Sheryl Bourgeois Executive Vice President for University Advancement
A lonely boat seems tethered to history as it rests along the shoreline in the Russian Arctic. The photo was captured by Karyn Planett ’70, who has made a career of sharing unique destinations with adventurous travelers. On page 36, we present more of her images as well as reflections on her decades-long journey in the travel industry. These days, she and her husband live on a ship that perpetually circles the globe. We aren’t even trying to hide our envy.
Mary A. Platt Director of Communications
Dennis Arp Editor arp@chapman.edu
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The mission of Chapman University is to provide personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens. www.chapman.edu
Pacific Coast Highway is only a few boat-lengths away, and soon the bustle of street and harbor traffic will bring Newport Beach to life. But at 5 a.m., the waters just off Chapman University’s Robert & Marie Gray Collegiate Rowing Center are “the most peaceful place possible,” says Sarah Van Zanten ’11, who competed in crew during her four years at Chapman and now coaches the Panther men’s rowing team. “Sometimes you’ll hear a fish jump, or a dolphin will surface just off the boat,” she relates. “But often the only sounds you hear are the oars flipping against the water. And when we first start a training session, and everyone in the boat starts moving in unison, it’s just the coolest thing in the world.” Foggy mornings stand out, Van Zanten adds. “The coxswain will start humming the music from Pirates of the Caribbean.” The only thing better is race day, at the moment when the shell hits the 500-meter mark and the team makes its final push to the finish as the cheering from the boat house balcony gets louder and louder. “There’s really no other sport like it,” Van Zanten says. Photo by Scott Stedman ’14
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What’s your best shot of life at Chapman? Please share it with us and the rest of the Chapman family. Facebook
President’s Message
First Person: Recasting the Role of Gay Best Friend
Seen & Heard
Professor Englert’s Nobel Caps an Eventful Year in Quantum Physics
Multimillion-dollar Gifts from the Rinkers and Emmis Boost the Sciences
A Campus Event Will Celebrate the Considerable Legacy of Huell Howser
FEATURES 10 The Most Recent American Celebration Is Among the Most Memorable 16 A Chapman Professor and Her Student Unearth Insights at a Site Full of History 20 Make Way for the Millennials, and Get Ready for Them to Make an Impact 28 Crowdfunding Opens New Roads to Revenue for Entrepreneurs
14 Undergrad Research: Illuminating the Link Between Storms in the Desert 18 Figures 19 In Memoriam: Howard Kelley ’52 32 Faculty Bookshelf 35 Sports: Football Team Enjoys a Near-Perfect Season
ALUMNI NEWS 36 Inspired by Semester at Sea, Karyn Planett ’70 Makes a Career of International Exploration 38 Class Notes 39 Chapman Stories: Talia Hancock ’10, Ngoni Takawira ’06, Hannah (Taylor) Skvarla ’10, Jeff Peters ’95, Megan MacDonald ’02 44 Panthers on the Prowl, Friends We Will Miss
p r e s i d e n t ’s m e s s a g e
After a Bumpy Takeoff, Millennials, Prepare to Soar This issue of Chapman Magazine includes a look at the millennial generation largely through the lens of research by Chapman University social scientists. As the largest and most collaborative, globally aware and tech-savvy generation to come along in decades, the millennials are poised to make some major changes in the world as we know it. It won’t happen immediately, though. From an economic perspective, as some millennials begin their college careers and others enter the work force, they are facing a bumpy road ahead. Because of the Great Recession and sluggish recovery, they will tend to be risk-averse and slow to enter the housing market. Recent graduates may have to consider taking jobs different from those of their expectations, and then using those jobs to generate their own opportunities for honing leadership skills. An analysis by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce suggests there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those who are prepared for it, predicting that the United States will be short 5 million workers with the necessary postsecondary
Board of Trustees OFFICERS Doy B. Henley Chairman David A. Janes, Sr. Vice Chair David E.I. Pyott Vice Chair Scott Chapman Secretary Zelma M. Allred Assistant Secretary TRUSTEES Wylie A. Aitken Donna Ford Attallah ’61 Raj S. Bhathal James P. Burra Michael J. Carver Phillip H. Case Irving M. Chase Hazem Chehabi, M.D. Arlene R. Craig Jerome W. Cwiertnia Zeinab H. Dabbah, M.D. (J.D. ’12) Kristina Dodge James Emmi Dale E. Fowler ’58 Barry Goldfarb
education by 2020. These shortfalls will manifest themselves most notably among the fastest-growing occupations, including in health care, science, technology, engineering, education and community service. As millennial students weigh their alternatives and position themselves to take advantage of market changes, our academic community is also committed to Minvesting in state-of-the-art facilities, outstanding faculty members and curricular “Historically, I think you mayinnovations actually be one of t that will address societal issues while meeting the learning needs At 77 million strong, the millennials a of the current generation. Strategic advancements like the Musco Center for the Arts and the new Harry and Diane Rinker Graduate Health Science Campus in Irvine, as well as our commitment to building a world-class Center for Science and Technology, will help to keep Chapman consistently relevant to our students and our community, so that we are all prepared for the coming challenges and opportunities. The good days will return. We will be ready for them. Regards,
James L. Doti
David C. Henley Roger C. Hobbs William K. Hood Mark Chapin Johnson ’05 Jennifer L. Keller Parker S. Kennedy Joe E. Kiani Joann Leatherby Charles D. Martin James V. Mazzo Joel P. Moskowitz Sebastian Paul Musco Frank O’Bryan Harry S. Rinker James B. Roszak The Honorable Loretta Sanchez ’82 Mohindar S. Sandhu James Ronald Sechrist Ronald M. Simon Ronald E. Soderling R. David Threshie Emily Crean Vogler Karen R. Wilkinson ’69 David W. Wilson
EMERITUS TRUSTEES Richard Bertea Lynn Hirsch Booth J. Ben Crowell Leslie N. Duryea Robert A. Elliott Marion Knott Jack B. Lindquist Randall R. McCardle ’58 (M.A. ’66) Cecilia Presley Barry Rodgers Richard R. Schmid
EMERITUS CHAIRS The Honorable George L. Argyros ’59 Donald E. Sodaro
Board of Governors
EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES Donna Bianchi James E. Blalock (J.D. ’09) Reverend Don Dewey James L. Doti Kelsey C. Flewellen ’05 Judith A. Garfi-Partridge Reverend Mary Jacobs Reverend Dayna Kinkade Penni McRoberts ’12 Reverend Felix Villanueva Reverend Denny Williams
OFFICERS Judith A. Garfi-Partridge Chair
Melinda M. Masson Executive Vice Chair Thomas E. Malloy Vice Chair Douglas E. Willits ’72 Secretary GOVERNORS George Adams, Jr. Marilyn Alexander Lisa Argyros ’07 Margaret Baldwin Marta S. Bhathal Deborah Bridges Kathleen A. Bronstein Eva Chen Ronn C. Cornelius Rico Garcia Kathleen M. Gardarian Lula F. Halfacre Rebecca A. Hall ’96 Stan Harrelson Sinan Kanatsiz ’97 (M.A. ’00) Elim Kay ’09 Sue Kint Scott A. Kisting John L. Kokulis Dennis Kuhl Stephen M. Lavin ’88 Jean H. Macino Richard D. Marconi
Betty Mower Potalivo James F. Wilson EMERITUS GOVERNORS Gary E. Liebl Jerrel T. Richards EX OFFICIO GOVERNORS Sheryl A. Bourgeois James L. Doti
President’s Cabinet Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos George Argyros, Jr. Julianne Argyros Joyce Brandman Heidi Cortese Sherman Lawrence K. Dodge Onnolee B. Elliott (M.A. ’64) Paul Folino Douglas K. Freeman Marie Gray Frank P. Greinke Gavin S. Herbert Steeve Kay General William Lyon The Honorable Milan Panic Lord Swarj Paul James H. Randall The Honorable Ed Royce Susan Samueli Ralph Stern David Stone Alan True
Wall Talk
Excerpts from conversation on the Global Citizens Wall in the Student Union
‘Great Work’ What great things you guys are doing with Chapman Magazine! The website looks awesome, too. Just wanted to drop a line and say what great work you guys are putting out. KATE WESTERVELT ’09, NEW YORK CITY
Sarah E. Barton @SarahEBarton A handful of @ChapmanWSCR ladies volunteering at @ChapmanU Day of Service. It’s not just about soccer #setthestandard
PROMPT: Though we may not see it here at Chapman, 12 percent of the Orange County population lives in poverty. Whose responsibility is this?
Beau Bridges @MrBeauBridges Fun night with @DylanBridges @ZekeBridges and @WendyBebe at Chapman U. Helping to raise student scholarship funds!
It’s not about pointing a finger. The real issue is the fact that a large portion of the Chapman community doesn’t see the 12 percent, or the fact that students within the community don’t come from great means. What does it say that we can just turn a blind eye to our peers, not to mention 12 percent of our fellow human beings?
Nicole Renard @DYWofAmerica Airbands was more than epic. Wow! I am so inspired and blessed to go to @ChapmanU & be surrounded by such talented people! #killinit
Airbands is the Gamma Phi Beta sorority’s philanthropic lip-sync competition at Chapman. This year it raised more than $11,000 for charities such as Girls on the Run and Camp Fire USA.
The only way a man can improve his station is by his own merits. … One cannot ethically punish another for one man’s failings. No altruistic system ever works. People are free to help the less fortunate, and it is noble to do so. But no one obliges them. Can social justice and capitalism co-exist? If the system relies on wage labor, on an oppressed work force at the bottom, how far can we get in improving quality of life and creating a just system? Example: fast food workers in 60 states went on strike to raise the minimum wage from about $8/hour to about $15/hour, considered a reasonable, livable wage for a full-time worker. … Some economists argue that if $15/hour wages were granted, that entire labor force would soon be laid off and replaced with machines, leaving millions unemployed. The strike ended. Wages stayed static.
Amanda Starrantino @AStarrantinoABC Why I love my alma mater @ChapmanU – I still call my professor when I am on #deadline & need some help @weitzner
Amanda Starrantino ’13 graduated from Chapman’s television and broadcast journalism program led by Professor Pete Weitzner. She’s now a reporter for ABC-TV News in South Bend, Ind.
Chapman Magazine Online The online Chapman Magazine is now in a blog format, with Web-only stories, links to video, slide shows and more. Find it all at chapman.edu/magazine. Look for these icons indicating additional features available online: – video
– slide show
– Web-exclusive content
We want to hear from you! We welcome comments on Chapman Magazine or any aspect of the university experience. Send submissions to magazine@chapman.edu. Please include your full name, class year (if alumna or alumnus) and the city in which you live. We reserve the right to edit submissions for style and length. WINTER 2014
first person
By Mark Pampanin ’15
It’s all over the media: The most sought-after item of the 21st century, especially for women, is the gay accessory. It is the must-have relationship — ego-boosting and politically in-season. But these faux relationships, held only for their cultural capital, reduce gay men to tools and undermine the value of friendship. We see this gay best friend trend all over our pop culture media. In 2012, Teen Vogue declared us a “must have.” Gawker.com proclaimed the gay best friend a “hot, hot, hot” teen accessory. The Sundance Channel website offered the top 10 reasons that girls need gay best friends. Even China is pushing this platonic homo-harmony. The Global Times said that gay men are like a stylish handbag that offers male companionship without the fear of betrayal or getting knocked up. This trend is especially pushed in television. The ultimate sitcom example is Will & Grace. Will is the gay Ricky to Grace’s Lucy, and Jack is Karen’s gay-larious supporting character lapdog. Another example comes from Sex and the City, in which Stanford fruitlessly tries to solve Carrie Bradshaw’s endless sex-capade follies (More like endless whining). And finally, there’s reality TV. And by reality TV, I obviously mean the Real Housewives franchise, which features a revolving door of gay gentlemen. NYC has Brad, Atlanta has Dwight, D.C. has Paul and Beverly Hills has Cedric. They’re just given ’em away, like This essay is adapted from a Tamagotchi toys at McDonalds. It’s a fire sale, and we’re all flaming. speech by Chapman University Behind this trend of the gay best friend we find three main points to consider. First, junior Mark Pampanin, a political science major who won first place gay men on TV are too often tokenized as the effeminate male, always willing to help you in the category of after-dinner with your hair. Tvtropes.org even has a name for these characters: pet homosexuals — speech at the 100th Biennial Pi gay accessories who exist to add laughs to an otherwise boring, all-straight story. Kappa Delta tournament, beating Second, having a gay friend is seen as pseudo-progressive. People want to feel like out forensic competitors from 89 they are knowledgeable and forward-thinking, without really having to put in any other colleges and universities. of the legwork for civil rights. View Pampanin’s TEDx talk at And then there are the hipsters. Being cool nowadays means standing up for gay www.tedxchapmanu.com. rights. Just walk in to an American Apparel Store and everyone’s trying to find a gay friend or pride flag to match that deep V and polka-dot velvet bow tie. So we’ve gone from the gay man’s oppression to this kind of weird obsession. But how do we turn the GBF into more than a possession? First, don’t let TV and the Internet be the only places you go to learn about gay culture. Gay men are a diverse group — not all of us can be found in a Niemen Marcus. Also, drop the competitive edge. According to Amy Astley, editor of Teen Vogue, women in particular look for gay friends to avoid competing and comparing with each other. The world is competitive enough without our friends turning on us, so don’t let your friends make you feel bad about yourself. That’s what Scarlett Johansson is for. And finally, simply treat people like people. I don’t care what sassy joke you heard Kurt say on Glee, I’m here to tell you that I am a person. I paid $12 for this haircut, I hate the mall, and I still don’t really know if it’s pronounced ‘Ralph LAU-ren’ or ‘Ralph Lau-REN!’ In the words of Karl Marx, who coined the term commodification: “A commodity appears, at first sight, a very trivial thing, and easily understood. Its analysis shows that it is, in reality, a very queer thing.” I KNOW. More like the fabulous manifesto!
