Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Project 1: Case Study and Documentation of Building Services Systems
Module: Building Services (ARC 2423)
Group Members:
Muhammad Faridzul Fikri bin Jeffry
Mohd Shahrul Izzat bin Abdullah
Renee Lim Wei Fen
Sumitchai Thamdee A/L Eh Rin
Tan Cui Zhi
1.0 Abstract_________________________________________________________________1 1.1 Introduction to building
2.0 Cold Water Supply System___________________________________________________3 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Literature Review 2.3 Case Study 2.4 System Components 2.4.1
R.C Water Storage Tank
Fire Water Storage Tank
Stop Cock
Pipe Fittings
Water Meter
Float Valves
Water Pump
Water Pressure Booster Pump
2.4.10 U.V (ultraviolet) Water Filter 2.4.11 Piping 2.5 Uniform Building by-Law (UBBL) 2.6 Analysis & Conclusion
3.0 Electrical System_________________________________________________________26 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Literature Review 3.3 Case Study (Operation of System) 3.4 Components of System 3.5 Uniform Building by-Law (UBBL) 3.6 Analysis 3.7 Conclusion
4.0 Sanitary & Sewerage System________________________________________________47 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Literature Review 4.3 Case Study 4.4 System Components 4.4.1
Relieve Vent
Floor Trap
Trap Seal
Septic Tank
4.5 Uniform Building by- Law (UBBL) 4.6 Analysis & Conclusion
5.0 Mechanical Transportation System___________________________________________63 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Literature Review 5.2.1
5.3 Case Study 5.3.1
5.4 Components 5.4.1
Elevator’s Component
Escalator’s Component
5.5 Operation of System 5.5.1
Lift Operational System
Escalator Operational System
5.6 System Safety 5.6.1
Elevators Safety System
Escalators Safety System
5.7 Analysis 5.8 Conclusion
6.0 Mechanical Ventilation & Air Conditioning______________________________________95 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Literature Review 6.3 Case Study 6.4 Components 6.4.1
Cooling Tower
Chilled Water Pump Unit (CHWP)
Condenser Water Pump Unit
Air Handling Unit
Mechanical Ventilation
6.5 Analysis 6.6 Conclusion
7.0 FireProtectionSystem_____________________________________________________120 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Literature Review 7.3 Case Study 7.4 Active Fire Protection Components 7.4.1
Fire Detectors & Alarm System
Fire Extinguisher
Water Supply & Exterior Fire Hydrant
Dry Riser System
Hose Reel System
Sprinkler System
Sprinkler Pipes & Heads
Smoke Spill System
7.5 Passive Fire Protection 7.5.1
Fire Wall & Floor
Fire Door
Emergency Escape
Emergency Exit
7.6 Analysis 7.7 Conclusion
8.0 References_____________________________________________________________149 8.1 Cold Water Supply System 8.2 Electrical System 8.3 Sanitary & Sewage System 8.4 Mechanical Transportation System 8.5 Mechanical Ventilation & Air Condition 8.6 Fire Protection System
ARC 2423 Building Services
The aim of this assignment is to understand how a building functions through building services in architecture. In order to learn and comprehend the operation of building services, a case study on a building of at least four-storey high. Through this case study, studies and analysis is carried out on the building services of six systems which are water supply system, electrical supply system, sewerage, sanitary and drainage system, mechanical transportation system, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system as well as fire protection system.
As an approach to this assignment, Setia City Mall is the building of our choice as it is Malaysia’s first green retail mall and it is known for their sustainable features in building services of the building. Setia City Mall is able to provide us with sufficient information that regards to our studies.
The scope of the research will cover all of the areas above in detail and information through evidence that will be provided in the report. The information will also be referred to the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 (UBBL 1984) to see if the building services meets the requirements of the law based on our observations.
ARC 2423 Building Services
Setia City Mall is a mall envisioned and planned to be Malaysia’s first ‘green’ mall. The mall is located in the centre of Setia Alam, Shah Alam, Malaysia on a 4000 acre township. Setia City Mall covers up to 740,000 square feet of Net Lettable Aea. The building extends up to four levels with 240 retailers and 2,500 car parks. The mall is the first in Malaysia to be awarded both the Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark Gold award and the Malaysian Green Building Index's (GBI) provisional silver certification. In this building, many sustainable features were implemented.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.1 Introduction Jabatan Bekalan Air (JBA) is the statutory water undertaker for Malaysia and Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) was appointed by the State and Federal Government to manage the water source distribution services without the buildings. As for the designer of building services, they manage the water supply distribution services within the building. This requires a wide range of information on water usage, including the pattern of water use in occupied buildings of various kinds, as well as the statistical and practical data on water demand, to the percentage of water-using human activity. This will provide the designer the necessary framework for the theoretical analysis and design procedure for the building services of water supply. Like most commercial building, the water supplied by public water undertakings in Malaysia is used in Setia City Mall, for what is commonly termed as domestic use, including all the various water-using activities in the home and also the supply to sanitary and kitchen accommodation.
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Figure 2.1 : Internal plumbing system (Image source: Syabas, 2015).
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2.2 Literature Review
Just a brief overview on how a building obtains its water. There are few principles whereby how the water is supplied a building. With the law of gravity, water is necessary to pump inside the high rise building or building on a higher ground. There are two distinct systems, namely: direct and indirect. In the direct system of cold water supply, all sanitary fittings are supplied with cold water direct from main. (Fall,1994)
Figure 2.2 (a) : Direct system of cold water supply (Image source: Fall, 1994).

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In the indirect system of cold water supply, all sanitary fittings, except drinking water draw-offs, are supplied indirectly from a cold-water storage cistern. (Fall,1994)
Figure 2.2 (b) : Indirect system of cold water supply (Image source: Fall, 1994).
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.3 Case Study
The water distribution in Setia City Mall benefits from combining two mechanisms to deliver water efficiently to its entire 4 storeys. The indirect water supply system is whereby water is channel along through the plumbing system in the building due to pressure differential directed from a point of high pressure to a point of low pressure. As contrast, gravity feed water supply system is distributions of water in the building direct downwards by the law of gravity from a high point to a low point of elevation. Both systems are equally important and for a rather effective coordination of water supply within the vicinity both mechanism is applied in the plumbing system of the building.
Figure 2.3.1 : Schematic Water Distribution within Setia City Mall.
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As the water supplied enter the building, it will be channel to fill up the fire tank and the reinforced concrete storage tank located at the lower ground. The fire tank is for the fire protection system in case of emergency. The reinforced concrete storage tank has the volume capacity of 1200 meter cubic for the food and beverage usage. Then water is pump up to the domestic water tanks and drinking water tank at roof level for other domestic functions.
The plumbing system in buildings of various kinds has its purpose of channeling water to its destiny. The water is distributed from the ground level through the network of pipes forming a grid delivering water to every level and higher via pressure differentiation. To ensure the pressure in the distribution pipes maintained, the common pipes are used to pump the pressure generated by the booster pump into main distributions pipe.
Figure 2.3.2 : Components of water flow diagram.
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Legend: Water Tank 1
Water Tank 2
Potable Water Tank
Figure 2.3.3 : Setia City Mall Level 4 Floor Plan showing the location of water tanks.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.4 System Components
2.4.1 R. C. Water Storage Tank
Reinforced concrete tanks have been used for water and wastewater storage and treatment for decades. Design of reinforced concrete tanks requires attention not only to strength requirements, but also to crack control and durability. The challenge is to design concrete liquid containing structures that will resist the extremes of seasonal temperature changes and a variety of loading conditions, and remain watertight. SYABAS recommends that any commercial building should make periodical bi-annual maintenance of their internal plumbing system and internal storage tanks by hiring only licensed plumbers to ensure professional inspection, cleaning and professional installations carried out as approved by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)- Malaysia national water services commission.
Figure 2.4.1 (a) : Diagrammatic of water tanks for the water supply system found in Setia City Mall.
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Figure 2.4.1 (b) : Sectional detail drawing of the reinforced concrete water tank.
Storage tank with a ball cock float valve to control the water stored. This tank will typically hold from 230 to 360 liters (50 to 80 gallons) of water at the highest part of the building the higher it is, the better the gravity feed pressure at the taps. Any overflow of water from the storage tank is deposit out of the building from the overflow pipe. It is positioned in a way that if water flow can be immediately noticed as it would indicate a problem.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.4.2 Fire Water Storage Tank
Figure 2.4.2 (a) : Traditional draft design drawing of fire water storage tank.
Fire water storage tanks have been an important building services component of the industrial fire protection system. Elevated gravity tanks were once the earliest tanks used and were once a common sight at industrial buildings. Tanks may be built of steel, wood, concrete, coated fabric or even fiberglass-reinforced plastic tank.
The fiberglass made fire tank in setia city mall is located at the basement, lower ground floor. Watertight fiberglass tanks provide leak free storage, both in the short term use and in long term use. It is recognized in NFPA 22 standard, Water Storage Tanks for Fire Protection Systems, as well as NFPA 1142 standard, Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting.
ARC 2423 Building Services
Features of fiber glass fire protection water tanks:
Corrosion-resistance - long-term storage of water requires a tank material like fiberglass which is immune to rust.
Buried design - eliminates the need to add expensive protection measures to prevent freezing, while removing the aesthetic problems of an aboveground tank.
Strong H20 structural design - necessary for locations where vehicle traffic is a factor, such as parking lots. Figure 2.4.2 (b) : Fiberglass fire tank to store water.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.4.3 Stop cock
A stopcock, not to be confused with a gate valve or a DiCiaccio branch, is used to prevent flow of water into a domestic water system. There are usually two stopcocks for a building. One is usually found just outside the property boundary and can be used to isolate the building from the water supply. The other is inside the property where the supply enters the property. These valves are provided to allow maintenance and prevent flooding if the domestic water system is pierced.
! Figure 2.4.3 : Images of stop cock.
2.4.4 Valves
Valves used to control the flow along a pipeline are known as the globe or gate types. Both types close slowly and therefore do not usually give rise to problems of water hammer. It is usually desirable to have a valve at every riser. The branches of pipes that serve bathrooms and kitchens then run out to individual its fixtures. Both globe and gate valves are a great assistant during facilities repairs without and/or minimum shutdown of the cold water system.
ARC 2423 Building Services
Valves used in supplying water to Setia City Mall:
A gate valve with a retractable leaf machined to seal tighly against two sloping metal surfaces when closed. Offers the least resistance to water flow when open. It is usually chosen for locations where it is left completely open most of the time.
The Compression type globe valve is usually used for the closing or throttling or flow near a point of occasional use.
Angle valve similar to compression type glove valve
Check valve when it is necessary to prevent flow in a direction opposite to that which is planned a check valve is introduced
Figure 2.4.4 : Types of valves.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.4.5 Pipes Fittings
A fitting is used in pipe plumbing systems to connect straight pipe or tubing sections, to adapt to different sizes or shapes, and for other purposes, such as regulating or measuring fluid flow. The term plumbing is generally used to describe conveyance of water, gas, or liquid waste in ordinary domestic or commercial environments.
! Figure 2.4.5 : Images of pipes connectors.
2.4.6 Water Meter
A bulk meter is mandatory to monitor the volume water supplied. Water meter is use in all buildings to measure the amount of consumption of water use. In many developed countries water meters are used to measure the volume of water used by residential and commercial building that are supplied with water by a public water supply system. Water meters can also be
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used at the water source, as well as, or before entering a cold water supply system to determine the portion flow of water supply to the system.
Figure 2.4.6 : Elevation view (left) and plan view (right) of the water meter.
