And Justice For All E - Mag

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The united States of America is said to have been founded on Christian morals and ethics. Maybe so. Maybe blacks are confused about what that really means. Christianity was introduced to blacks at a time when justice and equality didn’t exist. Slavery was practiced according to the Christian morals of the old American society. Christianity had nothing to do with how blacks were treated nor did the constitution. Christianity still has not remedied the ill treatment of blacks in Americans and still neither does the constitution. This magazine represents people of inequality. I bring focus to these issues in hopes to encourage the development of exceptional black citizens. The finest that life can produce. Nothing last forever. Black men and women you will continue to live on generation after generation because you have eternal life. Keep getting better at living. Keep educating yourself. Keep singing and dancing and rejoicing. Life loves you. It will continue to open it’s doors to you. Life will continue to embrace you. You black Man And Black Women are the children of the earth she will love and keep you forever.

And Justice For All is a NextStar Audio Visual Broadcastings Publication. Chief Editor/ Charles P Gibbs. Photography/ Charles P Gibbs/ Elizabeth Acosta Contact: 719.360.9816 If you are interested in posting , supporting or submitting articles to us please write or call using the information above


The subjects in this magazine are not popular issues amongst people of color or whites. Support for publications like this is hard to find. I’m appealing to you who are viewing this magazine to support it in anyway you can. Send checks, money orders or even cash if you can get it to us directly. For mail ins please send to 205 so Limit Colorado Springs , CO 80905


Pages & Content 1. Cover 2. Editors Message 3. Index Page 4. War On Black Men In America 5. The Whipping Post 6. The Central Park Jogger Case 7. COINTELPRO - War On Black America 8. Reveres The Curse Lesson one. 9. Reveres The Curse Part Two 10. Back Cover

11. Righteous Black men 12. Confused Black People 13. Jesus is not real. Do your own research 14. The definition of Equality 15. Support the magazine Blacks Law Dictionary can be purchased by any one. You need to make it your business to own one. If you own a bible you need to own one of these dictionaries. We live in a society made and conducted by laws. Everyone in America needs to study basic laws of some sort. Know the law before a violation accurse. Some legal issues that black people face today could be eliminated by just knowing a little something about the law. Pick a subject. If you drive, look up the law concerning driving. If your married look up matrimony laws. If you’re a student look up laws regarding students and teaching institutions. Study the charges of others and find out what the law is regarding that subject. Reeeeeeead!



Eric Garner, 43, said he was just breaking up a fight. New York Police Department officers said he was selling untaxed cigarettes and tried to arrest him. When he refused to cooperate, police jumped on the 400-pound Staten Island man, put him in a chokehold, and forced him to the sidewalk. He complained loudly that he couldn’t breathe as a pack of police kept him held down. Then, according to the police, he went into cardiac arrest and died at Richmond University Medical Center.


Ask yourself. What could have been done to prevent this?


The story at the bottom left hand corner can be found all over the internet. Images and text. The victory of these gentlemen can not be found in Jpeg images or in Google image search. No apologies or reprimands for the false accusers. Lawyers and businessmen sent their children to college amongst other things that were done on the backs of these five innocent black men. The man that was guilty of this crime committed about five more rapes while these innocent men sat in prison. He also confessed while in prison and still their innocence was ignored. Our work for justice and equality is far from over. I had a conversation with a young black businessman about supporting the NAACP. His response was. That’s in the past I don’t have to deal with those issues today. Segregation and civil rights issues have nothing to do with me now. Many so called black Americans feel the same way. All you have to do is watch a movie or the news or turn on the internet. You can’t miss the acts of discrimination. Today discrimination and civil rights violations are so sophisticated it can be in your face and go unnoticed. This is why history is important. History allows us to connect the dots. We stand in line today to vote feeling our ancestors died for this right and then discover that your vote was tampered with and did not officially count. Remember when the laws were changed for an equal education. What happened? White citizens just closed or opened private schools. The education in the schools that blacks were permitted to attend. Fell way below equal learning standards. When blacks finally got the right to vote, the voting machines were altered. The game is fixed and we are still being played.


In the black community. We have always felt like we were being watched and listened to . So what’s new?



COINTELPRO – The FBI’s War on black men in America

Lesson one: Change Reverse the curse.

