ISSN: 221-9854
JUNE 2019
The Durban Branch of the South African Legion was responsible for the refreshment station at Kloof during the Comrades Marathon on Sunday 9 June 2019. There were about 60 volunteers altogether, mainly Legionnaires (many residents of our block of flats, BESL Court in Umbilo), family and friends and a good, but busy, time was had by all.
National Office Bearers
National Executive Committee
Ceremonial and Discipline Portfolio
Communication Portfolio
Medal Project
Port Elizabeth
Smuts Memorial Service Riebeeck West
CMVO SA Memorial Service
Dodenherdenking – Netherlands
Virtual Branch: Battle of Monte Cassino, 75th Anniversary, Italy
75th Commemoration of the Battle of Monte Casino in the UK
Lgr (Adv) John Mullins SC
Royal Show
Comrades Marathon
Lance Corporal Lucas Majozi DCM
St Michael the Archangel Patron Saint of Paratroopers.
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FROM THE EDITORS DESK The first six months of 2019 has certainly been a very busy period and has practically “flown past”. Given this, this is the third electronic edition of Springbok. Following the recommendations on the February 2019 electronic edition, these were implemented in the April 2019 edition and the feedback has been very positive. So we are remaining with the revised concept with this edition. Thank you to all that have commented, positive and negative, on the electronic editions. PLEASE keep the comments coming to ensure that a product of the highest standards are produced. Our branches are very active participating in various events, including the core function of the Legion, caring for our fellow veterans and their families. Sadly very little of this reaches my desk, and as a result the rest of the Legion does not get to know about it. Maybe every branch should appoint a “Communication Officer/Official” with the sole responsibility of ensuring that ALL the activities of the branch is recorded and sent to the editor of the Springbok. This is especially important when news of welfare is posted on the international Facebook Page where some of the past posts have reached more than 8 000 people. I would like to acknowledge Legionnaires Lyndi Janse Van Rensburg, Jess Giles, Johann Kruger, Peter Shattock, Rick Andries, Peter Dickens, Shaun Booth, Theo Fernandez, and Paul Els for their contributions to this edition.
NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL OFFICE BEARERS Telephone conference of the National Office Bearers (NOB) was held on Tuesday 18 June 2019. It was attended by all the members. One of the decisions taken at the meeting was that in future there will only be one form of name plate for members of the Legion. It was also decided to do away with titles, ie Branch Chairman, on the name plate. The name plate will have a gold background with black lettering and the official Legion badge. National Headquarters is currently looking for a suitable supplier to manufacture the name plate. Once a supplier has been located branches will be informed of the cost and orders can then be placed. The name plate for all members of the Legion.
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE During the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting on 21 May 2019 amendments to the Constitution and By-laws was referred to the National Office Bearers. CEREMONIAL AND DISCIPLINE PORTFOLIO Lgr Shaun Booth, National Ceremonial and Discipline (NCD), has compiled a parade checklist and ceremonial guidelines. The purpose of which is to assist branches with parades and wreath layingceremonies by standardizing the practice across all branches. This will create uniformity, ensure compliance with SANDF protocols and result in greater support from the SANDF. NCD indicated that he has a good working rapport with the SANDF Ceremonial and Awards Department. Branches who require future assistance with parades are to contact NCD who will submit it directly to the SANDF. A new membership card is in the process of being compiled. COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO The Communications Portfolio remains very active and editions of the Springbok has been posted on an international website, ISSUU. Here we have had 2 538 reads and 16 234 impressions. In addition we have six followers while copies of Springbok has been shared 58 times. The Facebook Pages also remains very active with very interesting articles posted by members of the various pages. The Facebook Pages recently passed the 48 000 new likes making it a very popular page to visit. During May 2019 the following articles were very successful in reaching people. “Conveniently Ignored ‘Heroes of the Struggle for Democracy …….old SADF’” by Lgr Peter Dickens. 22 013 people reached, “The Silent South Africans in the Silent Service” by Lgr Peter Dickens. 13 793 people reached, “The South African Navy’s ‘Darkest Hour’ is not Recognised and not Commemorated” by Lgr Peter Dickens. 14 128 people reached and “Calling all Comrades Runners 2019” South African Legion Durban Branch. 5 353 people reached. Articles that reached large numbers of people during June 2019 include “Cassinga….. Truths and myths’” by Lgr Peter Dickens. 37 174 people reached, “VE Day…. Flags of Honour” by Lgr Peter Dickens. 8 283 people reached, “Last Post …. Ieper” by Lgr Andrew Bergman. 5 166 people reached, “The South African Legion at the Royal Show”. 4 025 people reached and “Comrades Marathon Promotion Video for 2019” Durban Branch. 3 612 people reached.
