莫乃光議員 2014-2015年度工作報告 Charles Mok Work Report 2014-2015

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莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

莫 乃光的信 Message from Charles

不論是議會內外,我專注於推動創新科技在香港的發 展、為 IT界爭取和創造發展機會、確保香港維持互聯網 開放和自由,並爭取更公平民主的制度。

Propelling innovation and technology in Hong Kong, striving to create more opportunities to the benefit of our IT industry, keeping the Internet free and open, and fighting for a more just and democratic system these are my priorities inside and outside LegCo.


自進 入 立法會服務資訊 科 技界和市民開始,我

一直的理 念 始終是『堅 持、專業、民主 』。不論

是議會內外,我 專注 於推 動創新 科 技在香港的

發展、為I T界爭取 和 創 造 發展 機會、確 保 香 港 維 持互聯網 開 放和自由,並爭取 更公平民 主的 制度。

2 0 14-15 年度正值多事之秋,立法會辯論創新及

科 技 局的建 議、政 府 提出發展智慧 城 市,我 致 力反映業界不同聲音,對 IT人關注的政府採購、

合 約工待 遇、人才供 應、創 業 融 資 困 難 等 問 題

向 政 府 提出切 實 建 議,力求 突 破;我在 議 會內 爭取檢 討 法例,要求 改革審批免費電視 服務牌

照的 制 度,要求 檢 討《 具 犯 罪或不 誠實 意圖而

取 用電 腦 》,並審 議多 條和科 技相 關的條 例 如

電子健康記錄、結算及交收系統(修訂)條例、版 權條例和截取通訊及監察條例草案;

在 議會外,我要求 政 府採 購 本 地 I T 服務和改善

I T 臨 時合 約工待遇,舉 辦 討 論 金融科 技 規管的

活 動,向政 府爭取 開 放 更 多數 據,並 監 察 政 府

索取 網上用戶資料的情 況。去年的雨傘 運 動和 政改之中,我堅持為香港人爭取真正的選擇。

此工作報告扼要概述我過去一年的工作重點和 成果。我將繼續以事論事,以理性、務實的態度 思行求 新,做 好 議 會工作、政 策倡 議 和 監 督政 府的角色,和 I T人一道 並肩前 行。一路走 來,幸


Persistence, professional spirit and democracy are three core values that I pledged to maintain before and continue to live by as a Legislative Councillor to serve the IT industry and the public. Propelling innovation and technology in Hong Kong, striving to create more opportunities to the benefit of our IT industry, keeping the Internet free and open, and fighting for a more just and democratic system - these are my priorities inside and outside LegCo. 2014-2015 was a year of controversy. Inside the Council, some of the main challenges were seeking to reconcile different opinions of the industry on the matter of Innovation and Technology Bureau and promoting progress towards Smart City. I have put forward many recommendations on some key issues the IT sector currently face - government procurement, outsourcing, talent crunch and the lack of capital market for entrepreneurs. I called for a review of an overused computer crime law and to look into how broadcast licenses can be issued more fairly. This year there were a number of Bills with implications to the IT sector, from e-health record to e-payment systems, copyright to interception of communications and surveillance, and I have taken part in examining these Bills. Apart from Council work, I have consistently been urging the government to show support to local technology by ‘buying local’, and to address the T-contract issue. I organized a forum to explore how regulations can facilitate FinTech growth, push for the release of more and better open data, and monitor government requests for internet user data and content takedown. Throughout last year’s Umbrella Movement and political reform, Hong Kong people have clearly spoken, and my commitment remains to strive for genuine choices and fairness. This report highlights my work and progress made in the year past. I am truly grateful for your valuable input and support, and I will continue to serve the IT industry with a pragmatic approach in advocating policies, seeking progress and monitoring the government.



