MEDIA MAG It was a long time coming, But we made It. We packed our Mind Soul and Body and We waited. Waited for just the right time and opportunity when we would All Rise Up in unity.
Lucky SmoothStone and AnitaJoyce Cooper From the Editor’s Desk… Welcome to our inaugural issue of GamScene Media Magazine, your choice for premier news, information, and music. It is our pleasure to report our views and experiences living in Africa. We have carefully designed this medium which contains a restaurant and business guide, transportation information, world politics, and feature stories on outstanding African accomplishments. This international magazine provides a unique platform to re-present Africa to the world. It’s also an opportunity to gain unique views and broader perspectives through our American lenses. Africa is a new world with a multitude of opportunities waiting to be discovered. This source was also designed with the African diaspora in mind. In it you will find information that will make your visit or stay pleasant, convenient and accommodating. Ultimately, we are passionate about revealing the beauty, love and hospitality that we see in our Native Land. More importantly, we want Africa to see those same qualities in itself. We encourage you to live in the confidence that you are an important piece to this masterful puzzle that Agenda 2063 has crafted. GamScene Media Magazine is for the people, by the people! We have lots to share, and we look forward interacting with you . As we say on the Smiling Coast, YOU ARE WELCOME!
This is My Life
Nothing Last Forever
My Life Is A Rhythm luckysmoothstone5 Click Link CONTACT: 001-323-274-6205 (United States) +220-217-6205 (AfriCell) 5
Where to go in the Gambia?
MEDIA MAG What did Obama do for the so called African Americans? I am aware of the many accomplishments of former U.S. President Barak Obama. This reading astonished me. The Twenty-First Century Slavery: Reconciling Diplomatic Immunity and the Obama Era. This is a mandatory read for the so- called-Black Man living in America. Today, America is finally at the point where it has the potential to resolve in a positive way so many of the problems of the past. If we dare ignore this opportunity, the alternative will be to drift into further polarization. This Article examines how during resident Barack Obama's first two years in office his administration has
interacted with the judiciary to effect change on the daunting task of combating modem-day slavery during what some have called the "Obama Era. " The Article also enumerates the various manifestations of modern-day slavery as sex trafficking, forced labor, debt bondage, involuntary servitude, forced marriage, organ harvesting, and child exploitation and explores these crimes' pervasiveness in American society.
Awareness is Knowledge, Knowledge is light. 8
November 2020 Issue
AGENDA 2063 Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa
Agenda 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.
As an affirmation of their commitment to support inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development African heads of state and government Africa’s new path for attaining signed the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the formation of the OAU /AU in May 2013.
The declaration marked the rededication of Africa towards The genesis the attainment of Agenda of the Pan Afri2063 was the can Vision of An realization by integrated, African leaders prosperous and that there was peaceful Africa, a need to refodriven by its cus and reown citizens, priorities Afrirepresenting a ca’s agenda dynamic force from the strugin the internagle against tional arena and apartheid and Agenda 2063 is the attainment the concrete manifestation of how the continent of political independence for the continent which had been the focus of The Organization intends to achieve this vision within a 50 year of African Unity (OAU), the precursor of the Afri- period from 2013 to 2063. can Union; and instead to priorities inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance and peace and security amongst other issues aimed at repositioning Africa to becoming a dominant player in the global arena. 9
November 2020 Issue
The Patriot Act Congress enacted the Patriot Act by an overwhelming, bipartisan margins. Arming law enforcement with new tools to detect and prevent terrorism: The USA Patriot Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate 981, and 357-66 in the House, with the support of members from across the political spectrum.
This Act also allows law enforcement to use surveillance against more crimes of terror. Before the Patriot Act, courts could permit law enforcement to conduct electronic surveillance to investigate many ordinary, non-terrorism crimes, such as drug crimes, mail fraud, and passport fraud. Agents also could obtain wiretaps to investigate some, but not all of the crimes that terrorists often comThe Act improves our counter-terrorism mit. The Act enabled investigators to gather efforts in several ways. It allows agents to information when looking into the full range use the tools that were already available to of terrorism-related crimes, including: chemiinvestigate organized crime and drug traffick- cal-weapons offenses, the use of weapons of ing. mass destruction, killing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing. Many of the tools the Act provides to law enforcement to fight terrorism have been used for decades to fight organized crime and drug dealers, and have been reviewed and approved by the courts. As Sen. Joe Biden (DDE) explained during the floor debate about the Act, "the FBI could get a wiretap to investigate the mafia, but they could not get one to investigate terrorists. To put it bluntly, that was crazy! What's good for the mob should be good for terrorists." (Cong. Rec., 10/25/01)
November 2020
National Defense Authorization Act
The nuts and bolts of the Law The Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015 was one of the proposed NDAA bills for fiscal year 2015. On May 8, 2014, the House Armed Services Committee ordered the bill reported (amended) by a vote of 61-0.[6] The Committee spent 12 hours debating the bill and voting on hundreds of different amendments before voting to pass it.
