Chapman Magazine Spring 2013

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Sheryl Bourgeois Executive Vice President for University Advancement

Mary A. Platt Director of Communications

Dennis Arp Editor

Noelle Marketing Group Art Direction

Editorial Office: One University Drive Orange, CA 92866-9911 Main: (714) 997-6607 Delivery issues/change of address: (714) 744-2135 Chapman Magazine (USPS #007643) is published quarterly by Chapman University. © 2013 Chapman University. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Orange, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Chapman Magazine One University Drive Orange, Calif. 92866-9911 The university is grateful to Noelle Marketing Group for its extended support on this issue of Chapman Magazine. The mission of Chapman University is to provide personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens.

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ESPRIT DE CORE Chapman University’s historic core campus is finally complete, and what better way to celebrate than with a hand-clapping, ribbon-cutting, confetti-flying celebration? The festivities marked the ceremonial opening of James L. and Lynne P. Doti Hall — the finishing piece in the core plan and a source of much-needed classroom space on campus. Joining President Doti and Professor Lynne Pierson Doti, Ph.D., the David and Sandra Stone Professor of Economics, at the February opening are, from left, Kris Eric Olsen, vice president of campus planning and operations; Phillip Case, Chapman trustee; Bob Murrin, architect; Teresa Smith, City of Orange mayor; Donald Sodaro, Chapman emeritus chair; and Doy Henley, Board of Trustees chairman. Doti Hall is designed in the neoclassical style of architecture to complement the four other buildings on Bert C. Williams Mall, all built from 1913 to 1921. The new 15,000-square-foot structure includes not just classrooms but seminar space and faculty offices. Photo by John Saade




President’s Message

10 Chatter


First Person: The Incredible Dancing Dr. Limpet

11 Seen and Heard


State of the University


Hearts are Full and Voices Strong at Dean William Hall’s 50th Anniversary Celebration


The Janes Financial Center Gives a Boost to Students of Finance

12 Undergrad Research: Educating Teachers for More Than the Show 13 Ask the Experts: What’s Jealousy Among “Unfriends”? 20 Sports: Chapman Women Lead the Way 29 Bookshelf 38 In Memoriam: Huell Howser, Monte Smith, Leon Leyson

FEATURES 16 Even in an Academic Community Filled with Classical Passions, Guitar Love Stands Out 21 War Letters: A Collection of Eloquence and Poignancy Finds a New Home at Chapman 30 Jobs of the Future: Technology’s a Driver, But Flexibility and Creativity Will Help Win the Race

ALUMNI NEWS 40 Dr. Richard Pitts ’70 Adds Photography to his Educational Journey 42 Class Notes 48 Panthers on the Prowl 48 Friends We Will Miss


p r e s i d e n t ’s m e s s a g e

A Legacy Uploaded with Joy When California television icon and recent friend of our university Huell Howser first set foot on campus, he was so struck by the Chapman University spirit — the palpable excitement for life and learning — that he instantly knew he wanted Chapman to be the home for his legacy, the Huell Howser California’s Gold Archive. Interestingly, I had a very similar experience when I first came to campus as a professor of economics nearly 40 years ago. There’s just something special — dynamic, entrepreneurial, passionate — about Chapman’s students, alumni, faculty, staff and the many friends who come to invest in our university’s future. Huell embodied the spirit of Chapman in many, many ways — his genuine enthusiasm and love for life and everything around him, his tenacity in envisioning an innovative new television series and making “The real ‘California’s Gold’ California’s Gold one of the most beloved shows in our state, and especially the ideology he lived by, that each to Huell was California’s and every person is important and worthy of being treated with dignity and respect. The real “California’s Gold” to Huell was California’s people, in all their wonderful, eccentric, passionate diversity. people, in all their Huell devoted the last two years of his life to assuring that people all over the wonderful, eccentric, world — particularly students, teachers and children — would always be able passionate diversity.” to access his life’s work, by generously donating it to Chapman University. All 900-plus episodes of California’s Gold and his other shows are now available online for free public viewing through the dedicated work of our own Panther Productions. It is an immense privilege for Chapman to have been entrusted with Huell’s life legacy. I believe it gave Huell great comfort in his final days that his legacy will endure forever at a university that he described as “a very comfortable place for me and my work.” I invite you to take a moment to enjoy one of the most important, comprehensive historical records of our lives and times at Regards,

Huell Howser with Chapman University President Jim Doti

James L. Doti

Board of Trustees OFFICERS Doy B. Henley Chairman David A. Janes, Sr. Vice Chair David E.I. Pyott Vice Chairman Scott Chapman Secretary Zelma M. Allred Assistant Secretary TRUSTEES Wylie A. Aitken Donna Ford Attallah ’61 Raj S. Bhathal James P. Burra Phillip H. Case Irving M. Chase Arlene R. Craig Jerome W. Cwiertnia Dr. Zeinab H. Dabbah (J.D. ’12) Kristina Dodge James W. Emmi H. Ross Escalette Dale E. Fowler ’58 Barry Goldfarb David C. Henley



Roger C. Hobbs William K. Hood Mark Chapin Johnson ’05 Jennifer L. Keller Parker S. Kennedy Joe E. Kiani Joann Leatherby Charles D. Martin James V. Mazzo Joel P. Moskowitz Sebastian Paul Musco Frank O’Bryan Harry S. Rinker James B. Roszak The Honorable Loretta Sanchez ’82 Mohindar S. Sandhu James Ronald Sechrist Ronald M. Simon Ronald E. Soderling Glenn B. Stearns R. David Threshie Emily Crean Vogler Karen R. Wilkinson ’69 David W. Wilson EMERITUS CHAIRS The Honorable George L. Argyros ’59 Donald E. Sodaro

EMERITUS TRUSTEES Richard Bertea Lynn Hirsch Booth J. Ben Crowell Leslie N. Duryea Robert A. Elliott Marion Knott Jack B. Lindquist Randall R. McCardle ’58 (M.A. ’66) Cecilia Presley Barry Rodgers Richard R. Schmid EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES Marcia Cooley Reverend Don Dewey James L. Doti Kelsey C. Flewellen ’05 Judith A. Garfi-Partridge Reverend Stanley D. Smith ’67 Reverend Felix Villanueva Reverend Denny Williams

Board of Governors OFFICERS Judith A. Garfi-Partridge Chair Melinda M. Masson Executive Vice Chair

Thomas E. Malloy Vice Chair

Richard D. Marconi Betty Mower Potalivo

Douglas E. Willits ’72 Secretary

EMERITUS GOVERNORS Gary E. Liebl Jerrel T. Richards

GOVERNORS George Adams, Jr. Marilyn Alexander Lisa Argyros ’07 Margaret Baldwin Marta S. Bhathal Deborah Bridges Kathleen A. Bronstein Michael J. Carver Eva Chen Ronn C. Cornelius Rico Garcia Kathleen M. Gardarian Lula F. Halfacre Rebecca A. Hall ’96 Stan Harrelson Sinan Kanatsiz ’97 (M.A. ’00) Elim Kay ’09 Sue Kint Scott A. Kisting John L. Kokulis Dennis Kuhl Stephen M. Lavin ’88 Jean H. Macino

EX-OFFICIO GOVERNORS Sheryl A. Bourgeois James L. Doti

President’s Cabinet Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos Julianne Argyros Joyce Brandman Heidi Cortese Sherman Lawrence K. Dodge Onnolee B. Elliott (M.A. ’64) Paul Folino Douglas K. Freeman Frank P. Greinke Gavin S. Herbert Steeve Kay General William Lyon The Honorable Milan Panic Lord Swarj Paul James H. Randall The Honorable Ed Royce Susan Samueli Ralph Stern David Stone




first person

By Bill Wright


These experiments were messy and awkward, but the subjects That leap came just last April, when Chapman dance professor responded beautifully. Victorious limpets soon developed strong Robin Kish asked me to collaborate with her in making a dance territorial behavior. The vanquished ran away just as we had observed out of my Ph.D. research. A dance? Really? in the field. These findings became a chapter of my dissertation. Combating my skepticism, she sent me a URL from a TED talk Behavioral ecologists and neuroethologists are interested in aggression by scientist and author John Bohannon that implored scientists — from an evolutionary and neural perspective. My findings found ALL scientists — to abandon PowerPoint talks and instead use a place in that literature. dance to explain their science. After hearing me detail my research, Robin described how Wow. Robin and her sidekick, Chapman alumnus and adjunct dance could illustrate it. And the dance of the limpets was born. dance professor Jenny Backhaus, came over for dinner, along with Over the next few weeks, I described limpet behavior, she Michael Nehring from the Department of Theatre (an old friend described dance and narrative. Robin’s students were recruited to who suggested me to Robin in the first place). To kick off the perform the dance, and after discussion, I described the some rehearsal we were plight of the blind, territorial ready to film. One of the limpet, how it can plow requirements of the “Dance intruders off its territory with Your Ph.D.” process (it’s surprising ferocity, and that kind of a contest, sponsored sometimes small limpets can by the journal Science) is “raid” the territory of larger that the author actually rivals, then turn on a dime and be in the dance. I was, high-tail it back to their home but oh how clumsy it felt. rock without a confrontation. My clumsiness aside, I further explained how For links to the Bill Wright “Dance Your Ph.D.” video and another the dance process was a friend and I devised tests showing his limpet research, visit riveting. Even though we to investigate how these didn’t win the contest, I behaviors formed in the think the piece catches the first place. How did the little behavior of these amazing limpets really well. And nobody gets wet! limpet know it was intruding and needed to flee? How did it Originally, I thought of this “Dance Your Ph.D.” exercise as a know it was on its home scar and needed to fight to protect it? collegial, fun thing to do, but I didn’t think I would learn much. We guessed that they “learned” these behaviors, and to test I was wrong. If you look at the dancers’ smooth, beautiful that hypothesis, we sought to train the limpets. We brought them movements, and my awkward, albeit earnest, ones, you actually into the lab and gave each a small territory on a “water table.” see a metaphor of science. These dancers are nature, in all her Each time we touched our subject with another limpet, we waited grace and beauty. That beauty is in stark contrast to the clumsiness, for the subject to fight or flee. Once it chose a behavior, we gave even silliness, of scientists like me, as we attempt the inquisitive it one of two experiences. “Victory” meant letting the subject dance to reveal how nature works. Indeed, the greatest testimony push our bait limpet right off its territory. “Defeat” meant that to nature’s grace is that every now and then she allows our clumsy we pushed against our subject with the bait limpet as similarly efforts to reveal her hidden truths. to natural territorial behavior as we could muster.

William Wright, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Science at Chapman’s Schmid College of Science and Technology.






‘The Best Ever’


Chapman Magazine keeps getting better and better with each issue. The winter issue was the best ever! Great read on all the wonderful happenings at our beloved alma mater. Keep up the outstanding work!

‘A Chapman Grand Slam’ To all the staff, what an amazing issue. Every issue of Chapman Magazine is outstanding, but winter 2012 is a Chapman “Grand Slam,” from a couple of alums who have seen them all. Thanks for continuing to make us very proud to be Chapman alums. BARBARA ’64 AND BILL PARKER ’52

PAT ELLIOTT ’60 (M.A. ’74)


Golden Moments

❯❯❯ Support

for Afghan Scholars Praised

“Veiled Voices of Justice” by Dennis Arp and President James L. Doti’s message in the winter 2012 issue of Chapman Magazine poignantly illustrate the courage of Munira Akhundzada and Shamsi Maqsoudi — Afghan lawyers who are pursuing advanced law degrees at Chapman University. Chapman’s role in supporting the efforts of these Afghan women should also be congratulated. Chapman’s leadership among U.S. academic institutions and its support for the rule of law in Afghanistan is simply superb.

For the second year in a row, Chapman Magazine has won gold in its category of the District VII CASE Awards of Excellence. Also honored with top prizes by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education were the 150th anniversary commemorative book Chapman University: Celebrating the Past, Shaping the Future and the Chapman news blog Happenings, selected best digital internal audience periodical.

Every year the U.S. State Department’s Public Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan sponsors 10 to 12 Afghan legal scholars/lawyers for a one-year LLM program in the United States. Institutions like Stanford, Harvard and Chapman host one or more scholars, but no law school does a better job of integrating their scholars into the academic community as does Chapman. President Doti, School of Law Dean Tom Campbell and Professor Ron Steiner have made it their personal mission to ensure that Munira, Shamsi and the scholars before them have the housing, cultural and academic support to enable them to thrive while at Chapman. In doing so, Chapman is contributing to the overall interests of the United States in establishing the rule of law in Afghanistan. It was the absence of the rule of law that allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to flourish in the Petri dish for terror that existed in Afghanistan prior to 2001. Educating and supporting dedicated and courageous young scholars such as Munira and Shamsi plants the seeds that form the nucleus of a society committed to the rule of law, human rights and the suppression of terror. THOMAS J. UMBERG, partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP and co-chair of the U.S. State Department’s Public Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan


Starting with this issue, we provide a peek inside our process of choosing a cover for Chapman Magazine. At left are four covers we considered and rejected for this issue, all pertaining to the Center for American War Letters being launched at Chapman. Editor Dennis Arp offers insights on the decision-making process at

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your feedback about Chapman Magazine or anything else related to Chapman University. We also welcome reflections on any aspect of the Chapman experience. Send submissions to Please include your full name, graduation year (if alumna or alumnus) and the city in which you live. We reserve the right to edit submissions for style and length.

Chapman Magazine is online at, where you’ll find Web exclusives, links to videos, slide shows and other content.



“You are all part of this puzzle – interlocking, entrepreneurial, tenacious, spirited people, all devoted to a noble cause, and that is educating this generation and future generations of Chapman students.” JAMES L. DOTI

President Sheds Light on Chapman’s Strides


hanks to a chance meeting and conversation with President long-planned completion of the historic core campus. Jim Doti during an event in Huntington Beach, an Orange The hall, designed to reflect its historic counterparts built County couple visited Chapman University and was moved from 1913 to 1921, is also a metaphor, said Doy Henley, chairman to commit $10 million for need-based scholarships. of the university’s board of trustees. Doti announced the “Christine and Lon Cross Scholars” fund “That’s what universities do. They fill in what wasn’t there during his annual State of the University address in February. before,” he said. Christine Cross of Orange made the bequest commitment, which Henley’s message dovetailed with the president’s address, is named for herself and her husband. which showcased several projects that will help drive new academic “Of all gifts that a donor can bestow upon a university, nothing programs. The president shared news and architectural renderings has more impact on students than of some of the new and planned scholarships,” said President Doti. facilities, including a digital arts center “We are immensely grateful.” and tennis complex planned for the The announcement was a highlight of west campus along Palm Avenue, where the State of the University address, during the former Anaconda Wire & Cable which the president painted a picture Co. once stood. He also presented a of a vibrant university with numerous construction update for the Marybelle projects and initiatives under way. and Sebastian P. Musco Center for the Doti cited Chapman’s donors, students, Arts, as well as an architectural rendering faculty, alumni and friends as sharing in of the planned state-of-the-art science the work that has brought the university center to be built on the main campus. to where it is today. Evoking comments Doti also spoke to the quality of by the late Huell Howser, who gifted Chapman’s programs, which are the university with his archives and attracting national and international established an endowed scholarship, attention, he said. That interest is Doti said that the collective efforts of evident in the number of students “A Chapman education is too important and too valuable to be available only to those who have the Chapman community help prepare applying to Chapman. The university the means to attend,” said Christine Cross, shown students who are emblematic of received 14,000 applications for fall at the State of the University address with her “California’s Gold.” 2013, which marks a four-fold increase husband, Lon. Her $10 million bequest commitment “You are all part of this puzzle — since 2000. will establish the “Christine and Lon Cross Scholars” interlocking, entrepreneurial, tenacious, In addition, the president noted fund at the university. spirited people, all devoted to a noble that U.S. News & World Report ranks cause, and that is educating this Chapman No. 1 in student selectivity generation and future generations of Chapman students,” Doti said. among master’s-level universities in the West. An example of that commitment was celebrated after the “When you can bring to the campus really well-prepared speech. That’s when the Memorial Hall audience moved out students who are dedicated to learning, it makes the environment to the Bert C. Williams Mall for the official dedication of James that much more vibrant,” he said. “In short, it makes for a L. and Lynne P. Doti Hall as the final piece in the university’s great university.”

A podcast of the address is available at the State of the University website. A link to the site is at






Singers Impress on Grand Stages


Sophomore Aubrey Cleland ’15 made it to the semifinals on American Idol.

o say that two great vocal artists hailing from Chapman University are the tops might seem like a bit of a cliché. But this spring, a Chapman sophomore and an alumnus were just that as they simultaneously performed at the highest levels in singing competitions. Within a two-week time frame, baritone Efrain Solis ’11 was one of 10 singers to make it into the elite finals for the National Council Auditions at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, and Aubrey Cleland ’15 sang her way into the hearts of millions as one of the top 10 female contestants on Fox’s blockbuster hit American Idol. Solis, who studied under Professor Peter Atherton in the College of Performing Arts, won a series of regional auditions to make it to the final competition, held on the stage of the Met’s legendary New York Baritone Efrain Solis ’11 sang in City opera house. He sang two selections in the finals: Hai già vinta the elite finals of a Metropolitan la causa from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) and Opera competition. Tirannia gli diede il regno from Handel’s Rodelinda. Cleland captivated American Idol celebrity judges with her version of Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams in the show’s “sudden death” round, becoming one of the 10 remaining women semifinalists. Judge Nikki Minaj said she was “obsessed” with Cleland, while Mariah Carey called her “limitless.” Solis and Cleland didn’t make it to the top rung of their respective contests, but as Cleland noted on Twitter, it was “an amazing journey.” And we’re sure that this is not the last we’ll hear from these two Chapman University performers.


Highlight Busan West Festival



Photo by David Sno


rom its opening-night premiere of The Last Stand, written by Chapman alumnus Andy Knauer (MFA ’06) and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, through its award ceremony and closing reception, the Busan West Film Festival at Chapman University bridged cultures and genres. “This year in particular we focused on transnational connections between East and West,” said Nam Lee, assistant professor in Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, which hosted the festival in March at Marion Knott Studios. Lee, an expert in Pan-Asian film, was programmer for the festival, selecting primarily from features in Korea’s Busan International Film Festival — known as the Cannes of Asia. New this year to Busan West was a competition that included 20 short films, which were screened alongside acclaimed features from five countries: China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and the U.S. Honored on opening night with the festival’s Icon Award was Korean director Kim Jee-woon, who introduced The Last Stand, his U.S. debut. After the film was screened, the filmmaker joined in a moderated discussion with Schwarzenegger and Knauer, who earned a master’s in screenwriting from Dodge College.

During a panel discussion at Busan West, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he was drawn to The Last Stand in part by screenwriter Andy Knauer’s “terrific story.” Knauer, left, is a Chapman alumnus.

Although he has long known that he wanted to write action films, Knauer said he never expected that a character he created would be played by Schwarzenegger, an icon himself. For his part, the former California governor said he was drawn to the project by the chance to work with Kim and by Knauer’s “terrific story.” Schwarzenegger is no stranger to Chapman. He was on hand for the groundbreaking ceremony at Knott Studios in 2004.

