Facultate Alumini - Malta Medical School

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Universitas Studiorum Melitensis Medicinae Chirugiaeque Facultate

Facultate Alumni

C. Savona‐Ventura Faculty of Medicine & Surgery University of Malta 3

Published by Museums and Library Committee, Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, University of Malta © C. Savona‐Ventura, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted to any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the previous permission in writing of the publisher.

First published 2011 4


Introduction In the early days of the occupation of the Islands by the French, General Napoleon Bonaparte abolished formal University teaching by a degree published 18th June 1798. Plans were made to introduce the teaching of anatomy, medicine and midwifery in the hospital by the medical officers working there. These plans never materialised because of the civil strife that resulted from the uprising of the Maltese against their new masters. 1 On 6th November 1800, a few weeks after the French were forced to surrender, the Maltese Provisional Government under the direction of Sir Alexander Ball re‐instituted the University and thus set the stage to re‐establish the Collegium Medicum along with the other Faculties of Theology and Jurisprudence. The appointed members of this Collegium Medicum included the Protomedicus Aloysius Caruana, Francesco Dimech, Joannes Agius, Francesco Leo Gravagna, Stephanus Grillet, Josephus Ciaja, Laurentius Cassar, …….. Dingli, …….. Pullicino, and Aurelius Badat. 2 Medical studies were based on the regulations defined previously by the 1771 statutes. 3 Appointees were made in the same month to 1

W. Hardman: A history of Malta during the period of the French and British occupations 1798‐1815. Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1909, p.86‐87 2 Acta Academiae Melitensis Volume 1 (1800‐1809), fol.18 [1802] 3 J. Cassar Pullicino: The re‐opening of the University in 1800. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, 1958, i:p.144.


the Chair of Medicine, Physiology and Pathology [Dr. Ludovico Abela: appointed 1800‐1815], and the Chair of Anatomy and Surgery [Dr. Aurelio Badat: appointed 1800‐1813]. Teaching commenced in the Civil Hospital at Valletta that same year.

In March 1802, Dr Francesco Butigiec was appointed Teacher of Obstetrics at the Women's Hospital at Valletta. 4 The first group of Licentiate graduates of the Collegium Medicum underwent a private and a public examination after four years of training qualifying in 1804. 5 The first group of graduates included Aloysius Gravagna and Alexander Vella. The next physician who qualified from the Faculty was Joannes Franciscus Falzon from Mosta who had been previously in 1795 been granted a licence to exercise the profession by the Protomedicus. The degree of medicine was awarded him without undertaking the stipulated examinations. 6 Medical studies underwent a tremulous course in the first three decades of the nineteenth century. Formal tuition at the Civil Hospital has apparently deteriorated by the second decade of the century partly as a result of the ill‐ health and old age of its tutors. During the first two decades of the nineteenth century, only a licentiate was granted to successful candidates after four years of study. The University authorities initially conducted the examination of the students, granting its licentiate diploma that required registration with the 4

T. Zammit: L'Universita` di Malta, Sua origine e sviluppo. Malta, 1913; P. Cassar, Teaching of midwifery in Malta at the beginning of the nineteenth century. St. Luke's Hospital Gazette, 1973, 8(2):p.91‐111 5 A. Mifsud: Appunti sugli archivi di Malta. Archivum Melitense, 1912‐13, ii:p.54


Protomedicus to enable the individual to practise the profession. 7 By 1821, the course of studies was established to last four years resulting in a Licentiate diploma. The students were examined by their assessors in a private examination conducted in Italian, a public examination in Latin, and the submission of a thesis in Latin. The Maltese medical profession was described as possessing considerable professional talents at levels comparable to the other continental nations. 8 The Medical Doctorate diploma, envisaged by the 1771 statutes, was re‐introduced in 1822. This was granted after a further year of studies following the licentiate examinations. In 1825, the conduct of the final examinations was again transferred to university control. In spite of the attempts to upgrade the standards of medical education, the University was by 1832 noted by a Maltese liberal politician to have become generally "deficient in professors.....and neglected to such a degree as to render instruction incomplete". 9 The overall adverse state of affairs in university management led to the institution to be a subject of the investigations by John Austin and George Cornewall Lewis who in 1836 received a Royal Commission to investigate into every aspect of Maltese affairs and to make recommendations aimed at removing discontent from the island. Completing its report in 1838, the Commission proposed that the Faculty of Medicine and 6

Acta Academia Melitensis 1800‐1832, fol.18‐52. A. Mifsud, 1912‐13: op. cit., p.56; Notificazione. Gazzetta del Governo di Malta, 29 June 1814, 36:p.143 8 J. Hennen: Sketches of the Medical Topography of the Mediterranean. London, 1830, p.544‐545 9 G. Mitrovich: The Cause of the People of Malta. London, 1836, p.41 7