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015


在立法會的第三年 3 rd Year in LegCo 整體出席率 Overall attendance

97% 立法會會議


Legislative Council Meetings

100% 100% 100% 91%* 93% 92%* 88%* 92%


House Committee



資訊科技及廣播事務委員會 Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

教育事務委員會 Panel on Education

經濟發展事務委員會 Panel on Economic Development 工商事務委員會 Panel on Commerce and Industry 環境事務委員會 Panel on Environmental Affairs 政制事務委員會 Panel on Constitutional Affairs 衞生事務委員會 Panel on Health Services 保安事務委員會 P anel on Security

* 因赴英出席國會交流缺席會議 Absent for meeting due to parliamentary conference in the UK ∆ ◊

3個事務委員會出席率 Attendance for 3 Panels 100%

其餘4個平均出席率超過九成 Over 90% attendance for other 4 Panels


Finance Committee




法案委員會 Bills Committees 2014-15年度 參與 13 個法案委員會 Participated in 13 Bills Committees



平均出席率 Average attendance

主席 Chairman


Bills Committee on Electronic Health Record Sharing System Bill

12x 《 2015年結算及交收系統(修訂)條例草案》

委員 Member

Bills Committee on Clearing and Settlement Systems (Amendment) Bill 2015

《 2014年版權(修訂)條例草案》Bills Committee on Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014

《 2015年選舉法例(雜項修訂)條例草案》 Bills Committee on Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2015

《 2015年人類生殖科技(修訂)條例草案》 Bills Committee on Human Reproductive Technology (Amendment) Bill 2015

《 2015年稅務(修訂)條例草案》Bills Committee

《 2015年促進循環再造及妥善處置(電氣設備及 電子設備)(修訂)條例草案》 Bills Committee on Promotion of Recycling and Proper Disposal (Product Container) (Amendment) Bill 2015

《 2015年稅務(修訂)(第3號)條例草案》

Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2015

《 2014年證券及期貨及公司法例(無紙證券市場 修訂)條例草案》Bills Committee on Securities and Futures and Companies Legislation (Uncertificated Securities Market Amendment) Bill 2014

《 2015年稅務(修訂)(第2號)條例草案》

《 2014年競爭(修訂)條例草案》委員會 Bills Committee on Competition (Amendment) Bill 2014

《 2015年截取通訊及監察(修訂)條例草案》

《 2014 年成文法(雜項規定)條例草案》委員會 Bills Committee on Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2014

on Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2015

Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2015

Bills Committee on Interception of Communications and Surveillance (Amendment) Bill 2015

1 3

提出1項議案 Moved a Member’s motion ( 否決 Vetoed )


Comprehensively reviewing the provision on ‘access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent’ under the Crimes Ordinance

提出3項修正案 Moved 3 amendments ( 通過 Passed )

1. 金融科技 Fintech | 2. 科技產業政策 Technology industry policy | 3.教育 Education



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

提出質詢:監察政府 Council Questions raised: Monitoring the Government

quest 01


Government procurement and IT usage 政府內部資訊科技支援服務 Internal IT support for government departments

部門首長職位的招聘政策 Employment policies for department heads

政府採購本地資訊 科技產品和服務 *

Procurement of local ICT products and services*



Smart City and Data Management




Smart transport system


Port information management system



Innovation and STEM Education Policies



Providing publications for persons with visual impairment


Assistance to children with Special Education Needs*

Usage and management of public sector information / open data

Mechanism of tracing food security issues

對有特殊教育需要 兒童的協助*


Scan for video

Installation of on-board telematics in private vehicles


Road congestion and temporary traffic arrangement

Scan for video




質詢 Council Questions

4 口頭 Oral | 16 書面 Written 6 大範疇 6 Key Areas

tions 04 電訊





Internet Freedom and Security

Constitutional Affairs

政府要求網上服務供應商 披露或移除用戶資料

擴闊資訊科技界 功能界別選民基礎



Protection of telecommunications infrastructure

Government requests to ISPs for user data or content removal

Widening electoral basis of the IT functional constituency



人大常委會 831決定 的法律依據*

Spectrum allocation


Regulation of person-toperson telemarketing calls

Online security system standards between China and Hong Kong

有犯罪或不誠實意圖 而取用電腦 *

Legal basis of the NPCSC’s decision on universal suffrage*

Access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent* Scan for video

Scan for video

口頭 Oral *


莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

Cha 政策建議 推 動變革 Pushing Ahead: Policy Proposals for Change

我於 2 0 1 4年12 月向行政長官及 財政司司長 提 交詳細政 策 建 議,就多 個範

圍提出具體建議,涵蓋創新策略、基建、支援中小企、政府採購、教育、融 資、檢視法規等,部份建議獲政府採納。

I prepared a policy proposal to the Chief Executive and Financial Secretary in December 2014, with actionable recommendations ranging from strategy, infrastructure, SME support, procurement, education, finance and laws, some of them were adopted by the government in the Budget 2015-16.