Among the alumni helping Dean William Hall, center, celebrate his 50th anniversary at Chapman are, from left, Darci Dembik ’96, Rose Mendoza ’96, Carl Pike ’02, Michael Skidgel ’94, Carrie Pike-Nash ’98, Heather Redfern-Kerr ’97 and Bruce Sledge ’94.


By Dawn Bonker

From good-natured ribbing to richly textured singing, it’s all music to the ears of a Chapman icon celebrating his golden anniversary.


hey roasted him and toasted him. They sang his praises and sang for him. And throughout the two-day January celebration of his 50th anniversary at Chapman University, William Hall, DMA, founding dean of the College of Performing Arts and now dean and artistic director of the Musco Center for the Arts, gave as good as he got. He ribbed, teased and hugged the 500 alumni who turned out for his reunion roast, choir practice and gala dinner. But at the conclusion of the celebration, the dean was nearly speechless when it was announced that the Conservatory of Music he helped build was being named in his honor, thanks to the generosity of Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco. “I’m overwhelmed,” Hall said. President Jim Doti made the announce-

ment at the Jan. 19 dinner held in the Sandhu Conference Center. “Our Conservatory of Music, now and evermore, will be known as the William D. Hall and Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Conservatory of Music,” the president said. The announcement capped off the celebration that began with a Friday evening roast at a nearby restaurant and was followed by a two-hour Saturday morning alumni choir practice. There, alumni from the past 50 years polished up their singing voices for a stunning performance during Saturday’s dinner. At the roast, a variety of alumni joined Professor Donald Booth, Ph.D., in lighthearted jesting about everything from the old school bus named “Clyde” that Hall used to take the original Madrigals Singers on tour, to the athletic record he holds at his undergraduate alma mater, Whittier College. “He still holds a school record for most consecutive losses — 32,” Booth said, earning roars of laughter from the audience. Driving Clyde as a student that first year back in 1963 was an adventure Ron Bright ’64 said he’ll always treasure. “Bill taught me how to drive Clyde. And all the tours we did in northern California and

Arizona, I drove Clyde. I worked on it and repaired it when it broke down. I had a very, very good time,” said Bright, who drove in from Scottsdale for the reunion event. Throughout it all, the tributes and conversations returned to Hall’s talent and leadership qualities and how he influenced generations of music educators in building the Chapman’s award-winning music programs. “To me, personally, he’s the biggest influence on my musicality,” said Jaclyn Johnson ’04, a music teacher now working on her doctorate. “He’s absolutely the most musical person I have ever met. The way he can shape a two-bar phrase is unlike anyone I’ve ever seen to this day. The faith that he has in all of us really pushed us to be the musicians we are today.” Now Hall is looking forward to shaping the future of the new $64 million, 1,100seat Musco Center for the Arts, set to open on campus in 2015. “It has been my pleasure and joy to have served Chapman University as a music director and dean these five decades,” he said. “And I can tell you that I don’t intend to slow down yet — there is far too much to do as the opening of the new Musco Center for the Arts approaches.”

The honorees unite before the naming announcement of the William D. Hall and Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Conservatory of Music.

A video from the 50th anniversary celebration is at




Her Post-Magic Period Author Maxine Hong Kingston now takes the long view on peace as she helps veterans heal through writing.


t was 2003 and author Maxine Hong Kingston was in jail, singing like a bird. After standing in front of the White House to protest the impending Iraq War, she and two dozen protesters, including Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker, were arrested and deposited in a Washington, D.C., holding cell. They puffed up with pride. “We sang songs. We were very exuberant, so happy. Because we had created some peace and saw it for real.” But they hadn’t and it wasn’t. Within days the United States invaded Iraq. “That was all just magical thinking,” said Kingston, who spoke on campus in February as part of the John Fowles Literary Forum, Chapman University’s premier series featuring acclaimed authors. Kingston is a National Book Award winner and widely regarded as one of the major authors of contemporary American literature. Her hallmark book, The Woman Warrior, published in 1975, caught the world’s attention with its artful blend of autobiography and myth. She weaved the story of her childhood growing up in Stockton, Calif., with a retelling of the fabled girl warrior Fa Mu Lan — or Mulan, as Disney fans know her. Speaking to a large audience of students and faculty gathered in Memorial Hall, Kingston said the unstoppable march to war back in 2003 dampened her spirits, but it didn’t stop her quest to find new ways to inject the pacifist view into the national conversation. She asked herself: “So what are we going to do?” The answer for her was to keep writing and to help others do likewise, especially veterans. She had led writing workshops for veterans, encouraging them to use writing as a tool to heal the hidden wounds of war. For years they had poured their toughest and most painful memories into poetry, fiction and memoir. It was time their voices were heard. Kingston assembled their work, and in 2006 Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace was published. The anthology won top reviews and was the subject of Bill Moyers Journal on PBS. In those veterans’ writing is truth and that, says Kingston, is one way to peace.

“I think less magically now,” Maxine Hong Kingston told a large audience in Memorial Hall. “You can’t stop war 10 or 12 days ahead of time. We have to work for peace always and build community.”

“I think less magically now,” she says. “You can’t stop war 10 or 12 days ahead of time. We have to work for peace always and build community. … Then we can prevent the war 100 years from now. If we take our experiences and turn them into art, then somehow I think we can affect and change history and make peace.”

JOHN FOWLES LITERARY FORUM Readings: April 15 – Karen Yamashita, 2011 California Book Award gold medalist for her novel I Hotel April 22 – David Matlin, author of China Beach, How the Night is Divided and 2012’s A HalfMan Dreaming When:

7 p.m. in the Henley Reading Room of Leatherby Libraries

More info: john-fowles-center

“JIMMY FINDS HIS VOICE” In this, Chapman President Jim Doti's second book based on his childhood, little Jimmy knows what he wants to say, but sometimes the words come out wrong, and the other kids laugh at how he says them. Then he gets cast in a play. How will he ever speak in front of an audience? Kirkus Reviews calls the story “touching” and “charming,” and the illustrations by Lisa Mertins “delightful.” “Parents may find this book useful for discussing issues of shyness or speech problems with their own children,” it adds. 8

Jimmy Finds His Voice, from Jabberwocky Press, is available at


JANES CENTER A BOON for Students of Finance


ith the February opening of the Janes Financial Center, students and the entire Chapman University community now have access to sophisticated financial information and state-of-the-art technology for portfolio management. Housed in Beckman Hall, the trading-floor-like center is equipped with 12 Bloomberg terminals, the industry standard for detailed financial data and analysis. The center also has an interactive market wall with large LCD screens for displaying dynamic market data, video and customized information, including 76 feet of full-color LED stock tickers. “Argyros School students who graduate with experience using Bloomberg terminals will enjoy a significant advantage in the job market,” said Jack Broughton, immediate past director of Chapman’s Hoag Center for Real Estate and Finance. Under the new leadership of Fadel Lawandy, the Janes Center consists of a main instructional facility and a conference room. The primary facility is used as a classroom for investments and portfolio management courses, as a lab for students involved with the school’s student managed investment fund, and as a venue for events. The Janes Center was made possible by a generous gift from David A. Janes, vice chairman of the Chapman University Board of Trustees, and his wife, Donna, as well as the earnings of the Student Managed Investment Fund.

With its state-of-the-art Bloomberg terminals, the Janes Financial Center will be home to Chapman’s portfolio management course, which is the vehicle for overseeing a $1 million-plus portfolio.

Jordan to Lead College of Pharmacy


distinguished educator and leader in the field of pharmacology has been named founding dean of Chapman University’s new School of Pharmacy. Ronald P. Jordan, R.Ph., FAPhA, assumed his new role in February and will establish the first pharmacy school in Orange County. The school’s home will be at Chapman’s new Health Sciences Campus in Irvine when renovations are completed. Jordan previously served as dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Rhode Island and as executive secretary of the Rhode Island State Crime Lab Commission. During Ronald P. Jordan’s tenure at the University At URI, he oversaw completion of construction on his of Rhode Island College college’s $75 million research and teaching facility. The of Pharmacy, enrollment URI College of Pharmacy ranked among the top researchincreased by 45 percent. oriented colleges of pharmacy in the U.S. “Dean Jordan comes to Chapman with a remarkable record of innovation and leadership in the interdisciplinary development of health professionals, and pharmacists in particular,” said Daniele Struppa, Ph.D., chancellor of Chapman University. Under Jordan’s leadership, the URI College of Pharmacy was awarded one of the federal government’s highly competitive Center for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation grants, totaling more than $14 million over three years. Jordan currently serves on the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention Medicare Model Guidelines Expert Panel, and the national advisory committee for the Alliance for Safe Biological Medicines. “Pharmacists practicing in the very near future will face challenges in medication management and delivery that are impossible to envision clearly today,” he said. “We will prepare our students for a continually changing profession whose boundaries are growing almost day by day.”

Hewitt Named to WASC Post Harold Hewitt Jr., Chapman University’s executive vice president and chief operating officer, has been elected chair of the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Harold Hewitt Jr. Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), one of the six regional accrediting authorities in the United States. “They could not have selected a better leader,” said Chapman President Jim Doti. “Harold’s election further proves that Chapman increasingly is seen as a leader itself in higher education.” Hewitt joined WASC’s Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities in 2009, and has been a WASC volunteer for more than 20 years. “As an advocate of regional accreditation, I am delighted to accept and to serve in this important role,” Hewitt said. SPRING 2013





It’s true what they say. “When your name is called, time really does stand still.” So reports Carlos Lopez Estrada ’11, who along with his creative colleagues, all Dodge College alumni, won a Latin Grammy for their music video Me Voy (I’m Leaving) at the November ceremony in Las Vegas. Lopez Estrada, pictured second from left, directed the video for the singing duo Jesse & Joy, and he was jubilantly joined on stage by, from left, animator Cameron Clark ’09, producer Christian Heuer ’09 and production designer Tyler Jensen ’10. Director of photography Niko Wesinet ’11 also was part of the team that worked five weeks of 14-hour days. The video features stop-motion animation using thousands of paper cutouts, creating the effect of a pop-up book come to life. A link is at So what was in Lopez Estrada’s acceptance speech? Apparently what they say about that is also true. It really is all just a blur.



Most new college graduates would consider themselves lucky to score a decent couch off Craigslist. Turner Jacobs ’12 answered an audition ad and landed a spot on a Norwegian reality TV show in which he searches for the woman of his Nordic dreams. “My friends were all pretty jealous,” says Jacobs, who has Norwegian ancestry. The Bachelor-like series, called Sons of Norway, forced him to crisscross cultures. In one episode, he blushingly explains to Norwegians what it means to “get to first base.” Ultimately he has to choose a winner from a field of seven dating candidates. Episodes are still airing, so he’s mum on the outcome. A link to episodes is at, but it helps to understand Norwegian. Meanwhile, Jacobs, who has degrees in television production and European history, is back home in Santa Cruz, applying to grad schools. But he counts his Norwegian experience as more than a lark. “It was interesting to see the whole television process from in front of the camera,” he said. 10


READY FOR ITS CLOSE-UP Oh, the magic of Hollywood. How else to explain Chapman University standing in for a small town in Minnesota on an 81-degree day in January? The cast and crew of NBC’s Parks and Recreation filmed scenes in front of Memorial Hall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, when classes weren’t in session. But President Doti was on campus and shared a moment with stars Amy Poehler and Adam Scott. In the episode scheduled to air April 4, Memorial Hall played the part of a city hall in the hometown of Scott’s character. Avoiding being typecast, the venerable building has also flashed its understated elegance in other roles, including as the site of a military tribunal in the 1995 film Crimson Tide and as a college administrative building in the 2006 movie Accepted. OK, the latter of these wasn’t exactly a stretch, but as they say, there are no small roles, just small buildings. And ultimately, we suspect, what Memorial Hall really wants is to direct.

PIECE PLAN The recent opening of Doti Hall and how it seamlessly slid in to complete the historic core of Chapman’s campus inspired student Emma Diener ’13. Her entry, developed in Art 430, Advanced Graphic Design, won the annual contest to become the university’s fourth commemorative poster. Diener’s concept of buildings as puzzle pieces, at left, was realized in part due to her passion for patterning and typography. Thanks go to Ryan Clark ’00 and his company, Direct Edge Media, for printing the posters, which are available for $15. To order, email or call (714) 997-6729.

Seen Heard &


“THE BEST WAY TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE IS TO GET RID OF UNMOTIVATED PEOPLE.” Dennis Kuhl, chairman of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, addressing students as part of the Argyros School’s Distinguished Speaker Series


“Whatever it is you want to do, taking a risk and making a chance for yourself is what’s going to get you there.” Hilary Duff, actress, singer and entrepreneur, speaking to Chapman’s student chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success

“I was the ambassador to hell, but also the ambassador to hell and back. In my more optimistic moments I thought of myself as a carpenter of war crimes tribunals.” David Scheffer, the first U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, speaking at the Chapman School of Law

“My editor said that not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, but a lot of people want more freedom, which I agree with.” Chris Guillebeau, author of The Art of Non-Conformity and The $100 Startup, speaking to entrepreneurship students in Beckman Hall SPRING 2013





Undergrad Research




FOR IMPROVEMENT Education students toil behind the scenes so ‘the show’ can succeed. By Dawn Bonker Roxanne Greitz Miller

connecting it to literacy and language arts skills. One major y the time students arrive in college, they’ve watched undertaking was Project SMART, a four-year grant from the dozens of teachers in action, tackled numerous projects, California Postsecondary Education Commission that taught taken mountains of quizzes and loved and hated K-2 science teachers how to use their subject matter as a countless reading assignments. vehicle for reading instruction. International student Liz So those who major in education surely know what’s involved Paxton ’12 assisted with that research and says it continues in a teaching career, right? to influence her work now that she’s on the job at a private Hardly, says Roxanne Greitz Miller, Ed.D., the Donna Ford school in Panama. Attallah Professor in Teacher Education at Chapman University’s “The research experience demonstrated the value of giving College of Educational Studies. They’ve only seen “the show,” every student an integrated education from a young age, which or those classroom hours when direct instruction is under way. persuaded me to choose the But thanks to a variety of place I work. This is a common opportunities to participate in practice in my school, as we significant research alongside connect several subjects in one Miller, Chapman students get lesson and also teach unique the rest of the story. As they classes, such as values and assist with projects that range leadership,” Paxton says. from curriculum development in Working with faculty neighboring public school districts and taking on substantial to federally funded research responsibilities helped her evaluating reading instruction make the leap from student techniques, Chapman students see to colleague, Paxton adds and help shape the big picture. “We have the opportunity “It’s about giving them to learn so much from a Research assistant Annie Brown ’14, an integrated educational something they can’t experience studies major, updates Professor Roxanne Greitz Miller, Ed.D., knowledgeable faculty and in a classroom. In education they on her progress with a curriculum development project. delve into specific areas of don’t see the behind-the-scenes interest that are more work unless they engage in some interactive than classroom learning,” she says. facet of a research project,” Miller says. Much of Miller’s research is shaped by her own experience Since 2005, Miller has secured more than $3.5 million as a middle and senior high school teacher. This school year for her public education research, conducted with help from Miller and a Chapman student are developing a curriculum her undergraduate and graduate student teams at Chapman. and teacher’s guide that uses novels and autobiographies Students from many disciplines have participated in data to teach middle school language arts and social sciences. analysis, formal classroom observation, classroom videotaping Last year Miller returned to the middle school world as a and the grading of thousands of writing samples. professor-in-residence. She was tasked with a variety of jobs, Miller says she relishes the enthusiasm and follow-through from developing methods of pinpointing students who need students bring to research tasks. But the biggest winners are math intervention to mentoring a first-year band teacher. the students themselves, she says. That in-the-trenches year opened her eyes to the new “When they read in a newspaper that this particular method challenges facing today’s teachers. And now she has lots or that strategy helped students outscore other students, they of new ideas for research projects. understand the complexity of what went into finding that result. “I would like to look more deeply at the home-school They find out it is not quick. It is not easy. It involves a tremendous connection in the middle school environment,” she says. number of participants and also stake holders,” Miller says. No doubt there will be student researchers who can The lion’s share of Miller’s research has focused on how to help with that. improve K-12 students’ skills at mastering subject content and Photo by Da Zhang




Ask THE EXPERTS What’s Jealousy Among ‘Unfriends’?


ealousy has confounded humans for eons and inspired poets for ages. Shakespeare called it the green-eyed monster. Reality television churns with it. Maybe John Lennon said it best when he wrote Jealous Guy with these lyrics: “I was feeling insecure … I was shivering inside.” Now the little green gremlin is making hay on social media. Yes, Facebook, we’re talking about you and your endless look-who-likeswho news feed. The advent of Facebook has given social scientists like Jennifer Bevan, Ph.D., an associate professor of communication studies at Chapman University and widely published jealousy expert, a new environment in which to study this human behavior. Some of her own research has examined the phenomenon of Facebook “unfriending.” And in her new book, The Communication of Jealousy (Peter Lang Publishing, 2013), she offers the first theory that emphasizes how individuals express jealousy. We asked Bevan to share some of those insights. Jennifer Bevan

1 2

One of the first points you make in your new book is that jealousy is not to be confused with envy. How are they different? This is a common mistake. Jealousy occurs when you are in danger of losing a relationship that you already “possess,” such as when you think that someone is flirting with your significant other. Jealousy is also exclusively about the relationships that we have with others. Envy occurs when we want something that we don’t have, be it a relationship, an object such as a car or a house, or even an abstraction or emotion such as love or freedom.

What are social scientists learning about jealousy from watching it play out in social media? Researchers have identified “Facebook jealousy” as a form of mediated jealousy that arises from specific aspects of this popular social network, including being able to have former romantic partners or potential rivals as Facebook friends, the public nature of interactions on Facebook that could induce jealousy, and the ability to “snoop” on a partner’s Facebook page to see who they are interacting with. This snooping, which researchers call surveillance, is an appealing way to express jealousy via social media. Social media surveillance has been found to be a more common and more acceptable way to express jealousy than other forms of partner surveillance such as searching through their things or checking their phone to see who has texted or called.

3 4

One of your studies examined “unfriending” on Facebook. Is jealousy part of the picture? I think it definitely can be. Many individuals in our study reported that they were unfriended by a former romantic partner or friend, and I suspect that one motivation in those situations is to prevent jealousy. In other words, the former friend or romantic partner might not have wanted to know what their former partner was doing on Facebook, so they unfriended that individual to not be jealous, or because they had seen something on Facebook that may have made them jealous. I am very interested in linking Facebook jealousy with unfriending in a future study to examine these possibilities.

Why can jealousy get such a grip on people? Jealousy can be overwhelming. It involves our thoughts, emotions, actions and how we communicate, as well as a variety of physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate and stomach pain. Most societies frown on jealousy, too, so people in the grip of it have the added burden of struggling with cultural expectations.

Can jealousy sometimes be helpful?


Absolutely. Jealousy can be a sign that you really care about your partner. Most importantly, how jealousy is expressed to your partner is crucial. Despite its negative reputation, if jealousy is communicated honestly and calmly, without anger, violence, or furtiveness, it can actually enhance a relationship. Or at least not make things worse!