2.4.7 Float Valve
The float valve have three primary parts, the valve, the stem, and the float. The float is a round airtight device and is therefore buoyant. It is found on the surface of the water. The stem is connected to the float device and rises with the float as the water level rises. The stem also connects the valve to the float device. The valve constricts the flow of water when the water level exceeds a predetermined level. When the store water in the water tank is outlet for domestic usage within the building, the water level drops and so the float device drops, opening the valve for inlet water to fill up the tank. The valve remains open until the float device is raised to the predetermined level by the rising water. Water from the rc tank is then directed to the common pipes.
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Figure 2.4.7 : Adjustable Cam Polypropylene Ball Float Valve.
2.4.8 Water Pump
A water pump is used every day to generate the kinetic energy for the water to flow one location to another, they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and may be operated by electric motor, engine, or even by hand solar power. It can be turned on and off by timers, detectors and other time and property saving feature. Factors to consider for the performance of a water pump:
a) Capacity and power Capacity is how much fluid the pump can move, which is measured in gallons per minute or gallons per hour, power is measured in horsepower. Pumps with higher capacities and horsepower are suited to larger tasks.
ARC 2423 Building Services
b) Materials Pumps are designed for long life, and are made of variety of sturdy materials, including sheet metal, cast iron, stainless steel and various other materials.
Pump used in Setia City Mall - Circulation Water Pump (CWP) The water taken from the R.C Water Storage Tank is directed towards a pump. This pump is then force water up to the roof level of the building where the other large water tanks located. Besides the on-duty pumps which mainly contribute in pushing the water up, there are also standby pumps that only function during the peak hours or in emergency cases. At times of low traffic, the standby pumps are usually shut down to save energy
Figure 2.4.8 : Water Pump in Setia City
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2.4.9 Water Pressure Booster Pump
Water pressure booster pumps are used to provide more pressure in the water pipes for better cleaning, flushing and irrigation. It is driven by electric motor.
Water pressure booster pump are useful in this case where Setia City Mall needs regular supply of water for irrigation. It pushes the water with great pressure toward the hoses, at the same time provide adequate water supply to all taps and outlets.
Figure 2.4.9 : Images of water pressure booster pump also known as suction lift.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.4.10 UV (Ultraviolet) Water Filter
The water from the domestic tank is pumped to the UV Water Filters before being delivered to the consumer through the drinking taps. Particulate matters that are harmful to our health such as bacteria and virus are removed in order to meet the drinking water standard. The water passes through a clear tube and is irradiated by the ultraviolet light
Figure 2.4.10 : Image of UV Water
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2.4.11 Piping
PVC stand for Polyvinyl Chloride. This type of pipe has a wide variety of plumbing uses from drainage pipe to water mains. It is most commonly used for irrigation piping, home, and building supply piping. PVC is also very common in pool and spa systems. PVC is often white but it can also come in a wide variety of colors. You can often tell what it is used for by the colors and marking on the pipe. For example purple pipe with black lettering is used for reclaimed water. PVC also comes in a variety of thicknesses called schedules. Schedules 40 being the most common for water distribution. PVC pipe should always be clearly labeled if it is used for both potable (drinkable) and non potable water in the same building. PVC joins are made by using a primer that softens the PVC and then applying PVC glue that melts the joints and pipe together.
Figure 2.4.11 : Images of Pipes.
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Pipes Used in Setia City Mall: Most of the plastic pipes and fitting in Setia city mall are produced from synthetic resin derived from such materials as coal and petroleum. These corrosion resistant materials are widely used in water supply piping, fittings, and drainage system. Most of the piping are thermoplastics and will repeatedly soften under the application of heat. PVCD material can carry water at 80 C but plastic pipes should not be subjected to temperatures higher than this.
Prohibition of installation of pipes in contact with contaminating materials. The Water Bylaws state that no supply pipe, distributing pipe, or other water fitting shall be laid installed in or on, or pass into or through, any foil soil, refuse or refuse chute, ash pit, sewer, drain, cesspool, or any manhole connected with any such sewer drain or cesspool. This prohibition is made regardless of any protection to the pipe.
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.5 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) Setia City Mall has an effective cold water system which also complies with the Uniform Building By laws (UBBL, 1984). The main water storage tank is located at the roof level conforming to Clause 247 (1) :“ main water storage tanks within the building other than for hose reel system shall be located in the top most floor of the building. “ The design, dimensions and allocation of the utility rooms are also well separated, with enough space to house the distribution pipes conforming to Clause 123 (1) :“ where ducts or enclosures are provided in any building to accommodate pipes, cables or conduits the dimensions of such ducts or enclosures shall be - adequate for the accommodation of the pipes, cables or conduits and for crossing of branches and mains together with supports and fixing; and - sufficiently large to permit access to cleaning eyes,stop cocks and other controls there to enable repairs, extensions and modifications to be made to each or all of the service accommodated. - The access openings to ducts or enclosures shall be long enough and suitably placed to enable lengths of pipe to be installed and removed. ”
ARC 2423 Building Services
2.6 Analysis & Conclusion
The toilets on each floor are situated one above the other and therefore make water distribution efficient. Even the plumbing fixtures installed have a design which takes the backflow of water into consideration. The design of the building not only takes functionality into account it also takes into account the aesthetics of the building. The water tanks are located on the basement and roof away from human activity (uninterrupted space) so that they are not visible as they take up a lot of floor area and are not aesthetically pleasing. Even the communication pipes are located away from the main entrances and utility rooms are used to conceal the distribution pipes. All these factors contribute to creating a well-designed water supply system which serves well both functionally and aesthetically. Setia City mall applies only straightforward layout of the water supply system thus is easy to understand. Based on the observation, the system seems well maintained with no signs of leakage or rust. Overall, the system implemented is highly effective due to its high storage capacity which is large enough to store and cater to the needs of its occupants. The piping used in the distribution line is designed with minimal angular turns which may reduce the pressure of water. There is also a wide number of water pumps which provides sufficient water pressure to distribute the water to all levels.
ARC 2423 Building Services
3.0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction Electricity has become a need of modern life; we have setup our cities, houses and buildings to be dependent on electricity. Electricity is usually produced by electromechanical generators in power plants, depending on the type of power plant; they are either produced by chemical combustion or nuclear fission, which the latter is not used in Malaysia. A more sustainable take on creating electrical energy would be through the use of natural kinetic energy, coming from wind or the flow of water (rivers). Electricity is always considered as a main component for buildings, regardless of its scale of development. In order to regulate and illuminate the internal building environment, the use of lights, AC systems and water pumps all need access to electricity, and enough of it to run properly. . The electrical supply system transfers electrical power from power stations to consumer’s premises and it usually consists of; the power station, the transmission lines (electrical pylons) and the distribution system. Electrical networks can be broadly divided into two systems;
Figure 3.1 : Flow chart of electrical system. 26
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In Malaysia, electrical power is distributed by the country’s main power supplier; Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). They are responsible for distribution in a nationwide scale. TNB is the main organization to approach for new buildings that are going to be built, as permission is needed for new lines of supply to be connected to new developments. Without their grant, a project will be impossible to proceed as electricity is needed to run these buildings.
3.2 Literature Review (MS 1525) This clause applies to the energy efficiency requirements of electric motors, transformers and distribution systems of buildings except those required for emergency purposes. All electrical power distribution equipment should be selected for their energy efficiency and to minimize cost of ownership. Cost of ownership includes the capital cost and the cost of energy over the equipment life time. Supply system voltage has significant impact on losses. Hence, the supply voltage should be maintained as close as possible to the design/optimum voltage of the equipment installed. (MALAYSIAN STANDARD: 1525)
ARC 2423 Building Services
3.3 Case study (Operation of system) The electric supply system can be broadly classified into :(
( Figure 3.3 : Categories of electrical system. TNB Electricity System: According to TNB specification, the transmission voltage networks in Malaysia are 500kV, 275kV and 132kV, while distribution voltages are 33kV, 11kV and 400/230 volts. High Voltage and Extra High Voltage •
Uses the 3 phase configuration
Solidly earthed or impedance earthed
Overhead lines and underground cable are used only for high and extra high voltage distribution only (economical).
Low Voltage - 400/230V •
3 phase 4 wire system
Neutral point solidly earthed mixture of overhead lines, underground cables and aerial insulated cables
Mixture of overhead lines, underground cables and aerial insulated cables
ARC 2423 Building Services
Substations An electrical sub-station is an assemblage of electrical components including power transformers, switchgears, busbars, auxiliaries etc. Types of Substations: Transmission Substation: These substations are usually placed near Generating stations; their main task is to increase voltage for widespread distribution, as higher voltage is more economical for longer distances. Distribution Substation: These substations act as the distributor of electricity to an area; it receives power from two or more transmission lines and reduces incoming voltage to a suitable level for local distribution, ranging from 33 kV for premises that need it to as low as 400 V for domestic uses. Distribution substations also isolate faults in either the transmission or distribution systems, which means easier identification of problems if any occurred. Collector Substation: Collector substation may be required if electricity is also obtained from projects such as wind farms or river plants. Their function is to step up electricity that is produced from such means to transmission rate voltages so that they can be on the grid.
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A(general(schema&c(of( an(Electric(System
Figure 3.3 : Schematic diagram of electrical system and diagrams of substations.
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Order of Electricity System Basically electricity is produced from Generating stations, these stations transmits electricity to the outskirts of cities through the primary transmission using overhead lines. The primary transmission line ends at the receiving station, where electricity is further stepped down to cater for distribution. Electricity is then transmitted to various sub-stations that are placed around the city, this becomes the secondary transmission. The sub-stations then further distribute electricity to Distribution sub-stations through lines that are usually placed along the important road sides of the city. Distribution sub-stations (DS) then finally distributes electricity to domestic and commercial areas.
Figure 3.3.1 : Schematic Plan of Distribution Substation.
Figure 3.3.2 : Flow chart of power supply system from power plant to premises.
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Zoning (Lower Ground Floor Level Only)
1) Main Switch Board room (Red) located at Lower Ground Level 2) Consumer Transformer 33 kV Room (Blue). Located at Lower Ground Level 3) 33 kV TNB SSU (Yellow) Located at Lower Ground Level
Figure 3.3.3 : Lower ground floor plan indicating position of main switch board room, consumer transformer room and TNB Substation.
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Main Switchboard Room The main switch rooms are located at Lower Ground level of Setia City Mall. A distribution switchboard is the point at which an incoming-power supply divides into separate circuits, each of which is controlled and protected by the fuses or switchgear of the switchboard. A distribution switchboard is divided into a number of functional units, each comprising all the electrical and mechanical elements that contribute to the fulfilment of a given function.
Figure 3.3.4 : Floor Plan showing location of main switch board.
Figure 3.3.5 : Main switchboard room at SMC.
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Consumer Transformer 33 kV Room (Blue) The consumer transformer rooms are also located at Lower Ground Level. Setia city mall receives electricity at 33 kV, but it is then stepped down to 11 kV. Transformers play a vital role along the distribution and transmission stages of the system. Transformers are devices that transfer electric energy from one circuit to another, usually with a change in voltage. Transformers work only with a varying electric current, such as alternating current (AC). Transformers are important in the distribution of electric power. They raise the voltage of the electricity generated at a power plant to the high levels needed to transmit the electricity efficiently. Other transformers reduce the voltage at the locations where the electricity is used. Many household devices contain transformers to raise or lower house-current voltage as needed. Television sets and stereo equipment, for example, require high voltages; doorbells and thermostats, low voltages.