On the local Facebook Page the photo of the members of the Legion that attended the memorial service of the late Lt Gen Earp received 76 likes while the photo of the members of the Legion that attended the Council of Military Veterans Organisations of South Africa’s memorial service received 66 likes. COUNCIL OF MILITARY VETERANS ORGANISATION OF SOUTH AFRICA AGM Lgr Ray Cumming represented the South African Legion at the Annual General Meeting of the Council of Military Veterans Organisations of South Africa (CMVO SA) on 24 May 2019. During the AGM Lgr Hendrik Roux received a Certificate in recognition of exceptional services rendered. At the AGM Maj Gen Lawrence Smith (SA Army Retired) was elected as the Lgr Roux receiving his certificate from Maj Gen Dippenaar (SA Army Retired) Chairperson of the CMVO SA new Chairperson of the CMVO SA. (By editor: Lgr Roux is the Welfare/Wellbeing Officer of the Pretoria Branch) MEDAL PROJECT On Saturday 25 May 2019 Richard Middleton received his outstanding medals during a medal presentation ceremony organised by the SAMVOA in Auckland New Zealand. His medals was collected by Lgr Theo Fernandes, UK Branch, early in April 2019 and forwarded the medals to SAMVOA. National Headquarters received the following e-mail from a grateful recipient, Richard Middleton. Hello Riana, I shall like to say a big THANK you to all at SA Legion that assisted with my medal application that I officially receive from SAMVOA in Auckland last Saturday. The presentation was a very proud moment for myself and family, and the medals received shall be worn with pride....
Richard Middleton receiving his outstanding medals. 5
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards Richard Middleton
REGIONAL NEWS BRANCH NEWS BENONI Benoni Branch held their Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 15 June 2019) and a new committee was elected. The current chairman of the branch, Marin Blake stood down. Lgr David Vogel was elected as the new branch Chairperson with the rest of the committee remaining. BLOEMFONTEIN The Annual General Meeting of the Bloemfontein Branch took place at Springbok Park on 24 June 2019. During the AGM the following Committee was elected: Lgr. J J vd Merwe (President) Lgr W Stofberg (Vice President) Lgr G v Heerden (Chairperson), Lgr Reg Walkerley (Vice Chairperson). Additional members Lgrs K. Stofberg, M. Muller, De W. du Toit, H. Attendees at the Bloemfontein Branch AGM. Nieuwoudt, D. du Toit, E. Boshoff, W. de Beer, I. Danhauser, S.Coetzer, W. J. van Rensburg, H. Steyn and C. Smal. Cpln T. Lessing was elected as the branch Chaplain. BRAKPAN The Annual General Meeting of the Brakpan Branch took place at the lounge of the MOTH Cottages, 2 Zeeman Street, Brenthurt, Brakpan on Saturday 15 June 2019 at 10:00. The following offices bearers were elected: Chairman - Lgr Rees Davies Vice Chairman - Lgr Ray Mabbutt Secretary/Treasurer - Lgr [Ms] Rina Esterhuizen DURBAN Accommodation at B.E.S.L. Court: We still have 1- and 2-bedroom flats in Umbilo available for military veterans (preferably without children) and preferably with no vehicle, for there’s very limited parking space available. If you know of anyone suitable, looking for a flat with very reasonable rental in this well controlled block, please get them to apply as soon as possible.