THE G An open house celebrating the Howser archive and scholarship takes its cue from Huell, spotlighting the extraordinary in the everyday. By Dawn Bonker 14


LD ALL AROUND US Portrait by David Lobenberg


f Huell Howser could have been on Chapman University’s campus Feb. 8 during a celebration of the late host’s California’s Gold legacy, he might have smiled and voiced one of his trademark phrases — “Amazing!” Nearly 2,000 fans of the legendary broadcaster poured onto the campus for an open house celebrating the life and work of the man whose folksy charisma charmed generations of public television viewers. Memorial Hall filled with people eager to see longtime cameraman Luis (“Louie”) Fuerte accept an honorary doctorate on Howser’s behalf. A line of admirers snaked across Attallah Piazza to view memorabilia and artifacts from Howser’s working office and personal collection of “found art.” Inside Hutton Sports Center, visitors met some of the memorable folks featured in California’s Gold episodes and enjoyed treats made famous by Howser, from Pink’s Hot Dogs to Fosselman’s Ice Cream. Longtime cameraman Luis Fuerte accepted Howser’s honorary doctorate.

During his 30-year career, Howser deflected attention from himself, instead pointing the camera of Huell Howser Productions at everyday people, whose stories he so enjoyed telling. But the people couldn’t help returning the love. “It’s such a joy to see so many people who loved him be here,” said Slater Barron, also known as “The Lint Lady” and the subject of an episode of Visiting with Huell Howser. Barron chatted with Howser fans and displayed her latest handiwork — lint crafted to look like sushi. “The best part is we’re sharing about a man who meant so much to us.” Over the past several years, Howser forged a bond with Chapman President Jim Doti and the rest of the Chapman community. He shared insights with students and made generous donations, including an endowed scholarship,

to visit and was touched “to look around and see how many people are here, and everyone is very happy. It’s not a sad event.” Because of a California’s Gold program they saw on efforts to shore up the western bluebird population, Dick Merritt of Mission Viejo and his wife, Pat, have built and placed 30 bluebird boxes in Orange County. “How could you not be a Huell Howser fan?” Dick Merritt said as the couple waited in line for Huell Dogs. Kit Berini of Canoga Park had a shirt made for the occasion, printed with a photo of himself and Howser during a book signing event in 1998. Berini was also inspired to pen a tribute he called “The Teacher.” Berini said it embodied what he took as the underlying message to all Californians: “Love the place you live in, love the people who live in it, and love the life you have.” What better ode to the legacy of California’s Gold?

Nearly 2,000 fans of Howser waited in line outside Leatherby Libraries to see photos and mementos from his extraordinary life. They also mingled with “stars” of California’s Gold in Hutton Sports Center, below, and got a chance to see pieces from Howser’s personal collection of found art in Beckman Hall. Among the attendees were Beverly, left, and Gloria Pink, of Pink’s Famous Chili Dogs, who proclaimed Huell “top dog.”

show memorabilia, papers, two houses, his collection of art and tapes of all 900 episodes of California’s Gold and associated shows (Visiting… With Huell Howser, California’s Missions, California’s Golden Parks and more). His wish was that the university digitize the episodes and make them available online. Following a yearlong project, Chapman has launched, where the public can view Howser’s shows for free. The open house was both a launch of the archive and reunion of some of the Californians profiled by Howser. Joining Slater were other California’s Gold stars, from “The Whistling Diva” to the founders of The Bunny Museum. Most of the attendees, though, were the sort of regular folks Howser might have snagged for an interview as he walked through a state park or a sauerkraut factory with his ubiquitous hand-held microphone. Local optometrist Alex Romero closed his office in Old Towne Orange for two hours In Memoriam: Huell Howser is recalled for his broadcasting achievements. Page 38 Inaugural Scholar: Meet Mayra Gonzalez, the first California’s Gold honoree. Back cover



ATTACHED Even in an academic community full of classical passions, there’s something special about guitar love. Story by Dennis Arp Photos by Jeanine Hill

Daniel de Arakal ’10 says of his cedar top classical made by luthier Robert Vincent, “I protect it, I baby it. Because it is my baby.”



or Daniel de Arakal ’10, memory conjures a string of heartfelt attachments. First was Veronica, a bass that boldly welcomed him to a new adventure. Later came Irene, a steel-string with a rich, melodious nature; followed by Charlotte — ah, yes, Charlotte — a Fender Stratocaster packing sonorous power. And who can forget Carmen, a Cordoba acoustic with a Spanish cedar neck, silky to the touch? Jeff Cogan, director of guitar studies and music technology at Chapman, spent two years on a waiting list to get his guitar by legendary French luthier Daniel Friederich.


n the grand arc of a career, all were special, but ultimately each was little more than a dalliance. None compares with the cedar top classical built by Robert Vincent that de Arakal first held in April 2009, when it practically sprang from the wall at Trilogy Guitars in Playa del Rey and landed squarely in the lap of his life. “Lights went on and the heavens opened up,” de Arakal remembers of the moment. “It was like the words were written: It shall be mine.” As it was written, so shall it be. For as is known by anyone who becomes passionate about playing the guitar, there’s no fighting a love that flows clean and pure, from headstock to soundboard, tugging at your heartstrings every fret of the way. It’s certainly true that all serious musicians develop an attachment to their instruments, whether stringed, brass, woodwind or didgeridoo. However, there seems to be something more profound, more enduring about guitar love. B.B. King felt it so strongly that in 1949, he ran into a burning building to rescue his first Lucille, a $30 Gibson. Willie Nelson did the same for his Martin N-20 Classical — the one he named Trigger, after Roy Rogers’ horse. “It’s now part of me,” Nelson has said of the iconic instrument, all battered and tatty from four decades of use, the wood actually worn through in one place. De Arakal, a classical guitarist and adjunct faculty member at Chapman University, understands the sentiment, but he would never let his Vincent fall into such disrepair. “I refuse to let anyone I don’t think is qualified play it,” he said. “I protect it, I baby it. Because it is my baby.” SPRING 2013


Photo top: Cogan introduced de Arakal to classical guitar at Chapman, where they now both teach in a program that has developed award-winning ensembles. Photo right: “It felt right as soon as I picked it up,” Kira Roden ’12 says of her guitar by Spanish luthier Amalio Burguet.

To view an interview with classical guitarists Jeff Cogan and Daniel de Arakal ’10 and see them perform, visit




fter playing pop and folk in his teen-age years, de Arakal crossed over to classical guitar at Chapman, where he played in ensembles that won awards in competition. The Chapman guitar program succeeds, even though like de Arakal many students arrive without classical experience. How did de Arakal make the transition? Passion, discipline and “a fair amount of butt-kicking by Professor Cogan,” he said. Jeff Cogan is director of guitar studies and music technology at Chapman’s William D. Hall and Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Conservatory of Music. He has performed throughout the U.S. and Europe, including for the Spanish master Andres Segovia. In addition, he has adjudicated competitions in Austria and France and directed the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) international competition. But his first influence was the Beatles, and when he started playing at age 11 it was with a black-bodied electric he ambitiously converted to a 12-string with help from his dad. “I loved that (12-string) sound but couldn’t afford a new guitar,” he said. “We got it working, though it didn’t last. I was so sorry to see it go. I wish I still had it.” Cogan still has 13 guitars, which represent his evolution as an artist. Among them may be his best example of true guitar love — his classical acoustic made in Madrid by

luthier Jose Ramirez, featuring Indian rosewood with a cedar soundboard and extra long strings. “With this style, I think you can build a deeper, more penetrating sound,” Cogan said. “I immediately loved that guitar.” Then in 2003, he heard a Daniel Friederich guitar, played by the winner of a GFA competition. His head was turned, and his ear had wandered. “I loved that sound,” he said. “I had no idea how legendary Friederich was.” He found out when he got on the list to acquire a Friederich. Sometimes it takes as long as five years to get an instrument made by the French luthier, now in his 80s and only making a few a year. In 2005, Cogan got his new performance guitar, with Indian rosewood sides and back, but a spruce top. “The same spruce they use to box Camembert cheese,” Cogan said with a smile. It wasn’t a case of mad love at first strum. “At first, it was kind of a thin love,” Cogan said. “You don’t know what a guitar is capable of until you play it. A new guitar can teach you things about

You don’t know what a guitar is capable of until you play it. A new guitar can teach you things about yourself as an artist. There’s a period of discovery, of questions. You try things. Does this sound better? How about this? JEFF COGAN

yourself as an artist. There’s a period of discovery, of questions. You try things. Does this sound better? How about this?” So began a period of courtship. “Sometimes you may be enthralled at first, and after a while you might not be as sure,” he said. “Other times, it changes to love over time as you relate to the instrument. If you’ve spent a lot of money, you can get impatient: ‘What did I do? What did I commit to?’” Over the years, Cogan’s Friederich “has aged quite nicely,” he said. And so has the love. “Ultimately, I had to find my voice in this guitar,” he said. “It sounds very good when you learn to coax out its depth.” Now you might have noticed that guitarists use a different naming protocol when they talk about their classical instruments. Once de Arakal became a classical musician, he stopped naming his guitars after women

and started referring to them by their maker. So it’s now “my Vincent,” or in Cogan’s case, “my Friederich.” There are other differences, of course. You hear far fewer pop guitarists talk about “the timbral and dynamic possibilities” of their instrument. But there is also plenty of overlap. When they talk about their guitars, both popular and classical players use words like obsession, elegance, allure, grace, power and, yes, love. And lest you think that this guitar love thing is just a male affectation, we asked guitar performance graduate Kira Roden ’12 to talk about “her Burguet,” made by Spanish luthier Amalio Burguet. “It felt right as soon as I picked it up,” said Roden, who started as a psychology major at Chapman and then went on to win awards performing in guitar duos, trios and quartets. “I baby it, I polish it, because I want it to look its best. And when it gets bumped, it’s a horrible sound. It feels like it hurts you or someone close to you.” No apology necessary. Because as in life, guitar love means never having to say you’re sorry.


s p o rt s

ANNIVERSARY GIFT Baseball team draws inspiration from 2003 national title. om Tereschuk knew what he was getting into. The Chapman University baseball team had a tradition of success, and when he was named head coach in 2003, he faced pressure to win immediately. All coaches should enjoy their first year so much. Tereschuk and the 2003 Panthers not only won, they won it all — an NCAA Division III national championship. Now, as the 10th anniversary of that title approaches, the Chapman coach and his players are taking on a new challenge: rebounding after a year of struggle. Last season the Panthers fell out of playoff contention early, finishing 20-20. It was just the second time Chapman missed the Division III playoffs in 16 years. “This is a fresh team, a fresh start and a great group of guys,” says Tereschuk, Chapman’s all-time winningest coach. “Our freshman

T In 2003, the Panthers celebrated an NCAA national title (upper right). As the 10th anniversary of that championship approaches, baseball coach Tom Tereschuk said of the 2003 team, “To do what those guys did day in and day out was just a tremendous achievement.”

recruiting class was really outstanding and is highly talented.” The 2013 Panthers don’t have to look far to find inspiration. The 2003 team set the standard for excellence. “That team had a tremendous amount of character,” Tereschuk said. “The biggest thing was their perseverance and the ‘never say die’ attitude. They had a lot of fun, and never seemed to feel the pressure.” As the current Panthers face the rigors of conference play with hopes of returning to the NCAA tournament, they still have a mountain of tradition to lean on, Tereschuk said. “I’ve always known about Chapman baseball and knew the reputation it had,” he said. “To be the head coach at Chapman is a great honor, and I feel very fortunate. I feel like we’ve done a good job to carry on that tradition and continue this great program.”

PANTHER WOMEN LEAD THE WAY The winter sports season belonged to the Chapman women, who climbed to the upper echelon of the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC) in their first season as full members. By Ryan Cavinder ’08 he women’s basketball team finished the regular season with an eight-game winning streak that sent them to the postseason tournament with a 20–5 record and the No. 2 seed. A thrilling come-from-behind victory at home over Redlands in the semifinals sent the team to its first SCIAC championship, where the Panthers fell to Cal Lutheran. Coach Carol Jue’s 200th career coaching victory was Get the latest on Panther sports at one of several highlights for a team with two players named to Become a fan on Facebook and follow @ChapmanSports the All-SCIAC First Team. In addition, junior Kimi Takaoka became on Instagram and Twitter for behind-the-scenes just the third Chapman women’s basketball player in school history photos, updates and giveaways. to earn Capital One Academic All-America recognition. In the pool, the women’s swimming and diving team set six school records — all at the SCIAC Championships at Splash! La Mirada in February. Junior Julie Case became the first Chapman athlete to win an individual SCIAC championship, taking first in the 1,650-meter freestyle. The Chapman men’s swimming and diving team also performed well in its first season of varsity competition. Senior Hayden Boal set three school records in the SCIAC Championships. In basketball, a young men’s team fought through the ups and downs of a 13–12 season — the 20th consecutive winning campaign under coach Mike Bokosky.



Junior guard Kimi Takaoka sparked the Panthers to a 21-6 record, averaging 18 points per game and earning Capital One Academic All-America honors.

S E I R O T S R WA By Dennis Arp






Clara Barton


hree months after the bloodiest day in American history, Antietam still chafed against the sensibilities of Civil War nurse Clara Barton. Memories were as close as her sleeve, which had been pierced by a bullet as the “Angel of the Battlefield” tended one of the 23,000 casualties. On Dec. 12, 1862, Barton braced for a new conflagration — the Union’s assault on Fredericksburg, Va. — and as she sat down to rest in a moonlit camp, surrounded by the sprawling Army of the Potomac, she couldn’t help but anticipate the next round of bloodletting. Like so many who have served at the front lines of American history, she stole a moment of peace and shared her thoughts in a letter. “The moon is shining through the soft haze with brightness almost prophetic,” she wrote to her cousin Vira. “For the last half hour I have stood alone in the awful stillness of its glimmering light gazing upon

While serving in Anzio, Italy, in 1944, Pvt. John P. McGrath wrote this letter to a high school friend, then stuffed it in his backpack. Before he could mail the letter, a bullet ripped through it and the pack. McGrath himself was unharmed.



the strange sad scene around me striving to say, ‘Thy will Oh God be done.’ “The camp fires blaze with unwanted brightness, the sentry’s tread is still but quick — the acres of little shelter tents are dark and still as death, no wonder for as I gazed sorrowfully upon them, I thought I could almost hear the slow flap of the grim messenger’s wings, as one by one he sought and selected his victims for the morning sacrifice. … “Already the roll of the morning artillery is sounding in my ears. The battle draws near and I must catch one hour’s sleep for tomorrow’s labor. “Good night darling cousin and Heaven grant you strength for your more peaceful and less terrible but not (less) weary days than mine. “Yours in love, Clara.”

For 15 years, author and historian Andrew Carroll has collected these windows to history, amassing more than 90,000 letters and emails, representing the thoughts and emotions of service members in every conflict involving American troops. By now, this treasure trove of wartime correspondence is making a 2,700-mile journey from nondescript storage units in Washington, D.C.,

STAMP OF HISTORY From Bunker Hill to Appomattox, Iwo Jima to Fallujah, the Enola Gay to the USS Abraham Lincoln, the history of America, to an extent both grand and tragic, is written across the pages of war. During the colonists’ fight for independence, those pages were parchment or linen. On a Japanese POW ship during World War II, Lt. Tommie Kennedy’s farewell message to his parents was scribbled with a stubby pencil on the backs of cherished photographs. On a peacekeeping mission in 1996, Major Tom O’Sullivan used an Army-issue computer to tap out an email to his son, Conor, whose birthday he was missing. He apologized for not being able to shop for a toy. Still, he told Conor, a special gift was on its way. “It is a flag. This flag represents America and makes me proud each time I see it. When the people here in Bosnia see it on our uniforms, on our vehicles, or flying above our camps, they know that it represents freedom, and, for them, peace after many years of war. … “This flag was flown on the flagpole over the headquarters of Task Force 4-67 Armor, Camp Colt, in the Posavina Corridor of northern Bosnia-Herzegovina, on 16 September, 1996. It was flown in honor of you on your seventh birthday. Keep it and honor it always. “Love, Dad.”

to its new home: a restored three-bedroom house a few blocks from the Orange campus of Chapman University. Two bedrooms are being converted to house the letters — some to be stored in a dust-free, temperature-regulated, UVprotected space — with the third bedroom reserved for Carroll. When he’s not on the road doing research or speaking to educators, he’ll be at his new home, helping students, scholars and others gain insights from an archive that is being relaunched the Center for American War Letters at Chapman University. The hope is that eventually funds will be raised to display the most prominent letters in a large exhibition space that will be open to the public year-round, Carroll said. “I’ve been collecting and maintaining this archive essentially as a lone volunteer,” Carroll said. “I’m so excited that now, with the support of the Chapman community, we will have the resources to catalog, digitize and make accessible to people all over the world this archive of war letters.” Carroll views this moment as transformational for the archive. The 90,000-letter figure is really just a rough estimate; the number could well be more than 100,000. And since he is no archivist, the true scholarly potential of the archive is still largely untapped. Only a fraction of the

letters have been featured in documentaries and publications, including the three critically acclaimed anthologies Carroll has edited from the archive. Carroll also wants everyone, but especially the Chapman community, to know that the center is actively seeking letters from all eras of American involvement in wars. When a parent or grandparent dies, it’s not unusual for loved ones to come across letters stashed in a closet, attic or basement. If those letters aren’t seen as historically important, sometimes they get tossed into the trash. That’s a tragedy, Carroll said. “I know there are students at Chapman now who served in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said. “I hope the launch of the center opens the flood gates of new letters, emails and DVDs, because they deserve to be valued and protected.”

SHARED JOURNEY Chapman theatre professor John Benitz sees not just historical importance but human drama in the archive. In 2010, he read an article about the letters in National Geographic and reached out to Carroll in hopes of developing a play based on the letters. The two hit it off and began collaborating on If All the Sky Were Paper, which premiered three years ago in the Waltmar Theatre on campus. Benitz was impressed with Carroll, and Carroll was impressed with Chapman. “I just fell in love with the university,” Carroll said. “There is a great spirit on the campus, and the actors who presented the letters in the play showed enormous respect for the material and a passion for bringing it to the stage.

WAR STORIES “It became clear to me that this was the place the letters were meant to be.” When Carroll suggested the idea of donating the archive to Chapman, Chancellor Daniele Struppa “immediately got it,” Carroll said. “Not just for the letters’ scholarly value but to honor the sacrifices and memory of those who served, Daniele said, ‘How do we make this happen?’ That’s what sealed the deal for me.” Struppa was struck by the universality of the stories in the letters, as well as their ability to unify those who read them. “Ours is a very divided society, and these days we tend to demonize each other,” he said. “Some of us may be hawks and some may be doves on war. But we all can recognize those who sacrifice greatly for us. And especially within our university community, we all can find value in studying these living, vibrant historical documents.” Struppa sees great potential for the archive as a teaching tool in a wide range of disciplines — history, political science, literature, theatre, peace studies and more. History Professor Jennifer Keene, Ph.D., an internationally recognized expert on World War I, has already brought letters into her classroom during Carroll’s previous visits to Chapman. “The students are blown away,” Keene said. “There’s something about seeing actual artifacts. They see how people wrote, the stationary they wrote on. It becomes easier to start re-creating the world in which (the letter writers) lived.”

