co-Evolutionary Theory of Human Culture and Speciation.
A botanist known for his sense of humor, Ted Mortenson, Ph.D., professor emeritus, biological sciences, passed away Jan. 15. He was 67. Dr. Mortenson came to Chapman in 1970 after earning his doctorate at Claremont College and teaching junior high and high school. “He was the resident botanist in a sea of faculty with specialties in bugs, animals, birds and humans and he would always have a rejoinder in department meetings about the superiority of plants,” Chancellor Daniele Struppa said in an e-mail to the university community. Dr. Mortenson served as chair of the Department of Biology in 1977-78, 1981-88 and 1991-93 and was a vocal member of the Teacher Education Committees of the 1970s and ’80s. For 22 years (1975-97), he served as marshal for the 50-year alumni classes. He served on the Faculty Personnel Committee, Faculty Welfare Committee and other faculty governance groups on campus. His trademark was his willingness to help others and his unwavering enthusiasm. He retired in 2002.
DOROTHY HURST MILLS A professor emeritus of Spanish at Chapman known for her hospitality to students, Dorothy Hurst Mills, Ph.D., passed away Dec. 1, 2009 in New Mexico, where she retired in 1990 to be near her daughter. She was 81. Dr. Hurst Mills, who received all of her degrees from the University of Southern California, was appointed to the Chapman faculty in 1965. Dr. Hurst Mills held several administrative appointments during her distinguished career at Chapman and served as chair of the Department of Languages for three years and as director of the Evening, Interterm and Summer programs for two years during the 1970s. She wrote two books, Survival Spanish and Spanish Vocabulary and Structure for the Health Professional. In addition, she founded a publishing company, which published several books written by Chapman Professor Paul Delp, Ph.D.
The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050 (Penguin Press)
By Joel Kotkin, Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures The suburbs will be different but strong, America will be more diverse but competitive, and the hand-wringers who say American progress is history will have to find a new fixation, Kotkin suggests in this new book that Kirkus Reviews calls “A fascinating glimpse into a crystal ball, rich in implications that are alternately disturbing and exhilarating.” In stark contrast to the rest of the world’s advanced nations, the United States is growing at a record rate and, according to census projections, will be home to 400 million Americans by 2050. This projected rise in population is the strongest indicator of our long-term economic strength, Kotkin believes, and will make the United States more diverse and more competitive than any nation on earth. Drawing on prodigious research, firsthand reportage and historical analysis, The Next Hundred Million reveals how this unprecedented growth will take physical shape and change the face of America. The majority of additional hundred million Americans will find their homes in suburbia, though the suburbs of tomorrow will not resemble the Levittowns of the 1950s or the sprawling exurbs of the late 20th century. The suburbs of the 21st century will be less reliant on major cities for jobs and other amenities and, as a result, more energy efficient, Kotkin predicts.
American Entrepreneur: The Fascinating Stories of the People Who Defined Business in the United States (AMACOM)
By Lynne Pierson Doti, Ph.D., David and Sandra Stone Professor of Economics, George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics Co-written with University of Dayton Professor Larry Schweikart, this is a history of America told through profiles and stories of its pioneering business people. The book blog First Friday Book Synopsis selected it as one of the Top 10 business books of 2009. 46
An Illustrated and Illuminated Manuscript of the Gospel of Thomas (Letterata)
By Marvin Meyer, Ph.D., professor, Griset Chair in Bible and Christian Studies Dr. Meyer, with watercolor artist and calligrapher Carol Nichols, has created a limited-edition art book that presents his translation of The Gospel of Thomas in the style of illuminated sacred manuscripts. The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas is one of the Nag Hammadi texts rediscovered in Egypt in 1945. “I am particularly pleased that The Gospel of Thomas is presented in this illustrated edition,” said Dr. Meyer. “In many ways it is in itself a work of literary artistry, with sayings of Jesus given in a nuanced and poetic style. It merits a presentation as art — sacred art — and in this volume The Gospel of Thomas is published for the first time in an illustrated and illuminated version. Here the sayings of Jesus in The Gospel of Thomas may be read as translated words and also experienced as spiritual vision.”
Robert Graves: Translating Rome (Carcanet Press)
By Patrick Quinn, Ph.D., dean and professor, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of English, general editor This 20th installment in the planned 24-volume Collected Works of Robert Graves represents a landmark in the ambitious project, which has sometimes had to overcome calamity as well as master Graves’ monumental body of work. This collection began back in 1993 and has survived a number of obstacles in its 17-year history. The proofs of two volumes were destroyed back in June 1996 when an IRA bomb destroyed part of the publisher’s office in Manchester, England. Dean Quinn remembers the phone call the next day from the publisher saying everyone in the office was fine, but the proofs had simply evaporated by the force of the explosion. “So, we started again from scratch and managed to publish both volumes the following year. Then there was the introduction of a volume of two Graves novels which was belatedly considered a bit too politicized to go to press, and Carcanet Press determined that a new 10,000-word introduction had to be written in a week’s time or the volume’s appearance would be delayed by two years. Somehow the introduction got finished on time!”