Figure 3.3.6 : Main switchboard room at SCM. 34
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Figure 3.3.7 & 3.3.8 : Transformers in transformer room at SCM.
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Consumer Transformer Schematic plan
Figure 3.3.9 : Schematic Plan on Consumer Transformer.
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Consumer Supply Schematic plan
Figure 3.3.10 : Schematic Plan on Consumer Supply.
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TNB$Substa+on$ Setia city mall also houses its own receiving substation, also located at Lower Ground floor. It receives 33 kV of electricity, and then the substation transformer will step down to 11 kV.
Figure 3.3.11 : TNB Substation
Figure 3.3.12 : Main switchboard room at SMC.
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Figure 3.3.13 : Schematic Plan on TNB station. 39
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3.4 Components of System The basic components for an electrical system is constant throughout every development, although some variables may occur depending on the scale of such building, provided here are components that are essential for an electrical system inside a building. As for these components are situated in Setia City Mall. 1) Distribution Board (
Figure 3.4.1 : Typical Distribution Board.
A(distribu&on(board(is(an(arrangement(of(orders(of(fuses( and( circuit( breakers( that( are( arranged( to( distribute( electrical(power(to(numerous(individual(circuits(or(points( in( a( building.( The( board( generally( houses( a( main( circuit( breaker(and(an(earth(leakage(protec&on(device.(The(main( func&ons( of( all( distribu&on( boards( are( to( allow( individual( circuits( to( draw( power( from( circuit( breakers.( It( also( separates(all(the(circuits(present(in(the(system,(this(greatly( helps(in(situa&ons(where(faults(can(be(found(in(any(of(the( circuits,(the(isola&on(would(not(cause(any(disrup&on(to(the( rest( of( the( supply.( Most( importantly,( a( distribu&on( board( offers( protec&on( to( the( consumer( from( direct( electrical( shock(or(fire.(
2) Circuit Breaker Figure 3.4.2 : Typical circuit The( circuit( breaker( is( considered( as( an( essen&al( device( when( electricity( and( safety( is( concerned.( Whenever( there( are( excessive( amounts( of( current( flowing( through,( this( simple( mechanism( automa&cally( stops( the( power( before( any( life( threatening( accident( happens;( once( the( power( is( cut( it( enables( the( user( to( fix( the( problem( without( geUng( fatally( harmed( from( electricity( current.( Without( these( circuit( breakers,( the( poten&al( of( fires( and( other( life( threatening(mayhem(would(spark(from(the(simplest(wiring( problem(or(failure,(making(the(electrical(system(very(unsafe( and(useless.(
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3) Fuse
A(fuse(also(accomplishes(the(same(thing( as( a( circuit( breaker,( but( through( a( different( method.( The( way( it( stops( overflowing( current( is( by( having( a( wire( that(melts(whenever(it(reaches(a(certain( temperature,( once( the( wire( melts( the( connec&on( breaks( and( the( current( will( stop( flowing.( Fuses,( unlike( circuit( breakers( need( to( be( changed( once( the( wires(are(broken.(
Figure 3.4.3 : Fuse
4) A.C Power Sockets
Power sockets are the safest point of where a user can fully access and utilize electrical power, the point allows electrical operated equipment to be connected to the A.C supply of the building. Depending on countries, some sockets can have three pinned or two pinned slots, a standard power socket that is used in Malaysia would be the three rectangular pinned sockets ( type BF).
Figure 3.4.4 : AC Power Socket. 41
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5) Circuit wire / Electrical wiring
Electrical wiring transmits electricity from one point to another; it is used throughout a building and enables electricity power to reach different places in the building so that the user can have access to electricity via sockets. An electric cable is made up of a conductor, usually copper, which channels electricity flow, and an insulation that protects the electricity flow from consumers (safety).
Figure 3.4.5 : Wiring.
6) Electric Meter
The( primary( func&on( of( an( electric( meter(is(to(measure(the(amount(of( electricity(used(by(the(consumer;(it( is( usually( measured( by( kilo( waW( /( hour( (kWh).( Meters( can( come( in( analog(or(digital(format,(the(format( TNB( currently( uses( now( for( all( buildings(are(the(digital(meters.(( \
Figure 3.4.6 : Electric Meter.
ARC 2423 Building Services
Uniform Building by Law (UBBL) Restriction of connection with the earth •
No person shall, in the generation, transmission, supply or use of electricity, permit any part of his supply lines to be connected with the earth except as may be prescribed by regulations under this Act or be expressly permitted by the Commission.
In the event of any breach of subsection (1), the Commission may by written order require the licensee or owner to remove the connection and may prohibit the use of any supply line or works or installation until the order is complied with, and every such order shall be complied with by the person concerned.
• Charge for supply of electricity to be ascertained by appropriate meter •
Where a consumer is to be charged for his supply of electricity whether wholly or partly by reference to the quantity of electricity supplied, the supply shall be given through, and the quantity of electricity shall be ascertained by, an appropriate meter.
The meter shall be provided by the licensee, whether by way of sale, hire or loan.
The meter shall be installed on the consumer’s premises in a position to be determined by the licensee, unless in certain circumstances it is more reasonable to place it outside the premises or in some other position
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3.5 Analysis

Energy sub- meters (digital power meters, DPM) are provided for all major building equipment energy uses, such as chillers, pumps, cooling towers, AHUs, FCUs, lifts, escalators and carparks. For common areas, separate sub-metering is provided for lighting and small power at each floor. Separated kWh meters have also been provided for all tenanted area. All these digital power meters are linked to a Central Energy Management System (CEMS). Actual building energy uses and energy savings can then be monitored, recorded and controlled as scheduled.
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Energy Saving Features Lux sensors installed at common areas such as main entrances, corridors, public corridor and back of house will automatically turn the lights off when the lighting level goes above 50 lux, thus saving energy. The Carpark lighting is also automatically reduced after the Mall closes for business. To complement the employment of daylight efficiency of artificial lighting, the ceiling and columns of the carpark are painted white to optimize their reflective luminosity.
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3.6 Conclusion As a conclusion, Setia City Mall complied with the Uniform Building by- Law (UBBL) in terms of electrical supply system. From what we analyzed, that they had used the electricity meter provided by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Besides that, the building has installed digital power meter that linked to Central Energy Management System (CEMS), with this they can monitor, record and controlled as planned. Energy saving systems has also been installed. This building has been certified with Green Building Index (silver- GBI-NRNC-0007) on 10th of July 2013
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4.1 Introduction
Indah Water Konsortium (IWK), Malaysia national sewerage company striving to provide an efficient and environmental friendly sewerage services to all Malaysians. The efficient disposal of sewage or waste water from a building is of great importance to public health and is an essential part of the construction of a building. If a sewer is unsound and leaks, the escaping waste water may contaminate the potable water supply and clean air supply. The escaping waste water may also wash away the soil below the foundation and cause a risk of settlement of part of the building. The Uniform Building By-Law 1984 deals with drainage below ground and we architecture students are strongly advice to become familiar with the various requirements. The sanitary and sewerage system are designed to collect, transfer, treat and dispose off domestic waste and wastewater from the building. The system range from simple toilet providing little or no treatment to modern sewage treatment plants that employ mechanical means to treat large volume of sewage to acceptable environment standards.
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4.2 Literature Review
There are two type of stack system, which is the single stack system and two-pipe system. In single stack system all soil and waste water discharge into one common pipe and all branch ventilating pipes into one main ventilating pipe. This system largely replaces the two pipe system and lent itself very well to use in multi storey developments. It is far more economical than the two pipe system. The other one is two pipe systems where the waste stack received the discharge ablutionary fitments and conveyed this to the ground level where it was delivered above the water seal in a trapped gully connected to the drainage system. The soil stack receives the discharge from soil appliances and delivers it direct to the underground drainage system. The waste and soil water did not combine until they reached the below ground drainage system.
Figure 4.2 (a) : Diagram of Single Stack
Figure 4.2 (b) : Diagram of Two
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4.3 Case Study
The arrangement of washroom in Setia City Mall is spread out through-out the plan for one single floor but the layout are the same for every each level of its four storey, so it can use the single stack system, which the system need to keep the pipes vertical and align to really optimize the disposal efficiency. It also minimize the used of pipes where it can saves some space.  
Figure 4.3 (a) : Components of Sewer Flow. 49
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Figure 4.3 (b) : Ground Level
Figure 4.3 (c) : Upper
Figure 4.3 (d) : First Floor
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From the toilets layout plan, we are convinced that single stack system is applied to the sanitary and sewerage system of setia city mall. We also can see that this stack system is used in this building where close grouping of the sanitary appliances makes it possible to install the branch waste and soil pipes into the main discharge stack. Ventilated stack is required to remove odor by cross venting either from the WC, sink, and basin or from the discharge stack to the vent stack. For a more thorough odor removal, a motion triggered toilet exhaust fans is installed to absorb and dispose them to the masonry shaft through an air duct. The exhaust fans are installed at the end of every stack pipe located on the roof where it will release the odor out of the mall. Besides that, other mechanism been used such non-return dampers and volume control dampers.
Figure 4.3 (e) : Ventilated Stack System (Image sorce: Hall, 1994)
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Figure 4.3 (f) : Fully Vented One Pipe System (Image Source: Hall, 1994)
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The soil and waste management been installed a lot around the mall surroundings where all of it are connected. All the waste products or disposal water pass through the sewerage system before it finally disposed into the main sewer. The waste that coming from the sanitary appliances are discharged to the soil stack pipe, where it be Figure 08 : Manholes directed to the nearest manhole inspection chamber.
Figure 4.3 (g) : Connections of manholes to the main sewer in the sewerage system.
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Setia City Mall uses a different kind of system from the other building for flushing rainwater from the roof, which is the Syphonic Drainage. Unlike traditional roof drainage, it operates at full capacity, when water is sucked or syphoned from the roof down into the drain at high velocity. It allows to minimize the number of roof outlet drains and have them flow into a single downpipe. The symphonic drain incorporates an anti-vortex plate act as a baffle, allowing only water to be drawn of the roof. When heavy rainfall the outlet drain fills to above the anti-vortex, cutting off air flow into the pipe Then, it flow at 100% full over the entire system.
Figure 4.3 (h) : Syphonic Drainage direct water to roof drain system
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Figure 4.3 (i): Syphonic Drainage direct water to roof drain system (Image source: Fullflow,
In principle, symphonic drainage is a very simple process. Unlike traditional roof drainage, which is designed to flow in the law of gravity, and requires more outlets and downpipes. A symphonic system operates at full capacity, when water is sucked or syphoned from the roof down into the drain at high velocity.
Figure 4.3 (j) : Syphonic Drainage direct water to roof drain system (Image source: Fullflow, 2015)
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4.4 System Components
4.4.1 Relieve Vent Its primary function of which is to provide circulation of air between drainage and vent systems.
Figure 4.4.1 (b) : Vent Cowl for sewer vent use, connect to pipe forming the relief vent of the sewerage system
Figure 4.4.1 (a) : Detail of soil stack, which is connected to the sewer and vented at the top.
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Figure 4.4.1 (c) : Vent Terminologies in a Toilet 4.4.2 Floor Trap
Fitting or device designed and constructed as to provide, when properly vented, a liquid seal which will prevent the back passage of air or gas without materially affecting the flow of sewage or waste water through it.
Figure 4.4.2 : Breakdown components of typical floor trap 57
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4.4.3 Trap Seal
The trap seal is the maximum vertical depth of liquid that a trap will retain, measured between the crown and the top of the dip of the trap. This water (trap seal) prevents sewer gas from passing from the drain pipes back into the occupied space of the building.