Letters reprinted with permission of Andrew Carroll and the Center for American War Letters at Chapman University. For more information on the center and to learn how to donate letters, visit

Andrew Carroll shares war letters from the archive with Chapman students during a previous visit to campus. Among the most poignant letters is one written on Adolf Hitler’s personal stationery by an American G.I. who found himself in Hitler’s Berlin apartment just days after the dictator’s suicide. “The paper alone makes the letter valuable,” Carroll says, “but the fact that he wrote about the horrors of Dachau on Hitler's stationery makes it all the more priceless.”

Next year will mark the centennial of the beginning of World War I, and Keene said that the occasion will offer Chapman “a test run” for including the archive in both a scholarly and public commemoration. The letters add texture and help personalize a subject of immense complexity, she noted. A centennial




WAR STORIES In 1945, 21-year-old Lt. Tommie Kennedy of Maricopa, Calif., scribbled this final letter to his parents on the back of the family photo at left, knowing that he was about to die on a Japanese POW “hell ship.”

D LIAM CHIL L I W R O J A M A surgeon with the Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, Child cared for many of the soldiers wounded at Antietam, the bloodiest battle in U.S. history. Overcome by the sheer immensity of the Civil War suffering, Child appealed to his wife and family back home for emotional comfort and support. U.S. General Hospital at Smokestown near Sharpsburg Md. My Dear Wife: It is now evening. I am very much better than I have been, but am yet as yellow as an orange. There is nothing of interest here to write unless I give you some of our hospital operations. How many patients we have I do not know — probably four hundred and fifty certain. The wounds in all parts you can think, but seven tenths of all have suffered amputation. Many die each day. Some are doing well. No one can begin to estimate the amount of agony after a great battle. We win a great victory. It goes through the country. The masses rejoice, but if all could see the thousands of poor suffering (dying) men their rejoicing would turn to weeping. For days our wounded after the last great battle lay in and about old barns and in the yards on straw. It was impossible to take care of them all for three or four days — and were not all removed from the barns for three weeks. Now many will recover to live a poor maimed old soldier — while others are fast going to the grave. When I think of the battle of Antietam it seems so strange. Who permits it? To see or feel that a power is in existence that can and will hurl masses of men against each other in deadly conflict — slaying each other by the thousands — mangling and deforming their fellow men is almost impossible. But it is so and why we cannot know. But I must go to bed. I think of you every day and dream of you every night. Tell Clinton to be a good boy — be kind to his ma-ma and his sister. You must let him go up to his grandfather and his grandmother — and Uncle Hazens. Keep him well clothed this fall and winter — and Kate — kiss her for me. Tell her pa-pa has not forgotten his “daughter.” Oh what I would not give to see you all. Well we will patiently wait. Time will soon pass away and we shall meet again and I hope to be able to live in our own happy home. … Good night. Kiss the babes for me. Write soon and often and tell others to do so. … God preserve us all. As ever, Wm Major Child eventually made it home to his family after the war.



symposium, lectures, a traveling exhibit of images and manuscripts, and lesson plans developed for a wide range of educators are among the possibilities. But more than public events, Keene can’t wait for Chapman students to get their first chance to really dig into the archive. “We’ll definitely have something to sink our teeth into,” she said. Equally excited is Professor Marilyn Harran, Ph.D., holder of the Stern Chair in Holocaust Education and the founding director of the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education and the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library at Chapman. Harran sees the center as a catalyst for collaboration.

“At Chapman, we’re developing archives with great depth, and they may connect with each other in ways we don’t even know of yet,” Harran said, citing the Huell Howser California’s Gold collection as well as the photographs and artifacts of Holocaust survivor and rescuer Curt Lowens. The war letters archive includes the reflections of soldiers who liberated Nazi death camps. Alongside the testimony of survivors, it’s powerful to present the voices of service members writing with immediacy about “something beyond their worst nightmares, something for which even combat couldn’t prepare them,” Harran said.

Some of the most eloquent letters were written during the Civil War, but contemporary war correspondence can be just as moving, Carroll says.

“Seeing the intersections and the differences in memory is like having many threads of one fabric,” Harran added. “When they interweave, it makes history real and deep and personal.” It’s incredibly exciting to have the war letters collection, she noted, “but it’s also exciting to have Andy himself. He is so impassioned about making sure that memory is not lost.”

were cherished letters, including one from a friend who was in Tiananmen Square during the Chinese crackdown.



The death of Cpl. Carl C. Saunders, who served with the American Expeditionary Force in World War I, was doubly tragic; it came just as the war was ending and was the result not of combat but of a prolonged illness. A French woman who had cared for the young man put a mother’s care into her message to Cpl. Saunders’ mom.

FROM A LOSS COMES INSPIRATION Spend any time with Carroll and that passion is apparent. In May, he’ll embark on a 50-state tour to promote the center and encourage Americans to donate letters. At the same time, he and Benitz will oversee readings of the letters and performances of their stage collaboration inspired by the archive. “This is a labor of love,” Carroll said. “It’s something I want to do for the rest of my life.” Interestingly, Carroll didn’t come to that passion with obvious connections. He had little interest in history growing up, and no one in his immediate family served in the military. Then just before Christmas 1989, during his sophomore year as an English major at Columbia University, Carroll got the news from his father that the family’s home had burned down. Among the losses



Red Cross volunteers gather letters from World War I service members beginning the first leg of their journey to Europe.

Later when he was sent a letter by an elderly cousin, detailing what he had seen at the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945, Carroll thought about what a tragedy it would be to lose such an account. “That planted the seed,” he said. In 1998, Carroll was working with the American Poetry & Literacy Project when he became aware that war letters were being lost to indifference all across the country. So he started spreading the word Continued on page 28

The Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections at Chapman includes the World War I letters of Capt. C. Stanley Chapman, the son of university namesake Charles C. Chapman. Capt. Chapman fought in every major battle involving U.S. forces.

Vals-les-Bains, France Dear Madam, It is a mother who is writing to you, a mother who has been with your dear child in his last days; and it had seemed to me that to tell you a little of his last acts and gestures may soften the bitterness of your grief. His comrades were admirably devoted and cared for him as no nurse would have done. He was for them a little brother, whom they petted and spoiled to quiet his pain. He was never left alone day or night and when they saw him depart, they wept like children. … An hour before he left, my husband and I went up to see him and I kissed his forehead in his mother’s name, then cut off this lock of hair as a last remembrance, but he noticed nothing. Well, one thing certain is that though your son was deprived of his mother’s care he did not know the commonplaceness of a hospital bed and so long as he was conscious saw about him the faces of devoted friends. The chaplain came to see him before he left. The American authorities had his body brought back to the cemetery of Vals-lesBains, where he rests beside several of his comrades. When I go to see the graves of my own family, I assure you, Madam, that he will have a visit for his mother’s sake. If I can be of any service to you I am entirely at your service. With all my sympathies, I am yours, Mme. J. Armand, Hotel de Paris, Vals-les-Bains, Ardéche SPRING 2013


Matt Gallenstein ’13, center, and Katie Gunderson ’11, in photo below, say that performing in If All the Sky Were Paper was hugely rewarding. Pictured with Gallenstein are Elyse Russell ’12 and Conor Brown ’12.



wo decades before Richard Luttrell wrote a transcendent letter that bridged cultures and generations, he was just another 18-year-old soldier doing a gritty job in the Vietnamese jungle. In 2010, it was sophomore Matt Gallenstein’s job to portray Luttrell, and the opportunity “shook me to my core,” he said. “I had an overwhelming feeling of empathy for him and his story,” said Gallenstein ’13, now a Chapman University senior double-majoring in English and screen acting. Such is the power of If All the Sky Were Paper, the war letter-inspired production that premiered three years ago at Chapman and is now being readied for performances nationally. Chapman theatre professor John Benitz worked with Andrew Carroll to develop the play and has directed each production. When Benitz uses terms like “lifechanging impact,” it’s clear he’s not exaggerating. “The experience has given me more of a recognition that life is sacred,” he said. “And there’s a dignity to service that I wasn’t aware of before.” If All the Sky Were Paper tells the stories of service members and others affected by war as seen through their eyes and captured in their letters. The play, written by Carroll based on his New York Times best sellers War Letters and Behind the Lines, premiered in 2010 at Chapman’s Waltmar Theatre and was performed there again in 2012.



The play was also selected for performance at the Los Angeles Theatre Center as part of the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. Katie Gunderson ’11 played multiple roles in the first production and developed a deep connection with the character of Mrs. Myatt. In 1940, the Englishwoman and her husband sent their 9-year-old daughter, Beryl, to live with relatives in Canada to keep her safe from the German Blitzkrieg. The parents mailed two letters to Beryl so they would be waiting for the child when she arrived in Winnipeg. But as Mrs. Myatt wrote the second missive, Beryl was already dead, one of 89 children who perished when the passenger ship City of Benares was torpedoed by a German U-boat and sank in the north Atlantic. Determined to honor Mrs. Myatt with her portrayal, Gunderson dived into background research on the family and the World War II practice of evacuating children overseas. “She learned things about the story that I didn’t know,” Carroll noted. Among her finds was the form letter the British government sent to the Myatts, telling them of Beryl’s passing. “It was so curt,” Gunderson said. “It shows that death was at everyone’s doorstep.” Even with all her research, Gunderson couldn’t hope to fully

grasp the sense of loss Mrs. Myatt experienced. “But I was honored to give her a voice,” she said. Gunderson’s father was a Navy SEAL, and during her childhood in Oregon he tended to downplay his service, she said. However, since performing in If All the Sky Were Paper, “I’m constantly reminded of how thankful I am for him,” she said. “And I never see service members without thanking them for their service.” For Gallenstein, the experience of playing a Vietnam veteran in search of peace and reconciliation was an enormous challenge. Like Gunderson, he found that research brought insights. He read accounts and watched footage that documented the journey of Luttrell, who in 1967 killed a Viet Cong soldier, then found and kept a photo the man had in his pocket. The photo was of the soldier and his daughter. Luttrell stashed the picture in his wallet, where it stayed for 22 years, until Luttrell left it along with a letter at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The letter is to the Vietnamese soldier he killed. It speaks of the guilt and pain Luttrell carried with him for decades and of his need to close the chapter and get on with his life. That letter accompanies this story. The photo and letter were found by the National Park Service and included in a publication called Offerings at the Wall. When Luttrell saw the book in 1996, the pain of memory was so strong that he knew his journey wasn’t finished. He had to try to return the photo to the daughter of the slain soldier.


A staged reading of notable correspondence from the Center for American War Letters at Chapman University


Wednesday, May 22

WHERE: Brentwood Theatre

in Los Angeles

MORE INFORMATION: Email or call (714) 744-7055

With embassy help, Luttrell persuaded newspapers in Hanoi to publish the photograph alongside an article, and against all odds in a nation of 80 million, the woman in the photograph saw the story. Several days later Luttrell received her translated message, in which she was identified only as Lan. “Dear Mr. Richard, the child that you have taken care of, or through the picture, for over 30 years, she becomes adult now, and she has spent so much sufferance in her childhood by the missing of her father. I hope you will bring the joy and happiness to my family.” Luttrell immediately asked if he could visit Lan in Vietnam, and she agreed. So in March 2000, Richard Lutrell completed his journey. When the two met, Lan burst into tears and embraced Luttrell. “I’m so sorry,” he said, his own tears flowing. Lan offered her forgiveness, and the photo now sits on a small altar in her home. Three years after he first portrayed Luttrell and read his letter on stage, Gallenstein is still moved by the experience. “As an actor, you try to inhabit the character and believe what he believes,” he said. As he prepares to pursue a career in acting, Gallenstein is faced with a new challenge: finding opportunities as powerful and meaningful as his roles in If All the Sky Were Paper. “There was definitely a feeling in the air,” he said. “We felt a singularity of purpose. I’ll always be connected to that.”




Luttrell wrote this heartfelt letter of reconciliation to a soldier he killed in combat in the Vietnamese jungle in 1967. He left the letter at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., alongside a photo of the soldier and his daughter. Luttrell had carried the photo for 22 years. Dear Sir, For twenty two years I have carried your picture in my wallet. I was only eighteen years old that day that we faced one another on that trail in Chu Lai, Vietnam. Why you did not take my life I’ll never know. You stared at me for so long armed with your AK-47 and yet you did not fire. Forgive me for taking your life, I was reacting just the way I was trained, to kill V.C. or gooks, hell you weren’t even considered human, just gook/target, one in the same. Since that day in 1967 I have grown a great deal and have a great deal of respect for life and other peoples of the world. So many times over the years I have stared at your picture and your daughter, I suspect. Each time my heart and guts would burn with the pain of guilt. I have two daughters myself now. One is twenty. The other one is twenty two, and (God) has blessed me with two granddaughters, ages one and four. Today I visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C. I have wanted to come here for several years now to say goodbye to many of my former comrades. Somehow I hope and believe they will know I’m here. I truly loved many of them as I am sure you loved many of your former comrades. As of today we are no longer enemies. I perceive you as a brave soldier defending his homeland. Above all else, I can now respect the importance that life held for you. I suppose that is why I am able to be here today. As I leave here today I leave your picture and this letter. It is time for me to continue the life process and release my pain and guilt. Forgive me Sir, I shall try to live my life to the fullest, an opportunity that you and many others were denied. I’ll sign off now Sir, so until we chance to meet again in another time and place, rest in peace. Respectfully, Richard A. Luttrell, 101st Airborne Div.




WAR STORIES Continued from page 25

of the need for an archive, including to syndicated columnist Dear Abby, who rallied her readers to the cause. “I thought we’d get a couple of hundred letters and move on,” he said. Instead, he got 15,000 — both originals and copies. He started giving talks at veterans’ halls and military bases, leading to documentaries on the History Channel and PBS, a Time magazine cover, and eventually Carroll’s best-selling book War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars. What he then dubbed the Legacy Project was off and running.

How has war correspondence evolved over the sweep of U.S. history? Andrew Carroll offers insights at


In this letter from Vietnam to his wife, Joyce, Allen shared emotions he could not express to anyone else.

July 10 Dearest Wife, There are many times while I am out in the field that I really feel the need to talk to you. Not so much about us but what I have on my mind. … Many times like tonight — I am out on ambush with eleven men & a medic — after everything is set up and in position I have nothing to do but lay there and think. … Why I have to watch a man die or get wounded — why I have to be the one to tell someone to do something that may get him blown away — have I done everything I can do to make sure we can’t get hit by surprise — are we really covered from all directions — how many men should I let sleep at a time? … Babes, I don’t know what the answer is. Being a good platoon leader is a lonely job. I don’t want to really get to know anybody over here because it would be bad enough to lose a man — I damn sure don’t want to lose a friend. … But as hard as I try not to get involved with my men I still can’t help liking them and getting close to a few. … Some letter, huh! I don’t know if I have one sentence in the whole thing. I just started writing.

July 11 In more recent years, he has also traveled to dozens of countries on five continents in search of more war correspondence, the best of which he has detailed in two subsequent anthologies. Meeting veterans and championing the cause of preservation have inspired Carroll, but no more so than the letters themselves. He has spent countless hours reading them, finding that in addition to the details of everyday life, they are full of eloquence, selflessness and even humor under the most trying of circumstances. “I had no idea the extent of the sacrifice troops make during wartime,” he said. “It goes beyond injury and casualties. It’s about not being there when a child is born; it’s about the stress on relationships; it’s about the psychological impact of seeing horrific things.” With the archive at more than 90,000 letters, it’s easy to imagine that all of the powerful stories already have been told. Not so, Carroll said. “Every time I think we’ve exhausted the subject matter of love, fear, courage, someone sends me a letter that’s unlike any I’ve read before.” And what has him most excited is his expectation that this new chapter in the archive’s history will be its most vibrant. “I really feel like we’ve just scratched the surface of what’s out there and what’s possible,” he said. 28


It got so dark I had to stop last night. … Writing like that doesn’t really do that much good because you aren’t here to answer me or discuss something. I guess it helps a little though because you are the only one I would say these things to. Maybe sometime I’ll even try to tell you how scared I have been or am now. … If I had prayed before or was religious enough to feel like I should — or had the right to pray now I probably would say one every night that I will see the sun again the next morning & will get back home to you. Sometimes I really wonder how I will make it. My luck is running way too good right now. I just hope it lasts. I have already written things I had never planned to write because I don’t want you to worry about me anyway. Don’t worry about what I have said these are just things I think about sometimes. I am so healthy I can’t get a day out of the field and you know I’m too damn mean to die. Now I better close for now & try to catch a few Z’s. It will be another long night. Sorry I haven’t written more but the weather is against me. You can’t write out here when it rains hour after hour. I love you with all my heart. All my love always, Dean Soon after sending the letter, Allen, a recipient of the Bronze Star, Air Medal and Purple Heart, stepped on a landmine during a search-and-destroy mission. He died of his injuries.

Read more letters from the archive at






During World War I, the airplane was a brand new tool of warfare, and many young aviators struggled to become combat pilots. Lt. Lewis Plush was a first-class pilot, earning the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism in aerial combat. But others he tried to teach weren’t so skillful. On Feb. 10, 1918, Plush wrote the following letter from France to his parents in Pomona, Calif., finding humor in some of the struggles suffered by trainees.

The daughter of a Vietnam veteran who was killed on active duty, Sharon McBride joined the U.S. Army herself to repay the military for covering her college expenses and taking care of her. (McBride was 3 when her father died.) After spending 14 months in the Middle East in support of both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operaiton Iraqi Freedom, Staff Sgt. McBride returned to the U.S. and was assigned to Fort Richardson, Alaska. There, she faced a new challenge: pregnancy and the probability of raising the child alone, because she and the child’s father had separated. Two months before her daughter was born, McBride wrote this letter.