Surgery should appoint five professors to teach anatomy and surgery, medicine, obstetrics, chemistry and botany. Physiology, hygiene, natural history and forensic medicine were to be taught as minor subjects. 10 The academic course of medical studies was to last four years, prior to which the students were required to possess the Diploma of Master of Philosophy and Arts or its equivalent confirming proficiency in Latin, Italian, English literature, logic, mathematics and physics. the licentiate diploma was abolished following the reforms proposed by the 1836 Royal Commission of Inquiry.11 The 1838 Statute brought the medical faculty into line with medical schools in England. On the 14th August 1839, the University of London Senate resolved that trainees from the Malta medical school were suitable candidates to sit the examinations for the medical degree of the University of London12. In 1898‐99 permission was granted to medical graduates from Malta to sit for the final examination of the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons [qualifying: M.R.C.P. L.R.C.S.], and for the diploma of the Society of Apothecaries of London [qualifying M.M.S.A.]. In 1901 the Medical Degree of the Malta University obtained official recognition throughout the British Empire and entitled graduates to be registered in


Royal Commission 1836: An Inquiry into the State of Affairs on the Island of Malta. H.M.S.O., London, 1839, Part II:p.37‐44 11 T. Zammit: The Medical School of Malta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1920, 12:p.133‐142; A. Mifsud, 1912‐13: op. cit. 12 Papers relating to University of London, Ordered by the House of Commos to be printed, 5th August 1840, p.114


England as Colonial Practitioners13. Reciprocal recognition of qualifications were established with other British colonies throughout the British Empire in the 1950s [Australia: New South Wales 1954; Victoria 1955; Western Australia 1957; Pakistan: 1957]14.


Statute of the University and the Lyceum of Malta. Malta, 1907, Appendices 5 & 7; Calendar of the Royal University of Malta for the Academic year 1946‐47. Malta, 1946, p.208 14 Times of Malta. 9th August 1955 p.8; 27th September 1957 p.9; 4th October 1957 p.9




Faculty Alumni The following list of Doctor of Medicine alumini belonging to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery for the period 1800 to 1985 has been compiled from a number of available sources. 1.

Acta Academia Melitensis Registers 1800‐1945. University of Malta Library – Archives Department available on CD‐Rom in digitized facsimile, 2005.


Guida Generale di Malta e Gozo – General Guide of Malta and Gozo – 1914. The Malta Herald, Valletta [Malta], 1914, p.219‐220.


Register of Graduates [1916‐1971]. Royal University of Malta, January 1972, +61p. Available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/alumni/registers.


Register of Graduates: 1972‐1977. Royal University of Malta, January 1978, +68p. Available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/alumni/registers.


Report by the Rector for the period 1st August 1978 to 31st December 1979. New University, Malta, 1980, p.45.


Calendar 1982. The University of Malta, 1982, p.97,101.


The Registers of the Medical Council, Malta: 1989. Medical Council, Malta, 1989, +72p.


Abela Abela Abela Abela Abela Hyzler Abo Shamala Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Agius Ferrante Agius Ferrante Agius Ferrante Agius Muscat Agius Muscat Alamango Amato Anastasi Anastasi Anastasi Anastasi

Gino T. Harold Kathleen Mario Paul Basam Alphone Anthony A. Carmel Dominic Edgar Augustine Emmanuel Francis Frank Godfrey John R Joseph Lawrence Mark Paolo Paolo P. Thomas J. Tommaso Anton Joseph Thomas J. Hugo Joseph Pankai Victor P. Bernard Giuseppe John Valerie


1968 1984 1984 1973 1959 1984 1886 1967 1971 1984 1946 1934 1984 1943 1971 1943 1963 1975 1975 1865 1892 1907 1895 1946 1943 1940 1985 1919 1982 1943 1971 1907 1928 1958

Anastasi Pace Anazodo Andreotti Anthony Williams Apap Apap Apap Bologna Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Aquilina Arpa Arpa Arrigo Asciak Asphar Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Attard Bondi

Thomas Benjamin Giovanni Martim Censina George Carmel M. Alexander P. Alfred Caietano Edwin John Paul Marie Therese Oscar Salvino William Antonio Guglielemo Antonio Michael Michele Carmel Carmelo Cesare Eucaristico George George Giuseppe John John Joseph Joseph Anthony Marie‐Louise Peter Anthony Raphael Victor 13

1937 1972 1824 1971 1975 1922 1961 1985 1976 1832 1952 1971 1985 1985 1952 1916 1829 1856 1865 1985 1901 1956 1901 1919 1955 1910 1967 1829 1940 1982 1955 1949 1973 1985 1952 1956

Attard Montalto Axisa Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Azzopardi Agius Azzopardi Farrugia Azzopardi Giappone Bailey Bajona Balance Baldacchino Baldacchino Baldacchino Baldacchino

Angelo Salvatore Alfred Anthony Paul Cherubino Conrad Denis Edgar Eugene Giuseppe John John Josanne Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Michael Michele Nazzareno Oliver Oscar Paolo Antonio Paul Paul Gabriel Salvino Joseph John Anton Mark Anthony Cettina Charles A Alfred Giov.Francesco Giuseppe G. James C. 14

