Talk of the Town Winter 2009

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Welcome to a new year and the exciting possibilities that 2009 has in store for you. I have fond memories of the accomplishments that our organization achieved last year as we celebrated 40 years of commitment to Chapman University. The final event of our year long anniversary occurred in November at our Lunch at the Forum meeting. Chapman University President, Dr. James L. Doti, was honored by Town & Gown for the outstanding and committed leadership that he has provided Chapman University for the last 34 years. He has served as President of the university for the past sixteen years. A special anniversary committee under the leadership of Norma Lineberger come on your behalf to prepare a special art piece which reflected the huge accomplishments which we have witnessed during the years of his leadership as president. The beautiful art piece shows 17 busts. Each of these busts represents an Endowed Chair for the school. Additionally, the changes to the campus during these last years is honored by showing the new buildings and renovated buildings which makes Chapman University an exceptional place where students can receive the quality education that Chapman is known for. I do not remember another time when President Doti was momentarily speechless. He has asked me to thank the committed members of Town & Gown for their thoughtfulness and this amazing gift. It now hangs in his office at Chapman University. 2008 is behind us and I look forward to an exciting and challenging year ahead. With the economic spiral which is affecting all of us, your continued support and commitment becomes even more vital. (continued on page 3)

NEW SCHMID COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AT CHAPMAN Town & Gown has occasion for pride in its members Don and Marty, Dick and Patty Schmid for their most recent donation to the University. This gift supports the varied programs that will distinguish the newly named Schmid

College of Science at Chapman. “Don and Dick’s gift will propel Chapman to heights we never imagined,” says Chapman President James L. Doti. “We cannot thank them enough for their generosity and vision.”(continued on page 3)

KALOS ORISATE AND CEAD MILE FAILTE WELCOME TO GREECE AND IRELAND The Greek Heritage Tour is scheduled for Thursday, January 29, when we will receive a warm “good welcome” (Kalos Orisate) at Papa Cristo’s Restaurant and then enjoy a private tour of the beautiful St. Sophia Greek Orthodox church. If you missed the reservation deadline and want to take this trip, please don’t hesitate to call as there may be cancellations and we will be happy to have you join us. Get ready for the “Wearing of the Green” on Saturday, March 14, when we will receive “a hundred thousand welcomes” (Cead Mile Failte) at the St. Patrick’s Day luncheon and show in Pomona. We will enjoy a delicious

Irish Feast including traditional corned beef and cabbage with all the trimmings (or chicken supreme), plus a fabulous dessert. Then we’ll sit back as the performers, including Irish dancers who compete for championship titles in Ireland every year, take us on a musical journey from the United States to Ireland. This promises to be a fun-filled show that will have your toes tapping and your hands clapping for more. Come join us for this, the last trip of the season, and don’t forget to wear something green for they tell us that unusual things may happen if you don’t! – Carol and Carrol Howansky, 2nd VPS, Special Events

President James L. Doti was surprised by Town & Gown’s gift of a photo collage depicting campus developments during his Presidency. T&G President Donna Gladson (l) and Norma Lineberger, special advisor to the president, made the presentation at a recent T & G Luncheon.

DAVID MOORE BECOMES DIRECTOR OF PLANNED GIVING David Moore, former director of Chapman’s Alumni and Parent Relations program, has been promoted to the position of Director of Planned Giving. Since joining the Chapman family four years ago, David has transformed the Alumni Office in several ways, including moving the association’s board from a small group, to what is now a 42-member national functioning board. He developed the “Chapman Alumni Connection” and the “Chapman Parent Connection” to open additional lines of communication and expand alumni/parent participation. Attendance at regular and signature events has risen dramatically, highlighted by this year’s Homecoming/Family which attracted more than 2500 attendees. Chapman’s alumni programs have drawn national recognition, including several awards for publications, and have been honored by various national and professional organizations. As the director of planned giving, David will be responsible for assisting friends and graduates with their planned giving in support of Chapman. He will be attending a Town & Gown board meeting in the near future to explain the creative programs that have been developed. Town & Gown congratulates David for his past successes and wishes him the best with his new responsibilities. – Roseanne Bye, Director, Gifts and Scholarships

AMERICAN CELEBRATION Each year American Celebration gets better and better, and this year it was a stellar production. Our T&G member and American Celebration Producer, Professor Dale Merrill, inspired and led the performers to a professional level of achievement. T&G thanks all of you who attended for your continuing support. This year Jennifer Backhaus was recipient of the Alumni Achievement in the Arts Award. A star dancer and choreographer, Jennifer has performed in many of the large theaters of the U.S. including the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Currently this talented star is part of the Chapman faculty. Please mark your calendar now on Nov. 6, 2009, with the words AMERICAN CELEBRATION and plan ahead to attend. – Merry Berkowitz, Past President