Durban Branch AGM: Please note that our AGM, that was to be held on May 18th, has been postponed until further notice - probably in June or July. SA Legion Durban and District Club. Members of the SA Legion Club met at the Firwood Sports Club from 10h30 on Saturday 22 June 2019. There were 11 SAL Club members present, 7 apologies and we had 4 visitors. It was a beautiful warm sunny day at Firwood Sports Club in the suburb of Mosley some 24km from where I live in Morningside. Firwood Sports Club have given the S.A. Legion FREE membership. Wow that’s great. Members of the SA Legion Durban and District Club. Alan Hudson the Sgt Maj was well organised and was getting the braai lit as the Sharks rugby game was going to start at 12 noon so we had to be done with the Club meeting which was to start at 11h00. – We were very fortunate that all that were going to attend were ready and the venue was set up out at the Lapa. Sgt Maj got all present to be in order, standing up and to attention ready for the Chairman Skippy Michell to open the meeting in typical S.A. Legion manner and to pay respects to the fallen. There was nothing really undue to report from the last meeting that was held Sat 25th May at the Durban Wings Club in Durban North. Unfortunately Marlene Camps and I were away on holiday Enjoying refreshments following the “formal” part of the meeting. down at Uvongo. Various items were discussed from National and also from the Branch. One thing that was on the agenda was to discuss the S.A. Legion Club becoming a BRANCH and we are awaiting the approval from National Head Quarters. The Club is hoping that all the necessary paperwork and approval will be in order by the time the ‘Club’ will host its AGM. The date is set for Sat 27th July 2019 at 10h30 for 11h00 start and the venue is still to be confirmed. It is hoped it will be at the NMR Club and in the Dickie Adams Hall (? ?) The meeting closed at 12h02 only after the Sgt Maj’s fining session. And all broke into harmony. We had two raffle draws, one is for the Christmas hamper which is done every month until 7
Christmas and a draw will be done then. The June raffle was won with No 48 being Granger Cook’s number. A good braai was had lots of fellowship and we managed to watch the Sharks game, even if they lost ‘badly’. And then all good things come to an end and finally departing from Firwood around 16:00. What a great S.A. Legion day. I am proud to be a Legionnaire. Peter PIETERMARITZBURG The Pietermaritzburg Branch’s President, Lgr Quentin Gibson and Chairman, Peter Willson kindly represented the SA Legion at the Finish of the Comrades’ Marathon in Pietermaritzburg yesterday, Sunday 9 June 2019. PORT ELIZABETH Annual General Meeting of the branch took place on Sunday 5 May 2019. During the Lgr’s Gibson and Wilson at the Comrades Marathon function at the end of the marathon. meeting the Lgr Brian Klopper delivered his Chairperson’s report. Lgr Klopper also stood down as branch Chairperson. The following Executive Committee was elected: Branch Chairman: Lgr Terry Pattison Branch Vice-Chairman: Lgr Malcolm Daines Branch Secretary: Lgr Tertia van der Linde Branch Treasurer: Lgr Jaco Pretorius Branch Sgt. Major: Lgr Jan Smit Branch Welfare Officer: Lgr C.J. Wolfaardt Additional Committee Member: Lgr Chris Papenfuss PRETORIA The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Pretoria Branch took place at the MOTH Evenden House in Lyttelton on Saturday 18 May 2019. The Chairman’s report confirmed that the National President, Lgr Klopper, congratulating new branch once had a very active year with a wide branch Chairperson, Lgr Pattison. range of activities. Highlights of the year included the annual Veterans Day, 2018 Poppy Appeal, International Day of Peace Church Service and 8
the Remembrance Day Service at the Union Buildings. The Welfare/Wellbeing Officer was very active and provided toiletry bags to almost 50 patients at 1 Military Hospital. During the AGM Lgr’s Billot, Proud medal recipients who received their outstanding medals during the De Groenewald, Le Pretoria Branch AGM. Grange (SNR) and Roux was inducted as members of the Pretoria Branch of the Legion. In addition certificates were awarded to members of the branch. This included a 10 Year Service award to former Lgr Ivor Little. Following Office Bearers were elected: Chairman: Lgr Charles Ross. Vice Chairman: Lgr Shaun Booth. Treasurer: Lgr Ray Cumming. Secretary: Lgr Brenda Kriel. Communication: Lgr Debra De Billot. Welfare/Wellbeing: Lgr Bazil Kriel. Ceremonial: Lgr Jaco LÜtter. It was decided to combine the AGM with a Medal Presentation during which Pro Patria, Southern Africa and General Service Medals were presented to four recipients by Honorary Vice President for Life, Lgr Bazil Kriel. Following the AGM everyone enjoined snack and something to drink.