Professor Francois Englert, shown receiving his Nobel Prize from King Carl XVI of Sweden, is listed by the Nobel organization as the third most popular physics laureate in the history of the award. Albert Einstein is No. 1
For a breakthrough that helps explain universal mysteries, Francois Englert wins the 2013 Nobel Prize in physics, speeding the rise of Chapman’s Institute for Quantum Studies.
heoretical physicist Francois Englert explores in a realm with a scale of one billionth the size of an atom, and his breakthrough theory involves a device that’s 18 miles in circumference. Perhaps that’s why it can be hard for non-scientists to get their arms around the magnitude of his impact. But at its core, his work is elemental. Englert, founding member of the Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University, helped develop a theory to explain the very origin of mass, allowing physicists to solve some of the deepest mysteries of the universe. And after many decades of painstaking work, the Brout-Englert-Higgs Boson particle was confirmed thanks to what many are calling the most spectacular experiment ever performed, using the largest device in the world, a particle accelerator. In recognition, Englert was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize, which puts him in the company of earth-shakers such as Einstein, Bohr and Curie. It’s no wonder then that when Englert was notified of the award at
his home in Belgium and asked how it feels to win a Nobel, he answered, “Well, you may imagine that this is not very unpleasant.” Englert accepted the prize from the King of Sweden during a ceremony Dec. 10 in Stockholm. The honor caps a dynamic first year in the life of Chapman’s Institute for Quantum Studies, which now is home to three Nobel-winning Distinguished Visiting Professors: Englert, Sir Anthony Leggett and David Gross. The institute already has hosted several high-profile conferences, bringing together some of the top minds in a field of study that’s at the heart of many technological advances, from the transistor to smartphones to satellites. Recently the institute launched a new journal called Quantum Studies and released a cutting-edge research book titled Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story, both edited by Chapman Chancellor Daniele Struppa and Professor Jeff Tollaksen, director of the institute. “One of the institute’s goals is to continue to foster major scientific breakthroughs that
can transform our future,” Tollaksen said. “Institute members are world renowned for addressing both the deepest puzzles that confront our understanding of the universe and for developing new, practical applications identified as critical by many government agencies.” U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, himself a Nobel laureate and participant in the December ceremony in Stockholm, has called the research performed at the Chapman institute “important to the strength of the nation.” That research includes a new field called “quantum cryptography,” which touches issues of national security, individual privacy and protection of the nation’s power grid. As for Englert, he’s working on a theory of weak values first proposed by Yakir Aharonov, renowned professor of theoretical physics at Chapman. For his own groundbreaking work, Aharonov has been awarded the National Medal of Science. As a Nobel laureate at Chapman, Englert also joins Vernon L. Smith, professor of economics and law and founding member
At Chapman, Englert works with Institute for Quantum Studies colleagues Yakir Aharonov, center, and Jeff Tollaksen, left. Englert's current work is on Aharonov’s groundbreaking theory of weak values.
of Chapman’s Economic Science Institute, who won the 2002 Nobel in Economics; and Elie Wiesel, Chapman Presidential Fellow, acclaimed author, human rights advocate and Holocaust survivor, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
To see a brief video of Francois Englert explaining the Brout-Englert-Higgs Boson particle and view his lecture at a Chapman conference, visit www.chapman.edu/magazine.
“I can’t think of two people who are more committed to science and education, in all the varied facets of those fields,” Chapman President Jim Doti says of Catherine and Jim Emmi. “Jim’s passion for science and technology, and for engineering in particular, inspired him to make this gift. Catherine is an educator through and through, and she understands the vital importance of the sciences in today’s higher education.”
range County philanthropists Catherine and James Emmi of Corona del Mar have made a transformational gift to Chapman to support the university’s significant expansion in the sciences. The exact amount of the gift is confidential, but it is in excess of $10 million. The donation was announced at the annual “Christmas at the Ritz” celebration held in December at the Ritz Restaurant in Newport Beach by the Women of Chapman support group, of which Catherine Emmi is a member. James Emmi is a Chapman trustee. President Jim Doti said the gift will change the face of the health sciences in Orange County and beyond. “Together, their vision and generosity will leave a lasting legacy that will benefit so many people — including the citizens of Orange County and the world who will gain from the knowledge and discoveries made by our researchers, students and alumni,” Doti said. The gift joins other major developments in support of the university’s unprecedented
growth in the sciences, including a fundraising campaign to build a new $130 million Center for Science and Technology planned on the Orange campus. In addition, instruction begins this fall at the new Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus. Together the two facilities will quadruple the present facilities available for science education, said Chancellor Daniele Struppa. “That gives some sense of how seriously we are taking these steps, and how crucial we believe science is for Chapman and for the careers of our current and future students. Thanks to this visionary gift from the Emmis, we will be able to move forward with confidence,” Struppa said. Emmi is the retired president of Kimberly Development Company and an owner of numerous apartment properties in Orange County. Catherine Emmi is passionate about education and the pursuit of lifelong learning. She earned her B.A. and B.Ed. degrees from the University of Saskatchewan and her M.Ed. from Pepperdine University.
he stage has been set for Chapman University’s vibrant future in the field of health sciences, thanks to a $15 million gift from Newport Beach couple Harry and Diane Rinker. The gift, announced at November’s American Celebration gala, names the university’s new health science campus in Irvine the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus. The funds will be used to support graduate programs in health sciences, including pharmacy, physical therapy and physician’s assistant. “Harry and Diane’s visionary generosity will make possible the education of future health scientists in Orange County,” said Chapman President Jim Doti. “The graduate programs that will be housed within the Rinker Health Science Campus will help to address the critical social need for a new generation of healthcare professionals.”
In 2012, the university purchased two large research-and-development buildings in the Irvine Spectrum area to launch its health science campus. The School of Pharmacy and a Physician’s Assistant Program — both slated to begin admitting students in fall 2014 — will be housed on the Rinker Campus. The existing physical therapy doctoral program will also move to the new facilities. In addition, fundraising is under way for a new Center for Science and Technology on the Orange campus. “Chapman University has devoted significant attention to science and technology in recent years, and this gift from Harry and Diane Rinker will help propel Chapman into an area where we think we can make a long-term impact,” said Chapman Chancellor Daniele Struppa. Harry and Diane Rinker are longtime supporters of Chapman, and two of
Diane and Harry Rinker are longtime supporters of Chapman University. Their $15 million gift names the new health science campus, which “will remind future generations of Chapman students that they stand on the shoulders of two giants whom today we call heroes,” President Jim Doti says.
their grandchildren are recent Chapman graduates. Harry Rinker owns the Rinker Company, a real estate investment and development company in Costa Mesa, Calif.
as ‘Amazing’ Exhibit Shows
The planned Center for Science and Technology on Chapman’s Orange campus will provide lab, classroom and office space to support Schmid College’s eight undergraduate and three graduate programs.
HOMES OF THEIR OWN A new college and campus take shape as Chapman University sharpens its focus on the health sciences.
eflecting the university’s growing emphasis on preparing students for careers in a wide range of healthcare fields, Chapman is establishing the new Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences to complement its existing Schmid College of Science and Technology. The move may come as soon as this summer. The timing is right, Chancellor Daniele Struppa says, given the recent launch of the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus in Irvine. That campus will house graduate programs in physical therapy, pharmacy and physician assistant education. “By breaking off the health science programs into their own college, we foster the kind of focus that will help prepare the healthcare professionals of the future,” Struppa said. “As with many of our actions at Chapman, we are doing this in direct response to industry and community needs.” That responsiveness extends across disciplines, colleges and campuses at Chapman, Struppa noted. Adding to the collaborative mix are new undergraduate programs in kinesiology (College of Educational Studies) and software engineering (Schmid College). “We are making our first foray into engineering, but it won’t be our last,” the chancellor said. The new 170,000-square-foot Rinker Health Science Campus will comprise three buildings retrofitted to include motion and movement labs as well as state-of-the-art classrooms. As the Rinker Campus expands, it may eventually house programs in dentistry and veterinary medicine as well as a medical school, said Chapman President Jim Doti. There’s also excitement surrounding the future of Schmid College, with plans calling for its eight undergraduate and three graduate programs to get a new home of their own. The planned Center for Science and Technology will provide lab, classroom and office space at Center and Walnut streets on the campus in Orange.
he joy that TV legend Huell Howser shared with generations of Californians infuses a new permanent exhibit to be housed in Chapman University’s Leatherby Libraries. “That’s Amazing! Thirty Years of Huell Howser and California’s Gold” opens to the public Saturday, March 29, with an open house that will include live appearances by many of the stars of Howser’s public television program, plus screenings of a new documentary on the making of California’s Gold by Chapman University film professor Jeff Swimmer. The exhibit is sponsored by the Automobile Club of Southern California, and after March 29 it will be open daily during regular library hours.
HUELL HOWSER’S ENDURING POPULARITY WAS EVIDENT IN A RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE WEBSITE NBCLA.COM. IT REPORTED THAT ALTHOUGH HOWSER DIED IN JANUARY 2013, VISITORS DID MORE SITE SEARCHES FOR HIS NAME LAST YEAR THAN FOR ANY OTHER PERSON. Howser donated his life’s work — including master tapes of all his television shows, his professional papers, artifacts, photos, books and his art collection — to Chapman shortly before his death in 2013. The exhibit will feature many of the donated items, highlighted by a re-creation of Howser’s production office, where he personally edited all episodes of his shows. Also on display will be artifacts from Howser’s professional life — photos, souvenirs given to him by fans, cameras used to shoot his shows and a wall of famous Huell quotes. A separate viewing room will allow visitors to watch any of more than 1,000 episodes of his shows. Howser donated to Chapman his entire catalog, which has been digitized and made available online for free.
ust before press time for this issue of Chapman Magazine, Andrew Lyon, Ph.D., was announced as the next dean of the Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University. Lyon will begin his new duties July 1. Currently chair of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech, Lyon also has served in scientific advisory roles for the Beckman Foundation. A profile of Lyon will be available in the online version of this issue and in the print version of the spring magazine.
For more information on the archive or the exhibit, visit www.chapman.edu/huell-howser or call 714-997-6815.
Every dog has his day – happily for a certain Chihuahua mix that’s melting hearts at Chapman University. He was abandoned on campus this fall, and his haggard condition caught the attention of students Emma Cronshaw ’17 and Tanya Kanchana ’17. Soon President Jim Doti was on the scene, too, and thanks to his generosity the dog had a full workup at the vet and a new name – Little Chapman. There’s even a tail-wagging happy ending. Little Chapman was adopted by Susan Winton ’86 (M.S. ’93), the university’s employment services manager. Winton and her son Adam, 17, say their new family member is a well-behaved little Panther – uh, pooch. “He loves to cuddle,” Winton says. Sounds like Little Chapman has lots of big days ahead.
And because we can’t get enough of canine adventures, we offer this update on Seth Casteel ’03. He’s the award-winning photographer whose images of pool-happy pooches went viral in 2012, earning him heaps of attention, a book deal with Little Brown and the ultimate sign of success – the cover of Chapman Magazine. Since then, his Underwater Dogs has become a breakout bestseller. There are now nine editions worldwide, with 350,000 copies in print. It’s available in eight languages, including Chinese, Russian and Swedish. And he’s been doing lots more shooting, with seven additional books in print or in various stages of development, including Underwater Puppies, due out internationally in October. Casteel admits that he’s blown away by the apparently insatiable appetite for his photos. “I thought I’d have my 15 minutes and then disappear into the shadows,” he said by phone from New York, where he now lives. “I gave a speech a while ago and someone asked, ‘Aren’t you worried that you’ll always be known as the underwater dog guy?’ I said it’s just the opposite. Photography is a never-ending learning process, and the images I’m doing now are considerably better than even the ones in the book, which I’m extremely proud of. There are a lot of ways you can be classified, so if you want to call me the underwater dog guy all day long for the rest of my life, I’ll say thanks.”
Big Picture When Tarah Stuht ’15 journeyed to Iceland last summer for an Interterm course on documentary filmmaking, she reveled in the larger-than-life experience. However, she never expected to see one of her photos displayed 22 feet wide as a billboard. Her shot of classmate Charlie Cook ’13 atop a windswept hillside first ran in the fall issue of Chapman Magazine. More recently it has greeted visitors to Fashion Island in Newport Beach, extolling opportunities to “Focus on the gift of exploration” at Chapman — something Stuht knows well. On the heels of her Iceland trip, she’ll study in Paris this spring. While her focus is more on a career in front of the lens, perhaps as a reporter on issues of health and fitness, seeing her camera work grab attention further expands her perspective. “I’m happy I could give Chapman an image they can use,” she says, “because my experiences here have given me so much that I can use.”
It’s always fun to note student awards, but a recent prize won by two Honors Program members calls for an exclamation of “Super!” Isabel Hsu ’15 and Andrew Vo ’15 won first place at the recent National Collegiate Honors Council conference for their academic research poster exploring how comic book superheroes boosted sales of war bonds during WWII. The students’ interest didn’t spring from their majors – Vo is studying biochemistry and Hsu creative producing. No, it turns out that inspiration speaks to them both in word bubbles. “The one thing we have in common,” Vo said, “is our love for comic books.”