MY Recommendations



Progress MADE

nge 資助中小企採用科技改善營運

Provide financial support to SMEs to adopt ICT solutions to raise productivity


Invest in promising local technology ventures to narrow the funding gap


Conduct cross-departmental study on realizing the potentials of Smart City applications


Make more open data available in machinereadable format to stimulate innovation and enhance transparency

成立五千萬元「零售業人力需求管理科技 應用支援計劃」

$50 million for the Retail Technology Adoption Assistance Scheme for Manpower Demand Management (ReTAAS)

科技園公司預留五千萬元成立「科技企業 投資基金」

HKSTPC earmarked $50 million to set up a corporate venture fund

政府以九龍東試點研究智慧城市,策略發展 委員會 2015年 9月發佈智慧城市專題報告

East Kowloon pilot study on smart city announced; Commission on Strategic Development published research report on Smart City in Septempber 2015

財政司司長首次以CSV格式公開預算案數據集, 改良版 data.gov.hk推出並提供更多數據集免費 試用

FS released CSV datasets of Budget estimates for the first time; Upgraded data.gov.hk portal launched with more datasets for free re-use

鼓勵更多學生選修 ICT科目並增加學校津貼 改善網絡基建及設備

推出中學資訊科技增潤計劃,並分階段向所有 公營學校提供無線網絡服務及其他設施

研究修訂法例促進金融科技、共享經濟 方面的創新


Encourage students to take ICT elective and provide funding for upgrading school network infrastructure and facilities

Study and review laws to facilitate innovation in FinTech and sharing economy

Government to launch Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools, and to provide WiFi and infrastructure upgrade for all public schools in phases

Government established Steering Group on Fintech to study regulations and related issues


莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

爭取 創 新及科技 局 Strive for Innovation and Technology Bureau

舉行記者招待會提出對創科局的期望及建議 Held a press conference to express expectations and recommendations to ITB

提出實際 建議 推 動支持業界政策 自 2012 年 起 不 斷 透 過 聯 署 等 爭 取 重 設 科 技

局,提 交有關設 立 創科局的建 議 書,安排 業

界人士向泛民議 員表 達 對 創科局的期望,以 溝通尋求共識。

要求 新局重視 跨 部門統 籌、鼓 勵 投資、支 持

本 地科技 應用和人才發展等工作,交代計劃 和指標,積極反映IT業界的意見。

創新及科技局於 2015年 11月 20日正式成立,我 已去 信邀請局長和業界會面交流意見,並會 繼續推動有利業界發展的政策和監察成效。

Advocate more policy support with constructive proposals for growth Initiated petitions with the IT sector and put forward a proposal since 2012 to support setting up ITB; arranged a meeting with pandemocratic legislators to express deliberation on the new bureau with a view of seeking consensus through constructive dialogue. Requested the new bureau to focus on crossdepartmental coordination, foster investment, support adoption of technology for SMEs and nurture talents, and to clarify the ITB’s plans and performance indicators. The new Innovation and Technology Bureau was established on 20th November 2015, I have invited the new Secretary for Innovation and Technology to meet and exchange views with ICT industry, and will continue to drive and advocate policies for improving Hong Kong’s innovation capabilities and monitor the bureau’s work performance.


推 動金融科技發展 Promoting FinTech Development

與梁繼昌議員在 2015年 5月合辦探討金融科


邀請多位金融科 技專家,與近 200 位參加者

討 論 香 港 發展 股權 眾籌、網 上借 貸 和數碼 貨幣面對的挑戰。

將 繼 續致 力向政 府反映業界意見 和促 進有 利企業創新的環境。

Co-organized industry seminar on FinTech and regulation development in May 2015 with Hon Kenneth Leung. Experts from equity crowdfunding, online lending and digital currencies and close to 200 participants joined an engaging dialogue on how laws can facilitate this nascent field. Continue to convey the views from startup and enterprises to the government to support innovation and create a favourable environment.



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

政 府應帶頭 創 造需求,檢討和改 變抗 拒 創 新的思維,培育本 地 科技 人才,改善 行業生態。 “The government should take the lead in creating demand, review and change its innovation-averse mindset, nurture local technology talent and improve industry ecosystem.”


