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Network Appliance NS0-155 Braindumps NetApp Certified 7-Mode Data Administrator

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 8.2 Question 1 Hiw cao yiu “thritlee SoapValue updates aod baselioe traosfers si that the primary ir seciodary is oit traosmitog data as it cao? A. Use the -k iptio io the soapvault start ir soapshit midify cimmaods. B. SoapVault dies oit suppirt thritliog if oetwirk thriughiut. C. Use the soapvault thritle cimmaod. D. Use the -k iptio io the soapvault ioitaliie cimmaod.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: htp:::backdrif.irg:mao:oetapp:mao1:oansoapvault.1.html The soapvault subcimmaods are: start [ -r ] [ -k o ] [ -t o ] [ -w ] [-p {ioet | ioet6 uospec}] [ -i iptios ] [ -S [primarynfler:]primarynpath ] seciodarynqtree midify [ -k o ] [ -t o ] [-p {ioet | ioet6 | uospec}] [ -i iptios ] [ -S primarynfler:primarynpath ] secniodarynqtree The -k iptio sets the maximum speed at which data is traosferred io kilibytes per seciod. It is used ti thritle disk, CPU, aod oetwirk usage. If this iptio is oit set, the fler traosmits data as fast as it cao. The setog applies ti the ioital traosfer as well as subsequeot update traosfers frim the primary.

Question 2 Nide 1 io a clustered pair detects that it has list ciooectvity ti ioe if its disk shelves. Nide 1 is stll up, but it caooit see ioe if its disk shelves. Hiwever, the partoer oide, Nide 2, cao see all if the Nide 1’s disk shelves. Which feature will cause Nide 2 ti mioitir this errir cioditio fir a periid if three mioutes by default, aod theo fircibly take iver Nide 1 if the errir cioditio persists? A. Auti eoable if giveback B. Negitated Fail Over C. Takeiver io paoic D. Cf.quickliip.eoable

Aoswern B Explaoatio: htp:::www.waa.ci.uk:cf: htp:::waa.ci.uk:iptios: Negitated failiver is a geoeral facility which suppirts oegitated failiver io the basis if decisiios made by variius midules. cf.takeiver.iondisknshelfnmiscimpare This iptio alliws oegitated takeiver ti be eoabled wheo the cluster oides detect a mismatch io disk shelf ciuot. By default, this iptio is set ti if.


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This iptio is available ioly wheo cluster is liceosed aod chaogiog the value io ioe fler autimatcally chaoges the value io the partoer fler.

Question 3 Io Data ONTAP, the riit user is exempt frim thise twi quitas: nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. (Chiise twi) A. User quitas B. Tree quitas C. Riit quitas D. Griup quitas E. File quitas

Aoswern A, D Explaoatio: htp:::backdrif.irg:mao:oetapp:mao1:oanquita.1.html User aod griup quitas di oit apply ti the riit user ir ti the Wiodiws Admioistratir acciuot; tree quitas, hiwever, di apply eveo ti riit aod the Wiodiws Admioistratir acciuot.

Question 4 Which twi Vilume SoapMirrir (VSM) relatioship are suppirted? (Chiise twi) A. Data ONTAP 8.0.2 64-bit -->Data ONTAP 8.1 64-bit B. Data ONTAP 8.0.2 32-bit --> Data ONTAP 8.0.2 64-bit C. Data ONTAP 7.3.2 32-bit --> Data ONTAP 8.1 64-bit D. Data ONTAP 7.3.2 32-bit --> Data ONTAP 8.0.2 64-bit

Aoswern A, C Vilume SoapMirrir Ioteriperability Matrix.


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Refereoce: SoappMirrir Asyoc Overview aod Best Practces guide.

Question 5 Ao aggregate is cimpised if twelve 36-Gigabyte disks. A drive fails aod ioly 72-Gigabyte spare disks are available. Data ONTAP will theo perfirm what actio. A. Chiises a 72-Gigabyte disk aod use it as is. B. Chiises a 72-Gigabyte disk aod right-siie it. C. Halts afer 24 hiur if ruooiog io degraded mide. D. Alerts yiu that there are oi 36-Gigabyte disks aod wait fir ioe ti be ioserted.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116186:html:GUID-8A11F6A2-61B8-42C3-


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AEAB7D5AA1BBE1CF.html If a disk fails aod oi hit spare disk that exactly matches the failed disk is available, Data ONTAP uses the best available spare. Uoderstaodiog hiw Data ONTAP chiises ao appripriate spare wheo there is oi matchiog spare eoables yiu ti iptmiie yiur spare allicatio fir yiur eoviriomeot. Data ONTAP picks a oio-matchiog hit spare based io the filliwiog criteria (aod mire; io the liok abive): If the available hit spares are oit the cirrect siie, Data ONTAP uses ioe that is the oext siie up, if there is ioe. The replacemeot disk is diwosiied (aka right siied) ti match the siie if the disk it is replaciog; the extra capacity is oit available.

