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Outcome Design Ideas Developments, Working towards an outcome

This design came from the grayscale designs, I came across this idea I had using the imagery of reflec7on and decided to use this powerful drama7c image and incorporate this image into the grayscale designs below. I feel the image creates an overpowering, effect, as the colors are adjusted to do this. I feel to improve this design I could vectorize the image in the middle and use my idea’s of 1950’s pop ar7s7c movement, or using the idea’s of emo7vism using emo7ons to portray idea’s in ar7sts work such as Rothko’s who I have looked at previously, who’s work I looked at when looking upon abstracta7on of concepts and use of symbolism of color. All the designs and possible outcome idea’s of which I have produced her seem to be ‘ruined’ by the typeface, as to me the image should be able too ‘breathe’ and speak for itself and in these par7cular designs the picture and the message being portrayed can some7mes lose effect due to the typeface. I discovered that having a smaller typeface, that my designs would be more effec7ve and work beIer.

Looking at the perspec7ves of the other primary imagery I had been using, I didn’t to use this primary image to acquire a different effect to my design. I used the burn tool too darken the original image to add drama7c impact. I feel the textural aspects of this piece work well and add impact to the typeface and overall presenta7on. I feel that although this design works there is something missing, such as a strong ar7s7c influence that some of my other designs have. To improve this design I would look at the ar7s7c analysis’s that I have looked at throughout this project and imply some of their techniques to improve upon this design if I was to decide to use this as an outcome.

This design idea’ was the ini7al grayscale piece of work, I started again exploring with colors I decided to create this design. U feel the harness and contrast of the imagery should be exaggerated in the typeface.

Using the idea of symbolism of colors I decided to incorporate this concept in this design. I used the idea’s and concepts of my primary imagery of ‘ice cubes which can be found on hIp://charleiigh-­‐ ’My primary photography concept of coldness/isola7on’ -­‐ I decided to create a basis of an outcome idea, using the insipria7ons of Craig Shields piece of work ‘refreshed’. Again I feel in this design I should have relooked at the typography ar7sts I had studied, and used one of thier techniques to establish that the typeface fits in and around the design idea’s.

This grey scale piece/design idea Is the second idea of this post, and I feel and improvement of the original idea.

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