14th ASTP Annual Conference
Best Practices in Transfer of Science and Technology
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Vienna, Austria will be home to the 14th ASTP Annual Conference. From 22 - 24 May this year, around 300 technology transfer professionals from the world over will flock to this amazing city of innovation and technology to join this once-a-year event. Outgoing ASTP President Anders Haugland vowed that this year’s programme is something to be really proud of. “It was created based upon the heritage of past Annual Conferences and the feedback we have received,” he said.
o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r y o u w i t h o u t f o rg e t t i n g t h a t V i e n n a i s a n i m p o r ta n t c e n t r e o f c u l t u r e .
“This year, we added a bit more operational content and interaction to the plenary sessions in order to foster discussions of the whole plenum,” added incoming ASTP President and current Vice President Programming Sara Matt-Leubner. The complete conference programme and additional event information can be found on the conference website.
Register to the 14th Annual Conference
ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Message from the President on possible merger with ProTon Europe Get to know ENTENTE ASTP survery report now available Conference primer ATTP hosts special session in annual conference News from the HQ Professional Development Committee gets new member Upcoming ASTP events, other events Technology transfer news Contribute to the ASTP newsletter Connect with ASTP
from ASTP President Anders Haugland
Dear ASTP member, Ever since you, our members gave us the green light to move forward at the extraordinary General Assembly in Lyon, France, the ASTP Board has been committed to look into the possibility to merge ASTP and Proton Europe. We now believe we have a good solution and would like to get your support to realise such a merger. The possible merger that we are looking into will take effect in January 2014. This was a follow-up on the Heads of Terms document that was discussed in December 2012 and resulted to the production of various documents that we now would like to present to you. It consists of an Executive Summary of the Business Plan as well as a draft version of the Articles of Association of the New Organisation that we envision. Following article 17 of the ASTP Articles of Association (see below text), we hereby would like to convene a special General Assembly of ASTP on Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 10am at the ASTP Headquarters in Leiden, The Netherlands.In the event that the demanded quorum is not met as required under article 17, ASTP is prepared to plan a second General Assembly on the first day of the Annual Conference in Vienna. Amendment of the Articles of Association and Dissolution. Article 17. A resolution to amend the Articles of Association or to dissolve the Association can only be passed in a General Assembly with a majority of at least two thirds of the votes in a meeting with at least tow thirds of the members present or represented. In the event of not two thirds being present or represented, then a second meeting will be convened within four weeks of the first meeting and such a resolution can be passed, provided with a majority of at least two thirds of the votes cast. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Board shall determine how a balance upon liquidation, if any, shall be applied, which application shall be, in as much as possible, in accordance with the objective of the Association. To secure proper logistics, we kindly ask you to inform our Communications Manager Mrs. Chared Verschuur by 1 May of your attendance. As the underlying topic is the possible merger with Proton Europe, we sincerely hope to receive your input. It is vital that this merger is supported by you. We look forward to exchanging our thoughts and reflections with you. The following enclosures are available on http://bit.ly/EOGA20130508 - ASTP-Proton AoA in Dutch - Convening Letter - BP ASTP-Proton Executive Summary - Statuten ASTP 1-3-2000 NL
- Unofficial English translation AoA - ASTP-Proton_Articles
Register for the extraordinary General Assembly on 8 May 2013 at the ASTP HQ in Leiden, The Netherlands. ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
Sincerely yours, Anders Haugland ASTP President
Get to know ENTENTE The Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals get involved with projects of the European Commission every now and then as long as it is in line with the objectives of the ASTP. One of these projects is ENTENTE. The ENTENTE project aims at strengthening knowledge transfer offices in universities, public research organisations, hospitals and at promoting transnational collaboration between industry and academia in the health sector. This is done through networking activities among all the key stakeholders within knowledge transfer in the health sector in Europe.