Dear Father and Mother,

Dear Baby: As you grow inside me, I have been thinking more and more of what it means to be a mommy in the U.S. Army. Let me be the first to tell you, though, that we have a rough road ahead of us, kiddo. The life of a soldier isn’t an easy one. Already in the seven years that I’ve been in the Army I’ve spent a lot of time away from home. It’s very rare that I get to spend holidays with my family. And more and more I see my friends and comrades departing on deployments tht send them far away from the families for extended lengths of time. And I have a feeling that life isn’t going to get any easier, sweetie. And although we have been given a reprieve of sorts, I have a feeling it won’t be too long after you are born that I, too, will be asked to go away — again. It seems, my dear, that there are too many nasty people in this world that feel like they need to oppress, suffocate and stamp out human pride and freedom among their fellow man. Why, sweetie? I don’t know. But these men seem to be everywhere. Every day when I turn on the news, there’s a different man in a different part of the world who’s making life unbearable for others. As a soldier, I have given my word that if the call comes for me to do my part in making the world a better place to live, I’ll go. No hesitation. No questions asked. That call was a lot easier to answer when I didn’t have you — when I just had myself to think about. Now, as a future parent, I can see why some single mommies choose to get out of the Army, but my resolve is true. I know, baby, this is going to be hard for you to understand. You’re going to want your mommy and she’ll be far, far away. I’m going to miss a lot of important things — perhaps many of your firsts: birthdays, holidays, you know, all the good stuff. But I am a soldier. It’s a profession that few choose, but one that the many don’t hesitate to call when there’s trouble to be fixed. That’s our job, our mission in life: to help others that can’t seem to help themselves. But take comfort in the fact that there are going to be other children that will not only be missing their mommies but daddies too. Many families have gone down this road before us. … So if they can do it, surely we can do it too. While we are together, though, I promise to hold you a bit longer, read the story about the purple dinosaur as many times as you want, fix your favorite food for dinner, kiss you a lot, hold your hand and take as many photos of you as possible. Memories of these things have to sustain us while we are apart. Just take heart that being an Army baby won’t be all bad. There will be sweets to go with the sour. You’ll get to travel and see other cultures that other kids won’t get to see. There will always be food on the table and clothes on your back. If you get sick, you will always have medicine to make you feel better Some children in the world don’t even have shoes. I know, because I’ve seen them. So, as you grow stronger and bigger inside me, I can only hope and pray that you remember the lessons I will teach while we are together and that they will help you when we are apart: Always share your cookies, never call names, remember to say “I’m sorry” if you are wrong, wash behind your ears and brush your teeth, and say “I love you” every chance you get. Lastly, don’t forget to pray for Mommy and the other parents that often have to be far away from their little ones. We don’t want to leave, but sometimes duty calls.

I just came in from the flying field where several of the cadets are taking their first solo flight. The first trip alone is always a great event and furnished plenty of thrills and amusements for the others on the field. One fellow, in taking his first flight alone, had great difficulty in making a landing. He circled around once and tried to land. He missed the field by a quarter of a mile. He made another circle and tried it again. This time the field was so crowded with machines that he was afraid to try it. The next time he dove at the ground at a steep angle, hit on his wheels and bounced up in the air about fifty feet. He opened the throttle and made another circle. We thought perhaps we would have to shoot him down to keep him from starving to death up in the air. He made three or four more attempts and finally made a good landing. We found out afterwards that he had run out of gasoline and had to come down. Since this incident took place, I have heard rumors of a very important invention. It is military information of a strictly confidential nature. I have been unable to secure any detailed information, but this much I know, according to the rumors: a biscuit gunis being designed to shoot biscuits to starving aviators who are unable to land. You know what happens when an auto gets loose by itself and goes tearing down a street or jumping sidewalks? Well, try to imagine what a runaway airplane can do. Such a thing happened near here some time ago. Engine trouble forced the pilot to make a forced landing near a little village where airplanes are an unusual sight. The whole populace turned out to welcome the American visitor. The pilot repaired his engine and picked out half a dozen sturdy peasants to hold the plane while he started the engine. He forgot and left the throttle about half open. The engine started with a bang and roar. The peasants ran for their life and left the plane to take care of itself. The plane chased the pilot. Then the pilot chased the plane. It performed remarkable feats all by itself. It started directly for a group of frightened peasants, swerved to one side, chased a dog for a hundred yards, jumped a ditch, and started up in the air. It banked to one side and barely missed a corner of a stone wall and smashed squarely into a large tree. An airplane without a driver can never be trusted. It is apt to do almost anything. Funny incidents and incidents that ar not so funny happen on the field every day. With love, Lewis C. PlushU.S. Air Service American Expeditionary Force, France, Via New York

Love Forever, Mommy On Feb. 6, 2004, McBride gave birth to a healthy 8-pound, 12-ounce girl, whom she named Lyssa Bree. Two years later, McBride received orders to deploy overseas once again.





U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Nathan Wood, 19, was shot and killed in November 2004 in Fallujah, Iraq, where he was conducting a door-to-door sweep through an apartment complex. On the first Memorial Day after the young man’s death, both of his parents wrote letters to their late son after visiting the Garden of Remembrance in Seattle. Following is his mother’s letter.

Nathan’s father wrote the following:

Today is May 30, 2005, Memorial Day. You have been gone for almost 7 months. Sometimes I still don’t believe it. I never really understood what Memorial Day was until this weekend. I was browsing through the mall and felt so angry that the stores were taking advantage of this holiday to push their sales. I wish I was still naïve and could celebrate as though it were a “holiday weekend.” I will never look at this weekend the same. Today I share in the grief that many other families have known since losing someone they love fighting for their country. Your name has been added to the Garden of Remembrance in Seattle. There are many more than 8,000 names listed on this wall since WWII. I am very proud to see your name in stone among so many other American Heroes. I want you to know that seeing your name in stone will never replace the real memories I have of you. I will always miss your crooked smile, your red cheeks and freckles, your smell and most of all I will miss never being able to hug you again. Since you have been gone I have been in contact with some of your fellow Marines. Your friend Derrick has adopted your father and I to be grandparents of his wonderful boys. Derrick and his wife had a baby boy on February 16, 2005. They thought so much of you that they now have a Nathan of their own. We will enjoy watching Nathan and his big brother Trent grow up. Jacob and his wife Priscilla will soon be having a child of their own. Garret too is doing well. His parents call us often to see how we are doing. Anne Larson, Nick’s mother, and I email often. She too is taking the loss of her son just as hard. We do take some comfort knowing that you and Nick died together. I have recently been in contact with Michael’s mother, Karen. I am hoping that someday we can all get together to share memories of our brave sons. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I never knew that love could hurt so much. There are so many things that spark a memory of you — a song, a boy in a baseball cap and baggy pants, a skateboarder. I wish I could spend another summer at the cabin with you. I know that when you were there you were in heaven. When I think of you now I know that you are on the lake fishing with your friends and I know that someday I can join you. Until then, little man, I love you and I hold you close to my heart.

To my son, my hero, Nathan R. Wood,

Love, Mom

With memories of a little boy who brought me such happiness playing in the yard with his dog, playing catch in the back yard and trying his best to help his father in anyway he could. To the little boy who wore my shoes and gloves that were five times the size of his own hands and feet trying to be like me. One who would ride with me in the mountains of Montana on my motorcycle and spend all day with me just being happy to be in those mountains and do a little fishing and talking. As you got older, into your teens I lost you because I couldn’t seem to remember what it was like to be a teenager and we grew apart. You became your own man and became a Marine. On that day of graduation at MCRD I felt so proud of you, you made it and you knew you would, you were a true Marine. As I told you on the phone while you were in Iraq, it is strange how the farther away you are the closer that we seem to be getting. I longed for the day that you would come back home so that we could start again and be close once again but that day will never come. Today as we stand in front of this memorial wall with your name etched into it, I feel a great emptiness inside knowing that I will never get to tell you I love you and to thank you for all that you have done. You have given the greatest sacrifice for your family and your country. You have given more in your short life than I will ever be able to give in my entire lifetime and that, son, is why you are my hero. When I see the pain and loss in your mother since your passing I would gladly change places with you so that she could hug you and smile once more. I will never forget you and I hope that you are in a better place. I miss you. Dad




very armed conflict packs plenty of human drama, but for Americans there seems to be something deeper and more resonant about the stories that connect them to the Civil War. Even the penmanship in soldiers’ letters of that era appears to carry more gravitas. However, best-selling author and historian Andrew Carroll takes exception with this perception. He contends that no particular war has a copyright on poignancy or eloquence. “Fighting has gone from hand-to-hand during the Revolutionary War to door-todoor in the Iraq War, but the emotions are similar for the combatants,” said Carroll, who directs the Center for American War Letters at Chapman University. “There’s a feeling that the writings from Afghanistan or Iraq are just emails, so they can’t be that significant. We want people to know that their thoughts and concerns — their writings — are just as important now as in 1861 or during any period of conflict in American history.” In the 15 years since he started compiling an archive of letters from every war involving U.S. troops, Carroll has discovered some universal truths about wartime correspondence. For instance, he says, most of what’s written isn’t dramatic prose or lyrical poetry; it’s far more mundane. Still, there’s plenty for historians to pore over in the chronicles of everyday life during wartime. Another wartime truth: Even during the most harrowing of campaigns, many service members find humor in their experiences. Like the American Navy pilot flying combat missions over Afghanistan in 2002 who considered the various options for bladder

relief at 32,000 feet. The possibility of wearing Depends was quickly dismissed, he said. “We were all in agreement that the image of a downed Navy fighter pilot in Afghanistan paraded in front of the cameras of CNN wearing diapers would only serve to heighten the fighting spirit and resolve of the Taliban and Al Qaida,” he wrote in an email to his family. Then there’s the World War II soldier whose letters consistently arrived home with large sections snipped from the pages. Carroll assumed that the Army had cut out sensitive material — until he interviewed the brother of the G.I. It turns out that the soldier really didn’t like to pen letters but still wanted credit for writing. So he’d compose a greeting and a goodbye, then excise everything in the middle, as if he were the victim of censors.

One thing that has changed over the years is the technology of communication. Carroll says he collects lots of electronic messages these days, and he’s happy to get them in any format possible. During a visit to Iraq, he was given a DVD full of a soldier’s writings, which he was thrilled to receive. Still, he couldn’t help thinking about the enduring qualities of handwritten letters. “Ten years from now, no one will be able to play that DVD, and it will have to be converted to whatever the new technology is,” he said. “Meanwhile letters from 1861 are just as accessible as the day they were written.” Happily for Carroll, some service members do still handwrite letters. During a visit to Kuwait, he came across one such soldier, who said that this is actually the best time to write letters, precisely because there are so many other choices. “He said that it means even more to the recipient when you do write a letter,” Carroll related. “That’s the message he wanted to send to his mom — that she’s so important to him that he would take the time and effort.”

INSIDE THE QUEST FOR A COMPELLING COVER By Dennis Arp • Editor, Chapman Magazine





erhaps you remember the cover in question. It shows a gangly black Lab plunging into a swimming pool, looking otherworldly underwater, eyes as big as quarters, nose seemingly headed straight for your face. Around here it’s known simply as “the underwater dog cover,” and for us it’s a point of demarcation. With that fall 2012 issue, we dived into a new dynamic that now guides us as we choose a cover for each issue. That shot was captured by Chapman University alumnus Seth Casteel ’03, whom we profiled in the fall issue. Casteel made an international splash in February 2012, when his series of underwater dog photos so captivated Web users that the images went viral overnight. Chapman Magazine readers were just as taken, as the magazine traveled far outside the university community, and the cover image was posted on blogs and Facebook pages, with hard copies taped in windows and pinned to cubicle walls. A star — and a style — were born. Since then, we have labored to unearth a single image with similar impact to display on each of our covers. We look for a photo so distinctive and compelling that it requires no cover headline or description; something that demands readers’ attention, all but daring them not to open the magazine to see what’s inside. We acknowledge that it’s a rather quixotic quest, but we pursue it with all the buoyant zeal of that soggy black Lab. Sink or swim, we are motivated by him and we owe it to Chapman Magazine readers to invest our best efforts. For the spring 2013 issue, we wanted the cover shot to link with our eight-page feature spread on the new Center for American War Letters at Chapman. Over the past 15 years, historian and author Andrew Carroll has amassed an archive of more than 90,000 letters representing every conflict in U.S. history that has involved American troops. After interviewing Carroll and reading the letters in his three books compiled from the archive, I became particularly attached to the content and determined to make sure that our magazine stories and images did justice to the new center. I’ve read some

of the letters about a dozen times now, and they still give me goose bumps. Perhaps the most visually arresting letter in the archive is the one Pvt. John P. McGrath wrote in Anzio, Italy, in 1944. Before he could mail the letter, a bullet ripped through it, leaving a hole and singe marks. But while the letter is unmistakably striking, when the creative artists at Noelle Marketing Group, our pagedesign partners, used it to create a cover, the impact wasn’t as strong as we had hoped. We used the image of the letter on the first page of our spread inside the magazine, but for the cover we needed to regroup and search out other alternatives. Noelle’s Kris Elftmann and I started scouring online photo libraries and other sites by the hundreds, seeking images of service members in the field, preferably reading or writing letters. To our surprise, we found a host of choices, several of which we turned into mock covers. The team that ultimately chooses the Chapman Magazine cover includes Sheryl Bourgeois, executive vice president for University Advancement; Mark Woodland, vice president of Strategic Marketing and Communications; and Mary Platt, director of Communications and Media Relations. We all agreed that one cover stood out. It shows a lone World War I soldier at the edge of a bunker, rifle at his side, pen and paper in his hands, knees pulled up to provide a writing desk of sorts. For me, the photo captures the stark existence of the frontline service member as he steals a precious moment to reconnect with loved ones and a life he hopes one day will be his again. In many ways, the image couldn’t be more different from that of the underwater dog. Instead of the bright blue of the water, there is the gray of the bunker; ethereal exuberance is replaced by the weight of history. But we think this cover is just as compelling and impactful, if not more so. What do you think? Please share your own reflections by emailing And we look forward to keeping this conversation going as we launch new issues of Chapman Magazine.

CU B O O K S H E L F The Aylesford Skull (Titan Books) James Blaylock, professor of English One of the founding fathers of the steampunk movement releases a new novel featuring the famous Professor Langdon St. Ives, brilliant but eccentric scientist and explorer. In the story, a steam launch is taken by pirates and the professor encounters an old nemesis, the infamous Dr. Ignacio Narbondo.

Health Communication in the 21st Century (Wiley-Blackwell) Lisa Sparks, Ph.D., professor and director, Health and Strategic Communications Program This text is revised and updated in a second edition that incorporates recent research and boasts new material on topics such as crisis communication, social disparities in health and systemic reform. The Communication of Jealousy (Peter Lang Publishing Group)

The Gospels of the Marginalized (Cascade Books)

Marvin Meyer, Ph.D., Griset Chair in Bible and Christian Studies This work by Meyer, who passed away Aug. 16, provides an exciting new study of three of the most maligned figures in the New Testament story of Jesus: Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot. The book uses the Gospels of Thomas, Mary, and Judas to reexamine their place in the Jesus movement. Presidents and the American Presidency (Oxford University Press) Lori Cox Han, Ph.D., professor of political science Here the focus is on the study of the presidency through an exploration of both the political institution and the men who have held the office. The book moves beyond purely theoretical analysis to examine the real-life, day-to-day responsibilities and challenges that go with the job.

Jennifer Bevan, Ph.D., associate professor of communication studies Much of the focus here is on jealousy research, taking an academic approach to consider jealousy from an interpersonal communication perspective. The book develops a theory that advances the state of jealousy expression research. Voces Shiwilu: 400 Años de Resistencia Lingüística en Jeberos (PCUP – Fondo Editorial) Pilar Valenzuela, Ph.D., associate professor of languages Exploring the history of the Shiwilu people from Western Amazonia, from their first encounter with the Spaniards to the present, Valenzuela seeks to understand the causes that led to the almost complete displacement of their native language in favor of Spanish. The book contains the first published texts in the Shiwilu language. Communication for Families in Crisis (Peter Lang Publishing Group) Fran C. Dickson, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Communication Studies

Contexts & Choices: A Guide to Practical Writing (Kendall Hunt Publishing) Doug Sweet, director of undergraduate writing, Department of English Especially in this challenging economy, students need to find an edge on the competition. Effective business writing is crucial to success. This textbook offers practical advice on how to effectively write for business. The Big Drop: Homecoming (Black Hill Press) Ryan Gattis, adjunct professor of English After killing a yakuza in self-defense, an ex-military translator owes a debt that is payable only one way: by taking the dead man’s place searching for a missing woman in Little Tokyo. Fusing gritty yakuza action with elements of classic noir, the novel smashes Johnny Ban into a rarely explored corner of L.A., sending him in search of his long-buried Americanness and his first love — a Japanese woman up to her neck in trouble.

In this first book-length work to address effective family communication during times of crisis, leading researchers provide in-depth discussions of communication theory, exploring specific scientific analysis of families in crisis. From Moscow to Beirut: The Adventures of a Foreign Correspondent (Chapman University Press)

David C. Henley, Chapman University trustee After serving as a journalist and foreign correspondent for more than 60 years, Henley shares some of his favorite experiences. Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist David Hume Kennerly calls the book a “Raiders of the Lost Ark class of adventure story.” Among Henley’s exploits: being roughed up by bodyguards of a military coup leader in Fiji, getting tossed out of a Moscow reception after knocking over a tray of drinks near Soviet leader Nikolai Bulganin, and narrowly escaping injury or death while walking in a minefield on the Israeli-Egyptian border.




Scott Martelle, a Chapman journalism instructor, is the author most recently of Detroit: A Biography. 30


Who’s ready for a high-tech tomorrow full of hairpin turns? Those whose ingenuity is grounded by a depth of perspective. emember, by now we were all supposed to be flying around with our own jetpacks. Predicting the future is, at best, a fool’s game, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still try to do it. And we live with the consequences. But predicting our future jobs carries extra weight, and extra risk. When I first started working on newspapers in the mid-1970s, nothing seemed more stable. In fact, it seemed stable right up until a few months before my Los Angeles Times staff writing job was cut (along with a few hundred others) five years ago as the newspaper industry crashed. Steelworkers in Pittsburgh and autoworkers in Detroit suffered through similar jolts, as did Southern California defense industry workers in the 1990s. So while we’re distracted by the fast-shifting technology of the day, the jobs and careers that look stable now might not be so stable in 10 years. Key to thriving amid that kind of uncertainty is to recognize that technology is the ever-progressing tool through which we will do our jobs. If I were writing this article when I first started out as a journalist, I’d be typing it on a Royal upright with sticky and clattering keys. Instead, I’m writing it on a laptop from notes kept in electronic files. In another 20 years, maybe the piece will type itself just by me thinking up the sentences, no keystrokes needed. But in the end, it’s still a story. And data analysis by a graduate from the Argyros School of Business and Economics is still data analysis. An animated short at Dodge College of Film and Media Arts is still an animated short, and a legal brief drawn up by a School of Law graduate is a legal brief. They will just get done with different, and newer, tools, fresher knowledge, and based on fast-evolving changes in industry standards. So what are the jobs of the future? The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics points to


office and administrative support workers as the likely largest pool, followed closely by sales people, health care workers and food preparers — a mark of the evolving service economy. But there also will be opportunities for more specialized workers. New consumer technology devices will be imagined and created by designers and engineers. Entrepreneurs will continue to strike out on their own with fresh concepts. There will be increased demand for architects and engineers, educators and restaurateurs, communications experts and lawyers. Reality, though, trumps prognostication. “Very often you may project something, but that projected thing doesn’t quite happen the way you thought it would happen,” says Joel Kotkin, Distinguished Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and author of The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050. “If you look at demographics today, who would have predicted the major drop off in immigration from Mexico?” Specific careers require specific skills, but the tools of a given trade change rapidly. Five years ago, few foresaw 3-D printers that can churn out plastic models of computer-designed products. Yet they are a growing part of today’s technology world. So how does a Chapman student, or a recent Chapman graduate, position for the future? What education best prepares someone for a career that could morph in an instant? Academics across a spectrum of specializations point to general attributes that will be crucial to thriving in a fast-changing work world, including: flexibility; curiosity; understanding how things work, from statistics to software programs; and a broad foundation of knowledge, including history. It’s hard to see the future without understanding how the present came to be.

