My Sheep Know My Voice/ preview

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This is a preview of my book My Sheep Know my Voice. If you have received a copy please read and evaluate. Your input is vitally necessary for it’s completion. I am making an attempt to be as vivid as I can and at the same time be discrete for the protection and integrity of those I love. Due to the extensive study, research and quality we want to maintain with this piece. It will require funding. There can only be a select group of individuals assigned to this project. The voice of my Father would have to speak to you concerning your involvement. I am sending this out to you as instructed by the spirit. My expectation is the completed publication and distribution of. My Sheep Know My Voice. 2016—2017 RELEASE. Future content. 1. Genealogical Charts 2. Historical Maps & Data 3. Media data 4. Photos 5. Lyrics 6. Family Legacy This book is in the process of continuation… Please enjoy the lyrics on the last pages in the mean time. Charles Patrick Gibbs Publishing Team. 205 So Limit Street Colorado Springs Colorado. 80905 719.2879763 Thankyou4youpurchase@hotmail.comcopyright 2015—2016

This book is the fiction of my true imaginations. Charles Patrick Gibbs copyright 2016 1

My Sheep Know My Voice

John 10:27 My Sheep hear my voice. The title of this book is My Sheep Know my Voice. This is to define an intimate relationship with our Father which art in heaven. This is a testimony of an historical relationship with Our Father which is in Heaven. Not just an individual but a people, A family a tribe a Nation. In memory of my Mother, Patricia Naomi Gibbs Smith. My Brother Randall Lafate Pewe Gibbs and my Uncle Wilson K. Smith Jr Charles Patrick Gibbs

I'm on the left, my Mother is in the middle, Pat. And my oldest brother is on the right. Pewe 2

My Sheep Know My Voice, By Charles Gibbs All praises and honor due to our Father in us and in Heaven.

If you have read this far, then your interested in reading further. Keep in mind this book Is for my family, for the purpose of self identification and our reparations. It is to bring clarity to the relationship between us and the Father we serve. When you discover you are not Black, African American, Colored or Negro. That you are the direct descendent of Abraham. Then need I say more about why this book is necessary. This book is dedicated to the memory of our Hebrew ancestors that paid the ultimate price. My Sheep Know My Voice, covers the Spiritual life and legacy of a Hebrew Israelites in America. The Life of Charles Patrick Gibbs, his family, ancestors & their history of survival through Africa & the Americas over thousands of years. And hear we are. Still keepers of the Law and lovers of the faith.

Charles Patrick Gibbs.


My Sheep Know My The legacy and journey of a heritage dating back to the Pharos on through Abraham till the present. We have discovered through the voice of our ancestors our past present and future. This book is about the discovery of heritage, Nationality and heritage. True self consciousness. We can now Identify with ourselves and everything around us. We are part of a genealogy that has survived the most catastrophic experiences life could ever conjure upon humanity. The attempt to annihilate a whole people from the face of the earth. Surprise ! We have survived and have risen again. We now live and breath our ancestry. We see with the eye’s of yesterday today and tomorrow. We experience the blood frequency at such a level it’s audible. Our life and testimonies will inspire, mesmerize, delight, inform teach and guide you through a series of relative experiences. The book is sure to open your eye’s to the truth and understanding of the fictions and realities of faith based believing. We are the ancestors of a faith based people. The Tribe of Judah, The Children Of Israel. I have come to realize the difference in a true child of the blood and a gentile. I have also come to the realization that not every one posses the love of our creator. This is the purpose for the law. We must represent the purpose for the Law. This is our purpose under Heaven. My Sheep Know My Voice attempts to share with you the life and experience of being a creature of the most high in a society that pompously lives in opposition of the original foundations of spiritual Law. Author :Charles Patrick Gibbs. The Laws in the book of Enoch cover laws that are vital to our existence as spiritual beings. Many of our true practices and laws evade us do to programming and deliberate brainwashing and striping our culture. By European children of Satan. But the basic laws for humanity is what covers & redeems our short comings. Do not kill. Treat and Love your neighbor as your self. Don’t Steal. Don’t , Don’t practice deception, respect you parents, Don’t bow down to images and Idols, Don’t contaminate the body. Don’t have children irresponsibly. The weapons of our war fair are not carnal. I said it with out the these and thou’s. My story flows 4 the same way. Real life with my Father with out the these and thous

Religion And Spirituality All glory honor and praise to our Heavenly Father within and above. I am inspired by other members of my family who are ambitiously perusing their artistic dreams and goals. I just got of the phone with my precious grand mother Viola Smith Brown. She had shared with me current events that have occurred in the family. One family member of ours just recently relocated to California with their talent agency from Wilmington Delaware. They are doing wonders with their grass roots grown Talent Agency They have worked together and by leaps and bounds moved directly in the path of destiny. This is also a family who was rooted and grounded in the word again the continued seed plated faith of Grand mom. I will be mentioning the faith connection through out the book because it is this faith that allows the patient, stillness and clarity necessary to hear from our Father which resonates through our blood. Ok back to the conversation with Grandma. She then begin to tell me about A book that my cousin has had published. This has been something in the making for years. Adrian is an extraordinary talent. Gifted in multiple ways. I’ve seen her grow from a baby to a women with children. What's unique about Adrian is she remained a virgin all the way up until she got married. I think She held her virginity for about 25 or 26 years. She maintained her spiritual values in the midst of this satanic over sexed society. Adrian is a product of none other than Grandma. My nieces three of them. My Oldest brothers daughters are amazing dancers who have performed all over the nation and across the globe professionally for name artist from Justin bibber to Be once Knowles. What's interesting is the young ladies didn’t really get to know their father and yet his extraordinary talents blaze through them. They lost their mother and father at very early ages in their life and they picked themselves up and steam rolled ahead succeeding every dream their Father Mother and grand mother had ever imagined. Their Father was Randall Gibbs a multitalented genius of an artist. From a child he was remarkably flooring people with is extraordinary voice and creative abilities. Pewee we called him because he was born premature and was extremely small. Pewee also suffered from physical conditions through out his life, do to birth and various living conditions. I remember the first time I saw him perform in front of an audience. It was at our elementary school. Lore Elementary in Wilmington Delaware. He sang a song called There’s A Place For us. When he finished the audience jumped to their feet roaring with tear filled eye’s like we all had just been delivered. I couldn’t believe it. He was my hero from then on. I followed him till the end of his life. Pewe was very spiritual. He wrestled for days with the bible, God and history. He knew some how that we were displaced and that their was a direct connection with our family and the children of God that we would read about in the bible . He would spend day’s and nights comparing and searching through scripture to see where life connects. Then one day we found it. It was a King James Bible dated back in the 1600’s a large engraved cover almost seemed to be made of wood it was so hard and thick and dark. The pages had yellowed and were dry rotting. We opened in to a world of history and knowledge we couldn’t have imagined. The apocrypha's, The history of the bible things we had never read before it was like something out of Raiders and the lost Ark. This finding provided a direct path for us to dig in to our journey of revelation and self identification.. It was the first time I had ever heard that we may have come from the descendents of ham. Pewe also pointed out that it had something directly to do with The original American Tribes. Many people feel in love with Pewe and his loving loyal heart. He will live for ever with us. He too a product of grandma. Pewe began to loose purpose in life when my mother passed away. Patricia Naomi Gibbs Smith. The prize fighter. She wasn’t a violent women. But she would fight for what she believed in She had the courage of a lion. I wish I had her courage today. This was a gentle beautiful un assuming power. I learned so much from her. My mother was highly spiritual she always trusted and believed in God but she also had her own path to travel which took her into some dark places in the late sixties and seventies. All of which brought her back to spiritual roots with a much deeper understanding of the truth. I remember my first experience with cannabis. During the sixties and seventies cannabis and cocaine where the indulgences of choice and as I had already mentioned although my mother was raised on a spiritual foundation she choose her own path. Cannabis was one of the things she found on her path. My mother was always a wise woman even in her foolishness. I looked up to and respected her to the utmost . My mother never hid anything from me and my brothers. This gave us the freedom to be open with her 5

open and candid with her. I remember when I was in pursuit of the holy ghost. I was about Sixteen at the time. I was attending a church called the Mother Church Of God And Christ. This time of my life was filled with church , the Bible and a Girl friend . I was born and raised in church as you have already gathered I’m sure. This was not something I was forced to do. I had always known that way of life and I enjoyed it. The people and surroundings that I was raised in contained a living spirituality that possed me. I never wanted to journey out side that environment. My brother Pewe and I were dedicated to Our Father from birth. We both were given multiple gifts and talents which were used from the time we could walk and talk till this very day. At that Time I was attending a Pentecostal church with my cousins Kenny Kathy And Sharon Smith with their mother Sonja. We had formed a gospel ensemble called the Smith Gospel Singers. Although My brother and I were sir named Gibbs our Mother was Smith. We were an acapella group and man could we fire it up. Every where we went the gift The father gave us would just come alive and people would seem to reach another level of joy and praise unto heaven .We had begun to establish quite a reputation we toured all of the west coast. This was fulfilling for a while but as I grew my appetite for the understanding of the word expanded I needed something more. So one day I journeyed over to a church I had heard about on the other side of town where a lot of young people from ours and a couple of other high schools went to . The Mother Church of God And Christ. The music was blazing I mean wow. The music the harmony the songs. They had it going on. I remember my aunt wasn’t to happy that I had made that choice non the less I had made it. I began to study deep in the ministry there. I would examine every little thing I was taught. I remember I was entranced at the time I wanted to be just like what they taught me about a savior called Jesus. I was striving to be perfect. I remember people were getting irritated with me at the time. I would scrutinize everything I was so hungry for the reality of truth the people didn’t matter so much anymore. For me it was about, is the result according to the law. I was a militant disciple until one day I was introduced to, The Mother Church of God In Christ. A ritual that was supposed to summoned the Holy Ghost . I witnessed my peers stand at the alter and lift their hands then a hand was placed on their heads and they would repeat a series of words and then the spirit was to take over and then you would speak in this other dialect. I watched this over and over again. Part of me wanted to believe and another part had doubts about its authenticity. All of the participants appeared sincere and after all they were my peers they can’t all be faking. So I got the courage to try my fate. I went forward I raised my hands and began to repeat what I was told. Tears in y eye’s and all. Nothing. No stammering of the tongue no words nothing. Ok They said I wasn’t believing I wasn’t letting go. I wasn’t trusting the lord. I went at it again giving it everything I could. Nothing. No words English or other wise. Yes my emotions were stirred after this ritualistic drilling but nothing that resembled this holy ghost they were teaching me to tarry for. So I went home and pondered for days. I was very much into music and still am but then I was more of a listener and follower of the arts. Stevie Wonder was my so to speak Guru. I followed everything he did and every song he made. He was my example of a spiritually inspirational artist and I could appreciate the fact that he was so versatile talented . I recall him singing about transcendental mediation in his song I thought this might give me the assistance that I need to connect in order to receive this holy ghost. I remember at the time I had also researched the Beatles and others who had experimented with different kinds of drugs to reach other creative and perception levels. I was one who was afraid of anything that would take me out of control of my self. I was very much afraid I also was terrified of needles so anything like that was out of the question. But I had an aha. My mother smoked cannabis. I knew from her it was safe I had never experienced it before but to get the Holy Ghost it was worth a try. So I went to my Mother and I explained to her what I was attempting to do. I said Mom I’m trying to get the Holy Ghost. I believe that my flesh and my thoughts are interfering with my connection to God. I need something that can help me submit. My Mother trusted everything she and My Grand ma had taught me and she said. Lucky here. She gave me one joint and said don’t smoke the whole thing. Just half and put it out. I said yes maim. I proceeded to walk to church which was across town about 3 miles. When I got about 6 blocks from the church I fired the joint up. Mind you this was my first time having this ex-


I smoked half of it just as my Mother had instructed. I was about a block out I dowsed it and put it in my shirt pocket. By the time I reached my seat in the church between my cousin Kenny and my brother Pewe. I could feel the effects coming on. Just when it hit me the music started jamming and one of the main holy ghost characters that always caught my eye. Leaped in the air and started going at it. Well I was finished. It struck a nerve in my funny bone and I was through. I couldn’t contain myself. Kenny couldn't figure out what was wrong with me and Pewe detected it right away. Pewe looked into my eye’s when I came up for air and said lucky! Your high! I said yea but you don’t understand what I’m doing. He appeared to be angry and Kenny just looked surprised. I knew it was time for me to go. I managed to scramble out of the church still in a hilarious daze. I was mezorized pondering about what had just happened. I expected an epiphanies' experience. I was sure I was going to elevate in to this euphoric holiness unlike any other spiritual experience I have ever had. But no, it turned into a joke. That laterally left me laughing. When I collected my thoughts I asked my Father why. Why did I not receive this Holy Ghost that I was pursuing The answers was I am always with you. I have led you this far. Only my voice shall you trust. This began to open my eye’s to everything around me that professed Righteousness and was not. Now to further this series of rude awakenings. There was a young man I met through this Church I use to admire. I liked his style , his shoes he had the hottest fro and the ladies loved him. I wasn’t jealous of him in the least. He was very admirable to me. I never talk to him because I believed he was in another class than I was. I didn’t even think he would talk to me. But I remember one day to my delighted surprise he did. He spoke to me. It was on a trip the church had taken to one of the parks. What followed blew my mind. I remember He asked me to spend the night at his house one weekend. I didn’t think anything of it because in the hood this was completely normal . Friends neighbors and relatives all went to spend the weekend or nights at friends or relatives homes. Sometime we never returned home we ended up living with that family or persons. Well I went and everything was good. We talk about many things what we wanted to do. What we wanted to be. The church. Then we fell off to sleep . The next day He took me to Philadelphia. We just shopped he bought shoes and I watched. Sound like a couple females huh? I had a great time. I had never done anything like that outside of the state. I felt grown up. When we returned to his house he showered me with about eight boxes of shoes. I was flabber gassed after all, that is what I most admired about him and he gave me all of these shoes. Well I was like he’s got a friend for life . But the next time I visited him that night everything changed. My new friend began to ask me questions like what if you discovered that someone really, really liked you but it was a guy. I didn’t have a clue yet what he was referring to but I tried to be a polite and kind person. So I politely answered. I would just let them know that I was flattered but I wouldn’t even know where to begin with something like that because of the way I was raised and what I believe. He pressed further until he revealed to me that it was him that he was speaking of about his feelings for me. I was at first totally speechless. I was from admiration to confusion to sympathetic to slightly offended and I have to say slightly because I wasn’t angry I didn’t feel anything I believed was negative other than confused. I sensitively informed him that their just couldn’t be that kind of relationship between us. I wanted to give the shoes back but he insisted I keep them. This didn’t just go away. While visiting with and older Female friend I had met through a girl I liked so much. I had a super crush on her. Well I met this older young lady I’m sure that sounds off ,older young ,but she wasn’t quite an adult but I was just about fifteen she had to be about 19 or 20. I had written a song and recorded it at school about the world ending. I remember she and many others in my community and church were surprised I had written and recorded a song. I remember my want to be girl friend took me to this Older girls house to show her the song. Well I didn’t know that she also knew the guy that just had asked me into a relationship. As soon as she got me alone she asked me about him. She started trying to match make. I was be wildered. I told her this is not normal. She said what do you mean. Everyone around you is like this. I said what? She said I thought you knew. She began to speak of relatives that she said knew and she thought that I was aware. I got the oh Sh*t’s now I can’t believe what I’m hearing . She began to tell me of the people that were Gay in the church. Including the person that triggered my laughter when I was pursuing the holy Ghost.


This was the rudest awakening I had experienced thus far. I had a shake your head reaction to all of this and I pushed beyond The Mother Church Of God And Christ with more insight than I had when I first attended. I was living with my Mother at this time. But my mother was preparing to relocate to California with her Brothers Tommy and Ronnie Smith. I was employed at the time through my school so I could handle my self. none the less my brother and I moved in with my aunt Sonja again with my cousins Kath Kenny And Sharon Smith. By this time my spiritual and living ideas and concepts had changed drastically. I remember talking to this much younger kid on the street. He was very versed in the bible. I was extremely impressed. Impressed enough to follow him to a house where they were having a house bible study. That was just what I was looking for. Some deep study. Little did I know this would lead me to the quest I am still on today. The young man introduced me to a pastor. Rev Harold Harrison who ultimately changed my whole perspective of God, Religion, And world events in relativity. He took me under his wing and began to teach me to be aware of current world events and news in reference to the scripture. He spoke of independence being able to farm our own lands. How we had better learn to store up the real valuables in life because this society was going to change drastically and we had better be prepared. I learned so much from Dr Harrison and his teachings still apply today. I painted one of my first murals for him. It was Moses with the tablets on mount Sinai. My cousin Kenny and I both painted a mural for his church. It was about his time I was entering my seventeenth year in this world. The pickings at home were kind of short with five of us in the house my aunt Sonja couldn’t really handle the responsibility of feeding us all. There were a many hungry nights. It was also during this time That I had my first very embarrassing encounter with sex. I was dating a beautiful cheerleader from my high school. Typical I was on the football team and she was a cheer leader. She happened to think I was cute. We started talking through my cousin Kathy. I became really fond of her . I would always share my beliefs with her and she started to attend church with me at times. Then one day she brought up the subject about sex. She said she was going to speak to her mother about birth control . I immediately replied for what? She said what do you think. My mother said that if I was ever going to be sexually active to ask for birth control pills. I said, But were not sexually active she said that’s my point. See I was cool but I was also a real nerd. I still had old grand ma principles. I remember standing right in front of her mother and she dropped the question Mom can I get birth control pills!!! My mouth dropped to my knees. I wanted to run and Hide. Her mother looked right at me and said FOR WHAT! I just threw up my hands like I had nothing to do with the conversation. My girl friend responded with . You said if I was going to be sexually active to ask you for birth control pills. Well it was grow up time for me. I went through a lot of mind wrestling with that because we were not married as I had learned in church we should be married before intercourse. This none the less opened a whole new dimension of life for me. I began to experience the wrath of a women . Which I did not realize at the time being so in experienced was a chemical thing do to our engaging in sex. Our relational conflicts ranged from jealousy to other insecurities we were to young to handle. We had a lot of fun together too. She was a real friend. I still have love for her respectfully speaking. We soon parted ways. I soon moved on later that following year to another girl friend I had met in church a very intelligent High scholastic level type young lady. This is what most intrigued me about her. She was also dedicated to The Lord. Although we kissed and petted we never went beyond the boundaries of intercourse. I mentioned this love because, This is where I really began to experiment with oil painting. During my High school art class one of the requirements was to do an oil painting. I refused because I had never painted before. My teacher insisted. Paint or fail so I painted. I couldn’t believe what I had done. I did about three paintings for my girl friends mother and several other people. I never kept one. I had even painted a self portrait. This brings a few memories to mind. I remember having the opportunity to take two of my girl friends on a trip to New York City. The greatest moments of my life. I was only about fifteen sixteen years old. I had learned how to travel to NewYork from a Dear friend of ours He is like a brother to me. His uncle use to come to Delaware and get us. We had a young band called the Burning Flames. We played top forty and originals. I remember the time we played in our school , our middle school for an assembly. We had the whole audi8 torium in an up roar

I was the drummer in the band and my brother Pewe was the dancer and man could he dance. The kids were going bananas. We decided that we would vamp by introducing each member as they exited the stage. Well my brother and I were the last to exit because I held the beat and he had the moves. Before we could get to the last step the girls had snatched us off the stage. We had to seriously wrestle to break free to get out of that auditorium. I remember we ran to my music teachers room to escape . I’m not exaggerating . The Jackson five were pretty hot at the time. The Silvers the Osmond's. I guess we were pretty hot to our middle school. We were ordered to check out that day in order to re establish order at the middle school. The kids wouldn’t even go back to class. We ended up at the trumpet players house. We started horsing around in celebration mode. I happened to see an opened pocket knife on my friends couch so I went to grab it to give it to him. He sees me, grabs my hand and closes the knife on my finger. Blood flew. I grabbed my finger to keep the wound closed. The hospital fortunately was only 2 blocks away we made a mad dash. They weren't very busy that night so they took me right in. While I was receiving stitches I heard all this noise out in the lobby. The security came in to my room and ask. Are you Lucky ? I said yes/ He said Why is there a mob of Kids out in our Lobby. I couldn’t believe it. The school found out I had been cut and they all made a B Line to the hospital. I felt like a star that night. This goes to show how much impact young people can make on a community. New York was the bands next destination. Going with uncle Raymond to the Apollo to see Kool And The Gang. This was it. Dreams do come true. I fell madly in love with New York. I was put on punishment for two weeks because after that I went off to New York by myself. When anyone heard from me again I was in New York City calling Home. My aunt told me have a good time. When you get home your grounded.. I did have a blast. I made my way from grand central station to 110 and Lennox Ave Harlem New York. All the way to Uncle Raymond's Apartment. Not a fear or care in the world. Of course he was shocked to see me show up at his place un announced. I was a very courageous young man. I took that experience and I used it to get permission to take my next two girl friends to visit. New York. One we went for the day. The other we spent the weekend at my aunts house. I was amazed that their mothers and father trusted in me to take their daughter. I must say though I was a real righteous gentleman. Grandma had me trained good. I was trusted as a child to do many grown up things I recall. I would have to say this experience came along at an early age. I had become the drummer for my uncles Gospel group at 10 years old..I had begun playing drums around the age of 7. I just knew from an early age I could play the drums. One day in rehearsal with my uncles choir the drummer they had at the time my uncle Bruce was the drummer. There was a beat he could not seem to get. I was in the corner going nuts for the opportunity to try. But I was afraid to ask. I remember tell one of the members I can play that. They got my uncles attention and said Lucky said he can play that beat. My uncle said you can’t play that beat. I said yes I can. He said then do it. I got on the drums. When I was done they gave the drums to me and I was the drummer from that day on. My brother a lead singer in the group of adults and me the drummer. And believe me we carried a lot of weight on our shoulders being in those positions. My uncles expected no less from us than anyone else in the group. My brother Pewe as I had mentioned early was sickly at that time. One night he complained about not feeling well on our way to an engagement . Pewe complained that he didn’t feel well but it was dismissed as he was just being lazy and didn’t want to perform. He got up on the stage opened his mouth and collapsed . He had to be rushed to the hospital that night he just about passed. He was dehydrated and had a bug. This happened on other occasions as well. My brothers and I’s child hood left more to be desired. We loved what we were doing but our home life was very unhappy between the ages of about three to Fourteen years of age. We didn’t live with our Mother whom we loved so much. We lived with My Grandmother and step Grandfather. My step grandfather was an old school Michael Jacksons Father type man. Very strict very discipline and abusive. I had night mares about him all the way up until I was an adult with my own children. On many occasions he would beat me severely . Their would be slave welts on my back. My eye’s would be swollen from being slapped in the face. He would just come home in a bad mood sometimes and he would begin to rant and rave about money and then he would find something out of place in our room or the house and that was it. I knew I was gong to get beat up that day or night. It was a constant living night mare for a child. I lived in constant fear When he was around. I couldn't rest 9 because I thought he would catch me doing something wrong.