It is the first European network to boost knowledge transfer activity in health research in academic and governmental organisations and industry-academia collaboration. Officially launched in September 2012, ENTENTE is a coordinated action funded by the European Commission under the Health Work Programme of the 7th Framework Programme. This consortium brings together seven
partners specialised in knowledge transfer from France, The United Kingdom, Belgium, and The Netherlands. The objective of this 3-year project is to reinforce knowledge transfer offices in universities, public research organisations (PROs), hospitals and promote industryacademia transnational collaboration in the health sector. Some of its projects in the works are a web platform where technology transfer professionals can exchange experiences and best practices and a staff exchange programme which just recently launched. Are you a technology transfer professional in the health sector? Join the ENTENTE LinkedIn group and network with your fellow professionals.
Be a member of the ENTENTE LinkedIn group
ASTP survey report NOW available The ASTP survey report on TT activities FY2010 (in partnership with AUTM) and FY2011 (in partnership with AUTM & MERIT) are now published on the restricted membership area, log in here to read the report. For any questions regarding the survey, please contact Ms. Arlyta Wibowo. The survey FY2010 survey is made possible through a collaboration between ASTP and AUTM STATT. The FY2011 survey was officially closed on 30 September 2012. A total of 195 European institutions participated in this survey. The survey results should help research institutions and technology transfer professionals improve their services by comparing each others’ performances within their own country, the rest of Europe as well as US and Canada. The results will furthermore be used by the European Commission to produce comparable data on the knowledge transfer activities of Europe’s leading universities and publicly-funded research institutes for innovation policy. We thank you, our members, who participated in the ASTP survey together with MERIT and AUTM. We are looking forward to continue shining the light on the TT community.
Log in to the restricted membership area to read the report ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
Your guide to the 14th A It’s four weeks to go the 14th ASTP Annual Conference. Do you know exactly what is happening from 23 - 24 May? Here’s a rundown of the activities we prepared for you. Wednesday, 22 May 13.00 – 16.00 Patent searching in Espacenet by EPO Venue: European Patent Office Rennweg 12 1030 Vienna, Austria 13.30 – 15.30 What’s it all about? Introduction to the World of Technology Transfer (for beginning TTs) Venue: AWS office Ungargasse 37 1030 Vienna, Austria Guided tour, cost: € 40 Meeting point: Staatsoper (opera house) Welcome cocktail, cost: free Venue: Palais Daun-Kinsky (made possible in part by AWS)
Thursday, 23 May
Friday, 24 May
8.15 Conference registration opens
9.00 Conference proper day 2 begins
9.00 Conference proper day 1 begins
14.30 Final plenary TTO Speed Dating
13.00 – 14.00 Special RTTP lunch session Venue: Conference venue break-out area
16.00 Closure
17.15 Last parallel session for the day 17.30 - 18.30 ASTP General Assembly (members only) 19.30 Conference dinner, cost: € 90 Venue: Palais Niederoesterreich Herrengasse 13 1010 Vienna, Austria
TOPICS to be discussed in the conference include: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Benchmark decisions, new initiatives in and around Technology Transfer Patent searching products and services from the EPO Creating a strong IP portfolio in your TTO Start-ups Challenges and opportunities of the small TTO IP strength in the market and in court Licensing Successful spin-outs Surveys and metrics Technology transfer and horizon 2020 Open innovation Unusual technology transfer
ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
For a detailed programme information, download the event programme.
Register to the 14th ASTP Annual Conference
ASTP Annual Conference The conference will take place in the beautiful and innovative city of Vienna -the largest and capital city of Austria. Need some help in finding your way around? Here are some links we gathered which might help you: The online travel guide for Vienna (by the Vienna Tourism Office) Vienna Tourism (by Vienna City Administration) Vienna Tourist Office (by the Austrian Tourism Office) More information is available on the conference website.
Some of our speakers are:
So, what are you still waiting for? Register to the 14th ASTP Annual Conference. NOW. ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
ATTP hosts special RTTP session at the annual conference The Association of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP) invites all “recognised� and prospective registered technology transfer professionals (RTTP) to a lunchtime session at the 14th ASTP Annual Conference in Vienna, Austria. ATTP Chair Kevin Cullen and other members of the ATTP council will say a few words on the aspirations for the RTTP community, the application process and any questions that may arise. ASTP is one of the founding members of the ATTP. Annucal Conference attendees will be awarded 10 continuing education points that they may use in their RTTP application. Want to know more about the process of becoming RTTP? Here are some information.
