Hon Charles Mok Work Report 2013-2014

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01 02/03


莫乃光的話 Message from Charles 在立法會的第二年 Second year in LegCo







電子教學及人才培訓 eLearning and nurturing talent



電訊及廣播政策 Telecommunications and Broadcasting Policies



私隱及資訊安全 Privacy and Cyber Security



捍衛網絡自由 提高政府透明度 Internet Freedom and Government Transparency



政制發展 Constitutional Development



資訊科技功能界別選民登記 IT Functional Constituency Voter Registration

支持ICT 業界和創新科技發展 Supporting ICT Industry and Innovation 為本地科技企業及中小企爭取支援 Fighting for more support to local IT companies and SMEs

01 莫乃光 的話 Message from Charles


Dear IT Friends,

各位IT界朋友: 今 年,推廣ICT 業界發展的工作往前踏出重要的 一步。從上任開始我一直和業界朋友並肩,向政 府爭取重設科技局。 由 鼓 勵 業 界 聯 署 發聲 到 撰 寫 建 議 書,我 呼 籲 社 會 各界支 持成 立 專 責 科 技 的 政 策 局,支 持 香 港 創新科技。終於政府承諾成立創新及科技局,可 惜 有 關 的 撥 款 建 議 並 未 通 過,但 我們 必定 努力 繼續爭取。 接下來,我會繼續提出我們的新構思,推動政府 訂 出 前 瞻 性 的 政 策,在 香 港 孕育 適 合 科 技 和 創 業家落地生根的土壤。 今年,我們看見香港的核心價值面對前所未有的 嚴峻考驗。在捍衛新聞及網路自由方面,我緊守 立法會監察政府的崗位,絕不退讓。 政改目前處於關鍵時刻,面對這些 風風雨雨,我 時刻以馬丁路德金的名言自我提醒:『最終衡量

一 個 人的 標 準 不 在 於 他 在 安 逸 中的 作 為,而在 於他在挑戰與爭議之中如何自處。』 爭取 民 主、堅守自由、捍衛公義、法 治和 廉 潔 是 我們對下一代的責任,我會堅持下去,共勉之。

This year we witnessed an important step towards promoting the ICT sector. Together with friends in the industry, we have been lobbying for the reestablishment of an IT Bureau since the start of my office. From signature campaign to proposals, I have called for support towards a bureau dedicated to development of innovation and technology, to support our home grown technology sector. Unfortunately the funding proposal was not yet approved, but we will keep up the effort. I will continue to bring our new ideas and forward-looking policy recommendations to build an environment favourable to technology industry and startups. This year our core values have faced unprecedented challenges. I have held my grounds in monitoring the government, and upholding freedom of speech and internet. I will not yield. Amidst these difficult times with the constitutional reform, I remind myself with a quote of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” To fight for democracy, uphold our freedom, justice, rule of law and integrity is our responsibility to our next generation. The fight must continue and I will stand firm with the people of Hong Kong.






04 支持 ICT 業界和創新科技發展 Supporting ICT Industry and Innovation 為 業 界爭取 成 立 專 責 科 技的 政 策 局。我 去年 草 擬 並向政 府提 交一 份建議書,包括人才、市場、 形象、資源等方面的政策,亦發 起業界網上聯署 要求盡快落實。 雖然撥款建議尚未通過,但我會繼續向政府提出 意見,推動政府制訂政策,支持創新及科技發展。 政 府 在2014 -15 年預算案 中提出多項支 援 創 新 和科技的措施,自回歸初期以來最多,我 提出的 建 議 亦 有 部份被 接 納。我 會 繼 續為I T界爭取 更 多有利的政策和資源。

Over the past year, I have been advocating the establishment of a policy bureau focusing on technology. To reflect the views from our industry, I have submitted proposals and put forward recommendations regarding talent, market, resources and image to the government and initiated an online signature drive to push for implementation. Though the funding proposals is still pending, I will continue to raise suggestions and push for more favourable measures from the government. The government has put forward a number of support measures and policies towards innovation and technology as part of the Budget 2014-15, the most since early 2000s. I will continue to strive for more policies and support that are conducive to ICT development.