Did you know that the mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it? You are reading this magazine because you want to coach yourself to great success in life. But what is coaching? At the root of all coaching efforts is change. Coaching is about making change happen, not just letting it happen. It’s about making the commitment to being a change agent in your own life. Let’s learn about the process and practice the change. Who do you look up to? Who do you inspire to be like? If you’re like most people who are reading this magazine for most of us Air Jordan wasn’t our hero. Not to take anything away from Michael Jordan he inspires millions of children around the world. But for those of us that couldn’t make it to your camps because we lack the resources. We’re out here on the grind trying to stack this paper to get a lawyer for a pending case. We yarn to be more than what life has handed us, people view us as the pit-bulls of society. If you’re sitting there wondering how did you get to this point in life? It’s okay we’re going to help you reverse “The Willie Lynch curse: The making of a slave” this is a curse that many black men have been under since day one most don’t even know it. Please go out and find “Willie Lynch theory: The making of a slave” there you will find your answers to this mess you’re in. So how do we begin and maintain the change?

1) Draw on Emotion How bad do you want to become successful? The answer should’ve been as bad as I need to breathe. Yes that’s right You NEED SUCCESS as MUCH AS YOU NEED AIR to BREATHE. Try holding your breathe under water and imagine somebody holding your head down while you’re trying to get air, scary right? You’ll be fighting for your life for air, you’ll do what it takes to get to the surface huh lol.. Nothing else would matter at that time but getting air right? Now think of your life in this matter right now. Right now nothing else matters, if you’re in prison, if your living at home, if you’re not working, if your facing charges, if you don’t have a college degree it’s okay right now nothing else matters. I guarantee this program will help you and it’s FREE. My black men, young and old I need you guys to dig deeper that person that’s holding your head underwater is not the “WHITE MAN” it’s the curse of Willie Lynch.



1) Healthy body -

Create an exercise plan and diet for yourself and kids


Oral hygiene


Route checkups



- Stop drug usage ASAP! Don’t not support this activity if you read “The FBIs WAR on Black America” You’ll know why here’s the link: - STOP (the homosexuality we came from kings in Africa. This behavior was introduced to black men during slavery. To keep black men from wanting to fuck the master’s daughters) 2) Healthy mind -Educated yourself -science -math -Business “I hate to say it but yes we must own our own businesses in America. It’s just how it is. - Black men must know a foreign language pick one and learn it! - learn to play chess - Money management “The Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing Your Money, the title read the book!

3) Healthy spirt -

Find your GOD


Do right by others



Dedicated to the intelligent & Righteous Black Man Intelligent & Righteous Black Man. I repeat intelligent and righteous because it requires both characters to comprehend this dedication. You have nothing to fear. Nor do you have anything to be ashamed of. The world can’t survive without you. And without the world you have no purpose. You are the sustenance of existence. You took the bullet that would have inevitably killed masses. You are the source of our academics. You are the strength that entire world depends on. You are the love when forgiveness is abandoned. You are the face that we see before and after.. You are the joy that we feel when filled with laughter. You are the comfort in everyday we live. You are the everything we have, because you gave. Thank you Righteous and Intelligent Black Man. Charles Lucky Gibbs


True believer

My concern for what is called Black America are very deep concern. We are very confused about ourselves and what’s going on around us. Black people seem to be in a wondering state. Many of us are just following diverse leads which only bring us back to the same place, Subservience. This is a ridiculous state of affairs. We are some of the most brilliant and innovative people in the world and yet we are not the authors of our destiny. In America we are a people ignorant of self. We are a people with many fears and conditions that plague us generation after generation. We are paralyzed; do to the conditions we live under. We have not moved ahead since the 18th century Rosewood, Black Wall Street. The United States survives on the backs of so called Black Americans. We are still at the bottom of the food chain. Yes we have been miss informed miss educated, and depleted as a people. We must begin somewhere to repair, replenish, and prosper. Every black individual needs to join an organization, start an organization or support an organization that is about self reparation. Increase, repair and share a true Black History. Black history is truly the history of America. The United States of America and before it was called America. The void that exists with Black people is the missing part of our existence. It’s time to rise and shine. I have currently produced a commentary that I planned to make a series about the re discovery Of the Black Man in America. No matter what your nationality may be. It is to the best interest of all men to re discover the so Called Black Man in America. Your support is needed for this endeavor. The miss education of Blacks is a detriment to us all. To re discover the so Called Black Man in America will be prosperously beneficial in more ways than one. Be one that makes a difference. Please contact us at: nothingbutmylove@hotmail. True believers


What we had & What we have now What kind of future do we have to look forward to. There are women on the left of today that were influenced by the women Of our history. The women we have on the right have been modeled by the society we live in today. What kind of children will come from these potential mothers. And what will they desire for the future. The same goes for our men. What do we want our future to look like?