Gown Talk

By Joanne Jurczyk, University Advancement If you enjoy living, it is not difficult to keep the sense of wonder. — Ray Bradbury I like to think of this time of year as a winter wonderland … a time when we look ahead to new beginnings with the start of a new year and contemplate what the future holds for us all. As an economist at heart, I know we all are concerned over current uncertainties of the global economy. Yet, as I walk around Chapman University, I am in awe as I see the students thirsty to learn, and I feel reassured that the future does look bright. Looking at them is a reminder that these bright, inquisitive minds are ready to grasp every ounce of knowledge Chapman has to offer. If 2009 is anything like 2008, the “sense of wonder” here at Chapman University will just continue to astonish and amaze as the possibilities are endless. Imagine a state-of-the art science building on the horizon, home to the new Department of Physics, Computational Science and Engineering led by internationally renowned scientist Menas Kafatos, Ph.D. Early this spring Chapman will dedicate a new Global Citizens Plaza. The flags of our world and our campus population will be displayed in this plaza. Town & Gown should take great pride for sponsoring the American flag in this display. The plaza will celebrate global citizens who will go forth from Chapman as well as those who will come to Chapman seeking education. The plaza will add to the diversity and beauty of the campus and salute the global citizen in all of us. In closing, I remind everyone to take a few minutes and go to the Town & Gown Web site at Current and archive issues of Talk of the Town can be found here along with a photo gallery of recent T&G trips and luncheons. While there, also check out the Chapman calendar of events by clicking on “About Chapman” and “Events Calendar” to discover the various happenings at Chapman University that may be of interest.



Our members enjoy the beautiful Chapman University campus, meet learned faculty, attend interesting academic programs and participate in friendly and fun social and cultural events. And the best part is…membership dues not only help deserving students through our endowed scholarship fund, but they also support other important projects and programs that benefit the university. Thank you for renewing your membership in Town & Gown for 2008-2009. How marvelous that we can welcome the following new members: Kristy Beavers (Gown), Susanna Branch (Gown), Randy and Martha Burba (Gown), Lawrence and Sandra Collier (Town), Lynn Marie Domer (Town), Donald and Diane Eisenberg (Gown), Dr. Cristina M. Giannantanio (Gown), Amy Hanson (Gown), Bradley Hertz (Gown), Urmi Kar (Gown), Dennis Rickard (Town) and Stanley Smith (Town). If you have any membership questions, please contact me at 714-921-9623 or – Karen Reese, 3rd VP, Membership

Many T&G ladies are seen wearing the organization’s unique, custom-made 40th Anniversary pin. These members have made a special scholarship donation of at least $100, and have been given a pin with our grateful thanks. Some members have made several donations, so they are listed here again: Donna Attallah, Betty Dawber, Lynn Domer, Marilyn Galt, Kit Hensler, Libby Pankey, Kathy Paukstis, Francine Rippy, Ruby Selzer and Kele Thompson. The generosity shown by all during this celebration of T&G’s 40th Anniversary has been tremendous. Thank you! Additional 40th Anniversary donations may be mailed to Joanne Jurczyk, University Advancement, Chapman University, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866. – Karen Reese, 3rd VP, Membership

Town Talk

(Editor’s note: TOWN TALK is on hiatus, pending selection by the City of Orange of a new Community Representative to Town & Gown.)

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from page 1)

With your help, Town & Gown will continue to fulfill its goals of support to Chapman University and the amazing students who will be our future leaders.

– Donna Gladson


Don and Marty Schmid (l) and Patty and Dick Schmid (r) are shown with Chapman President James L. Doti


(continued from page 1)

Schmid family generosity has helped transform Chapman over the years. The brothers are both excited about the new Department of Physics, Computational Science and Engineering and about seeing a new science facility rise in the heart of Orange County. Today, Don and Dick are proud to continue the legacy of philanthropy of their parents. As

gracious supporters of Chapman University for the last 25 years, the Schmids have portrayed their commitment to education. Don states, “It won’t take long before students everywhere are saying, ‘I need to go to Chapman because they’re doing some exciting things in the study of science.’” Town & Gown wishes to thank the Schmid family for its gift. – Shirley Lapier, Editorial Board