為業界爭取政策支援 Striving for Policy Support to ICT industry 成立創新及科技局,規劃科技策略並推動跨部門合作 Establishment of the Information and Technology Bureau to better facilitate technology policy-making and coordinate cross-bureau efforts

重設經改良後的「應用研究基金」,投資於有潛力的本地科技企業 Restart an improved version of the Applied Research Fund to invest in viable local technology companies

要求政府優先採購本地 ICT 服務和產品 Call for a ‘local-first’ government IT procurement policy


05 為本地科技企業及中小企爭取支援 Fighting For More Support to Local IT Companies and SMEs 中小企對資訊科技業持續發展極為重要,我向政 府提出建議,要求政府以身作則從 政策、資源及 執行層面支持本地企業採用ICT,壯大本地市場。

SMEs are important to the sustainable development of ICT industry. Hence I have continuously urged the government to facilitate local small businesses to adopt ICT products and service through policies and resources.


為保留科技用地發起簽名運動,反對科學園用地改劃為住宅 Initiated campaign drive to oppose re-zoning of a site for Science Park expansion into residential use

向政府爭取成立「中小企科技應用基金」,資助本地中小企採用 資訊及通訊科技 Call for establishing ‘SME Technology Adoption Fund’to provide resources to local SMEs to implement ICT projects

爭取為本港資訊科技及電訊業在新一輪 CEPA 得到更多支持 Advocate further liberalization measures under latest round of CEPA for the ICT and telecommunications industry

爭取檢討港資科技企業與內地合組公司的股權限制 Call for the review of the restriction of shareholding for Hong Kong ICT service providers that set up Mainland joint venture enterprises


06 電子教學及人才培訓 eLearning and Nurturing Talent 為了解教育界對科技教育的意見,我的辦事處與 電子學習聯盟合作,在去年下半年進行全港中小 學電腦及ICT科的課程研究,接觸家長和老師, 並對學校設備、課程等方面提出實際建議。 政府在2014-15年度財政預算案宣佈推出「中學 資訊科技增潤計劃」,我希望繼續爭取更多措施 支持資訊科技教育,培育未來業界人才。

In the second half of 2013, my office and eLearning Consortium jointly conducted a research on the computer/ICT curriculum of secondary and primary schools by engaging parents and teachers, to generate recommendations for improvement. The government announced the “Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools” in 2014-15 Budget, I will continue to fight for more support to IT in education to nurture future talent.


促請政府向學校增撥資源,購買電子教材、更新網絡基建及軟 硬件,落實“一學生一電腦”等 Urging the government to provide resources to schools for improving network infrastructure, equipment, computer hardware/software and technician support, to improve readiness for implementing eLearning territory-wide.

建議加強推廣資訊科技相關行業,增撥資源鼓勵年輕人投身科 技和創新 Propose more promotion of the ICT industries and more resources to encourage young people to pursue technology and innovation.resources to local SMEs to implement ICT projects

支持有關資訊科技專業認證的工作,使同業得到更統一和應得 的地位和尊重 Support professional recognition for ICT professionals for more unified recognition and respect of our ICT fellows.


07 電訊及廣播政策 Telecommunications and Broadcasting Policies 在香港電視發牌事件中,我多次提出相關質詢, 包 括 免 費 電 視 發 牌 和 流 動 電 視 規管 制 度,並 提 出以《立 法會(權 力及特 權)條 例》調 查香港 電 視發牌事件,要求政府有關審批公開顧問報告。 我 一直 支 持 簡 化 和 更 新 電 訊 及 廣 播 規管,開 放 大 氣 電 波。我 亦 要 求 政 府 加 快《 廣 播 條 例 》和 《電訊條例》檢討,改變兩者法例不一致的制度。 政 府 決 定收回部份3G頻譜 重 新拍賣,引起 業 界 人士 和 公 眾 關 注。我 在 諮 詢 期 間一直 跟 進 建 議 對業界和用戶的影響,並要求政府提出理據。 就偏遠 地區的寬頻 服 務 覆 蓋 和質 素欠佳 及 公 共 Wi-Fi網絡發 展問題,我去年分別去 信和於議會 質詢,要求政府改善相關服務。