Figure 4.4.3 : Examples of Trap Seals (Image source: Hall, 1994)
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4.4.4 Interceptor
Device designed and installed so as to separate and retain deleterious hazardous or undesirable matter from normal wastes and permit normal or liquid wastes to discharge in to disposal terminal by gravity.
Figure 4.4.4 : (left) Interceptor traps have a bypass pipe running above them covered by an earthenware stop. (right) the plus marked “rodding eye� can be removed to allow all the water to escape, and interceptor below it.
4.4.5 Septic Tank
Figure 4.4.5 : Schematic diagram of a septic tank.
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Septic tanks are used where the crude sewage is liquefied and the effluent conveyed by a channel or a pipe to an irrigation field. The liquid is allowed to percolate into the soil, by means of surface or sub-surface irrigation. Surface irrigation is achieved by discharging the liquid into channels formed in the ground or by flooding a prepared area of ground, contained within earth banks to confine the liquid. Sub-surface irrigation is carried out by a system of sub-soil drainage pipes, laid in either a grid or a herring-bone formation using open-jointed pipes.
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4.5 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) Setia City Mall has an effective sanitary and sewerage system which also complies with the Uniform Building By laws, Section 123 and Section 115 (UBBL, 1984). Clause 247 (1) :“ main water storage tanks within the building other than for hose reel system shall be located in the top most floor of the building. “ The design, dimensions and allocation of the utility rooms are also well separated, with enough space to house the distribution pipes conforming to Clause 123 (1) :“ where ducts or enclosures are provided in any building to accommodate pipes, cables or conduits the dimensions of such ducts or enclosures shall be - adequate for the accommodation of the pipes, cables or conduits and for crossing of branches and mains together with supports and fixing; and - sufficiently large to permit access to cleaning eyes,stop cocks and other controls there to enable repairs, extensions and modifications to be made to each or all of the service accommodated. - The access openings to ducts or enclosures shall be long enough and suitably placed to enable lengths of pipe to be installed and removed. ” Clause 115 :“ All roofs of buildings shall be constructed as to drain effectively to suitable and sufficient channels, gutters, chutes or troughs which shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of these By-Laws for receiving and conveying all water which may fall on and from the roof. “
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4.6 Analysis & Conclusion
Generally, soil and waste pipe system should be designed to carry away the discharges from sanitary fittings quickly and quietly without the risk of injury to the health of the occupants of the building. The Water Regulations are designed to prevent cross connections within an installation which might contaminate potable water in a supply pipe. Any soil pipe or waste pipe should be fixed inside the building, except a waste pipe from a waste fitting fixed on the ground floor, providing that the pipe discharges into a trap fitted with suitable grating, so that the water may discharge below the grating and above the level of water in the trap.
A maintenance record of water systems should be kept of the cleansing and disinfection of equipment. All pipes should be placed so that they are reasonably accessible for maintenance and repair, and be provided with such means of access for internal cleansing. Joints should be made so that they remain air-tight and any dissimilar materials used for jointing should not cause electrolytic corrosion. Note: The Building Regulations permit a soil and vent stack sited externally for buildings up to three storey in height.
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5.0 MECHANICAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 5.1 Introduction Setia City Mall has 4 levels that consist of commercial area and parking area. The mechanical transportation system plays the main role to make the circulation of this building works well. In order to make this happen, the architect had to design a good layout of circulation especially during it peaks as this building is the public commercial area. Several things had to be considered such as access for disabled person, integration with the other services, safety precautions, fire protection and scheduled maintenance. There are two mechanical transportation system used here which are elevator and escalator.
5.2 Literature Review 5.2.1 Elevator The elevator, also known as lift in Commonwealth country like Malaysia, is a device to transport both people and goods vertically from one floor or level to another. Elevator is powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables or counterweight systems like a hoist, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack. The elevator was built by considering on: •
Hoist mechanism.
Building height.
Building type.
Elevator Location.
Special uses.
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Generally, there are three main types of elevators commonly used: •
Traction with a machine room
Machine room-less traction (MRL)
For Setia City Mall, the machine room-less traction (MRL) elevator is applied on this building. However, not all the elevators can be accessed as it divided into public, semi-public and private use elevators. It is found that Setia City Mall installed OTIS 4000 model elevators for the whole building.
According to UBBL 1984 clause 124:
For all non-residential buildings exceeding 4 storeys above or below the main access level at least one lift shall be provided. •
According to UBBL 1984 clause 153-155, ventilation to lift shafts:
152(1) every opening in a lift shaft or lift entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the local authority is provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special buildings as may be approved by the D.G.F.S.
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Figure 5.2.1(a). Traction with a machine room.
Figure 5.2.1(b). Hydraulic
Figure 5.2.1(c). Machine roomless traction. 65
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5.2.2 Escalator Escalator is a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. It is power-driven device that continuously moving without any waiting interval. Escalators are able to transport a large numbers of people at a same time. There are four typical configuration options for the escalators; parallel, crisscross, multiple parallel and “up” escalator next to staircase. The direction of movement (up or down) can be permanently the same or be controlled by personnel according to the time of day, or determined by whoever arrives first, whether top or bottom.
Figure 5.2.2(a). Parallel configuration.
Figure 5.2.2(c). “up” escalator next to staircase configuration.
Figure 5.2.2(b). Crisscross configuration
Figure 5.2.2(d). Multiple parallel configuration. 66
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In Setia City mall, the parallel and multiple parallel arrangements are widely used here. The escalators become the main vertical transport system in Setia City mall as it can move large number of people and help to control the traffic flow of people, especially during the weekends where the number of visitors is the highest compared to weekdays.
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5.3 Case Study 5.3.1 Elevator Setia City Mall has four levels that consist of commercial area and parking area. There are a total of nine pairs of elevators provided in that building. There are 7 pairs of elevators located at the first and second floor and 9 pairs of elevators at the ground and upper ground floor. 2 pairs of them are used to connect to the parking areas. In Setia City mall, the machine room-less traction (MRL) elevator is applied on this building
ARC 2423 Building Services Machine Room-less Traction (MRL) Elevators Machine room-less elevators are traction elevators that do not have dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The machine sits in the override space and is accessed from the top of the elevator cab when maintenance or repairs are required. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft on the highest landing and within 150 feet of the machine. Machine room-less elevators has a maximum travel distance of up 250 feet and can travel at speed up to 500 feet per minute. MRL elevators are comparable to geared traction elevators in terms of initial and maintenance costs, but they relatively low energy consumption compared to geared elevators. Machine room-less elevators are becoming the most popular choice for mid-rise buildings where the travel distance is up to 250 feet. They are energy efficient, require less space, and the operation and reliability are on par with gear-less traction elevators.
Figure Comparison between Conventional and Machine room-less (MRL) elevator.
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Figure Elevator components
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5.3.2 Escalator Setia City mall has four pairs of escalators in the building. These escalators are organized in parallel layouts which are nicely positioned at center of the building, so that they can be seen easily by the visitors and open up to large clear spaces. At each of these locations, there are two escalators connecting each floor, from lower ground to upper ground, upper ground to first floor and first floor to second floor.
Otis escalators with trusses designed are been used in Setia City Mall to save up on space requirements and the speed of rate is set up to 27 meters (90 ft.) per minute. It is fast enough to provide rapid travel from one level to another while still being leisurely enough for customers in a department store to survey the merchandise on the sales floor. Furthermore, these escalators do not need a special machine room as they only use small efficient machines to run them. All the escalators installed are equipped with motion sensor to regulate usage. The normal speed is set when the escalators detect moving weight on it. Else, they will be escalating at crawling speed if there is no load after 60 seconds.
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Figure 5.3.2(b). Escalator components
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5.4 Components 5.4.1 Elevator’s Component Regenerative Drive Regenerative drive is the energy-efficient elevator technology that can reduce the energy consumption by regenerating the waste energy such as such as heat during braking. Then, the regenerate drive will feed the generated energy back into the building’s electric grid for other building system’s usage such as lighting. The regenerative drive have an electrical motors which act as reversible machines that allowed them to work as motors or generator. When the mechanical work is done by a motor, it will act as generator to generate a force but lower than the battery voltage. In certain case, the force produced may overcome the battery. Hence, a motor can act as motor and generator at the same time. The latest technology for regenerative drive is, it can minimize the harmonic distortion which can minimize impact on the building electrical system. At the same time, it helps to protect the sensitive building equipment. (a) : Regenerative Driver.
ARC 2423 Building Services Polyurethane-coated Steel Belt In machine room-less (MRL) system, the flat, coated-steel belts are used to replace the heavy woven steel cables. The thickness is just only 3mm thick but strong enough compared to woven steel cables and far more durable. These belts are used to optimize the size, materials and weight of components. There are a lot of advantages by using the polyurethane-coated steel belt such as space-saving that enable a more compact, energy-efficient machine which can be contained in the hoist way. In the other hand, the building and operating system’s cost can be reduced. The polyurethane coating is used to coat the 588 high-tensile strength steel wires with zinc-plating which can minimize corrosion. It also avoids metal-to-metal contact and reduced noise and vibration. At the same time, it helps to provide a smoother ride and passenger’s comfort. For the maintenance, this belt eliminates the lubrication requirement of conventional ropes and its related smells and messes as well as the need for storage, cleanup and disposal of hazardous.
Figure Polyurethane-coated steel belt.
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This speed monitoring device on traction elevator is mounted on the car frame to trigger the safety when the elevator over-speeds in either direction. When the elevator reached a predetermined over speed, the switch is tipped to activate the car safety devices, cut the power to the drives and initiate the brakes, if necessary. The governor consists of rope that runs over the governor sheave and down to the elevator car and is attached to the safety trip mechanism. The rope arrangement forms a continuous loop while the elevator moves up and down the hoist way. The elevator over speeds can occur because of a mechanical malfunction or the suspension ropes are severed. If this happened, the governor sheave accelerates as the car accelerates until a preset speed limit is attained and a speed sensing device is tipped. At this moment, the governor’s rope gripping jaw is activated to grab governor rope. As the car continues to descend, the stopped governor rope moves the fixed car safety operating lever to engage the safety jaws installed at the ends of the safety plank. Then, the safety jaws will slide along the two main rails until the safety is set by the governor. The friction between the safety jaws will slow down the car to a halt. However, to access a governor over speed switch, it required the time consuming, complicated and costly because in machine room-less elevators, the governor is located in the hoist way, (a) : Over Speed Governor (b) : Over Speed Governor
ARC 2423 Building Services Gearless Machine
Figure Gearless machine.
In order to minimize the space, the traction machine gearbox is eliminated and replaced by gearless machine. Unlike the traditional induction motors, this machine delivered torqueoptimizing power for powerful acceleration and smooth, superior comfort. Furthermore, this machine is equipped with a highly efficient permanent magnet synchronous motor of radial construction. As a result, it is 50& more efficient than conventional geared machine and 10% more efficient than conventional gearless machine with induction asynchronous motors. Door System
Figure Door system. 76
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In order to keep people from falling down an open shaft, the automatic doors in an elevator is very important. There are two sets of doors used in these elevators, doors on the cars and doors opening into shaft. The doors on the cars are controlled by an electric motor, which is hooked up to the elevator computer. The electric motor turns a wheel that connected to a winding cable. The cable is hooked to one side of the door which is turn connected to the second of the leaf door. The doors are connected such that movement of one door causes movement of the second door. The doors slide back and forth on a metal rail. These doors are controlled by computer to be opened when they reached at a floor and closed the doors before they moved again. Motion sensor system is very important for the elevators to avoid the doors from closing when there is someone between them. Counterweight
Figure Counterweight operation.