1922 1829 1962 1971 1901 1985 1975 1946 1984 1827 1949 ??? 1985 1922 1940 1946 1969 1971 1829 1961 1940 ??? 1810 1946 1946 1952 1958 1950 1982 1979 1934 1916 1964 1844 1919 1889

Balzan Balzan Balzan Balzan Bambas Bannister Bardon Bardon Baron Barsia Bartolo Bartolo Bartolo Basile Beck Bencini Bencini Bencini Benjacar Bernard Bernard Bernard Bernard Bernard Conte Bezzina Bezzina Bezzina Bianchi Biasimi Bisazza Bisazza Blake Boffa Boffa Boffa Boffa

Carmelo Joseph E. Martin Michelangelo Constantino William Henry Luigi Salvatore Ann Francesco Albert Edward Francis Joseph Marcello Edward Anton Francis X. Raymond Edgar Albert Victor Anthony Ludovico Paul L. Federico Albert Nicholas Salvatore Adrian Placido Anthony Philip Gordon T. George M Hilda Paolo Salvino 15

1913 1973 1985 1844 1829 1958 1807 1818 1984 1846 1940 1964 1922 1975 1892 1971 1952 1967 1928 1907 1975 1826 1943 1868 1984 1985 1844 1969 1898 1969 1975 1969 1960 1946 1913 1946

Boland Bonavia Bonavia Bonavia Bonavita Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonello Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Bonnici Mallia Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg

Clifford Emmanuele Giuseppe Victor J. Loreto Calcedonio Francis C. Gerald P. Godfrey Joseph Lorenzo Louis Michele Paolo Robert Agostino Alfred Anthony Beniamino Giuseppe Luigi Joseph Mario Teodoro Walter Philip John Albino Anthony Anton Antonio Antonio Carmel Carmelo Carmelo Charles Charles Daniel 16

1961 1856 1910 1916 1839 1843 1967 1967 1937 1973 1898 1962 1904 1874 1910 1829 1959 1943 1883 1846 1931 1984 1877 1952 1969 1812 1886 1984 1839 1913 1964 1859 1895 1934 1985 1950

Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Borg Grech Borg Olivier Bozzino Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa Briffa

Doreen Fabrizio Federico Francis X. George Gio Carlo Giovanni John Joseph Rosario Luca Maria Laura Martin Martin F. Michael Michael Angelo Paolo Paul Raymond Ronnie Salvatore Salvatore Saviour Victor Paolo Joseph Alex C. Enrico Gaetan Joseph Joseph Edward Joseph V. Paul Vincent Rosario Victor Vincent Joseph Vincenzo 17

1984 1877 1910 1949 1950 1883 1898 1958 1931 1809 1985 1984 1984 1824 1979 1901 1950 1985 1984 1853 1907 1982 1958 1922 1969 1916 1859 1956 1916 1949 1956 1952 1931 1922 1949 1846

Briffa Boothman Brigiona Brigione Brillet Brincat Bruce Chwatt Bugeja Bugeja Bugeja Bugeja Bugeja Buhagiar Buhagiar Buhagiar Burgess Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Busuttil Cacciola Cacciottolo Cachia Cachia Cachia Cachia Zammit Cafsar Calamatta Cali Corleo Calleja Calleja Calleja Calleja

Joseph Felice Antonio Michele Carmel Andrew Alfred Joseph Joseph Mark Tonio Anthony Fortunato Tancred J. Victor T. Dorothy Anthony Antonio Frank George Gustavo Ruggiero Tancred Vincent Salvatore Joseph Mary Carmel John Mary Richard M. Alexander Antonio Carmelo Ramiro Dominic Edwardo Felice Ferdinand 18

1955 1812 1818 1827 1971 1975 1916 1925 1934 1985 1973 1961 1985 1984 1958 1967 1892 1925 1910 1880 1895 1952 1969 1874 1975 1946 1982 1973 1946 1842 1895 1982 1916 1892 1839 1931

Calleja Calleja Calleja Calleja Brincat Callus Callus Calvagna Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Camilleri Samut

Frankie P. Luigi Roger Sylvia Carmen Frank George Victor Albert Victor Arthur Paul Camillo Enrico Ettore George Pius Gerald George Giovanni Giovanni Giuseppe Giuseppe Guglielemo Joe John Joseph George Louis Anthony Luigi Mary Michael Noel Mario Pio A. Richard Robert Stefan Victor Victor Victor Vincenzo Gerald 19

1973 1842 1910 1969 1984 1937 1984 1943 1949 1840 1865 1880 1937 1934 1839 1842 1877 1883 1856 1957? 1955 1955 1949 1871 1952 1975 1985 1952 1985 1984 1985 1913 1925 1984 1862 1934