The Culture of Excess: How Americans Lost Self-Control and Why We Need to Redefine Success (ABC-CLIO)
By Jay Slosar, Ph.D., adjunct professor, Schmid College of Science, Department of Psychology Slosar diagnoses the psychological engines of an indulgent era and offers his prescription for helping “Generation Me” become “Generation We.”
Master of the Air: William Tunner and the Success of Military Airlift (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press) By Robert Slayton, Ph.D., Henry Salvatori Professor of American Values and Traditions, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History
The work profiles Tunner, father of the military airlift. An up-and-coming Air Force general, in 1948 Tunner was assigned to command the Berlin Airlift, a pivotal event that forever changed military transport. Detailed in Dr. Slayton’s book is Tunner’s historic mission of supplying a city with everything it needed — from food to coal — to survive the Soviet blockade during the earliest days of the Cold War. The mission was expected to fail but ended up being a public-relations triumph for the West and a pioneering use of military air transport. Roger G. Miller, director of the U.S. Air Force Contract History Program, praised the book, saying, “Slayton provides the first complete biography, and it has some original insights, such as the connection he explores between Tunner, the Berlin Airlift and the Stalingrad airlift.”
f a c u lt y n e w s
Celebrating the Work of Dr. Ronald Scott
C Judas Event Caps Season of ‘A Night With…’ Marv Meyer, Ph.D., chair of Chapman’s Religious Studies Department, took on the role of one of the most complicated characters in the Bible, Judas Iscariot, then led a spirited discussion in the final event in Wilkinson College’s “A Night With…” series. Meyer’s performance in Fish Interfaith Center’s Wallace All Faiths Chapel concluded the three-part series, which also featured Robert Slayton, Ph.D., professor in history, portraying Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Richard Ruppel, Ph.D., professor of English, depicting author Joseph Conrad. Audiences praised the first season for the performance series, created by Wilkinson to bring historic personalities to life with reenactments by faculty members who have done extensive research on the characters portrayed. A new series of “A Night With…” events will launch in November, with Angela Tumini, Ph.D., assistant professor of languages, portraying Danish author Karen Blixen (also known as Isak Dinesen). Also on tap: Lynda Hall, Ph.D., assistant professor of English, as novelist Jane Austen, and Richard Doetkott, Ph.D., professor of communications studies, as Abraham Lincoln. 48
olleagues, former students, friends and well-wishers gathered in Argyros Forum on May 11 to celebrate the career and work of Ronald L. Scott, Ph.D., on the occasion of his retirement as a psychology professor in the Schmid College of Science. President James L. Doti praised Dr. Scott for his dedication and recited these words from William Faulkner as tribute, saying one is “immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but President James L. Doti praised because he has a soul, a spirit capable of the dedication of Dr. Ronald compassion and sacrifice and endurance.” The L. Scott, who retired in May words “describe Ron to a T,” President Doti said. after 31 years at Chapman. Dr. Scott, a leading researcher and expert in psychological assessment with emphasis on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2 and MMPI-A), psychology’s most frequently used test of personality and psychopathology, retired after 31 years at Chapman. Carolyn Vieira-Martinez, Ph.D., assistant professor of history, was a consultant for Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins’ play Break the Whip, a colonial American history set in 17th-century Virginia. The play was performed by the historic Actors’ Gang Theater in Culver City. Wilkinson College and Dodge College students also attended the play’s opening and participated in post-performance discussions with the director, cast and crew. Vernon Smith, Ph.D., Nobel laureate and professor of economics and law, received the “Annual Award for the Contribution to the Proliferation of Liberal Thinking and the Ideas of Liberty, Private Property, Competition and the Rule of Law” on Feb. 26 from the Liberalni Institut in Prague in the Czech Republic. He also gave the annual lecture, “Mortgage Market Bubbles that Engulf Economies, 1997-2009; 1920-1932,” was heard by more than 300 people at the Czech National Bank. Mark Axelrod, Ph.D., professor of comparative literature and director of the John Fowles Center for Creative Writing, has had one of his paintings, “Postage Due,” selected to appear in the latest issue of the art magazine Area Zinc. “The work combines graphic design and what used to be called concrete poetry or visual prose,” Dr. Axelrod explains. Joseph Runzo, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and religious studies, directed a conference at Chapman called “The Ethics of War and Just Peace,” featuring a group of international scholars who gathered April 28 to discuss how the old tenants of Just War Theory might be remade for a new world. The conference is part of a five-year project of the international non-profit Global Ethics and Religion Forum. Just War Theory evolved in a medieval world ordered by monarchs, but today’s conflicts are driven as much by insurgents and terrorists as nation states, he says. Dr. Runzo also directed a four-day symposium in Melbourne, Australia on the ethics of war and peace with experts in international relations, international law, ethics, political science and history.