推 動中小企 採用科技 支持業界發展 Push for wider ICT adoption in SMEs to Support Grow th

推動各個行業加強運用 IT及為科研提供稅務


向政府建議成立中小企科技應用基金,資助中 小企採用資訊科技服務,為業界創造機會 。

倡議成立公私營合作營運的配對投資基金, 支持有潛力的科技企業發展。

Promoted extensive use of IT in business and to provide tax exemptions for Research and Development expenses, seeking for better industry development. Called for establishing ‘SME Technology Adoption Fund’ to subsidize SMEs in using ICT services, and providing tax benefits for corporate R&D expenditure. Advocated to establish a matching fund jointly operated by the government and private sector, to support the development of promising tech enterprises.

2015-2016 開支預算質詢 Budget Questions #電子商務推廣計劃 CEDB(CT)157 #向中小企推廣 ICT CEDB(CT)158 #支援本港科技 Start-up CEDB(CT)159 #企業支援計劃 Enterprise Support Scheme CEDB(CT)107 #向大學提供科技創業資助 Funding for universities entrepreneurship CEDB(CT)108 #投資研發現金回贈計劃 CEDB(CT)110 #科技企業投資基金 CEDB(CT)112



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

安排IT界中小企向政府資訊科技辦公室反映意見 Arranged meeting between OGCIO and IT SMEs to discuss procurement policy

要求 政府採購 本 地服務 改善合約工待遇

Urge the Government to Review Policies of Local Procurement and Contract Staff


爭取本 地優先 改善 T-合 約待遇

持 續 跟 進 政 府採 購 政 策,要求優 先 採 購 本 地 研發的產品和服務,支持業界發展。

去年透 過 議會 質 詢、審 核預算案 和特首答問

會,多方面 要求 政 府 正視 政 府 外 判 I T 服 務 增


安排業界與政府資訊科技總監辦公室代表見 面,反映要求利便中小企參與投標的意見。

Called for prioritizing local products and services; Improve T-contract staff conditions Monitored the Government’s procurement practice, called for policies to favor local products and services in the Government. Urged the administration to address contracted IT services and unequal pay for equal work problems in NCSC through Council Questions, Examination of Budget and Chief Executive Q&A. Arranged IT industry to meet with OGCIO representatives to suggest tender policies in favor of SMEs.

來源: 莫乃光立法會質詢 (2015年7月8日)

915 過去 3 年優質資訊科技專業 服務常備承辦協議共批出 915份政府合約 200份由中小企投得

915 Government contracts awarded SOA-QPS in the past 2012-2014, 200 Projects by SME

26 26中小企獲得 143萬 港元或以下項目

26 SMEs awarded projects under HK$1.43M

2015-2016 開支預算質詢 Budget Questions

#供應商社群入門網站 Suppliers Community Portal (CEDB(CT)150)


#優質資訊科技專業服務常備承辦協議 SOA-QPS (CEDB(CT)151)

T合約 員工總數

#T合約 T-contract (CEDB(CT)148)

T-contract staff number



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

支持科技基建 及智慧城市發展 Supporting more IT Infrastructure and Smart Cit y Development

反對科研產業土地改變用途建豪宅:反對白 石角科學園第四期用地改為住宅用地,發起簽 名運動並聯同業界人士到城規會表達意見。

助業界掌握智慧城市發展機會:2015年 6月安

排業界組織和企業參觀起動九龍東辦公室, 了解政府就香港發展智慧城市的計劃。

跟 進 工作及 建 議:向政 府多番 提出質 詢,提 升本港各範疇之科技應用。

Opposed the rezoning of Phase 4 Science Park to residential land: Launched a petition and expressed opposition to the Town Planning Board with IT industry representatives. Aided the industry to seize opportunity in Smart City initiatives: Arranged IT industry to meet with EKEO representatives to understand the government’s plan. Follow-up work and suggestions: raised relevant questions in the Council and urged the administration to upgrade their application of technology in various fields.