Continued on next page



Continued from previous page

To succeed in the jobs of the future, students will need to turn good data into great storytelling, says Professor Lisa Sparks, director of graduate studies for the M.S. in Health and Strategic Communications at Chapman University.

“What’s really important is that curiosity and imagination are rooted in an understanding of things,” says Kotkin, who teaches an honors course called “History of the Future.” “In the class, people will come up with ideas, but they’re not rooted in any kind of reality. There’s a difference between fantasy and educated prognostication. The biggest deficiency of kids coming out of high school and even college today is their lack of basic historical understanding.” In entertainment law, attorneys must both understand the fast-evolving technology and sense how new formats might affect old rights issues, says Kathy

Z. Heller, executive director of Chapman’s Entertainment Law program. “They need to be able to understand what their clients are doing, and they need to be able to foresee the future,” Heller says. “They need to see what the client doesn’t know could happen.” At the same time, evolution in entertainment means evolution in law practices. “Often you create a job,” Heller says, adding that a few years ago the video game music industry barely existed. To succeed, lawyers need an intimate understanding of the business itself, which Heller says the Entertainment Law program

does through an initiative in which student lawyers work directly with filmmakers in securing rights and other legal aspects of film production. “The law doesn’t change as fast as the technology does,” Heller says. Future lawyers “need to be able to represent” clients “but protect them, as well. Those laws don’t change, but the way you implement them for clients requires foresight.” Similarly, those entering business and finance need a grounding in how those worlds work, but to thrive they need flexibility and vision to take advantage of what Argyros School Dean Reggie Gilyard calls “opportunity in times of ambiguity.” Whatever the point of the business at hand — design, manufacturing, consulting — it needs to be able to focus on a core mission, assess unforeseen opportunities within that framework, and respond quickly with knowledge and confidence. Gilyard says the Argyros School prepares its students in part through “modeling,” a concept he wants to expand. “I want them to be able to see models of strategic thinking, and models of organizational behavior, that show how you deal with ambiguity and ambiguous environments,” says Gilyard, a Harvard MBA who joined Chapman last fall after working as a partner and managing director of The Boston Consulting Group’s Los Angeles office.

By the Numbers 25 percent – rate of growth in pharmacy jobs, including in physicians’ offices, outpatient care centers and nursing homes.

5.7 million – the number of health care and social assistance jobs expected to be added nationally, reflecting the ongoing shift from manufacturing to service jobs in the economy. Pictured: The recently acquired Chapman University Health Sciences Campus, which will initially serve graduate students in the Schmid College of Science and Technology.


“By 2014, six of the top 10 drugs used in the U.S. will be biologics, made by actual living cells. Our future pharmacists will need to be the expert sources of deep scientific knowledge on how these drugs work.” RONALD P. JORDAN, FOUNDING DEAN OF THE NEW CHAPMAN SCHOOL OF PHARMACY


– the number of new accounting and auditing positions, owing in part to stricter regulations in the financial sector. Pictured: Michael Koll ’11, who won the highly selective Elijah Watt Sells Award after achieving a near perfect score on the Uniform CPA Exam.

Gilyard also wants to add more courses on financial and quantitative modeling using Excel and other database programs as tools “for laying out forecasts when you have incomplete data. In some of the courses we’re adding, students will get the opportunity to learn how to deal with ambiguity and deal with uncertainty,” which he sees as “a critical skill for business leaders.” Not all the critical skills, though, involve databases. Gilyard’s academic background — as an undergraduate, he studied math and operations research at the U.S. Air Force Academy — was heavy on numbers-crunching and engineering, and light on the humanities. “I felt there was something intangible that was missing from my game,” Gilyard says of his Harvard experience, which reinforced in him the value of liberal arts study. One of the biggest growth areas already is heath care, propelled by the twin forces of demographics — aging baby boomers requiring more medical care — and the new federal Affordable Care Act. That means an increased demand for professional health communicators to translate medspeak into English. Lisa Sparks, Ph.D., directs graduate studies for Chapman’s Health and Strategic Communications Department,

and is the Foster and Mary McGaw Endowed Professor in Behavioral Sciences. Sparks believes that “the competencies that students need coming out are statistical knowledge and public speaking” — understanding how data can tell a story, or aid analysis, and the ability to convert that knowledge into easily understood information for others. The issue is critical because lives can hang in the balance. “Eighty percent of medical errors are due to communication breakdowns,” says Sparks, co-author of the leading textbook Health Communication in the 21st Century. “Health communication is about creating shared meaning about heath care and conditions. … Creating shared meaning is not that easy to do, and creating it about something as complex as health care and health conditions, it can be really complicated.” Yet those skills can be taught. More important, she says, are the traits that the students — and potential employees — carry with them. “A lot of that is attitude,” Sparks says. “That means being able to build relationships, being able to show that you’re valuable to the organization, that you’re a credible person, an honest person of integrity.” And no jetpacks are needed for that.

(Projections are for the period 2010–2020. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.)


– the number of the 20 fastest-declining job sectors that are connected to labor and production. Among the sectors with the biggest losses: Shoe machine operators, postal service mail sorters, fabric and apparel patternmakers.


– The number of credited artists working on visual effects for Iron Man 3, slated for release in May. Pictured: Dodge College Professor Adam Rote, who in addition to the latest in the franchise starring Robert Downey Jr. recently completed visual effects work on the Superman reboot Man of Steel.

PURSUING THE PERFECT PRODUCT – FOR 2050 or an international contest, two Chapman University students had to envision the product market of 2050 and develop something perfect for the times. They chose an innovation with sticking power. They imagined a world in which soy byproducts get a new life as a resilient adhesive with “off-on” properties, making it especially valuable in a hospital setting. Their futuristic thinking helped them become the only college team from North America chosen to compete in the finals of the Henkel Innovation Challenge. MBA candidate Elise Drakes ’13 and MBA/ M.S. food science candidate Greg Yudin ’14, pictured above, traveled to Shanghai on March 17 to compete against 25 other teams from around the world. Their challenge was to prove to Henkel judges that their product, which they’ve dubbed “Pattex Hercules,” is the most sustainable and valuable idea out there and could be market ready by 2050. The grand prize is a trip around the world worth 10,000 euros (about $13,000). The Chapman students’ idea was borne out of their respective backgrounds. Drakes works for an architectural firm specializing in meeting health care needs, such as safely securing wheeled equipment. “This would protect people from things that could harm them in an earthquake,” Drakes says. As a food science student, Yudin has researched emerging technology targeting the effort to make a powerful soy-based adhesive. “The technology is not theoretical,” Yudin says. But true to the Henkel challenge, the two had to give their product a next-step futuristic application. Enter the “on-off” idea. They envision their adhesive having elements that would somehow be responsive to a smart device. Click once and the equipment is anchored; click again and it’s mobile. Now, what might a smart device look like in 2050? Well, that’s a whole other challenge.




By Dawn Bonker

While at Chapman, Liz Fiacco ’12 helped create the mobile game Axle. Now she and Jessica Kernan ’12 are developing the game for release as they work at Obsidian Entertainment and prepare to launch their own start-up, Fallstreak Studio.


Game Changers At the intersection of computational science and visual storytelling is a $68 billion industry with lots more room to grow.

ook at that kid sitting in the restaurant lobby, absorbed in a silly game on his mobile phone, little thumbs flying, oblivious o to his family’s antsy ways as they wait for a table. That’s what a $68 billion industry looks like. And there’s nothing silly about it. Such video games, be they spinoffs from a superhero blockbuster film or an original creation engaging players by the millions, are increasingly the lifeblood of the entertainment industry. Films may be the glamorous swans, but games are the ducks on the entertainment pond, steadily — and splashily — paddling all the way to the bank. And with its culture of interdisciplinary cross-pollination, Chapman University is uniquely equipped to train students to work in an industry where collaboration among storytellers, artists and computer geeks is just another day at the office. From the filmmaking dreamer to the computational science mastermind, or the English major who picks ups a minor in



game development, it’s game on for students. “I can’t think of a university that offers a better opportunity to network with people who do voice acting, cinema, music, creative writing and computational work. All of the tools that you need are here. That’s the beauty of an interdisciplinary institution. We have so many folks who work in so many different areas,” says novelist Ryan Gattis, who teaches “Writing for Video Games” in the Department of English. “Video games are a culmination of so many different art forms.” Mix in the university’s location in the hub of Southern California’s entertainment industry, including the growing presence of Orange County game studios, and you’ve got an ideal playing field, says faculty member and science librarian Doug Dechow, Ph.D., who teaches “Computing for the Humanities,” a companion course to Gattis’ class.

Photo by Katie Kland

“Chapman students just couldn’t be better positioned to participate in this world,” Dechow says. It’s smart job planning, too. Video game profits often trump traditional box office. Avatar, the highest-grossing movie in history, took 16 days to hit the $1 billion sales mark. The game Warfare 3: Call of Duty hit that Creating story-driven games takes creativity and collaboration, says novelist mark in 15 days. The film version of Harry Ryan Gattis, who teaches “Writing for Video Games” at Chapman. Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 racked up And while Fiacco and Kernan graduated from Dodge $350 million in its first month. The role-playing fantasy game College with the minor in game development offered in Skyrim captured $650 million in sales its first month. the Schmid College of Science and Technology, members Not that all games are million-dollar hits, but there are a of their team hail from a variety of disciplines, from music million of them out there and they’re adding up — especially to computational sciences. the mobile games on all those smart phones and fueled by “There’s such collaboration,” Kernan says. online pay systems. Indeed, it’s an industry that works a little differently than its “Mobile games are exploding,” says Dodge College traditional counterparts, says Rote, whose film credits of Film and Media Arts Assistant Professor include Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel. GameAdam Rote, who teaches visual affects creation teams tend to work better with supervising and “Introduction to people who have more than one tool the Game Industry.” “There’s more in their kits. mobile gaming now than anything. “They have to be a generalist It’s quick, it’s easy. They sell in my class,” Rote says. more units quicker.” Just when you thought it was all about the future, It takes a lot of creative So what’s it like to work something from the past comes roaring back to life. minds to conjure the content in an industry making the Which is why video game industry insider Liz Fiacco ’12, needed for the new rolevery things that your parents playing and story-driven co-creator of the smart phone game Axle, is excited about a new nagged you to put away? games. With the strength “It’s my dream job,” says take on what some might consider a lumbering old lummox — of its screenwriting and Liz Fiacco ’12, who works the console. Fiacco says to watch for Steam Box, a new video creative writing programs, with Jessica Kernan ’12 at game console from Valve that will be tested with select consumers Chapman is well-positioned Obsidian Entertainment in in a couple months. Steam does evoke the bygone days of to train students who can Irvine, a major game studio infuse new games with dramatic with Star Wars and South Park Nintendo and Playstation, but it will be quieter, promote narrative and story arcs. imprints among its product titles from other software creators and offer enhanced “There are just so many darn lines. Fiacco was hired as an area biometrics capable of reading players’ reactions. choices that need to be made,” designer and Kernan is a character Could a revival of Pong be just Gattis said. “The plot could go here, artist. Something they were told to or the player could go there. The player around the corner? bring to work? Nerf guns. Yeah, it’s pretty could make three different choices in any much awesome. given area. And that is completely opposite of being The only thing better, the women say, would be a fiction writer and being in a café and getting every little launching their own game studio. So they’re doing that, too. detail right.” Their fledgling Fallstreak Studio has completed a successful In the early development phases of a big, splashy spectacle Kickstarter campaign to support the development of Axle, movie, writers and game designers are often in the same room. a whimsical game featuring a spunky little gear who must Sometimes they even have little battles over which bit of the surmount big problems in the steampunkish world of a story will go into the film and which into the game or even gear-crushing toy factory. The concept and early version of the into the spinoff novels to follow. mobile game created with fellow Chapman students last year “It’s a different take on story,” Dechow says. won the team first place in the 2012 Intercollegiate Computer In other words, it takes the sort of nimble creativity and Game Showcase. Now the crew is fine-tuning Axle’s details collaboration that Chapman emphasizes. And it looks to be and marketing plans — with help from the entrepreneurial a game in which Chapman scholars, students and alumni incubator program eVillage supported by the Argyros School will be the major players of the future. of Business and Economics.

Console Comeback?





Beyond crunching numbers, the victors will be those who create business intelligence out of raw information.


ometimes it takes a TV commercial to put things in high definition. That’s why Janeen Hill uses a particular 30-second spot to help explain the growing impact of Big Data and computer analytics on business, science and just about everything else in our lives. In the ad, a woman who owns a bakery talks about how she makes operational decisions. By analyzing reams of data, she learns that the buying habits of her customers are tied directly to the weather — on sunny days they tend to buy certain kinds of sandwiches, and when it rains they crave sweet confections. So she plans — and bakes — accordingly. “Whether we’re talking about a small retail shop or big banking systems, quality intelligence can help predict the future,” said Hill, dean of the Schmid College of Science and Technology. “That leads to better investment strategies, better pricing and greater overall success.” By definition, Big Data consists of information sets so massive that they defy processing by traditional tools and methods. These days, many organizations are rolling in such data. Brake for a stoplight and sensors in your car record your driving habits, to improve auto design and help determine insurance rates. Order on Netflix and computers collect information on your interests, the better to market to your tastes. Buy the right (or is it the wrong?) kind of products and Target might know you’re pregnant before your family does. With all this information at the ready, what’s desperately needed are people with the skills to develop database management tools and data processing applications that can turn this mountain of raw info into analysis that makes it useful.

PREDICTIVE MODELS At Chapman, Hill and her colleagues are working across disciplines to prepare students for a future largely defined by predictive modeling. “It’s kind of the perfect place for the business and science schools to get together,” says Ken Murphy, Ph.D., associate professor of operations management and assistant dean of undergraduate programs at the Argyros School of Business and Economics. From credit lines to environmental planning to cream-filled cupcakes, the numbers don’t lie when the right computational tools are put to work. “We’re working to provide students with a tool set to write programs, establish systems and mine data at sophisticated levels,”



Hill said. “When we think about science tools, we think about the profound effect the microscope has had on biology. That’s the kind of impact computation will have on so many industries.” For marketers, the job opportunities are obvious. Targeted analytics can lead directly to spikes in sales. But Chapman’s undergraduate, master’s and Ph.D. programs in computational science are also preparing students to make the most of genome data, other bioinformatics, Hesham El-Askary experimental economics results and more. “Any company, any endeavor that seeks to take advantage of Big Data is now a potential client of ours,” says Michael Fahy, Ph.D., professor of mathematics and computer science and associate dean at Schmid College.


For Hesham El-Askary, Ph.D., assistant professor of remote sensing and earth system sciences at Chapman, a leap forward in computer analytics can do more than impact lives. It can save them. El-Askary and his graduate-student researchers at Chapman study natural events like dust storms and hurricanes, using data collected by everything from ground monitors to sensors in the hydrosphere. Better predictive modeling means better disaster planning. The professor points to the two computers on his desk. “That one has two terabytes of data, and that one has two more,” he says. “Can you imagine what it would be like if you had to open those files one by one? That’s why we need an automated way to filter these massive files and turn it into meaningful predictive analytics.” Across industries, “we need talented people able to think critically, communicate clearly and learn rapidly,” says El-Askary, who in March was preparing for an April 4–6 conference at Chapman on Big Data and analytics — the 44th Symposium on the Interface of Computing and Statistics. Like conference attendees, analysts of the future will need a deep understanding of technology. But they will also benefit from an entrepreneurial bent, the professor said. Because it’s those who take educated risks who will spark breakthroughs in understanding. And those job opportunities Hill mentioned? El-Askary pulls out a folder filled with a stack of letters from high-profile employers like Laurence Livermore National Laboratory and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as well as environmental-modeling start-ups like ATMET, LLC. “Things are pretty wide open,” Fahy says. “There’s a lot of space for start-ups.” The letters offer internships and other opportunities for Chapman to link the employers with motivated students who are the problemsolvers of the future. “That tells us what we’re doing is the right thing for now and for tomorrow,” El-Askary says.




very year, Jacob Sudek ’14 would start with a gleeful case of March Madness, only to end up in the dumps, clutching a losing NCAA basketball tournament bracket sheet. His gut instincts were getting him nowhere. “Now I’m teaching my gut,” he said. To do that, the business administration major has immersed himself in computer analytics and turned his obsession with a perfect bracket into a Chapman University research project. Teaming with Argyros School of Business and Economics Professor Ken Murphy, who has a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon in operations research, Sudek has amassed 900,000 data points covering everything from obscure statistics to coaching tendencies. “There are aspects of our approach we think are novel,” Murphy said. The two are building an algorithm and predictive models designed to take the guesswork out of picking winners. Of course, there are so many variables in basketball that they can’t possibly hope to get all the games right. After all, the odds of filling out a perfect 68-team bracket are calculated at 9.2 quintillion to 1. That’s a 9.2 followed by 18 zeros. “I know it’s possible,” says Sudek. “With the right model, anything is possible.” Last year he and Murphy got 83 percent of their picks right, and this year Sudek was confident they’d at least end up in the low 90s. Ultimately, they hope to have a model they can market to pro or Division I college teams seeking an edge on their opponents. Sudek also thinks analytics can be a ticket to a coaching job. For now he’s just glad to have a bracket sheet that makes him feel good. In his gut.

Jacob Sudek ’14


in memoria m

HUELL HOWSER Legendary broadcaster Huell Howser came to Chapman University in the later years of his life. But in his typically enthusiastic fashion, he quickly made up for lost time. He visited the campus often, met with history and journalism classes, absolutely wowed an overflow audience of adoring fans in Memorial Hall, endowed a scholarship and donated his life’s work and personal art collection to the university. So when he passed away Jan. 6, it was not just the loss of a California legend that Chapman University mourned, but the passing of a cherished friend. “It has been a real privilege in these past few years to become his friend and to share in his immense enthusiasm for life and for everything around him,” President Jim Doti said. “He loved California so very much, and above all he loved people: their life stories, their interests, their passions. And, of course, people adored him with equal intensity. “When Huell spoke on our campus in October 2011,” Doti recalled, “he packed Memorial Hall, and countless more people waited outside for him to come out, just for a chance to talk with him and tell him how much they loved him. And he stayed out there, just chatting and signing autographs, and they stayed, until well after 11 p.m. that night. It was, as Huell would say, amazing!” Such affection for the charismatic TV host was profoundly displayed again during a California’s Gold open house event on campus in February to celebrate his life and work. Nearly 2,000

adoring fans who had traveled along with Howser as armchair adventurers poured onto the campus to enjoy talks, displays and even “Huell Dogs” from Pink’s Famous Chili Dogs. At Chapman, Howser’s legacy will endure for generations. Howser donated copies of all the episodes of California’s Gold and his other public television shows to Chapman University for digitization, so they could be put on the Web and made available for free to a worldwide online audience. More than 700 are already digitized and available for viewing at A home he gave to the university, the Volcano House, a Midcentury Modern structure that sits atop an ancient cinder-cone volcano deep in the Mojave Desert, will be the site for study tours and projects by Chapman faculty and students of environmental science, astronomy, film and other disciplines. Most of his personal art collection also came to Chapman, much of which is displayed in the new James L. and Lynne P. Doti Hall. In addition, he endowed the California’s Gold Scholarship, which will be given to Chapman students who display a positive outlook and seek to improve society. “It is an immense honor,” Doti said, “for the university to have been entrusted with Huell Howser’s life’s legacy, for our students to have had the chance to meet and hear and learn from him, and for Chapman to be able to offer the California’s Gold Scholarship through his generosity and foresight. His passing leaves a California-sized hole in our hearts, but his legacy will always live on here at Chapman.”