I tried to express to my Grandma what was happening. But it was hard for her to conceive that he was really beating on me like that . Until one day he went to far and she saw my face swollen. I remember her telling him not to hit me in my face like that. He lied about how it happened. I was to scared to mention it again to her. I had to do something. So I signed up for a marshal arts class they were having after school. I was determined to learn to defend my self. I was agile anyway and love to flip and tumble. I had gotten pretty good. I was strong as a child and He had already taught me how to take a hit . And then one day My step grandfather stepped to me again to assault me this time I took a stance. He knew I had been taking marshal arts, he never imagined me having the courage to stand up to him. He was a big man. but it never dawned on him why. That day he found out. From that day on he never hit me again. The night mares still came but at least the abuse was only in my dreams now. If you know anyone who is going through abuse. For children it’s a daily night mare. Try and do something to help that person or child. Fear can paralyze you. The moment worth waiting for .My mother came the following year to take us to live with her and man was that a hallelujah moment. This is when we began to live with my Mother until she moved to California. I would have to say that this was a great test in my life. I didn’t grow to hate my Step grandfather. In fact I loved and appreciated the fact that he wasn’t my father but he raised me and taught me values manners and respect. It was a lesson on how to love and serve your oppressor. It was a form of slavery believe it or not. I was trained to serve. We were trained to clean house from top to bottom immaculately and keep it that way. I also had to prepare and serve him soda and tasty cakes every night before he went to bed with a glass of ice. When I enlisted in the military at 17. My aunt had to sign for me. I was an enlisted man. Now I could earn a living. My Step Grandfather and grandmother had trained my brother and I so well we could have taught the sergeants how to clean and prepare beds. I graduated with early promotions ,with the honor platoon. At Seventeen. This is training we don’t see in America any more. This was surely growing up time for me. I was out on my own and making a living. Before I move into man hood and the responsibilities of living I want to rewind back to my child hood. This book is about the voice and communication of my Father. Through gift whom I have always communicated with whom I’ve come to know as my Father aka God. My art and creativity was and is my sanctuary where I am comforted and I commune with my father. This is what has guided me through all of the days of my life. Through every positive and negative situation.. For this there was always a positive alternative for me no matter how bad things seemed. How ever my brother Pewe took a lot of our circumstances to heart deeply which had life changing effects for the duration of his life.. He and I were inseparable. Right after I enlisted in the military Pewe followed right after me and enlisted. They promised him. If he enlisted. They would station him with me. Never happened. Fort Gordon Georgia US ARMY I was a 17teen year old enlisted private ready for the world. I was still scared to death. I was in the company of men from all over the country. Men of all ages sizes cultures backgrounds and ideas about the world.. I was very naive about the world. But I knew how to fulfill a task or duty perfectly without question. My Platoon sergeant recognized that right away. He called me out in the first three days of training to be a squad leader. This credit goes to My grand Mother And Grand Father. See why I couldn’t hate him. They both fed me fish but he also taught me how to fish for my self figuratively speaking. I was more than ready for the military because of the way I was raised.. Now I’m stationed down in Georgia. Where things are still a little rough for men of color. I’m from the city of Wilmington Delaware where the under ground rail road historically ran. Slavery was abolished long before many states excepted the change. By the time I enlisted ,Black and white were dating and given in marriage in Wilmington Delaware. In fact the last time I saw my Father in Wilmington Delaware I was saying good bye to him. He was leaving for California with his thenGirl friend who was Caucasian. I said all of this to say I was not use to being treated un equally. My grand Father demanded respect from everyone he knew and who knew him regardless of nationality or status. If you didn’t come correct he would let you have it and then you couldn’t turn him off. I believe I picked up some of this trait. Although I was very respectful and would follow orders to the T. Don’t push my button. Even at seventeen. My sergeant had a rough time teaching me to delegating duties to my soldiers apposed to doing them. I was so used to being the servant. It was hard to get use to delegating responsibilities to others but I soon got it in check . He warned me if he saw me doing instead of delegating that he would take my stripes. Then came a major

military challenges. After an AIT class . A very bigoted sergeant called me out to police the area. Which means to clean up and put things in order. He ordered me in a very indignant way. I had been instructed to delegate policing duties to my platoon by my Drill Sergeant. So that’s what I proceeded to do..Delegate. The sergeant took offence and re itinerated that he wanted me to do it. I refused to obey his command. I told him my Drill Sergeant had given me an order that I was not to break. He informed me that he out ranked me and that I was under his command while in his class. I informed him again that I would not comply due to orders from my Drill sergeant. He then ordered me upstairs to stand before his superior officer. That Officer also ordered me to follow orders. I refused to comply to him as well. They both were hot as barbecued wings. They released me and sent me back to my barracks with a report of insubordination. I was called down to report to my Drill Sergeant. He asked me what happened I told him. He dismissed me and I never heard of it again. I was very proud of that moment because everything I had been taught worked for me. Integrity, honesty, Hard work dedication and standing for what I believed regardless to what consequences may arise. A black young man down in Georgia . Standing for what he believes. I needed to find something to do on off duty hours. I joined a band I discovered at the recreation center. I had slightly stepped away from church type fellowship. The Chaplin and military wasn’t my idea of church so I didn't attend . The name of the band was Mellow Friends. I thought they were Hot. They were doing Rags to Rufus stuff. He’s on his Way To Hollywood. Heat Wave. I loved them right away. The lead singer was named Prince. He plaid guitar and sang falsetto. They had a nice base player and Female vocalist. We were tight. But it didn’t last long. One day they conned this young naïve young man namely me to ride into town with them with know clue that I would be spending the night with a mature women. A woman I didn’t even know only from practices at the rec center . I would see here there. They drove me off the base with no way to return, to a hotel downtown with this woman. I had know idea what to do. I was nervous embarrassed feeling very immature. I just wanted to leave but know one was taking me anywhere. I ended up spending the night with this women having a very awkward experience with her. And then found out later she gave me the claps. I was so dis appointed in my self for allowing myself to be persuaded to do something I didn't want to do. It was about that Time I had enough of the military. I had done extremely well up to that point but one night I decided to call my top sergeant and tell him I wanted to go home. I wanted to be discharged. I had finished everything with honors I’m ready to leave I did not see a future.. He told me I signed up for three years and that’s what I was going to do. I replied ok well I just thought I would tell you first before I just Left. He said hold on. If your that serious and your mind is made up. You can go Monday morning to the captains office and request a discharge. I was there that Monday morning requesting my discharges. The lieutenant tried to make me feel small for making such a request. I held to my beliefs and I was discharged the next month. California here I come where my mom uncles and Father had gone. I was beginning to experience people way outside of the spiritual realm. California here I come. My natural Father I know I haven't spoken of him much because I didn’t grow up with him. I visited him once and a while he and my other brothers and sister by he and his second and third wife. I don’t know, he kept trying to get it right . But he always treated me gently and preciously like I was his little prince my brother and I. We both loved and still love my Father dearly because of how he personally treated us. My Father is now a Jehovah's Witness minister. I never thought I would ever see him go to church. Now California! 18 years old Military fit a little adult experience and little money in my pocket. I was ready to conquer the world! I did notice one thing different and that was the voice of my Father wasn’t as present during this military period. I appeared to be in this mode of self determination and vision. My cousins Kenny Kathy And Sharon whom I had a gospel group with when we were kids were in California now also with their father , My Mothers oldest brother. Mickey/ Wilson K Smith you will hear more about him later. Well family reunion. I couldn't Waite to get in the band. I found a job at a place called Emerson electric company spinning transformers. And then It happened I was asked to join the band. My cousin Kenny and I. I knew something special was happening. I was so excited. So was Kenny we were Mack tight too. Our family was a tight knit group anyway mentally physically and spiritually. Once I joined the band it put much pressure on my job. 11

It put much pressure on holding down a job. Here we are some of the most talented people in America . Planted in Orange County California playing music in a top forty band. It just couldn’t get any better. Then the song writer bug bit me hard. I had always been creating and writing little songs since I was very young. Well now I found myself held up in the restroom at work writing lyrics on time cards, toilet paper and what ever else was handy when I had an Idea. When I got home it was all about writing and producing songs. I would stay up all day after coming home from work doing night shift I would stay up instead of going to bed . Writing and producing music until the creative aspect just took over. I started calling off and missing work Till I had to just quit. They were going to fire me anyway. It was a good job but it wasn’t my destiny. It began to write a catalog of songs and creative concepts day and night. Knock ,Knock the age of responsibility started knocking. My uncles wanted to know how we were going to contribute to the rent. So it was jobby job time again. I remember finding a job with the city of Orange county in the accounting department. it was perfect for me. I reported in the morning and got off with the rest of the evening free to create. It was there that I met a women by the name of Lupe Calleros little did I know what part she would one day play in my life. My job at the city was great the family band was beginning to take off. We began having house parties to promote the band and build a following. By then even my youngest brothers Father had even ventured out west. He was a player by all means but I loved him he taught me so much about life and the street. The first party we held at the house. Two young ladies about my age showed up at the party with muggings and his following. Both ladies took interest in Kenny and I both were Caucasian girls. They took us both back to their apartment that night. I couldn’t believe how easy women were. I didn’t know they were willing to sleep with a man so easily. This girl became a long lasting love of mine for several years. The band was flying about now. We were doing major gigs and getting a lot of recognition. The voice became more present in my artistic moments then my everyday thoughts. Meaning I don’t believe I was being guided any more. I believe I was trusted to grow up have experiences and trust what I had been taught over the years. And stay committed to the law. The women and the music took me into another whole realm of thinking and activity. I had but his time left the city job for the same reasons I was no longer committed to working a 9 to 5. I found a job doing security at Mercy general Hospital Orange county California. Now this couldn't be better I worked at night. All I had to do was patrol the parking lot, the inside of the building and walk nurses to their car. I could write lyrics and create songs in my strolle. It was perfect. And that these are my lyrics. It was all about the music and my dream. She began to share in that vision. I remember one day she asked for my Lyrics which were written on any and everything. She took them all and typed each one and put them in a black leather note book with a brass plate with my name on it. I couldn’t believe it. My work became so much more valuable to me. This is what she was trying to get me to see. And now he’s over bearing and extremely jealous even though he has a wife in another city and state. He is currently living in Orange California with her and her parents. I was like a night in shining armor all my grandma qualities kicked in I wanted to save the damsel in distress. I listened and I gave advice. And then he asked me to write a song. So I asked sit next to me and I wrote. Wanting You. So lonely this is what I feel Makes loves meaning so unreal Then why do I keep holding on to this Even though I know it’s wrong. After Our Love had begun You told me I would be the one. To share your love all by my self But in. You life was someone else.



LOVE The word Love has been totally miss deNow your love Ill have to share. fined. That good feeling you have about Seems some how I can’t compare To one who always shares your dreams. some one is not the definition of Love. It’s But tell me. Where does this leave me. called passion. Now you can have passion for someone and not Love them. You can Wanting you, Wanting you dislike someone and Love them at the same Don’t leave. time. If that person were to be in desperate You leave me want ting you need of help and you reached out and helped Wanting you, Wanting you them. Like some medical and care centers Don’t leave. that have had blacks care for members of You leave me want ting you the KKK and they did their job. That’s Love. The perfect response ability. The ability to Now your Love I’ll have to share. And it seems somehow. respond perfectly to the cause. This is not I can’t compare. based on a feeling. This based on the necesTo one who always share your dream. sity to fulfill the need. When you feel sorry So tell me where Does this leave me. for someone for what ever reason. That’s here does this leave me. called compassion. Not Love. The Love is Wanting you, Wanting you when you react to the need. There are songs Don’t leave. that’s speak about I love you. That’s falls beYou leave me want ting you cause love is not saying I love you unless you have fulfilled a need desire or want. Wanting you, Wanting you Don’t leave. From either party the giver or receiver. Then You leave me waiting you have loved them. Or if your in the process you are loving them. When you just say I I thought you believed in loving me. Love you. Where is the proof. We confuse I never thought that you would go. Now for me love never seems the same. Passion, Compassion, and Sex with Love. I just thought that you should know The thing that’s definitive of love is the perYou’ve still got me. fection of the act. Only the perfection of the action is love. Sex alone is not love. It’s the Wanting you, Wanting you purpose behind the action that is love. This is Don’t leave. You leave me want ting you why sex without commitment is considered a sin. Because without Love it’s irresponsible. Wanting you, Wanting you If someone is abusing you and you don’t put Don’t leave. a stop to it because you say you love them. You leave me want ting you That’s not perfect response ability. Charles Patrick Gibbs When I got up from the piano the song was done. My new friend had tap into me and the oil well of creativity just began to flow. We became the best of friends. She was adopted and her parents were all American Ball park citizens. I new at the beginning they were not feeling me. I was a few complexions darker than what they were use to. How ever I used my Grandma charm and it worked wonders. My new friend help to nurture my creativity and refocus on my creative goals. My uncle Mickey had just come back to town. He was always traveling back and forth from Delaware to Cali


Washington DC. My uncle always had something going on. He even booked Ray Charles and his band. To perform at the Crescendo in Anaheim California. He booked our family to open the show. My uncle could make it happen. What ever he thought of he could make it happen. He was a genius and extremely talented. He had already made acquaintances with Marvin Gaye and his family and so many others. Uncle Mickey new how to make connections. On this day I was sitting in the wreck room at the piano singing Wanting you the song I had just written for my new friend.. My uncle stood in the arch way listening. He said Lucky did you write that. I said yes. He said play it again. Lucky that’s a hit song. We’ve got to get in the studio and record it. Do you know any one that will help you finance it. I told him I just met a nurse. She may be interested . I wrote the song for her. He said call her. So I did but I was hesitant to ask her for money. He put the pressure on me so I asked. To my surprise she agreed I was speechless. Mickey arranged to take me into Marvin Gaye’s Studio Cash Studio In Compton California. Toney Houston his nephew recorded and engineered the song. Even Marvin Gays Sister Gene Houston sat in on many occasions. She loved the song. I remember when we first show her the song it was at Marvin Gaye's house on Garrnesy Place in Los Angeles. My uncle had asked while we were visiting could I play Marvin's piano to show her the song. She was a little intimidated because their Father was really strict about the house and Marvin Gaye's Piano. She went up to ask him if it was Ok. He eventually showed himself at the top of the steps looking down on us like subjects. He said you’re the one that wants to play the piano. I said yes sir. He escorted us in the piano room. It was a beautiful antique grand piano. I sat down . He stood behind me as I played and sang. When I finished I turned around to see what he thought. His eye’s were full of tears. He begin to reminisce about his son Marvin . He shared a few thought about Marvin Gaye with me. He then returned upstairs. At the top of the stairs he turned to me and said you can come play anytime you like. I said thank you sir. His daughter gene was astonished She said he has never done that before. It was an incredibly touching moment. And to think not long after that he murdered Marvin Gaye right there in the same house. My uncle and I had a hit song on our hands and he was determined to get it out. Maybe I better rewind a little so you can understand the musical dynamics that were occurring at the time. I had really lunched into every creative aspect of my life that existed. I was deep into oil painting, playing my drums, crating songs on the piano, I was also advancing on the Bass and guitar. I was working on a collage of Stevie wonder. It came out so good. People were telling me I should do T shirts or something with it. So I contacted Stevie Wonders Company Black Bull Music in Los Angeles . Keith Harris his assistant at the time had an interview with us. I gave the painting to him for Stevie Wonder and they hung it in his Office. He called Mr. wonder on the Phone to thank me I have to say it was one of the high lights of my life. Before we left ,Keith asked what else we did. My uncle told him we had a band. He asked did we have a demo he could show to Mr. Wonder. My uncle assured him we would have one soon and we would return to submit it. I was fired up. All I wanted to do was record music and shop it. I produced two song for our new demo. One was a song called Wonder Love about Stevie Wonder. And I’ll Always Be Around. I won a radio show contest with those songs. We never heard from Mr Wonder about the songs but that didn’t discourage me at all. There were so many High rise buildings with record label logos on them I was just beginning. I wanted to visit them all. I was about 19 or 20 buy this time. I was becoming a man with a vision. I’m a leo a fire sign with all the hunter instincts and predatory energy I could produce. I wanted to be in the studio all the time producing demos to shop. I pressed this issue to my uncles who were the founders and leaders of our band Black Smith. At the time I was very young and ambitious and I hadn’t considered a lot of things concerning my uncles plans for what direction the band should go in. All I could see was the opportunity to get a deal doing what I loved most. I had to go to my uncle one day and just communicate with him. What was on my heart. I shared with him that I believed in the music and I see the opportunity where we can get a recoding deal. He informed me that they had already been that route And he had other plans for the direction of the band. He added if this is something in your heart you feel you have to due. Then that’s what you have to do. This was a little difficult because we as a family did everything together. I believe it created a small divide in our bond, but never the less .


I had to pull up my boot straps get focused and move forward. My first move was to get back into the studio and record a six song demo. One of the girls I had met when I first arrive in California. I mention her earlier in the book. She had become my girl friend now. She had a good job and was also extremely supportive of my efforts. She really believed in my talent and believed I was capable of getting a recording deal. My girl friend took out a credit union loan of $500.00 dollars. We found a studio in Inglewood. called Emmit Studios. I went to my brother Pewe and my cousin Kenny Smith. I wrote and arranged ten songs for us to get ready for the studio. Kenny played guitar on I just want you girl Pewe played the piano arrangement. I played the Bass Drums and piano on the rest of the tracks. I sang lead and background vocals on all the tracks. Pewe and Kenny covered the background vocals. I like The Way, I Just Want You, I live For you, Have You Had Enough, Softly the last song slips my mind I’ve written and recorded so many songs since then. We practiced until we had them perfected. Studio day I could feel the energy of success. The moment we began recording. I felt like I slipped into another dement ion. The only thing that existed to me was right were I was. In the moment. I could feel this experience would carry me to the next level. My already had friends in the industry so while we were in the studio recording. he took a ride to Los Angeles to meet with friends he met that had a popular television show. he inquired of him who would we take a demo to To shop a record deal. He game her six names of attorneys. We choose one just by looking at there names. Probably because his last name was Jackson. David Jackson Esquire it was then. We called him on the phone. We told his secretary we had a demo of six songs and we needed an attorney to shop a deal for us. We were then instructed to send the demo in and bn he gave us his address. As far as I was concerned the best mail man was me..So I headed to LA to deliver the goods. I was confident I really felt on top of the world. I was pursuing something big without the comfort of my family but I still felt very courageous. Sunset boulevard just beneath Beverly hills I never forget it. Top floor. We entered Mr Jacksons office without an appointment. I politely introduced my self to his receptionist, qualities of grandma again. Mr. Jackson was informed I was there. He came out of the office. His first words were I thought I told you to send the demo in. I know, But what better mail man could I trust than myself to get it here. He paused Give me a second. We waited suddenly his office door opened and he invited Pewe and Myself In. We had a seat in front of his desk. He had a nice stereo system directly behind him. He spun around in his chair and said lets hear it. I gave him the demo and just waited for his response. I had no doubts that he would be impressed. He sat bobbed his head a few moments. Stopped pressed forward. He listened to every song. This was rare in the industry. He turned back to me and said you wrote all of these songs I said yes. I have a producer coming in tomorrow I think that he would be very interested in you. Yes! I knew it. Leaving 15

The very next precious moment.. I was parked by the phone everyday. It didn’t take long. I got the call. The Producer Leon Heywood wants to meet with you. It was my attorney David Jackson. Leon Heywood had just had a hit with She’s A Bad Mamma Jamma. With his artist Carl Carlton. It was on. The next thing I know we were sitting in David’s office signing a record deal with Leon Heywood of Eve Jim Music. In the midst of all of this there was the voice that was ever so faint telling me that this was not the way to go with my gift. I reasoned that voice to be the devil. This couldn't be my Heavenly Father telling me that this wasn’t for me. See if I had acknowledged that this was my fathers voice I would have to obey. I was in forward motion. Nothing was going to stop me from achieving the goal I had set to become a Hollywood Star. Before I signed the agreement I asked for an advance. Leon was a little taken back. He wasn’t expecting that from me. David negotiated it. He agreed to an advance of six thousand dollars. I spent the whole check on a car that would get me back and forth to LA. One of the high lights of this experience was meeting James Ingram in the studio. .He was laying tracks for, for Leon on Jerry Nights album The song was I’m Down For that. At the time Michael Jackson was looking for songs for the thriller album. I had the opportunity for Michael Jackson to listen to my songs by way of James Ingram. I really believed he would choose one of my songs. The problem was. My songs sounded to much like what he had already done. So he passed. Wow. another valuable lesson learned. Taught by the King of Pop. You must be as original as possible and continue to re event yourself. My next experience with Leon was meeting Norman Whitfield of many Motown Hits like Poppa was a rolling Stone. This was my first rude awakening to the evils of Hollywood. We were sitting in the Lounge in the Motown Building when Norman Whitfield walk through. Leon spoke to him and he responded as if Leon had stolen something from him. I immediately could sense some really bad spirits between them. And as I sat there I began to sense other spirits that were present and passing through. I suddenly felt alienated. I felt like I was in the center of something I couldn’t begin to relate to or understand. I had forgotten for a moment. Why I was there. I just wanted to leave. This was just the beginning of a series of moments were I would experience the same feelings about the environment I was in. Hollywood was a totally different community then I was accustom to. How you actually think, relate and deal with other people. Especially the people of your profession. I wasn't’ making and income during these sessions with Leon. So for me each session was a means to get paid. As far as I was concerned Leon was dragging his feet concerning my development as an artist. The last straw was One day I had driven all the way to Compton Ca to meet with Leon again about my advancement forward. I waited for hours. I couldn’t believe it. He finally showed up. I was livid I verbally tore into him. Letting him know how inconsiderate he was and I didn’t want to waist my time anymore I was done. I left and connected David Jackson the attorney and told him I wanted out of the contract. I waited 16

For hours He was some where getting his car painted. He actually told me that. I flashed back to the day I had seen he and Norman Whitfield’s interaction at the Motown building. I knew that day this was not for me. My attorney informed be because of the clause we had put in the contract to protect me. I was free to go and that Leon couldn’t hold me. The industry was a little slow and unsure at the time. The Only thing we in the black community had new was Obrien I’m Freaky. And Prince had just begin to surface. So no one really knew what was going to happen or which direction the industry was going in. I met with various other producers and record companies but it was more of the same kind of missed expectation and missed representation. The Hollywood lights Had begun to grow dim for me. I was no longer interested in being a Hollywood Star. I just wanted to write and produce good an innovative music. I could begin to distinguish the difference between my self and the voice of my Father again. I took a rest a hiatus from the Hollywood scene. During this time I was very active in oil painting I had already painted Stevie Wonder now it was in his office in Black Bull Music LA California. Now I was painting my crush on Ms Chaka Kahn, I was painting a huge collage of her. It took me weeks. By the time I had finished it just so happened she was doing a concert at the Beverly Wilshire in LA. I had to go. I could just imagine giving her this painting. I talk to my uncle because he was a Chaka Kahn fan as well. It was done we were going. The concert finally came around. I was on pins and needles planning my strategy on how I would present this painting to her. That night Ms Chaka Kahn was her usually amazing self. Near the end of the show I exited to go to the car and get the painting. When I returned the lights were still down and Chaka Kahn was exiting the band was still jamming and I was making my way to the stage. As the Band vamped out. I noticed a gentleman standing to the side of the stage watching what was going on. I approached him with the painting. High I’m Charles I did this painting of Chaka I wanted to present it to her. He observed it. Wow you did this? Unfortunately there is no way I can let you back stage at this time. There are so many important guest and media this would not be the idea time ,but I can give it to her for you. No way man I spent to long and put to much of myself in this not to give it to her personally. (Manager )I tell you what here is my card. Chaka will be here again next year. Call me and we will arrange for you to present it to her then. That’s a deal. Needless to say it was a long year. Spookie With no record deal prospects and no income my girl friend began going through changes. It was time to be independent again and find employment immediately. Right in my flow of thought a song came on the radio. It was. I want to be your Lover by an artist named Prince he sang with a falsetto type voice. I couldn’t believe it. No it can’t be. I ran all the way around to the record store. It was right 17

A bit of trivia for you. One of the greatest albums Marvin Gaye ever released that is still relevant to day. What's Going On? Berry Gordy was not going to release this album. It was to politically sensitive. The Vietnam war was in full heat. Protest the world had revolutionary atmosphere. Marvin held on to the album until it was a matter of losing money is why they had to release it. Mr. Marvin Wouldn't give them anything else. Take the time to listen to this album again.