Seen Heard &
“The tough part of this job doesn’t test me as a lawyer. My law degree is a wash. Better to have a divinity degree or a degree in psychology, because it is a horror.” Kenneth Feinberg, who has to put a price on loss of life and livelihoods as administrator of compensation funds set up after catastrophic events such as 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing, speaking in Kennedy Hall.
"We are all put on this earth to change someone's life for the better. We can't do that without changing ourselves." RJ Mitte, actor who played Walter White Jr. on Breaking Bad, speaking to Chapman students in Memorial Hall. “He mocked authority – especially when authority’s back was turned.” Lauren MacMullan, describing the Mickey Mouse of early cartoon appearances, during a visit to Professor Bill Kroyer’s “History and Aesthetics of Digital Arts” class. MacMullan (The Simpsons Movie) directed Get a Horse, Disney’s new animated short that evokes the pre-corporate-logo Mickey. Photo by Sarah Purlee ’14
“We’ve ended up with a Supreme Court that doesn’t actually know how politics works. And they’re pretty ivory tower about it. ... In losing Justice O’Connor they lost the only justice who had run for office, served in a legislature and had seen how the sausage was made.” Trevor Potter, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Election Commission, and legal counsel to comedian Stephen Colbert for his Colbert SuperPac “crusade” in the 2012 election, during a student talk at the Dale E. Fowler School of Law.
“It’s your home. This is your story. This is your space. And whether you have a tiny budget or a monster budget, I dare say you’ll have a lot more fun doing it my way than going through a catalog or having someone do it for you.” Lara Spencer, lifestyle anchor for Good Morning America and author of I Brake for Yard Sales, encouraging fans to hunt out secondhand treasures, during a talk at Chapman’s Big Orange Book Festival. 9
1. Julianne and George Argyros ’59
5. Randall ’58 (M.A. ’66) and Suki McCardle, Citizens of the Year; with Beau Bridges, recognized along with his late father, Lloyd, and brother, Jeff, as Lifetime Achievement in the Arts honorees
2. Twyla and Charles Martin, American Celebration Gala chairs 3. James and Catherine Emmi 4. Wylie and Bette Aitken
❺ 10
Like a chronicle of artistic excellence, the history of American Celebration unfolds via 32 sumptuous chapters. The most recent is among the most memorable.
hemed “The Chapman Story,” Chapman University’s premier stage revue and fundraising gala once again showcased the enormous talents of students in the College of Performing Arts, who through song and dance highlighted facets of the Chapman experience. The show wowed an audience of civic leaders, philanthropists and Chapman friends in a sold-out Memorial Hall, including award-winning actor Beau Bridges. In accepting the 2013 Lifetime Achievement in the Arts Award, Bridges said he was blown away by the students’ performances on stage. The film and TV star accepted the achievement award on behalf of his legendary Hollywood family, which also includes his brother, Jeff, and his late father, Lloyd. “I’m so honored to be part of this event,” Beau Bridges said, noting that the family legacy continues, as his youngest son, Jeffrey Ezekiel “Zeke” Bridges ’16, is a sophomore in Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. “One of the happiest days of our lives was when Zeke got accepted to Chapman. This place is amazing.”
But the evening’s highlights just kept coming, as later it was announced that the show and gala had raised $2.2 million for Chapman scholarships, bringing the all-time total for American Celebration student support to more than $22 million. The night was capped by more good news. From the stage, President Jim Doti delivered the surprise announcement that longtime university supporters Harry and Diane Rinker had made a $15 million gift to support the health sciences at Chapman. The gift names Chapman’s new campus in Irvine the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus. The funds will be used to support Chapman’s graduate programs in health sciences, including pharmacy, physical therapy and physician’s assistant.
In addition to showcasing student talent and providing scholarship support, the gala is when Chapman presents its Citizens of the Year Award. This year’s recipients are Suki and Randall McCardle ’58 (M.A. ’66) — two of the university’s most dedicated and visionary leaders. Randall has his own good stories to tell. He was a ninth-grade dropout who struggled to find his purpose in life, and when he joined the Navy, the first document he filled out asked his level of education. He had to circle the lowest grade listed. “That motivated me,” McCardle said. “Education became important to me, and I started hanging out with learned people. I figured that if they can do it, why can’t I?” He went on to earn two degrees from Chapman — a B.A. in social science and an M.A. in education — before getting his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 1974. As a longtime member of the Chapman Board of Trustees and now an emeritus trustee, he has helped guide the university during the most successful period in its history. Along the way, he and Suki — a member of the Women of Chapman support group — have also counseled students to develop their own unique vision and to pursue learning with a can-do spirit. “So much has changed since I first came to campus in 1955, but the positive aura that first attracted me still remains,” Randy added. “Suki and I feel a lot of affection for Chapman.” The feeling is mutual.
1. President Jim Doti and Harry Rinker 2. David Masone, S. Paul and Marybelle Musco and William Hall, dean of the Musco Center for the Arts 3. John Tesh and Connie Sellecca
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rp By Dennis A omewhere between Tucson and Phoenix, Krista Rasmussen ’15 saw Armageddon in the rearview mirror. A towering dust cloud swallowed more and more of the horizon as it swept toward the car she was riding in with her mom. Daughter and mother quickly realized they weren’t going to outrun it, so they pulled over, closed the air vents and waited. In one gritty, swirling moment, midday turned to dusk. “There’s a feeling of helplessness as nighttime encompasses you,” said Rasmussen, a native of Arizona, where massive dust storms known as haboobs can sometimes block out the sun. “It really is apocalyptic — very scary.”
A giant dust cloud, or haboob, a half-mile high and up to 50 miles across descends on Phoenix in 2011. Research by Chapman student Krista Rasmussen ’15 and Professor Hesham El-Askary shows that such storms help feed the intensity of monsoonal rains in Arizona.
emories of the dust storm returned to Rasmussen during Professor Hesham El-Askary’s environmental science class, “Global Hazards and Climate Change,” at Chapman University. El-Askary, Ph.D., spoke of his own research into extreme natural events in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and then he invited students to help develop specialized research projects. Rasmussen jumped at the chance. As a double major in Spanish and integrated educational studies, Rasmussen plans to pursue a career in teaching, but El-Askary’s class also kindled her interest in scientific research. The truth is, she has long sought ways to combine teaching and science. Even as a child, Rasmussen punctuated family outings by identifying the birdcalls she heard. More recently, she went on a hiking date and got “kind of weird” looks when she started naming off the different types of cactus along the trail. She shrugged. “It’s just something I picked up.” Together, Rasmussen and El-Askary crafted a research project that investigated the connection between Arizona’s major dust events and the monsoonal rains that precede and follow them.
“There was research on haboobs and precipitation, because it’s known that monsoonal thunderstorms cause haboobs to occur,” Rasmussen said. “But what hadn’t been looked at was how a haboob affects a monsoon. That’s what we wanted to explore.” It’s a dynamic relationship born of cloud condensation nuclei 10,000 feet above the earth, but Rasmussen’s first stop was quite terrestrial — the computer lab at Chapman. There she spent hours downloading 10 years of satellite data covering five locations in Arizona. She quickly realized that her path to discovery ran through days of tedium. But at the same time she appreciated having access to the tools and instruction she needed to succeed. “Dr. El-Askary led me down the path, but he also let me own my research,” she said. “I’m so happy that he gave me that freedom and independence.” With El-Askary as Rasmussen’s faculty mentor, her project earned a spot in the Chapman Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. Rasmussen spent six to eight hours a day in the computer lab cross-correlating and decomposing reams of NASA remote-sensing satellite information, gathering data on aerosol dust particles and charting them against the progression of thunderstorms. Then she cross-referenced the satellite data with media reports for the same time periods to “tell the narrative of the data,” she said. In the beginning, El-Askary and Rasmussen hypothesized that as the particles got bigger high above the earth, the intensity of the storms that followed would increase. And that’s exactly what they discovered.
Undergrad Research
“We found there was a two-month lag; it takes that long for the dust to absorb the moisture and affect the thunderstorms,” Rasmussen said. “Aerosol cloud interaction is challenging to understand,” El-Askary added. “But in some zones, we were able to find a huge correlation (between dust particles and storm intensity).” It was fascinating to analyze the data and then from the findings put together a story she could share, Rasmussen said. “When you can actually understand something at a microphysical level, it makes all the difference,” she said. “The reason (haboobs and thunderstorms) impact each other is because the dust is in the atmosphere for two months afterwards. It’s exciting not only to grasp that concept but to be among the first people to realize it in a specific location.”
Krista Rasmussen ‘15 will present results from the research she performed with Professor Hesham El-Askary during a European Geosciences Union conference this spring in Vienna.
Such research may someday lead to better weather forecasting as well as a deeper understanding of how climate change and resulting patterns of extreme weather might impact entire regions, El-Askary said. “We’re not able to predict now, and that won’t happen overnight,” he noted. “We can’t go there without a lot more data, and the complexity of the problems is on the rise. But we are witnessing a correlation in two subsystems.” Now that the research part of the project is completed, El-Askary and Rasmussen are working on a paper they anticipate publishing in an academic journal. What’s more, Rasmussen has been accepted to present their findings at a European Geosciences Union conference in Vienna this spring, when she’ll also be studying at the University of Seville in Spain. “That will be amazing,” Rasmussen said. Teaching remains her long-term goal, but science is definitely in the picture. “Before this project, I wasn’t thinking about a career in research, but I do feel that would be possible now,” she said. “My Chapman experience has been a steppingstone to so many opportunities.” WINTER 2014
Photo by David C. Henley
By David C. Henley Reporting from Jezreel, Israel
arter’s patron, the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon, who was standing behind him, could wait no longer and cried out, “Can you see anything?” “Yes, I see wonderful things!” exclaimed Carter, gazing in awe upon the golden sarcophagus of King Tut, the monarch’s throne, gilded chariots, wooden animals, chests, carved cobras, vases and daggers that lay before him. Carter’s joy in finding “wonderful things,” and his spirit of adventure, drama and excitement, have been replicated here in north-central Israel by Chapman University student Marilyn Love ’15 and Professor Julye Bidmead. The two are exploring with archaeological teams from several nations and universities at two ancient sites that figure prominently in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. The sites are Jezreel, the winter palace of King Ahab and Jezebel, his wicked wife, and neighboring Megiddo, also called Armageddon, an important 14th-century city-state overlooking the Jezreel Valley. Love and Bidmead have been conducting research in Israel because Chapman is affiliated with two consortiums of U.S., Canadian and Israeli universities, including George Washington, Yale, Vanderbilt, Haifa and Tel Aviv. All send faculty and students to the sites each summer to conduct archaeological “digs,” says Bidmead, an assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies in Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences. A 20-year-old junior religious studies major, Love has participated in the dig for two years, and she showed great animation in describing her discoveries as she huddled with Bidmead and me under a large canvas tent that protected us and the main excavation site from fiery-hot blasts of air howling up from Israel’s Judean Desert. Love, who lives with Bidmead and approximately 50 other consortium members at the Jezreel Kibbutz, a communal settlement near the excavations, said her “most exciting” moments have come when she unearthed artifacts dating to the Canaanites who lived in this area during the Bronze Period, about 3000 B.C. Using a shovel, trowel and small pick-axe, Love said, “I’ve found tools made of basalt that were used by people here to pound grain into rudimentary bread. And I’ve excavated locally-made glazed pottery from the same era that was painted red and black. “And I’ve dug up knives carved from flint, rare beehive-shaped clay pots, mud bricks that served as building foundations and walls, a bowl containing multicolored beads and precious stones, foundation blocks of a nearby 12th-century Crusader Castle, and iron swords and daggers,” said Love, a resident of Temecula
in Riverside County. “I became interested in archaeology at the age of 11 when I traveled to London with my grandfather, a publisher of scholarly books, and we spent the day at the British Museum.” A winner of Chapman’s prestigious Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Love plans a career in university teaching and research and will begin working toward a Ph.D. in archaeology or Near Eastern Studies following graduation from Chapman in 2015. During winter Interterm, she and 19 other students took a class in London taught by Bidmead titled “Deconstructing Hogwarts,” exploring the works of J.K. Rowling. Bidmead, who holds a Ph.D. in archaeology from Vanderbilt University, reads and writes Hebrew, German, Spanish, Greek, Babylonian and Aramaic and has conducted archaeological research in Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East for 17 years, said several of her other students also have made “significant discoveries” here. One of them made a “stunning and spectacular” find in 2008: a late Bronze Age, three-inch gold pendant buried under a foot of earth.
“On the pendant was engraved the likeness of a Canaanite goddess. It was a major scientific find, to be sure, and the pendant today is displayed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem,” said Bidmead, who has taught at Chapman for seven years. In addition to her duties here supervising students, Bidmead also serves as a member of the senior staffs of both consortiums and leads a team of researchers who identify, photograph and catalogue the artifacts discovered at the two sites. The leaders of the consortiums, Norma Franklin, Ph.D., co-director of the Jezreel program and research associate at the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa, and Israel Finkelstein, Ph.D., director of the Megiddo expedition and professor
of archaeology at Tel Aviv University, have commended Bidmead’s work. Finkelstein said that in addition to Bidmead’s teaching, excavating and supervisory roles here, she also leads the expeditions’ educational program, “which is one of our highly important academic courses. Doing this, she is in charge of training students in field archaeology methods and techniques in the disciplines of biblical archaeology and biblical theory. “Thanks to this program, a significant number of students who have worked with her have continued their studies to become seasoned researchers in the field,” Finkelstein added. Back at Chapman, Bidmead taught four fall courses in the Religious Studies Department, and Love took a full class load, studying German and Czech at a private language school and boning up on the Harry Potter books in preparation for her Interterm class.