alumni ne ws
Finding Delight in the Details By Dawn Bonker
homas Ainsworth Robichaux, J.D. ’99, loves detail work. The kind it takes to hold together a legal system when you’re the only city attorney in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The kind it takes to jump into politics, run and be elected to the Orleans Parish School Board just when the whole system needs rebuilding. And as if that weren’t enough, Robichaux, one of the first openly gay persons elected to public office in New Orleans, persevered through the details it takes to adopt a gay teen-ager. Robichaux, 41, says the passion for all he has undertaken comes naturally, but the know-how he learned at Chapman’s School of Law. “It was a brand new school, and being in the founding class, starting and setting up all the traditions was very exciting to me. I helped write the bylaws for Nexus, the law journal, and helped edit the American Bar Association study that got us accreditation. My fingerprints are all over that school, and I take pride in that,” he says. Robichaux, now deputy city attorney for New Orleans, says attending a fledgling law school turned out to be ideal training for the start-from-scratch projects he faced in the post-Katrina years. “Starting a program is a lot more work. It’s a lot more attention to detail that we had to learn (at Chapman),” he says. The influence was huge, he says. “I learned to be a writer and researcher. And I learned — and I found this to be true in government — that there’s a big difference between starting a program and taking control of a program that already exists. We really are starting over here. There has been a big push in every aspect of government.” It also takes energy and dedication, both inherited from a family that considers public service to be second nature, he says. Family members in generations before him have been local officials, mayors and
congress members. “You’re supposed to go out and save the world and make the world a better place, if you can,” he says. Robichaux is trying. He sits on the board of Forum for Equality, a statewide gay and lesbian civil-rights organization, is a member of the Louisiana Democratic Party State Central Committee, is running for election to the state legislature in a special election to fill an open seat and is the proud father of Jonathan, 19. He also maintains a solo private law practice. And while gay rights are an important issue to him, he says sexual orientation has been an inconsequential factor in his own career and political life. “New Orleans is a rather liberal, free-spirited town anyway. Most of my friends are straight lawyers. We hang out and go to happy hour. It never has been an issue,” he says. Next Robichaux says he would like to write about the days immediately after
Thomas Robichaux, J.D. ’99, says lessons he learned as a member of the founding class of the Chapman School of Law have helped him tackle the many leadership challenges of post-Katrina New Orleans.
Katrina. And there is another detail to which he still has to attend. It seems there’s a certain university president who was promised a special meal some time back. “I still owe President Doti a gumbo. I promised him.” No doubt that’s a detail Robichaux will not let slide.
Weathering the Storm
f someday you find yourself in the Gulf of Mexico riding out a hurricane on a cruise liner that’s tossing about like Gilligan’s little pleasure boat, hope that Thomas Ainsworth Robichaux, J.D. `99, is aboard. The New Orleans attorney knows just how to pack for that particular style of sailing. “Jack Daniels!” Robichaux says. Robichaux, then assistant city attorney for New Orleans, spent three stomachchurning days at sea when the city’s temporary post-Katrina offices — a Carnival cruise ship — was forced to sail into the gulf to ride out Hurricane Rita. Gut-wrenching as they were, those days were a break from the tremendous job of sorting out the city’s legal issues in the months following the Katrina disaster. Robichaux and his staff dealt non-stop with myriad legal issues, from whether a city bulldozer could just plow through a house on the verge of collapse to whether the mayor was authorized to declare Marshall Law. Tough days, but all spent in the name of protecting his beloved city, Robichaux says. “This city gets under your skin and stays there.”
alumni ne ws
Maternal Health Is at the Heart of Fulbright Winner’s Research
auryn Linsell ’09, has been named a Fulbright Award winner for the 2010–11 academic year, a grant she’ll use to work on maternal health issues in Nicaragua. Maternal health problems captured both Linsell’s heart and energy during a studyabroad term she spent in Nicaragua to establish a women’s project with Natural Doctors International and more recently as director of the Public Health Brigade in Honduras, a program of the Global Medical Brigades. “Between the machismo mindset and the strong religious influence in these countries, reproductive health is a controversial topic and creates a stigma against women who are proactive about their health,” says Linsell, a biology major with a minor in Spanish at Chapman. “Opening up more conversations and alerting women to the
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resources available to them is the goal of my research, and I hope to investigate deeper into that need in this culture.” The rural region of Nicaragua where Linsell will be posted suffers from the country’s highest rate of maternal morbidity. The needs there are many and “overwhelming,” Linsell says. “There are too many to give priority to one or the other.” But women’s reproductive health education is a good place for her to start, she says. “I’m passionate about my work in women's reproductive health because as a woman I’m empathetic to the struggles and sufferings of other women,” Linsell says. “The beauty in being a woman is finding solidarity with other women.” Barbara Mulch, Ph.D., director of Fellowships and Scholar Programs for
Fulbright Award winner Lauryn Linsell ’09, right, poses with Danixa Amador, Linsell’s host mother during her study-abroad term in Nicaragua.