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The ropes that hold the cable car are also connected to a counterweight. It is used to balance the weight of an elevator so that the elevator motor only has to apply enough force to raise the weight of the passengers inside. In order to balance the elevator, the counterweight weighs must be same as the car filled to 40-percent capacity. The purpose of this balance is to conserve energy. With the loads is equal on both side, it takes small amount of force to tip the balance one way or the other. In another word, the potential energy level nearly becomes constant. Thus, the motor has to carry only a portion of the weight added to the cabin and hence reduced motor size and power consumption. Buffer
Figure Elevator buffer device
A buffer is a device that acted as a shock absorber system which is look like a typical piston mounted in an oil-filled cylinder. It works like a giant cushion to reduce mechanical shock due to impact from the elevator. It is located at the bottom of the elevator hoist way, designed to stop a car or counter-weight from descending beyond its normal limit of travel; motion beyond this limit
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is taken up by storing or by absorbing and dissipating the kinetic energy of the car or counterweight. A buffer works when the impact is applied on it, caused the piston rod to push into the cylinder tube. Then, the hydraulic oil inside the tube is displaced and pressed through a series of small metering orifices in the cylinder jacket. Inside the outer jacket the oil is collected. At the same time, the gas volume above the hydraulic oil is compressed. The hard chromeplated piston rod is sealed. Then, after release of the piston rod, the compressed gas volume presses the hydraulic oil back into the cylinder and pushing the piston rod out again. Control System
Figure PLC control system
Programmable Logic Controller or PLC control system is a device which manage to visual monitoring, interactive command control and traffic analysis system to ensure the elevators are functioning efficiently. The elevator controller is needed to receive and process a variety of signals from different components of a whole elevator system. It can also send signals in
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response to the ones it received in order to operate all of the other components in the system. The elevators can run smoothly because of this signals exchange. PLC system in Setia City mall used microprocessor technology to control the logic of more complex jobs.
5.4.2 Escalator’s Component Top and Landing Platform These two platforms are where the curved sections of the tracks, gears and motors that drive the stairs are located. The top platform consists of the motor assembly and the main drive gear, while the bottom holds the step return idle sprockets. These sections also anchor the ends of the escalator truss. The platforms consist of four major components; combplate, comb segments, access covers and comb lights. Both platforms contain a floor plate and a combplate. The floor plates provide a place for the users to stand before stepping onto the moving step while the combplates prevent objects from getting caught in the gap. The comb-designed of combplate helps to minimize the gap between the stairs and the landing. These plates are removable to allow access to the machinery below during maintenance and servicing.
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Figure Combplate Assembly Truss Truss is a hollow metal structure that joins the bottom and top landings which are consisted of two side sections joined together with cross braces across the bottom and the top. The trusses are attached to the landing platforms via concrete or steel supports. The trusses carry all the straight track sections connecting the upper and the lower sections. The steel truss members are designed to carry the entire load of escalator equipment and steel covering with live load on top. The whole structure must be rigid enough to maintain loads from users and machineries.
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Figure Escalator’s truss Steps The steps of the escalators are made of solid, one-piece, die-cast aluminum. The steps must be strong enough to support live loads. In order to reduce slippage, the rubber mats are installed on the steps’ surface and yellow demarcation lines are added to clearly indicate their edges. The leading and trailing edges of each step are cleated with comb-like protrusions that mesh with the comb plates on the top and bottom platforms. The steps are connected by a continuous metal chain, so that they can form a closed loop with each step able to bend in relation to its neighbors. The front and back edges of the steps are each connected to two wheels. The rear wheels are set further apart to fit into the back track and the front wheels have shorter axles to fit into the narrower front track. The position of the tracks controls the orientation of the steps
Figure Escalator’s steps 82
ARC 2423 Building Services Tracks The track system is built into the truss to guide the steps’ chain, which continuously pulls the steps from the bottom platform and back to the top in an endless loop. There are two tracks: one for the front wheels of the steps (called the step-wheel track) and one for the back wheels of the steps (called the trailer-wheel track). The relative positions of these tracks cause the steps to form a staircase as they move out from under the comb plate. Along the straight section of the truss the tracks are at their maximum distance apart. This configuration forces the back of one step to be at a 90-degree angle relative to the step behind it. This right angle bends the steps into a shape resembling a staircase. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the two tracks converge so that the front and back wheels of the steps are almost in a straight line. This causes the stairs to stay in a flat-sheet like arrangement, consecutively, so they can easily travel around the bend in the curved section of track. The tracks convey the steps down along the underside of the truss until they touch the bottom landing, where they pass through another curved section of track before exiting the bottom landing. At this point the tracks separate and the steps once again assume a staircase configuration. This cycle is repeated continually as the steps are pulled from bottom to top and back to the
bottom again.
Figure Escalator’s tracks 83
ARC 2423 Building Services Handrails The handrails are used to provide support and balance for the users. The handrails are pulled along its track by a chain that is connected to the main drive gear by a series of pulleys. These handrails are pinch-resistant to prevent the possibility of passengers’ fingers from getting caught.
Figure Escalator’s handrail components
The handrail consists of a few layers. The center layer is cotton slider which is made of a layer of cotton or synthetic textile. This layer allowed the handrail to move smoothly along it track. The next layer is the tension member which is consists of either steel cable or flat steel tape. It provides the handrail with tensile strength and flexibility. Then, it is followed by inner construction component which are made of chemically treated rubber that is designed to prevent the layers from separating. Lastly, the outer layer, the only part that can be seen is made of synthetic polymers and rubber. This cover is designed to resist degradation from environment conditions, mechanical wear and tear and human vandalism.
ARC 2423 Building Services Balustrades The Balustrade consists of handrails and the exterior supporting structure of the escalator. It is the exterior component that extrude above the steps to support the handrail. The balustrade may also refer to the individual interior panels, skirt panels, and deck covers of the escalator. Each interior balustrade panel section is individually removable to allow easy access to the escalator interior for cleaning, maintenance, and component replacement.Â
Figure Escalator’s balustrades components
5.5 Operation of Systems 5.5.1 Lift Operational System In these roped elevators, the car is raised and lowered by traction steel ropes rather than pushed from below like in hydraulic lifts. The ropes are attached to the elevator car, and looped around a sheave. A sheave is a pulley with grooves around the circumference. The sheave grips the hoist ropes, the ropes will move when the sheave is rotated.
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Figure 5.5.1(a). The motor, sheave and belts of elevator
The sheave is connected to an electric motor. When the motor turns one way, the sheave raises the elevator and vice versa. In these gearless elevators, the motor rotates the sheaves directly unlike in geared elevators where the motor turns a gear train that rotates the sheave. In MRL elevators, there is no machine room above the elevator shaft as the sheave, motor and control system are all housed in the hoist way above the elevator.
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On the other side, the ropes that lift the car are also connected to a counterweight, which hangs on the other side of the sheave. The counterweight weighs about the same as the car filled to 40-percent capacity. It means, the counterweight and the car are perfectly balanced when the car is 40 percent full (an average amount),
Figure 5.5.1(b). Counter weight action 87
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The purpose of this balance is to conserve energy. With the loads is equal on both side, it takes small amount of force to tip the balance one way or the other. In another word, the potential energy level nearly becomes constant. Using up the potential energy in the elevator car (letting it descend to the ground) builds up the potential energy in the weight (the weight raises to the top of the shaft). The same thing happens in reverse when the elevator goes up. Thus, the motor has to carry only a portion of the weight added to the cabin and hence reduced motor size and power consumption. Both the elevator car and the counterweight ride on guide rails along the sides of the elevator shaft. The rails keep the car and counterweight from swaying back and forth, and they also work with the safety system to stop the car in an emergency.
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5.5.2 Escalator Operational System The main components of an escalator are a pair of chains, looped around two pairs of gears. An electric motor turns the drive gears at the top, which rotate the chain loops. A 100 horsepower motor is needed to rotate the gears. The motor and chain system are placed inside the truss, a metal structure extruded between two floors. The chain loops move a series of steps. As the chains move, the steps always stay level. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the steps collapse on each other, creating a flat platform. This makes it easier to get on and off the escalator. Each step in the escalator has two sets of wheels, which roll along two separate tracks. The upper set (the wheels near the top of the step) are connected to the rotating chains, and so are pulled by the drive gear at the top of the escalator. The other set of wheels simply glides along its track, following behind the first set.
Figure 5.5.2(a). Escalator system 89
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There are two sets of wheels in each escalator steps, which is rolled along two separate tracks. The upper sets, which is located at the top of the step are connected to the rotating chains, and so are pulled by the drive gear at the top of the escalator. The other set of wheels simply glides along its track, following behind the first set The tracks are spaced apart in such a way that each step will always remain level. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the tracks level off to a horizontal position, flattening the stairway. Each step has a series of grooves in it, so it will fit together with the steps behind it and in front of it during this flattening. In addition, by rotating the main chain loops, the electric motor in an escalator also moves the handrails. A handrail is simply a rubber conveyer belt that is looped around a series of wheels. This belt is precisely configured so that it moves at exactly the same speed as the steps, to give users some stability.
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5.6 System Safety 5.6.1 Elevators Safety System These elevators are constructed with numerous redundant safety systems that hold them in position. The important part is the rope system itself. Each elevator rope is made from several lengths of steel material coiled around one another and additionally coated with polyurethane. A strong rope can support the weight of the elevator car and the counterweight on its own. But these elevators are built with multiple ropes (four). In the unlikely event that one of the ropes snaps, the rest will hold the elevator up. In additional, it is unlikely that an elevator car would fall to the bottom of the shaft, if all of the ropes were to break, or the sheave system was to release them. It is because the elevator cars have built-in braking systems which can grab onto the rail when the car moves too fast. A governor will activate the safety system when the elevator moves too quickly. The governor ropes are connected to the elevator car via a movable actuator arm attached to a lever connection. When the governor ropes can move freely, the arm stays in the same position relative to the elevator car (it is held in place by tension springs). But when the governor sheave locks itself, the governor ropes jerk the actuator arm up. This moves the lever linkage, which operates the brakes. In this design, the linkage pulls up on a wedge-shaped safety, which sits in a stationary wedge guide. As the wedge moves up, it is pushed into the guide rails by the slanted surface of the guide. This gradually brings the elevator car to a stop
Figure 5.6.1(a). Braking Mechanism
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5.6.2 Escalators Safety System There are many steps are applied on this escalator system to ensure the safety of the users. Firstly, the steps component had been made from stronger material. It is important to ensure that it can support the loads applied on it. The yellow plastic safety demarcations are not just only for aesthetic purpose, but as fire resistant and oil resistant material. Then, the LED step gap lighting is used to make it easy and safe for the users to enter and exit the escalator. It also gives benefit for the older generation and the visually disabled. The handrail entry protection is used to protect the children from getting trapped.
Figure 5.6.2(a). Stronger steps and yellow
Figure 5.6.2(b). LED step gap lighting
plastic safety demarcations application
Figure 5.6.2(c). Handrail entry protection
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5.7 Analysis The Setia City Mall is one of the sustainable buildings. The components are been selected carefully in mechanical transportation system to increase the energy efficiency. For example, in elevator, the system is equipped with a regenerative system by OTIS to save the energy used. With this component, electrical power is generated when the elevators car travel. The energy generated is fed back into the building’s grid where it can be used by other loads connected to the same network. In escalator, it has a power saving feature that cuts power consumption by detecting the load applied. In order to save energy used, the function automatically slows down when the load applied is decreased.
