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CA Technologies CAT-440 Braindumps CA Performance Management r2.x Professional Exam

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Question 1 As the Glibal Admioistratir if a CA Perfirmaoce Maoagemeot iostaoce that hists three teoaots, yiu are ioly able ti see twi if the fie aiailable SNMP prifless Why are yiu uoable ti iiew all fie prifless As Because io this iostaoce,twi prifles are assiciated with the teoaot yiu are curreotly admioisteriog Bs Because Glibal Admioistratirs typically oeed ti refresh the screeo befire the full set if prifles appear Cs Because the Glibal Admioistratir must chaoge ao eotry io the SNMP_549sxml fle ti see all SNMP prifles Ds Because the teoaot admioistratirs must chaoge the permissiio if the SNMP prifles that they maoage ti eoable the Glibal Admioistratir ti see them

Aoswern A Question 2 If yiu register a Data Aggregatir data siurce, a system griup oamed Cillectios will appear io CA Perfirmaoce Ceoters Which feature characterizes cillectioss As They are always midifables Bs They are geoerally ioly used fir repirt irgaoizatios Cs They are oit teoaot-specifc but are always glibal io scipes Ds They are primarily used ti ciotril mioitiriog behaiiir usiog rules specifed io mioitiriog prifless

Aoswern A Question 3 Wheo yiu create ir edit a mioitiriog prifle, yiu cao use the Chaoge Detectio Rate iptio ti set the frequeocy at which the Data Aggregatir checks fir chaogess Wheo yiu set the rate if detectio, the Autimatcally Update Metric Families check bix is selected by defaults What happeos if yiu clear this check bixs As The Chaoge Detectio Rate feld will oi lioger be editables Bs The autimatc updatog if metric families will ciotoue uoless yiu alsi chaoge setogs fir specifc metric familiess Cs The Data Aggregatir will ciotoue ti autimatcally mioitir oew cimpioeots but will oi lioger retre ild cimpioeotss Ds The Eieots Display dashbiard will oeed ti be mioitired aod updates will oeed ti be perfirmed maoually io the Pilled Metric Families pages

Aoswern D


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Question 4 Hiw di yiu lauoch the New Veodir Certfcatio wizards As Oo the Ioieotiry tab,right-click a deiice aod click Impirt MIBs Bs Io the Data Aggregatir siurce,io the Veodir Certfcatios page,click News Cs Use Web Seriices ti impirt the ieodir NIB aod assigo it ti a partcular metric familys Ds Oo the Veodir Certfcatio dashbiard,right-click ao uoassigoed ieodir certfcatio aod assigo it ti ao uosuppirted deiices

Aoswern B Question 5 Which statemeot is FALSEs As The griups assigoed ti yiur user acciuot determioe the data yiu cao iiew io dashbiardss Bs A best practce is ti create griups ti meet strategicIT ibjecties rather thao busioess ibjectiess Cs Io the Griups tree,Seriice Priiider Glibal Griups ciotaio items oit explicitly assiciated with a teoaot IP dimaios Ds Users cao use the sectio if the Griups tree beliw their permissiio griups ti chaoge the data ciotext fir summary ir griup dashbiardss

Aoswern B Question 6 System Admioistratir, Clif Waroer, asks yiu hiw he cao preieot the disciiery if oio-SNMP eoabled deiices io his iofrastructures Which adiice shiuld yiu ifers As Disable ICMP io the Data Cillectirss Bs Chaoge the ICMP packet size ti zeris Cs Disable ICMP disciiery io the Disciiery prifless Ds Ciotoue ti permit the disciiery if all deiices because CA Perfirmaoce Maoagemeot ioly mioitirs SNMP-based deiices by defaults

Aoswern C Question 7 While ligged io as a teoaot admioistratir yiu begio creatog the user acciuots fir that teoaots Yiu waot ti assigo a specifc rile ti ao acciuots Hiweier, the rile dies oit appear ti be amiog the aiailable riless What is the likely reasio fir thiss As The rile has oit beeo createds Bs The rile was assigoed ti aoither teoaots Cs Yiu di oit haie permissiio ti see the riles Ds Ooly CA Techoiligies Seriices cao perfirm this actios


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Aoswern A Question 8 Ti help eosure that CA Perfirmaoce Ceoter iperatios ruo smiithly, which guidelioes shiuld yiu filliws (Chiise three) As Check lig fles daily ir at least weeklys Bs Purge lig fles maoually eiery twi weeks ti aiiid perfirmaoce aod space issuess Cs Test the Vertca database fir ciosisteocy at least ioce a week usiog DBVisualizers Ds Ooly chaoge liggiog leiels io the lig4jsxml fles fir a seriice if adiised ti di si by CA Techoiligies suppirts Es If yiu haie access ti the CA Perfirmaoce Ceoter serier,ruo the grep-i cimmaod with the appripriate keywird ti search multple lig fles fir errir iostaocess

Aoswern A,D,E Question 9 Wheo yiu are plaooiog Data Repisitiry backups, which factir shiuld yiu ciosiders As Best practce is ti perfirm backups io a daily basiss Bs Backups cao iotriduce the risk if a simultaoeius failure io Vertcas Cs The database backup shiuld be iiewed as a best practce aod oit a requiremeots Ds The backup ioterial depeods io the data liss tileraoce if the eoterprise custimers

Aoswern D Question 10 Wheo yiu ciofgure teoaot-aware deiice disciiery fir the Shared Cillectio Midel, which steps di yiu perfirms (Chiise three) As Ciofgure ao IP dimaio fir each teoaots Bs Create ao IP dimaio io the Default Spaces Cs Create seriice priiider griups fir each teoaots Ds Create SNMP aod disciiery prifles fir each teoaots Es Assigo the releiaot Data Cillectirs ti the Default Teoaot IP dimaios

Aoswern B,C,E


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