Exploration and Discovery A2 Examination Graphics
Task  For this introductory part of this exam topic, we had to look at what we could discover, and explore and brainstorm our idea’s. So that the topics we used where based on our brainstorms. We then had to choose then 6 topics we where interested in and find ask questions about these topics to get us exploring, in ways which we would not initially think of using this theme. With our discoveries we then had to created visual Reponses, to do with our research and our themes, to start our projects in reference to the exam topic of Exploration and Discovery.
Brainstorm ď‚— What Can We Discover and Explore?
My Topics
Forests/Global Warming Music Language/Culture/Identity Media/Techniques Textures Religion Random Choose (Dictionary Idea – flick through and point to a word, find the definition)
London (City Life)
How many religions are there throughout the world? It is impossible to accurately predict the number of religions individuals obtain. There are many small, isolated religions in certain parts of the world. Groups living in areas that hinder communication and interaction often tend to be small..thus preventing diffusion from occurring. Where does Religion come from/What is the history of religion? The first forms of religion probably developed from hunter gather societies as a way of explaining the natural forces of the world and providing meaning to feelings about the world. (Ancient Greece) Where Did We all come from? Some would believe such as Thomas Aquinas theory of the natural world, and from observation concluded, that all things fit together to form a specific function and purpose and their something must have created the world and therefore that being must be God. Empirical evidence suggests other ways that their was an atom explosion(Big Bang Theory) What is in story for Religion/Religious movements in the future? What Religious movements impact on today's society? The movements of secularism, lead society of today to be secular. Over the years the meaning of the word Secularism has become confused and misunderstood. As well as changing its meaning, and being open to interpretation in different ways, the word has also been misrepresented by some religious interests who fear the influence of secularism on privileges that they have enjoyed for centuries and taken for granted. The following definition, by Muriel Fraser, some websites, is nearest to the understanding that the NSS has of secularism. There is a thorough and wide-ranging examination of what secularism means in different parts of the world and how it is put into practice by some states called Secularism and Secularity – Contemporary International Perspectives, published here by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture.
Forests/Outside/Globalisation Typing in ‘discovering the forest’
I discovered this book In this picture book set in Maine, a woman recalls the time spent with her grandfather as a girl, when she learned about nature and the proper stewardship of the land. The story moves from one remembered encounter with the natural world to another, with the grandfather serving as the guide. Matching the quiet simplicity of the words are McCall's oil paint illustrations. Painted with a soft, impressionistic quality, they evoke not only the changing light and moods of the woods, but also the feel of distant and cherished memories. Particularly striking is a deceptively simple picture of two birch trees at twilight. At the end of the book, the girl learns how proper care of the land can lead to the regeneration of the forest, even after logging. A striking and effective natural history. As well as many over books, which lead me to think about story telling and book cover ideas‘, and different way of painting.
http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/LGNL_Ser vices/Environment_and_planning/Parks_and_open_spa ces/Epping_Forest/Learning+in+Epping+Forest.htm Above link -Visiting Forests/Familar/Unfamilar
surrooundings – Discovering exploring new places
Exploration Of Forests Amongst these ten things you should know about I discovered whilst exploring Forests, I decided to look closely at the 2 which are most interesting to me. These 3 things where origin because I am interested in where things come from, environmental protection. When looking at Origin I came across this website where I discovered numerous facts about packing, product and sustainability. http://www.sustainableforestprods.org/node/6 I also found out that by discovering information about forests that I can link into the topic, of culture because different origins of forest represent different cultures. For example he forest of Fontainebleau, outside of Paris, has held a special place in French culture and history for centuries.
10 Things You Should Know 10 Elements of Sustainable Forest Purchases What are the key issues around sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based products? The Procurement Guide provides a comprehensive overview, and a directory of resources for managers to develop their own purchasing policies. Origin: Where do the products come from? Information accuracy: Is information about the products credible? Legality: Have the products been legally produced? Sustainability: Have forests been sustainably managed? Special places: Have special places, including sensitive ecosystems, been protected? Climate change: Have climate issues been addressed? Environmental protection: Have appropriate environmental controls been applied? Recycled fiber: Has recycled fiber been used appropriately? Other resources: Have other resources been used appropriately? Local communities and indigenous peoples: Have the needs of local communities or indigenous peoples been addressed?
London City Life/Country Side ( Contrast of Living)
On average how many tourists are attracted to London a year? Is London the most diverse city in the world? Is London more ethnically diverse now then in 2008? What is the different in how society behave in London in day life and night life?
There are many things to discover in London, but yet again whilst researching for the answers of these questions I came across this website http://www.discover.org.uk/ I found it interested because it was set for a specific audience, and this idea of what things you discover when your older, to what you discover as your growing up, interested me and it was something I thought about when brainstorming my ideas of exploration and discovery. I could look further into this concept, and created different outcomes, to suit different purposes about discovery, and how you can discover different things. www.city-discovery.com/london_tours/ In London you can discover two different views of life, you can look into tourism/tourist attractions, why people visit London. London’s tourist attractions brings about tourist of all different cultural backgrounds, and different people and in 2005 London was recognised as the most diverse city in the world and here is the website in which I discovered this information. http://londonist.com/2005/01/most_diverse_ci.php As well as claims of places such as Toronto and New York claiming being the most diverse of 2011,
Exploration of Materials/Techniques
Visual Responses