Figure 5.8(a). Slowing down mechanism The Setia City Mall followed the UBBL requirements by having the elevators as it has floors in total. It also followed the ventilation to lift shaft requirement.
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5.8 Conclusion In conclusion, Setia City Mall was designed to become a sustainable building. According to the mechanical systems choice that was made, most of them are energy efficiency types. By using the new technology elevators, the motor room-less elevator (MRL), it consumes less energy and save building space. Moreover, the energy will be generated from the elevators movement and can be used for other building usage. The elevators and escalators provided are not only brought convenience to the users but safe and comfortable too. Lastly, the Setia City Mall’s mechanical transportation system has achieved the requirement of Uniform Building By Law (UBBL).
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6.1 Introduction
Ventilation is necessary in buildings to remove stale air and replace it with fresh air. There are various mechanical ventilation systems. For example, the circulation system which generates internal air movement but does not introduce fresh air. Besides that is a pressure system that creates a higher internal pressure than the outside air where outside air is blown into the building through inlet fans. A vacuum system however creates a lower pressure inside the building than the outside air where exhaust fans extract stale internal air from the building. Next is a balanced system in which it optimises both inlet and extract fans, maintaining the internal air pressure at similar level to the outside air and so reducing air infiltration and draughts. On the other hand, air conditioning is an important system to describe the systems that control the moisture content of air, that is its humidity.
In addition to that, the mechanical ventilation and air conditioning in commercial developments is typically driven by air handling units (AHU). The air handling units are connected to ductwork within the building that contributes air to and extracts air from the interior. Usually they include an insulated box that forms the housing for, filter racks or chambers, a fan or a blower and sometimes heating elements, cooling elements, sound attenuators and dampers. Mechanical ventilation includes heating, cooling and humidity control.
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6.2 Literature Review
The hot and humid climate of Malaysia see the air conditioning systems becoming a requirement in some buildings. According to ASHRAE, the ideal temperature to achieve thermal comfort is within the range of 23ËšC to 27ËšC (MS 1525,2007). Due to enclosed nature of most buildings, mechanical ventilation is needed to properly ventilate the space, be it residential or commercial (MS 1525, 2007).
The basic idea of air conditioning is the exchange of warm air with cooled air. The cycle is repeated until the ideal temperature is reached and cool temperature is then maintained. There are many types of air conditioners available but the five common ones are wall units, evaporative coolers, absorptive chillers, portable units and the centralised system. Typically in the larger scale commercial or office buildings, the centralised system is most effective.
The centralised air conditioning system consists of two major cycles: The refrigerant cycle and the air cycle. The former removes heat from one place to another whilst the latter distributes the treated air into various spaces.
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6.3 Case Study
Setia City Mall’s mechanical ventilation system and air-conditioning system are considered to be highly efficient due to the holistic design of the overall building. The air-conditioning system is said to have a higher efficiency than other malls in Malaysia with its chilling plant achieving a minimum SCOP (System Coefficient of Performance) of at least 4.0 throughout the year according to the consultants. (IEN Consultants)
The system is Setia City Mall is designed uniquely with the right equipments. AHU for anchor tenants and for the general tenants are separated however the AHU for the latter and chiller plant rooms are placed at the roof level together with cooling towers and water tanks.
The chiller plant system are optimised with chiller installation of high COP of 6.4 for 1000RT chiller and COP of 5.9 for 500RT chiller are installed. Besides that, all AHU’s are equipped with high efficiency motor and high performance fan with total combined efficiency is averaging 65%. Another special feature is the CO2 sensor are installed at all AHU’s that will control fresh air intake via motorised damper and keeps the CO2 level below 900 ppm.
It can be identified that Setia City Mall uses a centralised air-conditioning system. The system consist of a chiller system, an air distribution system and mechanical ventilation system.
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The chiller system consists of the following equipments:6 Centrifugal Chiller (Total capacity of 5000RT) 6 Cooling Tower (Total Capacity of 7000RT)
The air distribution system consists of the following equipments:63 Air Handling Units 158 Coil Oil Units 19 Air Cooled Split Unit
The mechanical ventilation system consists of the following equipments:13 Kitchen Exhaust Fan 13 Kitchen Make-up Fresh Air Fan 23 Smoke Up Fan 45 Smoke Extraction Fan 36 Pressurisation Fan 30 Toilet Exhaust Fan 9 Fresh Air Fan
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Chilled-Water System Central system is an air conditioning system which uses equipments to distribute cooling media to exchange heat and supply conditioned air from one point (eg plant room) to more than one rooms.Central system normally uses water as the cooling media for larger buildings. The refrigerant inside the evaporator absorbs hear from the water and this water is pumped to coils in order to absorb heat from the air used for space conditioning. Systems that employ water chillers are commonly called chilled-water system.
Cooling Tower
Condenser Water Pump Unit
Indoor Spaces Chilled Water Pump Unit
Air Handling Unit (AHU)
Figure 6.1 : Chilled Water System Schematic Layout
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According to the floor plan, the cooling tower, the chiller plant room and the air handling unit (AHU) are located at the service area on the roof of level 2 of Setia City Mall.
Figure 6.2 : Second floor roof plan showing the position of the components of the system. UBBL 2012 Amendment on Energy Efficiency 38A. Energy efficiency in buildings. 1. New or renovated non-residential buildings with air conditioned space exceeding 4,000 square metres shall be a) designed to meet the requirements of MS 1525 with regards to the Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) and the Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV); and b) provided with an Energy Management System. UBBL 1984 41. Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning. (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building bylaws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air-conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air conditioned enclosure, such that within half an hour of the air-conditioning system failing, not less than the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the air-conditioning system is not functioning. 100
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6.4 Components 6.4.1 Cooling Tower
UBBL Requirement: a. b.
Cooling Tower Unit need to be determined by adding up 25% (i.e. multiply by factor of 1.25) from the total Chiller Cooling Unit. (T.R unit) The Size of Make Up Water Tank need to be determined by considering below formula Total Size of Cooling Tower (CT-T.R) X 3.0 U.S Gallons X 8 hours of pump operations.
Cooling towers are used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere and are also known as heat rejection devices. Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to reject process heat and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or rely completely on air to cool the working fluid near the dry-bulb air temperature.
Figure 6.2 (a) : Make-up water tank in SCM. Figure 6.2 : Components of a cooling tower.
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Cooling towers have their sub-components in the system. In which it has a component called the make-up water where it supplies needed water to replace any losses due to evaporation, leaks or discharge in cooling systems. However in Setia City Mall, the make-up water has its own tank on its own not too far from the cooling tower. The tanks can store up to 240m3 of water. The tank sits on plinths to avoid contact with the ground incase of corrosion.
Figure 6.2 (b) : Schematic diagram of how the cooling tower functions.
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The cooling tower is used to cool the water that absorbs heat from the compressor and the condenser. When water flows through these components some water gets evaporated, to make up this loss water is also added in the cooling tower. The cooling tower is of evaporative type. Here the water is cooled by the atmospheric air and is recirculated through the compressor and the condenser. Setia City Mall has 6 units of cooling towers. All towers with a capacity of 7000RT which functions all at the same time and rate. The cooling towers have functions with mechanical draft where air is forced through a fan at the top of the cooling tower. The pipes shown in (Figure 6.3) is connected to the cooling towers and chillers. These pipes transfer cooling water supply (CHWP) from cooling towers to chillers and also cooling water return (CHWR) from billers to cooling towers.
Figure 6.3 : Cooling towers on roof level.
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6.4.2 Chiller
UBBL Requirement: The selection of Chiller Unit is firstly to determine the tentative heat loads for Chiller Condensing unit by doing the estimation on the Average between maximum and minimum of Grand Total Cooling Load/ effective area, square feet
A chillers is a device that removes heat from a liquid via a vapour-compression or absorption refrigerant cycle. This cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and passes through coils air handlers, fan coil units, or other system, cooling and usually dehumidifying the air in the building. Chillers have two types which air air-cooled or water-cooled.
However, Setia City Mall uses water-cooled chillers which is placed inside an enclosed plant room on the roof. The heat from these chillers is carried by recirculating water to the cooling towers in the outdoor. Setia City Mall chillers operates through a centrifugal compressor. Setia City Mall has 6 of these centrifugal chillers with an overall capacity of 5000RT. The units do not run simultaneously for maintenance purposes. In fact, two chillers are sufficient to serve all the Air-Handling Units in the building but the additional numbers ensures maximum efficiency.
Figure 6.4 : Centrifugal compressor in plant room.
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A centrifugal compressor has the following components shown in (Figure 6.4 (a)). The main components are the compressor, condenser, and evaporator.
Figure 6.4 (a) : Components in a centrifugal compressor. The chiller consists of three fluid flows. The refrigerant shown in green goes through the chiller’s various components in order to complete the vapor compression cycle. At the evaporator, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the primary water flow as it changes from a liquid to a vapor. This heat absorption process, represented schematically by the blue arrow, cools the primary chilled water supply flow, which is subsequently routed to the air handling units and heat exchangers. After passing through the evaporator, the refrigerant is passed through the compressor, where its temperature and pressure increase. Subsequently at the condenser, the refrigerant flow changes back from a vapor to a liquid.
Figure 6.4(b) : Schematic diagram of centrifugal compressor.
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6.4.3 Chilled Water Pump Unit (CHWP)
A primary and secondary pumping scheme divides the chilled water system into two distinct circuits.
Primary circuit which is the chilled water pump (CHWP) is the place where chilled water is produced and its principal components are the chiller and pumps. The primary pumps are typically constant volume, low head pumps intended to provide a constant flow through the evaporator of the chiller. These are usually placed in tandem with each chiller though can also be arranged in common header.
The secondary circuit is the chilled water supply (CHWS) is responsible for the distribution of the chilled water to the terminal units. Among the components of the secondary circuits are pumps, terminal units such as fan-coils and air handling units (AHU) and control valves. The secondary pumps can be constant speed or variable speed and are sized to move the flow rate and head intended to overcome the pressure drop of secondary circuit only.
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Figure 6.5 : Chilled water pump that supplies chilled water to AHU. (CHWS)
Setia City Mall has 8 numbers of primary chilled water pump (CHWP) and they are linked to the centrifugal chillers. These pumps are located int he same plant room as the chillers and secondary chiller water pump (CHWS). There are a total of 5 secondary pumps and one on standby.
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6.4.4 Condenser Water Pump Unit
Figure 6.6 (a) : Condenser Water Pump in the plant room of Setia City
A condenser water pump unit works similarly to the chilled water plant. However, the condenser water pumps are used to circulate water through the condenser section of a chiller and the associated cooling tower. The condenser water absorbs heat from the chiller’s condenser section and releases it into the atmosphere in the cooling tower by evaporation. These systems are used to provide the most efficient means of creating chilled water.
Figure 6.6 (b) : Condenser Water Pump in the plant room of Setia City Mall.
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6.4.5 Air Handling Unit (AHU)
UBBL Requirement: a. According to the guide, the AHU room on every level is of equal sizes and dimensions. b. AHU Fan Power Rated; Air Flow Rates (m続/s) X Total Pressure Losses (mm wg)/102 X motor effieciency (65%)
Air handling units are installed in various parts of the building that are to be air conditioned, The units are places in a room known as air handling unit (AHU) rooms. The air handling units comprise of the cooling coil, air filter, damper the blower and the supply and return air ducts.
Figure 6.7 : Schematic Diagram showing components of an AHU.
