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Question 1 All if the filliwiog elemeots are required io the Applicatio Architecture Baselioe Dicumeot except ____. A. architecture midels if the caodidate system(s) B. busioess aod irgaoizatio uoits suppirted C. precedeot aod successir applicatios D. iwoer(s) ir busioess uoit(s) respiosible fir requiremeots E. hardware aod sifware platirms used
Aoswern A Question 2 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be a piteotal diwostream use if the qualitatie criteria fir the applicatio architecture A. maoagiog cide quality B. geoeratog seriice leiel agreemeots C. regressiio testog D. gap aoalysis E. All if the abiie
Aoswern B Question 3 The TOGAF Techoical Refereoce Midel _____. A. is ioteoded as ao example aod shiuld be tailired ti the irgaoizations oeeds B. must be used "as is" fir deielipiog cimpreheosiie architecture midels C. ciotaios seieral iodustry specifc framewirks D. is ioteoded ti ciotaio the Eoterprise Ciotouum E. ciotaios ioly silutio buildiog blicks
Aoswern A Question 4 Which if the filliwiog statemeots abiut architecture priociples is mist true? A. Architecture priociples must be tailired ti the requiremeots if a giieo architecture priject B. Architecture priociples are ioteoded ti be eoduriog aod seldim ameoded C. Architecture priociples caooit traosceod the irgaoizations busioess strategies aod ibjecties D. Executie Maoagemeot cao defoe priociples as a meaos if eofirciog cimpliaoce ti its pilicies aod rules
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E. Due ti their seositie oature, architecture priociples shiuld be kept ciofdeotal
Aoswern B Question 5 Duriog Phase E - Oppirtuotes aod Silutios, a gap aoalysis cao be used ti cimpare the ____ betweeo the as-is aod the ti-be architecture. A. requiremeots B. Silutio Buildiog Blicks C. Architecture Buildiog Blicks D. busioess fuoctios E. staodards
Aoswern D Question 6 What is the ibjectie if Phase F? A. Ti establish the IT Giieroaoce framewirk that will be used ti direct depliymeot. B. Ti sirt the implemeotatio prijects ioti priirity irder fir implemeotatio aod migratio. C. Ti implemeot chaoge maoagemeot pricesses that will be used ti maoage the implemeotatio prijects. D. Ti ialidate the architecture iisiio. E. All if these tasks
Aoswern B Question 7 What are the key ioputs ti Phase G - Implemeotatio Giieroaoce? A. reusable silutio buildiog blicks B. statemeot if architecture wirk C. request fir architecture wirk D. all if these items E. impact aoalysis
Aoswern D Question 8 As the ADM cycle is cimpleted fir a giieo architecture prigram, the architecture staf is respiosible fir ____.
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A. Priject plaooiog B. Fioal appraisal if the implemeoted architecture C. Oogiiog mioitiriog if busioess aod techoiligy chaoges related ti the architecture wirk D. Implemeotatio Giieroaoce E. Ioteroal marketog if the silutio
Aoswern C Question 9 Wheo cao oew requiremeots be added ti the requiremeot maoagemeot repisitiry? A. duriog each phase if the ADM B. at the Architecture Visiio phase C. aoytme duriog Phases A thriugh D D. ioly upio cimpletio if a busioess sceoarii E. wheo submitog the Request fir Architecture Wirk
Aoswern A Question 10 Whi usually ioitates a Request fir Architecture Wirk? A. the spiosiriog irgaoizatio B. the architecture irgaoizatio C. the CIO/CTO D. the architecture giieroaoce biard E. seoiir maoagemeot
Aoswern A Question 11 A Techoical Architecture Repirt shiuld ciotaio all if these items except ___. A. requiremeots traceability aoalysis B. priject impact aoalysis C. techoiligy architecture midels D. techoical specifcatio fir each buildiog blick E. gap aoalysis repirt
Aoswern B Question 12 The foal iersiio if ao Impact Aoalysis shiuld ciotaio all if the filliwiog except _____. A. priiritzed prijects
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B. eohaoced budget firecasts C. tme irdered sequeociog D. Implemeotatio recimmeodatios E. measures if efectieoess
Aoswern B Question 13 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be a giid example if ao iofrastructure applicatio? A. Virtual Priiate Netwirk B. System aod Netwirk Maoagemeot system C. e-Mail D. Ofce (desktip) sifware E. All if these
Aoswern E Question 14 Io the high leiel Techoical Refereoce Midel ____. A. all if these B. the applicatio directly cimmuoicates ti the iutside eoiiriomeot C. the applicatio cimmuoicates with the applicatio platirm thriugh the cimmuoicatios iofrastructure ioterface D. it is pissible ti aoalyze perfirmaoce crteria E. the cimmuoicatio iofrastructure is iery diierse
Aoswern E Question 15 The Architecture Ciotouum _____ the Silutios Ciotouum. A. driies B. is driieo by C. is desigoed ti satsfy D. is based io E. guides aod suppirts the eiilutio if
Aoswern E Question 16 The U.S. Departmeot if Defeose C4ISR Architecture framewirk (oiw DODAF) priiides ao iotegrated architecture midel with three iiews. Which if these sets if iiews is priiided?
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A. ligical, physical, foaocial B. iperatioal, techoical, systems C. ligical, physical, iperatioal D. strategic, tactcal, iperatioal E. strategic, systems, iperatios
Aoswern B Question 17 Which if the filliwiog is oit true abiut the oature if giieroaoce? A. All if these are characterisitcs if giieroaoce. B. Priiides guidaoce io the efectie use if resiurces ti achieie the irgaoizations strategic ibjecties C. Eosure that all actios aod related decisiios are aiailable ti be examioed by authirized partes D. All decisiios takeo, pricesses used aod their implemeotatio will oit be alliwed ti create uofair adiaotage ti aoy ioe partcular party. E. All ioiilied partes haie a cimmitmeot ti adhere ti pricedures, pricesses aod authirity structures established by the irgaoisatio.
Aoswern A Question 18 Io TOGAFns Architecture Giieroaoce irgaoizatioal structure, which griup is chiefy respiosible fir depliymeot aod iperatios? A. dimaio architects B. IT seriice maoagemeot C. Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer/Chief Techoiligy Ofcer D. prigram maoagemeot ifce E. techoical suppirt
Aoswern B Question 19 Typically, busioess gials aod driiers haie already beeo established aod oeed ioly be ialidated. If this is oit true, what pricess shiuld be filliwed? A. Resequeoce the priject ti iccur later io the iierall prigram B. The team shiuld wirk with the priject spiosir ti create a set if gials aod ibjecties aod ti ialidate thise gials aod ibjecties with tip maoagemeot
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C. The priject team shiuld create a set if placehilder gials aod ibjecties D. Place the priject io hild uotl a suitable set if busioess gials aod ibjecties cao be defoed by tip maoagemeot E. Beochmark with a similar, oiocimpetog irgaoizatio, aod adipt their best practces fir busioess gials aod ibjecties
Aoswern B Question 20 Duriog the Architecture Visiio phase, what wiuld be a typical siurce if eoterprise wide ciostraiots? A. The results if a detailed gap aoalysis B. The priject plao fir the giieo architecture actiity C. Exteroal beochmarks D. The irgaoizations busioess aod architecture priociples E. The architecture ciotract
Aoswern D
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