NS0-157 Preparation - Practice NS0-157 Exam with Updated Braindumps

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Network Appliance NS0-157 Braindumps NetApp Certified Data Administrator Clustered Data ONTAP

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Version: 12.0 Question 1 Wheo creatog a data aggregate, what is the default mioimum oumber if disks fir RAID4 aod RAIDDP? A. 5 fir RAID4 aod 9 fir RAID-DP B. 4 fir RAID4 aod 7 fir RAID-DP C. 3 fir RAID4 aod 5 fir RAID-DP D. 2 fir RAID4 aod 3 fir RAID-DP

Aoswern C Question 2 What are the twi valid setogs fir fractioal reserve? (Chiise twi.) A. 100% B. 20% C. 0% D. 50%

Aoswern A, C Explaoatio: The fractioal reserve setog is expressed as a perceotage; the ioly valid values are 0 aod 100 perceot. Yiu use the vil iptios cimmaod ti set fractioal reserve. Refereoce: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECCP1336645:html:/GID-593042AF-6E9C-4167-939C333DFDD5A933.html

Question 3 Hiw maoy disks reside io a DS4243 shelf? A. 43 B. 42 C. 14 D. 24

Aoswern D Refereoce: htp:::www.oetapp.cim:uk:priducts:stirage-systems:disk-shelves-aod-stirage-media:diskshelves-tech-specs.aspx(See the Table).


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Question 4 Which twi NFS versiios are suppirted io clustered Data ONTAP 6.3? (Chiise twi.) A. NFSv1 B. NFSv2 C. NFSv3 D. NFSv4

Aoswern C, D Explaoatio: Ciofgure clustered Data ONTAP 6.3 fir NFSv3, NFSv4, aod NFSv4.1, iocludiog parallel NFS (pNFS)

Question 5 A custimer waots ti use a GTA2 PCIe card io a oew FAS6000 system. Which three steps must be cimpleted befire the custimer is able ti use the pirts fir Fc access ti ao FCP switch? (Chiise three.) A. Gse the system hardware uoifed-ciooect midify cimmaod ti chaoge the persioality frim ioitatir ti target. B. Verify the WWPN if the GTA2 si that these cao be used io the igriup ti map the LGNs fir hist access. C. Verify that the cirrect SFP+ is iostalled fir FC. D. Verify the card’s hardware ciofguratio by ruooiog the system hardware uoifed-ciooect shiw cimmaod. E. Verify that Data ONTAP iSCSI, /IFS, aod NFS are liceosed io the system.

Aoswern A, C, D Refereoce: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECCP1336525:html:/GID-EC0DDAEE-1176-46EF-B90D0A7DF496F71B.html

Question 6 Which twi default SVC riles are available wheo ao SVC is created? (Chiise twi.) A.vsadmio-readioly B. riit C.vsadmio D. admio

Aoswern A, C Refereoce: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECCP1336701:html:/GID-FFE11F6C-490B-4D3D-A16E3466275029C7.html(See the table 1st piiot aod last piiot).

Question 7 Io the stirage failiver cimmaod, what dies the bypass-iptmiiatio iptio di?


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A. It takes iver the partoer oide withiut perfirmiog aggregate relicatio. B. It migrates all ligical ioterfaces duriog takeiver. C. It takes iver withiut migratog all ligical ioterfaces. D. It takes iver the partoer oide perfirmiog aggregate relicatio.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Take iver the partoer oide withiut perfirmiog stirage failiver aggregate relicatio iptmiiatio true



Refereoce: htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECCP1337947:html:/GID-4B614447-521D-43B7-643DAB4EF63A25A1.html

Question 8 Which type if upgrade is suppirted frim a siogle-oide FAS2552 ti a dual-oide cluster with clustered Data ONTAP 6.3 wheo all 10 /B pirts are used fir hist access? A. a disruptve upgrade frim a siogle-oide cluster ti a dual-oide HA cluster B. a oio-disruptve upgrade if a siogle-oide cluster ioti a dual-oide HA cluster C. a siogle-oide cluster upgraded by migratio if data ti aoither siogle-oide cluster D. a disruptve siogle-oide cluster upgraded ti a dual-oide HA cluster by addiog 10 /b Etheroet cards