Stevie Wonder/More Than Wonder By Charles Patrick Gibbs Marvin Gaye/ Marvelous/ By Charles Patrick Gibbs

Chaka Kahn/ I’m Every Women By Charles Patrick Gibbs 18

Around the block. All the way I couldn’t help but think about my military days the band I was playing with. The lead singer played guitar, sang falsetto and his name was Prince. When I get in the store. Do you have the new album by an artist named Prince. Yes. Just got it in. I was holding my breath. It can’t be. I got to the artist section. I thumbed through slowly. There he was Prince. But it wasn’t the one I knew. Whew! I had a sense of excitement and relief at the same time. Yes envy even though I walked away from Hollywood It was hard to bare someone I knew busting the waves before me. That soon faded with admiration of this new artist. Prince. I became a fan. He was everything I wanted to be. I began to follow and become a part of his philosophy as an artist. Probably because we had so much in common. Like Stevie Wonder before us. We both played all the instruments, wrote all the lyrics sang lead and background vocals and produced the music. Unlike Stevie Wonder Prince and I are almost the same age. I was a big fan. I went to see him at the Crescendo in Anaheim CA, I remember He had a trench coat, bikini briefs and high heels. I liked him so much. It didn’t matter. I guess it was like little Richard in my Mothers era. This is a prime example of how influential artist and entertainment can be on anyone. My morals were immediately compromised because first I loved the music I admired the artist and He has signed a great deal with one of the largest record companies in the industry. I was sold. I filled out an application for a Job right then to work at that store, Music Plus. I didn’t know it then but the industry was subtly lower my generation into a den of permisquity and ego. They knew we would be willing to go. In the mean time I had a job at one of the best places in the world to get an education about the Record Industry. I dug in deep. I wanted to know everything about the industry. The sales and distribution. It was the greatest Job in the world for me. Keeping albums stocked in inventory ,priced accessories, and displays piece of cakes. I remember Obrien even paid a visit to the store one day to see how his album was doing. I asked him about Prince. He said he had never met him. But he wishes he could get that keyboard synth sound Prince has. Prince was putting on the pressure for us to stand and deliver if we call our selves artist. As you can see my focus on my fathers voice was voluntarily becoming faint again. My new lord was the purple one Prince. And then it happened… The Thriller. Michael Jackson The buzz started trickling then it started raining and then Motown 25 Michael Jackson and Billie Jean. His albums literally filled our records store inventory back room. As fast as they came in they went out. It was phenomenal. And then amazingly enough all of these other artist began to follow the Flood. Lionel Ritchie Followed, then Boy George culture club, Cindy Luaper, Duran Duuran, Men At work The list goes on. Records were selling again. The promotion and marketing literally made that happen. The world of music had changed. To a support cult with Idols. And we were under the spell and following. The men began to dress, wear our hair and make up like women gay or straight we were all influenced by the new wave. Led by Michael Jackson and Prince. Then in 19

Came Madonna. The road to Sodom and Go mar was full steam ahead. If you just listen to the songs of that era 1979. Look the dress coed, observe the body and hand gestures these artist that we love were displaying to us. Deeper and deeper Our consciousness was being drawn into compromising and degrading levels of existence. This helps me to reflect back when I was in a record agreement. I had brought the attorney some music to shop for me. One of the songs was a song called Mr. Delight. It was a song about a women that was using a man as a John. Taking advantage of his good nature and kindness. I loved this song and asked me to produce more of that kind of song. I submitted many more after that . They were great songs. But he would say that’s not what I need to shop a deal. I had no idea that it was the sexual content of Mr. Delight he was talking about as far as marketing goes. I had also refused to produce the same type of song over and over again. You could say I was a difficult client. But the industry had Michael Jackson, Prince, And Lionel Ritchie to lead the way and like I said I was also following. I was an Idol worshiper. So one day after work .I went home and gathered all my demos of about 200. My next day off I made a bee line to Warner brothers records on Warner blvd Burbank .CA with just about my whole catalog of music. I had what we played music on at that time a walk man with head phones. I entered the lobby I went directly to the house phone and asked the receptionist to connect me with Benny Medina’s Office. They answered. On the other line was a very pleasant women's voice. I immediately begin to tell her. I have my catalog here in the lobby for Benny can I bring it down. She said hold on is he expecting you. I said I talk to him on the phone. I’m in town on another appointment can you come up please. Hold on. She hung up. The next thing I know she appeared in the lobby. Mr. Gibbs. Yes maim. Here listen. I put the head phones on her head and turned the tape on. She listen for a minute. This is you. Yes. Does everything else in this Box sound like this. Yes. Hold on. She disappeared with all of my music down stairs. She called back up to the Receptionist. They want to see you. I had such a rush. But I had already envisioned this before it happened. I went down to meet Mr. Benny Medina Chief Executive of Black A&R at Warner Brother Records. He asked me how long did it take for me to produce this much music. A couple of years. Well what is it you want to do. I want to become a part of Warner brothers. I want to get my music out there. His next statement I will never forget. He said your kind of crazy aren’t you. I said No just ambitious. We will have to spend some time with you listening to what you have and then we can establish something with you concerning which direction we can go in. I was super high when I got out of there. Mr Medina had assigned me to a his young A & R entrepreneur Eddie Singleton for Eddie to get to know me and keep me busy till something could be decided. So Eddie did just that. He began to take me all over Burbank meeting people at there homes. At the office he would show me who was the next artist coming out. At the time it was 20

Tevin Campbell. He was assigned to Quincy Jones.. That night Eddie took be into Hollywood hills. I’m going to introduce you to my cousin Marvin. Ok. We have a studio out back and you might be able to help us with some songs.. Ok. Little did I know when I got up there. His cousin is Marvin Gay Jr. and Marvin Jr’s. Mother is the Late Anna Gordy Gaye. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! There we were outside the gate of my future I felt. Eddie press the call box. A voice answered who’s there. It’s Eddie. Come on in Hun. The gates opened and up the drive way we cruised right up to a drive way near a pool. We got out Approached the door and a beautiful elderly women open the door. Hey Eddie. Hi Auntie . How are you..I’m doing just fine Eddie. Marvin's out back. Ok I’ll be right back. I stayed behind and chatted with Mrs. Gaye. She began to share things with me that I won’t share in this book. But one thing I will share is She told me about an event that was going to celebrate Her brother Barry Gordy and Motown and that she was being invited. It made her reminisce with me of her early days at Motown and how the first label that berry started was with her. Anna Records. I could hardly believe I was sitting in her presence reminiscing about Motown the late great Marvin Gaye, Berry Gordy And Mrs. Anna Gay her self. In her living Room. This was really a spiritual walk for me. All though I thought at the time is was a Hollywood walk. Eddie introduced me to many people in Hollywood and took me many places to feel the atmosphere. I was getting a rush from each experience because I was neck and neck running with fame. I knew I had it made. Rewind, My pursuit to become a star and possessed me. It was in this era that Earth Wind & Fire Started out with Where Have All The Flowers Gone. To Written In The Stone. But ended up in Boogie Wonder Land. The message music we were accustom to creating and listening to. The industry began to influence and change that. We are now in 2015 going into 2016 in just 12 days. When you listen to the music and watch the artist. Everything that is being created and sold to our children is a complete degradation to us all. Now rewind because How I got to this story was by telling you about having to get a job during my preparation to shop Hollywood again. The year had passed and I just heard the announcement on the radio Chaka Kahn in Concert at Universal Studios. Guess who else would surly be there? Yours Truly. Now this had to be one of the greatest experiences of my life. There she was again lighting up the stage and my heart. Ms Chaka Kahn Just as fantastic as ever. I had my painting with me but it was to large for them to allow me to bring it in to the theater. I had to leave it with security until the show was done. I was also armed with her managers card. Who was Burt Zell at the time. As soo. as I heard the final call I headed out the door to get my painting. When I got to the security shed. They told me they had already taken the painting back to her. WHAT! I was livid. I ran all the way back in the theater while the show was still rocking. I ran to the far right of the stage and up the steps I went. Went I got to the stage door Burt was right at the door 21

Standing guard. I hollered Burt! Because the music was blasting. I’m Charles remember me! I’m the one who did the painting. He said I know they Gave it to her. I yeah but you promised I could present it. Yea but I can’t let cha go back there’s more people than last year. Oh no! Burt you can’t do this to me. I’ve waited a year. I bought a ticket. I came all the way back and I still have your card. He just stared into my eye’s grabbed my arms and shoved me back stage. I had no Idea where I was going but I found my way to the green room. Just walking in the room. I was bug Eyed. The first person I saw was Rick James and then I looked to my left and who’s sitting on the couch. Arsenial Hall. Yes I’m a little star struck my now. Chaka Kahn hadn't come in yet. I’m standing looking bewildered. I had to shake myself. I finally got the courage up to approach Rick James. He was discussing a movie with some white gentlemen. When the opportunity seemed right I went over to him to shake his hand and tell him how thrilled I was to meet him. He snubbed me immediately. As if I had just passed gas on him. I politely took my hand back and walked away. Arsenial Hall was watching and he saw what happened so he called me over to the couch where he was sitting. I started telling him right away why I was there. He was pretty impressed because he had already seen the painting. He told me how much she loved it. And right then a commotion and in the door walks Ms Chaka Kahn With kisses and hugs for my artistic work. Yes! Can’t even explain the feeling. How long did it take you. I told her. It took a couple weeks. She said I love it I’m going to put in my condo. And right then Someone significant grabbed her arm to introduce her to someone else. She looked back again and said thank you baby. That was enough for me. It was time to go. My girl friend was out in the parking lot in the car waiting all this time. I have to say I was on cloud nine for a little while after that experience. I had begun to realize that I could do most anything I had put my mind to. This is when I began to hear my Fathers voice speak clearly. He began to tell me that I had learned to write , arranged, produce, perform record and manufacture my own music. So what did I need from Hollywood? Life then took a huge turn for me. One day I had this inspiration to visit the hospital where I use to work. I wanted to see if that nurse who I had written Wanting you was still there. I wondered back to pediatrics. Lo and Behold! There she was. Hey! Hey! How are you! I’m good I was hoping you were here. You know it’s funny I just start working here again. I had moved to Hawaii. What! Yes. I was going to stay but something told me I should come back. So here I am. One of the first major trips we made together was the trip to Warner brothers. The connection that She and I made was deeper than I ever really knew or ever totally appreciated until now. This was someone who fanatically believed in the spiritual side of my art. With all her body soul and mind, This drew us in to a relationship beyond what was original intended. I being from a so called black family and she being from a so called white family. Her mother and father was not hearing that and the fact I was a musician. They made it clear that they would not support this endeavor. 22

She called me one day crying. Saying that her father was kicking her out. Woe, What? Wait. How why is he doing that. Because I’m helping you and they said that they will not support that and if that’s what I want to do. To get my things and get out. Well come and get me. The voice of my Father spoke again. “Remember the lady that would always try and get you two together when you worked at the hospital. Yes? Do you remember her telling you that her son moved out and that she had a room? That’s right! Wow thank you Lord. Guess what? I have a place for you to stay. Really! Yes! Where. The switch board operator you work with said that her son moved and that you could have his room. Oh my God Thank You so much. Yes you have to thank the lord for that one. Because I had no idea. I just knew we had to do something. The worst part for her was having to rid of her dog whom she had had for years. I helped her move in and then that night when it was time for me to go. She broke down. Needless to say. I didn’t leave. For me it had immediately became a different world, She was no longer working at the hospital, She was no longer living at home, She cold no longer back my Recording efforts. I didn’t have the money to pursue it alone and Warner Brothers was on the line. I had bitten off more than I could chew. There was no way I could sustain us and continue to pursue a carrier in Hollywood. It was then I let it go. Even though the Father had told me I could do it on my own. I still thought I could use a little help from Hollywood. How ever that train did stop and the family train pulled in. She announced to me that she was pregnant. Oh boy and the hits just keep coming. My very next words were. We have to get married. I can not bring a child into this world without my last name. My Grandmother , My Mother would not hear of it. Not even your parents. We have to get married. We took the bus down town and it was on. Mr. & Mrs. Gibbs. Well the baby never arrived. The doctor said there was no baby. She just had a bad cycle. Well for years after that she still had rough cycles. Things were beginning to get real rough the both of us. I had to really think about what I was going to do. I was inspired to make one more Hollywood attempt. I figured. If I’m going to make it. I’m going to have to submerge myself right in the heart of entertainment. Las Vegas here I Come with just enough money to spend one night a meal. The only othe thing I was armed with was my music. On the bus riding into the city. The first thing that jumped out at me was. Diana Ross At Cesar's Palace. This spoke nothing but destiny for me. I had already had so many experiences with meeting celebrities. Nothing was going to stop me from perusing Ms Ross. I checked in to the most affordable hotel I could afford. It was the sands. I think it’s been torn down since then. I checked in and made a B line to Cesar's Palace Bio &Video in hand. I was focused figuring in my head how I was going to get my music to Ms Ross. I had never been in Vegas before so the visuals were a bit overwhelming but that didn’t hinder my goal. I entered Cesar's Palace with all it’s glory. And yes it felt like I was going to see Cleopatra. Little did I know that just beyond me there was a crowd of people station outside of a shoe store in side the Palace. 23

I ventured closer to see what they were gazing and buzzing about. I got to the crowed and peeped through and gazed through the store window. Lo and behold if it wasn’t Ms Ross her self. Trying on shoes. The store doors were locked for security reason of course . But right before our eye’s sits Ms Diana Ross.. I was typically beside myself. I was nervous, blood rushing. I had to walk away for a second to gather my thoughts. I walked a few feet away from the store sat down, collected my thoughts and right at that moment the shoe store doors opened and out strolls Ms Ross, house security right beside her. I couldn't blow this opportunity. Nor could I let anything keep it from happening. It seemed in slow motion. As soon as she and the guard approached right where I was sitting. I raised up and presented my package. Ms Ross Would you please except this promo kit from me. She smiled a big one and said of course I will. What is it? It’s a video of me performing my originals and here’s my bio. Wonderful. I will be sure to take a listen. As I watched them walk away I could see house security take the package. I knew this was for security and insurance protection reasons. None of that mattered to me. I had accomplished my goal. I met Ms Ross. I delivered my art. I was elated . I didn’t want to do anything else but continue now with my journey. My Father began to speak. You are everything you are looking for. Your gift has brought you before great men and women. But you were not destined for Hollywood. Your destiny is the Kingdom. I have opened many doors for you. So that you may see how easy it would be for you to become a part of that society. I also allowed you to make a decision about what direction you would go in, to apply your gift. Because you have chosen not to compromise with the world. Your destiny is the Kingdom to Come. My mind and heart was open to what ever my Heavenly Father had for me to do. I returned to Orange County on the next bus. On the ride back I reminisced about the time when I met My Idol Stevie Wonder. Right outside of his radio station KJLH in California. Then a new reality settled in to my consciousness. Suddenly I had taken on a responsibility that I was not ready for. I had committed to living with and taking reasonability for two human lives. What in the world was going to be my next move. Wouldn’t you know it. Just in the nick of time An old friend a boy hood friend I grew up with called. He was the leader of the band I played with in middle School. Yes it was the Burning Flames the ones that upset the school when we were just kids. What's up man? Hey man!. I heard your still doing your music. Sure enough. I'm trying to keep it alive. You ever think about coming back here. Well right now that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. That’s just what I wanted to hear. What a miracle. I just knew this was the right move. Back to the home land. are so different from the purpose and drive I had in California. The East Coast This chapter of my life has taken sometime for me to begin to write. The dynamics re so completely different.

I felt like a lion returning to the wilds of Africa. I could only believe that this was the continuation of greatness. I felt spirits of the past present and future were there to greet me. This is where I could hear my Fathers voice the clearest. The loudest. I knew I would be in the company of many others that entertained the same spirit. Having been away for such along time I could see my home town in an entirely different perspective the most of the people that I knew that still lived there. My young wife and I were greeted with open arms by my child hood buddy and his family. I immediately set up shop. We set up a demo studio in the basement. One of the first things we decided we would have to do was get incorporated. I looked in the directory and a familiar name popped up. Leonard Williams Law Firm. I knew this was led by the spirit. I called right away to get an appointment. Mr. Williams was glad to see me and very interested in what it was I wanted to do. He was my first lesson at incorporating. He was the best. He is historically one of the first black judges in the country. Ironically I grew up next door to him. I went to school with Mr. Williams baby brother. This was a family of about twelve or more bothers and sisters who's father passed when Gregory was a baby. Mr. Leonard Williams is the oldest and Gregory is the Baby Boy. This was in the sixties and this was a proud black educated family who believed in getting an education and being proud of your heritage. Mr. Williams set up our business. It was then I discovered that every major corporation in the country was incorporated in Delaware. Why? Because of the tax laws. Delaware is the first colonial State to be incorporated as one of the United States of America. My interest in my home state and town was more significant. Delaware is called the diamond state. Small and valuable. The vice president of the United States Joe Biden is from my neck of the woods. He was our senator. I have been in Mr. Biden's company on several occasions, At a fortune 500 Breakfast in elevators at the city building. I also gave him a copy of the Banner Waves He Dr Ben Carson Former Governor Carper, MILLIONARE Tycoon Foster fries and several others that had attended a fortune 500 breakfast on the water front in Wilmington Delaware. A Dr and Pastor and Dr Alton of Wilmington Delaware invited me to attend this breakfast for the purpose of promoting the Banner waves to forum of powerful men. There was an elderly Caucasian lady that I was introduced to that took me by the hand and escorted me up to the guest panel and had me place a copy of the banner waves before every platform guest seat. I’m really getting ahead of my self. You will see where this event didn't happen until later in my move to Delaware. My point is now I was becoming totally aware of how our country and economy is regulated. One very special individual in my life who served as my educator and guru. He educated me on many levels and about many things. I remember as a child I met him. I heard someone playing the drums. I followed the echo to my next door neighbors alley way. If you can picture this. On the east coast they have these colonial style row houses that between each one is what is called an alley. A path way between to houses that lead around to usually a yard and the rear 25

entrance of the house. Down that same path way was also an entrance to the basement. The lower level of the house. I followed the echoing of the drums to a basement door where this guy was playing drums in such and intricate way I was hypnotized by his ability. I just stood and watched him play. He then stopped and invited me in. You Patsies boy. Yea I live with my Grandmother and Grandfather next door. I know I know your whole family. My uncle teaches your grandfather. He does? Yes your grandpa plays the saxophone. Yea. He has a band! I know all that. I play the drums to. I have a set in my basement. I just got them for Christmas. Here let me hear you play. I sat down and beat for him. Here let me show you something. He then began to show me how to hold my sticks and how to do drum rolls. How to properly cross over with my sticks. When I left there . He had a friend for life. Dexter was from then on a major part of my mental artistic and spiritual development for the rest of the major part of my young adult life. I use to visit Dexter or he would stop by my house and we would get a cup of coffee and begin to talk and eventually we would leave the house and just walk and talk. It didn't matter what time it was day or night we would venture through neighborhoods and parks just talking about everything from spirituality, history and music. Dexter was unloading a treasure of information on me. I was eating it up with every letter and syllable. I remember bringing a harps a chord home from school one day. Dexter showed me how to play it. He taught me Killing me Softly. Dexter was an amazing human being and just extraordinarily gifted just pure God given genus. I wanted anything he had to share with me. What I had begun to be aware of concerning the operations of society. Dexter had a library of information that he began to share. And then the most life changing moment occurred. One day in observation of my wife I sensed that she might be pregnant. Guess what I was right. This begins a whole new chapter in our lives. I already sensed spiritually that it would b a boy. Yes! The same voice told me so. We did not plan children we just excepted them as they came. The first being Chaka The Kacha, Kalena, Charan & Chalena. Their names are significant to the story because we had learned early on how powerful names and words are. How much of an effect they can have on you r behavior in life. My wife and I knew that the only behaviors we were certain to know was our own. We knew we were not perfect, but we both were God loving respecters of humanity. So we named each one of them after ourselves. I mentioned this because so many of us carelessly live without considering the some of the simple Laws of survival that our Heavenly Father has laid out for us. Like naming our children. If you study the scriptures. Our ancestors were very carful about name selection. Moving forward obviously we had a large family. By this time We were making pretty good money. I was working at the church and my wife was working at the hospital. The family life had orchestrated my life right back into the church. Let me back up just a little after the birth of our first child Chaka. We begin to experience problems in our business relationship. My self and my Child hood buddy. There was a disagreement in 26

The company was going to move. One day things got heated and I stormed out of the house. I began to talk to my Lord and he told me to keep walking. I got about two blocks into my walk and I saw a sign across the street that said apartment for rent. I immediately went to knock and inquire. It just so happened the landlord was present. He was finalizing a few touch ups on the apartment. It was absolutely perfect. I ran back to the house. Oh by the way My mother had moved back in town and was staying with us. My grandfather wasn’t doing well so my mother came home to aide him. I ran in the house Mom guess what. I found a place. What? Yes! It’s right up the street a nice little apartment. My mom had saved a little money. She always had a little savings some where. We had enough to afford the place. We signed a lease agreement that week. I moved everything by pushing it up the street to the apartment. My friend was astonished. He thought I was in a spot were I would have to compromise. Where else was I going to go? What was I going to do? When you are in the will of destiny. Nothing can stand in your way. Everything you need will be along that path. This is why faith is so vital to a life in Heaven. The path will surly get dark because life is seasonal. But at night and during the cold. There is still always a way to survive and move forward. We must live according to the Laws of nature the Laws that were made for all life and humanity. Now in a new place with a new perspective. Time to find a new job. I got a tip on a hospital that was hiring. My grand Father worked in the kitchen as a cook. I put in an app and thank the Lord I was Hired. I felt complete and ready to raise a family. Little did I know about six months into the job I would feel lost and un accomplished. My job was the laundry and some of the mess I had to clean up was atrocious. I just couldn’t imagine myself ending up like this. The laundry man at River Side hospital. I fell in a deep depression. I began to sleep on my days off. I had to search myself. I had to talk to my Father and see if this was the path. I woke one morning. I had the urge to call Warner Brothers just to see if I could make contact with someone. I called the A & R department. Eddie singleton answered the phone. The first thing he said was. You sound like me on the phone. I knew I had connected. I began to tell him how I met Benny Medina and that he had begun to evaluate my tapes but before we could do anything. life's pressures caused me to move to the east coast. He said well why don’t you send me your new material and lets get re acquainted and we can go from there. I heard, (an opportunity to meet). So I said well I’ll be out here next week. I have a publishers meeting maybe we can meet up. He said that’s awesome I would love to meet you. I didn’t have a meeting nor the money to go to California but I knew I could make something happen. I got off the phone. Jumped out of the bed. I was on a mission. I told my mother about what had just occurred. She suggested that I go talk to my great uncle Frenchie. He had a little money and he might help me. I asked her to set it up. So she and I went to the American Legion where he would always hang out at night. He was a tall dark stern posture of a man. It reminded me of something out of the God Father. I 27