Through the years Town & Gown has been assisted in carrying out its programs by special departments within Chapman University. Publications, under the direction of Veston Rowe, provides us with unending support. When the idea for a special gift for President Doti was presented to the board of Town & Gown, it was Publications and Ryan Tolentino, graphic designer that helped us develop a dream into a beautiful piece of art. Additionally, Suzanne Meler assists us with Talk of the Town and others help with our roster, Lunch at the Forum fliers and luncheon tickets. Each member of this department is a pleasure to work with. Publications makes it possible for us to present our programs and keep our members informed. – Donna Gladson

ADIBI AND BALDWIN TO SPEAK AT FORUM SERIES The Town & Gown Board is pleased to continue the 15th season of T&G’s Lunch at the Forum Series, showcasing Chapman faculty speakers. Dr. Esmael Adibi, director of the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research will be featured at the Thursday, February 5, 2009, luncheon meeting in Argyros Forum, Room 209, at 11:30 a.m. Dr. Adibi is well known and highly respected for his economic analysis lectures. We are very fortunate that he accepted our invitation to be one of our speakers. We are eager to hear his presentation entitled “Orange County Economic Outlook”—a serious consideration for all of us in Orange County. You will want to hear it from the top. We expect a record attendance at this timely lecture so please be aware that single seating will be very limited. If you did not purchase the series of lectures it will be necessary for you to make advance reservations by calling our ticket chairman, Anne Wood, at 949-494-4978, and mailing your $30 check to her in time to secure your reservation.

On Thursday, March 5, 2009, T&G will feature one of our favorite speakers, Charlene Baldwin, dean of the Leatherby Libraries, speaking on her most recent trip to Nigeria last November when she revisited Lapupon Town. The town is a village of about 6,000 Yoruba people, located about 15 miles outside the city of Ibadan, one of the largest cities in Africa. Dean Baldwin has maintained a relationship with this village for a period of more than 40 years, beginning in 1966, when she and her husband served as Peace Corps volunteers. Her presentation is titled “Forty Years in an African Village.” Again, I urge you to make advance reservations with Anne Wood because seating will be limited. Please remember to bring your parking permit with you and be sure to display it on your rear-view mirror. If you have a handicap permit and you are lucky enough to locate a handicap parking space, remember that you are also required to have a Chapman Public Safety parking permit issued to you by Town & Gown when you purchased your season series

tickets or a paid parking ticket purchased as you entered the parking structure. This requirement applies to the Lastinger parking structure as well as the Barrera parking structure. We are looking forward to seeing you on February 5 and again on March 5. Look for our flyer this summer announcing the 2009-2010 lecture series which is already in the making. We hope you plan to attend. If you have questions, please call me at 714-544-2254. – Elaine Parke, 1st VP, Programs

Plaque under Town & Gown 40th Anniversary Tree located near entrance of Argyros Forum honors T & G for its support.


2008-09 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Donna Gladson President

(714) 921-3835

Elaine Parke 1st VP, Programs

(714) 544-2254

Carol Howansky/Carroll Howansky (714) 639-4956 Co-2nd VPs, Special Events Karen Reese 3rd VP, Membership

(714) 921-9623

Melida Canfield Treasurer

(714) 544-4436

Judy McLaren Recording Secretary

(714) 921-2778

Rhea Black Corresponding Secretary

(562) 494-7105

Shirley Lapier Parliamentarian

(714) 774-7218

Betty Bartley (714) 637-0158 Marge Carter (714) 534-1664 Co-editors, Talk of the Town Editorial Board: Merry Berkowitz, Donna Gladson, Joanne Jurczyk, Shirley Lapier, Penni McRoberts, Mary Lou Savage, Anne Wood

Editor Betty Bartley (center) received Honorary Life Membership from President Donna Gladson (1) and Shauna Farley at a recent Lunch at the Forum.


John Koshak, conductor emeritus of Chapman orchestras and the Orange County Youth Symphony, has received the Arts Orange County 2008 Visionary Award for his 37 years of community leadership … Chapman’s Department of Dance, under the chairmanship of our member and faculty liaison Dale Merrill, has earned accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Dance, one of only five such programs in the U.S. selected for accreditation this year … The late James and Loa Farley have been placed on Town & Gown’s Hall of Sponsors through a gift from their daughter and our board member Shauna Farley.

Two T&G members were given special honors by the Alumni Association during Chapman’s October Homecoming and Family Weekend. Charlene Baldwin, dean of the Leatherby Libraries at Chapman was named Honorary Alumna and Donna (Ford) Attallah ’61 received the Bert C. Williams Lifetime Service Award for serviceoriented philanthropy and a commitment to literacy and higher education.

Talk of the Town

A publication of Town & Gown of Chapman University

Lunch at Forum Series Continues In February and March Chapman University One University Drive Orange, CA 92866

Orange, California Permit No. 58

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