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Building Information Modeling

[BLD 62403]

Project 1: BIM Applications & Research in AEC


Student Name : Tan Cui Zhi [ Charlene ] Student I.D. : 0320826 Lecturer : Mr. Koh Jing Hao Submission Date : 25 September 2015

TOPIC: BIM – A PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS REPOSITORY _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Contents Page Number Preface …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 02 Introduction to BIM …………………………....……………………………………………………….. 03 Key Role of BIM to Project Management ……………………………………………………………. 04 Case Study 1: University of Colorado-Denver, Research Center 2, United States …………….. 06 Case Study 2: Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal, Hong Kong Airport ………………………………. 09 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 References ………………………………………………………………………………………...…… 15 Appendix ………………………………..…………………………………………………………….… 16

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TOPIC: BIM – A PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS REPOSITORY _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Preface The intent of this academic report is to demonstrate an understanding of what Building Information Modeling (BIM) is in the Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) industry. And to also provide a comprehension at what it means to the AEC managerial professional both now and in the coming years.

The information provided in this academic report is a summary of industry evaluations, literature reviews, research studies, surveys, and editorials as viewed with an eye toward the BIM application in project management. An attempt has been made to introduce and detail the greater BIM picture, this report present a current state-of-the-industry information by stating three examples of built project, namely: 1 University of Colorado-Denver, Research Center 2, United States 2 Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal, Hong Kong Airport

These case studies will give a clearer picture at the benefits of opting BIM, how BIM will affect the project delivery process, and a look toward the near and distant future of what BIM means to the AEC industry.

The work stages of a project involves many stakeholder and is of great complexity regardless the size of the building. The use of BIM plays a significant role on the new, seamless project processes such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). The ability that BIM provides to design, construct, and operate a virtual building will prove to be an important factor to implement sustainable design while at the same time to improve the quality of work and to increase efficiency.

It is rather difficult to accurately and fully describe an emerging building technology in real-time. Therefore, this academic report is to meet the requirement of the subject code BLD 62403, and to give the writer a head start on preparing her architectural endeavors for the changing face of the design, construction, management, and operation in the AEC industry.

Finally, the writer would like to express her special thanks of gratitude to her parents, siblings, and friends who constantly feeding her the Words of life to persevered in finalizing this report. Further, to thank the precursors in the AEC industry for the generosity of their intellectual property. Page | 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MODULE: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING [ BLD 62403 ] / AUGUST 2015

TOPIC: BIM – A PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS REPOSITORY _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Introduction to BIM Through Building Information Modeling (BIM), the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is experiencing its very own digital transformation. BIM being an emerging technological and procedural shift, where buildings can now be constructed virtually with seamless information and continuous modeling. These days in dialogues, experiences, and market-place, the industry has gradually recognized BIM which will fundamentally change the very fabric of the managerial industry and integration business.

What is BIM? Through the course of my inquiry to understand BIM, there found a range of descriptions of BIM, which can be perplex at times in their respective definition and quantification of BIM. But what is it really? What is it used for and who should use it? Some say BIM is a type of software, some say BIM is the 3D model of buildings. Others say BIM is a process or that BIM is nothing more than an organized collection of building data. Conceivably, BIM is all the mentioned and more. Let’s take a look at below instances: BIM is describe using the Construction Project Information Committee (CPIC) definition as: …digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility creating a shared knowledge resource for information about it forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle, from earliest conception to demolition. (RIBA, 2012, page 5)

In contrast with the perceived idea that of a BIM model, where commonplace refer specifically to the digital model created by the software in a BIM-based techniques, on the other hand, BIM defined as: …the creation and use of coordinated, consistent, computable information about a building project in design – parametric information used for design decision making, production of high-quality construction documents, prediction of building performance, cost estimating, and construction panning. (Krygiel, 2008, page 25)

In all the above, there is one similar measure of BIM, that is a process repository for building metadata.(See Appendix). Referring to the Oxford Dictionaries(2015), repository is a central location in which data is stored and managed. For the purpose this academic report in a relevant context, BIM shall defined as BIM is a process. It provides a framework to develop data rich product models. (Meadati, et al. 2010, page 1)

