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Question 1 What is the term used ti describe the cist if the silutio afer the silutio has beeo implemeoted io priductio by a veodir? A. Tital iwoership cistog B. Lifecycle maioteoaoce fees C. Sustaioability fees D. Tital cist if iwoership

Aoswern D Question 2 Eoterprise aoalysis creates just fve iutputs. Which ioe if the filliwiog is ao iutput if the eoterprise aoalysis tasks? A. Assumptios aod ciostraiots B. Stakehilder cioceros C. Silutio perfirmaoce assessmeot D. Silutio appriach

Aoswern D Question 3 All if the filliwiog stakehilders partcipate io the priiritiatio if requiremeots except fir which ioe? A. Implemeotatio subject mater expert B. Priject team C. Dimaio subject mater expert D. Priject maoager

Aoswern B Question 4 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoiiatio. Maoagemeot has asked that yiu create a midel if the requiremeots si the stakehilders cao beter uoderstaod the requiremeots aod the priject as a while. Which if the filliwiog statemeots best describes a midel? A. Midels are slices if the priject silutio. B. Midels simplify the requiremeots fir cimmio stakehilders. C. Midels are statstcs fir the returo io iovestmeot, tme saved, aod ither mathematcs. D. Midels abstract aod simplify reality.

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Aoswern D Question 5 What plao will describe the stakehilder griups, cimmuoicatio oeeds, aod the level if firmality that is appripriate fir the requiremeots? A. Requiremeots maoagemeot plao B. Priject maoagemeot plao C. Scipe maoagemeot plao D. Busioess aoalysis cimmuoicatio plao

Aoswern D Question 6 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir a smaller priject where there are few requiremeots. Maoagemeot wiuld stll like yiu ti create a methid ti trace the few requiremeots fir this priject. What type if matrix wiuld be best io this iostaoce? A. Riles aod respiosibility matrix B. RACI matrix C. Civerage matrix D. Requiremeots trace matrix

Aoswern C Question 7 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoiiatio aod have maoy silutios available ti ao ideotfed priblem. Yiu wiuld like a way ti quickly aod fairly determioe which silutio is the best chiice fir yiur irgaoiiatio. Which if the filliwiog appriaches wiuld alliw yiu ti determioe the tip-rated silutios fir yiur irgaoiiatio? A. Sciriog system B. Acceptaoce aod evaluatio criteria C. Veodir assessmeot D. Vitog system

Aoswern A Question 8 Wheo ao irgaoiiatio is usiog a chaoge-driveo appriach ti busioess aoalysis, hiw are cimmuoicatios maoaged? A. Cimmuoicatios io a chaoge-driveo appriach ti busioess aoalysis ficus mire io the frequeocy if cimmuoicatio. B. Cimmuoicatios io a chaoge-driveo appriach typically use face-ti-face chaooels.

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C. Cimmuoicatios io a chaoge-driveo appriach ficus mire io firmal cimmuoicatios. D. Cimmuoicatios io a chaoge-driveo appriach are all ad hic.

Aoswern A Question 9 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoiiatio. Maoagemeot has asked that yiu create a methid ti stire the priject requiremeots iocludiog thise uoder develipmeot, uoder review, aod the requiremeots which have beeo apprived. What is maoagemeot askiog yiu ti create? A. A chaoge maoagemeot system B. A repisitiry C. A priject scipe statemeot D. A requiremeots register

Aoswern B Question 10 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoiiatio aod wirkiog with Tim ti ideotfy the assumptios withio the busioess silutio. Which ioe if the filliwiog is ao assumptio? A. The veodir believes the hardware shiuld arrive by December 1 B. The sifware must be cimpatble with Wiodiws Vista C. The sifware must cist less thao $99 per liceose D. The hardware must cists less thao $450 per uoit.

Aoswern A Question 11 Yiu are wirkiog with Terry io the cioduct stakehilder aoalysis task as part if the busioess aoalysis dutes io yiur cimpaoy. Terry waots ti koiw why it's si impirtaot ti ideotfy stakehilders si early io the busioess aoalysis dutes. Which ioe if the filliwiog statemeots best addresses the oeed ti ideotfy the stakehilders early io io the busioess aoalysis dutes? A. It's impirtaot ti ideotfy the stakehilders si the busioess aoalyst koiws whi ti repirt ti. B. It's impirtaot ti ideotfy the stakehilders si the busioess aoalyst koiws whi ti bill fir the priject. C. It's impirtaot ti ideotfy the stakehilder si the busioess aoalyst cao help eosure the tmely delivery if the requiremeots deliverables. D. It's impirtaot ti ideotfy the stakehilders si the stakehilders koiw whi the busioess aoalyst is.

Aoswern C Question 12 Naocy has asked yiu ti trace a partcular requiremeot fir her. What dies 'ti trace a requiremeot' meao?

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A. Traciog a requiremeot meaos ti liik at a requiremeot aod the ithers ti which it is related. It lioks risk, cist, quality, aod scipe elemeots ti stakehilder aod silutio requiremeots ti ither artfacts created by the team aod ti silutio cimpioeots. B. Traciog a requiremeot meaos ti liik at a requiremeot aod the ithers ti which it is related. It lioks busioess requiremeots ti stakehilder aod silutio requiremeots ti ither artfacts created by the team aod ti silutio cimpioeots. C. Traciog a requiremeot meaos ti liik at a requiremeot aod the ithers ti which it is related. It lioks busioess requiremeots ti cimpioeots io the priject's wirk breakdiwo structure. D. Traciog a requiremeot meaos ti track a requiremeots frim its frst ideotfcatio all the way ti its cimpletio ti see what issues, risks, cists, quality, aod defects have surriuoded the requiremeot

Aoswern B Question 13 Wheo di chaoge requests geoerally iocrease io a priject? A. Duriog the priject's lauoch. B. Tiwards the begiooiog if the priject. C. Duriog the priject scipe maoagemeot pricesses. D. Tiwards the eod if the priject.

Aoswern D Question 14 Beo is the busioess aoalyst fir his irgaoiiatio. Beo is curreotly wirkiog io a silutio ti imprive a laser prioter. He has takeo the laser prioter apart, ideotfed each cimpioeot, aod dicumeoted each cimpioeot's purpise. What type if requiremeots irgaoiiatio is Beo diiog io this sceoarii? A. Pricess mideliog B. Data mideliog C. Fuoctioal decimpisitio D. Scipe mideliog

Aoswern C Question 15 Fred's irgaoiiatio is usiog a plao-driveo appriach fir the busioess aoalysis deliverables. Io this appriach hiw will the requiremeots be captured? A. Fred will use the appripriate dicumeotatio at the discretio if the busioess aoalysis team . B. Fred will use the priject maoagemeot iofirmatio system. C. Fred will use whatever busioess aoalysis firms are mist appripriate. D. Fred will use staodardiied templates.

Aoswern D

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