I shared my plan with him and he agreed to help me. He told me a story that I never forgot. I even wrote a short story about it called. Old man Work Hard. He said that he wanted a lot for his boy’s so he worked hard to make the money necessary to do so. Up in the morning and back late at night. One day he noticed someone walk past his bedroom door. It was a man he didn’t recognize in his home. He asked his wife who it was in house without his knowledge. She replied Frenchie, That’s your Son. He had missed his son’s whole life trying to provide a living for them. It had a negative effect on their lives. Things didn’t turn out quit like he had planned. He was making a decision to help me because he wanted to give me a chance to do something with my life. I took advantage of that opportunity to the fullest. I went to Burbank California. I met with Eddie Singleton. The rest I already told you. He introduced me to the world of Hollywood. This is when I decided that Hollywood was just not for me. When I returned My mother had made a decision to move in with my Grand Father to aid him during his illness. My family and I eventually moved in with her. This began another faze of my spiritual walk. I heard a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting any one. So I slowly peaked out the window to see who it was. It was My uncle. The one that use to play the drums for our family community choir when I was a kid. I took his place as drummer when I was about 10 because he couldn’t play a beat that I could play effortlessly. Well that moment came back to haunt me about 12 years later. He Bruce what's up? We need a keyboard player for our church and I wanted to know if you wanted to try out. Na I’m not that kind of piano player. That’s Kenny and Uncle Tommy. Naw naw you can play. I’ve heard you. No not like that. I know my limitations. Well just come by and visit. Yea I might come by but I can’t play. I wasn’t going to church any where so I decided I would pay a visit. My wife had just got a job with the hospital. In fact the hospital where my Grandmother worked when I was a child. Sunday morning while sitting in service. Right before service started. Bruce comes to tell me that the Pastor wanted to see me. Pastor this is Lucky. Lucky this is Pastor Johnson. We gonna call you Bro Blessed. We don’t believe in Luck. I hear you play the keyboard. Yes but not like what you want. I know your whole family. All of you are talented. I know you can do it if you want. Yea but I have never played keyboard for a church. I just play to write songs. My brother if you just be obedient and trust the lord. He will bless those hands. And you will be a blessing to many. We re not asking you for service for free. We will pay you $ _____ per month. Well I couldn’t refuse. I had to at least make an effort. I started playing the following Sunday. What he said was all true. I continued to play for churches till this day. I have done things with the piano I never dreamed I could do. We were doing great! We were raising a family and making enough money to do so. The church even asked me to produce a Album and offered to back it. It was for a revival they were having. This is when I produced Thy Kingdom Come. This cassette did wonders for my creative and performing life. Ms Stephanie Bolden who was a Council woman in our district heard 28

Heard the cassette. She was very much impressed with it. She asked me to produce a jingle for her Television News program District News. She was already familiar with the talents and musical history of my family. From my Grandfather all the way through the generations to me. She said she remembers running through the halls of the house we were living in when she was a little girl with my mother and uncles. I was delight ted to do the project. This opened the door for me to work on many city projects. City of Wilmington's A 2 Z tourism Video Production. City of Wilmington & Governor Carpers Better Chances Video Production. City of Wilmington's Parks and Recreations Clean Up The Play ground PBS City of Wilmington's. AHOC Committee on youth car theft. Judge Vincent Popitty and Mayor Cills, The City of Wilmington's Cultural Affairs Dept. First , First Night Celebration Count Down Production. City of Wilmington's District News Host Stephanie Bolden’s track production. The Dover Air force Base /Black History Celebration. Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen. Charles Patrick Gibbs The Banner Waves Song Salute. These projects lead to many other relationships and encounters. Thinking back. I remember my mentor and guru once told me. Lucky I know you are more than qualified to get a deal in Hollywood. But, you must understand that Hollywood is about selling products. This is the only reason for recording artist and celebrity status. It’s not about your music. Well changed my perspective on the Entertainment Industry. I had been so inspired by the artist in the industry. I believed that what we were receiving was from the sovereign elements of personal creation. I was not aware that it was a process of manipulation to sell something else. I mentioned this because I also believed my efforts with the city I lived in were to the benefit of the people. It also was to sell something. In my efforts with the city to develop a performing arts program to support the development of troubled inner city youth. Focus on Young Black Males. I sat with the Mayor to be advised of where I could seek support. He told be directly there is absolutely no money being made available to support black youth development. The only money that is available for them is to send them to prison. This is why it is no necessary to know. Who you are, And Where you are from in order to know how you should really be applying your gifts talents and treasure. This is not to imply in any way that my efforts had been futile. Many young women and men found them selves through theses projects and went on as they grew up to develop their own projects and production companies. So you see My Fathers purpose for me was still fulfilled. This means I was still in the hands of my Father. I was still on the path. This path is full of inc29

Incredible experiences. This is but one of the mysteries that have occurred, In my deep studies inspired by my senior friend at the DuPont's Breakfast Bible Study. I stumbled upon a few interesting but puzzling revelations. My family of ancestors had been bound by men from Scotland. Men that had extremely impressive back grounds, Also men connected and involved in various secret organizations. Two of these organizations I discovered were the Scottish and York rite. These are considered Masonic organizations. I started learning about symbols, rituals accessories and temples of worship. I am becoming memorized by something I never knew existed but it is the foundation of everything' that our society is based upon. Why hadn’t I heard of these things before. Especially with all the ministers I have encountered in my life. Then I began to tap into some really what appeared to be over the top fanaticism concerning these societies. on the less. I’m seeing with a new set of eye’s about this world we live in. I was asked to perform at the Grand Opera House as a feature for Local Artist, So I had to attend a meeting there. After the meeting I and my now ex wife got on the elevator to exit. Not sure how we ended up on this particular elevator but it took us to a floor that opened in to a hall reception type of room. We both stepped out into the foyer . What did I see but all the symbols and pictures I had seen on line concerning. The Scottish and York Right Masons. The entire order was painted on both sides of the room. The Scottish Rite on one side and the York rite on the other. I gazed around in disbelief at first. Then It was time to go. As far as I was concerned. I didn’t want any one to know I had seen this room. It felt like a scene from a movie. One minute I’m studying these mysteries and then suddenly I’m staring them in the face. Well I couldn’t exit fast enough. It didn’t stop there. As soon as I got out side of the building. I look up to see what room and floor I was on. Wow! The all seeing eye Horus and several other Masonic symbols. Most who live in the city have never


Never seen it or never paid it any of attention. The Grand Opera House is a Masonic temple. Why was I discovering these things. What is the relativity of this and my life? As I journeyed further down the street I was gazing at the tops of all the buildings down town. Every symbol I had seen and read about in my research. The library, The old bank buildings. I felt like I was seriously tripping. On the walk home. My spirit settled and I contemplated everything I had encountered. This spirit told me. This is where you will find what you are looking for. The images on these buildings are not there by mistake. These are declarations. The all seeing Eye of Harus, The ancient so called swastika. The Swastika was the symbol for luck and akin to the Tau or Cross. In the Indus valley it was the symbol for well being and good, and Above is the Grand Opera House Masonic Lodge came from the Below is the Wilmington Public Library original Africans peoples, just as the Star of David or Seal of Solomon came from the same system. Then why were they on these buildings? There was no turning back now. History has the answer. 31

Since I was a child my gifts and talents have always been used to support the community. On my return to Wilmington Delaware. I immediately resumed that position. I got involved with Parks & Recreation. The City Of Wilmington, Governor Carper, A taste of Wilmington. Wilmington A 2 Z Tourism and many other causes and organizations. My purpose is always to inspire, enlighten, teach, develop, grow. Be a light to help give energy to a worthy effort. I have done a lot of work with Ms Stephanie Bolden who is now Senator . Ms Bolden along with Activist And Council Woman Hannifa Shabazz have challenged the Stae of Delaware to recognize and repent for the inhumane injustice of slavery.

Charles Patrick Gibbs Wilmington Delaware Community Activist.


Wilson K Smith Jr / Wilson K Smith Walk. Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, while on a field trip to a Civil War site in the 1950's, a young African-American boy from Delaware asked his teacher why there was no mention of black soldiers. He learned a cold, hard lesson that day--that even though black soldiers fought and died for their country, they were not honored because of the color of their skin. That field trip ignited what would become a 40-year crusade by a Delawarean named Wilson K. Smith. Mr. Smith is a retired Army Sergeant, who was decorated with a Bronze Star and Silver Star during the Vietnam war as a member of the 101st Airborne Division, First Special Forces. In 1957, Sgt. Smith began collecting war stories from black veterans. By 1979, he had tracked down all the African-American Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. In 1989, he began seeking financial pledges and support to build an African-American Medal of Honor monument. I am proud to have worked closely with Mr. Smith over the last 5 years to see the realization of his dream. Last month, the names of the 85 African-American Medal of Honor recipients were officially recognized in a permanent exhibit at the Pentagon. This exhibit replicates a monument honoring black Medal of Honor recipients now on permanent display at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. Mr. Smith was the driving force behind the design and fundraising for this monument. This monument will help keep the legacy of the African-American Congressional Medal of Honor recipients alive for generations to come. Never again will young African-American school boys and girls have to wonder why black veterans are not honored for their service and sacrifice to the United States of America. The Medal of Honor is the highest award for bravery in military service to our country, but few are aware of the names, faces and stories of heroism of the Medal of Honor recipients. These are truly inspiring Americans, who continue to serve this country by their examples of courage, patriotism, and selfless dedication above and beyond the call of duty. From the Civil War to the World Wars to Vietnam to the Persian Gulf war, they have been the outstanding defenders of liberty, the highest hope of humanity in struggle, and the truest representatives of human strength. A memorial to bring that inspiration to African-Americans and to all of us, is a most worthy endeavor. It truly has been my honor and pleasure to have strongly supported Wilson Smith's crusade, along with many other national and State leaders, including former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell. Wilson Smith is an outstanding man, Delawarean, U.S. veteran and historian. We all will forever owe him a double debt of gratitude for his service to our country. End insert]



The reason I decided to write a book is because I have children that need to understand everything they can about themselves and the world around them. I also have family that I will possibly never get a chance to talk to but I still love dearly and care about their future. We have been alienated. What we eat, drink, the air we breath, the cloths we wear, the way we pray, celebrate, our names everything about us is contrary to the ways we have been taught to live. It would be a different subject if the way we live was by choice. It is not..My ancestors and I have and continue to be manipulated into being. Being something we are not. We have been deceived into celebrating Thanksgiving Day. A day and time when our people were being massacred by the thousands. Halloween a celebration of death. We don’t believe in death and destruction. How is it we now celebrate a day of death. Christmas. Christmas is totally pagan. Everything about it is by European design. Please do your own research about these matters. It only matters if it matters to you. Information is not good for everyone. All information must be researched and evaluated and shared carefully. Nothing I have written is to harm, attack, disrupt or interfere with any one or organization. I am reaching out to you my family In order for you to discover your self. Without a righteous society. The world would be doomed. It is our responsibility to recognize our selves, our position and our responsibility as children of God. Inheritors of his land. You are a child of the same creator that created all the other creatures of this earth. You must listen with the same ear as they. It will lead you to all truths. You must sanctify your self from all other out side and inside noise and perceive. Feel, Listen, Tune in to that voice that is righteous. It will define the truth in every and anything. It is your measuring tool. What level of lie contaminants are you exposed to . What level of Adulterous contaminants are you exposed to. What level of fornicating contaminants are you exposed to, What level of Deceptive contaminants are you exposed to. What level of self destructive contaminants are we exposed to. It goes on and on and on. We are in a cesspool of contaminants that are plaguing us every day. Because we have agreed with the way we have been programmed to live and where to live. I repeat, without us I mean blood such as my family and ancestor. There could be no society without us. We are the peace makers. We are the love of the earth. We are the catalos. The element that makes this thing go around. This is why we have to rise and be strong. We can do that on the wrong diet. Mental, Physically or spiritually. Many of you are going to churches that are ordered and controlled by Catholicism and you don’t even know it.. All of your Crosses, Remembrance of me tables, The name of Jesus, Worship on Sunday and new years . Were all decided by the catholic church. This is not my words. This is documented research. Do your home work. This is not for you . You are Israel. This is all European. Use your common sense to evaluate religion and history. First you must question where your information originated. Who is in control of the information you receive. And what is the goal for its dissemination. Simple example. If we had to vote on how much the sun could shine. That would be

An impossible task. Caucasians get diseased from to much sun. So called blacks or brown people in general get depleted if there's a lack of sun. So which way do you vote. Unfortunately the vote has always been to benefit the European. Walk in to any grocery store. There is always a Spanish shopping section, An Asian section. Have you ever seen the so called black food section. If we all could eat the same things. How do you explain the fact that Caucasians acquire diseases So called blacks can’t get and blacks acquire diseases. Caucasian can’t catch. Folks we are not the same. What Caucasians eat has an entirely different effect on us. If you study the meals you eat it’s still filler, slave food. Sugar Salt and blood . Just analyze all the food in your house and what you eat. It is predominantly , Sugar, Salt and Blood. What did our ancestors truly eat? That’s your home work. My point again is you must operate to your own strengths. If you don’t know what that is you can’t possible develop to greatness or full potential. Ask your self why do you think a society that would bound and forsake you to be educated then turn around and make available books to truly educate you. You have been educated with miss information. Lies decorated by the truth. The deception has been hypnotic. Very few will awake from the trance of deception. If you have survived this trance. Than your responsibility is to focus on the kingdom and your contribution to it. Now while I’m on the subject of Kingdoms and Contributions. Great Brittan, Spain France, Rome, America and so many more Kingdoms or nations that have ravished my people to the bone to gain power and wealth to survive as the fictitious superior authority of humanity . That that was done in the dark has come to light. How will you now survive. When the amusement park ride breaks down and refuses to run. Every one must get off. The fun is over. For the safety of everyone. True power is not obtained by carnal weapons or dishonorable tactics and devices. The power is obtained by honor, Love Respect, Dignity. Humility . Power without carnal weapons. This is true power. Everything else is and illusion. You can never control the energy of people. You can only manipulate the mind to do so. If you can no longer reach the mind. Forget it. You can’t control the person.. This means I would have to keep your mind preoccupied by something to keep you grounded to support my agenda .If you have no purpose. This society has designed one just for you. Lately there has been so much controversy about religion and spirituality. Many times life is much simpler than that. Here is a law all must abide by , even My Fathers creatures. You must drink water or you will suffer or die. What religion taught you that. What religion or faith does that law come from. If you don’t breath oxygen you will die. That’s a law. What religion taught you that. The list goes on. Just studying your mind body and soul is enough to discover the truth and what the true laws of my Father are. They all have been put in place to sustain us. In any language or nationality these human laws apply.. Our American Society has been plagued with to much information. All of my fathers creatures survive by Laws. Not the laws of man. The laws of nature. The laws put in place by our creator. These are the only laws we must obey.

1/1/2016 This is a new chapter in this navigation of chaos. I must begin with celebration of my baby boy Charles Patrick Gibbs Jr. He got is first boo boo and his first cold. I really didn’t feel much like celebrating until I could see smiles coming from him, But I talk to my baby brother within 24 hrs of the new year and he planted in me the purpose for celebration. Quote “ If a grown man walks into a pole on new years eve. That’s one message. When a baby in his first year of the new year makes a boo that’s reason for celebration” What perspective. I conceder this a heavenly consciousness. To see the process of life in it’s entirety with clarity. I dedicate this next chapter to my baby brother. Gregory Lewis Gibbs. Gregory has been the eye’s and ear’s in this navigation of kayos. In the last chapter. I ended it with discovering. Who I am. Where I’ am really from. And what I was really supposed to be doing. What sparked my profound inquisitiveness about the three topics. Was my personal and intimate in Encounters with One of the DuPont's. The largest and one of the most powerful companies in the country. Mr. Frances I. DuPont. Bless his soul.

I received this book autographed by Mr. .DuPont directly from Mr. DuPont. It was not a book signing or anything. It was something he felt I should have, I met Mr. DuPont at his early morning breakfast prayer and bible study. This was held privately in a Restaurant located in Wilmington Delaware. I was invited to this breakfast by a Doctor my family and I use to live with. When 911 occurred. My entire family was on there way on the move back to Wilmington Delaware. I was offered to set up residents with a well to do doctor in Wilmington. He was also the Pastor of a church. He and his wife. I met him on one of spiritual walks. I wondered into his church one day and he needed a keyboard player. Thus began our relationship. He arranged for my family to relocate as a 35

A part of our agreement to become the Praise and worship director of his church and center. On the day my family flew in Philadelphia International Airport. I will never forget it. Neither will any one else. I arrived at the airport right about the time they were to land. When I arrived I was concerned about having to park to far from the gate considering the time, Approaching the airport entrance. I immediately noticed something strange. There were no cars parked in front of the airport. It looked mysteriously vacant. I parked directly in front of the airport entrance. That is a no, no. When I exited the car I immediately look for someone to notify that I was parked there. Absolutely no one. Ok things were getting to really look a little strange. No one! It looked like the air port had been evacuated. My quick step quickly became hurried trot. The deeper I got into the Airport Terminals to the gate my family was to arrive. I could begin to see just a trickle of people exiting as if they had just gotten of a plain nothing comparable to ordinary travel days. When I arrived at the terminal to meet my family. No one again. Only the Arrive and Departure signs were lit. I discovered my families flight had been delayed. Ooo Kay… So I just waited. Finally I see their plain pulling in from the waiting room window. Whew! When they exited. The first thing they said was. We almost went to Canada. I circled for over and hr. And then they said we may have to detour to Canada. We have not been cleared for landing. Finally they let us land. What in the world is going on. I know something's Happening. I parked right in front of the Airport. That’s never possible. We were all puzzled about everything that was transpiring concerning the airport. When we arrived to the house . We walk in the door. The Doctor already had the television on watching the news. Every one stopped in front of the television and right then we watched . To our amazement. The first tower of the trade center collapse. Like every other American we stood paralyzed in from of the television to witness what was unfolding before our very eye’s the fall of Babylon. GRANDMA!. Without hesitation I accessed my cell phone and called her. Grandma can you believe it. Lord have mercy, we all are still watching it. Lucky you need to write a song. You know Mom I think your right. That’s when I wrote the Banner waves. I worked on it for the next few days. Like a scientist in a lab. Day and Night I was exhausted. When I finished. I printed a CD copy and presented it to the Doctor. Tears filled his eye’s while listening. Bro Gibbs you have got to get this out. I’m going to a Prayer breakfast that a DuPont holds every Tuesday morning. You got to go with me and present this song. I stayed up again re mixing and editing the track. I was so tired I had to crash in the back seat of his car on the way to the meeting. I performed The Banner waves for Mr. DuPont and his company of constituents. Which consisted of Corporate execs, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientist Bankers, Ect. They set captivated while the lyrics and music like a quiet storm ripped through each and every heart causing a rain of conviction that flooded the room. We became one pool of emotion ,sympathy, compassion , empathy, & gratitude. The spirit of division had abandoned us for a moment . We were one. 36

Ii was given an open invitation to join the breakfast. I attended several of the prayer breakfast meetings, establishing a brotherhood I would have never imagined possible. One morning while lesson was about Pharo in Egypt and the circumstances of holding Gods children captive. My self being the only So called Black man present and the considered lowest person the food chain. I could only associate my self with the children of Israel and those that I was in the company of as Pharos. As I listened the instructor likened being a Christian to the children of Israel as if being a Christian qualified them as children of Israel and non believers as the Pharos. I couldn’t help my self. When the floor was open to questions. I shared with the group. As I sit here. I am aware that I am from a totally different class in society than any of you. And as I look at you. I see you as Pharos. And my self as the children of Israel. Christian or not. I am the one under oppression. I am the one who has experienced the degradation of a people. I am the one with no nation. At the end of the session and elderly wise looking gentleman came to my table and sat down with me. He looked me in the eye’s and asked me. Do you know who you are. I sensed that he new the answer before he asked me. No not really. That has been a concern of mine for quiet some time. He replied. You see we , meaning Caucasians, We are cognitive people. You are a spiritual people. This causes us to have a different way to receive and process information. You need to do some research and discover who you are. He recommended a book. I don’t even remember the name of the book, but this man influenced me to submerge my self in study. Law, History, Theology, Science, Astrology, Language  The list is long and continues. At The very next meeting Mr. DuPont announced he had a book that was being released and that he had a few copies for those that were interested. A t the end of the meeting he pulled me to the side and asked me to be sure to be at the next meeting he would have a book for me. The next meeting to his word. Mr. DuPont took me out to his car and discreetly handed me an already autographed copy of his book. The purpose for that action is still unfolding till this day. The bible says that thy gift will make room for you. And that it would bring you before great men. This is relative to my own life. I began experience a new consciousness and awareness I had never encountered before. My mind was able to collect and process information with clarity. My perception of things past present and future were collectively attainable with definition. The Kingdom I have always believed in was at hand. Our Daily Bread was the next album I produced. And as fate would have it. A Banker from the Breakfast Bible Study Financed the entire project without a contract or note. I have to give much credit to his Wife, She attended on e of bible studies one morning while I was sharing my desires to finish and release the project. She empathized with my passion to support my community. She brought her husband to the next meeting to meet me. The rest was history. My relationship with these individuals cause me to reflect on the symbols above The grand Opera House and the Library. They all seem to connect more vividly. 37

After all. What was I really doing amongst this group of men? The answer I’m not completely sure of, But one thing for sure. It produced the birth of my next album. Our Daily Bread. This album was a testimony of my faith in our heavenly Father to guide me through this chaotic transformation of life. I began to realize what the old wise gentlemen was trying to convey to me about our differences as so called white and black people. To first acknowledge that here is a difference and them examine that difference is the means to the end of conflict. I for one am no longer angry or frustrated about the unconditional degradation of my people. I have come to the full understanding of it’s reason and process. I am often frustrated with my impatiens to process forward into a society of kinship. But I do realize. This will too take time for due process. I do know that a man that needs a gun or weapon or force to maintain peace and freedom. He deceives himself. Nothing is mightier than the spoken word which penetrates straight through to the heart of man. Without the peace maker. The world is destine for self destruction. I am a soul of peace. As I Am. So it is. When I Am no more. There will no longer be peace. Like a light that has gone out of the darkness. Now back to the journey! Before I got a little side tracked I was sharing with you about moving in with the Doctor. I left off with how the Doctor connected me with this community of gentleman. It was the inspiration of The Banner Waves recording, Doc was


Making every effort to get as many people on board to support the publishing of this song. He really believed in it. So much so he invited me to a fortune 500 Prayer Breakfast on the water front in Wilmington Delaware. It was a panel of very prominent men and women. Among them were Foster Friess, Joe Biden, Governor Carper, Ben Carson and so many others. I was invited so that I could distribute The Banner Waves to as many of them as I could. I was very much out of my element. An elderly lady was introduced to me by the Doc. He had told her about the song and that I was the composer. She took me by the hand and guided me upon the stage to place a copy before every guest on the panel amongst them where the names I have mentioned above. For no other reason would I have been in the company of this society of people. Your gift will make room for you. Proverbs 18:16 . The Doctors efforts continued to produce interest and valid personalities that had the potential to influence the success of this song. Un Mask The Devil. Who would ever think a set of these would cause so much trouble.