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TOPIC: BIM – A PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS REPOSITORY _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Key Role of BIM to Project Management Perhaps BIM is more popular among the design team, which uses data based design softwares like Revit or ArchiCAD. Nevertheless BIM does has a significant impact on project management. To understand its importance, we need to consider several threats of the modern construction. 1

its inability to complete projects predictably


its chronically low level of profitability

(Crotty, 2012, page 23)

The Construction Project Management are building works of great complexity from the commencement to the completion of the RIBA Work Stages(2012). Regardless of the scope of works, or the size of the project team, web-works of digital and non-digital information circulating across individuals and companies of the project team. Therefore it is important to ensure the nature and quality of the data communicated and the mode of delivery are at top-notch.

(Diagram courtesy: Crotty, 2012, page 96)

Figure 01: Key project information flows

The diagram above illustrates some of the challenges might involve in attempting to achieve efficient and logical flows of technical information on large projects concerning many stakeholders.

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Table courtesy: (Crotty, 2012, page 97)

Figure 02: Content of key project information flows

Table above provides an outline of the context of each of the key project information flows. The underlying threats of such information flow is the poor quality of the information flows and the deviations among the interdisciplinary in a modern construction project. The corresponding documents are like 2D printed drawings, architecture instructions, schedules, programs, bills, certificates, reports, and so on. The contents of these work flows comprise more or less shapeless masses of ambiguous, subjective information, largely lacking in systematic content. Thus, ‌to interpret and use this material accurately and consistently requires the application of very high levels of human judgment and intuition; skills that are both rare and largely un-teachable. BIM targets that problem precisely. (Crotty, 2012, page 26)

The way in which BIM responds to the capability of building with perfect information and to enhance communication among all the project stakeholders, also has the ability to help guide the industry towards a more sustainable direction by allowing easier access to the tools necessary to qualify a greener design approach. Page | 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MODULE: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING [ BLD 62403 ] / AUGUST 2015

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Case Study 1: University of Colorado-Denver, Research Center 2 (RC2) Aurora, Colorado, United States A Portrait of the Project (June 2008): Biomedical facility 11 storey 540,000 square foot Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) USD201 million Planned project duration 32 months Completed project duration 30 months

(ACEBIM, 2015, page 1).

(Image Courtesy: Cunz, 2010).

Figure 03: RC2 project as construction (left) and snapshots of building as model (right)

This building has successful applied Building Information Modeling (BIM) into its project management through all phases include design, construction, and operation. The list below indicates project teams in the collaborative modeling process using BIM constructing a virtual building prototype prior to construction.

Fentress Bradburn Architects Inc. – 3D Design Model Martin & Martin Structural Engineers – 3D Structural Design Model Mortenson Construction – CM At Risk and the General Contractor – Architectural 3D Construction Model – 4D Visualization Schedule – Concrete Placement Documents – 3D MEP Clash Detection Sturgeon Electric Company – 3D Electrical Construction Model Western States Fire Protection – 3D Fire Protection Piping Model U.S. Engineering – 3D Mechanical Duct and Piping Construction Model Cives Steel Company – 3D Steel Fabrication Model (List Courtesy: ACEBIM, 2015, page 2).

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The Impact of BIM application (Model Based Coordination) increases the field productivity by early elimination of error data. BIM system allows the interdisciplinary models to syndicate, and finds collisions between them.(AECBIM, 2015, page 3). Which usually overlook using traditional drawing based techniques due to the ambiguous nature of the documents.(Adib, 2015, page 6).

(Image Courtesy: Mortenson, 2009).

Figure 04: 4D BIM enabled instantaneous feedback on the schedule.

BIM related tools and techniques has enable preliminary calculation of project cost and analysis of project schedule even at the concept design stage.(ACEBIM,

2015, page 4).