COMMEMORATIONS SMUTS MEMORIAL SERVICE RIEBEECK WEST Yesterday (Sunday 19 May), we toasted the Oubaas, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, arguably one of the greatest leaders of the World and most significant South Africans ever, on his birthday Lgr Dickens laid a wreath on behalf of the Legion at and at his place of birth in Riebeeck Wes. the Smuts Memorial Service in Riebeeck West Members of the South African Legion and Memorable Order of the Tin Hat (MOTH) remembered his birthday with a parade, wreath laying, a 9
tribute and traditional brandy toast with an after party and braai hosted by the Majozi shellhole at the Hermon hotel. A fabulous day indeed and thanks to everyone who organised and participated! CMVO SA MEMORIAL SERVICE Nine members of the South African Legion attended the annual Council of Military Veterans Organisations of South Africa (CMVO SA) at the Wall of Remembrance at the Voortrekker Monument on Sunday 26 May 2019. Lgr Godfrey Giles laid a wreath on behalf of the World Veterans Federation while Lgr Ray Cumming laid a wreath on behalf of the South African Legion. DODENHERDENKING - NETHERLANDS Every year on 4 May, the Kingdom of the Netherlands marks its national Dodenherdenking (Remembrance Day), to commemorate civilians and soldiers who were executed or fell in WWII and subsequent conflicts. The date is a moment to pause and reflect on the civil liberties that the Dutch enjoy today – one that they realise and respect was hard-won and should never be taken for granted. Across the country, local school children place flowers on the many war graves scattered far and wide, in local cemeteries as well as those of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. These include many South Africans, especially airmen, as it was necessary for the RAF bombers to overfly the Netherlands on their way to and from raids on Germany. Especially on their return routes, many bombers succumbed to FLAK and fighter damage, and crashed into the Dutch polders. Members from the Europe and United Kingdom that National remembrance In addition to a central nationally attended the service in the Netherlands. televised event on Dam Square in Amsterdam, attended by the royal family and heads of government, simultaneous events are held in towns and cities across the country, where two minutes’ silence is observed at 20h00. Though neutral during the First World War, the Netherlands was not spared from hosting the casualties of a war that was fought within earshot. Six casualties of the SS Medi (troop ship sank off Isle of Wight on 21 Feb 10
1917 with the loss of 616 souls) lie in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission section of the General Cemetery of Noordwijk, just north of The Hague in the Netherlands, among ranks of mainly Royal Navy personnel whose bodies, like those of the SS Mendi casualties, were washed-up on the Dutch coast. Noordwijk Over the past six years, the municipality and Aldermen of Noordwijk have been of constant support to the SA Legion and the South African Embassy in The Hague with regard to our annual SS Mendi remembrance service and parade now held each 21 February at the Noordwijk cemetery. A strong bond has developed between South Africa, and this picturesque town on the Dutch coast that has so loyally nurtured the graves of Private Abraham Leboche, Private Arosi Zendile, Private Sitebe Molide, Private Natal Kazimula, and Private Sikaniso Mtolo, for more than 100 years. It is therefore only fitting that the South African Legion Europe Branch shows its solidarity with Noordwijk as the town remembers those who fought and died for its freedom. This year, the South African contingent was significant, first at a remembrance service in the Maria Ter Zee church, followed by a dignified silent march, past the war graves in the general cemetery, to the Noordwijk war memorial nearby. There, the South African Ambassador to The Netherlands, H. E. Mr. Bruce Koloane, and Lgr. Andrew Bergman, Chairman on behalf of the SA Legion Europe Branch, joined local dignitaries and veterans in laying wreaths after two minutes’ silence Włodzimierz Staszak, Mariusz Jarczewski, Norbert Petrich, Mariusz was observed. Jabłoński, Arkadiusz Kosiński, Natalia Sobczak, Andrzej Maćkowiak, Kamil Misiak, Krzysztof Grabiec laying the SA Legion Virtual Branch wreath at The Liberation Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cassino War Cemetery. The following day, May 5, is observed across the Netherlands as Bevrijdingsdag, marking the liberation of the Netherlands from the German occupation as WWII drew to a close. It’s a day celebrated with much gusto (and Heineken and Grolsch), but not before having first acknowledged and paused to reflect that the freedom the country enjoys was achieved at the cost of many brave lives. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them.