Camilleri Vassallo Cammenzuli Cannataci Captur Carabot Carabott Carabott Damato Carachi Carbone Carbone Caruana Caruana Caruana Caruana Caruana Caruana Dingli Caruana Galizia Caruana Gatto Conte Caruana Scicluna Caruana Scicluna Caruana‐Dingli Casaletto Casolani Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar Cassar

Franco Balhassare Emmanuele Victor Philip Paul Joseph Robert Carlo Ruggiero Charles Emmanuel Joseph Lorenzo Salvino Antonio Alfred Antonio Giuseppe Paolo Gordon T. John Richard L. Albert Arturo Carmelo Carmelo Charles G. David R. Emmanuel Isidoro John Joseph Joseph Misael Paul 20

1985 1859 1877 1946 1975 1969 1971 1973 1895 1862 1931 1922 1922 1818 1943 1854 1969 1862 1880 1883 1984 1959 1925 1907 1910 1928 1949 1928 1984 1949 1898 1968 1964 1969 1955 1940

Cassar Cassar Delia Cassar Demajo Cassia Castillo Castillo Castillo Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Cauchi Ellul Cauchi Inglott Cauchi Inglott Cauchi Sacco Causon Cecy Cefai Cefai Cesareo Cesareo Cesareo Cesareo Cesareo Chalmers Chechuti Chetcuti Chetcuti Chetcuti Caruana Chircop Ciappara Ciappara

Salvatore Joseph Wilfred Vincenzo Andrew Richard L. Tancredi Alfred Enrico Francis George Jean‐Pierre Maurice Peter Tommaso Joseph George Ramiro Joseph Karl Daniele Joseph M. Raphael Edgar Enrico John Randolph Victor Patricia Giuseppe Daniele Giuseppe Paul Pierre Joseph Salvatore 21

1886 1969 1967 1856 1975 1913 1901 1931 1892 1931 ??? 1975 1961 1967 1901 1919 1959 1925 1919 1985 1901 1949 1946 1922 1898 1928 1961 1928 1975 1844 1842 1829 1971 1984 1958 1922

Cilia Cilia Vincenti Coleiro Coleiro Colombo Consiglio Consiglio Conti Copperstone Cordina Cordina Corrado Corrado Cousin Craig Craig Crawford Cremona Cremona Cremona Cremona Cremona Cremona Critien Critien Critien Crocco Cronin Curmi Schinas Cuschieri Cuschieri Cuschieri Cuschieri Cuschieri Cuschieri Cutajar

Carlo Albert Carmelo Joseph Arthur Francis Vincent Ramon Victor Pasquale Henry Anthony P. Michael Arthur Ralph Hector Aldo Giorgio Alfred John Edwin L. G.S. Adriano A. Anthony Antoine J Jamie H. John F. Vanni Attilio Edward Victor E. Carmelo Brian M Luigi Alfred Alfred Lino Paul Raymond Walter Vincent Carmel Lino 22

1848 1969 1934 1967 1928 1958 1955 1826 1946 1956 1975 1943 1949 1850 1931 1943 1910 1895 1910 1949 1967 1953 1964 1898 1919 1919 1846 1969 1880 1961 1967 1963 1971 1975 1949 1964

Cutajar Cutajar Cutajar Cutajar Beck Damato Damato D'Andria Darmanin Darmanin Darmanin Darmanin Darmanin Darmanin Demajo De Bono De Domenico De Giovanni De Lucca De Maria De Martino De Piro D'Amico Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono Debono

Edward Francesco Saverio Giuseppe John G. Francis J. Pierre Jean Edgar Alfonso Francesco Sav. Francis X. Lawrence P. Pietro Paolo Joseph Anthony Ivan J. Joseph Carmelo F.J. Joseph Carmelo Anthony Hugh Anthony John Edward Francis Emmanuel Francesco Francis George George G. Giorgio Joseph E. Luigi Nathalie Pietro Paul Salvatore Salvina Salvino 23

1913 1859 1829 1922 1937 1946 1928 1856 1892 1984 1950 1842 1943 1931 1952 1973 1943 1952 1955 1895 1955 1971 1955 1922 1886 1949 1975 1958 1892 1925 1898 1985 1910 1919 1985 1943

Debono Decesare Declos Dedomenico Degabriele Degaetano Degaetano Degiovanni Deguara Deguara Delia Delicata Delicata Delicata Demajo Demajo Demanuele Demaria Denaro Depares Depares Depasquale Depasquale Diamantino Dimech Dingli Dixon Ebejer Redman Ellul Ellul Ellul Ellul Ellul Ellul Ellul Ellul

Victor Joseph Maurice Vincenzo Ivan John Edward Charles James Joseph Joseph M. Louis V Walter Carmel Paolo Raymond D. Tommaso F. Frank J. Ronald V. Antoine J John George Joseph Salvadore Joseph Francis Giuseppe Joseph Alan Carmelo Edgar Ernest Giuseppe Giuseppe Joseph Joseph 24

