ACC Legislative Conference Summary
Mangeet Chahal, M.D.
Heart disease is currently the leading cause for morbidity and mortality in North America. Over the past eight years, through the rigorous implementation of guidelines, quality improvement tools, and registry data, mortality from cardiovascular causes has declined 29%. The American College of Cardiology has implemented the “Quality First” Campaign and actively supports quality efforts to increase transparency, focus on measureable outcomes, and provide physician accountability. Recently, I had the honor of attending the American College of Cardiology’s Legislative conference, in Washington, D.C. where I learned that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have incorporated results from the American Medical Association Physician Information Survey to determine resource allocation of limited Medicare expenditures. Unfortunately, this survey lacked validity and accuracy and was completed by only 55 of the estimated 37,000 total U.S. Cardiologists. Based on this limited data, the CMS has proposed a cut to Medicare payments for cardiovascular services of up to $1.4 billion by January 1, 2010. The rural, underserved areas are threatened with a decline in access to care, as many clinics will be forced to close, while others will be challenged as support staff is downsized. With 43% of Medicare dollars spent on cardiovascular care, the necessity for resource allocation is apparent. However, this allocation will be more efficiently accomplished with implementation of preventive care, adherence to guideline data and appropriate use criteria, and better communication with reduced redundancy via an electronic health record system. With cardiovascular disease as the leading cause for mortality in the United States, and with the great achievement of the American College of Cardiology over the last decade in reducing mortality, it is imperative to work collaboratively to improve our health care system.