During the incident of HKTV free television license application, I have made inquiries to the government’s handling of free television license application and mobile television. I have also sought to investigate the incident using the Legislative Council (Power and Privileges) Ordinance and release the consultant report being withheld. I have always supported simplifying and updating our telecommunications and broadcast regulatory regime for more open participation and consistency. The government’s decision to re-allocate some 3G spectrum by auction drew concerns from the industry and public. I have engaged the stakeholders during consultation and push for the government’s clarification on the plan’s impact to users. I have written and raised LegCo question regarding the coverage and quality of internet broadband connection in remote areas, and the development of public Wi-Fi, to urge the government to improve these services.



08 私隱及資訊安全 Privacy and Cyber Security

公開資料及私隱 有流動應 用程 式因為將 公開資 料冊上的 資 料 製 作為可搜尋資料庫,被私隱專員公署批評違反收 集 資 料 的 用 途 並 被 要 求停止。事 件 令 不 少 業 界 尤其是開發者不滿。 我 關注私隱條 例對於使 用公 共領域 如法 定 資 料 庫 等 的 限 制 對 科 技 創 新 的 影 響。為此 我 和 香 港 無 線 科 技 商 會 合作 進 行 意 見 調 查,並 向 當局 提 出反對意見。 此後,我一直繼續推動當局和業界溝通,並要求 檢討個人資料(私隱)條例相關部份。

網絡安全 大 型 網 絡攻 擊 的 威脅 有上 升 趨 勢。本 年多 個 傳 媒及 民間團體網站被DDoS攻 擊,尤其以2014年 6月 港 大 民 研 的 網 上 投 票 系 統 所 受 的 攻 擊 規 模 最大。 我一直密切關注,於議會質詢當局有關應對加密 技術漏洞的措施,並要求警方調查網絡攻擊。 我會繼 續促請政 府 重 設 資 訊保 安 政 府跨 部門工 作小組,改善資訊安全措施。

Publicly Available Data and Privacy A mobile app collating publicly available data from public registries into searchable database was criticized by the Privacy Commissioner and ordered to be taken off the shelf. The incident caused great concern among IT industry especially app developers. I worry that the existing privacy law limits innovation and technology development regarding usage of publicly available information. Therefore, together with the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA), my office conducted an online survey to convey the view of IT industry to the government. I have continued to facilitate communication between developers and the PCPD, and have called for review the provisions in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


Cyber-security The threat of large scale cyber-attacks is on the rise. This year, a number of media and civic organizations’ websites faced DDoS attacks, with the HKUPOP’s online voting system being severely attacked in June 2014. I have raised council question regarding security loophole of encryption technology, and requested the police to investigate into cyber-attacks. I will continue to urge for the re-establishment of cross-departmental working group on cybersecurity to improve the readiness against threats.



09 捍衛網絡自由 提高政府透明度 Internet Freedom and Government Transparency 開放和自由的互聯網是經濟和社會發展的支 柱。我 曾就網 絡 新 聞 媒體 遭 政 府 拒 絕 採 訪 提 出 質 詢 和 要 求 新 聞 處 交 代。我 亦 密 切跟 進 版權 條 例 修 訂 諮 詢 對二次 創 作 和 創 作 自 由 的 影 響,並 多次舉辦講座促進業界和網民交流。 開放數據讓IT界有更多機會發展,更是市民監督 政府的途徑。我要求財政司以數碼格式公佈財政

An open and free internet is the pillar of our economy and society. I have pursued the government’s refusal of granting access to online media journalists through council question and requests to the Information Services Department. My office has also organized events regarding amendment of the Copyright Ordinance to discuss impact to derivative works with IT industry and users.