Henley is a journalist, author, philanthropist and Chapman University trustee.
To read more about David Henley’s trip to Israel, visit www.chapman.edu/magazine.
At far left, Chapman University student Marilyn Love ’15 works on an archaeology dig at an ancient site in Israel. In the top photo, author David Henley spends a moment with Chapman Professor Julye Bidmead, who for 17 years has conducted research in Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East. Above right, Henley poses with Israeli soldiers.
Bricks used to resurface Hutton Sports Center: 15,000
The signature style that accents many of the buildings at Chapman University is distinctive enough to have its own name: “Chapman Blend, Smooth Norman.” A quarry in Utah is the only known source for the bricks, which were added to Hutton Center’s façade last summer to visually connect it with Beckman Hall and Leatherby Libraries, the other two bricked buildings adjoining Attallah Piazza.
“Bricks” by All-American guard
KIMI TAKAOKA inside Hutton Center:
When Takaoka ’14 shoots a jumper or steps to the freethrow line, she has her own smooth style, and the result is usually nothing but net. Through Chapman’s first 11 games this season, the senior had made 66 of 80 free throws – 82.5 percent – en route to leading the Panthers in scoring at 22.7 points per game. On Nov. 23, she became the 10th women’s basketball player in school history to eclipse 1,000 career points.
Performances of the Broadway-style stage revue in 2013: 2 (Opening Night and Gala Night) Tambourines: 11 Pairs of tap shoes: 13 Hours of rehearsal by student performers: 40
Sheets of paper printed at the 37 student lab/public copy machines on campus during the fall semester:
That number will fall dramatically starting this spring, when almost all of those copy machines are set to automatically print double-sided pages. The paper-saving plan was championed by Student Government Association senators Jenny Bowen ’15 and Taylor Krause ’16. “Students don’t always realize how much power they have for positive change,” said Mackenzie Crigger, Chapman sustainability manager. “When they get behind something like this, they can have an amazing impact.”
Pounds of candy at valet station: 49 Planning committee members: 57 Event sponsors: 80 Student performers: 135 Costumes: 389 Perfect little coffee beans set atop dessert courses: 776
in memoria m
HOWARD KELLEY ’52 A beloved alumnus and Chapman University administrator, Howard Kelley ’52 passed away Dec. 8.
elley graduated from the old Vermont Avenue campus and went on to become director of admissions and alumni activities during Chapman’s early years in Orange. He brought a brand of energy to the university that those around him couldn’t resist, says Michael Drummy, assistant vice chancellor and chief admission officer. “Howard was a very special person who couldn’t do enough for people, which is probably why they roped him into wearing so many different hats during his long tenure at Chapman,” Drummy said. “When I was a student worker in the Alumni Office in the early ’70s, I was without question the lowest person in the office pecking order, yet Howard always treated me with respect. He was an imposing man who was easy to look up to.” Kelley liked to proudly proclaim that “Chapman is in the family bloodstream.” He and his wife, Marjorie, met on the old Los Angeles campus, where she was secretary to then-Chapman president George N. Reeves, and counted several alumni among their family members and children. He served on the school’s administrative staff for a total of 12 years during two separate terms. In 1956, two years after
Chapman moved to Orange, he became director of admissions and alumni activities. During that time, he proudly noted that he approved the admission of George Argyros ’59. Kelley left Chapman in 1961, returning in 1969 as student recruitment director for World Campus Afloat, now Semester at Sea. For several years he also served as alumni director. Thanks to his generous donations in 2011, Kelley’s family legacy was honored at the Elliott Alumni House with the naming of The Howard ’52 and Marjorie Logue Kelley Welcoming Veranda; The Kelley Children Porch: Patrick ’70, Stephen ’77, Janet ’77 and Holly; and The Kelley Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren Porch. Kelley was preceded in death by Marjorie. He is survived by their four children: Patrick Kelley ’70, Stephen Kelley ’77, Janet Kelley ’79 and Holly (Kelley) Hagler. As of press time, memorial services were tentatively set for Sunday, Feb. 16, at 2 p.m. in the Wallace All Faiths Chapel of the Fish Interfaith Center at Chapman.
ith a toast and many fond words, the Donor Wall of Honor in the Marvin W. Meyer Faculty Athenaeum was officially unveiled at Chapman University. Many of those who gathered are inaugural contributors to a scholarship fund in memory of the late professor who held the Griset Chair in Bible and Christian Studies and was director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute. President Jim Doti said the extraordinary generosity of faculty, staff and alumni who supported the Marvin W. Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund with an initial $150,000 endowment made it particularly meaningful. “It means so much to me because it says so much about our ethos, our community and who we all are as a university,” Doti said.
generation), they’re optimistic and dedicated to the common good. orley Winograd’s back hurt, and the stylish little chair at Millennials can move mountains with a tweet, condemn a politician the head of the classroom conference table wasn’t helping. overnight with a social media scolding and shame corporations with So he headed for a more comfortable and unoccupied a boycott that can go viral within hours. captain’s chair at the other end of the room. “I’ll just sit in the back,” “Historically, I think you may actually be one of Winograd said. Typical silent generation solution. the most disruptive forces since the invention of the In a flash, students rose and offered their seats. printing press,” Hais said. Chairs were rearranged. Typical millennial At 77 million strong, the millennials generation solution. Lots of scholars are the biggest brood to ever roll onto the “That’s so millennial; you guys are think millennials will American scene, bigger even than the polite,” said Michael D. Hais, a pollster do big things, like fix almighty baby boomers. (Someone’s going and Winograd’s co-author of the book the economy, elect a woman to break that news to the boomers, right?) Millennial Momentum. The two spoke with president, blur the color lines, Kotkin, a futurist, author and director Chapman University students during a poke holes in the 9-to-5 of Chapman’s Center for Demographics visit to Joel Kotkin’s Presidential Fellow tradition and still find time and Policy, notes that millennials are Seminar “A History of the Future for still young and their traits changeable. Commerce.” to politely help their Still, as some in this generation enter Millennials are polite, yes, but in the elders master the latest college while others transition to working decades to come this crew is also going iPhone upgrade. lives and leadership positions in society, it’s a to rattle the cages, shake the timbers and good time to take a peek at the new kids on the be the straw that stirs the cultural, political cultural block. On these pages we highlight some and economic drink. They’re collaborative, telling statistics, many drawn from the social science and ethnically diverse, socially tolerant and tech savvy. Like behavioral research of Chapman scholars. their great-grandparents in the G.I. generation (a.k.a. greatest
Born before 1928 G.I. generation (greatest generation) 20
Born 1929-1945
silent generation
baby boomer
generation X
1981-2003 millennials (generation Y)
Not Home Alone
millennials lived in their parents’ home in 2012. Good thing baby boomers built big houses. In 2012, 63 percent of 18- to 31-year-olds had jobs, down from the 70 percent of their same-aged counterparts who had jobs in 2007. A record total of 21.6 million millennials lived in their parents’ home in 2012.
zz z
Source: Pew Social & Demographic Trends
What’s that ticking sound? BIOLOGICAL CLOCK
35 TO 39
Source: Brennan Peterson, Ph.D., associate professor and director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Crean School of Health and Life Science, in the study Fertility Awareness and Parenting Intentions of U.S. Undergraduate Students.
The most educated generation in American history missed out on a big fact-of-life lesson – the rate at which their biological clocks are ticking. A study of university-aged adults who want to have children revealed that they overestimate the amount of time they have to accomplish that. A study receiving international attention revealed that 67 percent of women and 81 percent of men believe female fertility doesn’t decline until after age 40. In fact, slight declines begin at age 28, and fertility takes a steep dive from 35 to 39. Those surveyed also placed too much confidence in fertility treatments, with most believing that in vitro fertilization is successful 40 to 100 percent of the time. The actual success rate is 30 percent.
28 TO 34 WINTER 2014
That’s No Alien, That’s My MOM!
1 5 in
millennials has an immigrant parent, a factor in their overwhelming support of reforming immigration laws that will create a path to citizenship. That friendlier attitude about immigration equals a huge resource in human capital, futurist Joel Kotkin writes in his research report “The Rise of Post-Familialism: Humanity’s Future?” prepared by Chapman’s Center for Demographics and Policy. “Migrants and their offspring have accounted for one-third of the nation’s population growth over the past three decades,” Kotkin says. “The newcomers have also become a critical component of the country’s entrepreneurial and innovation culture.”
Just Like Grandpa BILL
of heterosexual adults ages 18 to 25 report that the male fronts the bill on dates. Keep the wallets handy, guys. Just 23 percent of heterosexual adults 18 to 25 report that dating expenses are shared, leaving men to foot the bill most of the time. And it only changes slightly by about the fourth month of dating. Source: David Frederick, Ph.D., Crean School of Health and Life Science, in a paper titled Following versus Challenging Conventional Gender Norms.
Madam President
z z z
“Being a member of generation X myself, I think we’re still a little ways away from it (a woman president),” says Chapman political science professor Lori Cox Han, Ph.D., who has published extensively on the subject of women in politics. Boomer and generation X women will continue to do well in legislative roles, but the executive office is still perceived as a man’s job, she says. She predicts millennials will change it up. “There seems to be a broader expectation of equality in this generation,” she says. “It’s not like previous generations didn’t get this. But now there’s this sense that things will be fair.”
Pillow Talk When the alarm is in the phone, of course the phone stays close. Eighty-three percent of millennials have slept with their cell phones or placed them right next to their beds when they sleep, as compared to 50 percent of baby boomers. Source: Pew Social & Demographic Trends
83% 50% of millennials of baby boomers keep their phone close while sleeping.
1 4 in
reports being affiliated with any religion.
Pray here, there, everywhere … except church Millennials pray about as often as their elders did in their youth, but as a generation only 1 in 4 reports being affiliated with any religion. It’s the least church-going generation in modern times. Source: Pew Social & Demographic Trends
Like It ‌ or Not
of young adults ages 18 to 29 share on Facebook happy life events like new jobs, engagements and raises.
Young adults 18 to 29 probably aren’t oversharing life details as much as their elders might think. Some 80 percent said they would not share on Facebook news of their firing or being turned down for a job. Good news gets the green light, though. Three-quarters said they would share happy life events like new jobs, engagements and raises. No wonder everything seems cheery on Facebook. Source: A study conducted by undergraduate students in the communications studies senior capstone course taught by Jennifer Bevan, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Communication Studies.
Social Butterflies Despite their parents’ encroachment on Facebook, millennials are still far more likely than any age group to have a profile on a social networking site. Seventy-five percent have a profile on a site, while just 30 percent of baby boomers do. Source: Pew Social & Demographic Trends
75% of millennials
Have a presence on social media of baby boomers
We’ve Seen Their Type Before According to the pattern of cycles, it’s time for another civic generation. Throughout U.S. history generations rise from crisis to build afresh, with collaboration and optimism. A collective memory of 9/11, protracted wars and the Great Recession mean that millennials have this base covered. Few have suffered as much as members of the G.I. generation, who came through the Great Depression, World War II and the Holocaust. So what advice does the previous civic generation have for the batch just arriving?
Change is the name of the game for your future. You’re going to have to drop what you’re doing if it’s not making any progress and start something new that you might like to do. Read the editorials in the different newspapers. Good music is a stabilizer. I like Elvis Presley and Rachmaninoff. Libby Pankey, 96 Longtime friend of Chapman University, wife of the late Trustee Edgar Pankey
Be very aware that life or fate can change things for you from one moment to the next. Not even one day to the next. Remain as flexible as possible. It happened to me many times and sometimes you’re lucky and you choose the right solution and sometimes you don’t and you have to try again. Actor Curt Lowens, 88 Holocaust survivor, rescuer and Resistance fighter; friend of the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education
Learn to trust each other. If you can’t trust your colleagues, whatever project you’re working on will suffer. Betty Bartley, 93 former editor of Chapman Quarterly, precursor to Chapman Magazine, and publicist for World Campus Afloat, now Semester at Sea
Remember two words and avoid them: hate and jealousy. Hate brings killing and jealousy brings killing. Try to be a human being, and if you see something that is not good, don’t run toward it, run away from it. Cantor Leopold Szneer, 92 friend of the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education
Feeling Millennial? As part of its Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next, the Pew Research Center posted the 14-question quiz How Millennial Are You? Find it at www.pewresearch.org/quiz/how-millennial-are-you/
String King Renowned musician Henri Temianka blazed a musical trail, and now his legacy lives on at Chapman. By Mary Platt
Henri Temianka
n 1941, having secured — through his various highlevel contacts in the arts world — the release of his parents from a Nazi concentration camp in France, Henri Temianka learned they had been imprisoned again, this time by Franco’s troops, on their flight into Spain. The famed violinist went to work to try to free them once more. This time, he recalled a well-connected Spanish aristocrat who had enjoyed one of his concerts during earlier, happier years in Spain, and sought help from him. Count Ignacio de Gortazar y Manso de Velasco went to the prison, freed Temianka’s mother and father, and personally escorted them to his mansion, later arranging for their passage to Cuba and thence to the United States. That desperate adventure, which easily could have tipped into tragedy, was just one striking episode in the life of Henri Temianka (1906 –1992), a globetrotting virtuoso who knew nearly everyone who was anyone in the arts, and whose effect on classical music reverberated from the 1920s in Europe through his long reign as a music icon in Los Angeles. Now this indefatigable artist has been honored with a $2.25 million endowed music professorship and scholarship in his name, gifted to Chapman University by his son, Daniel Temianka, and daughter-in-law, Zeinab Dabbah, M.D. (J.D. ’12) of Pasadena. Dr. Dabbah, a graduate of Chapman’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law, was appointed to the university’s Board of Trustees in 2013. “The Temianka endowments will make Chapman’s Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music program even more highly competitive by attracting world-class professors and bringing the most promising students to our university,” said Dale Merrill, dean of the College of Performing Arts. The first two students to benefit from the endowed scholarship are violinist Emily Uematsu ’13 and violinist/ violist Macie Slick ’14. String faculty member William Fitzpatrick has been appointed to the post of Temianka
The Henri Temianka Professorship in Music and the Henri Temianka Scholarship in String Studies were announced at the Chapman University Showcase Faculty Recital. Daniel Temianka, Henri’s son, shares the moment with his mother, Emmy, his son, Ethan, and (at right) his wife, Zeinab Dabbah, M.D. (J.D. ’12).