The two images you see here are images of a person that many refer to as Jesus. It is said that he died for the sins of man. Like these two images. The name Jesus was created. The images above nor the name Jesus is for real. The word Jesus is not a translation for the word savior in any language it is a creation. That name was created. Many believe in these images above as if these two images are the Saviors of mankind. That would be like myself painting a picture of your relative whom I’ve never met because they lived so many years ago. And convincing you that this is your uncle Joe. True history teaches that there was a man that did live and gave his life for the sins of his brothers and sisters. It is reported that This man was considered the son of who many refer to as the all mighty or God or Allah or so on and so on. The pre occupation that we have with such an individual has distracted most men and women from being the sons and daughters of the almighty themselves. It is said he died for our transgressions. That word (for ) means because of transgressions. It was transgression that murdered him. Don’t get it twisted. Think about it those of you who had good but strict parents. When you did wrong there was no savior to keep you from paying the price for your sin. Yes we say The almighty is merciful. Yes I believe he is. That’s not who’s going to be dishing out the punishment. Religion was never meant for any one to worship the almighty. Worshipping the almighty comes in how you live the life you’ve been trained to live. Train up a child in the way they are to go and they’ll never refrain. Religion is the routine of exercises that develop your spirituality. Your spirituality consist of many parts and functions. This is not The Almighty. These are methods to develop the living sensitivities that continue to evolve us generation after generation. The results of good living produces worship. This most certainly pleases our creator. Charles Patrick Gibbs


Equality is not about being treated equally. Equal treatment of all people is not ordinarily possible. None of us treat one another equally. Equality is about each individual qualifying themselves to each level and degree of equality. Like being all things to all people. The level of equality for you depends upon you. Equality in America & equality in Japan are to different degrees of equality. Why? It’s because our values are different. Equality is about the measure of value. What is your value, monetarily or physically to you? And then what is your value to the people that surround you. The regulation of your individual value is what determines your equality in life. This magazine is to encourage the true living of (Equality). Charles Patrick Gibbs


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16 Who we are in the United States America

Black , Colored, Negro, African American, Nigger, These are not nations . These are incorporated statues. You are a lost nation. Enslaved & Bonded {Leviticus 26:18} And if x518 ye will not x3808 yet y5704 for x5704 all this x428 hearken 8085 z8799 unto me, then I will punish 3256 z8763 you seven times 7651 more 3254 z8804 for x5921 your sins. 2403

seven times: "And if¹ ye walk²º¹ contraryª unto¹ me, and willªº not¹ hearkenªº unto me; I will bring²º seven times² moreªº¹ plaguesª upon¹ you according to your sins.ª" {Lev 26:21} + "Then will I¹ also¹ walkªº contraryª unto¹ you, and will punishªº you yetª seven timesª for¹ your sins.ª" {Lev 26:24} + "Then I will walkªº contraryª unto¹ you also in fury;ª and I, evenª I,¹ will chastiseªº you seven timesª for¹ your sins.ª" {Lev 26:28} + "[They that were] fullª have hired out²º themselves¹ for bread;ª and [they that were] hungryª ceased:ªº so that¹ the barrenª hath bornªº seven;ª and she that hath manyª childrenª is waxed feeble.ªº" {1Sm 2:5} + "Seven¹ times² a dayª do I praiseªº thee because of¹ thy righteousª judgments.ª" {


What’s My Name

Knowledge is freedom and power. Continue to exercise your freedom of choice. Life is beyond the path that you are following. Their is also a path you lay as you walk. Your defeats and victories You create a path as you walk. Be careful

I am aware that my name of origin is not Gibbs. Gibbs was the name of a plantation and slave owner. By the last name of Gibbs. Now today I realize I am operating under a name I have never given conscious consent to. I understand that the birth Certificate that has the name I was issued. Charles Patrick Gibbs is supposed to be a fictitious rendition of me. I have never consented to these contracts. I have over the years been manipulated to believe that I must except these forms of identification. I have realized like the name Gibbs it does not belong to my gene or DNA there for without my consent it does not represent me. Now who is responsible for the reclamation of my identity. How much have lost because of this unlawful degradation of my existence. Who would be responsible for the research and expense without this I’m a know where man. No Name & No Land. This is do to an illegal violation on my family generation after generation. To except the statuses that are selected for me. Would be subjecting my self to discriminating reactions. I think this falls under Colorable Law.


Contrary to popular opinion. No matter who you put or vote in to an electoral position in the United States Government. They must follow the agenda that is placed before them. That agenda was set long before that new President sat down. He is only the new Chauffer. Driving the agenda to it’s next destination. Barak Obama was put in this position to achieve exactly what was expected of him. When he is out of that seat. The agenda will move on with the next driver. In the same seat. Prop Mrs. Clinton. The society is really not measured by color anymore its status. What qualifies you. Charles Lucky Gibbs


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