Chapman, says Linsell has a big job ahead, but she predicts the Fulbright winner will excel. “She’s an amazing student,” Dr. Mulch says. “Lauryn is going to be changing women’s lives. She’s already been doing that and she’s going to be doing more. So I couldn’t be more proud and delighted.”
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E-mail your news and photos to or mail to: Alumni Relations, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866. Any pictures received by mail will be scanned and returned. Class Notes are subject to editing due to space. To post Class Notes and photos online, visit
George Waters, Class of ’83, was the lead in Noel Coward’s witty British farce Blithe Spirit, presented at the Inland Valley Repertory Theatre in Claremont.
of the Seas. Pat also presented the arts and crafts program aboard the Mariner of the Seas while cruising the Mexican Rivera. Her husband, Tom, BS economics and business administration ’60, assisted her. The couple live in Orange.
For more information, visit George lives in Pasadena.
Collin Roe, BS chemistry ’62, lives with his wife, Barbara, in Big Bear. He has two sons, Mitch, a software engineer in Palo Alto, and Matt, a global information specialist in San Diego. Collin and Barbara have two grandchildren.
▲ The Rev. Dean Echols, BA religion ’46, after retiring six times from various positions in different churches, has decided to stay retired. Dean is involved in the volunteer ministry in the Laguna Woods Village First Christian Church, where he served as the minister of visitation. In his spare time, Dean is an emeriti member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors and serves as chaplain for the organization. He organizes monthly music programs for Schumacher Theatre in The Covingtons, Aliso Viejo. Dean and his wife, Mally, live in Aliso Viejo.
1970s Gwen (Hiroto) Blankenship, BA biology ’70, and her husband, Jim, welcomed their third grandchild, Zane James Webster, on Jan. 27, 2009. Jim and Gwen live in Lake Forest.
Susan had been a travel agent and travel industry trainer and has held several positions at pioneering travel websites, including Preview Travel and Travelocity. She and her husband, Dave, reside in North Beach.
1980s Susan (Mills) Waldron, BA American studies ’72, has a pre-retirement job as concierge of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco. She is also director of technology for the Northern California Concierge Association.
Tiffany Ashley, BS business administration, economics and finance ’88, lives in Indiana with her two children, Jaclyn, 14, and Tim, 12. After being downsized from her previous
1950s Robert Reid, BA philosophy ’59, and wife, Nancy, BA education ’62, moved into a new home. They reside in Redlands. Bob is a member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors.
1960s Patricia (Wood) Elliott, BA education ’60 and MA education ’74, served as the arts and crafts lecturer aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Explorer
Lili Bess, BA communications ’88, is still freelancing for a major broadcast network as a live remote graphics specialist. She spent February in Canada working for Olympic Broadcast Services, the host broadcaster for the Vancouver Olympics. While there, she coordinated all the live graphics at the Whistler Sliding Centre, where the luge, skeleton and bobsled competitions were held. She also managed to fit in some snowboarding. Lili resides in Seal Beach.
position, she is looking for new employment opportunities and would love to network with any Chapman graduates.
Carolyn Bahr, BA communications ’89, lives in Burbank and is a music editor for the entertainment industry. She worked on the independent feature film Bob’s New Suit and is working on the ABC Wednesday night comedy series The Middle.
Tessa Dick, BA communications ’82 and MA English ’91, has published multiple literary works. Her novel The Owl in Daylight and memoir Philip K. Dick: Remembering Firebright are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers. Tessa does most of her writing at her home in Crestline.
Gil Yurly, BA sociology ’82, is working with products and technologies that have worldwide patents in anti-aging, including the “Galvanic Spa,” which combats lines, wrinkles and cellulite. He and his team have 28 consecutive months of record sales. Gil resides in Orange.
1990s George A. Allmon, BA social science ’96, is a Navy commander serving as commanding officer at Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU), Lemoore. His previous duty stations were seven deployments on five different aircraft carriers, including USS Enterprise (CVN-65), Norfolk, Va., USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), Norfolk, Va., and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), Everett, Wash. He also served at numerous shore commands, including executive officer of CNATTU Lemoore and Naval Maintenance Training Group, Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego. His awards include four Navy and Marine Corps commendation medals and five Navy and Marine Corps achievement medals as well as campaign and service medals.