1959 1943 1827 1952 1961 1940 1984 1973 1969 1973 1952 1969 1865 1982 ??? 1883 1955 1952 1949 1952 1975 1969 1962 1843 1984 1950 1839 1955 1979 1842 1925 1984 1842 1913 1946 1959

Ellul Ellul Ellul Grech Ellul Micallef Ellul Sammut Eminyan Engerer Fabri Fabri Falzon Falzon Falzon Falzon Falzon Farerugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Farrugia Bonnici Farrugia Gay Farrugia Randon Fava Fava Fava Fava Felice Felice Felice

Lawrence Maurice Salvatore Roger Joseph René Enrico Alfredo Brian Marius Giovanni Maria Dolores Mary Maurice Salvatore Michael Arialdo Emmanuel George Teddie Godfrey Herman Hermann P. James Joseph Maria Maria Aloysia Mario Paul Philip Robert Amadeo Charles Stephen Walter L. Alexander E. Anthony Joseph Arthur Godfrey 25

1975 1946 1901 1967 1958 1949 1859 1907 1975 1806 1967 1972 1975 1829 1982 1940 1984 1975 1985 1958 1984 1946 1982 1984 1984 1982 1952 1925 1971 1922 1946 1985 1931 1971 1971 1971

Felice Felice Felice Fenech Fenech Fenech Fenech Fenech Fenech Fenech Ferrante‐Darbois Ferriggi Ferro Ferro Ferro Filiberti Fiorini Fiorini Fiorini Flores Flores‐Martin Flynn Formosa Formosa Formosa Francica Fremault Sankey Frendo Frendo Frendo Frendo Frischman Zorzi Galanopoulo Galea Galea Galea

Donald George Herbert Albert Albert C. Frederich Francis Lawrence John Peter Anthony Raymond Salvina Henry Anthony Joseph Alfred Edgardo H. Michael Giorgio Aldo Godfrey t. Joseph E. Frederick Brian William Felice Mark Norman Tommaso Francis Alfredo Giovanni A. Luigi Patrick Angela Marcelle Abraham Albert L. Alexander 26

1973 1975 1982 1975 1946 1955 1958 1959 1982 1985 1940 1982 1937 1898 1975 1846 1982 1955 1956 1969 1984 1922 1916 1984 1973 1874 1832 1913 1916 1914 1974 1957 1940 1955 1943 1964

Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Galea Debono Galizia Galizia Ganado Garrod Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt

Anthony Audren Carmel Daniele Eric Ethelwald E. Francis Gauden Giuseppe Giuseppe Eduardo Godfrey Cyril Jacqueline Joseph Joseph Joseph L. Joseph Mario Philip Paul Paul F. Pietro Paolo Raymond Robert Rosa Salvino Wilfred Anthony Giuseppe Antonio Joseph S. Walter Archibald E. Alfred Edgar Joseph Edward Philip Giuseppe Gregorio Horace Joseph 27

1969 1843 1967 1913 1946 1985 1949 1984 1812 1850 1946 1984 1928 1952 1985 1949 1969 1973 1916 1982 1982 1969 1959 1984 1969 1842 1892 1931 1916 1967 1949 1946 1898 1812 1984 1952

Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gatt Gauci Gauci Gauci Gauci Gauci Gauci Gauci Borda Gaudengio? Debono Gedda Gerada Gerada German Ghio Giacomotto Giammalva? Giglio Gilles Glavina Gonzi Grasso Gravagna Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech

Joseph Louis V. Maurice Paul Raymond R. Salvatore Stephen Antonio Charles Anton Francesco John John Peter Mark Carmel Giuseppe Luigi Alfonso M. Anthony Lino John Carmelo Richard Luigi John Joseph Herbert Michael Joseph Michael Paul Luigi Alfred Alfred Anthony Antonio Coronato Dorothy Edwin S. Felice 28

??? 1916 1952 1984 1984 1919 1975 1829 1971 1846 1984 1975 1985 1961 1865 1964 1937 1949 1955 1880 1947 1856 1958 1946 1919 1984 1949 1804 1952 1985 1964 1825 1979 1975 1955 1848

Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Grech Attard Grech Debono Grech Hardie Grech Marguerat Grech Marguerat Grech Tonna Grech Tonna Griffiths Griffiths Grillet Grillet Grima Grima Grima Grima Griscti Soler Griscti Soler Grixti Grixti Soler Grossfeld Gulia Gulia Gulia Gulia Gulia Gulia Guntes Harding

Frank Humbert Ignazio Joseph Francis Joseph L. Paolo Paul Salvatore Joseph Giuseppe Charles Hugh Mary Paolo Vincenzo James Paul Victor George Antonio Lorenzo Carmel Paul Francis Xavier Paolo William Albert Anthony Charles J. Norman Paul Otto Anabile Carmelo Gavino Giovanni Louis Myra Kay I Henry 29