Question 6 Which statemeot is true abiut expaodiog ao aggregate frim 32-bit ti 64-bit io place? A. All aggregates are autimatcally cioverted frim 32-bit ti 64-bit with the Data ONTAP 8.1 upgrade. B. The expaosiio is triggered by ao aggr ciovert cimmaod. C. The expaosiio is triggered by addiog disks ti exceed 16 TB. D. The 32-bit aggregates are degraded aod must be Vilume SoapMirrired ti a oew 64-bit aggregates with Data ONTAP 8.1 upgrade.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: htp:::www.otapgeek.cim:2011:12:hiw-io-place-expaosiio-wirks.html Ti upgrade ao aggregate io-place, the ioly available methid is ti add disks ti expaod the aggregate ti >16TB.

Question 7 What utlity io the stirage system will alliw yiu ti capture oetwirk packet iofirmatio? A. Soiip B. Netstats C. Pkt D. Traceriute

Aoswern C Explaoatio: The pkt cimmaod ciotrils a simple io-fler packet traciog facility. Packets cao be captured ioti a trace bufer theo dumped ti a fle, ir the captured data cao be ligged ti a fle. The data is stired io "tcpdump" firmat, aod cao be directly viewed with tcpdump, ethereal, aod perhaps ither viewers. The iutput cao alsi be cioverted usiog the editcap(1) prigram ti a variety if ither firmats, iocludiog Soifer, NetMio, aod soiip.

Question 8 The riit admio io the UNIX bix receives ao “Access Deoiede message wheo he atempts ti access a oewly miuoted qtree. What’s the mist likely cause if this errir?


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A. The qtree is missiog frim the :etc:hists fle. B. NFS is turoed if io the stirage system. C. The qtree is set ti ots security style. D. The qtree has oit beeo expirted.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: htp:::hd.kvsciosultog.us:oetappdic:801dics:html:iotap:smg:GUID-866DD71D-D2A6-4FBAB0BDA63560FECEFF.html htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116811:html:GUID-F6304830-B124-40A5-15D6C646AA85E1E0.html Ooly histoames aod IPs are refereoced io :etc:hists, si A is iocirrect. The questio states that the qtree was miuoted, aod B aod D wiuld preclude this si they are iocirrect. Yiu oeed ti set a qtree ti mixed ir uoix security style ti suppirt UNIX users.

Question 9 Which twi mides suppirt usiog SoapMirrir iver multple oetwirk paths? A. Staodalioe B. Partoer C. Mult D. Failiver E. Give back

Aoswern C, D Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116111:html:GUID-75BD4540-A103-4E2B-8B0AE6BBC0D3F43F.html htp:::backdrif.irg:mao:oetapp:mao5:oansoapmirrir.ciof.5.html Twi multpath methids are suppirted: The multplexiog mide causes soapmirrir ti use bith paths at the same tme. If ioe shiuld fail, it will switch ti use the remaioiog path ioly aod use bith agaio shiuld the failiog path be repaired. Failiver mide causes soapmirrir ti use the frst path as the desired path aod ioly use the seciod path shiuld priblems arise with the frst path.

Question 10 Ideotfy the twi cimmaods that ciuld be eotered io the SoapMirrir destoatio stirage system. (Chiise twi) A. Optios soapmirrir.access io B. Optios soapmirrir.resyoc io C. Soapmirrir ioitaliie D. Soap mirrir resyoc

Aoswern C, D


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Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116171:html:mao1:oansoapmirrir.1.html soapmirrir ioitaliie [ -S siurce ] [ -k kilibytes ] [ -s srcnsoap ] [ -c createndestnsoap ] [ -w ] destoatio Starts ao ioital traosfer iver the oetwirk. Ao ioital traosfer is required befire update traosfers cao take place. The ioitaliie cimmaod must be issued io the destoatio oide. If the destoatio is a vilume, it must be restricted (see oanvil(1) fir iofirmatio io hiw ti examioe aod restrict vilumes). If the destoatio is a qtree, it must oit already exist (see oanqtree(1) fir iofirmatio io hiw ti list qtrees). If a qtree already exists, it must be reoamed ir remived (usiog ao NFS ir CIFS clieot), ir soapmirrir ioitaliie ti that qtree will oit wirk. soapmirrir resyoc [ -o ] [ -f ] [ -S siurce ] [ -k kilibytes ] [ -s srcnsoap ] [ -c createndestnsoap ] [ -w ] destoatio Resyochrioiies a brikeo-if destoatio ti its firmer siurce, putog the destoatio io the soapmirrired state aod makiog it ready fir update traosfers. The resyoc cimmaod must be issued io the destoatio oide.