SA LEGION VIRTUAL BRANCH AT BATTLE OF MONTE CASSINO, 75TH ANNIVERSARY, ITALY COMMEMORATIONS From the 16th to 19th May 2019, a celebration of the 75th Anniversary of one of the fiercest battles in World War II, Battle of Monte Cassino, took place. Polish soldiers of the 2nd Corps of General Władysław Anders played a key role in the battle and many did not return. The main celebrations took place on May 18th at the Polish War Cemetery at Monte Cassino, with participation of Włodzimierz Staszak paying respects at some South African soldiers the President of the Republic of graves at The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cassino War Poland Adrzej Duda, the Cemetery Government delegation, veterans of General Anders’ army and the Scouts. The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, also took part in the celebrations. President Andrzej Duda paid homage to the heroes. The conquest of the monastery hill broke the German defences on the Gustav Line and opened the way for allies to Rome. Lgr Krzysztof Grabiec, a member of the SA Legion Virtual Branch, laid a wreath on behalf of the South African Legion Virtual Branch at the Polish War Cemetery memorial and at The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cassino War Cemetery. They paid respect to the fallen South African soldiers, by visiting their graves in the cemetery and honouring 2 minutes silence.
Włodzimierz Staszak, Mariusz Jarczewski, Norbert Petrich, Mariusz The polish men and women who Jabłoński, Arkadiusz Kosiński, Natalia Sobczak, Andrzej Maćkowiak, Kamil Misiak, Krzysztof Grabiec paying respects to the South African participated in this tribute are soldiers who particpated in the Battle of Monte Cassino at The Włodzimierz Staszak, Mariusz Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cassino War Cemetery. Jarczewski, Norbert Petrich, Mariusz Jabłoński, Arkadiusz Kosiński, Natalia Sobczak, Andrzej Maćkowiak, Kamil Misiak, and Krzysztof Grabiec. 12
75TH COMMEMORATION OF THE BATTLE OF MONTE CASINO IN THE UK On Saturday 11 May 2019 members of the Europe and United Kingdom Branch of the South African Legion attended the 75th commemoration of the Battle of Monte Cassino at the National Memorial, Arboretum. A wreaths was laid on behalf of the Legion. Legionnaires from the Europe and UK Branch that attended the Battle of Monte Cassino service.
OTHER STORIES LGR (ADV) JOHN MULLINS SC The first is to congratulate and thank you (and, I am sure, others) for all the good (and unpaid) work you do for others, in the Legion. Great thanks are due to you. The second is to say that I personally owe a lot to the Legion. My dad was a member, after serving in 2 War II, and when I came out of the army in 1977, having gone straight there out of school, we didn’t have the money to pay for my studies through UNISA. The Legion lent me the money, and that put me through university. So I owe a huge debt to the Legion (I repaid the loan with whatever interest is applicable, of course, but in the nature of things my debt extends way beyond just the monetary), and I admire you (and of course the others) who give up your time for the great cause that is the Legion. Long may you, and it, prosper. Regards JOHN MULLINS SC (Editor – Lgr Mullins is a member of the Pretoria Branch)
Legion display at the Royal Show. 13
ROYAL SHOW PIETERMARITZBURG The Durban and Pietermaritzburg Branches of the South African Legion once again flew the Legion flag at the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg over the period 24 May to 2 June 2019. The theme this year was the Second World War and the involvement of Durban and surrounds, specifically the Durban harbour.