1952 1953 1883 1949 1952 1901 1949 1880 1971 1871 1955 1955 1943 1865 1865 1940 1943 1883 1824 1955 1959 1907 1940 1971 1976 1973 1964 1947 1871 1874 1856 1886 1925 1984 1827 1916

Harding Harding Herlinger Houston Welds Huber Hunt Hyzler Hyzler Hyzler illegible illegible Inglott Inglott Inglott Jaccarini Jaccarini Jaccarini Jaccarini Jaccarini Jones Kaimondo Kissaun Laferla Laferla Lai Lanfranco Lanzon Lanzon Lenicker Leone Ganado Licari Licari Licastro Livori Locano Lucia

Henry A. Joseph Anthony Hans Herbert Blanche H.V. Edward John Alfred Albert Victor George John Giuseppe Achille Salvatore Giovanni Felice Giuseppe Paolo Anthony Carmelo Carol Francesco Joseph Robert Vincent Alphonse Maria Caietano John Simon Anthony Edward Salvatore Herbert Manfred Anthony Emmanuel Marie Therese Frans. Xav. Anthony G. Saverio Lydia 30

1949 1952 1947 1956 1925 1939 1940 1953 1913 1871 1877 1871 1913 1842 1955 1922 1961 1907 1940 1964 1969 1950 1825 1940 1975 1943 1913 1862 1961 1971 1952 1984 1886 1984 1827 1943

Lupi Magri Magri Magri Magri Magri Magro Mallia Mallia Mallia Mamo Manara Manche Manché Manché Manché Manché Mangion Mangion Mangion Mangion Mangion Mansueto Marguerat Marguerat Marmara Marras Marshall Martin Martinelli Mattei Mattei Meilak Meilak Meli Mercieca

Giuseppe Anna Maria Joseph Lawrenzo Vincenzo Wilfred Enrico Carmel Edoardo Maria Fatima Julian Aldo Joseph A. Carlo Lorenzo Loris C. Richard Anthony John Joseph John Paul A. Pio Vincent A. Daniele Marco Samuele Saverio Alfredo Robert Francis Xavier Marcel J. Eduardo Salvino Ferdinand Joseph Maria F. Henry Antoine Victor 31

1898 1985 1949 1859 1850 1955 1877 1969 1818 1973 1984 1959 1925 1898 1868 1949 1957 1967 1958 1934 1985 1964 1958 1901 1892 1829 1883 1829 1952 1984 1877 1931 1958 1973 1886 1943

Mercieca Mercieca Mercieca Mercieca Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Micallef Doublesin Micallef Eynaud Micallef Hawkes Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud Mifsud

Arthur G. Bartolomeo Edward R. Victor Alphonso Angelo Caietano Daniel Denise Ermanno E. Francis Xavier Giuseppe Giuseppe Isabelle John Malcolm P. Marcelle Mary Rose Paolo Philip Saverio Vincenzo Anthony Max Lucia Anthony Anthony Joseph Antonio Benigno Edwin Enrico Felice Girolomo John Joseph Ronald 32

1967 1871 1946 1979 1946 1937 1832 1955 1984 1895 1949 1843 1914 1985 1975 1985 1985 1971 1901 1946 1809 1859 1973 1907 1985 1967 1985 1842 1919 1964 1880 1829 1842 1982 1952 1969

Mifsud Mifsud Bonnici Mifsud Bonnici Mifsud Grech Mifsud Speranza Milanes Milanesi Miller Mintoff Mizzi Mizzi Mizzi Mizzi Monreal Montanaro Montanaro Gauci Montford Moran Morana Mordó Morrison Mulvaney Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat Muscat

Victor J. Antoine Victor Albert Carmelo Victor Vincenzo Richard Richard Ignatius Maria Dolores Angelo Emmanuele John S. Rosario Publio Ferdinado Adrian Stephen Vincent Carmel Joseph Ulisse Eurol York Thomas Richard Antonio Christopher Eneas Francis George John Joseph Joseph A. Joseph Anthony Paul Phillip Salvatore Salvino Stephen 33

1913 1958 1934 1883 1926 1898 1916 1971 1984 1880 1880 1984 1901 1832 1848 1966 1984 1958 1925 1842 1968 1879 1824 1982 1974 1931 1934 1943 1940 1967 1949 1950 1955 1907 1949 1982

Muscat Muscat Muscat Baron Muscat Fenech Muscat Inglott Muscat Sciortino Narrainen Nathan Naudi Naudi Naudi Naudi Naudi Navarro Nicholas Olivieri Munroe Orr Oummen Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Pace Balzan Pace Floridia Padovani Palmier Cecy Pandolfino Paris Paris

Victor Vincenzo Joseph Emanuel Robert Philip Marreemootoo Fredrick Henry Joseph June Mary Robert Salvatore William Edward E. Edward J. Charles Michael Elizabeth Jacob Anabile Carmelo Colin John John Baptist Joseph Alfred Joseph G. Joseph L. Joseph Leslie Marcus Victor John Albert Adrian Carmel Christian Antonio Cecil Tancred 34

