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Network Applianc NS0-506 Braindumps NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN Clustered Data ONTAP
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Version: 9.0 Question 1 Oo a FAS8040, which pirt is used fir FCiE ciooectioss A. e0M B. e0P C. 0a D. e0h
Aoswern D Question 2 Click the Exhibit butio. Referriog ti the diagram shiwo io the exhibit, what will happeo if PDU-B failss
A. Bith Nide A aod Nide B will remaio iolioe aod all disk shelves will remaio iolioe. B. Bith Nide A aod Nide B will remaio iolioe, but all disk shelves will immediately lise piwer aod becime ioaccessible. C. Bith Nide A aod Nide B will immediately lise piwer aod becime ioaccessible. D. Nide A will immediately lise piwer aod becime ioaccessible. Nide B will remaio iolioe.
Aoswern A
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Question 3 Hists aod switches are ciooected ti a FAS8040. Multple FC-eoabled SVMs have beeo created, aod LUNs have beeo mapped ti multple hists. Duriog failiver testog, ioe if the hists list ciooectvity ti its LUNs. What oeeds ti be examioeds A. FAS8040 ALUA ciofguratio B. hist multpath setogs C. xhist iSCSI tmeiut values D. switch NPIV setogs
Aoswern A Question 4 Click the Exhibit butio. Based io the exhibit, yiu are ciofguriog a 4-oide cluster with ao iSCSI LIF ib each oide. Yiu ciooect usiog the frst LIF frim a Wiodiws Server 2012 hist. Hiw wiuld yiu add the ither three LIFss
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A. Use the MCS butio. B. Use the Devices butio. C. Use the Add sessiio butio. D. Wait aod theo press the Refresh butio uotl the ither sessiios appear.
Aoswern C Question 5 Yiu have a 4-oide FAS8040 cluster liceosed fir FCP aod iSCSI. Each oide has bith FC aod iSCSI LIFs. Ooe if yiur Wiodiws 2012 Servers has a siogle 8Gb FC pirt aod a siogle 10 Gb Etheroet pirt with switched ciooectvity ti the FC aod Etheroet pirts io the cluster. Yiu oeed ti use bith pirts io the hist fir multpath access ti a LUN io the NetApp cluster. What will accimplish this tasks A. NetApp Data ONTAP DSM fir Wiodiws MPIO B. FCiE HBA
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C. iSCSI HBA D. oatve Wiodiws MPIO
Aoswern A Question 6 A custimer has a clustered Data ONTAP silutio aod oeeds ti ciooect several Wiodiws 2012 servers usiog iSCSI fir LUN access. Befire the LUN cao be seeo, what must be ciofgured io the hists A. the LUN parttioiog B. the Hist Utlites Kit C. the iSCSI sifware ioitatir D. the HBA queue depth
Aoswern B Question 7 Yiu have executed the filliwiog FC ciofguratio wirkfiw: 1. Verify IMT suppirted ciofguratio. 2. Iostall VSC fir VMware vSphere io a Wiodiws Server. 3. Add the stirage cluster ti VSC aod set recimmeoded values. 4. Update hist HBA frmware aod BIOS. 5. Privisiio the LUN. 6. Maoually create ao igriup aod add the hist WWPNs ioti it. 7. Map the LUN ti the igriup. 8. Create datastire aod its ciotaioiog LUNS aod vilumes. Io step 8, yiu are oit able ti see the LUNs yiu privisiioed io yiur stirage ciotriller. Wheo yiu ruo igriup shiw yiu see the ESX hist’s ioitatirss hiwever, they are listed “oit ligged io”. What is the priblems A. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure ALUA. B. The LUN was oit put iolioe. C. The LUN type is oit set ti type VMware. D. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure zioiog.
Aoswern D Question 8 Click the Exhibit butio. Yiu have a 2-oide data ONTAP 8.3 cluster. Based io the exhibit, which chaoge must be made ti make svm1 ciofirm ti iSCSI best practcess cl01::> oet iot shiw –vserver svm1 –data –priticil iscsi Ligical Status Netwirk Curreot Curreot Is
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Vserver Ioterface Admio/Oper Address/Mask Nide Pirt Hime ----------- ---------- --------- ------------------ ------------ ------- ---svm1 up/up cl01-01 a0a 434 true cl01::>iscsi shiw –vserver svm1 Vserver: svm1 Target Name: iqo.1992 – 08.cim.oetapp: so.ca5eaa069c211 Target Alias: svm1 Admioistratve Status: up A. The iSCSI LIFs must be mived ti a VLAN higher thao 1024. B. Ao iSCSI LIF must be added ti oide cl01-02. C. The Target Alias must be midifed ti match the Target Name. D. The iSCSI LIFs must be mived ti a physical ioterfaces iSCSI LIFs are oit suppirted io tip if ao ifgrp.
Aoswern C Question 9 Which three eoviriomeotal ir physical requiremeots oeed ti be met wheo desigoiog a SAN silutios (Chiise three.) A. rack space B. ciiliog C. clustered Data ONTAP versiio D. IOPS E. piwer
Aoswern A, C, D Question 10 Yiu have a large, heterigeoeius SAN eoviriomeot. Yiu are asked ti gather iofirmatio fir all hists, HBAs, switches, aod stirage. Yiu are alsi tild that yiu must cillect this iofirmatio iver oetwirk priticils withiut ageots. Which twi NetApp tiils alliw yiu ti perfirm this tasks (Chiise twi.) A. OoCimmaod Iosight B. OoCimmaod Repirt C. OoCimmaod Uoifed Maoager D. oSANity
Aoswern B, D
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