Karen Delaney, BS applied mathematics, MA education ’97, and Laurel Cherry are both public education math teachers. They launched Creative Instructions, a Yorba Linda company that sells educational tools Karen and Laurel made for their classrooms. The products have been well received by the educational community. For more information, visit
performance ’05, studied the Meisner Technique at Playhouse West. Hallock has earned credits for True Blood and Clint Eastwood’s Academy Award-nominated Letters from Iwo Jima. In 2007, he traveled to Alaska to film Godspeed, which is on the festival circuit. In spring 2010, he starred with Miley Cyrus and Greg Kinnear in The Last Song from Disney/Touchstone Pictures.
Derick Alexander, BFA film
is the annual fund manager for MIND Research Institute in Santa Ana. MIND Research is a non-profit organization that enables students to reach their academic potential with math instructional software. Chris lives with his wife and son in Rancho Santa Margarita.
studies ’96, owns Comune, a clothing design company that was named Small Business of the Year by the Orange County Hispanic Chamber on April 17, 2010. The company is recognized for its excellent community citizenship. Frank is a member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors and resides in Orange.
▲ Kevin Charlston, MPT
▲ Robert Diaz, BS business
physical therapy ’97, and his wife, Katie, had their first child, Cole Alexander Charlston, on Aug. 19, 2009. Kevin is an outpatient physical therapist for Providence Medical Center in Portland, Ore.
administration ’97, and his wife, Rebecca, welcomed their first child, Stella Felice, on Jan. 11, 2010. Robert is president of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors. The family resides in Santa Ana.
Hallock Beals, BFA theatre
and government and economics ’93, was elected president of the Class 18th Street Arts Center board, a live-work community for national and international artists seeking to publish, perform, work and/or exhibit in Los Angeles County. Lori is a Los Angeles County deputy public defender and avid arts advocate.
▲ Frank Delgadillo, BA legal Chris Baiocchi, BA English ’98,
Lori A. Harris, BA social science
’09, won an award of merit on Oct. 9, 2009 from The Accolade Competition for his historic period short film The Last Days of Toussaint L’Ouverture. As an actor and director, Derick (Dreamgirls, Castaway, King of Queens) has been recognized for his exceptional achievement in craft and creativity. In earning an Accolade, he joins other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award. Derick lives in Costa Mesa.
Jaime O. Arroyo, BFA theatre and dance ’02, works in the TV productions department for Disneyland in Anaheim. He opened North Orange County’s first division of the World Adult Kickball Association. He resides in Whittier.
▲ Holly Fisher, BA communications ’04, married Sean Lutkenhouse on Aug. 1, 2009. Holly graduated from UCLA in June 2009 with a master’s degree in information science and works at Ernst & Young in Los Angeles. Sean is a national account manager for Virgin’s newest airline, V Australia. The couple live in Hermosa Beach.
▲ Sara (Elizalde) Bourne, Class of 2000, and her husband, Aaron Bourne, BA political science ’97, were married at Rex Hill Vineyard on Aug. 12, 2006 in Portland, Ore. They welcomed their first child, Eliana Leah Bourne, on March 3, 2009. They live in Beaverton, Ore.
Mike Brown, BA business administration and marketing ’06, is co-founder of and was featured in the textbook American Entrepreneur. He was the 2006 first-place winner of the Global Student Entrepreneur Award presented by the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization. Mike resides in La Habra. Todd Croak-Falen, BFA film ’02, has published his first novel, Catch Up to Myself. He resides in Los Angeles. Kyle Dickinson, BFA film ’07, received a job as the assistant to Roland Emmerich, Peter Tolan (Rescue Me) and former producing partner Michael Wimer (10,000 B.C., The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, The Patriot). The group formed Fedora Entertainment. Kyle lives in Los Angeles. Jessica Grangier, BS business administration ’08, is a program specialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lower Eastern Shore in Maryland. Her responsibilities include developing and maintaining mentorships in five counties and interviewing those who would like to volunteer. Michael Hudson-Medina, BA art ’00, is the executive director of Latino Arts LA, a nonprofit organization that works with local youth in Downtown Los Angeles.
Jennifer Jessee, BA leadership and organizational studies ’07, was accepted into the strategic public relations master’s program of George Washington University College of Professional Studies. She is celebrating one year as the program assistant in the Alumni Relations office of Chapman University. Jennifer remains active in her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, as the new member adviser.
Jordan Kaye, public relations and advertising ’06, started a lifestyle guide, City Confidant, for Seattle, recommending restaurants, entertainment, shopping, culture, travel and events. For more information, visit
Mindy King, BA history ’04, is working with seven-time bestselling author Michael Levin at Business Ghost, Inc. in Newport Beach as writer, editor and business manager. When she is not planning her next archaeological excavation or riding her bicycle on muddy hillsides, Mindy continues to volunteer with the Orangewood Children’s Foundation, Olive Crest, and the Chapman Alumni Association. She would like to thank professors William Cumiford, BA history ’63, Lee Estes and Robert Slayton for their inspiration and support. In summer 2010, she plans to scale pyramids in Belize. When not traveling, Mindy lives in Santa Ana.