預算案數據,成功令政府首次提供預算的數據。 我在2014年2月再次詢問政府向ISP索取用戶資 料和要求移除的情況,要求政府部門提供資料, 協 助 香 港 大學 新 聞 及傳媒 研 究 中心 撰 寫《香 港 資訊公開報告》,監督政府向公眾問責及保障市 民私隱。 2014年6月我就改善公開資料制度提出質詢,要 求採取申訴專員提出的改善措施,及盡快制訂檔 案法和資訊自由法。

Open data offers more opportunities for IT industry and citizens’ understanding to government operations. I successfully urged the Financial Secretary to provide government estimates in digital format and as a result the government for the first time released summary of expenditure estimates as a spreadsheet. To promote government accountability and the protection of personal privacy online, in February 2014 I have again requested government information of data and content removal requests towards online service providers, in support of the Hong Kong Transparency Report project by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre of HKU. In June 2014, I inquired the progress of reforming the Code on Access to Information, urged adoption of improvement measures recommended by the Ombudsman, and urge HK Government to draft the Freedom information Law and the Archive Law immediately.



10 政制發展 Constitutional Development 為收集意見和與業界交流,我在2014年2月進行 了 有 關 政 制 改 革的 網 上 意 見 調 查。我 的 辦 公 室 與IT呼 聲4月 合辦 政 改 諮 詢 研 討 會,並在 6月 舉 辦IT界政制發展工作坊。 公平而有意義的選舉才是解決政改困局的方法, 而不是政治審查。另外,我要求立即廢除立法會 功能組別,一如以往。

To collect opinions and facilitate dialogue with IT industry, my office conducted an online survey on constitutional development in February 2014 and co-organised a forum with IT Voice in April. In June, my office again hosted a workshop to discuss the future of political reform. A fair and meaningful universal suffrage without political screening is the first step to untangle the political gridlock and not by political screening. I also call for immediate abolishment of functional constituency in the Legislative Council as always.


立即登記 Register Now

成為資訊科技界功能界別選民 Become a voter in the IT Functional Constituency 必須 Must

成為地方選區選民 Sign up as geographical constituency elector www.voterregistration.gov.hk

個人選民 Individual Voter

加入成為以下團體,成為具投票權的會員 Be a valid member of the following associations 香港電腦學會 (HKCS)


香港工程師學會資訊科技部 (HKIE-IT)


計算機器學會(香港分會) (ACM-HK)





電機暨電子工程師學會(香港電路及系統 兼電訊分會) (IEEE-HK-CAS/COM) 工程及科技學會香港分會(IETHK) 英國電腦學會(香港分會)有限公司 (BCS-HK)

香港軟件行業協會有限公司(HKSiA) 國際信息系統審計協會 (中國香港分會) 有限公司(ISACA) 互聯網專業協會有限公司(iProA) 專業資訊保安協會(PISA) 香港資訊科技聯會(HKITJC)

填寫及寄回個人登記申請書 REO-41到選舉登記主任 Fill in and return the complete REO-41 application form to the Electoral Registration Officer


團體選民 Body Voter 加入以下團體,成為具投票權的團體成員 Be a corporate member entitled to vote in the following organisations 香港資訊科技商會有限公司(HKITF)






或 OR 屬通訊事務管理局發出指定服務牌照的持有人的團體 Bodies that are holders of specified classes of licences granted by the Communications Authority

填寫及寄回團體登記申請書REO-42到選舉登記主任 + 委任「獲授權代表」作為投票代表 Fill in and return the complete REO-42 application form to the Electoral Registration Office + appoint an Authorised Representative (AR) to cast the vote

提提你 Reminders 記得在加入成為會員後,將申請書交到選舉登記主任 Return the REO application form after joining the membership

加入團體及選舉事務處處理申請需時(數星期至數月不等) , 建議預留充足時間 Joining the eligible bodies and application process takes time (from weeks to months), please allow sufficient time

檢查你的個人或團體會員資格是否仍然有效 Check your membership status to confirm it is still valid

資料未能盡錄,詳情請參考 http://bit.ly/ITFC-c For full details, please refer to http://bit.ly/ITFC-e

莫乃光立法會議員辦事處 Office of the Hon Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT)

網上版 Online Version

bit.ly/CharlesMokReport2013-14 Address

香港中區立法會道1號立法會綜合大樓917室 Room 917, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong tel

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