While the Doc and I were flowing just fine. Something was brewing. You could just feel the chill. Before I carry on deeper in to this relationship I'd like to share. Women. Your power and gift can be used to build up or tear down. Your emotional storms have destroyed as many families as you think the black man has. Your might has been displaced. This society has placed you at the for front of our families and our culture. They have also armed you with weapons of humiliation and degradation to your own man. In order to keep him suppressed. And as long as you remain his office, bed and Security winch over the black man. You will stay in power. The minute you reject him. Back to the shack you go. No matter what you do you can never manipulate happiness into your life. 39

This is a side bar again because it has very much to do with the struggle in this and many other so called Black Families. Do you realize? I only need count back four generations. And we are in the heart of the atrocities of slavery. The humiliation of my great, great grandfather. Would transcend and be bread in to his son. Every humiliation and regress. Our men lived subject to their wives and a slave master. Look at what kind of men it has bread. Intelligent and gifted men that can’t accomplish a thing with out the support and approval of his women or his Boss so called Black mans identity was shaped by a new society. The Black man you have today in America has been cultivated be he a positive or negative aspect to society. Charles Patrick Gibbs 2016 I will give you a little insight on the Doc and his family.. This is significant because he is yes a prominent Doctor and a Pastor of a congregation. His life like mine was a faith walk. Or was it? My walk was my gift and daily trusting the voice of the spirit of my Father. Day to Day. Doc trusted his efforts as a professional for his daily life and The Heavenly Father for his troubles. Materially my family and I had enough to survive and some extra. We were very happy people in side and out. Regardless the circumstances. What is the difference here? and why? The Doctor had a reputation to protect. A society to impress. I believe he had to make many compromises to accomplish this. It appears that there was some act of infidelity in the marriage. There were still wounds that hadn’t mended. I to am guilty of this act. I understand the haze of interference and conviction that can over whelm you. I am a strong believer in if it didn’t kill cripple or meme me. I have a chance to get it right. Lets move forward. Some are paralyzed by the actions of their past. Someone is hanging the threat of exposure over someone else's head. This is why for a man of God. Humility in essential. Nothing is supposed to put him in paralyses because of pride. Pastors! If you can not Pastor your home. No certificate or degree will qualify you to Pastor a church.. Any leadership position requires experiences. Experiences builds character and produces wisdom. Wisdom understands finality. A wounded nor armature shepherd can tend sheep. Only a wise strong powerful man of courage and faith can tend a herd of sheep. Well it seemed this little bow peep had begun to lose his sheep. One of the worst experiences you can share a house with another family and not get along. Now can you imagine a village. Where the people where tightly knitted together but not getting along. The dissention is by design. We were born to thrive and hebetate together. We have been programmed and taught to quest for independence and individuality. Examining our behaviors and practices. This allows those of us who seek development and change learn and share. By the way this was not living with the Huxtables. Everything about being a man and spiritually sensitive. Was about to be tested. Every one seems to have an opinion of what a Black Man should be but the black Man. I had my own Ideas about me. I always was able to see my self the way I wanted to see my self. 40

The Banner Waves It’s a must to share this segment in the chapters of my life. Living with the Doctor. This was a very caring loving , charitable spiritual individual. Keep in mind he and his wife shared a pastor ship of their church. Our understanding and agreement for sharing his living quarters was based on my position as Director of the Worship Arts ministry. Things were unbelievably true. We were one big happy family. The Doctor had two adult sons. One at home and one who lived on his own. Our plans for the future of Ministry and worship were limitless. We began to establish ourselves. And then one day the pastors wife suggested We go downtown and file for assistance. Her she said it would help off set expenses until the church business was fully established with us. Sounded reasonable enough to me. So we filed an received food assistance and a little finance to help with the rent. All good. With the food assistance. We were able to bring quiet a bit of groceries in. I had noticed. From the night we moved in. The doctor and his wife were not eating regular meals. At least when they came home. It was a peanut butter sandwich or something and off to bed. That’s not what the family and I were use to. But now. Now there being enough groceries, We began to cook for our family. And man we were laying it out. We would always leave enough for the Doc and his family in case they were hungry when they came in. The Doc began to enjoy this additional palette teasing. We began to boost it up to Saturday Dinners together. The Doc and his two boys begin to join the table together for dinner. This had not happened for a long time in their home. Momma was enjoying it but there was an new atmosphere. Doc and the boys began to compliment My then wife's cooking a tad bit to much. Soon I began to see the nap raise. It was obvious that there had been some family issues in the past and still some present problems that were surfacing in the mask of humor.. But Ma Ma was no longer feeling it. There was another mother bird in her nest making her birds sing. Somebody has got to gooo.! Needles to say I had to get on my horse and find something quick. Exercising again my faith and trust in My Father and the talent he blessed me with. I perused and created emplacement for my self at browns boys club. Performing arts & creative projects coordinator. This is where we produced the City of Wilmington's Governor Carpers Better Chance Programs Audio Visual PSA. The Docs Mrs. really thought she had my jewels in a sling. But I have never been able to kiss tale for anyone for any reason. I wasn’t about to start now. Yes I had five children and a wife to think about. But I was not about to bow done to Satan. So I let her have it. At the dinner table. The next thing we were moving into a motel about three miles up the road. I had worked just long enough to move us out of Docs house into the motel and feed us. This was definitely and act of faith.. Because it was crazy as hell! You don’t really do what I did. According to ordinary standards. You just bend down and kiss a little ass. NOT! So sorry. If I was wrong in my principles. Ok then I would have taken down. But never to please Satan. We moved the studio equipment and the whole family in those two rooms. This is where I wrote and produced the song and CD, When Love Is Home. In the motel.

When love is home every thing else falls in place. Yes we were riding the waves of chaos . We were also having the most fun believe it or not. My children adjusted to everything as it came. We road the waves together. We bonded shared and experienced every day. I was still working at the Boy’s & Girls Club. But that job was about to faze. The summer was over and most of the children were returning back to school. As destiny would have it my cousin Rodney got a tip for a downtown restaurant that was interested in entertainment. We followed that lead up and yes. I had a gig. Every Thursday night featuring LUCKY. I had the freedom to perform what ever I wanted. I chose one night to play a medley of old gospel worship songs. The moment remains delightfully memorable. The heads at the bar bobbed with the grove as soon as the beat dropped. The lyric and vocal just took them through the rest of the journey. The feed back was over whelming. We have become so conditioned to choices being made for us. We have forgotten how to make choices. Or to even consider the fact that there is another choice. You wouldn’t normally hear Worship music at a restaurant Bar in America. But why not? The juke joint is where we sang the gospel and blues. There were songs we sang that we could not sing in our regular services in company of slave holders. Whites would sneak and attend to share learn, steal songs and Ideas or simply enjoy the music of our souls. There was a gentleman there that was extremely impressed with my music. We sat and talk for a while and believe it or not. When I got up from the table with him at that restaurant Bar. I had a key to a house he owned. He told me I would have to get it ready and there was no power. But I could move in there as soon as I was ready. I was utterly speechless. My faith is incredible but my Father was way ahead of me. I went back to the room with key’s to a house. This place was magic. From the moment we opened the door. In both positive and negative ways. The experience was one thing for me and another for my children. One way to deal with chaos is to go with the flow. Though very difficult my family was able to accomplish this very difficult task. I my self was going through many transitions, Mentally, Physical and Spiritually.. Bare in mind I still maintained and kept all of my studio equipment This place was were I would begin production. Right after having that thought my 2nd cousin Keith Moore Aka Mud Crud. Knocked on the door. Mud was an incredible genius of a rapper and lyricist. His life was hard core, A direct product of environment. Mud was what Keith liked to be called. He said because that’s what he represents. The best of the worst. The earth. What God created us with. Mud had a vision to come up out of the ghetto on the wings of his gift. Mud is much younger than I . I believed we could help one another reach our goals, We didn’t waist a minute getting into a creative flow. We wood shed dead day and night producing track after track. Until we produced Mud cruds First official CD, This was every thing I had envisioned. Our own creative, Recording, production, manufacturing, promotion and distribution co. Keith was considered one of the worst personalities in society. Again a product of environment. It was rough in riverside. Keith is very competitive and extremely— 42

intelligent. In an aggressive neighborhood if being the toughest was the goal well that was going to be Keith. Being raised by a single mother and younger brothers and sisters. Yes Keith had to put on pants early. This is what happens to many of our inner city families. Well I knew I could teach and influence him to do something great with his gift. I knew I could communicate with his spirit. After all he was from a family who, No matter what. Believes in Our Father in Heaven. So that’s how we both worked & communicated with one another . We began to make appearances through out the city inspiring many others to follow suet. We appeared in churches centers and clubs. Mud created a name for his self in the city. Keith brought in a young graphics artiste . Wow a genius of a talent. He became another creative member of the family. We all ate, Slept, Worked and played together. In one house. It was extraordinary! Now add about 12 cats to that mix. Yes believe it or not. That’s another book. We had all we needed. Birth was given to something special. A self empowerment that we still have not fully realized. One day I’m returning to the house and just before I get to the door. I see a note tacked to the door. It was a notice of foreclosure on the house. The land lord lost the house. Wow! Here we go again. We have thirty days' to boot. I can’t believe it. What the heck were we going to do. Lord it’s on you. I am not ready for this. I was working at the church and doing some engagements. My finances just were not ready for this. We packed up and scrambled to a motel once again. You would think our spirits would be shattered by now. I’m afraid not Like soldiers we road the wave again. Organizing and reorganizing. Then I really had to focus and figure what to do. The next Sunday the pastor I was playing for introduced me to a brother who was a champion martial arts expert.

Fred Hampton. Black Panther Party Leader. This is an example of what a young brilliant mind can accomplish. No matter what forces come against it. The effects are eternal. Do your home work. Look him up. You will be amazed. Don’t believe the media hype you have been fed. Yes!. We so called Black men of America have been demonized. We are not the picture we have been painted to be.


I think he had also done some time in prison for killing someone. He was on the most wanted for a little while. Well he was blessed to be released from prison without doing life. He began living a life of righteousness. He decided his mission was to combat the drug epidemic that was destroying our community. I’ll call him Omar. Omar had a song he had written. He was going to perform it that morning in service. I back him up on drums. After church we began to talk about the production of the song. I told Him I could produce it manufacture it and have it ready for distribution. I invited him to come by the motel where I had my equipment set up. He said wow man how much are you paying to stay here. I told him what my situation was. Well man I got a house I’m working on. You can stay there and we can fix it up…..

I watched a movie not to long ago called the pursuit of happiness. It made me relive these days. I truly know what it’s like to believe in yourself so much . That you are willing to go through almost anything to reach your goals. What was so vital was being to follow the voice of my Father in the darkness. And still maintain the happiness and peace of my family. Not a task I would recommend to any one. 44

In the Pursuit of Happiness. His wife left him. It was only him and his son. I had my wife and family. We were together. It was super sun shine in the dark. In the mean time the church I was working for had offered to move us in to a nice house. It was during this time though. My wife and the Pastor were bumping heads. This offer would have put us under the thumb of the church. That just did not set right with my wife or I. We opted to go and look at the house of the brother I had just met. I called him he gave me the address and arranged to meet me there. I arrived with much excitement and anticipation. He opened the door and OOOOOH MAN!!! It was a disaster. There was hardly any dry wall. The sealing was exposed out through the roof. There was no kitchen, No plumbing an old dirty barley tiled floor, It was the worst. I just took a deep breath. I went to share what I had witnessed with my wife. I said we have a choice. The shake or the house the church has for us. We both settled for the shake. The night we moved in had to be one of the most depressing nights of my life. As we laid down to bed on mattes we had placed on the floor. My youngest son at thee time. Just looked up at the exposed rafters of the shake and just cried. Why do we have to stay here. My heart sank deeply. I had to get up the courage to tell him a story. I told him. We wont be here long. The next house we move in will be like a castle. What you see now is how it’s made from the inside out. He soon went to sleep. But I couldn't rest. I got up that night and started working on the empowerment program. It was called The CERPA Initiative. The Creative Educational Recording And Performing Arts program. Mud and the young graphic arts designer came through and we began to work on it together. Right there in the shake we set up shop again. Creating, Recording, Producing, Producing and manufacturing product. The owner of the house had a campaign he was working on called No More Crack. He needed a song for the campaign. We went to work. No More Crack it is. We were on a grind day and night to get this CD done. The money was right on time. Done. The CD was finished. Signed sealed and delivered. Our activities in the shake had begun to get around. Before we knew it we had clients and guest coming almost every day. I would have never dreamed it possible. Considering the condition of the place. I must say we truly had our hustle on. I even forced my self to go around the block to the WaWa quickie mart and stood out side in front of the store. Selling my CD’s to feed my family. Back to the phone call we received the day we moved into the motel. It was my wife's cousin from Colorado Springs. A community activist that she knew had seen a video of the work I had done in Wilmington with the youth for the city of Wilmington. She wanted to know first if we would consider relocating and if so could I design and operate a Recording and Performing arts community program. They almost hadn’t finished the request before I was packing. Yes! When? I couldn’t believe my ears. But so far it’s been the story of my life. The path of righteousness is a very difficult path. The tools you have are faith, Trust, Determination, Love & Patient. You cant survive with out either one of them. I ready to make a deal 45

Well if you really want to do this I’ll put together a contract and move forward as soon as possible. A couple of months had gone by since we had last spoken. But we finally got the call. The contract is done!. Yes! We will go over it and get right back to you. We also began to push even harder to get that CERPA Initiative completed. We read over the contract. We liked what we read and we agreed. We mailed the agreement back. About a week after the tickets for us arrived. My wife and four of our children were the first to leave and just in time the cold months were moving in fast. We had everything packed and ready to go but the computer. We were still typing up the CERPHA. That Friday there was a knock at the door. I peep through the window. It was code enforcement. Huh oh… Yes? I with the city code enforcement. There has been a report some people are living here with some under aged children. This building is considered condemned. Can we come in. Sure . No. It’s just me and my son and were leaving Monday. We are just helping out a partner of mine with his house. Oh ok well you be sure to be out of here because no one should be living here. Yes sir. Thank you have a nice day. Whew! That’s was close. Had he been a day sooner he would have caught the whole family in there. Monday morning. We typed the last page. Packed up the computer and we were out of there. Colorado bound. The New Chapter

The community that came through here. Where The CERPHA was born.


So far I have shared o series of events that haves occurred thus far in my life time. It’s obvious that that the spiritual aspects of this journey are beyond coincidence. Had we taken up the churches offer, Our lives would have taken a totally different turn. I have no regrets to moving to Colorado Springs. I knew without a shadow of doubt this was destiny. I also knew the that we were not finished riding the wave of chaos. Colorado Springs!. The new frontier.

I love you I love you I love you I Do. I’ve got Colorado Love Yea! I love you I love you I love you I Do. I’ve got Colorado Love Yea! Mountains from the bottom to the top. Like the struggle the climb never stops. My heads in the clouds like 24 7. My eye’s are open like 7-11. I never would have dreamed I would ever be here. Where the moon & the stars shine clear. Colorado Rocky Mountains high on life. The fresh air you can cut it with a knife.. Charles Patrick Gibbs. Copyright. 2013.


I was completely starry eyed about this journey, but keep in mind I still knew the wave of chaos was ever before us. My wife picked us up at the grey hound terminal. She looked lovelier than ever especially with a whole new perspective to view from. We pulled up to what I thought was the perfect home. I was just beautiful. All the comforts of home. I just wanted to curl up in a spot and sleep for days. In fact that’s just what I did. I settled in and then just slept a long needed rest. When I came to. I felt like I had had a night mare and woke up in heaven. For once in such a long time I felt peace of mind, body soul and heart. I felt I was at one. There was a perfect room in the basement for my recording studio. It was just to goo to be true. I began right away creating, recording and producing new tracks. The First Track I produced was I’ Free 2 Love You. One of the most beautiful tracks I believe I have ever written. Then on to I write A Letter 2 You. These are the first songs I composed in Colorado Springs. I felt really good . In fact. Fantastically good. The beginning of something brand new and great, The children were excited. They loved the place. Truly like the sun shine after the storm.. Then I felt a rain drop. I would have to say not even fifteen days into my landing in Colorado Springs with the feeling of life a new and a breath of fresh air. I can detect something fishy about our sponsor who was at the present living in the same house with us. She became distant and she wasn’t really communicating or addressing the reason I was here. Then one day she suddenly moved out. Here we are again. I have got to do something immediately . My the wife said no hold on let me talk to Lisa. Lisa was someone else that was involved in relocating us to the springs. What is going to do. I don’t know but she lives here, and she’s a part of this ,she can do something. Ok . So she called her. When she got off the phone she said. She going to talk to her boy friend. She has an Idea. Ok. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Within 30 minutes she called back but her boy friend got on the line. Hey I’m Eddie. I herd about your situation. That’s some bull shit. To get you all the way out here and bail on you like that . Knowing you have a family. I’ve heard all about you man. I feel like I already know you. Look I’m coming to get you. I’m moving you in with us. Whoa! I can’t do that. Look man you have a family. You can’t be guessing right now. Get your feet planted. Then you can make some decisions. I’ll be right over. Just pack. Tonight. What else you doing. You got to move. I’m off. Lets do it. Like he said in about 45 minutes he was there. Car & Truck. We moved that night to a extraordinary home. Split level Upper and lower full bathroom, Recreation room, Fire place. The shebang baby. By the way he was a motorcycle cop. Just like he said. He looked and spiritually felt like someone I already knew. This guy was like a brother. I still have a lot of love for this brother. We hit right off. We shared a lot. I talk to him about things a hadn’t talked about with. Anyone. He was the one that finally got me to confess about the affair I’d had about 20 years ago. That was an extremely difficult night. And still it wasn’t as difficult as what my then wife had to be feeling. Even though this was 20 years ago. It was relived at that moment. The only resolve

Infidelity I felt was. Look I know this is difficult. If your decision is that could be to unbearable to continue from here. Look I have to except what ever conclusion we come to. After much grief. My then wife decided she wanted to keep the family in tact. Agreed. We move on from here. Now please if we are truly going to move on from here. We have to leave that 20 year issue in the past. Agreed! Now I choose to not side step this issue for the sake of the book and my purpose for writing it. I will explain my infidelity. My experience with infidelity is a story worth sharing because, There are so many people have this experience for many different reasons. With me it didn’t happen over night. It had been thought about for quite a while. I‘ll have to take you back a little for you to completely understand what brought about this violation of trust. I’m certainly not going to try and give you a good reason why this happened. Because there is no good reason. Now I believe that sharing the experience is the good. It will help deliver someone. When I first arrived in California. I had been there for about a few weeks. One day my aunt came home for lunch with a friend from work. A Beautiful Californian Mexican Senorita. She was about ten years older than I was and I was 18 at the time. She wasn't the least bit shy. I call her Rosetta had a lot of style and good taste. She loved very nice things this was important to her. Rosetta was also good with money and business. Very intelligent beautiful ambitious women. This day was the first time I had met her. I remember her saying Gwen you nephew has got a nice little body on him. She said it in a humorous but inquisitive manner. I was flattered but very uncomfortable. I spoke about the ideas I had about women when I was a young man. I thought that there were things that a women didn’t do or say. I incredibly wrong I was. I didn’t have a clue. All though I loved women. I didn’t quit know how to relate to them. Most of my girl friends realized that after they got into a relationship with me. I was raised by my Grand mother. She was my example of a women. Grand mom was a beautiful intelligent women who always carried her self Like a respectable ,loving ,God trusting woman. Now I’m not trying to paint an angelic picture of my Grand ma. But This is the image she represented to me. And taught me to be and my brother to be gentleman. She always told us respect will go a long way and will open doors that sometimes would ordinarily be closed. I believed everything Grand mom told me. When I came out into the world. Wow! I had no Idea. And because I was naïve. The women were always 10 steps ahead of me. While I was saying hello They already had already made their mind what was going to happen, When it was going to happen and How it was going to happen. Like I said I was still just getting my hello out. Sooo that day that Rosetta threw a few compliments my way. I was mentally stumbling over my self trying to figure out what to do with the compliment. Later I realized that Rosetta and my uncle were kind of hanging out.

Rosetta would continue to make these flirtatious comments to me right in front of my uncle or who ever was there. I soon would avoid her company if I knew she was at the house. I was just embarrassed every time. One night I was coming out of the house to go around the block and do my laundry. I came out the door with my bag of cloths in my hand and my detergents in the other. Rosetta was coming up the drive walking toward me. She grabbed me and kissed me right in the mouth. I was stunned. My uncle, My Aunt, Grand mom a few family members were right beyond that front door. I could only imagine them seeing this. I was literally shuddered. I couldn’t believe she did that. I thought her comments were just to be kidding with a young man. But this knocked me off my mental feet. Grand mom didn’t ell me about this side of a woman. Well I staggered on around to the laundry matt very confused about what I was supposed to be thinking or feeling. I was truly frighten of her now. I stayed clear every time she was around. In a short time Rosetta and my uncles hanging out wasn’t hanging out to much anymore. The atmosphere had changed in the house . A few more room mates arrived from the east coast and we suddenly were in full house mode. Rosetta went her way to do her thing and things changed up over the years. Rosetta was always intrigued by my talents and gifts. She you to encourage me about it and compliment me. After years had passed with me getting into record deals, pursuing Hollywood, Playing in the band. A lot had happened between then and the last time I had seen Rosetta. One day she showed to visit and see how every one was doing. By this time I was married. I just so happened to be at the house at that time. I was very glad to see her. She was extremely pleased her self to have caught me. So how are you. I good. I’m married I’ve got three kids. Lucky! What? Well what happened to your music and your record deal things. You didn’t give that up did you? No I just would rather do it independently than sign with Holly wood again. Well how can you do it with out them. I’ I get an investor I’ll create record. Produce and distribute it my self. You know hoe to do that. Yes I’ve been in the studio several times. I play all the instruments. I do all the lead and background vocals. My boyfriend owns a big commercial printing and publishing company, He was doing business for companies like Disney. I think I can get him to invest. I mean he’ll do it for me. You would do that. You would talk to him about investing. I’m going to. Sure enough she did and he agreed. This was it! I knew this was going to the next level. We signed a recording production and publishing agreement. His company produced all the marketing materials, The poster. Everything we needed to launch this new CD. First step was studio time. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. Hollywood Blvd. My man Free hill. Awesome guitar player and engineer. I’ll take you to the studio if you need me. Yes sure enough. That way I won’t have a problem keeping with the booking schedule. Deal! I planned the production strategy we scheduled now is the time to do my thing. I was feeling everything. The music, The opportunity, California. The taste of

Stardom. I felt that my heart my mind and body were one. Rosetta was handling everything. All I had to do was be an artist and paint my picture. The passion that we both had about this effort was at another level. We were making something happen. It was at one time the same way with my then wife. We didn’t plan to have children. We just didn’t stop them from coming once they started. We loved one another very much. But what we had suddenly become to each other and what we use to be too one another changed drastically. We had become two people in a different time. I was still the artist pursuing his dream and vision of creating . Producing, publishing and distributing his music. I had never ever considered giving it up for any reason. I didn’t realize what was happening to us then. The children didn’t hinder our progress at all . When they were all very young I remember asking my Heavenly Father how can I accomplish my creative goals and keep the family as well. I asked that. Because most of the talented men in our family. Lost their families to the music. Or should I say the mission. I needed to know if it was possible to do so. My Father answered with. Directly involve your children ,in what you are doing. That way you are sure to always be doing you. That’s just what I began to do . My first effort was the production of Know Me Without You. Got all my children into the studio with me. We recorded know Me Without You. It’s life giving every time I hear it. So you see the children didn’t hinder the flow. My then wife was no longer my friend sailing around Holly Wood with passionate ambitions of a record deal. She was a wife with children. You notice I didn’t say and a husband. No because I realized later on in life that I was not a husband in my actions and behaviors. I was still Lucky pursuing his goals and visions my music career. Buy any means necessary. That night. Studio time. The first tracks. I was extremely excited. Rosetta was too. We were like adult children at Disney land. It felt like a great ride. The first song was Warning! It’s one of the most exciting songs I have ever recorded. It's like and audio drama About the dangers of a careless society. The night was super juiced with creative energy and flow. I had my buzz on . It was mad science time. When we finished the session it was like 5:00 am. We gave that session all the juice we had. The rest of what we had left had to get us back to Orange county. On the drive back the tracks I had recorded kept us energized and awake along with a few treats from Ms Rosetta.. We were about 45 minutes into the drive back. When Ms Rosetta pulled of the road in to the motel. Flash back to military days. When I was with that band I ended up downtown in a motel with this women I didn't know. In a situation I really didn’t like or enjoy. The difference this time. I was totally in my world. I knew we were tired and driving was difficult by now. So yes it was realistic to stop get some sleep and proceed. Even though that makes all the sense in the world. That’s not why Rosetta was stopping. She had already book this room She was 10 steps ahead of me. The shoes she bought for my wardrobe were $600 a pair. That’s just for shoes. She hooked a brother up as they say. Well it came down to this moment. I thought about the first time she kissed me. Stay tune..