Adrienne Kimble, BA communications and dance ’01, earned her MBA from UC Irvine’s Paul Merage School of Business in 2009. For the past six years, she has worked for Lennar, a Fortune 500 home builder, as well as Omnicom-owned Zimmerman Advertising, the nation’s 14th-largest advertising agency. She accepted a position as the marketing director for Santa Ana-based Veros Software. She resides in Costa Mesa.
▲ Juri Ko, BA peace studies ’08, after visiting Nagar, India, while studying abroad, started a foundation, Share Our Hearts, to benefit school children in Nagar, India. She hosted an art show in Tokyo, where she resides, to showcase her photographs of India and raise funds for the foundation. Her art show raised more than $13,000. Juri traveled back to India in November to donate the funds and 17,000 pencils to the village where she lived and taught. She feels that pencils symbolize education and knows the children she taught in India would love them. She is writing a book to inform people about the issues the people of India face.
Jason Moore-Brown, BA political science ’00, and his girlfriend, Sharon, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, William Jack. Jason is a member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors. The family resides in Anaheim Hills.
Scott L. Levitt, JD ’03, LLM ’10, is a candidate for lieutenant governor of California. His campaign will include speaking engagements as he gathers support from the community. The official campaign website is Contributions and volunteers are greatly appreciated. Scott lives with his wife in Ontario.
Katie Meath, BFA film and television ’09, works at MTV, where she is the executive assistant to Steve Tseckares, senior vice president of production and special programming, and Tony Dibari, senior vice president of production. Previously, Katie was
assistant to Alexa Chung while the MTV series It’s On with Alexa Chung aired. Katie resides in Hawthorne.
Jessica Nettinga, BA psychology ’05, married Patrick McHonett on Dec. 19, 2009. Chapman alumni in attendance were matron of honor
Caitlin (Rantschler) Wittenberger, BS business administration ’06, Larissa Errichetto, BA psychology ’06, Bethany Crouch, BFA film and television ’04, Nadine Kunkel, BS business administration ’04, Adrianna Gonzalez, BA psychology ’07, David May, BFA film and television ’05, and Kyle Horst, BFA creative writing ’06. The couple live in Phoenix.
Shawn Potter, MBA business administration ’07, is the new general manager for Orascoptic and Surgical Acuity, a division of Kerr. He manages the Demetron and SybronEndo electromechanical products. He and his wife, Angie, and their daughter, Helena, will relocate to Wisconsin. ▲ Jenna (Nicoletti) Williams, Sisters Carla Sancho, BA English ’05, and Andrea Sancho, BA political science and economics ’08, have started an Internet business called in La Habra. The company, which sells wedding cake toppers and accessories, is striving to make the brand name Bella Novia well-known.
BA public relations and advertising ’06, and her husband, Reagan Williams, BS computer science ’06, welcomed their second child, Porter Robert Williams, on Jan. 19, 2010. He joins big sister Emerson Rose. Jenna is a member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors. The family resides in Irvine.
▲ Jaime Tunila, BS business
▲ Teren Shaffer, BM music education and performance ’08, married Chapman alumna Brianna Peckham, BA music therapy ’09, on July 12, 2009. Chapman alumni in the wedding party were best man Ryan Corry, BA political science and English ’08, Trent Huston, BS accounting ’08, and Maya Kalinowski, BA music ’08. Teren is attending the prestigious Cincinnati Conservatory of Music’s conducting program, while Brianna is completing her music therapy internship at MusicWorx, Inc. In summer 2010, the couple will travel to Italy, where Teren will participate in the CCM opera program in Spoleto.
administration ’06, married Robert Hobbs, Class of 2007, on Oct. 10, 2009, at Dove Canyon Country Club in Rancho Santa Margarita. Several Chapman alumni participated in the wedding, including Christy Southern, BS business administration ’07, Kathy Farmand, BS business administration ‘06, Christine McGowan, BS business administration ’09, and Brent Tarquin, Class of 2007. Jaime is a sales representative for the Sciele Pharma, and Robert is vice president for the RC Hobbs Company. The couple reside in Irvine.
Erika Wilson, BS business administration ’07, married Brian Janowiak, BS mathematics ’07, on April 11, 2009 at Newcastle
Wedding Gardens in Newcastle. Chapman alumni attending the wedding included groomsman Westly Zelle-Richards, Class of 2006, Jeffrey Harris, BA communications studies ’07, Zach Bloomfield, BA economics ’07, Kelsea Ballantyne, BS business administration ’07, Devin Chang, BS business administration ’05, and Kellen Brenner, BS business administration, BA history ’05. Erika is a sales and marketing coordinator for Renaissance Food Group LLC. Brian is a civil engineer at Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering. The couple purchased their first home and reside in Roseville.