Notable or controversial NDAA legislation John Warner NDAA for Fiscal Year 2007, Pub.L. 109–364. This NDAA is formally named after John Warner, a U.S. war veteran and former long-term Senator and Senate Armed Services Committee chairman and U.S. Secretary of the Navy from Virginia.
November 2020
A Matter of National Security
2020 The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is the name for each of a series of United States federal laws specifying the annual budget and expenditures of the U.S. Department of Defense. The first NDAA was passed in 1961.
lated to the Defense Department, because unlike most other bills, the NDAA is sure to be considered and passed so legislators attach other bills to it.
The NDAA for Fiscal Year 2014 (H.R. 3304; NDAA 2014) was a United The U.S. Congress oversees the de- States federal law that specified the fense budget primarily through two budget and expenditures of the Unityearly bills: the National Defense Au- ed States Department of Defense thorization Act and defense appropri- (DOD) for Fiscal Year 2014. The law ations bills. The authorization bill de- authorized the DOD to spend $607 termines the agencies responsible for billion in Fiscal Year 2014. defense, establishes funding levels, and sets the policies under which On December 26, 2013, President money will be spent. Barack Obama signed the bill into law. [5] This was the 53rd consecutive year In recent years each NDAA also in- that a NDAA has been passed. cludes provisions only peripherally re12
November 2020 Issue
African Skin is Beautiful Skin…….Naturally! Health & Beauty
You are beautiful
1. Skin turning dark or too light, 2. Thinning of the skin 3. Visible blood vessels in the skin 4. Scarring
Loving your Skin
Disasters Of Skin Lightning
5. Kidney, liver or nerve damage 6. Abnormalities in a newborns 13
G.O.I.C. Society
Coming in the next issue...
What does it mean to be GOIC?
Find out in our next issue, This could be you. 15
MEDIA MAG Unbelievably True Love Story American musical artists, Lucky Smooth Stone and Anita Joyce Cooper left the comforts of their home in Long Beach, California to travel 6,417 miles to “The Smiling Coast of Africa” The Gambia. The two day journey was worth it, My roots are here. My DNA leads me directly to the Fula tribe of The Gambia” says Lucky. Although we are hundreds of miles away from our family we feel like we are home. On any given day Ebrahma and Fatima Jallow, as they have been named, can be found sipping tea at quaint coffee shop at Turn Table. They are greeted by convincing taxi drivers, determined child vendors, savvy intellectuals and dedicated fishermen. All with a unified message, “You are welcome!” By passing miles of sandy beaches and beautiful resorts, Ebrahma and Fatima trot through the sometimes muddy roads into the villages making contact with the locals. We come to work, Ebrahma said, “We are on a mission to help The Gambia, Africa and the African Diaspora compete in the global market.”
To date, the Charles Patrick Gibbs Estate has invested their own funds to help individual Gambians. They have donated a showroom motorcycle, assisted with car repairs, electric bills, housing and more. Fatima Jallow remarked, “My heart has moved me to slip d200 into the hands of a mother holding her sick child on the van.” We are well aware that the problem of economics is much bigger than the two of us but we want the people of The Gambia to know that we really care about them as individuals and that we really do see their circumstances. It is a relief to know that Agenda 2063 is in place to permanently change the circumstances of our people.”
Fatima, a former university educator remarked, “It’s was a inspiring to read Africa’s Agenda 2063. It is in perfect line with the Charles Patrick Gibbs Estate manifesto. We had no idea Africa was working on such a rich and in depth agenda. The African Union Join us in our next issue as Ebrahma and Fatima’s has laid out a perfect blue print, we just have to plug continue the stories about how they met and married in and get to work. We are delighted!” the mission to impact Africa in a special way.
November 2020 Issue MMEDIA MAG EDIA MAG
The Charles Patrick Gibbs Estate is an International Ministry establishing, “The Nation of Alkebulan, Culture of The Malian Empire, in The Gambia, West Africa,An Able and Sovereign Nation. We are advocates for the civil and physically disabled citizens in The Gambia and abroad. This also applies to repatriations of those fellow-nationless American Copper-Colored Aboriginal Hebrew Natives who are displaced and caught up in the snare of the United States Corporation’s disabling system of oppression. As well as those marginalized by physical disabilities throughout the African diaspora. 17