1964 1849 1958 1886 1946 1955 1969 1870 1922 1958 1962 1871 1886 1928 1925 1969 1967 1958 1916 1875 1952 1959 1955 1962 1973 1967 1958 1984 1985 1964 1958 1984 1969 1984 1913 1958

Paris Parnis Parnis Parnis Parnis Pattiniott Pearl Peralta Perrett Perrini Pirotta Pisani Pisani Pisani Pisani Pisani Piscopo Platt Podestá Podestá Portanier Portanier Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Portelli Carbone

Joseph M. Calcidenis Henry W. Michele Roger Oscar Raphael Kathleen Giuseppe Giovanni Giuseppe Carmel Anthony Joseph L. Luigi Salvatore Luigi Saviour Daniel Reginald Charles H. Marie‐Therese Arthur John Alfred Vincent Carmen Frank Giuseppe Giuseppe John Joseph Leone Lorenzo Michele Patrizio Paul Salvadore Alfonso 35

1946 1848 1910 1824 1946 1956 1973 1856 1829 1829 1969 1984 1946 1826 1850 1969 1946 1967 1934 1969 1943 1937 1961 1982 1969 1843 1853 1916 1953 1943 1842 1826 1824 1949 1898 1883

Portelli Demajo Preziosi Preziozi de Conti Prezjosi Prezjosi Psaila Psaila Psaila Psaila Psaila Savona Psaila Savona Psaile Pulicino Pullicino Pullicino Pullicino Pullicino Pullicino Pullicino Raimondo Randon Randon Sciberras Rapa Rapinet Raull Rizzo Rizzo Marich Rizzo Naudi Rizzo Naudi Rolando Speranza Ross Ruggier Ruggier Ruggier Rutter Sacco

Joseph Antonio Luigi John Franz Victor Angelo Ignazio Joseph Joseph Victor Joseph Paul Josephine Patrick M. Andrea Antonio Francis Talbot Joseph Luigi Salvatore Vincent Roberto Victor Espedito S. William Enrico Joseph Federico John Mario Antonio Fran. Saverio Joseph Ruggiero William John Henry 36

1975 1842 1910 1946 1949 1961 1883 1943 1971 1967 1961 1985 1973 1874 1839 1943 1946 1847 1846 1969 1901 1940 1961 1886 1868 1949 1898 1952 1982 1848 1895 1922 1916 1919 1889 1922

Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Said Izzo Salamone Saliba Saliba Saliba Saliba Saliba Saliba Saliba Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Sammut Alessi Sammut Amato Sammut Tagliaferro Sansone Sant Sant Cassia Sant Cassia Sant'Angelo

Anna Maria Emmanuel Leo N. Mario Eugene Martin J. Ruggero Walter G.V. Henry Francesco Christopher Francis Joseph Joseph Joseph R. Mario Napoleon Alex Balthasar Carmelo Francis Xavier John M. Lino M. Louis F Mario R. Mario S. Michael L. Paolo Pietro Paolo Victor E. William Joseph John Pierre Anton Godfrey John Louis Joseph Mario Victoria 37

1984 1895 1969 1984 1973 1895 1934 1937 1880 1984 1949 1950 1985 1975 1982 1952 1829 1883 1962 1962 1952 1940 1984 1984 1934 1862 1868 1969 1943 1937 1973 1967 1961 1973 1953 1982

Savona Savona‐Ventura Saydon Scerri Scerri Scerri Scerri Scerri Scerri Schembri Schembri Schembri Schembri Schembri Schembri Schembri Schembri Wismayer Schembri Wismayer Schembri Wismayer Schembri Wismayer Schembri Wismayer Schembri Wismayer Schemdri Schiro' Schranz Sciberas Sciberras Sciberras Sciberras Sciberras Psaila Sciberras Saydon Scicluna Scicluna Scicluna Sciriha Scolaro

Edgar Charles Salvatore Albert Paul Christian Eric Joseph Mario Vincent Carmel Giuseppe John John Joseph Marcello Mark Paolo Albert Emmanuel Joseph Roy Saviour Walter Giuseppe Batta Denis Anthony G. Filippo Anthony Carmel Raymond J. Raymond Joseph Nikola Salvino Paul Francis 38

1925 1979 1808 1984 1985 1984 1931 1984 1916 1969 1839 1946 1979 1982 1984 1925 1961 1956 1958 1964 1956 1958 1862 1984 1970 1874 1969 1971 1959 1955 1959 1985 ??? 1958 1973 1904

Scriha Seddon Semini Serge Seychel Sharma Sheth Sheth Shurafa Soler Soler Soler Speranza Spiteri Spiteri Spiteri Spiteri Spiteri Gonzi Spiteri‐Grech Stabile Stagno Stellini Stilon Stilon Stilon Stilon Stilon DePiro Stilon Depiro Sultana Sultana Sultana Sultana Sultana Sultana Sultana Sultana