With the early

engagement of the Contractor correspondingly facilitates to plan the execution of the working areas and resolve constructability issues well in advance of the actual construction activities.(AECBIM, 2015, page 5). Thus enhancing the profitability and predictability of the project. This has transform the construction procedure substituting computable data for unstructured information. The Construction Manager used a multi layered approach to scheduling, which involved studying different installation scenarios, communicating the results to the subcontractors and tracking material procurement and delivery, which was enabled by linking the construction project management schedule to the BIM. (AECBIM, 2015, page7).

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Diagram courtesy: (Krygiel, 2008, page 29)

Figure 05: Layers of Design encompass a modern building.

The multiple building systems and other layers of design are host of other benefits derived from BIM “…primarily due to BIM’s ability to virtually realize the building through all of the stages…”.(KRYGIEL, 2008, page 38). Everything from the virtual building database can be counted and quantified for real construction execution. Hence, the early discovery of significant design errors in the project has lessen schedule overrun and avoided the potential doubling handling or redesign and construction change orders.

The following summarizes the benefits of BIM application in this project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Early detection of problems Successful project execution Reduction in RFI response time Better schedule management Increased subcontractor efficiency Coordination with FM personnel Fewer RFIs

(AECBIM, 2015, page10-11).

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Case Study 2: Cathy Pacific Cargo Terminal Hong Kong Airport A Portrait of the Project: World’s largest cargo terminal building 8 storey 246,000 square foot Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) $HK 5.5 billion Construction commencement Year 2010 Scheduled for completion Year 2013 Time of completion Year 2011

(ACEBIM, 2015, page 74).

(Image Courtesy: ACEBIM, 2015, page73).

Figure 06: Model of Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal, Hong Kong.

Today’s building practice predominantly dependent on CAD drawings, where risk of deviations and errors are a dime a dozen, due to detachment and inconsistency. Not an exception for a large project as Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal is. BIM came into the project after a little while, …which was triggered by project coordination difficulties. (AECBIM, 2015, page 74). These established a common data (parametric) environment among the project team members for an agreed specifications and standards for processes and procedure.(ACEBIM, 2015, page74). BIM-based modeling, instead CAD-based drawing, allows changes and/or additions to building element with predefined ranges of characteristics in one location correspond simultaneously across all plans, sections, elevations, 3D views, schedules, and data sheets instantly. Thus resulting a quick and reliable information exchange and promotes interoperability. Page | 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MODULE: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING [ BLD 62403 ] / AUGUST 2015

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Figure 07: A graphical representation of a CAD-based and a BIM-based system. Warnings and flags can be placed to report and facilitate coordination, resulted in a much higher quality design benefitting the construction process.

Diagram courtesy: (Krygiel, 2008, page 28)

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BIM softwares are compatible with clash detection software for Quality Assured (QA) process in relation to coordination.(RIBA, 2012, page 10). Navisworks was used in the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal project during design for clash detection on the basis of the 3D design models, as well were used during construction phase for the respective updated models.(ACEBIM, 2015, page 76). The synchronicity and collaborative nature of BIM enables early clash detection between the numerous members of the project team and visual identification of problem areas. The use of interference analysis was quite beneficial. The various stakeholders defined the level of detail required for proper interference analysis. ……The intent was to model all relevant scope to minimize conflicts in the field.

(AECBIM, 2015, page 76).

The BIM specifications prescribed each discipline’s scope of modeling. When areas of conflict were identifies earlier, conflicts over space allocation are initiated and resolved sooner. Earlier clash detection therefore shortens the time required for building design and reduces costs and change orders associated with correcting clashes that were undetected during reviews.

(Diagram courtesy: INTELIBUILD, 2015)

Figure 08: Subdivision of the building into zones for effective analysis.

The models in Revit were subdivided per floor for file size reduction to increase computer the speed of analysis. Sub-models per floor were exported from each software tool for coordination and class detection purposes. The class detection was performed regularly in order to limit the number of clash at a time. (AECBIM, 2015, page 77).

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Diagram Courtesy: (AECBIM, 2015, page 78).