Endowed Professor. A bronze portrait bust of Henri Temianka was dedicated at Chapman in 2013, and will be placed in the Bette and Wylie Aitken Arts Plaza, between the busts of Mozart and Puccini, when the 1,050-seat Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Center for the Arts is completed in late 2015. Henri Temianka was a signal figure in classical music throughout nearly the entire run of the 20th century. One of the era’s foremost concert violinists — who performed more than 4,000 concerts during his long career, and whose talents made him a global favorite as well as a hero of the Southern California music scene — Temianka was also a prominent conductor, educator and author, and founder of the renowned Paganini Quartet and California Chamber Symphony. Born in Scotland to Polish-Jewish parents, Temianka studied at the national conservatories of Berlin and Paris and at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia (earning his way by playing violin in restaurants and circuses) before gaining international recognition in 1935 by winning the first Wieniawski Violin Competition in Warsaw. He was fluent in five languages and became, in the words of the Los Angeles Times, a “moving force among those who had fled the Nazis before World War II.” After working to free his parents and bring them to America, Temianka arrived in Los Angeles in the early 1940s, and in
1946 founded the Paganini Quartet. That famed ensemble — in which he played as first violinist — toured the world for many years and made award-winning recordings for RCA Victor. In 1960,
for more than 25 years. He was one of the first to break tradition by speaking to his audiences from the stage about the music they were hearing. Temianka also directed the popular “Croissants and Chamber Music” series on Sunday mornings on the patio of the L.A. Music Center, and conducted 10 seasons of summer chamber music at the Getty Museum in Malibu. Temianka also made several musiceducation films, including From Bach to Rock, which featured, among others, Ray Manzarek of the Doors and jazz drummer Shelly Manne. He authored dozens of publications, including more than 100 articles, and his autobiography, Facing the Music, was published in 1973. We are very grateful to Daniel and Zeinab for honoring Daniel’s distinguished father in this vital and important way,”
Temianka founded the California Chamber Symphony — the first true chamber orchestra in Los Angeles — and led its subscription concerts in UCLA’s Royce Hall
said Chapman President Jim Doti. “I can’t think of a better way to remember a man and a musician who meant so much to California and to the world.”
“It is such an honor to be associated with a man whose career so successfully manifested itself in the power of music,” says Macie Slick ’14, right, violinist/violist and one of the first two recipients of a Temianka Scholarship at Chapman. The other, violinist Emily Uematsu ’13, is similarly grateful. “It means so much to me,” she says, “and it’s going to help many people in the future, as well as allow the conservatory to grow in countless ways.”
MA AP S PE S AL Crowdfunding opens new roads to revenue for entrepreneurial Chapman students and alumni skilled at making it pay.
ho says you can’t put a price on happiness?
Tony Cuseo ’12 picked a figure of $3,000, and when his Indiegogo.com campaign hit that target, he had the green light for a documentary film about what makes people happy. And that made him pretty ecstatic himself. Cuseo is one of the multitude of Americans making their dream projects real thanks to the Internet phenomenon of crowdfunding — the practice of bankrolling a project by attracting small donations from a huge pool of people. That seed money supports everyone from product inventors to scientific researchers, independent filmmakers to intrepid
cake-bakers, pursuers of high ideals to designers of high-end underwear. The growth is startling. Money raised worldwide has all but doubled each of the past two years, reaching an estimated $5.2 billion in 2013. Where once there were just a few crowdfunding platforms now there are hundreds, each catering to ever-more-specific niche clienteles. And coming soon may be the chance to sell an equity stake in your startup, which promises to open a whole new can of crowdfunding possibilities. But whether the return is big profits or mere trinkets, it seems that all you need these days is an idea, a compelling story and some social-media savvy to hit the ground campaigning. For entrepreneurs,
BY DEnnIS Arp, ASH StoCkEMEr ’14 AnD AnnA roSE WArrEn ’16
entrepreneurs, and I think people are interested in being a part of that energy. For psychological reasons, they want to say they were one of the original backers of a successful product.” Soon those backers may also have a chance to acquire an actual stake in a crowdfunding venture. The Federal JOBS act passed in 2012 and follow-up rules proposed by regulators in October would allow crowdfunding backers to gain equity shares in a startup. Some see it as the logical next step in fundraising via the Internet; why shouldn’t ground-floor investors SWAV founders Anthony Ferraro ’13, Navin Khetarpal ’14, and participate in future profits, and why shouldn’t those Jeri Luhtanen ’14 pitched their “underapparel for the overachiever” opportunities be available to everyone? on Kickstarter.com and netted $57,000 in startup funding. Others see potential pitfalls. They predict that naïve investors will fall victim to fraud, or at best invest with their hearts instead of also going deep inside the financials. Chapman economics professor Terry Burnham, it’s nothing short of a revolution, said Professor Richard Ph.D., sees both sides of the debate. Crowdfunding Sudek, director of Chapman’s Leatherby Center is fine for investors who for Entrepreneurship and Business “We haven’t seen anything really understand the risk, Ethics within the Argyros School he said. “But if they’re fundamentally change startups of Business and Economics. loans expecting to “We haven’t seen anything like this in the last 30 to 40 years.” making be repaid, there’s a sense fundamentally change startups like PROFESSOR RICHARD SUDEK that people will suffer this in the last 30 to 40 years,” he said. the problems we’ve seen Anthony Ferraro ’13 was a freshman economics major in other areas where there’ s a lack of a marketat Chapman when he broached his big idea: a Victoria’s disciplining force.” Secret for men. He and his partners — co-founder Jeri Luhtanen ’14 and Navin Khetarpal ’14 — turned the concept into SWAV, a brand they pitched as “the most comfortable, functional and technologically advanced underwear for men.” Their groundwork won Chapman’s business plan competition and then captured the Whitman Entrepreneurial Idea award at Syracuse University. But the budding entrepreneurs still needed cash to launch a company, so they started campaigning on Kickstarter.com. They were going for more than money. “We wanted market validation,” Ferraro said. “We needed to prove to ourselves and investors that our products would sell.” They beat their funding goal by more than $10,000, raising $57,000 from 870 backers. Some pledged as much as $3,200 and in return got a chance to sample the product. Those backers were paying for more than underwear, said Sudek, Ph.D. “There’s a fascination, an intrigue, with helping others,” Sudek said. “Culturally, we celebrate
A cross-country road trip searching for happiness brought Tony Cuseo ’12 a wealth of rewards, but he’s still trying to finish his documentary film on the experience.
urnham, who studies the biological and evolutionary basis of human behavior, has dabbled in crowdfunding himself. A friend asked him to invest in a new Hal Hartley film, so he gave $25 and eventually got a DVD of the movie. In the end it was a less-than-satisfying experience. “I’ve gotten a ton of value from his movies over the years, but I didn’t particularly love this one,” he said. So ultimately what’s Burnham’s advice on crowdfunding? “If you like Hal Hartley and you think it’s a good thing that the world will have another of his movies, then it’s a good thing,” he said. “But if you’re looking to make money on something, it’s likely that you’ll end up disappointed. And the way markets work is that the disappointment won’t come slowly; it’ll hit fast and hard.” Things hit quickly for Liz Fiacco ’12 and her creative cohorts pitching the smartphone game Axle on Kickstarter, where it only took a month for them to exceed their $15,000 goal. A good video, quality promotional offerings and social-media savvy all contributed to their success, Fiacco said.
An engaging video and social-media savvy helped Liz Fiacco ’12 succeed with her campaign to launch a smartphone game called Axle.
“We feel like we now have personal relationships with our donors,” she added. People invest in campaigns like Fiacco’s for several reasons, said Niklas Myhr, Ph.D., social-media and global marketing professor in the Argyros School of Business and Economics. “Basically they want to support a dream or they ultimately see a personal benefit to the project,” he added. Connections with friends and followers are critical. “Asking a community to help you create something is the highest use of social media,” Myhr said. Before making his ask, filmmaker Will Prescott (MFA ’07) followed a key facet of Myhr’s advice for crowdfunding success: Support the campaigns of others before you seek their support for yours. “Whether or not you believe in karma,” the professor said, “you want to develop a reputation for being generous.” Prescott said that he supported a number of others’ projects — films, indie comic books, Web series and nonprofit inspirational projects among them — and what he learned informed how he crafted his own campaign. In 2012, Prescott hit his goal of $60,000 on Kickstarter The explosive growth in crowdfunding websites conjures new to fund Feeding Mr. Baldwin, his dark comedy about sources of revenue for specialty communities, including academic friendship and dismemberment. researchers. Is it a good thing that an entomologist can now pitch her “I really believe that your success depends “zombie ant” study to masses of potential small-scale supporters? on how you plan from the start,” said Prescott. “Several months of planning is required before Yes and no, says Janeen Hill, Ph.D., dean of the Schmid College you go live.” of Science and Technology at Chapman University. Like Prescott, other indie filmmakers are lining up to get their hands on crowdfunding It’s appropriate for scientists to explore all sources of funding, cash. Even student films can cost tens of especially now that the National Institutes of Health and the thousands to produce, which means that National Science Foundation are making fewer grants. But sites such as 90 percent of the process is fundraising, said Petridish.org and Microryza.com hold limited potential, Hill said. award-winning documentarian Sally Rubin, a Dodge College professor. “If you look at the requests on these sites, most are for small amounts — “Because there aren’t a lot of student $5,000 or so,” she said. That hardly replaces the hundreds of thousands grants available, crowdfunding is the easiest or sometimes millions of dollars needed to conduct significant avenue for students,” she said. multi-year scientific research projects. Missy Laney ’11 works for the Sundance Institute #ArtistServices Initiative and so helps Still, for some small initiatives — student projects and pilot studies, indie filmmakers explore ways to get funding. for instance — crowdfunding may have merit, Hill allowed. She said that in addition to raising money, a good And she sees at least one other benefit. crowdfunding campaign functions as early promotional outreach. “Good scientists are always trying to communicate so non-scientists can understand what they’re doing,” Hill said. “This process might help improve those skills.”
“It not only creates new fans, it aggregates those fans,” she said. “Essentially they’re joining the team.” And what motivates those fans is a sneak peek at the film itself, plus a chance to get thank-you gifts like promotional materials, tickets to preview screenings and sometimes even a screen credit. But it all starts with a good trailer, and that’s true even for those seeking support for nonfilm projects. “You should never underestimate the importance of making a video that’s engaging, especially in a humorous fashion,” Myhr said. “That’s how you get people not just to support but to share. That’s how a campaign goes viral.” Ferraro and his SWAV underwear partners know this firsthand. A clever four-minute video shot during a Chapman end-of-the-semester undie run garnered more than 420,000 views and was critical to driving awareness of their crowdfunding campaign. “With the industry evolving, filmmakers are no longer ‘just’ storytellers; they are entrepreneurs, marketers and sometimes distributors, too,” Laney said. “They are involved with the film from cradle to grave.” Cuseo could use some of that involvement right about now. He’s still working on his documentary film about what makes people happy, and he may have to return to crowdfunding so a professional editor can help him finish it. He has plenty of raw footage gained during a nationwide journey documenting people’s sources of joy. He slept in his Honda Civic when a friendly couch wasn’t available, and after a year on the road he has some great lessons to share – including that $3,000 isn’t nearly enough to produce a marketable documentary film about a recent graduate’s search for happiness. Still, he couldn’t possibly put a price on the wealth of experiences he amassed.
Fun L din et th e gB egi n
Plan months ahead. So says filmmaker Will Prescott (MFA ’07), who fashioned a successful campaign for his indie project Feeding Mr. Baldwin. Without a rollout strategy and a schedule for project updates, you’re really just winging it. Sometimes friends call Prescott when their campaigns start to falter, “and I have to tell them it’s too late to help,” he said.
Make ’em laugh. It takes lots of clever, original content to build and maintain momentum. Think of the Chapman student entrepreneurs whose engaging SWAV underwear video got more than 420,000 views. Beyond short films, think conceptual art or other innovations. Just don’t stop thinking of ways to get people excited enough to back you. Sell yourself, not just your concept.
“I really believe that your success depends on how you plan from the start. Several months of planning is required before you go live.” WILL PRESCOTT (MFA ’07)
“I met some strange and fantastic people,” Cuseo said. “After a few months you get a cool network of people who like you and want to help you and give you connections.” Among those now in his network is a man in Savannah, Ga., where one afternoon in a Starbucks Cuseo overheard him discuss his plans for a book about the importance of living life with passion. Cuseo later interviewed the man for his film and then heard him say, “I’d really like it if you’d follow me to my bank, because I want to donate to your project.” “Part of me feels that my faith in humanity is renewed as a result of this concept,” Cuseo said. And isn’t that a happy outcome?
“Crowdfunding has shown me that complete strangers will support me,” said Addie Vincent ’14, a transgender Chapman student whose Gofundme.com project seeks to develop Theta Pi Sigma, a gender-neutral “fraority.” However, Vincent is finding that people “are less willing to fund my organization.” The key is to turn personal appeal into organizational success, Sudek said. “People are voting with their wallets for particular entrepreneurs as much as their ideas,” he said.