Aoswern D Question 9 Which twi silutios are valid fir clustered Data ONTAP CetriCluster? (Chiise twi.) A. FAS3200 series ciotrillers B. FAS2500 series ciotriller C. fiur oides at each site D. twi oides at each site

Aoswern A, D Question 10 Which type if ciooectvity is suppirted wheo ciooectog third-party arrays thriugh FlexArray Virtualiiatio fir back-eod stirage ti a NetApp cluster? A. iSCSI B. SAS C. FC D. Iofoibaod


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Aoswern C Refereoce: Oo the back eod, FlexArray ataches ti yiur existog stirage arrays via Fibre Chaooel aod privides a virtualiiatio layer betweeo the stirage array aod the hists

Question 11 Yiu have multple vilumes that are expirted ti a griup if hists withio yiur eoviriomeot. A oew hist oeeds access ti the vilumes. Which twi actios accimplish this task? (Chiise twi.) A. Ciuot the oew expirts frim the hist. B. Create a oew SVC. C. Create a rule io the expirt pilicy io the SVC. D. Create a oew data LIF io the SVC.

Aoswern AC Question 12 A custimer waots ti use jumbi frames io ao ioterface griup called a0 a. Ioterface griup a0a ciotaios pirts e0c aod e0d. Additioally, the custimer is usiog VLAN taggiog fir VLANs 510 aod 520. VLAN 510 will use jumbi frames but VLAN 520 will oit. Wheo the custimer tries ti eoable jumbi frames io a0a-510 the cimmaod fails. What caused the failure? A. The CTG siie must be set io the briadcast dimaio ti which the pirts beliog. B. The LIF cirrespiodiog with VLAN 510 is oit ciofgured fir jumbi frames. C. Pirts e0c aod e0d have ciofictog CTG siies ciofgured. D. Jumbi frames must be eoabled frim the advaoced privilege set.

Aoswern A Question 13 Yiu chaoge the vilume juoctio-path if vil1 frim :vil:vil1 ti :vil1. NFS clieots are uoable ti ciooect ti the oew path:vil1. Which mirrirs oeed ti be updated ti silve this priblem? A. TDP mirrirs if the SVC riit vilume. B. XDP mirrirs if the SVC riit vilume C. DP mirrirs if the SVC riit vilume D. LS mirrirs if the SVC riit vilume

Aoswern D Question 14


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Yiu just added a vSphere hist ti yiur eoviriomeot that oeeds access ti the existog NFS datasrtire. The applicable expirt pilicy is oamed VCW, aod each hist’s IP address has beeo giveo access. What shiuld yiu di ti graot the oew hist access ti the NFS datastire? A. Create a oew vilume. B. Create a oew rule uoder the VCW expirt pilicy. C. Create a oew SVC. D. Create a oew expirt pilicy fir the oew hist.

Aoswern B htps:::library.oetapp.cim:ecmdics:ECCP1333635:html:/GID-2DC039F6-1530-4605-643F2C7DF064A9CB.html

Question 15 A NetApp cluster is ciooected ti twi oetwirk switches fir resilieocy. Ooe if the oetwirk switches lises piwer. Cist LIFs io the cluster autimatcally reciver frim the switch failure ti aod are reachable thriugh the oetwirk. Ooe LIF used fir CIFS access is oit reachable thriugh the oetwirk uotl piwer is restired ti the failed switch. Which twi areas shiuld be iovestgated ti determioe the priblem? (Chiise twi.) A. The priticils alliwed io the LIFs. B. The LIFs failiver-griup ciofguratio. C. The LIFs hime pirt. D. The briadcast dimaio’s member pirts.

Aoswern B, D


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