The chilled water flows through the cooling coil. The blower absorbs the return hot air from the air conditioned space and blows it over the cooling coil thus cooling the air. This cooled air
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passes over the air filter and is passed by the supply air ducts into the space which is to be air conditioned. The air handling unit and the ducts passing through it are insulated to reduce the loss of the cooling effect.
There are a total of 63 numbers of AHU in Setia City Mall that distributes treated air to various indoor spaces in the mall. The air handling unit (AHU) in Setia City Mall is divided to those servicing the anchor and those servicing the remaining spaces in the mall. The AHU for the anchor tenants are located closed to their premises whereas the general AHU are located on the roof of level 2 near the cooling towers and chiller plant room.
Figure 6.7 (a) : AHU Management System in SCM
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Cooling coil is a back-and-forth series of pipes that have metal fins attached to them and chilled water and low pressure refrigerant passes through the pipes. As the air passes over the pipes and between the fins, it gets cooled down by a measurable amount.
Figure 6.7.1 : A picture of a cooling coil.
Figure 6.7.2 : Flow diagram of cooling coil. Damper with CO2 Sensor
Dampers are common in larger AHUs, and can be opened or closed to allow differing amounts of air to pass into and out from certain openings. Sometimes the amount of Outside Air will vary, the amount of Return Air entering the unit will vary, or sometimes the AHU will be working in tandem with another unit and will need to close itself off from the airstream. However in Setia
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City Mall, they decided to incorporate a CO2 sensor into the damper to make it more efficient as it aids fresh air intake.
Figure 6.7.3 : Automatic damper installed in SCM.
Figure 6.7.4 : Components of a damper. Fan Coil Unit (FCU)
Fan coil units utilize water as a cooling medium and either water or electricity as the heating medium, a direct consequence of which is that fan coil unit systems contain only a negligible amount of refrigerant in larger items of plant that are typically installed external to the building envelope. In Setia City Mall, there are 158 numbers of fan coil units.Majority of the fan coil unit are ceiling mounted and wall mounted.
Figure 6.7.7: Components inside the housing of an air cooled split unit.
ARC 2423 Building Services Air Cooled Split Unit
A split air conditioner consists of two main parts which are the outdoor unit and the indoor unit. The outdoor unit is installed on or near the wall outside of the room or space that you wish to cool. The unit houses the compressor, condenser coil and the expansion coil or capillary tubing. The sleek-looking indoor unit contains the cooling coil, a long blower and an air filter.
Figure 6.7.6: Air cooled split unit at SCM.
Figure 6.7.7: Components inside the housing of an air cooled split unit.
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Setia City Mall uses air cooled split units which are not conventional but inverter units. Altogether there are 19 units in the mall in which they are provided for administrative and surveillance rooms. The significance of inverter units is that it achieves desired temperature in a much shorter time. The start up time is shortened by 30% with less noise production. It maximises comfort level with no temperature fluctuations. There is no voltage peaks from compressor by using inverter air conditioning and in a long run, it is much cheaper that conventional air conditioning by 30% to 50% (EcoAir, 2012). Air Ductwork and Diffusers
Diffusers are used as part of room air distribution subsystems and they serve several purposes. First of all, it is to deliver both conditioning and ventilating air. It also evenly distributes the flow of air in the desired direction. Besides that, it enhances mixing of room air into the primary air being discharged. It helps to create a low-velocity air movement in the room. The diffusers also help produce minimum amount of noise.
Figure 6.7.8: Air ductwork in maintenance rooms.
Figure 6.7.9: Rectangular diffusers used in SCM.
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The air ducts connects the indoor spaces and the air handling unit (AHU). The air ducts used in Setia City Mall are rectangular in shape. They function by pulling hot air with contaminants from the interior spaces and to be cooled. The treated cool air is the redistributed to the interior spaces. Thermal comfort is achieved by decreasing room temperature to desired temperature. Diffuser, attached functions as the inlet by dispersing treated air into the rooms. Diffuser is usually exposed whereas ductwork is concealed above a ceiling.
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6.4.6 Mechanical Ventilation UBBL Requirement: (4) Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors is provided for and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Third Schedule to these By-laws, the provisions of these By-laws relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting shall not apply to such lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors.
Mechanical ventilation is the process of regulating air in an enclosed space. It from the enclosed area is withdrawn and replaced with fresh air. The former creates air movement while the latter is basically outiside air delivered around the building to make up for the stale air extracted out. Setia City Mall utilizes the combined system of supply and extraction especially in zones such as the cinema, car park, arcade zones and other zones.
Figure 6.8 : Mechanical ventilation in SCM.
ARC 2423 Building Services Exhaust Fan
Exhaust fans are a vital part of a ventilation. The remove doors and improve indoor air quality in Setia City Mall. Their commercial kitchen exhaust fans also remove moisture, which can increase the level of humidity. Most commercial kitchen exhaust systems have an exhaust fan, ducting and hood. Like in Setia City Mall, they use central exhaust systems, which is more than one fan drawing it from the entire building using network of ducts.There is a total of 13 numbers of kitchen exhaust fan and 45 numbers of smoke extraction fans that are installed.
Figure 6.8.1 : Flow diagram of mechanical ventilation through exhaust fans.
Figure 6.8.2 : Exhaust fans at SCM.
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6.5 Analysis
Following the case study of the mechanical ventilation and the air conditioning in Setia City Mall, we can analyse that Setia City Mall is equipped with an efficient system that makes a sustainable mall. It is noticeable that the building is equipped with the necessary components. The mall kept to the Uniform Bulding By-Laws by providing sufficient permanent mechanical ventilation in kitchens, bathrooms, corridors including service areas. In terms of zoning, all the components are placed closely to avoid energy wastage and the risk malfunction. The cooling towers, chiller plant rooms and AHU’s are placed in close proximity. The AHU room is also of equal sizes and dimensions on the same floor. the whole system is managed through the building management system set for Setia City Mall. Overall, the mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system in Setia City Mall is of good working condition as it also includes many features to provide a comfortable environment like the CO2 sensors, motorised damper and inverter units and it also follows by the Uniform Building By-Law so that the system operates smoothly.
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6.6 Conclusion
As a conclusion, we can conclude that, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning is necessary in a commercial buildings to remove stale air and replace it with fresh air. With the amount of users in the building and kitchens to facilitate food and beverages, we need to assure a comfortable space so that activities can be carried out. In a large building like a mall, central air conditioning system is most suitable as it is energy efficient, less noisy and a much healthier option to advanced and easy replacement of air cleaning filter systems. Planning and zoning of the systems are also crucial in a building.
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7.1 Introduction
This chapter will review the fire protection system in Setia City Mall. The Fire protection system is divided into passive as well as active, whereby each features and components will be discuss in detail with it's functions, purposes as well as the locations explaining with the aid of diagrams and pictures.
7.2 Literature Review
Fire protection refers to procedures taken to prevent or delay fire from becoming destructive, reduce the impact of uncontrolled fire which could save lives and properties. Fire protection system also involves the implementation of ''safety planning practices and drills, and includes education on fire, research, investigation, safety planning, building construction, safe operations, training and as well as testing of mitigating systems''(Dennis Yohnka, 2015).
There are three basic essentials of fire protection:
- Study of Fire: To learn the causes of fire, fire extinguishing techniques, detection and extinguishing equipment and their uses, and the rules and regulations related to building construction.
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- Active Fire Protection: Includes manual or automatic detection of fire, the use of fire and smoke alarms, firefighting and first aid.
- Passive Fire Protection: Design of building and infrastructures, use of fire resistance material in construction, provision of isolating fire, fire walls and doors, smoke doors, training of firefighting, signage, markings and evacuation of building in case of fire.
- Fire protection is an everyday procedure. The fire regulations in force must be implemented in factories, living areas, public places and transportation. Education on fire and regular fire drills are also major compliance issues-fire protection.
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7.3 Case Study
The fire protection of Setia City Mall features both passive and active systems for fire detection, evacuation, and as well as extinguishing.
Figure 7.3: Floor plan of Setia City Mall
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7.4 Active Fire Protection Components
7.4.1 Fire Detectors and Alarm Systems
Figure 7.4.1 : Single line diagram for Setia City Mall
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Smoke and Heat Detector
Figure Smoke detector
Figure : Floor plan Setia City Mall
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Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS Section 225. Detecting and extinguishing fire. Every building shall be provided with means of detecting and extinguishing fire and with fire alarms together with illuminated exit signs in accordance with the requirements as specified in the Tenth Schedule to these By-laws.
The type of smoke detectors that can be found in Setia City Mall are the spot type units, which are placed along ceilings. Upon detecting smoke, these detectors react by signaling the control panel in the Fire Control Room and trigger the fire alarm to alert the building occupants.
These heat detectors detect fire when the temperature reaches around 117째C or when there is a sudden rapid rise of temperature. Like smoke detectors, they send signal to the control panel and trigger alarm to alert occupants. Moreover, the conventional smoke detectors, Beam Smoke Detectors can also be found in Setia City Mall. The Beam Smoke Detectors are placed near the roof level and function by projecting a beam of light to detect smoke. When a certain, amount of light is blocked by smoke, the detectors signal the Fire Control Room and trigger the fire alarm
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Break Glass / Manual Call Points
Figure Break glass
Besides automatic systems, manual systems are also provided in Setia City Mall so that when a fire discovered, the occupants can activate the fire alarm at instance. Plus, break glass is a device with a frangible elements,thus glass that can be broken by the occupants of the building in case there's a fire upon signaling to the Fire Control Room.
In Setia City Mall, these break glasses are located several places such as on the escape route, near staircases, lift lobbies, corridors which leads to toilets. These break glasses are placed within 30 meters from the nearby call points to ensure that they are easily accessible by occupants of the building, and it is also placed at a height of 1.4m above floor so that it is reachable
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Figure Control panel and signal panel
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 238.Command and control centre. Every large premises or building exceeding 30.5 metres in height shall be provided with a command and control centre located on the designated floor and shall contain a panel to monitor the public address, fire brigade communication, sprinkler, water flow detectors, fire detection and alarm systems and with a direct telephone connection to the appropriate fire station by-passing the switchboard.
When signal is sent from either automatic smoke detectors or manual call points, the fire control room and equipment acts as the middle verifications mechanism. The fire control panel, located in the control room is connected to all automatic and manual signal initiation mechanism.
Once fire is detected, the fire panel are to identify the location where the signal is sent, allowing
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action to be taken almost immediately, Besides that, there is also a direct telephone connecting to the fire station which allows the building managers to contact the fire brigade at instance
The fire control room in Setia City Mall is located at the back of the mall on the ground level, only accessible by staffs and building managers. The control room is also monitored 24 hours by several trained guards which have the knowledge of all the building management systems used in the building
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Figure Fire alarm notifications
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 237. Fire alarms. (1) Fire alarms shall be provided in accordance with the Tenth Schedule to these (2) By-laws. (2) All premises and buildings with gross floor area excluding car park and storage areas exceeding 9290 square metres or exceeding 30.5 metres in height shall be provided with a two-stage alarm system with evacuation (continuous signal) to be given immediately in the affected section of the premises while an alert (intermittent signal) be given in adjoining section.
For manual call points, after the break glass has been broken, the fire buzzer will be activated and the strobe will flash signal lights, whereby the person in charge in the control room will activate the other buzzers once the signal is verified.