Rosetta didn’t say a word. She just gathered her things out of the car and proceeded with me in tow to the room. When she got in the door she slipped everything off. Yes everything off. She pulled the sheets back and just laid there looking at me like. Now tell me your not getting in here.. Since I was eighteen years old. I managed to avoid her from. She finally got me. It was a Hollywood Checkmate. The reason I had to share this experience is because. Can you imagine. This was peanuts compared to the Holly Wood stream. I would have fallen to every temptation that offered success. So many have. Now here is the reality. Biologically speaking and even from a chemical perspective. A women's anatomy is constructed specifically for procreation reasons. A man by nature responds to these attributes. This is why self control, Maturity an education and training on how to relate and respond to your senses and to the opposite sex. I have learned that women respond to creative and talented men. Famous or not. There is a certain charisma that they respond to That entertainers and artist posses. This brings about many temptations for that creative individual. What's relative is my ancestor David suffered the same biological weaknesses. He was also directly plagued by the women of that era. This was a Talented attractive strong popular man Who was also King. Now you know the women were flashing him every opportunity they could steal. The women he saw on the balcony. She most defiantly knew he was looking. She sent a message loud and clear that she was available to him if he so desired. She made sure to show him something desirable. Sex is a mystery that still eludes us. Even though we have excepted the procreative side of it and the pleasure principle. We have not discovered it’s full potentials in the connection of men and women. Sex is a force of it’s own. Relationship is a activity of it’s own. Is an act all of it self. Some how we get these three elements confused with one another in this society of social interaction. For everything there is a time place season and reason. Laws are in place to balance this process. Rosetta as since passed away. She was a good friend sister companion partner. Rosetta was a special part of my life. The part of my life that I deeply care about. I used to share spiritual perspectives with her all the time. She would listen and even ask questions. I gave her a bible that was very special to me and told her to keep it . Read it sometimes. If you have questions just call me. We Ll talk about it. One day you’ll have to lay down for the last time. You want to be able to be at peace. She kept it with her till the day she died. Before I side bard. I was sharing with you the confession I made and the new life and circumstances it created. We moved on to living and sharing the house with Eddie and his girl friend and two young sons. Everything was great. It was better than great. Eddie and I really began to create a brotherly bond. Our families were bonding and sharing. Our family was really good for his two young sons. We did many things that they also liked to do. They just never really had a chance. It was school work dinner and bed. We were 24 7 involved with our children. My wife My self Or both. I haven't been able to give my children everything I would have

Liked. But I sacrificed those things for time with them bonding with them being there for them. Really loving our children and sharing life with them. Sniff ,sniff, You smell that? Yes its my wife again wipin the pots. Once again we began to have these family dinners. All of us 11 at the table for dinner. That’s always a feel good moment. One night things were so lovely. I think I helped them put p the tree or something for the holidays even though I don’t really celebrate Christmas. Eddie got some Champaign and a few cases of beer. He had to have his beer. Being a motorcycle cop I’m sure his days were rough. We were having a great time. It got late in the evening. The children had all gone to their rooms. It was just the adults talking at the dinner table. The subject came up about. Wearing the pants in the family. Eddie was some how convinced that women did. I chimed right in. Not in my family. We make decisions together. But I’m a man and I’ll always be that. In my family. He started sharing women get their way. Keep in mind my wife, His girl friend, he and I are at the table. I make the statement. I could care less what a women does. If I don’t agree, She’s not going to manipulate me to do so. I don’t care if she throws my dirty laundry in the street. You can’t use my pride. Because at that point I wouldn't give a DAMN! Oops pushed button night. His girl, you could see transformation right before your eye’s. She was through. No more family dinners, No more bother hood bonding. No more giving a damn. She wanted us out. This women turned into a super witch. Now I had already been down this road. I told Eddie from the beginning. I had already been in this position and that this wasn’t a good idea. I made a bee line into downtown. I saw a music store in our travels. I went directly to that store and spoke with the manager. I shared with him that I was a sequencing keyboard programmer. And I could play as well. He immediately tested me. I programmed, played every instrument in the store and sang. I was hired on the spot. Again I trusted the instincts voice of the super natural still in my path. I remember this women reduced herself to such evil it made her sick. I remember producing Harmonious Living at the time. She was wishing the worst for us but she inspired me to produce the song. The Best Is Yet To Come. As soon as I finished it I pressed a copy and slid it under their bedroom door. The words are. You could never steal away a dream that’s planted deep inside your heart. When they come true. They inspire another dream to spark. You can read the rest of the words located in the back of the book. It was spiritual war fare and that’s how I had to fight this. I started working at the music store and was able to move my family out of their into our own condo. Well not our own condo but we rented a condo from a soldier who was going to Iraq at the time, Well he was returning to Iraq for another tour of duty. He had to get the place rented before he left. We were just what he needed and we were an answer to his prayers. Again life was lovely. This felt wonderful. It was like working at a dream center for me. I could sell, play, set up, stock and store instruments and PA. This is where I got to know Colorado. The people that came to the store. Were the entertainers and musicians from all walks of life and areas.

I’m a servant at heart so I always went out of my way to please the customers. We worked on commission. My checks were lousy compared to my sales partners. I would always give the deal to the customer. I remember even learning more words in Spanish just so that I could help the Mexicans that came in the store. On customer use to come in annually . He knew everybody in the store and something about everyone around town. I’m not sure what he did for a living at one time. But he wasn’t working at this time. He use to come in sit talk and play. Now and then he would buy something. One day he began talking to me. I lent him an ear reluctantly. I shared with him that my son played guitar. The next thing I know he purchased a classical guitar and presented it to me for my son. He said I don’t ordinarily do things like this but I watch how you treat people in here. Even the people you work with. Man I can’t say words to tell you how I appreciate this. There was a time I wouldn’t except gifts like this. But a pastor I worked for told me. If a women in a wheel chair and blind wants to bless you. You receive it because their blessing comes in given to you. So this gift to I excepted. A few weeks later he asked me to take a ride with him. He wanted me to look at something. I trusted the guy at least to that extent. It was only up the street he wanted to take me. I agreed to go. We pulled at this house. He asked me to get out. He began to show me this car that he had been looking at. He said it’s in great shape it runs good and that I should try it out. I know you can’t afford a car right now but just try it out . Drive it. Ok . Yes I needed a car I take the bus everyday to work. But that’s in my budget right now. I took the car for a spin. He said you like. I said I like. He said well I know the guy who owns it I’ll talk to him. Maybe we can arrange something. I still knew I could not afford a car. The next day I got to work. The guitar man showed up again. You got a minute? Yes. Here are the keys to your car. All you have to do is pick it up. I’ll be back to take you. I stopped typing for a second. That’s just what happened when he did that. I froze. No thought , No action just mesmerized. How does this happen. What happened and why? All of this runs through me at once. Sure enough he returns at the end of my shift to take me to pick up my car. I drove home on cloud nine. Only my Father could make these kinds of things possible. And every time he does something like this in my life. The only way to show my gratitude is to give more of my life. Now I know your not going to believe this, But I have witnesses. Within two days of the guitar man purchasing that car for me. Two days later after I got home from work there was a knock at the door. It was guitar man. Hey man what's up? I wanted to show you something. Look I know that car the passenger side door doesn’t open from the inside. I thought about that and I know you have family. So I bought you this one and shows me a nice Chrysler. Parked right in front of my house. I felt like I was on the price is right or something. Why are you doing this. Well I want to do something for somebody. I choose to do it for people who deserve it. You work hard and you treat people with love and respect. I just wanted to help you. This is one of many that I met at that music store and...

Came to see again. In the future. I had the opportunity to interact with some many different people. All languages, All races all genders ages and cultures. The language we all spoke and could understand was music and how to share it. I had the pleasure of sharing the love I have for life. With every one of them. Most of the regular customers that came in eventually became aware of my talents and ambitions. Churches began to ask if I could work with them. I didn't have the desire nor did my schedule permit me to entertain the offers. Until a pastor came in from this predominantly Caucasian church. He came in with his son to purchase equipment for recording. I was just the gut they wanted to see. We got in deep conversation about what the vision was. Stunned again was I. We shared the same empowerment community vision. Not only that . He had the property. The facility. And the equipment. Oh and the Youth as well. They just didn’t have a creative director. Well guess who’s in the neighborhood? Yes me. I became the second keyboard player at their church and director of the creative and performing arts program. It was the most incredible operation I have experienced till yet. Everything I needed was made excess able to me. Space, equipment, A kitchen The youth and assistance. It was all that and some. The kids established bands, recordings, styles, writings, friends , community, A sense of entrepreneurialism, a great discovery of self in a creative environment. It was a great property a great ministry and a awesome program. I’m sincerely happy that the pastor I worked for at that time had the courage to allow such a opportunity for the community. It was to good. There were members biting at the bit about the whole idea and soon a great division began to swell in the church and eventually the pastor would be moving on. And so would this operation. It was time to look for something else. I was fortunate enough to have my own recording equipment. So I could pack and plug up anywhere and I’m ready for work. I gentleman almost familiar looking came into the center one day. Advertising a new barbeque place he was opening. We decided to pay them a visit one day. He took me upstairs and showed me a room that was already set up for recording. He told me that s what he set it up for. If I wanted it I could set my own business up in there. He also had a lounge in the basement. The only twist was this place use to be a morgue. So it was like what ever you did in there it was already dead before you did it. And sure enough the move didn’t prosper very far. I ended up going back to the music store and asking if they were hiring. They still needed a keyboard man and I needed a job. I started working that following Monday. My grandmother always told me a good job goes a long way. She was talking about the way you do the job. I have kept that standard all my life. If I’m going to do the job I will do a great job. That standard got me rehired. The jobs the people the situations that have occurred in my life have all been in my walk. I have not gone out side my path. If you connect the dots so far you can see the path and patterns. There is a consistent coaching of a voice within. That is a wise and all knowing. Voice . In the midst of human or perceiving human misconduct and ambition. This voice does not speak to you

Unless My father has determined that you are going to head the warning and prosper. Our Father is not a buffoon that hey would speak to ears that can’t hear. I’m spiritually intelligent. Not cognitively intelligent. I perceive people like the animals do. With my senses and according to the laws of nature. We follow as a sheep knowing his fathers voice. I’m sharing the fact that I am aware of that with all my senses. My fathers voice is translated to me through every frequency accessible to life. The difference is knowing His voice , Your Voice and the rest of the world. The true voce of my Father is not an easy follow. Nor is it a proud follow it is extremely humble. It is a follow of roads hills valley rivers mountains and canyons. But where ever my fathers voice leads you ,you will discover your Purpose for that place and time. It is not you who always decides who you service. Most of the time, your service to the living is assigned by the voice of my Father. Your consciousness, your understanding of purpose and responsibility kick in and your committed. This is only possible. If you have the love of my Father in your heart and soul, Pause/ I have to mention. Your blood has everything do with it. This is a good place to remind you that this book is written for my family. The Hebrew Family. The bible speaks of the blood of Christ. This is not referring to the blood that was supposed to have been shed on a cross. It’s talking about his blood type his DNA. Why do you think he said I come not but to the lost tribe of Israel. He also told the disciples. Only go to the lost sheep of Israel. This is a blood line. This is the same blood line you are connected. Those of our ancestors that had already migrated here long before Europe . Were deceived and eventually sold into slavery along with every other brown man or women. The rest of our Hebrew brothers and sister were brought over in the Trans Atlantic slave trade Negotiated by Queen Ann exactly 144.000. Just like it quotes in the bible. Look it up. Do some home work. She negotiated it with Spain. This is who you are. The religious practices you have adopted are an abomination to you and our people. To wear a cross around your neck or display it in public in memory of a savior whom you say rose again. Would you wear a gun around your next to remember Martin Luther King or Malcom X. The religion you practice is designed to continue to keep you subservient to the society we live in. This is documented. The three main rules in any so called black church during slavery. 1. Always Obey Your Master. 2. Always Turn The Other Cheek. 3. You will get your reward in the here after. Everything you have learned has been to separate you from the elements of your heritage. You have learned how to deplete your self. From the names we have to the food we eat. The way we style our hair.. The way we wear our cloths. You were deigned every and anything that would replenish you as a child of The King. You then you adopted everything that Europeans had to offer. You were taught to love it and hate your self and your culture. Today you are in a work Slave labor force with the same objective. And still the same is our men all in prison free labor. There are more of our men in prison then in the slave labor camps and plantations. We have never been free since Europe came to this land. Only free to do what we have been programmed to do. To meet Europe’s agenda

Here’s an example for you. We have celebrated Thanks Giving Day for generations. Why? That day celebrates the murder , rape diseasing of our people and the stripping of our land and homes. We were declared savages. Now why do you think we would celebrate such events. Even the name Jesus was given to you. That is not the name of any savior any where . This name is fiction just like the character with the blond hair and blue eyes and a halo. None of that ever existed. Do your home work. Find out where the name Jesus came from. Also that picture of the Jesus Christ was developed from a model. Another mans lover. Look it up. Our Father has another plan for us. The deception is over. The word teaches us that we would be scattered to the four corners of the earth. Before we would recover and come to our spiritual senses. Yes we have run from Israel through Egypt, Rome, Persia, France, All over the world we have been scattered. It also says in the word that we would remember everything we have ever forgotten. That he would return us to our rightful place without one of us having to lift a finger. Our duty is to maintain our Fathers presence in the land. This my family is that time. Your mission should be to gather together with your people. Organize your living. Organize your survival. Prepare to relocate. Be in the mind set of a new kingdom. A brand new society. This is our inheritance. It will come from all over the world to rain on us. Our reward for standing the test of time and recognizing from whence cometh our help. Our help cometh from the Lord. This is why I could never really connect with Hollywood. Our hearts were not in the same place. Our motives were totally different. But take a look at some of the biggest so called Black names in Holly wood. They were the Greatest a what they did. Muhammad Ali. He was striped and ridiculed for standing for is spiritual liberty. Gandhi was murdered for resisting control and domination . Martin Luther King was murdered for exposing the truth and organizing against it. Malcolm X was murdered because he had the courage to fight back by any means necessary, Sam Cook because he was determined to maintain control of who he had come to be. Michael Jackson because he had the power to unit the world. 2 Pac because he influenced the entire rap community. Biggie Smalls because he was the epitome of the of the black man in this society value. Fred Hampton because he was the true example of a Black Man. Do your research on any one of our great people that have been demonized. See what the were really all about. These artist and leaders made people a lot of money. And also made it possible for this society to get a tighter grip on you. Once these artist realized what their lives were being used for they rebelled. You can’t make a deal and back out without someone resolving the debt. You make a deal with Hollywood. It will see to it you honor your agreement. One way or another. This is with any elite order in this society. This is a must for the protection, security and confidentiality of all. When you sign on the dotted line and make an agreement with someone who has questionable intentions. You are subject to anything. My children Israel you are not to become and idol for any one for any reason. We are already the reflection of our creator..My children examine and research everything that is presented to you.

Secrets Warning! Please do not read this segment if you do not have a mature mind. This segment is to be read with wisdom. The information contained here is not to provoke, Alarm or cause any retaliation actions or movements. This information is for the purpose of freeing the minds of My Heavenly Father’s children. We have been taught to believe in one God and serve another. Deuteronmy 5:12 to 5:15 Deuteronomy 5King James Version (KJV) 5 And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. 2

The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.


The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day. 4

The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire,


(I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of theLORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 6

I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7

Thou shalt have none other gods before me.


Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 10

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.


Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 12

Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.


Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:


But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 15

And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that theLORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. With this word looking you right in the face. How can you sit in church every Sunday which is not the sabbath

Like it doesn’t matter. I bet you don’t have an answer. If you did you wouldn’t be Be there. The Catholic church ordered that day to be changed.

The Roman emperor Constantine, a former sun-worshiper, professed conversion to Christianity, though his subsequent actions suggest the “conversion” was more of a political move than a genuine heart change. Constantine named himself Bishop of the Catholic Church and enacted the first civil law regarding Sunday observance in A.D. 321. On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrate and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however, persons engaged in agricultural work may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain growing or for vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost. —Schaff’s History of the Christian Church, vol. III, chap. 75. So again. Why do you worship against the law of our Father? The name Jesus is believed to have come from the word Iseous/ . His name became Iesus in Latin, and was used, for example, in the title of a year 2000 declaration by the Roman Catholic Church's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith titled"Dominus Iesus" ("Lord Jesus."). "Being historically accurate and obedient to our Heavenly Father , we need to call him Yeshua. That is his name: not "Jesus". After his death some of his followers moved into the "pagan" world and there they employed the Hellenized form of his name. But, The Gospels are accurate., By changing Yeshua's name to a Greek name, the writers of the Christian texts made the Gentilization of the faith believe that this was his name. The name Jesus did not even exist during the time of our Savior. In Greek, “Iesous” literally translated means “Hail Zeus”. It is believed. This is were the name Jesus came from. Please look it up. Are calling on a Greek God Zeus. Why? Jesus is not a Hebrew word. It doesn’t even have a definition in Hebrew. The point is. Our saviors name is not JESUS!. You have adopted pagan traditions, Titles and beliefs. And you patiently defend the right to. Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover–up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king. Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. This was used to control and manipulate. You. We were not even permitted to worship in our own way. We had to sneak. We have been given a religion. 1 Peter 2:13–25 The bible is meant to be read between the lines.

Now who convinced you that the old testament was not valid. The old testament contains the Law of Moses. The Law for Hebrew Israelites. This is what Christ says about the Law. 17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. So who made you believe that the old testament was abolished. Again say it. I don’t know. Documents have been written on how to control black people There is a book called COINTELPRO. This book describes and reveals information about how every black leader that ever took a stand for liberation was allowed to be destroyed by our government based offices and organizations. Another book is called Black out by white wash. These are books that allow you to read documents and information for yourself. I will remind you. This is only for My Hebrew brothers and sisters. Only mature minded individuals who will be responsible with information. The atrocities that have been committed against our whole Hebrew existence have been a violation of man kind in general. Charges have never been brought up on anyone anywhere. This crime against us has never been even acknowledge to any serious extent. It’s almost been as if this was committed with unanimous approval. As if this was normal and that it should have always been excepted by the world. No apology, No return, No reparation nothing that would allow us to restore our selves to our rightful place. Have you ever taken this in to consideration. You watch the news and see our people continually being treated with horrible injustices. You ask yourself, why? First of all who are you. Sir named Brown, Smith, Gibbs. This is still ownership we have been branded with European names. We don’t have a name, nation, flag or military to defend us. We have been woven into the fabric of America and other countries as pawns, expendable for the uses for the prosperity of the world. We are continually duped into believing that someone is going to make something happen to benefit us in this society. This will never happen. Our reasonability is to recognize who we are and make a declaration. The rest is in the hands of our Almighty Father. We are Hebrew Israelites. We must let the world know that we exist and are prepared to inhabit the land that was promised to us. He people who call themselves Jews which the word is really Yahudi. There are not yahudi they are Kazars who have adopted our name to claim the place they call Israel. The bibles say you who say you are yahudi and are not are the synagogue of Satan.9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 11He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

It was in the 1940’s that the Kazars negotiated with the united states the UN and other powers in order to establish the Jewish State of Israel. Literally taking it from the Palestinians who already resided there. This was accomplished through much blood shed and is still in a state of chaos today. If you read your bible. This was never the way that our Father prophesied that our home coming would occur. The whole world now is aware of this deception. The tables have turned considerably. The Devil and generations of children are at their wits end trying to hang on to the last of their reign. They have run out of time and solutions to stay in power. The inevitable is at hand. War was never the answer for peace. War will always only beget war. The American Flag for my people stands for. The white stands for the people. The red stands for the blood that was shed to accomplish their agenda. The blue is for the ocean of opportunity they could see in what they called the new land. The stars are for every corporation and institution that has been established to keep it that way. No matter how fictional someone may have you to believe the bible is. There is one part of the scriptures that are true in fact. 11. And it shall come to pass on that day, that the Lord will set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Kush and from Eklam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea. 12. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations and will assemble the dispersed of Israel and gather together the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the Earth. Isaiah 11:11-12 3 "The days are coming," declares the LORD," when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their ancestors to possess," says the LORD. Jeremiah 30:3 24 "For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land." Ezekiel 36:24 11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD," and will bring you back from captivity. [a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD," and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile." We are the only people in the world that fit this description. No other culture has had this experienced . The so called Jews perpetrated it. They know their names and they have established a country. Incidently do your research and find out who was really behind the holocaust. Everything you see before you is a deception. He is the Prince of deception.