Figure 09: Typical ‘clash tolerance matrix’

Interference detection with BIM is as simple as identifying the elements that need to be checked and running a report. Clash detections also happen as elements are moved and/or added. The above figure illustrates a tolerance matrix able to enhance the conflict analysis by capturing both hard and soft conflicts.(ACEBIM, 2015, page 78). The BIM process is used to identify a host of potential coordination issues, such as where a pipe will hit a beam. These conflicts are communicated with the designers, who can revise the designs accordingly. (AECBIM, 2015, page 78).

Diagram Courtesy: (AECBIM, 2015, page 79).

Figure 10: combines BIM model: warehouse for visual identification.

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Diagram Courtesy: (AECBIM, 2015, page 82).

Figure 11: during the construction process.

One of the main goals of BIM on the Cathay Pacific project was successful multi-disciplinary coordination. The completion of Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal in 2 years earlier than was planned with over 3000 linked and coordinated drawings generated from the combined models.(ACEBIM, 2015, page 79). This was a major benefit of BIM on this project. Which otherwise would have taken 4 years as planned or more on traditional documents creations and processes. Effective collaboration and dynamic communication is key in implementing a successful BIM project. A BIM standard is highly encouraged to ensure proper coordination and integration of the models. Summary of BIM benefits in Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal: 1 Provides an easy-to-understand 3D model 2 BIM model includes multiple layers of information 3 Early production of construction documents 4 Lower project cost 5 Increased certainty in project schedule 6 Lower disputes 7 Competitive edges

(AECBIM, 2015, page 89).

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CONCLUSION Building Information Modeling (BIM) has taken the quality of information used in building to the next level, at a highest possible standard. The key to success in BIM project is collaborative effort among all team members, which includes but is not limited to the project owner, the design team, general contractor, subcontractors and vendors/suppliers. As BIM facilitates the information stored and access in a robust database, a model-based design process generating a far higher quality information than is possible with drawings, and the standards-based interchange of the resulting computable data dramatically improves communications amongst the project team. This approach could assist the industry to move beyond the traditional building type to develop new ways of thinking and practicing in the Malaysia AEC industry. Nonetheless, further investigation and research to be executed in reconsidering the roles and relationship between trade firms and stakeholders in a BIM environment, as responsibilities are shifting and blurring traditional lines of liability.

Diagram Courtesy: (Infinipuzzle, 2015).

The invention of innovative technologies over again, soon shall change the built environment for decades to follow.

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References 1. ACEBIM: Alberta Centre of Excellence for Building Information Modeling. (2015) BIM Case Studies: Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal – Hong Kong Airport (Hong Kong). Retrieved from, es_FINAL%20REPORT_case_study_Cathay_Pacific.pdf

2. ACEBIM: Alberta Centre of Excellence for Building Information Modeling. (2015) BIM Case Studies: University of Colorado-Denver, Research 2, US. Retrieved from, es_FINAL%20REPORT_case_study_U_of_Denver.pdf

3. Adib, Mohd. Ramli. (2015) Building Information Modeling [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved on 8 September 2015, from

4. Azhar, S. et al. (2012). Building Information Modeling (BIM): Now and Beyond. Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (4) 15-28.

5. Crotty, Ray. (2012) The Impact of Building Information Modelling: Transformation construction. Oxon, United Kingdom: Spon Press. Taylor’s University Library, call number: 690.011 CRO

6. Cunz, D. (2010). A Mortenson VDC Case Study: Research 2 [PowerPoint presentation] Presentation at BIM Forum in 2010, M.A. Mortenson Company

7. Krygiel, Eddy & Nies, Bradley. (2008) Green BIM: Successful Sustainable Design with Building Information Modeling. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Taylor’s University Library, call number: 720.47 KRY 8. Meadati, Pavan. & Irizarry, Javier. (2010) BIM – A Knowledge Repository. Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Retrieved on 22 September, from

9. Repository. (2015) In Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved on 23 September 2015, from

10. Royal Institute of British Architects. (2012) BIM Overlay to the RIBA Outline Plan of Work. London: RIBA Publishing. Retrieved on 9 September 2015, from otheRIBAOutlinePlanofWork2007.pdf Page | 15 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MODULE: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING [ BLD 62403 ] / AUGUST 2015

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