Progress 政府宣佈於九龍東研究智慧城市

Smart city study announced in Kowloon East

策略發展委員會發表智慧城市研究報告 Commission on Strategic Development issued cross sector Smart City report


FOLLOW-UP AREAS 智能運輸系統、航運科技應用

Smart transport system, application of port technology

公共圖書館使用 RFID RFID application in public libraries (HAB243) 新政府數據中心大樓 New government

data center complex


開放 數據 支持 創業創 新 More and Better Open Data to Support Innovation and Start-up

開放公共數據 助企業創新 增透明度


跟 進增加種類及可用性,支援科技初創企業 開發數據應用。

安 排 從 事 開 放 數 據 的 業 界 與 不 同 政 府 部門 會面反映意見。

倡議制訂公共數據政策和管理機制,改善管 治、公共服務和推動數據經濟。



Government data sharing and standards


More open data from public institutions


Data management and training

Open data for innovation and transparency


Support development of applications using PSI Supported the release of more open data by the government and public bodies, continuously follow-up on the variety and usability issues. Connected open data advocates with government officials to discuss and reflect requests. Advocated a comprehensive open data policy and management mechanism to improve decision-making, public services and promote data economy.


2015-2016 政府首次發放 開支預算數據的 CSV檔 2015-2016 Government releases CSV files of budget estimate data for the first time ever



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

培育下一 代創新精神 關注科技人才供求 Better Technology Education Support to Nurture Tech Talent 要求改善課程配套 培育科技 新力軍 2014 年 12 月提出質詢,關注修讀科學、科技、

工程及數學( STEM)科目學生減少。

建議資助大專更新 ICT 課程內容提高實用性, 配合業界需求。

爭取支援學校改善網絡和軟硬件配套,專科 專教。

持續關注 IT 人才供求 和技 能 短缺 建議資助 IT 專業人士持續進修。

支持設立資訊科技界專業認證,提高行業形象。 安排入境處向業界介紹創業簽證優化措施,


提升全港學校網絡基建, 實踐全校 WiFi覆蓋 Improving schools network infrastructure for WiFi coverage WiFi 100 資助 100 所公營學校 Subsidize 100 public schools WiFi 900 其餘 900 多家學校預計 2017/18學年完成 Covers the remaining 900+ schools to complete upgrade by 2017/18



Called for enriched support for education to equip next generation innovators Queried the government over plans to address the fall of STEM subjects enrollment in December 2014. Asked for subsidy to renew ICT courses in tertiary education to be more practical and fitting with the industry’s demand. Strived for Specialized Teaching and improving the network, software and hardware infrastructure in schools.

Pressed for policies to address IT talent and skills shortage Proposed continuous education financial aid for IT professionals. Supported professional recognition for ICT professionals to lift the image of the industry. Arranged briefing with Immigration Department for the industry to introduce Startup Visa and information on attracting overseas talents.

2015-2016 開支預算質詢 Budget Questions #第四個資訊科技教育策略 The Fourth Strategy on IT in Education (EDB173)


Composite Information Technology Grant(EDB174)

#電子教科書 e-Textbooks(EDB175) #資助基層家庭上網學習

Subsidize online learning for the underprivileged (EDB273)



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

改革電視發牌 檢討電訊 及廣播條 例 Urge for Review of Telecom and Broadcasting Ordinance and TV License Approval Reform

2015-2016 電訊相關質詢 Telecom-related LegCo questions 2014.10.15 頻譜分配

Spectrum allocation 2014.10.22 規管人對人促銷電話

Regulating personto-person marketing calls

爭取檢討審批廣播牌照及頻譜 分配

長 期關注電視發牌:2015年 4月去 信資訊科技 及 廣播事務 委員 會,要求討論亞視續牌建議不恰當拖延。

跟 進 頻譜 使 用:2015年 6月去 信資訊 科 技 及 廣播事務 委 員會,

要求 討 論亞視 牌照 結束後的頻譜 分 配安排,確保決 定符合公 平公開原則。

繼續推動檢討及合併 《廣播條例》和《電訊條例》。

Strived for review of broadcast license approval mechanism and spectrum allocation Licensing of Free Domestic TV Service: Requested ITBP to discuss inappropriate delay in ATV license renewal procedures in April 2015.

2015.05.06 電訊基建設施

Telecommunications infrastructure

Spectrum utilization: Requested ITBP to discuss spectrum allocation after ATV license expire, ensure transparency and fairness. Continued to push for reviewing and merging the Broadcasting Ordinance and Telecommunications Ordinance.