Treasure your backers. Give them rewards. Ask them for feedback. Stay connected throughout the campaign and beyond, experts say. “Even if you don’t succeed (with a campaign), your backers are critical to your overall cause,” said Anthony Ferraro ’13, co-founder of SWAV.
Learn from your failures. “If you don’t get support, it might be the best thing that could happen,” said Chapman’s Niklas Myhr, Ph.D., social-media and global marketing professor. Consider it time, effort and capital saved pursuing “an idea just isn’t ready to fly.”
TRAIN: RIDING THE RAILS THAT CREATED THE MODERN WORLD – FROM THE TRANS-SIBERIAN TO THE SOUTHWEST CHIEF (Viking) By Tom Zoellner, professor of English This is a rousing around-the-world paean to the rumble of the rails through the eyes of Zoellner, who commutes to Chapman by train. In addition to their utility in moving people and freight, trains are good places to fall in love and to get reading and thinking done, Zoellner finds. The author’s stories include a memorably foggy journey through northern England that he calls “a J.R.R. Tolkien vision come to life.” Professor Theresa Dudeck with director Keith Johnstone.
FROM THE MASTER Think on your feet. Hear the customer. Make the pitch. Clinch the sale. These are all good skills to learn in business school, sure, but also in an acting class, says Theresa Dudeck, Ph.D., a new theatre instructor at Chapman University. That’s why Dudeck created a new class introduced during winter Interterm called “Improv for People Skills” — theatrical improvisation for non-theatre majors. Dudeck is an expert in using improv to help loosen up imaginations and promote collaboration. She studied with the master, Keith Johnstone, the director of modern improvisational theatre and inventor of an improv system and Theatresports, the inspiration for the original Whose Line Is It Anyway? Dudeck also authored the newlypublished Keith Johnstone: A Critical Biography (Bloomsbury), which chronicles the life of the British-born Johnstone, from his start as a playwright in Britain’s Royal Court Theatre to his founding of the Loose Moose Theatre Company and the International Theatresports Institute in Calgary, Canada. The greatest lesson from studying his work, Dudeck says, is that to make way for success, there has to be room for failure. “He’s very clear about creating that safe space so students can explore and create,” she says.
INSPIRING FELLINI: LITERARY COLLABORATIONS BEHIND THE SCENES (University of Toronto Press) By Federico Pacchioni, Ph.D., the Sebastian Paul & Marybelle Musco Professor in Italian Studies Fellini is known as one of the greatest auteurs in the history of film, but it’s not well understood that his works are the result of collaboration with some of the greatest screenwriters of 20th-century Italy. This book re-examines the filmmaker’s oeuvre, considering how it was influenced by prominent writers and intellectuals. What emerges is a complex portrait of Fellini. ENI FURTADO HAS NEVER STOPPED RUNNING (Alcion Editora, Argentina) By Alicia Kozameh, instructor, Department of English (Translated by Andrea Labinger) In this English translation of Kozameh’s latest novel, the author draws on her real-life experience of losing a childhood friend who was sexually assaulted by Kozameh’s father. The story was based on her own family experience but also reflects the larger story of her native Argentina in those years, Kozameh says. “Even if I’m not writing about those political situations, it’s a metaphor about that,” she says.
WAITING FOR GODEAU (Black Scat Press) By Mark Axelrod, Ph.D., professor of English The Chapman professor’s new translation from French of Balzac’s play Mercadet, the Good Businessman features a title that references a key character as it also offers a nod to Samuel Beckett’s classic absurdist drama Waiting for Godot. AT THE POINT OF THE BAY (Archway) By Kenneth Tye, Ph.D., professor emeritus, College of Educational Studies This epic novel is set in Tye’s hometown, Port Chicago, on the southern shore of Suisun Bay. The lives of colorful characters play out against the backdrop of California history, beginning with the Chupcan tribe of American Indians in the early 18th Century and weaving through the mission, rancho, gold rush and bootlegging eras. CONSTRUCTING DIALOGUE: SCREENWRITING FROM CITIZEN KANE TO MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (Bloomsbury) By Mark Axelrod, Ph.D., professor of English This screenwriting guide offers an analytical treatment of individual scenes, focusing on how dialogue interweaves with construction. Axelrod also explores how each screenwriter maintains scenic integrity, advances the story line, develops character and elicits conflict. CONSUMERISM IN THE ANCIENT WORLD: IMPORTS AND IDENTITY CRISIS (Routledge Press) By Justin Walsh, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Art Featuring a new approach, this book uses the consumption of Greek pottery more than 2,300 years ago to discuss the ways in which objects take on different meanings in new contexts. It explores the links between the consumption of goods and identity construction as well as the utility of objects for signaling positive information about their owners to their community.
F ELEVENTH HOUR (Texas A&M University Press) By David M. Shafie, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science
All recent U.S. presidents quietly made significant policy changes in their final days in office, quickly finalizing rules before the incoming administrations can overturn them. Through interviews and archival research, Shafie analyzes how and why five successive presidents — from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush — cemented safety, environment and health policy legacies at the end of their terms. JOHN BADHAM ON DIRECTING (Michael Wiese Productions) By John Badham, professor, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts The acclaimed director of films such as Saturday Night Fever and War Games unveils the secrets of directing great action and suspense films, and candidly discusses filmmaking with Steven Soderbergh, Oliver Stone and other creative people in Hollywood. “You don’t need to be a director, or even want to become one, to enjoy John Badham’s informative, witty, no-nonsense treatise,” director Joe Dante says of the work. QUANTUM THEORY: A TWO-TIME SUCCESS STORY (Springer) Edited by Daniele C. Struppa, Ph.D., chancellor, and Jeffrey M. Tollaksen, Ph.D., professor and director of the Institute for Quantum Studies This Yakir Aharonov festschrift (a book honoring a respected figure) advances the vision of the renowned Chapman physicist during the year of his 80th birthday. The work of Professor Aharonov being celebrated in this volume has helped foster insights related to quantum mechanics, widely regarded as the most successful scientific theory in history. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SMART TO OWN A SMARTPHONE AND OTHER LESSONS TO EXCEL AT YOUR FIRST JOB AFTER GRADUATION By Hank Adler, professor of accounting This easy-to-read and informative guide counsels graduates entering the business world for the first time. Through witty anecdotes and no-nonsense advice, Adler discusses the right and wrong roles technology plays in our society today.
After five decades, computer pioneer Ted Nelson remains committed to his singular vision for a better system. By Dennis Arp
As Nelson’s autobiography indicates, he’s a certified ore than anything, Ted Nelson wants you to know that iconoclast. He chose as its cover his ID photo from a hacker he’s not giving up. Not by a long shot. conference, saying that it shows “the author as he wishes “My first priority is to give the human race a decent to be remembered: clever, determined, defiant.” document system,” said Nelson, 76, a pioneer of computing. Add to that list: brilliant, innovative and “It’s a continuing astonishment that people accept unconventional. But not resentful, even what we have.” though some of his key ideas, including In Nelson’s estimation, what we have his Xanadu operating system, still is a misshapen computer existence lack the wide acceptance he has ruled by the likes of Microsoft, long pursued. Apple and the World Wide Web. “I’m much less bitter than For five decades, he’s been trying I used to be,” he said. “I have a to illuminate a better way. lovely wife who has mellowed “I hate both Microsoft and me, you might say.” Apple operating systems,” When he founded Project said Nelson, Ph.D., during Xanadu in 1960, Nelson an interview in his Chapman envisioned it as the basis for University office after giving worldwide system. He was brash the final exam for the enough to design “the documents computer science class he of the future, and indeed conjure taught this fall. In his Chapman University office, Ted Nelson a complete computer world, on my “I still intend to get my displays Project Xanadu, which has evolved own and with no technical credentials, designs running, so you can at last considerably since its founding in 1960 when no one else in the world even have a real choice,” Nelson noted in but still reflects his vision for linking imagined those things.” his autobiography Possiplex: Movies, information and ideas. What killed the grand plan for Xanadu Intellect, Creative Control, My Computer was sinister stuff he didn’t envision, Life and the Fight for Civilization. Nelson added. The son of Emmy-winning director “The world of computers has been Ralph Nelson and Oscar-winning actress just as dirty and conniving as the arena Celeste Holm, Nelson was raised by his “INTERTWINGLED: THE WORK of politics,” he said. “It caters to those maternal grandparents and first started AND INFLUENCE OF TED NELSON” with money, power and clout, rather fighting for his unique vision as a than individuals with ideas and teenager. A philosophy major at • April 24–26 at Chapman University. innovations that are actually beneficial Swarthmore College, he developed his • Industry leaders will meet to explore the to humankind.” own theory of psychology, and at 22, contributions of Nelson as well as the These days, his revised hope for he directed an experimental film, The timeless insights of his seminal 1974 book, Xanadu is its acceptance as a standard Epiphany of Slocum Furlow, that still Computer Lib, which inspired Bill Gates document format — a system that generates interest. and Steve Wozniak, among others. connects concepts in ways current But it’s his groundbreaking work • “I’m honored that people want to talk operating systems don’t. advancing information technology that about my work,” Nelson said. “Computer Sure, he wants vindication for secures Nelson’s place in history. Along Lib said there’s going to be one way of his ideas, but he also wants the world the way, he coined the terms hypertext integrated media that will sweep the world. to have a chance to use information and hypermedia, as well as transclusion, So many people were inspired by it, but more efficiently and effectively. virtuality and intertwingularity. they were inspired to do what they wanted There’s still time for Xanadu to “He also rubbed people the wrong to do rather than getting meaning that succeed. Ted Nelson is sure of it. I thought was important.” way a whole lot,” Nelson admits. “I’m absolutely certain this will prevail,” “I am impatient with people not he said. “I just don’t know when.” getting things.”
By Doug Aiken ’99 (M.A. ’09)
RACTICALLY PERFECT A high-flying offense powers the Panthers during a wildly successful football season.
our points. Just four points separated the 2013 Chapman University football team from its first conference championship and berth in the NCAA playoffs. The Panthers’ 21-17 loss to the University of Redlands in October was the only blemish during an otherwise memorable and wildly successful season. Chapman tied a school record with an 8-1 mark and ranked in the top 20 in the nation in 11 different offensive categories, including total offense and scoring. The Panthers averaged 45 points per game, guided by quarterback Michael Lahey ’15, who led the nation in completion percentage and ranked fifth in passing efficiency (180.7 rating). As a result, Lahey was named the SCIAC’s Offensive Player of the Year to headline a collection of 11 Panthers who earned All-SCIAC first or second team honors. Chapman, which is now 14-4 in the past two seasons, placed second in the SCIAC standings to Redlands, a team Chapman led in the fourth quarter before falling. Redlands finished the Southern California Chapman quarterback Michael Lahey ’15 Intercollegiate Athletic Conference schedule unbeaten and earned led the nation in completion percentage as an automatic berth into the NCAA’s 32-team postseason field. Due the Panthers averaged 45 points a game. to the small number of at-large berths, Chapman was left out. “Our goal has been simple from Day 1,” Chapman Coach Bob Owens said of the program’s upward trajectory. “We built a solid foundation rooted in education. We’ve had success recruiting solid student-athletes, and we’ve been able to consistently compete and win games. And so now we’ve risen to the upper echelon of the SCIAC, where we hope to win a conference championship and compete at a national level.” One of the many highlights this season came Oct. 5 with Chapman’s 72-40 Homecoming victory over Whittier College on Holly and David Wilson Field in front of a record-breaking sellout crowd of 5,430 at Ernie Chapman Stadium. It is the second-most points the Panthers have ever scored in a contest and the most in nearly 18 years. Photo by Larry Newman
The Panther men earned a thrilling 2-1 victory over top-seed Claremont-Mudd-Scripps in the first round of the SCIAC Tournament this fall. Chapman scored two goals in the final 17 minutes, including the game-winner with 87 seconds left, to upset the Stags and advance to the championship match, where the Panthers fell to Cal Lutheran, 1-0. Chapman finished the season 12-8-1, led by forward Nick Echeverry ’14 who scored 14 goals — the most for a Panther in 13 seasons.
Chapman made some noise at the NCAA West Regionals in Claremont, with Chris Reid ’16 and Sara Wanous ’17 each placing in the top 20 in the West to earn All-Region honors. Reid set the school record in the race with an 8-kilometer time of 25:55.8. Meanwhile, it was an outstanding rookie campaign for the freshman Wanous, who broke Chapman records in the 5-kilometers and 6-kilometers.
COACHING MILESTONES Three Chapman coaches reached career milestone victories this fall, including women’s volleyball coach Mary Cahill, who earned her 400th win in September. A Panther Hall of Famer, Cahill ’86 completed her 25th season at the helm and has a win-loss mark of 407-311. Only 38 active coaches in Division III have reached the 400-win plateau. That same week in September, women’s soccer coach Courtney (Hall) Calderon ’00 celebrated her 100th victory — the first in Chapman history to reach that mark. In November, women’s basketball coach Carol Jue earned her 200th Chapman win (she has 215 overall). When baseball season opens in February, new Chapman skipper Scott Laverty will need just two wins to reach 300 for his career. He previously won 298 games in 14 seasons as the head coach at SCIAC-rival Redlands.