Donations in Howser’s memory may be made online to the California’s Gold Scholarship or the California’s Gold Archive and Collection. Link from or call (714) 744-7623. 38



Monte and Bernadine Smith

MONTE SMITH A trailblazing faculty member who started Chapman University’s Athletic Training Education Program, Monte Smith passed away Dec. 10. He was 82. Ky Kugler, Ed.D., associate dean in the College of Educational Studies, first met Smith when the two served as volunteer athletic trainers for the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. He described Smith as a natural and gifted educator. “He had the innate ability to make students feel comfortable,” Kugler says. “The ultimate respect for an educator is that students want to be around you and want to learn from you, and that was Monte.” A gymnast in college, Smith was forced to abandon the sport when he broke his neck. He studied exercise science and kinesiology and went on to become the head athletic trainer at the University of Colorado until 1972, when he joined Chapman. Later he was tapped to develop Chapman’s Athletic Training Education Program, which he led until his retirement in 1992. In 2009 he was inducted into the Chapman Athletics Hall of Fame. Bill Parker ’52 said Smith’s vision for the ATEP program was foundational to its stature today. “He changed the institution,” Parker says. Under Smith’s guidance Chapman’s ATEP “became a respected and admired program with national recognition.” Parker said friends, family and students were often reminded of Smith’s gymnastic background because he frequently quipped: “Remember to point your toes! A lot of mistakes can be forgotten with a pretty ending.” Parker is survived by his wife of 63 years, Bernadine, and children Vickie Williamson, Vana Surmanian, Valori Egan and Michael Smith. Memorial donations may be made to the Chapman University Monte Smith Endowment Fund and sent to One University Drive, Orange, Calif., 92866.

One of the youngest children on the legendary Schindler’s List, who in his later years recounted his Holocaust experience for countless Chapman University students, Leon Leyson, died Jan. 12 after a lengthy battle with lymphoma. He was 83. The world knew him as very possibly the youngest Schindler’s List survivor. As a child he had to stand atop a box to reach the machinery in the factory of the German industrialist who saved 1,100 Jews from the Nazis by claiming them to staff his factories. But at Chapman, Leyson was also a friend and teacher who poured out his story and memories of Oskar Schindler so that others might learn what ordinary people can do in extraordinary situations. “Chapman was one of the very first places where Leon told his story. He always spoke without notes with total genuineness, unaware of how compelling a speaker he was,” said Professor Marilyn Harran, Ph.D., director of the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education and a friend of Leyson. “Leon educated young people around the nation and in Canada by sharing the story of ‘little Leyson,’ as Schindler called him. He contributed more to our Chapman University program in Holocaust education than I can ever describe.” Born Leib Lejzon, Leyson and his family were living in Krakow, Poland, when the Germans invaded and ordered the city’s Jews into ghettos. He was 13 when his father brought him into the factory of Schindler. After the war Leyson immigrated to the United States, served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, attended college and went on to become a teacher at Huntington Park High School, where he taught industrial arts and was a guidance counselor. Only after a Los Angeles Times reporter searched him out following the 1993 premiere of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-winning film Schindler’s List did Leyson begin to speak publicly of what he and his family endured. “The standing ovations he routinely received left Leon stunned and humbled,” Harran said. “He never thought he deserved them; he always did.” Leyson received an honorary doctorate from Chapman in 2011. A memorial service celebrating his life was held Feb. 17 in the Fish Interfaith Center, Wallace All Faiths Chapel. Donations in his memory may be made to the Leon Leyson Memorial Scholarship Fund. SPRING 2013



Story by Jerry Hicks Photos by Dr. Richard Pitts ’70

KEEPS GOING A passion for photography helps physician Richard Pitts ’70 expand his educational journey.

Gracing the walls at Leatherby Libraries are large, stunning photographs in vivid colors — people, plants and flowers. But a favorite of Dean Charlene Baldwin is a romantic shot of Maui at sunset, a personal gift to her by the photographer, Dr. Richard Pitts ’70. 40



Pitts isn’t a professional with the camera; by trade, he is a physician, specializing in emergency medicine. But photography has become an obsessive hobby, reflecting his belief that education is a lifelong journey of exploration. In his case, he didn’t stop the journey after Chapman, nor after becoming a physician, nor after earning specialty certifications, nor after getting a Ph.D. He notes that his life is richer because he has reached beyond the sciences into acting and photography.

“I encourage everyone — students and graduates — to expand their minds beyond their own expertise,” he said. Pitts’ latest mind-expanding experience came in the Sichuan province of China and the Jiuzhaigou Valley of Tibet, which he explored with Colleen, his wife of 34 years. They were joined by good friend and fellow Chapman alumnus Fred Ma ’71, Ph.D., and his wife, Joanna. Fred has a successful electronics company in Shanghai.

Dr. Richard Pitts ’70, right, and his wife, Colleen, recently visited China, where they met up with Chapman friends Fred Ma ’71, Ph.D., left, and his wife, Joanna. The four explored Tibet and the Jiuzhaigou Valley.


“We were unprepared for not only the visual beauty but also the beauty of the people and their culture,” Pitts said. He’s just as effusive when describing his academic exploration at Chapman. “Spectacular! And tough. Very, very tough,” he said. Though Pitts’ interest was always in medicine, an important mentor was Professor Ron Huntington, who taught in religious studies and was co-director of the university’s Albert Schweitzer Institute. “He really set the standard for me,” said Pitts. As for science classes, Pitts said that the most stringent were with biochemistry professor Fred Kakis, Ph.D. “I can remember in medical school there was an important exam. All I had to do was review my notes from one of Professor Kakis’ classes and I was ready,” he said. Pitts found a special way to say thank you — by funding the Kakis Reading Room at Leatherby Libraries, which includes a wall of tribute to the late professor. “I don’t need to promote my own name,” Pitts said. “Recognizing the people who have been important to me at Chapman means more to me.” Another example of his generosity: Pitts provides the resources for a student travel fund in the name of Virginia Carson, Ph.D., now in her 40th year as a professor of biological sciences. Carson was not teaching when Pitts attended Chapman; he met her years later on one of his visits to campus. They became such good friends that for decades he has taught in many of her classes. “The students love him,” Carson said. “I remember one time when he brought in two Orange police officers to talk about rape. It was an amazing experience for the students.”

Pitts has loved his career in medicine, but there is a particular moment that stands out. He described it in a 2009 Commencement address at Quincy College in Plymouth, Mass. It was extremely busy in the hospital emergency room when suddenly someone shouted from the doorway: “We need a doctor outside! Now!” A woman in the backseat of a car was about to give birth, and not only was the baby premature, but the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck — twice. The baby came out blue, without a heartbeat. Pitts placed the boy — the size of a submarine sandwich

— inside his shirt. “Warmth,” he explained, “can be more critical in a newborn’s life than oxygen.” After he ran inside the emergency room, a team of doctors worked furiously to save the baby’s life. “What happened next seemed like a sunrise in the dead of night,” Pitts said. A small area of pink appeared

on the baby’s chest, then the head became pink, then the stomach. Six months later, the woman returned with her robust, healthy baby and heaped thanks on Pitts for saving the boy’s life. He couldn’t stop his own flood of tears. The baby is one of about 100,000 patients Pitts has treated over the years, “and I have loved every minute of my life as a physician,” he said. He is now a supervisor for KaiserPermanente in Anaheim and is on the faculty at UC Irvine, both in emergency and occupational medicine. Pitts calls himself “a person who keeps evolving.” He took up voiceover acting to improve his skills as a public speaker and wound up playing World War I medic Godfrey Anderson in the 2008 award-winning documentary Voices of a Never Ending Dawn. “His performance was alive and riveting,” said producer/ director Pamela Peak. She didn’t know until later that he was also a distinguished physician. Richard has shared his life in medicine with Colleen, who has a master’s degree and is a registered nurse. The two have traveled the world, both professionally and on vacation, and these days Pitts’ D800 Nike camera goes everywhere they do. Photography, he says, is a way to capture your own history. It’s also a pretty good way to expand your own horizons, as Pitts has shown during his ongoing journey of lifelong learning. SPRING 2013




E-mail your news and photos to or mail to: Alumni Engagement, One University Drive, Orange, Calif. 92866. Any pictures received by mail will be scanned and returned. Class Notes are subject to editing due to space. To post Class Notes and photos online, visit

1960s Jon Dyer, B.A. political science ’62, contributed a leadership gift that helped establish the Class of 1962 Legacy Scholarship. The first student recipients of this new scholarship fund will be announced this year. After graduating from Chapman in 1962, Jon earned an M.A. in history from USC and then served for 5 ½ years as an Air Force intelligence officer. In 2000, Jon retired from Pfizer Inc., where he worked for 31 years. He now lives in his hometown of Palo Alto, Calif. Barbara Parker, B.A. art ’64, and Bill Parker, B.A. sociology ’52, recently welcomed their 37th great-grandchild. Barbara serves on the Chapman University Alumni Association Board of Directors. Barbara Post, B.A. mathematics ’65, and husband, Ted, welcomed granddaughter Annika Kaiya Post on Feb. 6. Annika was born to parents Mike (who attended Chapman from 1989–1991) and Junko Post in Osaka, Japan, where Mike teaches English.

1970s Candace Vickers, B.A. communicative disorders ’75 and M.S. communicative disorders ’78 (Ph.D. education ’08), gave an invited presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention in Atlanta on Nov. 17. She was also program co-chair of the California Speech Language Hearing Association’s March 2013 convention in Long Beach.

1980s A David Tenenbaum, B.S. business administration ’89, and Heidi Ainscow, B.A. sociology ’90, were college sweethearts at Chapman and have remained friends over the past 25 years. David is founder and owner of the Rocky Mountain Spice Company in Denver. Heidi is a charter school teacher in Sacramento.



Torben Aaskov, B.S. business administration and economics ’91 and MBA ’93, was recently appointed by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark as honorary consul in Los Angeles. The Royal Danish Consulate in Los Angeles assists the Danish government and the Danish Embassy in Washington, D.C., with commercial, political, consular and cultural issues. Torben owns and runs Tradeworks LLC, which promotes European food and beverages to retailers in the U.S. market. He lives in Tustin with his wife, Melinda (Zaccagnino) Aaskov, B.A. psychology ’92 and M.A. psychology ’96, and their two children, Ella and Jonas. Paul Anderson, B.S. business administration ’96, was elected to the Nevada State Assembly. Paul started AndersonPC, a technology consulting company, the same year he graduated from Chapman. The company serves clients in Las Vegas, Reno, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Sacramento and Seattle. “My experience at Chapman University gave me the foundation and education I needed, fostered my entrepreneurial spirit to succeed and strengthened my desire to serve my community,” said Anderson.


Gustavo Arellano, B.A. film and television ’99, spoke at the University of Houston in November, launching the school’s Food for Thought Lecture Series. Arellano discussed his new book, Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America (as featured in the summer 2012 issue of Chapman Magazine). Arellano’s syndicated “Ask a Mexican!” column has a circulation of more than 2 million in 38 markets. He is an adjunct journalism professor at Chapman and executive editor of OC Weekly. Jennifer Backhaus, B.A. communications and dance ’94, received an MFA in dance from the Hollins University/American Dance Festival program in fall 2012. Her company, Backhausdance, which is celebrating its 10th season, was presented by the Carpenter


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Performing Arts Center in February. Performing at the center “is a very substantial endorsement of our growth as a company and of our artistic quality as well as our presence on a national level,” Backhaus said. Backhausdance is also in residence at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine.



Eleazar “Zondo” Elizondo, B.A. political science ’95, and wife, Aimee, welcomed a son, Sebastian Ignacio, on Dec. 5. Sebastian joins siblings Mikel, 13, Eleazar, 3, and Layla Rose, 17 months. Zondo serves on the Chapman University Alumni Association Board of Directors. B Gabriel E. Serrato-Buelna, B.A. English ’97, owner of the public relations agency Serrato+Co. in Laguna Beach, has signed Arthur Hanlon, an American pianist, songwriter and arranger widely regarded as the best-known instrumentalist in the Latin music realm. Serrato-Buelna will lead a team of colleagues as they prepare for solo concerts on both coasts in the spring. Gabe was also recently selected to be featured as one of Riviera magazine’s 2013 Men of Style. The issue hits newsstands in April.

2000s F

C Adrienne (Kimble) Ainbinder, B.A. communications and dance ’01, and husband, Adam Ainbinder, welcomed a daughter, Cara Aubrey Ainbinder, on Sept. 4. D Sam Argier, BFA film and television and broadcast journalism ’03, and wife, Lauren, are expecting a son, their second child, in May. Daughter Katie is almost 2 years old. Sam and Lauren live in Sammamish, Wash. Sam is the


evening meteorologist for KIRO 7, the CBS news affiliate serving the Seattle area. Sarah Barton, B.A. liberal studies ’06, founded Accountable in Action, a non-profit, post-collegiate peer network designed for women to pursue personal excellence, cultivate leadership and discover career potential, with six others from Chapman: Shana Makos, B.A. communication studies ’10; Lindsey Hamilton ’07; Nicole Santo, B.A. public relations/advertising and BFA graphic design ’07; Nicole Madonia, B.A. kinesiology ’04 and DPT ’07; Katherine Searing, B.A. political science ’06; and current student, Amee Frodle, B.A. communication studies ’13. E Julia Melehan Beaton, B.A. organizational leadership ’07 and M.A. human resources ’10, married Robert Beaton, B.S. business administration ’05 and MBA ’07, on Feb. 18, 2012, at St. Francis of Assisi Church in La Quinta, Calif. The reception was held at Indian Wells Country Club. The couple met and began dating as undergraduates at Chapman. Chapman alumni from graduating classes spanning more than three decades gathered in La Quinta for the wedding festivities. Among the guests were several of Julia’s Delta Gamma sorority sisters and Robert’s Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity brothers. Julia and Robert reside in Beverly Hills. Robert co-owns Serve First Solutions, a merchant services company in Orange County.

Brandon Budde, B.S. business administration ’08 and MBA ’11, was elected vice president of education for his local Toastmasters group, Articulate Athletes. Brandon will be working on program development, club goals and mentoring opportunities for new and existing members.

Tom Springston ’94 (MBA ’96) says his Lifelong Learning art class opportunity is “like a gift.”

The Art of Lifelong Learning


uring his earlier academic journey at Chapman University, Tom Springston ’94 (MBA ’96) took art classes and found that he had talent. But then life got in the way, “and my art fell by the wayside,” he said. “I’ve regretted it ever since.” Now Springston has no time for regret. He’s too busy enjoying an experience he calls “manna from heaven” — studying painting in Professor Michael Dopp’s Art 123 class at Chapman. Springston, 67, is among a growing number of older alumni taking classes through Chapman’s Lifelong Learning Program. Alumni can attend selected classes free of tuition, mostly in the humanities and social sciences, but now also in film, business and law. The idea is to strengthen bonds and to foster a lifetime connection to learning, said Jillian Gray, director of alumni engagement. In many classes, alumni attend lectures and participate in discussions without taking tests or receiving grades. It’s all the learning without the pressure, said Springston, who started college in the 1960s in the Northwest before finishing at Chapman three decades later. He says the opportunity to return is “like a gift.” “I have a teacher and a class to help me over the stumbling blocks, and I have a schedule that doesn’t let me procrastinate. It really has been a wonderful experience.” Learn more about Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning by calling (714) 744-7045 or at

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Becky Campbell, B.A. music ’07 and M.A. education ’12, completed her master’s degree at Chapman’s College of Educational Studies in December. Devin Chang, B.S. business administration ’05, and Michelle Medeiros, B.S. accounting and business administration ’09, got engaged in October with plans to marry in 2014.

Working with Betty White on her NBC show is as amazing as he imagined, says Matt Jekowsky ’12.

Life with Betty By Sarah Van Zanten ’11


hat could be better than working with one of the greatest television actresses of our time? “Nothing,” said Matt Jekowsky ’12, who is building on the skills he developed at Dodge College of Film and Media Arts in his new job as a production assistant for NBC’s Betty White’s Off Their Rockers. During his senior year and after graduation Jekowsky worked at a marketing agency but stayed in touch with friend Jamie Reiff ’11, when the two collaborated on projects. One day Reiff called Jekowsky to offer him a position with the show. “At first, I had to say no,” explained Jekowsky. “I was really excelling at the agency, but I loved working with Jamie.” After some coaxing, he finally said yes, deciding that “it was just great timing — the perfect opportunity to try something new.” Working with White is as amazing as he imagined. “She is unbelievable. You can truly see the love and passion she has, and that is why she has enjoyed doing what she does for so long,” he said. His favorite day of work was the episode with Gangnam Style sensation Psy on set. “Seeing Psy do his dance was definitely the highlight.” he said. Jekowsky confirms, “Betty White really is America’s Grandma.”

Tracy Clifton, BFA theatre and dance ’02, married Michael Andrew Pierce in a children’s book-themed wedding Oct. 20 at The Vineyards in Simi Valley, Calif. Chapman alumni in attendance included April Wade, BFA theatre and dance ’03; Lira Kellerman, BFA theatre and dance ’02; Kristin Quinn, BFA theatre and dance ’03; Shaun-Mathieu Smith, BFA theatre and dance ’01; and Kristy Chavez, BFA theatre and dance ’01. The bride was walked down the aisle by Alyssa Bradac, daughter of Professor Tom Bradac. Jeff Cole, BFA film and television production ’01, was hired as a producer at Chapman University’s Panther Productions. He serves on the Chapman University Alumni Association Board of Directors. Colin Druce-McFadden, B.A. theatre and dance ’05, got engaged to Katie Chadwick. The couple plan to marry in summer 2014. Colin recently published a novel, The Unshorn Thread, which he describes as fantasy mixed with steampunk. He began the first drafts of what ultimately became the novel in an undergraduate creative writing class at Chapman with Professor James P. Blaylock. The Unshorn Thread is the first in a planned trilogy and can be found on F Chris Eggleton, B.A. economics and B.S. business administration '02, and Melissa (Powell) Eggleton, B.A. sociology '01, have been living in Park City, Utah, with their three children

(Bennett, 3, Zach, 8, and Jacquelyn, 5) for the past eight years. Chris started a hotel management company that operates Newpark Resort & Hotel. Melissa is a full-time mom and is actively engaged with the local school system, volunteering at both the public elementary school and as an administrator for the Shining Stars School. G Brittney Fowler, B.A. English and journalism ’07, married Matthew Fink at the Turnip Rose in Newport Beach, Calif., on Nov. 11. Alumni in attendance included Mary Plummer, B.A. English and journalism ’07, and Alborz Kamalizad, BFA film production ’09.