COMRADES MARATHON 2019 Today was Comrades Day (Sun 9th June 2019) and the South African Legion was doing the water & food tables up at Kloof opposite to where Shrapnell/Kum-A-Kye were Marshalling. We put up many Legion banners and hung Poppies on the barrier fences. Departed from home about 03:20 and nearly got turned back by the Metro police as The “Poppy fence” at the Legion’s water and food table. they had closed off the road 40 minutes early but managed to sneak through. The first runner passed us at 07:03 and No 2 at 07:05. Wow it was a busy day for us and we also had to clean up most of the plastic water/juice sachets. After the last runner had passed at about 09:38. Thanks to all those that helped the Legion today of nearly 60 persons. A big thank you to “Elvis” (Lgr Lgr Andrea Giglio) for his continuous music throughout the morning. LANCE CORPORAL LUCAS MAJOZI DCM Lucas Majozi served with the Native Military Corps during World War II at the Battle of El Alamein, North Africa. As a black African in the South African army, he was not allowed to engage in direct combat with the enemy or carry a gun. He served instead as a stretcher bearer, meaning that he was a first-aid attendant who picked up wounded soldiers and took them away from the battlefield to receive medical attention. During the long battle of El Alamein in North Africa, which started on 23 October 1942, the Allies had to attack enemy forces. The South Africans needed to get through a minefield which the Germans had sown with more than 500,000 mines. As the 1/2 Field Force Battalion forced its way through, they were attacked by heavy machine gun and artillery fire from German troops led by their commandant Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The battalion suffered severe casualties, many of whom needed urgent medical care and had to be removed from 14
the combat zone. Majozi bravely tended his white, wounded comrades and carried them off the battlefield. He worked hard all through the night despite being shot at by the Germans. At one point Majozi was injured, but he continued to do his job. If it weren’t for the bravery of Majozi and his team of stretcher-bearers many more men would have died from their injuries. Major-General Daniel Hermanus Pienaar, the commander of the 1st South African Division, said of Majozi: ‘'This soldier did most magnificent and brave things. With a number of bullets in his body he returned time after time into a veritable hell of machine gun fire to pull out wounded men. He is a man of whom South Africa can well be proud. He is a credit to his country.' For his bravery Majozi was awarded the L Cpl Lucas Majozi DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal, the highest honour given to a black South African soldier during World War II. After the War, Majozi returned to Zastron and joined the South African Police. He died in 1969. His medal can be seen at the South African National Museum of Military History along with his portrait painted by South African war artist Captain Neville Lewis. CITATION On the night of October 23-24, Majozi accompanied his company into action as a stretcher-bearer. In the later stages of the action when he was within 100 yards of the enemy and under heavy fire, he thought nothing of his personal safety and continued to evacuate casualties assisted by co-bearers. He was then wounded by shrapnel, but he continued evacuating the wounded. Told by a medical corporal to go back to the regimental aid post, he replied that there were many wounded men still in the minefield. He went back, and with the assistance of other stretcher bearers, he brought back more wounded. After his co-bearer had become a casualty, he did not waver, but carried wounded men back alone on his back to the aid post. When he was eventually told by the Company Commander to go back, he smilingly refused and remained on duty, working incessantly till he collapsed next morning through sheer exhaustion, stiffness, and loss of blood. His extreme devotion to duty and gallant conduct under continuous enemy fire throughout the night saved the lives of many wounded men who would otherwise have died through loss of blood or possible further wounds.’