Story by Dennis Arp Photos by Karyn Planett ’70
Inspired by Semester at Sea, Karyn Planett ’70 makes a career of exploring exotic cultures as she feeds her unwavering wanderlust.
he tally is in the range of 210, maybe 211, she allows. Some countries no longer exist, and others have divided into multiples, so it all gets kind of tricky. But the truth is that Karyn Planett ’70 has never been too concerned with adding up all the nations to which she has journeyed during her decades of international travel. Because for her, it has always been less about counting the countries of her visits and more about making her visits to the countries count. To that point, a leisurely journey through her array of photos unleashes a flurry of wonderful stories. Like the night she and her husband of 35 years, Geoff Thompson, traversed a narrow gorge called The Siq that is the main entrance to the ancient city of Petra in southern Jordan. Aided only by the warm glow of candles, they reached the site of a concert, which they enjoyed bathed in ethereal moonlight. “It was magical,” she said. 36
r the misty night in the Papua New Guinea province of East New Britain, where Planett lay flat in the mud for hours to capture images of ceremonial fire dancers, whose barefoot kicks into the flaming coals sent sparks all around her. She still doesn’t know how everyone avoided burns. Then there’s her “extraordinary event” in the Australian Outback, where she spent a day in an aboriginal compound experiencing…well…stuff she’s been sworn never to divulge. “An intense event happened while I was there,” Planett said, choosing her words carefully. “I was in this event to a degree, but I can never tell anyone about it. I made that commitment, and I’m going to honor it.” Assimilating with the local people as she learns their customs and traditions goes to the heart of Planett’s travel ethos. “I just try to take one more step into their circle,” she said, “while always showing respect for their mores.”
A career in the travel industry has taken Karyn Planett ’70 and her husband, Geoff Thompson, to places where “the beauty sucks the breath right out of you,” she says. The couple now live on a ship called The World that perpetually travels the globe. Among Planett’s destinations are, from left, Petra, Jordan, and Papua New Guinea.
She knew from an early age that she wanted to see the world, and she found a way to do it by developing a career in the travel industry. Initially she conducted tours to various locales, then she developed luxury adventure travel trips all over the world. Eventually Planett hooked up with cruise lines, enjoying the past 22 years with Crystal Cruises, for which she writes articles that appear in a daily newsletter on the culture and history of destinations. These days she also produces elegant coffee table books that Crystal Cruises sells during sailings. “A job in the travel industry is just sanctioned exploration,” Planett said. “All of my passions morphed into a career that has brought me more joy than anyone can imagine.” So strong is her travel bug that Planett and Thompson now live in an apartment on a residential ship called The World, which allows them to sail full time or take side trips and then catch up with their home ship as it perpetually circles the globe.
“I feel like I’ve been so amazingly lucky,” Planett said. “I had parents who understood my wanderlust, and a husband who understood it, too.” Thompson’s work as worldwide creative director for an ad agency gave him the flexibility to join Planett on many of her travels. Now that he’s retired, the two can truly say that life is a journey. The Canary Islands and Australia topped their New Year’s to-do list, with the Sea of Okhotsk and Mongolia also on the horizon. They map out itineraries, but they also leave room for happenstance. “Some things you plan, while others you stumble upon,” Planett said. “Some things you run to and others you run from. But each day’s another adventure, and it all started at Chapman.” Planett enjoyed two voyages on Semester at Sea, and says the experience “put my feet in the blocks and I just took off.” During one of those semesters, she accompanied a blind student on excursions. “I saw the world through unsighted eyes,” she said. “Now when I give advice about travel writing, I say close your eyes and pretend the person reading your writing is blind.” In 2011, she and Thompson mentored students during a Semester at Sea sailing, with Planett teaching travel writing and photography. “I saw myself in their faces,” she said. And as Planett continues to sharpen her own writing skills, amazingly there are still places she has never visited. She’d love to explore the interior of Africa, likewise Tibet and Bhutan. Heck, she’s never been to Yellowstone. “All of these magical experiences,” she said with a hint of wistfulness in her voice, “and just a trillion more yet to do.” WINTER 2014
Email your news and photos to alumni@chapman.edu or mail to: Alumni Engagement, One University Drive, Orange, Calif. 92866. Any pictures received by mail will be scanned and returned. Class Notes are subject to editing due to space. To post Class Notes and photos online, visit alumni.chapman.edu.
1940s 1 Mary Lou (Khantamour) Savage, B.A.
theatre arts ’49; Celia (Jelinek) Garrett, B.A. education ’48; Laura (Hackett) Carlson, B.A. liberal studies ’48; Betty (Logue) Wegener, B.A. philosophy ’46; and Laurel (Wilkerson) Huber, B.A. ’48; call themselves the “North Wing Angels” of Newlin Hall, their freshman dorm at Chapman 69 years ago. Their friendship was recently featured in the Orange County Register.
1950s Mary (Blair) Immel, B.A. education ’52, is the editor of In Haste, Grace: Letters of a Victorian Schoolgirl, her eighth book. 2 Don McIntosh, B.A. education ’58 and M.A. education ’64, lives in Laguna Woods, Calif., with his wife of 58 years, Maxine (Todd) McIntosh, B.A. liberal studies and education ’57. Don served in the U.S. Army for six years and now enjoys his time serving as an officer with the American Legion and
sending letters and care packages to troops overseas. Don recently participated in the California Senior Olympics and enjoys competitive swimming.
1960s 3 Emilie (Danielson) Britton, B.A. education ’64, and Terry Britton, Class of 1964, met at freshman orientation in 1960 and dated for two years. They reconnected in 2012 (after more than 50 years) and were married Nov. 11, 2012.
4 Karen (Phillips) Funk, B.A. home economics ’67; Martha Rairden Lannan, B.A. English ’68; and Karin (Olsen) Mather, B.A. home economics ’68; reunited after 35 years, at the National Assistance League Conference in Chicago in September. During their time at Chapman, they were members of Kappas, a social-service club.
Diane (Randell) Kelley, B.A. English ’63, sold her home in Beaumont, Calif., and moved to Primo Tapia, a small community south of Rosarito Beach in Baja California, Mexico.
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Dennis Kelly, B.M. music ’67, performed in the national touring production of Anything Goes as Elisha Whitney, the tipsy, nearsighted Wall Street banker. He has also had leading roles on Broadway in Into the Woods, Annie Get Your Gun and Damn Yankees. 7
Ron Doiron, B.M. music ’75, recently completed his 11th season as conductor and artistic director of The Bach Ensemble in Naples, Fla. 5 Mark D. Hamilton, B.M.
music education ’77, was elected to serve a three-year term for the National Education Association Resolutions Committee, representing California. Mark has been a public educator for 26 years. 6 Kim (Knighten) Russell,
B.A. theatre and mass communications ’79, Ryan Corry, B.A. political science and English ’08, and Melanie Jupp, B.S. psychology and B.A. music ’11, all have applied the creative talents they honed at Chapman to their work at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas.
1980s Mike Groff, MBA ’85, was appointed president and CEO of Toyota Financial Services after working for Toyota since 1983.
7 Rene Agredano, B.A. English ’92, is a columnist for RV Life Magazine. She leads a full-time RVing lifestyle with husband Jim Nelson and their three-legged German shepherd, Wyatt. 8 Akin Ceylan, B.S./B.A.
management ’90, was recently appointed chief operating officer of Home Entertainment for Lionsgate Entertainment. His daughter, Paige, will attend Chapman starting this spring. Patrick D. Flahive, B.M. vocal performance ’93, is president of the American branch of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores. The organization brings 40,000 children from different nations together to sing. 9 Matthew McCray, BFA theatre production ’98, was nominated for an L.A. Stage Alliance Ovation award in the category Direction of Play, for Our Class. The production was also nominated for Best Production of the Year (Intimate Venue). 10 Jason Subia, B.A. communications ’99, has launched an event-planning company, Jason Subia Events.
Moses Yneges, B.S. accounting ’98, owns the Accident Injury Law Center, a personal injury law office in Orange.
Talia Hancock ’10
Threads of Success By Anna Rose Warren ‘16
alia Hancock ’10 is living the dream of many creative entrepreneurs, even though she’s not entirely sure how she got here. “It just kind of worked out,” she says of her success as the creator of a clothing line of premium basics that bears her name. As a student in the Argyros School of Business and Economics, she presented a business plan for an environmental project during a competition judged by university trustees, including Barry Goldfarb, who was impressed with her energy and insight. “She has a great business sense, a great entrepreneurial sense, and she’s humorous. She had many ideas of how she wanted to save the world,” Goldfarb said. He told Hancock he would back any business she wanted to start. Together they decided to launch an apparel venture because of Goldfarb’s business connections in Los Angeles and Hancock’s factory connections in Peru, where she spent part of her childhood. Her first year in business, Hancock says, “was a nightmare. I knocked down doors for six months.” Seeking representation, she toted her garment bag to more than 500 showrooms before anyone gave her a positive answer. Eventually, standing in the elevator with her whole professional life in her hands, she was offered a space in a showroom. “That was a Wednesday,” Hancock recalls. “That weekend, we sold $20,000.” Hancock had arrived, and much more success has followed.
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2000s Scott Baker, B.A. political science ’02, married Nancy K. Brickner on July 26, 2013. The couple live in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
Ngoni Takawira ’06
Nurturing Growth By Dennis Arp
goni Takawira ’06 has always enjoyed exploring opportunities for growth, but he never expected that he would apply his business skills by cultivating crops. Now that he is, however, his farming venture is thriving. And he wants young people to have the chance to do the same. That’s why Takawira is using his success to invest $150,000 over five years to provide scholarships for Chapman University students in need. At the same time, his GEM Fund is also meeting academic and healthcare needs in his own community in Zimbabwe. “I’m very lucky that my father was able to send me to Chapman,” he said. “I got the best-quality education, and I want other students to have the chance to grow.” The son of a banker, Takawira earned his Chapman degree in business administration and started working for his father’s printing business. But quickly his attention turned to Zimbabwe’s rich soil. “The economy here is agriculture-based,” Takawira said. “Ultimately it was an easy decision.” Through his horticultural venture, he grows tomatoes, lettuce, grapes, carrots and other crops. His success is thanks in part to his marketing skills, which he applies in working with grocers to highlight the quality of his produce and the visibility of his brand. “That’s where my Chapman experience really rubs off,” he said.
11 Ben Bliss, BFA film production ’09, won The Don Plácido Domingo, Sr., Zarzuela Prize at Operalia, a world opera competition held in Verona in August. The award included a $10,000 prize. 12 Melissa (Meritt) Browder, B.S. business administration ’06, opened iKneadLove, a bakery in Brea, Calif., featuring Kean Coffee and specializing in breads, pastries and morning treats.
Releases in Travel Writing. Derek wrote about his experience hitchhiking in Rwanda while doing his graduate research with his wife, Deanna Pittman, B.A. public relations/advertising ‘05. Derek is a TV producer who has produced in more than 30 countries, most notably for the Emmy Award-winning series The Amazing Race.
’01, was appointed U.S. managing director of Roomer, an online marketplace that connects people stuck with non-refundable hotel rooms with those looking for lastminute discounted hotels.
13 Douglas Weston Frey, B.A. legal studies ’02, is a rapper who goes by the stage name of Ditch. He has opened for major national acts such as Yelawolf, Kurupt, Shwayze, Bubba Sparxxx and more.
Becky Kirsch, B.A. screenwriting ’05, served as executive story editor for the first season of NBC/Sky TV’s Dracula. She is also a co-producer on ABC’s Mind Games, which will air in early 2014
14 Angela Guajardo, B.A.
16 Meghan Manduke, BFA
public relations and advertising ’08, and Andy Armstrong, B.S. international business ’08, were married Aug. 24, 2013. Andy and Angela live in San Jose, where Andy works as a commercial real estate broker and Angela is the director of marketing at a technology firm.
film and television production ’06, married Adam Romano on May 18, 2013. The couple live in New York City, where Meghan is a story producer for the comedy series Impractical Jokers.
Derek Helwig, BFA film production ’05, authored a chapter in The Places We’ve Been: Field Reports from Travelers Under 35, which was ranked No. 1 on Amazon for Hot New
15 Richie Karaburun, MBA
Saydee Pojas, B.S. business administration ’06, received an M.A. in organizational change from Hawaii Pacific University in December. She is also a member of the Delta Iota Chapter of the Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society. 14
Thomas Pokladowski, J.D. ’06, was appointed to the National Association of Legal Assistants Certifying Board for Paralegals.
Ada County Jail in Boise, Idaho. His department provides programming and re-entry assistance for offenders.
Jen Poyer, BFA theatre performance ’02, received the International Special Events Society’s (ISES) Spirit of Excellence Mettle Attitude Award in August. Jen is a past president of the Los Angeles chapter of ISES and is currently serving a second term as chair of the International Certification Committee.
18 Anna Schmidt, B.A. communications ’04, joined HÔM Sotheby’s International Realty in Newport Beach, Calif.
Kathleen Remington, B.A. public relations/advertising ’05, was recognized by Fade In, an entertainment industry publication, as one of the Top 100 People in Hollywood. Marcial Rios, BFA film and television ’03, received the Best Screenwriter Award at the Q Film Festival in Dallas and Long Beach.
Hannah (Taylor) Skvarla ’10
Market for Change
19 Brianna (Peckham) Shaffer,
B.A. music therapy ’08, opened Play Your Part Inc., a company designed to provide music therapy for children with autism. 20 Josephine “Joyce” Sioson, B.S. business administration ’02, married Patrick Meimnitz in May 2013. Sovy Phann, B.S. business administration ’03, and Kathy Kashfi, B.S. business administration ’03, were bridesmaids.
Roger Craig Smith, B.A. screenwriting ’04, is the lead voice acting role (as the voice of Batman) in the videogame Batman: Arkham Origins.