Jackie (Newman) Gandenberger, B.A. sociology ’08, married Guy Gandenberger in August 2011 at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in San Jose. The couple live in San Jose, where Jackie is a production control planner at Micrel Semiconductor Inc. and also works as a travel agent for Ticket to Travel and JusCollege. Jeremy Gantz, BFA film production ’04, was nominated for an American Cinema Editors (ACE) Eddie Award in the Best Edited Non-Scripted Series category. This is Jeremy’s third consecutive nomination. He won in 2011 for his work on the MTV program If You Really Knew Me. He is nominated this year for his work on A&E’s Beyond Scared Straight. Angela Guajardo, B.A. public relations/advertising ’08, and Andy Armstrong, B.S. business administration ’08, got engaged in December.



Bernadette (Zita) Guerrero, BFA theatre performance ’07, married Damien Guerrero in October in Corona del Mar, Calif. The couple are expecting a baby boy in March. Tianna (Avalos) Haradon, BFA theatre and dance ’01, was recently promoted to assistant to the assistant vice president in University Advancement at Chapman.




H Jennifer Heatley, B.A. psychology ’07, and Charles Ruby, B.A. psychology ’08, are engaged. Jennifer is the development assistant for Chapman’s College of Performing Arts and College of Educational Studies.

I Danielle (Townley) Lozano, B.S. business administration ’07, married Alexander Lozano, B.S. accounting and business administration ’07, at the Turnip Rose in Newport Beach, Calif., on May 27. Vivian Sisskin ’79

J Adrienne Malena, BFA theatre




Michael Hudson-Medina, B.A. arts administration ’00, co-founded the Boyle Heights Youth Orchestra, which was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times. The program provides free music instruction to children ages 6 to 12 who live in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. After a long career in the arts as a performer and an administrator, Michael discovered that he finds the greatest joy in teaching children. Alicia Jessop, J.D. ’09, is a sports business contributor to Forbes and The Huffington Post. In February, she traveled to New Orleans to cover the Super Bowl. Alicia noted that Bryan Ziebelman, BFA television and broadcast journalism and B.A. communication studies ’11, works as a video operations assistant for the San Francisco 49ers and was also at the Super Bowl. “I think it’s safe to say that we are both proud of our alma mater and happy to represent the values of a Chapman student at the Super Bowl,” said Alicia. Lori E. Johnson, B.A. French and social science ’02 and MBA ’11, works as a customer experience manager for Branding Personality, a digital marketing firm in downtown Fullerton. She is also on the Board of Directors for the Redlands Shakespeare Festival. Jeff Levering, BFA broadcast journalism ’05, was hired as the new radio broadcaster of the Pawtucket Red Sox, the AAA minor-league affiliate of the Boston Red Sox.


and dance ’03, is engaged to Jeffrey Cleveland. The couple are getting married in Maui in April. Jeffrey proposed to Adrienne at the top of Eiffel Tower on Thanksgiving in 2012. Adrienne is working in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, dancing, choreographing and teaching. K Kehau (Kashnig) Martinez,

B.A. communications ’09, and Jon Martinez, B.A. business administration ’11, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Nov. 12. The couple met at Chapman in 2006 and five years later were married in Brea, Calif. Jon recently became a Marine aviator, while Kehau is an AADP-certified holistic health coach, specializing in thyroid and adrenal healing for women. Traci Mueller, B.A. theatre and dance ’01, began a new position in Chapman’s University Advancement department as assistant to the assistant vice president of operations and special projects coordinator. Amy Munoz, B.A. psychology ’08, got engaged to her boyfriend of nine years, Zachery Sanchez, in November. Lindsay Newman, BFA television and broadcast journalism ’08, is engaged to Nicholas Zimmer. The couple will marry in December. Archna Patel, MBA ’06, is co-owner and designer of The Little Hummingbird, a children’s apparel line based in Orange County and Los Angeles. Each year, the clothing line supports a different non-profit organization.

A Healing Voice By John Brian Pierce ’13


he day Vivian Sisskin ’79 stepped into her first undergraduate psychology course she knew her future had been decided. It is this certainty that led her to graduate work at Chapman University and helped shape her 30-year career in speech pathology. Recently Sisskin received the prestigious Fellowship of the Association award at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, recognizing her for major contributions to the discipline as a teacher, pathologist, researcher and advocate. The joy is “making lives better for those who fear speaking up,” says Sisskin, “I want to give them confidence, give them a voice.” Sisskin’s spirit for clinical service grew as she achieved her graduate degree in communicative disorders at Chapman. She gained valuable field experience working at local clinics and schools. “The countless opportunities I was exposed to in the local community allowed me to develop a passion for working with people and to pursue a career that was clinically focused,” she said. Sisskin is a lecturer and clinical supervisor at the University of Maryland, where she conducts research and has made TV appearances shedding light on the media’s false portrayal of stuttering. She also stays involved with direct clinical service, and has even worked with the children of her former students. “I’ve truly learned as much from my clients as they’ve learned from me,” she said.

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L Peter Pazmany, B.S. business administration ’07, married Nicole (Macey) Pazmany on Sept. 15 in Menlo Park, Calif. Greg Gomez, B.S. biological sciences ’07; Michael Matuz, B.S. business administration ’07; and Joseph Pazmany, B.A. leadership and organization studies ’10, were groomsmen.

Patrick Hardy, shown on site in Alabama, helps businesses turn disaster into opportunity.

Shifting Disaster into Reverse By Laurie Swain ’13


he word disaster makes most people flee, but Patrick Hardy ’04 is drawn to the challenge. He’s helping to advance the field of disaster preparedness and response, developing new ways for businesses to survive and even thrive. “We never use the word recovery; we use ‘reversing disaster,’” said Hardy, who was a political science and honors major at Chapman University. “We see the disaster as an opportunity to improve relationships with clients, with communities, with employees.” Launching his own company called Hytropy, Hardy has helped companies like Google and Merck plan for calamities, and he has assisted with major disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the BP oil spill and Superstorm Sandy. For the BP spill, he acted as an intermediary between the clean-up crews and state and local law enforcement. Most recently he served as a private-sector representative to FEMA, advising federal officials on how to help small businesses cope and rebuild after disasters. At Chapman, he was an award-winning captain of the speech team, and he once gave a presentation atop the Tower Bridge in London, pitching to corporate executives and the host of the British version of The Apprentice. With experiences such as these, it’s no wonder that Hardy feels like he’s ready for anything.

Ashley Plotkin, BFA theatre performance ’08, who is known professionally as Ashley Gianni, is starring in and co-producing the short film Moving Millie with Shane Salk, BFA theatre performance ’08. The film began shooting in February. Plotkin and Salk plan to hit the festival circuit with Moving Millie. M Ashley (Redmann) Rickman, B.A. dance ’05, and Mark Rickman, B.S. business administration ’02 (MBA ’09), welcomed daughter Isabella Grace Rickman on Sept. 2 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, Va.

Kevin Staniec, BFA film and television production ’01, is engaged to Janet Kim. The couple are getting married in June at the Fullerton Arboretum. Kevin also recently started Black Hill Press, an independent publishing house dedicated to the novella. Brian Stevens, B.A. economics ’08, will be starting the full-time MBA program at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, in August. Brian works at the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco. N Crystal Marie (Maurer) Stone, B.M. music education and music performance ’08, married Garrett Alvin Stone on Aug. 4. Crystal teaches music in San Diego. O Jason Tse, B.A. kinesiology ’04, finished his first Ironman Triathlon in Tempe, Ariz., on

Nov. 11 and raised funds for Livestrong, which provides resources, programs and support to cancer survivors. Jason is the founder of the Team Shaka dance group at Chapman. He is working as an occupational therapist at St. Jude Medical Center and Centra Pediatric Therapy and as a karate instructor for children with special needs.

P P Emily (Boyd) Wickline, B.S.

biological sciences ’07, graduated from the University of Pittsburgh Medical School with a Ph.D. in cellular and molecular pathology in January. Her dissertation was titled: “The story of redundant catenins and their roles in cell-cell adhesion in the liver.” Q Ben Willits, BFA film and television/broadcast journalism ’02, and Laura (Berberich) Willits, B.A. communications ’04, welcomed a daughter, Gracyn Ellen Willits, on Dec. 20. Gracyn was born in Anaheim. Doug Willits, B.A. communications ’72 and member of Chapman’s Board of Governors, and Susie Willits, B.A. physical education ’71, are proud grandparents.


R Alison Wills, BFA theatre and dance ’02, and her husband, Tim, welcomed a son, Caden Mitchell Wills, born Nov. 28.

2010s S Hannah (Thomas) Aldridge, B.A. communication studies ’11, married Kyle Aldridge, B.A. communication studies ’11, on July 7 in Waimanalo, Hawaii. Included in the bridal party were: Sean Aldridge, B.S. business administration ’09; Ikaika Pidot, BFA graphic design ’11; Billy Miller, B.A. communication studies ’11; and current student, Carlene DeCoite ’13. Several other Hawaii-based Chapman alumni joined the couple on Oahu for the celebration.





Kyle is a firefighter and EMT and Hannah works in college admissions. The couple reside in Laguna Hills and enjoy surfing and hiking together. Travis Cross, B.A. communication studies ’10, began a new job in October with Innocean USA as a digital account executive on the Hyundai account.


Liz Ficken, B.A. European history ’11, presented her senior thesis, “Save One Life, Save the World Entire,” to the Gulf Coast Center for the Holocaust and Human Rights Education in Mobile, Ala. Liz, a high school social studies teacher in Greenville, Ala., also introduced Alabama educators to Chapman’s annual Holocaust Art and Writing Contest and as a result, three Alabama schools participated in this year’s contest. T Laura Figge, M.S. health communication ’12, and Marc Lu, BFA graphic design ’10, are engaged.


Robert Fraijo, B.A. philosophy ’11, and wife, Theresa, launched a new business, Veggie Mama. The company makes frozen fruit and vegetable snacks that are natural and organic. Robert Graham, B.A. legal studies ’11, is the graduate business council president of the Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y., where he is pursuing an MBA. He was also elected vice president, North America, of the President’s Network for the Graduate Business Forum, a global network of current and former student leaders from the world’s top graduate business programs. Michael Malenitza, BFA film production ’11, also serves on the executive team of


the Graduate Business Forum as chairman of the President’s Network. Michael is currently the president of the Anderson Student Association at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Katharine Jacobs, B.A. English ’10, and Aaron Keigher, Class of ’07, got engaged in November and plan to marry in August. Michael Jones, B.S. business administration ’11, is performing in a band, The Brevet, which recently signed with a licensing company. The Brevet will be featured in a Chapman graduate thesis film and is releasing an album this year. Its music can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Tim Kressin, B.A. public relations/ advertising and BFA film production ’12, and Kevin Neynaber, BFA film production ’12, are traveling the globe through Join the Lights, a creative media non-profit that uses film to shed light on compassionate organizations. Learn more about Join the Lights and Tim and Kevin’s travels at Jaime Kuntz, B.S. business administration ’10, and Kurt Yacko, B.S. business administration ’11, got engaged. Sheri Lehman, B.A. dance ’11, is pursuing an M.A. in leadership development at Chapman’s College of Educational Studies. Kelsey Lounsbury, BFA graphic design ’11, and Robert Starr, B.S. computer science and business administration ’11, are engaged. Katie Mathewson, B.A. screenwriting ’11, recently began a position as an editor for Wonderwall, MSN’s entertainment news site.

Sean Vreeburg ’09 (M.S. ’10), right, shares a moment with clinic co-manager Marco Savittieri in Kenya.

Clinic of Smiles


he 8-year-old girl had a decayed front tooth, discolored almost to the gum line. In the African city slum where she lived, the disfigurement was essentially a curse that would repel marriage suitors and crush her prospects for a hopeful future. Then the dentists arrived, led by Sean Vreeburg ’09 (M.S. ’10). They treated and restored the tooth. The girl smiled and her mother wept for joy. “I haven’t ever seen somebody hysterically cry with joy after dental work like that,” Vreeburg said. It’s just one of many profound memories Vreeburg and his classmates at the Ostrow School of Dentistry at USC brought home from their weeklong humanitarian dental trip to the Mathare slums in Nairobi, Kenya. As co-manager of the trip, Vreeburg helped put 51 dental professionals and support staff on the ground. It took 10 months to organize and is believed to be the largest such dental outreach in Kenya’s history. “It turned out to be the biggest, most intensive thing I’ve ever done,” says Vreeburg. The lion’s share of the details, including translators, power sources, security and insurance fell to Vreeburg and his fellow organizers. Back home, Vreeburg reflected on his ability to pull off such a project. It had its beginnings at Chapman, he says. “The experiences I had there really helped me become successful at this level,” he says. “It was a fantastic experience.”

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Panthers on the Prowl Monica Mordaunt, BFA dance performance ’12, was involved with a project with the modern dance company Nugent Dance. The performance Yes is Not Passive and Other Stories made its Los Angeles debut in January. She is a company member of Vox Dance and an apprentice with Backhausdance. Since graduation, she studied with Doug Varone and Dancers, a professional dance company in New York City. Katie Parsons, B.A. public relations/ advertising ’12, was hired at Essence Digital in December as an associate project manager. In her new role, she will deal with media planning, media strategy, trafficking and reporting mobile advertisements as well as project management. Courtney (Heard) Prouty, B.A. liberal studies ’11, and Matt Prouty, BFA film production ’10, married in October. Courtney is an admission counselor at Chapman University.

The celebration commemorating Dean William Hall’s 50th anniversary at Chapman University (see page 7) sent us into the “Prowl” archives, where we found this photo (above left) of Hall waving the Chapman banner on the Great Wall of China in 2002. More recent prowlers include Rodney Reeves ’59 and his travel companion, Loraine Chapman, who explored Ireland in October. Reeves displayed his Panther pride (above right) at a castle in County Shannon. Meanwhile, two dozen students from the Argyros School of Business and Economics took a moment between winter meetings with Wall Street executives to pose for the photo above. Joining the students and Professor Terry Burnham was Argyros School Dean Reggie Gilyard, left.

Friends We Will Miss James L. Christian ’48 passed away Dec. 9 in Orange at age 88. He was a professor emeritus at Santa Ana Community College, where he taught philosophy for 30 years. James was known by his students as an engaging and charismatic professor. He was also an ordained minister. Guillermo “Billy” Flores, B.A. legal studies ’06, passed away on Dec. 20 at age 30. Billy was a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. He opened a Crossfit gym in Costa Mesa with fellow Chapman alumnus and fraternity brother Tate Worswick. Billy is remembered as a proud brother, loving son and a faithful and true friend. In lieu of flowers, the family recommends supporting the Los Angeles Dream Center ( in Billy’s honor. Lois (Swanson) Gangnes, B.A. home economics ’65, passed away Jan. 15 in Encinitas, Calif. She enjoyed traveling, boating, golfing, charitable activities and socializing with family and friends. Lois is survived by her husband of 66 years, Al Gangnes, her three sons and daughters-in-law as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Sharon (Shyrock) Pearson, B.A. elementary education ’58, passed away on July 19 at age 76. Born in Orange County, Sharon became an Alaska resident in November 1996. She was a lifelong member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is survived by her husband of 48 years, Carl Pearson, of Anchorage. Susan Rowe Tucker ’91 passed away Dec. 21 in Hilo, Hawaii. Susan was a social worker for many years and a strong supporter of the Salvation Army and Goodwill Industries. She enjoyed doing arts and crafts and swimming at the local YWCA. 48

U Matthew Ralston, MBA ’11, and Amanda (Blake) Ralston, MBA ’11, welcomed a son, Isaac Blake Ralston, on Dec. 4, in Seattle.

Justin Riley, BFA television broadcast journalism ’11, and Joy Willis, BFA dance performance ’11, started a blog,, that offers advice to young people about relationships, dating and friendship. Tori Rose, BFA television and broadcast journalism ’11, was recently hired as the script coordinator for ABC’s Dancing with the Stars. Ivan Van Norman, BFA film production ’11, is competing on the TBS competition show King of the Nerds. Sarah Van Zanten, B.A. public relations/ advertising ’11, began a new position as an assistant account executive at Idea Hall, a marketing and public relations agency in Costa Mesa, Calif. V Zech Wilson, B.S. biology ’10, is pursuing an M.D. at the University of Nevada, Reno.



Chapman Family Weekend, Oct. 4–6, 2013

Chapman alumni enjoy a new benefit: access to EBSCO Library Research Databases, including business book summaries and fulltext information in many business and academic fields of interest. Visit to begin searching through thousands of business book summaries and full-text articles. To log-in, you’ll need your alumni ID number. Use the password chapmanrocks. If you don’t know your ID number, contact

NEW DIRECTORY The 2013 Alumni Directory is coming this summer. This comprehensive directory lists alumni not only alphabetically but also by class year, city and employment industry, to help you connect with old friends and network with others in your area or profession. To order your copy, call Publishing Concepts Inc. at (800) 395-4724.


All members of the Chapman Family (alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends) are invited to join us for this fun, action-packed weekend. • Chapman/Toyota of Orange 5K Run/Walk • Chili Cook-off • Faculty master classes • Homecoming football game • Chancellor’s coffee • Reunions • Parent/student lunch and lawn games • Big Band Champagne Brunch • And so much more!

TEDxChapmanU, Tuesday, June 4 Maintain your connection with Chapman and with your fellow alumni by liking the Chapman University Alumni Association page on Facebook, following @ChapmanAlum on Twitter and becoming a member of the Chapman University Alumni Association group on LinkedIn. Check back often to learn about career and networking opportunities, find out about alumni events, news and happenings, and maybe even score free tickets to Chapman events.

Building on the theme of “Icons, Geniuses & Mavericks,” this year’s event celebrates the concepts bold risk-takers pioneer. Join us and be inspired by these “ideas worth spreading.” More information is at

ALUMNI.CHAPMAN.EDU Keep an eye out for a brand new Chapman University Alumni website and monthly e-newsletter, both launching in spring. To ensure you receive the e-newsletter, send your updated contact information to

ALUMNI BOARD We want your voice on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. To apply or learn more, visit or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (714) 997-6681.

Events Calendar and Contact Info ECONOMIC FORECAST UPDATE Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:30 a.m. registration and continental breakfast, 8:30 a.m. conference

Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Costa Mesa Individual tickets are regularly $150, but Chapman alumni are eligible for a discounted rate of just $50 per ticket. The special rate is good for one ticket per alumna/alumnus, as a career development and networking opportunity. To register with the $50 alumni rate, contact the Office of Special Events at (714) 628-2750. For more event information, visit

For more information and a list of all university events, please visit General alumni information: visit or call (714) 997-6681.

PARTING SHOT Her mother is one of 21 children and her father one of eight, but Mayra Gonzalez ’14 still stands out in a crowd. Shown at the desk of the late Huell Howser in a re-creation of his office on campus, Gonzalez is the first California’s Gold Scholar at Chapman University. Howser, the legendary host and producer of the California’s Gold TV series, established the endowed scholarship to assist Chapman students who display a positive outlook and seek to improve society. Gonzalez, a junior double-majoring in public relations/advertising and Spanish, with a minor in graphic design, plans to pursue a career in international marketing after she becomes the first in her family to earn a college degree. “I’m going to do all I can to reflect credit on California’s Gold and all it means to those who love Huell and the series,” she says.(Photo by Scott Stedman ’14.)

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