Register to the Special ATTP Session
Click the image above to read the latest issue of the ATTP newsletter
News from the HQ Membership reminder Our Finance Department has been sending membership invoices for this year since 11 February 2013. As ASTP entirely depends on the income it derives from membership fees and the small surplus that we make on our events, we kindly ask you to pay your membership fee on time. In case you have any questions, please contact our Financial Administrators.
New addition to the team We would like to welcome the new addition to the ASTP team -- Chared Verschuur-Ballo. Chared started as Communications Manager in January. She is a trained journalist and experienced communications professional. She believes in the power of the internet and new media in non-profit communication. Regularly sending you ASTP updates is only one of her tasks in the organisation. Chared is the new Communications Manager of ASTP
ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
Professional Development Committee gets a new member Jesper Vasell, Director of Innovation Office West of the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden is the new member of the ASTP Professional Development Committee. He took the reigns from Henric Rheden who has left the technology transfer field. Vasell is an innovation management professional and experienced entrepreneur. In his free time, he takes travel and aviation photos. Vasell is a licensed private pilot.
Jesper is the new member of the ASTP Professional Dev’t Committee
Upcoming ASTP events Our previous training courses in Vienna, Austria last January received high general appreciation ratings:
8.9 (Fundamentals of Technology Transfer) 8.6 (Marketing and Deal Making)
So don’t miss out on the following events!
13 - 14 May 2013
22 - 24 May 2013
18 - 20 Sept. 2013
17 - 18 Oct. 2013
On-site Training Debrecen, Hungary
Training Courses Hamburg, Germany
Annual Conference Vienna, Austria
Fall Conference location to follow
Other events
Creating markets from research results 6 - 7 May 2013 Munich Germany
BioVaria 2013 4 June 2013 Munich Germany
IPBC 2013 9 - 11 June 2013 Boston, United States ASTP Newsletter | Spring 2013
Technology transfer news
Science meets business: Scientists and researchers tried on their management hat Nineteen scientists and researchers learned the language of business when they embarked on a six-month IE International Executive program called Management Fundamentals and Skills for Scientists and Researchers. The first of its kind in Europe, the program took the participants on a full journey of management know-how: Strategy & Economic Environment, Marketing & Sales, Finance & Accounting, Operations, Legal Issues, Human Resources, Communication Skills, Negotiation, and the backbone of the program, Entrepreneurship. The combination of face-to-face sessions and online sessions made for a convenient format that allowed 19 scientists and researchers from varied backgrounds such as medical research, molecular biology, food biotechnology and astrophysics to join the first edition of the program. 16 March 2013 marked the end of the program’s first run, with the participants presenting their business plans to a panel of professors and practitioners. The presentations displayed such huge potential that the participants in addition earned their chance to pitch their proposals to a group of investors in May. The program’s next intake will start in October 2013 with a fresh group of scientists and researchers ready to take on the world of business.
Our media partners
For more information on this program, visit www.ie.edu/ internationalprograms.
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We value your contributions. The ASTP Newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. This is received by thousands of subscribers especialising in technology transfer around the world. If you have anything to contribute -- technology transfer stories, events -- you may contact our Communications Manager Mrs. Chared Verschuur-Ballo.
We do not make mistakes.
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We wish! If you find anything here that needs to be amended, drop us a line at secretary@astp.net.
This news l etter is pro duced o n a qua r ter l y basi s by the Associ ati on of European S ci ence and Technology Transfer Pro fe ssio n als. AS T P is a n o t-fo r -pr o fit in itia tiv e bo r n e o f the d esi re of a multi nati onal group of prof essi onals to have a platf orm wh e r e t o m e e t a nd shar e exper ien c es o n a r egul a r ba s is . Its mi ssi on i s to prof essi onali se and promote technology and knowled ge t r an sf e r betw een th e E ur o pea n s c ien c e ba s e a n d ind ustry. ASTP i s located at Stati onsweg 28a, 2312 AV Lei d en, The Nether lan d s. U R L: w w w.astp.net | Emai l: secretary@astp.net | T: 0031 (0) 71 7113511 | F: 0031 (0 ) 7 1 7 1 1 3 5 1 2