Erik Wright, BA political science ’08, and Evan Minogue, Class of 2008, as business partners started a lifestyle bicycle store, WheelHouse, in Santa Barbara.
Melissa Webster, BFA theatre/dance ’01, graduated in May 2009 with a special education credential in deaf/ hard of hearing from California Lutheran University, where she was awarded Student Teacher of the Year. Melissa earned her master’s of science in the education of the deaf from CLU in May 2010. She teaches oral deaf and hard-of-hearing kindergarten students in the Los Angeles Unified School District and resides in Long Beach.
▲ Kali Waters, BA public relations and advertising ’07, and Ethan Cushing, MFA film production ’07, were married Oct. 25, 2009 at the Linen Building in Boise, Idaho. Bridesmaids included Chapman alumnae
Molly Glynn, BA communications ’06 and Bonnie (Coil) Lewis, BA religious studies ’07. Melissa (Luczak) Tomeoni, BA art ’04, served as the photographer. Other alumni in attendance included Joshua Tomeoni, BA legal studies and communications ’06, Kyle Horst, BA creative writing ’06, Erin Deseure, BFA theatre performance ’08, Nicole Provansal, BA economics ’07 and MBA business administration ’09, Jeff Werner, BFA graphic design ’07, and Bryan Nest, MFA film production ’09. Kali is an account executive for Draftfcb, while Ethan works as a development executive at Avatar Entertainment Group. The couple reside in Los Angeles.
FRIENDS WE WILL MISS Stacy Dolby, BA religion ’49, passed away on Dec. 15, 2009. Earlier
Charles Dean “Chuck” Holloway, BS business administration
in the year, he and his wife, Shirley, celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary. Stacy served as a minister for Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ, and he also worked in higher education. When he retired from Northern Illinois University in 1989, the university created the Dolby Award for the Enhancement of Diversity in his honor. The award recognizes the student, faculty or staff member from NIU most actively involved in enhancing diversity on campus.
’52, passed away Dec. 31, 2009 at age 82. Chuck served in the Marine Corps until 1948 and then attended Chapman College, where he met Dorothy Whitley, BA religion ’51, whom he married in 1951. Chuck worked at Valley National Bank for 21 years and was active in Kiwanis and his church. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy.
Louise (Haven) Warriner, an alumna of the ’40s, passed away on Jan. 18, 2009 at Apple Valley, due to vascular dementia. Louise was a member of Beta Chi local sorority and Associated Students during her time at Chapman.
Chuck Holloway, BS business administration ’52, passed away on Dec. 31, 2009. He and his wife, Dorothy “Johnni” Whitley ’51, lived in Sun City, Ariz., for the past 10 years. Chuck retired from Valley National Bank (now Chase) as a branch manager, in 1990, after 23 years. Ruth (Sande) St. John, BA political science ’42, passed away on March 30, 2009. She had been a lifelong member of Theta Sigma Gamma (Thetas) local sorority. Ruth was preceded in death by her husband, Milton. The couple had resided in Glendale.
Art Raab, BA history ’50, passed away on Nov. 20, 2009 at the age of 84. He married his Chapman sweetheart, Frances Martin Raab ’47, and had been a high school teacher and community activist in Lodi. Art remained lifelong friends with his college roommate, Eldred “Mac” McCaughna, BA sociology ’49.
David C. Smith, Jr., BA education ’57, passed away on Dec. 13, 2009. Born Jan. 15, 1935 in Terre Haute, Indiana, his family moved to Burbank, where he graduated from John Burroughs High School. He received an athletic scholarship from Chapman and was inducted into the university’s Athletic Hall of Fame in November 2002 for his basketball talent. He earned his degree in teaching and he raised his family in Orange. After 35 years with the Orange Unified School District, David retired and moved to Utah. He traveled and sang in his church choir. David moved back to California in September 2008. He is preceded in death by his wife of 35 years, Georgette. Friends are invited to share memories of David at through Dec. 20, 2010.
Elmer Frederick Cordray, ’51 of Hemet passed away Feb. 4, 2010 in Hemet. Elmer served in the Navy during World War II. In 1946, he married Viola Luise Beu. While at Chapman, Elmer played baseball. The couple moved to Covina in 1955. He worked as a teacher and counselor with the Azusa Unified School District. The couple were active at the Covina Methodist Church for 30 years. After retirement, they moved to Hemet, where Elmer was a member of Hemet United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife.
Roberta M. “Bert” Lacey, BA physical education ’59, passed away on Dec. 24, 2009. After graduating from Chapman College, she taught for a short time at Biola College in La Mirada. For the next 37 years, she worked for the Oxnard Union High School District. Roberta distinguished herself as a teacher, coach and drill team instructor, also working with the faculty senate to prepare teachers for the future. Bert was honored three times as teacher of the year. She was a member of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Oxnard, where she sang in the choir and served on many committees.