Just take a look at your old dollar bills. Look at all the symbols that represent this country its businesses and it’s history. Why would the pyramid be on the dollar bill. Where did the idea from the Lincoln memorial come from. The lay out of the White House and its landscape all the way to the capital building. Why does it have a Masonic design and symbols. In fact a black man designed it. Benjamin Banneker. Why do you think that was. There’s a lot of deep history to discover. What kind of creature would commit these kinds of atrocities on man kind and nature for the sake of power and prosperity. What kind of creature would take a weapon and kill for fun just for the sport of it. I keep emphasizing that this book is for the Hebrew decedents because I don’t want you to believe that just because yhe skin is brown that you are a true child and believer in the faith. Brown completed people also sold us in to slavery. This was because they know who the real children of Our heavenly Father is. They know that the land belongs to us. So they turned us over to keep us from establishing ourselves in their land. Another report you need to Google is Where Have All The Indians Gone. This report has researched and discovered our true heritage and ancestry. Not all Caucasians are demons. There are many who have risked their live to reveal the truth defend and protect our human rights. There are so many today with the courage to speak out. It is your responsibility to redeem yourself. The whole world recognizes who we are. The United Nations has established the United Nations Declaration on The Rights Of Indigenous People. 146 countries recognize and agree to support this Declaration. Yes we are natives of the Americas. It is vital that you recognize who you are and not who you were told you are. If you adopt the theory that you are a Dog you will begin to behave like one with all it’s characteristics. Do you realize how other countries that have been influenced by American Entertainment see you. Think about the movies and sitcoms we participate in. None of them depict us as we truly are they depict what the worst of us have become. This is displayed all over the world and people think this is who we are. Every culture has a criminal element. Our criminal element is displayed to imply that this is our nature unless someone controls and manipulates us into the kind of citizens that are except able to the Caucasian society. There is a riff going on right now in Hollywood about so called blacks not given honors for roles in movies. The only honors we will receive in films is for roles played that will continue to degrade our people. Just take a look at anything we have received honors for. Observe the role. For instance. We love Denzel Washington. He has play in many movies gaining him recognition as a leading man in Hollywood roles. He has done great work. But the role he was honored for was a dirty untrustworthy criminal element cop. Who even depredated his own people. Organ Freeman, Danny Glover, Don Cheetal, Laurence Fisburn. The list goes on of great actors. But please look at the subject matters and how they are depicted on film. Sidney Poitier was one of the only so called blacks ever given the dignity he deserved. But he wasn’t and American Black man. Stop looking to Europeans for acceptance. Recognize your own achievements and abilities. Stop looking for a Massa to approve you.

If you can not validate your self. You are a slave. Someone will validate you. But it won’t be on your terms. All of us need validation. It’s who and why? There are only two actions that can be taken. When it comes to morality. Just and Unjust. Is what validates you just or unjust. Now what ever choice is mate in this assessment. That’s who you become. Because you have to maintain that validation. To continue to be successful. You spent 12 years of your life under training and teaching and testing molding and programming. The most influential years of your life. 12 years under multiple validates. The college level is no different. The lessons and books that are made accessible to students. Grade school or college. Have a specific agenda. That is to make you an American. This has qualifiers. Without the qualifiers. You can’t be validated. You naturally live your life once you finish school. Living your life through paths of validation. You naturally submit. Because you’ve never known anything else. You have lived for validation. The question is from whom. Who are the lessons coming from. I don’t mean who distributes them. Who’s agenda does the miss education of our children profit? Why are you immediately geared to finding a job when you get out of school. Most try to go to college to do what? Get a job. Never considering starting a business. Your validations have set you up. Mentally, Physically and spiritually for the work force. You Hebrew Child can not live your life upon the validations of this society. It is an obvious conflict of interest. Concerning Politics. This is also a conflict of interest to you. This is the same government and society that are guilty of enormous atrocities against our families. We now have a so called black President. It should be obvious to every one that he is not running anything. Obama makes no major decision other than personal. The agenda he follows was there long before he became president, Obama is not a king who sits on a throne and gives orders. He is a representing personality hired to articulate to the American people and to the rest of the world. It’s agenda. Who ever rights Obama's check. That’s the boss. That’s who’s making decisions. No President of these United States of the Americas makes any kingly decisions. They follow the agenda. This agenda includes you only by way of, work force. Nothing more. So again no politics. It’s a Conflict of interest. The issue of faith. It always puzzled me. When I read in the bible. That nonbelievers in Antioch were responsible for the name Christian. This never made sense to me. How can you adopt a name given by non believers. Unless it was a form of slave branding. Which in this case it was not. So if you believed and were a follower of Christ. Christ never spoke of the religion Christianity. Nor was My Savior a Christian. Why do you label your self Christians. That’s a gentile affair. This is not validation for you. You are not now or ever have you been Christians. You are Hebrew Israelites. This is your classification. You need to document your self as such. Go to the court house and request a court order for name change. Get your finger prints taken at the police station, fill out your paper work and change your classification. Make your name and classification valid. Do and teach your children to do the same. My Sheep Know My Voice...


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

1. 2.

1. Evil 2. bad, evil bad, disagreeable, malignant bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery) evil, displeasing bad (of its kind - land, water, etc) bad (of value) worse than, worst (comparison) sad, unhappy evil (hurtful) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition) j. bad, evil, wicked (ethically) in general, of persons, of thoughts deeds, actions n m

a. 1.

a. b. c.

2. evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity evil, distress, adversity evil, injury, wrong evil (ethical) n f


b. c. d.

a. evil, misery, distress, injury evil, misery, distress evil, injury, wrong evil (ethical)

This definition is to help you define the world around you and to know the difference.

Compassion—Passion—LUST—LOVE DO YOU KNOW THE DIFERENCE? Love is the power of our Heavenly Father. It takes the wisdom of our Father to know how it operates. This is not something to take lightly. The power to cure, heal, Inspire, Transform and so many other incredible things can be accomplished with this power. We have been taught and influence to miss use this power. It’s like being carless with a nuclear weapon. Love is nuclear. Love is exacted by our Heavenly Father. Love is vital to our very existence.

1 Corinthians 13King James Version (KJV) 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. 4

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;


Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8

Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.


But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 11

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity, Again you have been deceived. This word Love is not the same word as charity as written in scripture. One word has been replaced with another. The word Love is not Hebrew. It is English. This word has been put in place of the original word. Agape which is defined as Charity. Agape is a Hebrew word. Now for

The word Love. What is the origin of the word Love? The word love goes back to the very roots of the English language. Old English lufu is related to Old Frisian luve, Old High German luba, Gothic lubo. There is a cognate lof in early forms of the Scandinavian languages. The Indo-European root is also behind Latin lubet meaning it is pleasing and lubido meaning desire. The word is recorded from the earliest English writings in the 8th century. It is the enemies job to confuse you. It’s your responsibility to search for the truth in all things. It’s your life. If you don’t take control of it somebody else will for their own purposes. This demonic plan is directed at you, Children of Elohim. It is to defeat every plan that the Father has for us. Yes it’s a constant battle that you may not win in your life time. Your children may have to pick up the mantle. Sometime you won’t see the results. But every effort you make brings us as a body closer to our Fathers ultimate plan. This book is to provoke you to examine, explore, challenge and resist. We have been buried beneath generations of miss information, deception, loss of identity culture , language and customs. The evidence of our Father is that the truth will reveal itself within you. This is where the challenge comes in. The truth is alien to everything else this society has plagued us with. The truth sounds like nothing you have been taught so only another like minded soul can relate and share with you. This is why sanctification is vital to our development. You have to separate your self from everything else that is contrary to it. People places and things. Art work, monuments buildings, history agriculture the air the water. Everything is being used as a weapon to destroy you. If you are a true child of the King this book will resonate in your soul. It will have an affect on you to draw closer to truth , wisdom and understanding about who you are , where you belong and what you are supposed to be doing. The rest of the world knows that we exist and have been dead and buried for generations only to rise one day and take our rightful place on the earth. But you are the one that must declare your true self. Once this happens the planets will line up in support of this great day. We will inhabit this earth under the laws of our creator to live grow and prosper. Are you read to rise? Share this book with all whom you love. We’ll get to the promised land

The History and The Ancestral line

As far back as I can remember. The words of the Bible were always echoing in my ears.My Grand Mother never stopped talking about the word of God and his expectations.Viola Brown my Grandmother, Daughter of Felix & Flossy Brown from Bridgeville to Wilmington Delaware. Viola Smith Brown is mother of my mother Patricia Gibbs Smith Brown. My Mothers Father is Wilson Smith. My Father is Charles Randall Gibbs. My Fathers mother is Flamer. All of this is significant because. All of these surnames are among the oldest Native Americans in our country. The surnames of my family on every side is documented to link to the oldest of Native American. I’ve come to realize that Grand mom Vi’s echo’s of the word were relevant. Not in the Christian sense but in a natural way. I had the pleasure as a child to experience all sides of my family. It is the spirituality, the dignity the peace and strength that each leading member displayed. Resembled the scriptures concerning the tribal living in its content. The bonds, the love, the respect, the order, the support, the unspoken laws, the family. I was taught as a child this was number one. FAMILY! The period of time I talking about is between 1959 and the 70’s. This was a time of turmoil for our country and it’s so called black citizens. This was a time of division, war, protest, and struggle for human and civil rights. It makes you wonder how is it that our family continued to thrive on Peace, Respect, Dignity, Family order and value. It is only now that I have an understanding of the character relativity in the Hebrew Israelites and my family. The standards and customs of living are truly relative. This resemblance has always sparked my Late Brother Randall Gibbs and my curiosity. We both began to study deeply the spiritual and literal history of the bible and it’s relativity to our lives. My family was raise don the King James Version of the bible. This was passed down from our great grandparents. I have since then discovered from many historical studies. There are other motives on how the Bible was written and translates. It has been confirmed that the truth took many detours. My studies led me back to my name Charles Patrick Gibbs. I started finding historical studies on my surname Gibbs. There is also Gibbs of Scotland who owned Slaves who were given the sir name Gibbs. Who were these victims of human rights violations? Who is it that you named Gibbs? Who are these people? We are the people that Gibbs of Scotland’s conscious told him to try and repair ate this family of people he had once viewed and owned as slaves. The research I have read about Gibbs and the slaves, was that he had a special relationship with the so called Gibbs Slaves because of the kind of people we were, Our nature. The history report figure disclosed that Gibbs purchased land and emancipated his so called slaves. We then dispersed east to Maryland, Philadelphia, New York, Delaware and many points east. There were also many that traveled west. Historical studies have found through records, DNA testing and family origin and historical research that the Gibbs natives are one of the oldest know Native Americans in the country. The world of DNA testing has unlocked doors to mysteries that have baffled society for generations. Now. Take note . You still must read between the lines. Take no truth or lie at face value. Study to show thyself approved.

The Most Unique Relationship Between Slave & Slave Owner The most interesting freedom suit involving the will of a master is that of 19 Eastern Shore blacks who, dissatisfied with a Prerogative Court decision handed down by Daniel Delany the Younger, were actually able to prevail upon Governor Samuel Ogle to convene a "Special Court of Delegates" to hear their case. The suit is extremely well recorded and offers a rare look at the interpersonal relationships that could exist between master and slave. The 19 blacks were slaves to John Gibb of Queen Anne County, deceased. Their opponent in the suit was Gibb's niece, Janet Cleland. In the original suit in Prerogative Court, Cleland successfully challenged the executors of Gibb's estate, James Massey and John Hadley, for probating a will of Gibb's dated 1740 in which Gibb freed his 19 slaves and divided his holdings among them. Cleland claimed that the will was invalid and that the slaves and property were hers. Prerogative Court decided in her favor declaring the will null and void. The slaves, no doubt through an attorney, filed a writ of errors before the Governor, who impaneled a special court of the leading men of the colony: Benjamin Tasked the Younger, Charles Hammond, Benedict Calvert, John Brice and George Steward. They continued the case until June, 1752, when it was heard by a slightly different set of delegates: George Platter, Charles Hammond, Benjamin Tasker and Philip Thomas. Janet Cleland's side of the story went like this. She was the daughter of Gibb's sister and left Scotland to join her uncle in Maryland to help him manage his estate. She agreed to give her inheritance in Scotland to John Gibb's brother, William, and in return she was to inherit John's Maryland estate. She said her uncle many times expressed his gratitude for her help. Unfortunately, in his last years, he was given to drink and had spells of "frantic madness." During these fits, John would write various wills, although he was clearly incompetent to do so. When sane, Cleland claimed, John would make it clear that his true will was that Janet should inherit his entire estate. John's slaves always tried to take advantage of his periods of indisposition. During his last sickness in 1740 they refused to do any work unless he would write a will freeing them and dividing his estate among them. It was this will that Massey and Hadley probated to Janet Cleland's prejudice. Hadley and Massey's side of the story was quite different. Yes, they acknowledged, Cleland was Gibb's niece from Scotland and probably his closet surviving kin. But, they said, she had not given up any estate in Scotland, that in fact she had immigrated against Gibb's will and he took her in only because she "appeared to be in very low Condition at home." They denied that she had taken any prominent role in managing Gibb's estate, that Gibb's wife, who predeceased him by only a few years, had done most of the managing. The executors described

Cleland often ran off to live the high life in Philadelphia and elsewhere at John Gibb's expense. Gibbs at one time or another wrote wills in her favor but destroyed them because of her "undutiful and headless carriage." They once heard him express his intention to "Cut the Libellant off with a Shilling." Yes, they heard stories about the slaves trying to take advantage of Gibbs but discounted them saying Gibbs trusted his slaves more than he did his niece. They witnessed John write the will in question (giving the date as 1747) and said he was perfectly competent. Bare in mind . Were talking about a time before emancipation. You know we had to be a different kind of people in order to get the kind of support from the courts and other citizens. If ever their was a Slave move to produce. It’s this one. There is not another story like it in the country. The down side of this story is that we were so plagued by working the fields and slavery we couldn’t Waite to leave. Most of families sold off their land and moved to cities in the west to do what. Seek Working for the system again. We placed our selves right back into modern slavery. Land is one of the most powerful commodities we could have ever possessed. Until this day this would have constituted real freedom. Fret not. The kingdom is still our inheritance and our destiny. I’m not talking about heaven, I’m talking about right here on earth. Ironically enough. The ship La Amistad that captured a royal tribe from Africa. When the tribe revolted and killed the navigator of the ship. They were taken to court and tried. The Attorney that was really responsible for their release and freedom was also a Gibbs a Scottish Attorney. Just like the man that theoretically owned our people. So you see this book is not intended to discredit or bash anyone. I’m aware of the many Caucasians that have stood for justice and equality. Many more would have stood up in support but were in fear of their demonic brothers who would have with out question turned on them. In fact many were turned on and murdered for supporting our cause. Yes this would be an epic film. Because John was aware of who we really are and is conscious would not allow him to die with this on his soul. He was a spiritual believer along with land and possessions he also left us his bible. This story alone would have changed the course of history. But, our Father had his own plan of redemption. I live to see the day we inhabit the true Kingdom of our ancestors. Now our family was freed in 1740 in Queen Ann County and ended up in Wilmington Delaware. Today 2016 The State of Delaware has filed an official apology for it’s role in Slavery Over Three hundred years. Want to hear more? The one of the women responsible for this is none other than Stephanie T. Bolden. The Counsel Women I worked with on those community projects In Wilmington. She is in the Senate now. How Ironic. This tells what kind of roots we have in my home town. This is what I’m made of. Again the purpose of this book is speaking for it self. Our motives are spiritual. We are led by the voice of Our Father. It directs us along the same paths. Accomplishing goals together. Brick by brick day by day. We have never given up our faith and trust. And today we still follow.


Rep. Bolden & Sen. Henry & Rep. J. Johnson & Rep. Keeley & Rep. Potter; Reps. Baumbach, Bentz, Heffernan, Kowalko, Longhurst, Lynn, Osienski, Paradee, B. Short, M. Smith; Sens. Marshall, Peterson, Townsend




WHEREAS, during the course of the infamous Atlantic slave trade of the 16th to 19th centuries, millions of Africans were forcibly abducted to and enslaved in the New World, and millions more died during passage; and WHEREAS, the Atlantic slave trade was a lucrative enterprise and African slaves, a prized commodity to support the economic base of plantations in the colonies, were traded for tropical products, manufactured goods, sugar, molasses, and other merchandise; and WHEREAS, to prime Africans for slavery, the fundamental values of Africans were shattered; they were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage; women and girls were raped and families were disassembled as husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons were sold into slavery apart from one another; and WHEREAS, Delaware sanctioned and perpetuated slavery for approximately 226 years, through its laws and practice throughout its colonial period and beyond; and WHEREAS, Delaware enslaved Africans and Native Americans in the mid1600s and its entire slave population was of African descent by the close of the 1700s; and WHEREAS, Delaware criminalized humanitarian attempts to assist slaves, including enacting laws which prohibited aiding, employing, or concealing a slave without his or her master’s consent, and punished abolitionists who helped transport thousands of escaped slaves through the Underground Railroad in Delaware; and WHEREAS, the system of slavery and the visceral racism against persons of African descent upon which it depended became embedded in the U.S.’s social fabric, including Delaware’s; and

WHEREAS, although the U.S. outlawed the transatlantic slave trade in 1808, the domestic slave trade in the colonies continued until slavery was abolished in 1865, through the enactment of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which Delaware voted to reject that year; and WHEREAS, Delaware was one of the last 3 states to abolish slavery; and WHEREAS, after emancipation from centuries of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction dissipated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement of AfricanAmerican voters, and the system of de jure racial segregation known as “Jim Crow” laws, which arose following the abolition of slavery to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans; and WHEREAS, Delaware passed and enforced Jim Crow laws to deny the rights of African-American citizens for much of the 20th century; and WHEREAS, Delaware continued to discriminate against those of color by approving segregation of education in its Constitution, a practice which lasted until the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board of Education in 1954; and WHEREAS, African-Americans continue to suffer from the complex interplay between slavery and Jim Crow, long after both systems were formally abolished, through enormous damage and loss, including the loss of human dignity, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of opportunity; and WHEREAS, Delaware today is impacted by the lasting legacy of slavery, including ongoing tension between races and the existence of institutional racism; and WHEREAS, the story of enslavement and segregation of African-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or minimized in the telling of Delaware’s history; moreover, the faith, perseverance, hope, and endless triumphs of African-Americans and significant contributions to the development of this State and the nation should be embraced, celebrated, and retold for generation to come; and WHEREAS, the perpetual pain, distrust, and bitterness of many AfricanAmericans could be assuaged, the principles espoused by the Founding Fathers would be affirmed, and great strides toward unifying all Delawareans and inspiring the nation to come together might be accomplished, if the State acknowledged and apologized for its role in slavery; and WHEREAS, an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but acknowledgement of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Delawareans confront the ghosts of their past; and

WHEREAS, although the U.S. outlawed the transatlantic slave trade in 1808, the domestic slave trade in the colonies continued until slavery was abolished in 1865, through the enactment of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which Delaware voted to reject that year; and WHEREAS, Delaware was one of the last 3 states to abolish slavery; and WHEREAS, after emancipation from centuries of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction dissipated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement of AfricanAmerican voters, and the system of de jure racial segregation known as “Jim Crow” laws, which arose following the abolition of slavery to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans; and WHEREAS, Delaware passed and enforced Jim Crow laws to deny the rights of African-American citizens for much of the 20th century; and WHEREAS, Delaware continued to discriminate against those of color by approving segregation of education in its Constitution, a practice which lasted until the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board of Education in 1954; and WHEREAS, African-Americans continue to suffer from the complex interplay between slavery and Jim Crow, long after both systems were formally abolished, through enormous damage and loss, including the loss of human dignity, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of opportunity; and WHEREAS, Delaware today is impacted by the lasting legacy of slavery, including ongoing tension between races and the existence of institutional racism; and WHEREAS, the story of enslavement and segregation of African-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or minimized in the telling of Delaware’s history; moreover, the faith, perseverance, hope, and endless triumphs of African-Americans and significant contributions to the development of this State and the nation should be embraced, celebrated, and retold for generation to come; and WHEREAS, the perpetual pain, distrust, and bitterness of many AfricanAmericans could be assuaged, the principles espoused by the Founding Fathers would be affirmed, and great strides toward unifying all Delawareans and inspiring the nation to come together might be accomplished, if the State acknowledged and apologized for its role in slavery; and WHEREAS, an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but acknowledgement of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Delawareans confront the ghosts of their past; and

WHEREAS, 8 states have issued resolutions apologizing for slavery; and WHEREAS, it is important for Delaware to make a formal apology for slavery and Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek reconciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens: NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 148th General Assembly of the State of Delaware, with the approval of the Governor, that the General Assembly: (a) Acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow. (b) Apologizes, on behalf of the people of Delaware, for the State’s role in slavery and the wrongs committed against African-Americans and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow. (c) Expresses its deepest sympathies and solemn regrets to those who were enslaved and the descendants of those slaves, who were deprived of life, human dignity, and the constitutional protections accorded all citizens of the United States. (d) Recognizes the need to address and educate Delawareans about the social stigma, stereotyping, bias, and discrimination which still exist in the State today as vestiges of the institution of slavery. (e) Expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future. (f) Implores all Delawareans to be tolerant and understanding of one another, with the goal of eliminating all racial bias, prejudice, and discriminatory behavior, and to remember and teach their children about the history of slavery and Jim Crow laws to ensure that these tragedies will be neither forgotten nor repeated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intent of the General Assembly that this Joint Resolution shall not be used in, or be the basis of, any type of litigation.

you can place names with heritage and link generations. You can also see what degree of that heritage you are. The surprise has been that those who have been called Indians or Native Americans have had the lowest degree of Quantum Blood than the newly discovered Native Americans such as my family ancestry surname Gibbs. This has caused a stir and elite buzz in society. The who are you? The who am I? This has also exposed many who claimed to be of heritage and decent but are not. This brings me back to the name Gibbs, Before Gibbs we were Natives of the Americas. Not only are we natives of the Americas we are direct descendents of Hebrew Israelites. The fact that we are a large family of people who have been stripped of our name, Nationality, & Land. Again this is relative to the scriptural history and prophecy of The Tribe of Judah in the bible. The Bible also speaks of a waking up. A day when the children of Israel would realize & discover who they are and recover all that they had lost and much more through repentance and redemption. I personally have discovered who I am, where I’m from and what I should be doing. Whom I refer to as God has punished our people for disobedience of his Law. I understand that God allowed the personality and nature suitable to be the delivers of wrath upon our people. I also realize why it was so unconsciously accomplished. The United States Constitution, Laws and Customs began to design and enforce acts and Laws with no legal jurisdiction to manipulate the lives of my people so called Gibbs Slaves based on the true knowledge of our people. The United States, Great Brittan, Africa & Europe all are aware of who they were manipulating’ they were also aware according to scripture there was nothing we could do until our time was finished. These countries and leader were allowed to fulfill the task. Now that it is done. No one can bind us again. We have been forgiven and are awake again. Our only focus is to rebuild the kingdom and ourselves. We have the word of God in our hearts minds and spirits. We have been trained to obey the word of God without being governed. Our chastisements has prepared us for a new life of freedom, Peace, Joy, Love, & prosperity un imaginable. The eye’s of the world are seeking the original Hebrew Israelites. The true Inheritors of the Kingdom for the sake of fulfillments of prophecy. I personally am making an effort to come forward in representation of our inheritance as promised in scripture and historical writings deeds and treaties. CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS / aka Sar Charles Shalome DNA 68% SUB SAHARAN HEBREW ISRAELITE. It has come to light that the current state of Israel is in turmoil because of a revelation that the so called Jewish heritage that is claimed is false. The bloodshed that it´s very existence is founded upon some were the true Jews of Israel. There still now remains no Israel for us the children of God Original tribe of Judah. The promise is to us and our children. I T IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ESTABLISH A STATE. We Declare recognition as the American Israelíe Hebrew Tribe. We have not been given a classification. By right of the Ratification 2007 we have the right to declare ourselves, American Israeli hebrews. Its is your responsiblity as our Governing body to Repairate us. Jonh Gibbs from scotland Slave owner in Caroline County . John Gibbs knew what was wrong with the slave trade. He made peace with himself and the slaves who were my family. He purchased land for my family and left us in his will and freed them.We would like for a White House representativa to discuss this matter with us to seek resolve. CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS 52

Welcome! to my lyric world. The world of creative language and communications My lyrics express stories of my life experiences. Many of them you will surly be able to relate to. I believe they will serve you in one positive way or another. I believe that there is no better place for my work than this book. I came to bless Your soul. This song . My life is a rhythm is a testimony of my life's purpose. It explains in detail who I am what my purpose is and who it’s for. It expresses my feelings about the opportunity to share it with you. The extraordinary Mississippi Will. totally embraced these sentiments. His flow of complementary explanation was genius. First song My Life Is A Rhythm . represents every artist and musician that sacrifices his or her self for your peace, Love Joy and delivery. I salute you all for having the courage to survive the diversities of challenges that exist to inhibit the occupation. My Life Is A Rhythm will always be my personal anthem to all of creative artist that share their love.