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION RIDERS DAY 2019 Lgr Theo Fernandez of the Europe and United Kingdom Branch manned a stand at the Royal British Legion Riders Day 2019 on 26 May 2019. His Legion, SADF and MOTH 'paraphernalia' was very popular generated a lot of interest. ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PATRON SAINT OF PARATROOPERS. Saint Michael is more frequently known as Michael the Archangel, the most senior Lgr Fernandez’s display at the Royal British Legion Riders Day 2019. of the three Archangels, Gabriel, Rafael and Michael. Apart from his patronage of paratroopers, Saint Michael has four distinct roles. Firstly, He is the Enemy of Satan and the fallen angels. He defeated Satan and ejected him from Paradise and will achieve victory at the hour of the final battle with Satan. Secondly, He is the Christian angel of death - at the hour of death. Saint Michael descends and gives each soul the chance to redeem itself before passing, Saint Michael`s third role is weighing souls (Hence the saint is often depicted holding scales) on Judgment Day. And Finally, Saint Michael is the Guardian of the church. It was two chaplains, Valin de la Vassiere and Jego, from the French paratroopers who first suggested that Saint Michael be chosen as the Patron Saint of Paratroopers. This was in Indochina in the late 1940s. The first Mass in honour of the paratrooper saint was celebrated in Hanoi Cathedral on 29 September 1949. Since then it has been celebrated as Saint Michael’s Day. South African connection The first celebration of Saint Michael’s Day in South Africa was held in Oudtshoorn in 1972. And the story of how it began is an interesting one. In 1969 four members of the South African Defence Force (all paratroopers) were deployed to Nigeria to train troops of the Biafra Army. One of the training team, Staff Sergeant Trevor Floyd, was given a weekend off in September. He boarded a flight at Uli Airport in Nigeria on the Friday night and landed in Libreville in Gabon. On landing he left the aircraft at the end of the runway, jumped a fence, and headed for a villa occupied by French soldiers. He walked straight into a huge party. On asking what the occasion was, they informed him that the following day, Saturday, was Saint Michael’s Day. Of course he had no clue as to what that was and was then informed that it was in celebration of Saint Michael, the patron saint of paratroopers.
Naturally, being a paratrooper himself, Trevor felt that it was his duty to celebrate with them. The celebrations continued well into the Sunday night, meaning that Trevor missed his flight back to Uli and could only fly back on the Monday evening. When he arrived back at Uli the then Major Jan Breytenbach was furious. He calmed down when Trevor Attendees at the first St Michael’s celebrations in South Africa: Koos explained the reason as Moorcroft, PW van Heerden, Kenaas Conradie Dewald de Beer and Trevor Floyd. to why he was late. Major Breytenbach decided that they were going to hold their own Saint Michael’s Day celebration the very next weekend. Once back on South African soil the four members of the training team would go on to become the first members of One Reconnaissance Commando (the Recces), South Africa’s Special Forces unit, which was formed in Oudtshoorn. In 1972 it was decided that the first Saint Michael’s Day celebrations would take place in South Africa. A Dakota was arranged to bring Parachute Battalion members from Bloemfontein for a jump and for the celebrations that would be held at the Creteria Hotel. Part of the group from Bloemfontein included Captains Joe Verster and Hennie Blaauw. Other Recce members from Oudtshoorn included Dave Tippett, Jimmy Oberholster and Wannies Wannenberg. Even the ladies bought themselves new dresses for the occasion. One Reconnaissance Commando was transferred to Durban in 1974 and the celebration were continued every year by the Special Forces units. The Pretoria Canopy celebration of 2018 was a great success where Trevor Floyd told his story in the involvement in the first celebration held in South Africa. Pretoria Canopy is planning to have their St Michaels function on the 28 September 2019. Military Despatches, Vol 23 May 2019 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPERS On 29 May annually United Nations Peacekeepers are remembered. At the United Nations Headquarters a ceremony is held during which the Secretary General of the United Nations present The Dag Hammarskjöld Medal to the representatives of the countries that lost personnel during the previous year. The Dag Hammarskjöld Medal is a posthumous award given by the United 18
Nations (UN) to military personnel, police, or civilians who lost their lives while serving in a United Nations peacekeeping operations. The day was first observed in South Africa in May 2008 when a wreath laying service was held at the Peace Mission Training Centre at the South African Army College. Service was attended by the chief of the United Nations Office in South Africa, foreign diplomats, members of the South African Police Service and the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). In 2018 a memorial was unveiled at De Brug, Bloemfontein.
