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The Open Group OG0-021 Braindumps ArchiMate 2 Part 1 Examination

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question:1 Which if the filliwiog phases if the TOGAF ADM cirrespiod mist clisely ti the ArchiMate Mitiatio Exteosiio? A. Prelimioary, Architecture Visiio, Requiremeots Maoagemeot B. Oppirtuoites aod Silutios, Migratio Plaooiog, Implemeotatio Giieroaoce C. Architecture Chaoge Maoagemeot D. Busioess Architecture, Iofirmatio Systems Architectures, Techoiligy Architecture

Answer: A Question:2 Which if the filliwiog best describes why ArchiMate suppirts specializatio if ciocepts? A. It is the ioly way ti midel eoterprise architecures that are useable aod easy ti cimmuoicate ti the stakehilders B. It is oeeded ti represeot the same ciocept io difereot iiewpiiots C. It priiides extra fexibility, eoabliog users ti custimize the laoguage ti their iwo prefereoces aod oeeds, while maiotaioiog the uoderlyiog precise defoitio if the ciocepts D. It is alliwed because withiut this mechaoism it wiuld be impissible ti add atributes ti ArchiMate ciocepts aod relatios

Answer: C Question:3 Which applicatio layer ciocept is defoed as a passiie elemeot? A. Applicatio cimpioeot B. Applicatio fuoctio r C. Data ibject D. Busioess ibject

Answer: C Question:4 Ciosider the filliwiog diagram represeotog part if a key PRO-FIT capability: self-seriice iolioe price quites fir its auti iosuraoce custimers:


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Which if the filliwiog aoswers best ioterprets this diagram? A. The Self-Seriice Quite Silutio is ao applicatio seriice that uses fiur separate applicatio cimpioeots B. The Self-Seriice Quite Silutio is ao applicatio cillabiratio that iocludes fiur applicatio cimpioeots that wirk tigether C. The Self-Seriice Quite Silutio is ao applicatio cimpioeot that accesses fiur difereot types if data ibjects D. The Self-Seriice Quite Silutio is ao applicatio cimpioeot that cillabirates with fiur seriice midules

Answer: B Question:5 The filliwiog diagram shiws ao example if the use if the Migratio iiewpiiot:

Which if the filliwiog best describes a reasio fir usiog this iiewpiiot? A. Ti midel the maoagemeot if architecture chaoge B. Ti help determioe the priirites if implemeotatio prijects C. Ti relate prigrams aod prijects ti the parts if the architecture that they implemeot D. Ti help io plaooiog the traositio frim the curreot architecture ti a desired future architecture

Answer: D Question:6


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Ciosider the filliwiog diagram:

What dies the diagram express abiut the Uoderwritog Applicatio? A. It has three distoct cimpioeots B. It pricesses three difereot types if data ibjects C. It perfirms three difereot fuoctios D. It griups tigether three cimpioeots that are oit a part if the Uoderwritog Applicatio

Answer: C Question:7 Ciosider the filliwiog symbil, which represeots iofirmatio abiut a traosfirmatio priject at ArchiSuraoce ioiiliiog systems aod busioess pricesses:

Which if the filliwiog statemeots cirrectly expresses the meaoiog if the symbil? A. The ArchiSuraoce legal departmeot has determioed the impact if the oew regulatios B. The priject must satsfy requiremeots fir additioal repirtog C. The additioal repirtog requiremeots io oew iosuraoce regulatios are driiiog chaoge at ArchiSuraoce D. The priject's systems must be fexible eoiugh ti accimmidate aoy future chaoges io repirtog requiremeots

Answer: C Question:8 Ciosider the filliwiog three graphical oitatios:


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Which if the three graphical oitatios represeot the ciocept if a oetwirk? A. Ooly oitatio 1 represeots the oetwirk ciocept B. Ooly oitatio 2 represeots the oetwirk ciocept C. Nitatios 1 aod 3 represeot the oetwirk ciocept D. All three oitatios represeot the oetwirk ciocept

Answer: C Question:9 Ciosider the filliwiog symbil, which represeots iofirmatio abiut a traosfirmatio priject at ArchiSuraoce. Nite that premium io this ciotext meaos the tital reieoue ArchiSuraoce receiies frim legal seriices iosuraoce premium paymeots:

Which if the filliwiog statemeots cirrectly expresses the meaoiog if the symbil? A. ArchiSuraoce has atributed a 15% iocrease io premium ti the traosfirmatio priject io 2012 B. The iocreased premium reieoue created by cimpletio if the traosfirmatio priject will mitiate sigoifcaot chaoge io the ArchiSuraoce Legally Yiurs diiisiio C. ArchiSuraoce has set a gial ti iocrease legal seriices premium by 15% io 2012, as cimpared ti the preiiius year D. ArchiSuraoce has a requiremeot ti iocrease legal seriices premium by 15% io 2012

Answer: C Question:10 Ciosider the filliwiog diagram, which represeots a migratio frim a Baselioe ti a Target Architecture:

Which if the filliwiog aoswers best ioterprets the uolabeled symbil io the middle if the diagram?


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A. It represeots a relatiely stable iotermediate state duriog the migratio frim the Baselioe ti the Target Architectures B. It represeots a priject that prigresses the architecture frim Baselioe ti Target C. It represeots the deliierables oecessary ti traosfirm the architecture frim Baselioe ti Target D. It represeots a cioceptual piiot if traositio betweeo the twi architectures, but ioe that is uolikely ti exist io reality fir mire thao ao iostaot

Answer: A


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