捍衛網 絡自由 保 障 網民知情權 Uphold Internet Freedom and Safeguard Rights to Information 關注濫用刑事條例 161 條

Concern for the abuse of Crime Ordinance S.161 『具犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦』 “Access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent” 2013-14

多次要求政府提供 161條檢控數字及案件內 容 Repeated requests to the government for

Crime Ordinance s.161 prosecution and case statistics

2014.10 - 11

發起網上聯署要求停止濫用 161條,獲近 五千網民支持 Launched online signature

campaign against abuse of s.161 with close to 5000 signatures




Queried the government on s.161 abuse

立法會提出動議要求檢討 161條,遭建制派 否決 Member’s Motion to urge for review of s.161 but was vetoed by pro-establishment legislators


於保安事務委員會提出討論電腦罪行法 例的適用範圍 Requested the Panel on

Security to discuss the scope of computer crime law


ONGOING attention 連續 3年質詢政府部門向 ISP索取用戶資料及要求 移除資料情況 Queried the

government on their practice to request internet user info or remove information from ISPs for three consecutive years

網絡攻擊嚴重,要求政府提升 資訊保安準備能力 Cyber-attack threats are on the rise and I requested the government to improve their information security preparedness


“Right to be forgotten”



莫乃光議員 工作報告 2014-2015

堅守香港核心價值 Stand Firm to Uphold the Core Values of Hong Kong 為香港的未 來 繼 續堅 持

一直 以 來 香 港 社 會 重 視 法治、廉 潔 和民 主,但

近年各種挑 戰 逼在眼前。去年的雨傘 運 動是香 港 有史以來 最 大 型爭取民主的運 動,我 和很多 香港人一樣,難以接受當權者指鹿為馬,蒙蔽社

會。在 議 會 中我 堅 持以 理 性 溝 通 代 替 對立,同

時以求真的態度爭取 真 正的選 擇,投 票否決以 重重門檻操縱市民選擇的特首普選方案。

不 平則鳴 是專 業人士的責任,喜見民間業 界組 織 協力令更多人明白爭取公平制度的重 要性。 我 會 繼 續 秉 持 信念,為 業 界 和市民發 聲,竭 力 捍衞香港人重視的核心價值。

Press On For the Future of Hong Kong Hong Kong has always prided itself on the values of the rule of law, integrity and democracy, yet challenges are looming. The Umbrella movement last year was one of the largest social movements for democracy in our city’s history. Like many Hongkongers, I must reject the lies in the face of authorities. In the Council, I have upheld rational dialogues to resolve differences while pressing ahead for truth and real choices - hence I vetoed the CE election proposal that set barriers to a genuine universal suffrage. Speaking against injustice is an important role of professionals, and seeing more up-and-coming IT groups strive to promote these values is very encouraging. I will continue to uphold Hong Kong’s core values to serve our industry and society.


選民登記 立即行動 Act Now for Voter Registration

vote IT 選民登記4步曲 Get your ITFC vote in 4 steps ( 個人篇 as individual)






加入符合 IT 界選民


Register as voter

Join an IT industr y



Confirm membership

IT 功能界別選民登記

in a Geographical

association with

registration and status

Complete and submit


eligibility for IT voter

民(REO-1 表格)


(REO-41 表格)

REO-41 form to

(REO-1 form)

Registration and Electoral Office

把握 選票 表 達你的聲音 Your VOTE is your VOICE 已合資格的同業請珍 惜 你的權 利,登記成為 IT 界選民 截止日期 2016 年 5 月2 日 | Application Deadline 2 May 2016

檢查、檢查、再檢查 Check, Check, and Check Again 如果你已經是 IT界選民,請與所屬行業機構查詢, 確定會員資格仍然有效,以免失去投票資格。 If you are already a voter in ITFC, remember to verify your membership status with the association to ensure voter eligibility.

哪些行業組織符合資格?如何登記? What are the eligible IT organizations? How can I register?



English version


選舉事務處 Registration and Electoral Office t. e.

2891 1001 reoenq@reo.gov.hk

創 新 Innovation | 求真 Truth | 公平 Fairness | 民主 Democracy

莫乃光立法會議員(資訊科技界)辦事處 Office of the Hon Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT)

香港中區立法會道 1號立法會綜合大樓 917室

Room 917, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong t

(852) 2352 3129


(852) 3020 9867



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Charles Mok 莫乃光 @charlesmok










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2015 copyright @ Charles Mok Office

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