Dag HammarskjĂśld Medal
The SANDF first participation in a United Nations Peacekeeping Operation was in September 1999 with the deployment of a Capital Liaison Officer to Kampala as part of the United Nations Organisation Mission on the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC). . Since then the SANDF has continued to participate in MONUC and currently in United Nations Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO). The SANDF also participated in United Nations missions in Eritrea and Ethiopia (UNMEE), in Burundi (ONUB), Liberia (UNMIL), Sudan (UNMIS and UNAMID) and Nepal (UNMIN). ARMED FORCES DAY – UNITED KINGDOM Members of the Europe and United Kingdom Branch attended the annual Armed Forces Day in Woking, United Kingdom, on Saturday 29 June 2019. SAME STANDARDS OF FOOD, DRINKS AND CUTLERY FOR ALL RANKS: NEW INDIAN NAVY CHIEF'S DIRECTIVES TO ENSURE EQUALITY In a far-reaching initiative, newly-appointed Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh has issued elaborate directives aimed at curbing subservient behaviour, restricting certain ceremonial practices and ensuring equality among the ranks. The wide-ranging guidelines prescribed having same standards of food, drinks and cutlery by all ranks of Admiral Karambir Singh. Navy personnel at official functions, discontinuing 19
provision of multiple stand-by cars for Chief of Naval Staff and even discouraging presentation of bouquets, officials said. "As a modern fighting force, it is important that we imbibe contemporary, social and ceremonial practices towards optimal utilisation of manpower and resources," the communication said. Officials said the directives are being implemented with immediate effect. "Juniors be encouraged to be disciplined and respectful but not subservient. Refreshment and meals to be simple and devoid of ostentation," according to the communication. It said full titles of senior officers should not to be used repeatedly in speeches and citing of decorations after name to be restricted only to formal correspondence and occasions. It also said only senior sailors will be deputed for liaison duty and use of third person in addressing senior officers should be discouraged. The Navy Chief also directed that women and children be not lined up to receive dignitaries. Admiral Singh assumed charge as the 24th chief of the Indian Navy on May 31, becoming the first helicopter pilot to helm the force. He succeeded Admiral Sunil Lanba, who retired after a distinguished career spanning over four decades. Before appointed to the top post, he served as the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief (FOC-in-C) of the Eastern Naval Command in Visakhapatnam. Source: Defence News India and MarNews OBITUARIES CAPE TOWN Lgr A. J. (Tony) Van Ryneveld. KROONSTAD Lgr Theuns Bosch. PORT ELIZABETH Lgr Jorge Cruz. Jorge SOWETO Lgr B. P. (Mollo) Mabena.
SOUTH AFRICAN LEGION Springbok, the Journal of the South African Legion of Military Veterans, ISSN number 2221-9854, is the responsibility of the Communication Portfolio. Editing by Lgr Charles Ross. Body text was set in Calibri 12 and headers, Calibri 12 pt. Printed using Nashua Photocopier, thanks to Nashua Central. National LOTTO Distribution Fund supported.
SA LEGION STRUCTURE Branches: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Patron in Chief: President of the Republic of South Africa Past Presidents for Life: • • •
Lgr Jurie Van der Merwe Lgr Chris PC de B Venter Lgr Godfrey Giles
Honorary Life Vice Presidents: • • • • • • •
Lgr Jurie van der Merwe Lgr Peter Swindell Lgr Arthur Blake Lgr CJJ Jooste Lgr Bazil Kriel Lgr Rick Andriès Lgr Quentin Gibson
National President: Lgr Brian Klopper National V/President: Lgr Brian Smith National Treasurer: Lgr (Me) Marina Seabrook National Secretary: Lgr Riana Venter van Zyl National Liaison/Membership: Lgr Mark Louw National Wellbeing: Lgr Rees Davies National Communication: Lgr Charles Ross National Ceremonial/Discipline: Lgr Shaun Booth.
Regional Chairmen: • • • • •
SOUTH AFRICAN LEGION, PO Box 1936, Houghton, 2041 Tel: 010 595 4222
Alexandria Atteridgeville Benoni Bloemfontein Botshabelo Brakpan Cape Canopy Cape Town Central Wits Durban East London England Europe Grahamstown Kagiso-West Rand
Eastern Cape: Free State: Lgr Jurie v d Merwe Gauteng: Lgr Mark Louw Kwa-Zulu Natal: Lgr Rick Andriés UK & Europe: Lgr Cameron Kinnear
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Kimberley King Williams Town Kroonstad Lower South Coast Pietermaritzburg Port Alfred Port Elizabeth Pretoria Rooiplaas Scotland Soweto Strand Stutterheim Virtual