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Other than that, the automatic fire detecting systems such as the smoke detectors and water flow detectors in sprinkler system are triggered automatically when smoke is detected or when water movement is detected. The fire buzzer are also placed with such frequent such as if there's fire, the alarm can be distinctively heard by occupants apart from background noises. Beside that, the requirement for the volume of fire buzzer is between 15dBA to 120dBA
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7.4.2 Fire Extinguisher
Figure 7.4.2(a): Floor plan Setia City Mall
Figure 7.4.2(b): fire extinguisher
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 230. Installation and testing of dry rising system. (1) Dry rising systems shall be provided in every building in which the topmost floor is more than 18.3 metres but less than 30.5 metres above fire appliance access level.
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 227. Portable extinguishers. Portable extinguisher shall be provided in accordance with the relevant codes of practice and shall be sited in prominent positions on exit routes to be visible from all directions and similar extinguishers in a building shall be of the same method of operation.
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Fire extinguisher are device to control or extinguish small fires with firefighting substances in emergency situations. In Setia City Mall, fire extinguishers can be found in many prominent places such as the entrances, exits, lift lobbies, corridors that lead to the toilet and many more.
There are two common types of fire extinguisher available in the mall. The most used type of extinguisher in the building is the dry powder type also known as ABC powder as it's ability to control fire classes A, B, C and E which are solids, liquids, flammable gas and electrical equipment. The other type is the carbon dioxide extinguisher which is suitable for fire classes B and E which are liquids and electrical equipment.
7.4.3 Water Supply and External Fire Hydrant
Figure 7.4.3: Water supply and hydrant
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Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 225. Detecting and extinguishing fire. Every building shall be served by at least one fire hydrant located not more than 91.5 metres from the nearest point of fire brigade access. Water for firefighting is supplied directly from water supplying department with its own group, red in colour, separately from domestic usage water pump. Fire hydrants that are placed at strategic locations are to supply water with sufficient pressure and flow to the fire engine. They enable firefighting with immediate and sufficient water supply during emergency. A fire hose is also provided right beside the external hydrant. 7.4.4 Dry Riser System
Figure 7.4.4: Dry riser valve and dry riser inlet Fulfilling Uniform Building By-laws requirement, Setia City Mall uses dry riser system in the building. The dry riser system is a type of fire extinguisher system which function as the main vertical pipe fore internal water distribution. The pipe is usually maintained empty of water under normal circumstances. The dry riser system consists of pipe work and landing valves that enable the water to be distributed to all level of the building. If
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there's fire, dry riser inlet, which located on the ground floor, is accessed by fire engine to pump water into the system for firefighting purposes. Where else, landing valves on each level are fitted into vertical pipe as an outlet for water.
7.4.5 Hose Reel System
Figure 7.4.5(a): Hose reel
Figure 7.4.5(b): Floor plan Setia City Mall
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Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 231. Installation and testing of wet rising system. A hose connection shall be provided in each fire fighting access lobby. The hose reel system consist of hose reel tank, pump, pipe work, valves and hose reels to be used during early stages of fire. Hose reels are mainly placed near lift lobbies, escape routes, major fire risk areas and access points. The hose reel tank in Setia City Mall is located in the fire tank toom at the back of the mall on ground floor. The hose reel tank serves as the water storage for the hose reels. The hose reel tank in Setia City Mall has a normal capacity of 14.5m続 and an effective capacity of 9..5m続. Water is pumped to each hose reels by two sets of pumps at a running pressure of 120 liters per minute on average
Hose reel in Setia City Mall are placed at most 30 meters away from each other. Each hose reel discharges water at a maximum working pressure of 1.2MPa in a 30 meter length rubber hose. The hose reels used in Setia City Mall are SRI hose reels that are SIRIM approved.
ARC 2423 Building Services
7.4.6 Sprinkler System
Figure 7.6.4: Sprinkler pump
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 228. Sprinkles valves. (1) Sprinkler valves shall be located in a safe and enclosed position on the exterior wall and shall be readily accessible to the Fire Authority. (2) All sprinkler systems shall be electricity connected to the nearest fire station to provide immediate and automatic relay of the alarm when activated
The sprinkler system function is to detect, control and extinguish fire. It comprises of sprinkler tank, pump, pipework, valves, and sprinkler head. Setia City Mall uses the wet pipe system whereby the pipework is filled with water and is ready to discharge water once the bulb breaks
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Together with hose reel tank and pump, the sprinkler tank and pump are also located in the fire tank room. The tank is made of reinforced concrete and has a normal capacity of 344.4m続 and an effective capacity of 218m続. The water sprinkler is activated by two sets of electric motor driven pumps. Beside that, a jockey pump is also used to maintain pressure in piping system at high level so that a pressure drop can be sensed automatically when fire sprinkler activated thus activating fire pumps.
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7.4.7 Sprinkler Pipes and Heads
Figure 7.4.7: Sprinkler pipes and heads
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 248. Marking on wet riser, etc. (1) Wet risers, dry risers, sprinkler and other fire installation pipes and fittings shall be painted red
Sprinkles pipes in Setia City Mall are made of galvanized iron to prevent corrosion and are painted in red as it is one of the requirements in UBBL. As for sprinkler heads, several types of different heads can be found, including the pendant, upright and concealed sprinkler head. The pendant and upright sprinkler are normally found in less public spaces such as operating rooms whereas in mall the sprinkler head is concealed. Beside that, the sprinkle heads are placed 2 or 2.5 meters apart from each other upon ensuring there is at least a single sprinkler for every 12 square meters
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All the sprinkler head detects the heat with a red, heat detecting liquid filled glass bulb. When the temperature reaches 68째C or 73째C in several areas, the bulb which acts as a valve would burst thus allowing water in the pipe to be release and spray over fire upon extinguishing it. As for concealed sprinkler, all mechanisms are same except these sprinkler heads has a cover which automatically drops when heat is detected to allow the sprinkler head to function
7.4.8 Smoke Spill System
Figure 7.4.8: Fire exhaust
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 251. Smoke vents to be adequate to prevent dangerous accumulation of smoke. Where smoke venting facilities are installed for purpose of exit safety in accordance with the requirements of this Part they shall be adequate to prevent dangerous accumulation of smoke during the period of time necessary to evacuate the area served using available exit facilities with a margin of safety to allow for unforeseen contingencies
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A smoke spill system is design to remove smoke from an occupied building to allow occupants to escape the building safely and the system usually consists of large fans to draw smoke from the building, dampers and vents that open in a fire to allow the smoke to exit the building with the aid of smoke barriers. Exhaust ventilators in Setia City Mall is located on the rooftop, their function is to mechanically remove smoke from the atrium of the building with large axial fans. When smoke is detected, these fans would operate by sucking out the smoke to the rooftop, allowing smoke and harmful gasses to exit the building
7.5 Passive Fire Protection
Passive fire protection is an important part of the fire protection system in a building as it contain and slow down the spread of fire with proven fire performance properties built as the building structure to provide resistance upon fire.
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7.5.1 Fire Wall and Floor
Figure 7.5.1 Components of the fire wall
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 222. Fire resistance for walls. Any compartment wall or separating wall shall, if each side of the wall is separately exposed to test by fire, have fire resistance for not less than the minimum period required by this Part. Fire wall is a partition made of fire resistance material to prevent the spread of fire from one space to another or to isolate an important space compartment. These wall are designed to withstand and resist fire approximately 2 hours before failure. Fire-rated floor and ceilings in Setia City Mall is also built in such way that it could resist the fire before having such failure.
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7.5.2 Fire Door
Figure 7.5.2: Automatic fire door
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 164. Door closers for fire doors. All fire doors shall be fitted with automatic door closers of the hydraulically spring operated type in the case of swing doors and of wire rope and weight type in the case of sliding doors. Buildings are compartmentalized to delay the spread of fire from one area to another, thus these compartments usually linked by fire doors to allow the flow of circulation. Basically, the fire doors have two main functions during a fire outbreak, first is upon the fire door closes and be a barrier upon delaying the fire to spread and when opened they provide an usage of escape. These doors
approximately can withstand resistance up to 2 hours. Fire door has an automatic door
closer such in an event of evacuation the door will remain shut. This is upon preventing the spread of fire when occupants using staircases upon exiting the building during fire
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7.5.3 Emergency Escape
Figure 7.5.3(a): Emergency Staircase
Figure 7.5.3(b): Floor plan Setia City Mall
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Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 167. Storey exits. Except as provided for in by-law 194 every compartment shall be provided with at least two storey exits located a far as practical from each other and in no case closer than 4.5 meters and in such position that the travel specified in the Seventh Schedule to these By-laws are not exceeded An escaping route is a structural design whereby a safe route is provided for a person to travel from any point of the building to a safety zone beyond the building without an outside assistance. A fire escape route of a building consists of horizontal escape platform each floor of a building with the connection to the staircase. To ensure occupants are enable to escape within a short period of time, the exits and fire escape stairs are located at most 45 meters from each other as required by UBBL.
Fire escape staircase is the most important element of the fire escape route. This is upon allowing occupants to evacuate themselves from upper level to get to the safe open air on the ground floor. These stairs are protected by fire resisting materials too and able to prevent fire entering it's zone as occupants shall be protected whilst evacuating to ground floor. Pitch lines, riser and thread dimensions are designed to be as consistent as possible as people tend to find rhythm going up and down stairs.
Requirements of an escape staircase, flight of stairs more than 3 risers, tread not less 255mm and risers does not exceed more than 180mm, depth of landing cannot be less than the width, thread and riser dimensions must be constant upon preventing users from tripping and falling in event of emergency, width of staircase cannot reduce along its path, and last but not least, winders are not used in fire escape staircases
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7.5.4 Emergency exit and assembly area
Figure 7.5.4(a): Exit sign to evacuation area
Figure 7.5.4(b): Assembly area
Laws of Malaysia Uniform Building By-laws 1984 ACTS 113 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 FIRE ALARMS, FIRE DETECTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING ACCESS 172. Emergency exit signs. (1) Storey exits and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible signs and shall not be obscured by any decorations, furnishings or other equipment. (2) A sign reading "KELUAR" with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit is not immediately apparent. (3) Every exit sign shall have the word "KELUAR" in plainly legible letters not less than 150 millimetres high with the principal strokes of the letters not less than 18 millimetres wide. The lettering shall be in red against a black background
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Upon fire emergency, electric supply of a building will cut off to prevent the leakage of electricity and explosion. The cut down will lead to failure of lighting system in the building thus emergency light will automatically switched on with high level of illumination to lead the occupants to the exit. Other than that, the 'Keluar' sign is designated upon lighting up on showing the nearest exists and it is pictogram of a man running through an exit door. Meanwhile, evacuation area is a safety place that emergency route leads to thus it is the final area to assemble upon any case of emergency. The evacuation area usually located in an open area, easy access from the building and capable of holding all of the occupants safely, last but not least, it is at least 50 feet from the building, away from roads and walkways used by emergency vehicles
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7.6 Analysis On my observations and opinions, Setia City Mall has a very effective fire prevention system as the smoke spill system are expensive and it also requires a thorough planning as it might have a bad resultants. Other than that, Setia City Mall also have such open places upon evacuation area or assembly area which could withstand the amount of occupants. Last but not least, Setia City Mall also have all of the standard required as firefighting installations and appliances which promotes the building occupants safety.
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7.7 Conclusion In conclusion, Setia City Mall has a very sufficient fire protection system as the inspections are done yearly by the official Fire & Rescue Department of Malaysia which then the license will be renewed once issues suggested by the official been taken care of. Last but not least, Setia City Mall fire prevention system also follows and fulfills the requirements set upon Uniform Building By-laws which ensures the sufficiency and efficiency of the occupants safety and as well as the mall properties.
ARC 2423 Building Services
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8.3 Sanitary and Sewerage System
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