Stephanie Robbins, B.A. communication studies ’07, completed an M.A. and Ph.D. in communication at UC Santa Barbara. She is in her first semester as a tenuretrack assistant professor of communication studies at Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication.
21 Jennifer Weinstein, M.S. human resources ’01, was selected by the editors of Employee Benefit News as the 2013 Benefits Professional of the Year. She is the benefits, compensation and human resources information systems director with Ensign Services in Mission Viejo, Calif.
17 Christopher Saunders, B.S. psychology ’05, is a re-entry programs supervisor at the
22 Sarah Willett, B.A. communication studies and history ’07, married Chasen
By Ash Stockemer ’14
hange is possible; it is ok to be idealistic,” Hannah (Taylor) Skvarla ’10 says. But her optimism and passion for social justice go beyond the reach of such encouraging words. She combines her desire to empower women, her insight in fashion merchandising and her knowledge of public relations to promote her social enterprise, The Little Market. The business was created after co-founder Lauren Conrad and Skvarla took trips to Bali, El Salvador, Tanzania and Uganda, where they met artisan women who suffered from extreme poverty. The two partners saw a chance to empower women worldwide by creating an online platform to sell handmade goods. Their site is Thelittlemarket.com. Skvarla met Conrad, the star of MTV hits Laguna Beach and The Hills, while earning a degree in merchandise marketing at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations and advertising from Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. Her classes encouraged the use of images and storytelling to communicate a global message. In addition, Skvarla interned with Human Rights Watch in Los Angeles, where she became a member of several committees, including one dedicated to working for women’s rights. Skvarla and Conrad have spent the past year working on product development with women in Bolivia, India, Mexico, Nepal and Peru and hope to develop a retail store in Los Angeles.
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Jeff Peters ’95
Information at Work By Anna Rose Warren ’16
n 2005, when Jeff Peters ’95 joined Mirth Corp., a global leader in health information technology, he worked alongside 35 employees. Today the Chapman University graduate in computer information systems is vice president of operations for an organization with 2,500 employees. “Lots of people come to mine our expertise,” Peters says of Mirth, which was acquired by Quality Systems Inc. in September. “They’re making a big effort to be like us. I’m proud to be a part of that.” Peters’ successes are not merely postgraduate. During his time at Chapman, he helped found the university’s first website. Initially, “It wasn’t meant to market the school,” he says. “The coding was done by hand. It was fun. We put together a virtual map of the school, and people could ‘walk through’ it.” Beyond his technical expertise, Peters credits Chapman for helping him grow as a communicator. He learned how to write for business, work in teams and present classes to business leaders. Before graduation, Peters landed a full-time job at a small company and launched its first website. His occupational experience and his studies were symbiotic. He advises students to start by working at any kind of job in their prospective field. “You want to have exposure not only to the atmosphere you want to work in, but you also want to start networking,” he says.
Marshall, B.A. English ’06, on June 29, 2013, at The Villa in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. The couple met while studying abroad in Florence in 2005. Sarah and Chasen reside in Dana Point, Calif., where Sarah is a social science teacher at Dana Hills High School and Chasen is an action sports journalist for Oakley Inc. and a freelance writer.
2010s Sasha Anderson, B.A. political science, sociology and French ’10, was elected to the youth seat on the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board. Justin Bird, MBA ’11, is a cast member on the current season of Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker. Jesi Chavez, B.A. sociology ’12, was accepted to the Master’s in Social Work program at Cal State Long Beach. 23 Brian Ducoffe, B.A. screenwriting ’13, was hired to write for Fox Sports. He covered all of the San Diego Chargers’ preseason, with his articles being co-published by the Scout.com network. 24 Brian Drummy, BFA theatre performance ’10, was cast in the New York-based production of My Fair Lady, scheduled to tour Southeast Asia in spring 2014. The show opens a four-week run in Singapore on Feb. 11.
Brittany (Cuozzo) Freeman, B.S. accounting ’10, opened a Barre Fitness studio in Orange, Calif., which won Best Gym in Orange County on the O.C. Hotlist. Pace Gardner, M.A. English literature and MFA creative writing ’11, and his wife, Kathryn, welcomed their first child, Benjamin Pace Gardner, on June 16, 2013. Pace’s lectureship was renewed at Utah Valley University in the Department of Basic Composition and ESL. 25 Michele Gottlieb, BFA film production ’10, is the beauty and lifestyle contributor for Glam Today Magazine, a digital women’s magazine. She founded the Orange Countybased creative marketing group Gott Creative, which specializes in photography, videography and design. Michele also works for Rakuten.com (formerly Buy.com) as the marketing and promotions coordinator.
Courtney Hamlin, B.S. business administration ’11, launched a specialty pastry catering company and traveling food blog, Flavor Pursuit.
Turner Jacobs, B.A. history and BFA television and broadcast journalism ’12, is studying at the University of Oslo in Norway and working toward a master’s degree in peace and conflict studies. He was elected president of his program for the 2013–2014 academic year. 22
26 Gina Jue, B.S. business administration ’13, got engaged to Richard Torvik and was hired as a management trainee for Broadview Mortgage.
27 Gus Leano, MBA ’11, works as a technology finance analyst for the SoCalGas AdvanceMeter project. 28 Liz Lewis, B.A. liberal
studies ’11 and M.A. teaching ’13, is engaged to Mark Symington. The couple plan to wed in August. Anna Lisa (Biason) Lukes, MBA ’13, was promoted to vice president of organizational advancement at NeighborWorks Orange County. 24
Alex Munson, B.A. communication studies ’12, is a consumer and entertainment publicist with Rogers & Cowan in West Hollywood, Calif. 29 Alyssa (Rivera) Dykes, B.A. English literature ’10, married Kyle Dykes, BFA film production ’10, on June 22, 2013. Former Chapman Resident Assistants, the two
included many Residence Life friends and alumni from Chapman in their bridal party, including Audrey Abramo, B.A. English literature ’10, Alicia Davis, B.A. communication studies ’08, and James Campbell, BFA film production ’10. The couple live in San Jose, where Alyssa is a high school English teacher and Kyle pursues photography. Spencer Rowe, B.A. communication studies ’11, is a sales representative at URT Clothing and also has worked as an underwater photographer, specializing in capturing the curl and break of waves early in the morning. Tyler Russell, B.A. multimedia journalism ’11, started the generational alternative rock station KX-FM 93.5, which is the only local radio station in Laguna Beach. Russell has been featured in Locale Magazine, Coastline Pilot, LagunaBeach.com and the Orange County Register, among other publications and sites. Craig Shields, B.A. percussion performance/music education ’12, went through training in New York City for the Blue Man Group. Read about his experience online at his “Blue Blog” at bluetrainee.blogspot.com.
Megan MacDonald ’02
Jewel of an Idea By Ryan Hines
safari to Kenya as a child and a resolute spirit of global citizenship fostered at Chapman University have led Megan MacDonald ’02 to achieve success with Sasa Designs by the Deaf, a jewelry-making business that employs hearing-impaired women in Kenya. As the director of global enterprise for Sasa Designs, MacDonald navigates two cultures that are very different from her own: Kenyan culture and deaf culture. “Working for Sasa Designs has been the hardest, most rewarding experience of my life,” MacDonald says. MacDonald splits her time between the production studio in Nairobi and marketing and operations sites in the U.S., helping a dozen Kenyan deaf women — who throughout their lives being told they are broken and worthless — discover a sense of pride and achievement by producing a global jewelry line. They are no longer defined by their deafness. “Giving them the opportunity to be a part of the global market — educating them on ethical production, labor practices and fair wages — this is how we honor those in need,” said MacDonald. “It is anything but a quaint jewelry-making business. We are part of boundary-breaking business development.” To learn more about the artists and where to shop for Sasa Designs jewelry, visit chapman.edu/magazine.
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Panthers on the Prowl Don Jarman, B.A. English ’50, and Sharon Jarman, M.A. organizational leadership ’01, traveled across Europe, including a stop in Kirkcaldy, Fife in Scotland, where Don was the pastor of St. Clair Street Church of Christ from 1958 to 1961.
30 Efrain Solis, B.A. music ’11, was named a 2014 Alder Fellow at the San Francisco Opera.
Rodney Reeves, B.A. philosophy ’59, recently visited the Santorini Hotel in Greece.
31 Brianna (Clark) Vandre, B.S. business administration ’11, married Mark Vandre on Aug. 17, 2013, at the Ranch House Chapel on Camp Pendleton, where Mark serves as a Marine.
32 Warren Wallace, BFA graphic design ’10, started ODYSSEY Open Water Swimming, a company that organizes and oversees open water swims in San Francisco Bay.
Friends We Will Miss Matti Hendrikson, B.S. chemistry ’67, passed away July 25, 2013, at age 71 in New Haven, Conn. Ella Henshaw, B.A. sociology ’37, passed away Sept. 16, 2013. Ella attended the ribbon-cutting of the Elliot Alumni House to represent the span of decades of Chapman alumni. She was a member of Beta Chi sorority, and a picture of her can be found in the 1937 all-campus photo that is displayed in the Elliot Alumni House. Thomas Jenkins, B.A. social science ’95, passed away Oct. 20, 2013. He was a beloved teacher and wrestling coach in La Quinta, Calif. He is survived by his wife, Kimberly, daughters Kylie and Ally and stepson, Matthew Wauge.
Kenneth Lee Kiefer, B.A. social work ’75, passed away Oct. 24, 2013. A Southern California native, Kenneth moved from Orange to St. Louis in 2012. He will be remembered by his friends and family for his generosity and gentle nature. John Moore, B.A. biology ’42, passed away May 16, 2013, at age 94. He and his wife, Mary Moore, who also attended Chapman, were married for almost 65 years. Mary passed away on July 7, 2013, at age 92.
Meet Jimmy Blalock (J.D. ’09), New Alumni Association President
State of the University Address, Feb. 21, 2014, 11 a.m.
Dear alumni,
Join us for President Jim Doti’s annual presentation about the current state of the university, an update on significant recent accomplishments and news about the latest initiatives.
I am honored and proud to serve our alma mater as Alumni Association president. Over the past year, the university has partnered with the Alumni Association to articulate alumni demands and needs as well as revitalize our alumni base and the connection to our amazing school. The Alumni Association is not only your conduit for ties to college days past, but is now a thriving network of benefits — both social and tangible — for today and the years to come. Learn more at www.chapman.edu/alumni. I encourage you to reconnect with the university. Whether it is attending a Chapman sporting event or serving on a committee for the Alumni Association, you have a lot to offer. I look forward to seeing all of you and your families strengthen our community. The university, the Alumni Association and I are here for you — our loyal alumni. With Panther pride, Jimmy Blalock (J.D. ’09)
Greek Skit Night, April 4–5, 2014 Alumni are invited to watch Chapman’s fraternities and sororities square off in a battle of singing, dancing and acting on the stage of the Chapman Auditorium in Memorial Hall.
Beethoven: The Finale, May 15, 8 p.m., Segerstrom Concert Hall, Costa Mesa, Calif. Directed by Chapman Professor Daniel Alfred Wachs, the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra will perform, as will the Chapman Orchestra and University Choirs.
Class of 1964 Reunion, May 22–25, 2014 STAY CONNECTED Looking for career connections, networking and career opportunities as well as professional dialogue with the Chapman alumni network? Join the Chapman University Alumni Association LinkedIn group and: • Connect with fellow alumni working in a variety of industries. • Participate in discussion forums about professional development and career advancement. • Be the first to know about exclusive job postings from companies looking to hire Chapman graduates. Get connected today by searching for Chapman University Alumni Association on LinkedIn.
Find Us Online Founded in late 2012, Chapman50 is an exclusive group designed to connect influential alumni leaders in a university-wide network unlike any other. Comprising 50 founding members younger than 50, the group enacts the mission of Chapman University by encouraging alumni leadership and professional development in all 50 states and across the globe. Members have a formal, valued voice in critical institutional matters, especially those relating to professional development programming. Chapman50 members also have access to leading industry professionals, business intelligence and VIP social gatherings. If you’re interested in learning more about Chapman50, visit chapman50.org.
Web: chapman.edu/alumni Blog: blogs.chapman.edu/alumni Facebook: facebook.com/chapmanuniversityalumni Twitter: @ChapmanAlum LinkedIn: Search for Chapman University Alumni Association
Face to Face
With History
Photo by Scott Stedman ’14
As if he can trace the years through his protective glove, artist Higgy Vasquez runs three fingers over a patch of stucco warmed by the winter sun. “This is our neighborhood,” he says, pulling a paint brush from his hip pocket. “We grew up here.” Vasquez has returned home — to North Cypress Street in Orange, just west of Chapman University’s main campus — to restore a 34-year-old mural created by his father, acclaimed artist Emigdio Vasquez. The mural on two outside walls of an apartment complex “tells a story of struggle, of history and of the daily lives of the people in the neighborhood,” Higgy Vasquez says. Chapman recently purchased the property and hired Vasquez to restore the mural in the same spirit of historical stewardship that gave new life Photo by Da Zhang (MFA ‘15)
to the 1928 Cypress Street Schoolhouse a few blocks away. That site is the last remaining Mexican-American segregated school building in Southern California, and it now houses Chapman’s Early Human and Lifespan Development Research Facility. The site “reminds us of where we started and how far we have all come,” says Leo Castro, president of the Orange Barrio Historical Society. Similarly, the mural has an iconic presence in the neighborhood. It illustrates centuries of Mexican-American culture, depicting an Aztec warrior, immigrant farmers and labor leader Cesar Chavez among its scenes. The mural has had some sketchy moments in its own history, but now that the restoration nears completion, there’s comfort in knowing “it will be around for a very long time to come,” Vasquez says.