My Life Is A Rhythm is on the 2morrow 2day album. The link below will lead you to this album. Just click. ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0

My Life Is A Rhythm I just wanna give the best of me. Make ya soul so happy. Happy, Happy and free. Let me take you places that you want to go. It’s because I truly love you so. It’s the love I’ve got down in my soul. When your singing I’ll be there to play, When your playing I love y\to sing. Sharing words on every note we right Sale to shores where our freedom rings It was music that gave birth to me. Angels baring gifts of melody. Every since the day my life began. It was planned. Cause you see my Life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God choose to play for you . For yours and my hearts content. My life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God chose to play for you to bless your soul. Now when I play for you, you sing along. You sing along. Will you play for us another song. It’s my pleasure just to share my love. We could never give the world enough It was music that gave birth to me. Angles baring gifts of melody. Every since the day my life began it was planned. Cause you see my Life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God choose to play for you . For yours and my hearts content. My life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God chose to play for you to bless your soul.

My DNA gives me the frequency to rock the mic. Melody flow through my veins so you know it’s tight Any time that I make contact. It’s the classic delivery magic Life is a rhythm heart beat like a drum. Bass line is the breath coming from my lungs Flowing down from God. Just to bless your soul. So through your struggle you can continue to rock and roll. The music is light so we embrace it. If you having hard times let the groove erase. Relax you mind Pull up a chair Heavens what you need let the smooth stones take you there Just follow us We can lead the way Make the darkness dissipate So you can see a brighter day. So you can see a brighter day Brighter day brighter day brighter day Oh yeh! Cause you see my Life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God choose to play for you . For yours and my hearts content. My life is a rhythm. My body is an instrument. God chose to play for you to bless your soul. I came to sing for you I came to play for you I came to make you dance. To sing and clap your hands. I came to play for you I came to sing for you I came to dance for you. To make you clap your hands Woooh! I came to play for you. I came to sing for you. I came to make you dance. To make you clap your hands. I came to sing for you I came you play for you. I came to bless you souls.

Don’t Take Your Love For Granted I wrote this song during the process of my divorce. My divorce inspired this song, Because began to focus on al the things I felt I had done wrong. And the things I could have done better. I also thought about the good I had done and the results of that, Both sides of our stories played over in my head. The conclusion of the song is. I appreciated what we were to one another and what we had done for one another's lives. The biggest mistake is taking good things in life for granted.

Don’t Take Your Love For Granted is not available as a recording at the Present . I’m still not satisfied with the production of it. Stay tuned...

Don’t Take Your Love For Granted My love is tired of me. She wants to set me free. But I just can’t let her go. Sometimes I’ve been wrong. Not feeling very strong. I just know that I still love her so. We’ve both had our moments we’ve both been opponents. Sometimes we both have been to blame. We love each other Just the same. Don’t take your love for granted. Don’t take for granted your love. The love in the heart you planted. The heart you’ve planted in love. We were meant to be together. Aint looking for nothing better than what I’ve got here at home. She don’t want me now Gotta find some way somehow without her I’d rather be alone. So many things that we have both been through. Still there are things that I just never knew. But we can never get to old to learn. My world has turned and I’ve learned. Don’t take your love for granted. Don’t take for granted your love. The love in the heart you’ve planted the heart you’ve planted in love. Action speaks loud as words. Something I’ve always heard I’m sorry for how I made you feel. For so long we’ve been friends. We can start again I believe its God’s will So many things that we’ve both been through. Still there are things I just never knew. But we can never get to old to learn. My world has turned And I’ve learned. Don’t take your love for granted. Don’t take for granted your love. The love in the heart you’ve planted the heart you’ve planted in love. Don’t take your love for granted. Don’t take for granted your love. The love in the heart you’ve planted the heart you’ve planted in love. The heart you’ve planted in love ,M. The heart you’ve planted in love Written By Charles Lucky Gibbs. Sep 2011

The Banner Waves 911 was the most horrific mistake The White House could have ever made. It doesn't matter how it happened. Our super air defense system, Our so might army. Our die hard marines. Couldn't protect us. You mean to tell me some minor armed Arabs just came into this country with box cutters and rendered our entire nations military, Secret service, FBI, The city cops and what ever other forces we have render us totally helpless. Then how the hell you gonna stop terrorist that have real weapons and bombs? Tell us Huh tell us?

I speak to you directly America. You have taken my land and everything else. This is what you have managed to do with it. You made people believe we were savages. What does the world think of you now. Hiding behind the face of a black man while you reign terror on the earth. Yes it’s time for you to serve your recompense. For you have lived wonderfully upon the souls my people. But our souls have overcome. All is said and done. This to me is America @ war with itself. A viscous cycle that is only meant to devour. Every human being living both rich and poor. The future depends on the amount of love that is in the world. Not the amount of money. CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS

THE BANNER WAVES I´ve looked over mountains. I´ve seen the Promised Land. I´ve seen the faces of our children holding hands. This is our country and still the banner waves. Our hands have turned every inch of the fruited plains. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us. Father have mercy. Down on our knees we pray. We´re drowning in sorrow crying for yesterday. We´re all here together and we need to understand. For things to get better we need each and every man. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us. With all we have. Still isn’t enough. Without our Lord. In God we can trust. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us. Written by CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS TRIBE OF JUDAH


Change The World I’m sick and tired of you complaining about the way life’s been Treating you and eattin through - your heart and soul Your pot of gold No matter what you do You can’t see through Your Life is blue Oh, sympathy ! Somebody please come rescue me and set me free ! Just stop believing that the Whole World is against you Everybody’s got a cross to bear You’re not the only one To feel Life’s pressures Just remember… There’s a GOD (All-Mighty) somewhere. It’s up to you Now whatcha gonna do ? How are you going 2 Change The World You say in God you trust Your life in love His precious blood was shed for us And that’s enough From dawn to dusk Where Faith’s a must. But just as soon as trouble knocks Your doors fly open Sad and hope-less There to greet you Pain and sorrow – Beg and borrow It’s True … There’s more to life than what you do And what you do without Your faith and doubt You scream and shout There’s nothing you can do about it But we together Make it better Not alone – on your own

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You and I – till we die We can do it if we try … Just stop believing that the world’s against you Everyone has a cross to beat You’re not the only one to feel life’s pressures Just remember, There’s a GOD (All-Mighty) somewhere It’s up to Y-O-U ! What’cha gonna do ? How you gonna 2 Change The World ? By Charles Patrick Gibbs


Reminiscing can be a magnificent experience. The reliving of something or someone wonderful. The price is but a thought. The key to a remnant is you would have had to have been there. I wrote A letter To You for all who share in the beauty of a memory. Below and on the left is space for you to write your memories. Names, Places, Things. What ever takes you to a better place when you think about it. Maybe someday you will pass this book down to someone else that you have made feel this way. Special.

A Letter (To You) I’m writing you A Letter Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce, reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you I’ll be there… Far away from my love It makes me feel so incomplete My empty arms, here alone They speak to me It’s you that I need So I sit and write A Letter to You Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true, always be true I reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you I’ll be there… Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you I’ll be there… On my mind All the time But nothing else pleases me more As days go by You and I Oh, how I’m missing you You’re all I’m living for So I sit and write A Letter to You Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce, reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you I’ll be there…I’ll be true Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true


Always There is a combination of charity here., For my Mother and a women I would want to love as much, I have with my Mother through out my life. But there had been segments in between each time that I had the opportunity to do so. But each time was an indescribable feeling. It was like being able to go and stay with your favorite hero. I admired my mother so very much. There was an has been no women greater except for her Mother and her Mothers ,Mothers Lol. Always is love for always never ending eternal and unconditional.

All Ways I’ve always believed in you Through all the things that we’ve been through, together No matter how hard I try Seems I could never hide from you You knew me better Of all the things I keep inside It seems I could never hide The way I feel about your love Cause I’m so glad To have you in my arms All Ways Is my love for you I’ll build my world around you For All Ways For All Ways in a special way That’s if you let me stay All Ways And now as I gaze into your eyes I vow to be to you my everything And I’ll continue holding on Because in you, my love My heart believes And maybe someday I’ll be with you again This time I hope our love will never end So long I’ve waited to share your love With you I finally have a chance to begin All Ways Is my love for you I’ll build my world around you For All Ways For All Ways in a special way That’s if you let me stay All Ways Cause I’m so in love with you, it’s true Can’t imagine what I’ll ever do without you Something in my heart


Keeps telling me you’re mine It’s just a matter of time You’re all I see You’re all I need Real love is oh, so hard to find Hold me, hold me And tell me everything will be all right All Ways Is my love for you I’ll build my world around you For All Ways For All Ways in a special way That’s if you let me stay All Ways Cause when you say, “ I Do “ Love would All Ways be true, for always In love with me In love with you, All Ways All Ways Is my love for you I’ll build my world around you For All Ways For All Ways in a special way That’s if you let me stay All Ways I will Love You, All Ways … By Charles Patrick Gibbs


Atom Where’re chalking up time like it’s gonna last Forever. So precious are the moments that we all spend Together. But no one knows tomorrow where we’re really gonna be. Cause life is oh very unpredictable you see. How much time do we have before it’s over. How many wishes are left on four leaf clovers. How much sand is left in hour glasses. God never meant for Atom to kill the masses. Where did all the flowers go. Tell me why the grass won’t grow. All the fishes in the sea. Over dose in mercury. I dread the day the sun won’t shine. And rain drops won’t fall from the sky. Who will come and save the day. Washing all our sins away. How much time do we have before it’s over. How many wishes are left on four leaf clovers. How much sand is left in hour glasses. God never meant for Atom to kill the masses. You wash the brain of yesterday. When we use to kneel and pray. All the love we had before. Time has closed and locked the door. Where do we go from here I’m so afraid the end is near. Can God find a righteous man. Who will come and save the land. How much time do we have before it’s over.


How many wishes are left on four leaf clovers. How much sand is left in hour glasses. God never meant for Atom to kill the masses. There’s so much more life to live. And so much more to give. Why don’t we appreciate All our fathers hands have made.

Down here on bending knees. I’m begging won’t you please. Stop now before were through. Now it’s all up to you. . How much time do we have before it’s over. How many wishes are left on four leaf clovers. How much sand is left in hour glasses. God never meant for Atom to kill the masses. By Charles Patrick Gibbs


Black I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. First it was boy. Then they called me nigger. When I got a little bigger. I was colored. More than any other I became a Negro and I began to grow. Now that I’m black. As a matter of fact I’m back to the beginning instead of loosing I’m winnin righteous with no sinning. Where was I oh Black back to the beginning. This has been on my mind for a long time. Now and then I forget it but I’m still with it. I Gotta stay focused on the hocus pocus hovering before My eye’s I’m mesmerized cause you hypnotized me Showing me the world and everything I ever wanted. Oh my God How you flaunt it knowing how I want it. But that was once upon a time that we grow up slow up We come to a stop before we blow up a slave to the fame. That’s the name of that game. You’ve got a chain of fools That your money rules. Movers shakers players fakers. Manipulating the world. And all the little boy’s and girls. That’s cause I’m Black. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. Now That I’m a Man I understand we were just blind to the plan. Little did we know there was a show. We were the stars that couldn’t go. Playin the part so perfectly every line and every scene. Standing ovation screaming more a great sensation anchore. Now I retire from you taking a rest that’s do. I’m gone with no strings attached. I am free the egg that hatched. I’ll fly away like the old church rhym. This home is mine all mine.


My family is here with me. Nothing but joy eternally. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. There was a day when we use to hang our head low stepping And fetchin and catchin it like an okeydo Bowing to the master walk a little faster. Never look em in the eye nigger you wanna die. In the back lonely that’s for white only. That’s the way it use to be in the land of liberty. Justice and equality use to be my enemy. We all need to understand. Freedom is for every man. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. I’m black Black and proud I’m Black Black and proud yeh. Charles P Gibbs. Charles P Gibbs Publishing


Days and nights Nights and days This emptiness is so hard to bear Ooh, it comforts me Here in my dreams To see your face Moments we share So I sit and write A Letter to You Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce, reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you … I will be there … Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce, reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you … I’ll be there … It’s never easy when you’re far away So please believe me Where ever I say Please believe me It’s true I just won’t live without you, live without you So I sit and write A Letter to You Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true, oh yes I reminisce, reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you … I’ll be there … Sit and write A Letter to You Telling you that my love will always be true I reminisce about the moments we share All I have to do is think about you … All ways be there Always be there All ways be there By Charles Patrick Gibbs 65

Children Are Waiting When I say the words homelessness All That Comes to mind is loneliness. On any given day children have no where to stay. Not time for empty questions here's is the reason We need to end this madness open your eye's Don't waist time contemplating, Children are waiting. Don't bother hesitating, Children are waiting. There arms are reaching for you. I know there's something we can do to make a better way dreams do come true. So if you have a heart. That's where you need to start. To feed our empty souls Foxes have holes. Don't waist time hesitating, Children are waiting. Don't bother contemplating, Children are waiting. Poverty's not a choice we make voluntarily. No one deliberately decides to go hungry. Don't take an empty listen So much will you be missing. You'll never see the magic there to behold. Don't waist time hesitating, Children are waiting. Don't bother contemplating, Children are waiting. Don't waist time hesitating, Children are waiting. Don't bother contemplating, Children are waiting. Charles LUCKY Gibbs copyright 2006.


EMPTY My, my, my Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You So EMPTY, oh He was raised: no money, no food to eat Had to get up and get it Make his way in the streets Knowledge it comes and goes But sometimes it don’t make much sense, you know Whatcha gonna do When they come for you Light bill, rent due And only you can prevent forest fires In a world full of thieves and liars So come on … Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You In a world full of thieves and liars, come on Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You On my knees, pray to GOD; have mercy She was raised with a silver spoon Paris, France, Greece, Peru Nothing short of the finest props The jets, the Lex you flex, the rocks And look at me Am I whatcha want to be Video, satellite, big screen tv All across the world and she’s blowing up She wants it all And when she gets it It won’t be enough

Our world is EMPTY without your Love

Our world is EMPTY without You In a world full of thieves and liars It doesn’t really matter When your mind and soul is scattered… No matter what I create, mold, control or hold Nothing else takes the place of You You and only You can give me life And Love that’s forever true You give Love and make me feel like I’m living So in return is the thanks that I’m giving And help the world to see, in our misery Love is The Remedy I’m searching… searching… You’re kicking rocks making deep-dish cheddar And living large like there ain’t nothing better I know, uh huh, come on, uh huh, uh huh, come on And when you die You can’t take it with ya You’ll only find a box that’ll fit ya Ashes to ashes and dust to dust Without Love, it don’t mean much Break it down My, my, my I know you feel me My, my, my Our world is EMPTY without your Love Keeps me searching My world is EMPTY without You My world is EMPT”Y without your Love My world is EMPTY without You Keeps me searching … EMPTY without You Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You Keeps me searching Our world is EMPTY without your Love Our world is EMPTY without You EMPTY without You …

ETERNALLY Yes, I Do I Do Love You Yes, I Do … Before I met you I didn’t think I needed anyone in my life I never meant to But something happened and I knew that it was so right And when you touched me I could feel it in my heart I knew right from the start We would never be apart God meant for Me to love You God meant for You to love Me God meant for us to love each other ETERNALLY To hold you in my arms I promise not to do you harm For better or worse We’ll be together through sunshine and storm You and Me together We’ll be together, ETERNALLY You & Me, You & Me, You & Me You & Me Together We’ll be together ETERNALLY God meant for us to share Our lives with tender care True matrimony made in Heaven Just fills the air For me to say, “ I Do “ And you to say it, too Are words of magic making something old Something new I Do, I Do, I Do I Do Love You

GOD LOVES US ALL GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I know GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me Take me, shake me, make me Don’t forsake me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna do right Help me change my life Scold me, hold me, mold me, unfold me I know, I know, I know, I know you You’ve got me feeling that my life is new I know … GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I know GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me He sees me, greets me, feeds me, teach me Opens his arms and I’m home I know I’m not alone Kingdom Come Thy will be done No matter whatcha think of my life GOD Loves Me: wrong or right I know … GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I know GOD LOVES US ALL

And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me Oh my soul Just take control Long as you give me strength to stand Your wish is my command The future, past First or last No matter who you think you are My only Super Star is … GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I know GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I’m sick and tired of you dragging me in and out of my state-of-mind Stalking, talking, walking in and out each and every piece of my mind Ready to find something I’ve missed The deadliest kiss is right here on my lips Like chips and dips It’s homophobia My momma she told me ‘a The world would deceive me And one day when I looked around They would leave me It’s really true The only one that’s loving me Is really you I know… GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me I know GOD LOVES US ALL And that’s just enough for me Just enough for me Just enough for me

He’s Got The World In His Hands In the beginning there was Adam and Eve And everything else He created He was happy and pleased From the earth to the sun and the moon and stars With His majestic hand He flung them near and far Swirling it and welling it around and round And in perfection He rejected any hand-me-downs Now who else, who else could reverse this inevitable ? Now who else but Mr. Heavenly Incredible … God only knows why I’m a man God only knows life’s perfect plan, oh yeah God only knows what makes me tick God only knows the magic from the tricks And there’s nothing said or done That wasn’t written in the Son Holla if you hear me ! Holla back if you feel me ! And there’s no other Love No other gods for me but One Holla if you hear me ! He’s got the whole world He’s Got The World In His Hands Anytime that I think about Him I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands And I see him everywhere I go, I go, I go He’s Got The World In His Hands Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands Just in case you didn’t know He’s got the whole world He’s got the whole God only knows the future from the past God only knows the first day to last … God only knows the truth beyond a lie God only knows what is wrong, what is right Cause there’s nothing said or done

That wasn’t written in the Son Holla if you hear me ! Holla back if you feel me ! There’s no other lord No other gods for me but One Holla if you hear me ! He’s got the whole world He’s Got The World In His Hands Anytime that I think about Him I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands And I see him everywhere I go, I go, I go He’s Got The World In His Hands Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands Just in case you didn’t know He’s got the whole world He’s got the whole God only knows the short from the long God only knows what is right, what is wrong God only knows the evil from the good God only knows if I couldn’t, if I could There’s nothing said or done That wasn’t written in the Son Holla if you hear me ! Holla back if you feel me ! And there’s no other Love No other gods for me but One Holla if you hear me ! He’s got the whole world He’s Got The World In His Hands Anytime that I think about Him I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands And I see him everywhere I go, I go, I go, I go He’s Got The World In His Hands Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad I know, I know, I know He’s Got The World In His Hands

Killaleader all ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millameter. But he came here to lay it down. For all the sisters and the brothers in the under ground. When I’m down I look up and I see the sky. I ask Yah oh why did you let em die. Every time we get a leader we loose em. We gotta find another way to pick em and choose em. We never ever need to use another. We never need to witness another brother Struggling for good doing what he could. And everything he did cause know body else Would. Cause all ya wanna do. All ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millimeter. But he came here to lay it down. For all the sisters and the brothers in the underground. Now Tell me why do you killaleader? Why do fill em with lead and drag em down and beat em. I wanna know is it hate or is it realy fear. Or is it realy your guilt for having brought Us here. But that’s all in the past and we forgive you. Because we’ve got a lot of other issues to live through. But the next time a leader steps to the plate. I pray to God that it will all be for heaven sake. Cause all ya wanna do. all ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millameter. But he came here to lay it down. For all the sisters and the brothers in the under-


can just imagine life in glory. With all the saints and the heavenly stories. And everybody in the house at one time. A little hard to conceive for a simple mind I’m inclined in my mind to thinking over time Wondering if ever we’ll all be together. And settle our beefs in the streets where we meet And greet. There’s gotta be a way to make it better. Cause all ya wanna do. all ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millameter. But he came here to lay it down. For all the sisters and the brothers in the under Ground. all ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millameter. But he came here to lay it down. For the sisters and the brothers in the underground. Why tell me why? Oh why did you have to die. Why tell me why oh why. Why did you have to die. all ya wanna do is killaleader. You solute em with a nine millameter. But he came here to lay it down. For all the sisters and the brothers in the Underground..

Doctor Frances Cress Welsing. She is with us still. She is with us now more than ever. Her voice will be profoundly much greater and louder then ever before. The devil will not be able to stand her echo. Her voice will crumble walls of adversity. Her heart will free many that have been bound by ignorance. No this one has not passed. This one will live forever.

And now after a long process of study research experiences and testing our past is extraordinary our present is profound and our futures is compelling. Life without love and family is a senseless journey. When you stir the emotion and apply reason you get action. What is governing that action is vital to the success of future generations. Wisdom. Wisdom is what has governed our family for generations. The Laws of our Father passed down through each generation and kept alive in us. I heard a line in a movie about Kazarian Jews called the Chosen. When the Rabbi the father of the so called orthodox's Jews said that when we can not take the Kingdom it is written that Our Heavenly father will give it to us. This is according to prophecy. The Zionist Jews believed different they believed it had to be taken. The Rabbi said this is dangerous. This is not wisdom. We will become subject to become victims of slaughter again. When man believes he can deify the laws of nature he is doomed to self destruction.. The difference I have discovered is that you can’t profess to be the children of God you either are or you are not.. Those who say they are Yehudio and are not are the synagogue of Satan. Life and time has proven again that what ever is hidden will surface. All praises to Our Father which art in heaven for allowing us to rise.!We are the peace of the world. And we eagerly except our role has keepers of the new heaven and earth. Charles Patrick Gibbs Hebrew Israelite . Descendent of the tribe of Judah. 12/12/2015

"Cat Farm Experience" Kacha Gibbs Reply| To: LUCKY SMOOTHSTONE <>; ... Sat 1/16/2016 4:57 PM Hi Dad, I forgot to send you my "Cat Farm Experience!" Sorry for the wait-Here it is: I used to live in the best house on the east coast called "Cat Farm." It was covered in trees, and grass, and plants, and cats everywhere-almost like the wild. I probably never went outside with shoes on...walking in the back was like a wilderness experience that I wanted to dramatically enjoy. There was a giant heap of winding roots and stuff with leaves everywhere all us kids in the house called "Elephant-bush." It was a giant mass of different flowering and green petaled plants strangely shaped JUST like an elephant. We had 16 cats (not counting the neighborhood cats that came to hang out) and all the cats loved this Elephant-bush-it always seemed like something from fairy-tale land. They would walk into Elephant-bush and wouldn't come out for what seemed like a whole day! And me and my brothers and sisters just loved that friggin thing. One day, such a small thing-Elephant-bush was hacked to pieces. I remember sitting on the porch and watching in misery as the entire thing was ripped apart into a dead little stump of roots. I guess it was just a pile of weeds anyway. I don't know why its destruction was such a big deal, but all the kids and cats alike weren't exactly grinning after the fact. There were cameras scattered throughout the house, and I never did manage to take one picture of that Elephant Bush...There were so many interesting things going on while living at Cat Farm. I loved the house and the land, and the energy there. Some of my best memories in my life definitely come from this strange old house on the east coast called Cat Farm.

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