Marianne Fraticelli, BA music ’59, passed away Nov. 25, 2009 after a long battle with cancer. Marianne was a member of Lafayette Christian Church in Lafayette. Her granddaughter, Alicia Fraticelli ’10 attends Chapman University.
Margaret Feldman, BA sociology ’37, a community activist who organized a walking history tour of southwest Washington, D.C. and fought for neighborhood improvements for 20 years, died of heart disease on Nov. 7, 2009, in Ithaca, N.Y., where she had lived since 2005. While at Chapman, she was the first woman to be elected student body president. She received a master’s degree in social work in 1939 from what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Margaret married Harold Feldman in 1943 in Washington and they moved to Ithaca, N.Y. She joined the Ithaca College faculty and received a doctorate in educational psychology from Cornell University in 1968. The couple moved to Washington, D.C., where Dr. Feldman was the lobbyist for the National Council on Family Relations.
Mary (Asel) Mills-Fearn, MS human resources management and development ’91, passed away on Feb. 9, 2010. Among her survivors is daughter Lori (Mills) Horner, BFA graphic design ’95. Services were held in Edmonton, Alberta. Dolores Wolf, BA psychology ’50, passed away on March 12, 2010. The service was held at the Church of Our Fathers, Cypress. She was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dolores was an active member of the Chapman University Town & Gown Board of Directors.
PANTHERS on the Prowl Niko Turko, BA public relations and advertising ’09, and Sommer Hogan, BA public relations and advertising ’09, are teaching English to kindergarten students at the International Phoenix School in Jomtien, Thailand. They love that working with Thai students and families allows them to experience the culture and international workplace firsthand. What’s more, they’ve had a chance to travel throughout Southeast Asia, including Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Bali, China and Malaysia.
Adam Kalma, BFA theatre performance ’07, and Billy Otteman, communications BS business administration ’08, spent 2009 teaching English in Seoul, South Korea. Adam taught middle school students, while Billy taught elementary. However, it was the time spent outside of class, exploring the country and culture, that were the most thrilling, challenging, rewarding and life-changing, they say. Their year abroad included trips to China, Thailand and elsewhere in Asia. Their motto: “Every day is a new adventure.”
David Ellis, BS business administration ’00, enjoyed a visit to the historic ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru. He is retiring as vice president and continuing as a member of the Chapman Alumni Association Board of Directors. David, a Newport Beach resident, is a member of the tenant advisory group at CB Richard Ellis Inc.
David Green, BA communications ’94; Karl Weaver, BFA film and television, BA leadership and organizational studies ’05; Joshua Jackson, BA psychology ’05; and Jaime Arroyo, BFA theatre and dance ’02, had plenty to celebrate as they attended a friend’s wedding in Ecuador. Jason Siddons, BFA communications ’94, later joined them. The group of Adelpho fraternity brothers traveled on the “Chivas,” an open-air party bus that tours the city streets of Ecuador.
Looking for a spectacular, hand-made area rug? Well, if the area in question is an airplane hangar, then we have the perfect rug for you. Actually, Youssef Hindi, MBA ’07, has the rug — he’s the marketing manager at Samovar Carpets and Antiques in Kuwait, which was recognized recently by the Guinness Book of World Records for creating the largest hand-woven carpet in the world. Unrolled, it covers 10,279.53 feet, which means it rivals in size the infield tarp at Angel Stadium. What’s next for such a massive rug? We suggest a bid for a new world record: Largest mass of humanity getting snug as a bug.
HOMECOMING AND FAMILY WEEKEND: OCTOBER 22 – 24, 2010 Casino Night ■ 5K ■ Chili Cook-off ■ Pep Rally ■ End Zone Party Football Game – Chapman vs. La Verne and much more!
Tailgate and Baseball Game June 27, 2010
A Day at the Races August 2010
Temecula Wine Tasting November 14, 2010
Economic Forecast Alumni Reception December 2010
Fun, family outing at Angel Stadium
Board a charter bus to Del Mar Racetrack by the sea
Wine lovers, enjoy a beautiful day in the vineyards
A networking opportunity following the Economic Forecast
Have you talked to your old classmates lately? is the place to meet. Update your contact information. Blog, post a job, write a class note and register for great alumni events. Need an activation code? Contact
2010 –11 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Chapman Backstage Events Economic Forecast Reception – Young Alumni 101 Events Red Carpet Black Tie Gala Your support will be featured in the Panther Pause e-news and advertised on the alumni community website.
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The Allred Aquatics Center looks like a jewel in the sky, thanks to the photographic artistry of Sarah Lee ’12. The film production major and water polo player merged about 10 shots of the pool and surrounding buildings of the Lastinger Athletics Complex to create a 360-degree panorama. “Then with some Photoshop magic and a polar coordinates filter, viola!” she says. Tres magnifique, we say.