2 minute read
Return | From Us
From Us
Written by Chike Asuzu on behalf of us all on the Charcoal Magazine staff
There is something phenomenally universal about history. The way the past nurtures our spirits and contextualizes our experiences beyond definition is a force to be revered. Time, itself, is a force to be revered. As Charcoal celebrates the peak of our 5-year-anniversary, it felt natural to revel in our success. It felt natural to revel in our progress. It felt natural to revel in our product.
It felt necessary to recognize how we got here.
Return is our guide through time. It takes the hand of you, our dear reader, and calmly walks you through the past nine eras of Charcoal Magazine. As you step through this celebratory issue, we ask that you read with a curiosity and a capacity to seek more. With open eyes, you’ll see far past the surface of this publication. You’ll see our reflections, our joy, our history, our community, our honesty, our hopes, and ourselves.
If you allow Return to do anything, let it teach you, let it remind you, and let it ground you. By grasping a larger understanding of our past, we have a firmer foundation in our present, and an expanded imagination for the future. Revisit the memories that make up your personhood, as you are not the same as you were then. With your present perspective, you may be shocked to remember the younger version of yourself that guided you to read these words today.
Our histories are a teacher beyond measure. We hope you learn a bit about us from ours, and a bit about your own from yours.
Retrace your steps in our 10th issue, Return.
We can’t wait to see what you remember, Charcoal Magazine