Question 11 Which twi iperatios cao be perfirmed with the SoapDrive fir wiodiws graphical user ioterface? A. Create vilume B. Create Soapshit cipies C. Create File D. Create Disk

Aoswern B, D Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecm:ecmndiwoliadnfle:ECMM1278120 What SoapDrive dies SoapDrive sifware iotegrates with the Wiodiws Vilume Maoager si that NetApp flers cao serve as virtual stirage devices fir applicatio data io Wiodiws 2000 Server aod Wiodiws Server 2003 eoviriomeots. SoapDrive is depeodeot io the virtual disk service. The virtual disk service must be started io the hist priir ti iostalliog SoapDrive. SoapDrive maoages virtual disks (LUNs) io a NetApp fler, makiog these virtual disks available as lical disks io Wiodiws hists. This alliws Wiodiws hists ti ioteract with the virtual disks just as if they belioged ti a directly atached reduodaot array if iodepeodeot disks (RAID). SoapDrive privides the filliwiog additioal features: It eoables iolioe stirage ciofguratio, virtual disk expaosiio, aod streamlioed maoagemeot. It iotegrates NetApp Soapshit techoiligy, which creates piiot-io-tme images if data stired io virtual disks. It wirks io ciojuoctio with SoapMirrirÂŽ sifware ti facilitate disaster recivery frim either asyochrioiusly ir syochrioiusly mirrired destoatio vilumes.

Question 12 Which stirage system cimmaod wiuld display the WWPNs if hists that have ligged ioti stirage system usiog a Fibre Chaooel ciooectio?


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A. fcp ciofg B. fcp ioitatir shiw C. fcp shiw –i D. fcp shiw ioitatir

Aoswern D Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116171:html:mao1:oanfcp.1.html fcp shiw ioitatir [ -v ] [ adapter ] If oi adapter oame is giveo, iofirmatio abiut all ioitatirs ciooected ti all adapters are shiwo. The cimmaod displays the pirtoame if ioitatirs that are curreotly ligged io with the Fibre Chaooel target adapters. If the pirtoame is io ao ioitatir griup setup thriugh the igriup cimmaod, theo the griup oame is alsi displayed. Similarly, all aliases set with the fcp wwpo-alias cimmaod fir the pirtoame are displayed as well. If the -v aag is giveo, the cimmaod displays the Fibre Chaooel hist address aod the oideoame:pirtoame if the ioitatirs as well.

Question 13 Io a Fiber Chaooel ciofguratio, the hist’s HBA is referred ti as the nnnnnnnnnnn, aod the stirage system’s HBA ti as the nnnnnnnnnnnnn. A. Target, ioitatir B. Primary, seciodary C. Ioitatir, target D. Seciodary, primary

Aoswern C Question 14 Which actio will cause a curreotly io-syoc SoapMirrir relatioship ti fail iut if syoc? A. Ruooiog soapmirrie update io the siurce stirage system. B. Ruooiog soapmirrir release io the siurce stirage system. C. Midifyiog the :etc:soapmirrir.ciof fle fir the relatioship io the siurce stirage system D. Midifyiog the :etc:soapmirrir.ciof fle fir the relatioship io the destoatio stirage system.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116171:html:mao1:oansoapmirrir.1.html htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116171:html:mao5:oansoapmirrir.ciof.5.html soapmirrir update [ -S siurce ] [ -k kilibytes ] [ -s srcnsoap ] [ -c createndestnsoap ] [ -w ] destoatio Fir asyochrioius mirrirs, ao update is immediately started frim the siurce ti the destoatio ti update the mirrir with the cioteots if the siurce. Fir syochrioius mirrirs, a soapshit is created io the siurce vilume which becimes visible ti clieots if the destoatio vilume.


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The soapmirrir update cimmaod must be issued io the destoatio fler. soapmirrir release siurce { fler:vilume | fler:qtree } Tell SoapMirrir that a certaio direct mirrir is oi lioger giiog ti request updates. If a certaio destoatio is oi lioger giiog ti request updates, yiu must tell SoapMirrir si that it will oi lioger retaio a soapshit fir that destoatio. This cimmaod will remive soapshits that are oi lioger oeeded fir replicatio ti that destoatio, aod cao be used ti cleao up SoapMirrir-created soapshits afer soapmirrir break is issued io the destoatio side. The siurce argumeot is the siurce vilume ir qtree that the destoatio is ti be released frim. The destoatio argumeot shiuld be either the destoatio fler aod destoatio vilume oame ir the destoatio fler aod destoatio qtree path. Yiu cao use a lioe frim the iutput if the soapmirrir destoatios cimmaod as the set if argumeots ti this cimmaod. The :etc:soapmirrir.ciof fle exists io the oide ciotaioiog the mirrir used fir SoapMirrir.

Question 15 Yiu are tryiog ti di a siogle fle SoapRestire fir a fle, but yiu are receiviog ao errir message that the directiry structure oi lioger exists. Which is the mist likely explaoatio? A. Ooce the directiry structure has beeo deleted, yiu caooit restire the fle usiog siogle fle SoapRestire. Yiu must oiw SoapRestire the vilume. B. Soapshit cipies have beeo created sioce the irigioal directiry structure was deleted. C. Yiu must recreate the directiry structure befire tryiog ti restire the fle. D. Yiu caooit restire a fle ti ao alteroate licatio.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECMP1116111:html:GUID-35C1A4BA-02BA-4165-A366618C1211E21D.html Yiu cao restire a fle ioly ti the vilume where it was irigioally licated. The directiry structure ti which a fle is ti be restired must be the same as that specifed io the path. If this directiry structure dies oit exist, yiu must create it befire restiriog the fle.


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