Gregorio Herbert Antonio Ruggiero Francesco Devendra Mabel Line Raj Nahed Suleiman Albert V. Denis A. Richard A. Antonio Bernardette M. David Lorenzo J. William Joseph Josanne Henry Francis Filippo Wilfred Alfredo Edward Hamilton Saverio Mario Vittorio Adrian Alec G. Alessandro Donald E. Herbert Max Stefan Victor M. Wilfred 39

1862 1964 1869 1883 1824 1971 1985 1982 1982 1967 1973 1967 1818 1984 1979 1946 1910 1952 1984 1949 1839 1949 1895 1886 1874 1840 1952 1922 1984 1984 1901 1946 1949 1984 1973 1949

Swain Symes Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Tabone Engerer Tabone Vassallo Tanti Tanti Tanti Tayar Testa Theuma Theuma Thorburn Tilney Tilney Toledo Toledo Tonna Tonna Tooth Tua Turner Ullo Usiglius Valletta

Charles John B. Anton Antonio Ermunno Ettore Leli Mario Hector Nicholas Raffaele Victor G. Vincent Vincenzo Vittorio Gugliemo Mario Anthony Edith Serafino René Paul Louis Mary William Taygeta Terence Raffaele Richard Joseph Raymond Howard H. Mario Edward James Gustavo Casar Joseph 40

1971 1973 1952 1922 1922 1898 1922 1965 1886 1883 1934 1937 1880 1880 1868 1971 1946 1984 1919 1969 1913 1964 1961 1916 1985 1979 1898 1934 1984 1984 1916 1950 1952 1883 1832 1904

Vasallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Vassallo Agius Vassallo Cassar Vassallo Portanier Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella

Francesco Adrian Alfredo Anthony Louis Adrian Mario Pierre Salvatore Stephen B. Victor Paul Giuseppe Anthony Albert Alberto Alexander Alfredo Anthony Anthony Martin Beniamino Carmel Cecil Elsa Emmanuel Ethelwald E. Fillippo Francis Francis Saviour Frank Joseph Giuseppe Emmanuele Goerge William Ivan John John Joseph Mario 41

1829 1979 1892 1958 1955 1982 1984 1913 1964 1964 1958 1883 1958 1955 1984 1804 1914 1972 1946 1901 1964 1985 1955 1910 1946 1856 1952 1961 1931 1848 1964 1979 1946 1965 1969 1985

Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Vella Baldacchino Vella Bonnici Vella Briffa Vella Briffa Vella‐Camilleri Verzin Vincenti Vincenti Vincenti Warrington Warrington Warrington Welds West Wirth Wirth Wismayer Woolley Handfield Xerri Xerri Xicluna Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb

Mario P. Noel Norbert Paul Victor Roberto Salvatore Vincenzo Joseph Christopher Dominic Joseph Edward Francis Joseph A. Joseph Henry Norman Romeo Alexander Joseph. George Thomas G. Herbert Stephen Edgar Giuseppe Henry A. Enrico Raymond G. Salvino Salvatore Charles J. Dennis Federico George Peter Giuseppe John Joseph Mary Rose 42

1985 1985 1985 1964 1895 1928 1883 1982 1973 1973 1963 1975 1950 1952 1949 1913 1958 1971 1937 1955 1982 1919 1907 1943 1843 1984 1976 1827 1949 1967 1874 1946 1848 1960 1985

Xuereb Xuereb Xuereb Dingli Yeung Zahra Zahra Zahra Newmann Zahra Scicluna Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Zammit Adami Zammit Bonett Zammit Hammet Zammit Hammet Zammit Lupi Zammit Maempel Zammit Maempel

Peter Pietro Paolo John Lawrence Albert Michele Charles M Andrea Anthony Anthony Anthony A. Calcedonius Carmelo Carmelo R. Edward Fortunato Francis Giuseppe John Joseph L. Louis Michael Oscar Stanley Stephen Temi Valhmor Anthony Vincent S. Salvatore Anthony Franca Paul Joseph Albert Frederick 43

1940 1910 1979 1973 1946 1898 1928 1895 1877 1940 1973 1973 1946 1940 1934 1965 1940 1943 1907 1889 1984 1959 1975 1940 1961 1985 1889 1971 1965 1917 1967 1958 1950 1953 1953 1973

Zammit Maempel Zammit Maempel Zammit Tabona Zanghi Zarb Zarb Zarb Zarb Zarb Adami Zarb Adami Zarb Adami Zarb Dimech Zerafa Ziongo Zrinzo Zrinzo

George Joseph V. Victor Carlo Christopher George Giuseppe Eriberto Mary Geoffrey Joseph Maria Mercedes George Raphael Niccola Anthony Lawrence V.


1952 1937 1940 1904 1984 1956 1846 1979 1965 1979 1964 1956 1967 1839 1984 1965


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