Charleston City Paper Vol. 25 Issue 49

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Holey City Bagels HAS

VOL 25 ISSUE 49 • JULY 6, 2022 •



health solutions

Creating community Rūta Smith

Summerville’s Public Works Art Center is a vital cultural hub


Volume 25 • Issue 49


■ News ■ Views ■ Cover Story ■ What To Do ■ Cuisine ■ Classifieds ■ Culture


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News 07.06.2022










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Charleston leaders continue talks on light pollution problem page 6

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Rundown Get a Lawyer Week aims to help Charleston County residents in trouble

Courtesy City of Charleston

Charleston is partnering with academic and govermental agencies to learn more about heat health to inform city policy

Charleston is looking for heat-related health solutions

News 07.06.2022

By Chelsea Grinstead


Two of the biggest weather impacts in Southeastern cities like Charleston are flooding and heat. “In the jargon of the resilience world: Floods have more impact. Heat kills more people,” said City of Charleston Chief Resilience Officer Dale Morris. Extreme heat, which is a sustained 105degree heat index, causes more weatherrelated deaths in the United States than any other hazard, according to the National Weather Service. But not everyone’s risks are the same. Morris Morris calls himself “more of a water expert” who deals with flood risk mitigation. But lately, he’s focused on heat mitigation thanks to the city’s partnership with academic and governmental stakeholders who are researching heat-related health solutions. “One of the cultural challenges that you find in the Southeast is, ‘Well, it’s hot. What’s new about that?’” Morris said. “In fact, overall temperatures are up [worldwide],” he said. “So yes, it’s actually hotter. There’s a belief that there are tipping points for the beginning of health impacts, even for people who are acclimated to heat.” There’s an income-related aspect to heat vulnerability, such as air conditioning affordability, said Morris. Lower-income populations may have the same exposure to heat as people with higher incomes, but the heat impact may be greater without equal access to air conditioning.

There’s also occupational implications related to heat for those who work outdoors frequently. It’s not about being exposed to two or three hours of heat in a day — the health impacts from heat come from exposure over long periods of time without any relief.

It takes a village

The City of Charleston is part of the North American Climate Resilience Program, a subprogram of the global Resilient Cities Network. The network includes Boston, Chicago, New Orleans and Houston. A Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) research group, Health Outcomes from Temperature (HOT), is investigating the health consequences of heat in Charleston and throughout South Carolina. Morris believes the HOT studies will provide a greater understanding of urban landform microclimates where the area’s tree canopy and home density affect whether wind or shade can reach those homes. To him, the heat-health research at MUSC will bolster Charleston’s partnership with other cities and governmental efforts. “Many hands make light work,” Morris said. “Within the Resilient Cities Network effort, we can share what we learned with other cities, and we can understand what they’re learning. We’re part of a larger set of processes. “There’s a great opportunity for us to learn more, and this [HOT studies] information can eventually inform city policy or city investments or city actions,” he said.

Behind the scenes

MUSC’s HOT research team is gathering and analyzing data to determine if the

number of deaths increase when the temperature increases and which sections of the city are more vulnerable to heat than others, said Dr. Jerry Reves, dean emeritus of MUSC’s College of Medicine. Ideally, the data gathering will be completed this summer. The research group is led by principal investigator Dr. John Pearce, assistant professor of environmental health and leader of the MUSC Air Quality Lab. MUSC’s HOT team is part of a research consortium that includes The Citadel, the City of Charleston, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and New Yorkbased Climate Adaptation Partners. One of HOT’s efforts is a retrospective study that will measure the effect of temperature on death incidence by analyzing mortality data from 1999-2021 from S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office (SCRF) and statewide Reves meteorological data, according to a HOT study plan written by Pearce and Reves. The goal is to predict which heat events are particularly dangerous for Charleston and S.C., Reves said. Another HOT effort is a prospective study that will identify two populated areas on the Charleston peninsula that historically experienced different levels of heat during the same high temperature, Reves said. “One will be an area where heat is not as intense and the other where it is more intense due to such things as minimal tree CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

If you’re facing legal troubles with a Charleston County court, you can find an attorney and reconnect with the court thanks to a special opportunity called Get a Lawyer Week that began Tuesday and runs through July 8. The event is open to Charleston County residents who are out on surety bonds or personal recognizance bonds until July 8. S.C. Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty authorized the event, which will take place under the guidance of Circuit Court Judge Deadra L. Jefferson. Defendants unable to hire a lawyer must appear in person before July 8 at Charleston County’s O.T. Wallace Building in Room 130 located at 101 Meeting St. They will need to update their mailing address and apply for public defender representation. Screeners will be available then from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Defendants who currently have a lawyer or plan to hire a lawyer “should be able to avoid the issuance of a bench warrant if their lawyer has filed a notice of appearance with the Charleston County Clerk of Court’s Office by July 8, 2022.” For more information on cases in Charleston County General Sessions Court, reach out to the County Clerk of Court’s office by phone (843) 9585000 or in-person at 100 Broad St., Suite 106. —Samantha Connors


Charleston’s rank on the list of top 20 cities with the most overvalued homes. Source: Newsweek

This week’s crane count: 16 As of July 4, 2022, 16 cranes on 11 worksites were spotted on the peninsula. For more details, visit our website.


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Charleston leaders continue talks on light pollution problem City of Charleston leaders continued discussions June 28 about best practices and potential options for reducing light pollution in and around the city. Skyglow, the brightening of the night sky over mostly urban areas, is a form of light pollution that can have a negative impact on the natural body rhythms in humans and animals, according to a 2022 National Geographic article. It can also affect migration patterns, wake-sleep habits and habitat formation. Sea turtles and coastal birds guided by moonlight during migration can become confused, lose their way and often die, the report says. The city’s director of sustainability, Katie McKain, said the city is in preliminary stages of investigating light pollution ordinances in other cities and researching what could be feasible in the Lowcountry. Suggested light pollution solutions included replacing street lights with models that direct light toward the ground and

incorporating light ordinances to protect wildlife and reduce the impact on neighborhoods as commercial development continues. Part of the challenge, McKain explained, is ensuring that even under any ordinance that reduces the amount of light in the area, lighting requirements continue to be met. “It’s all about trying to find that set spot where there is too much lighting and where it could be reduced — if fixtures could be pointed downward, if we could use motion sensors or timers,” she said. Light pollution is a recognized issue across the country, with ordinances in effect as close to home as Traveler’s Rest and Camden in South Carolina and as far away as California. The international Dark-Sky Association (IDSA), a nonprofit organization that seeks to reduce light pollution and promote responsible lighting, says city-wide ordinances are key to its goal. Some key facets in these ordinances

include shielded lights, which reduce glow above lighting fixtures; downward-pointing fixtures, which keep lighting focused on the ground; and lighting curfews, which reduce the overall amount of lighting in an area over time. “Doing so conserves energy and helps to minimize glare, light trespass and skyglow,” the IDSA said. The idea of a light pollution ordinance was brought to Charleston City Council by council member Karl Brady at a June 21 meeting. “As we see some commercial development occurring in and near residential areas, it struck me that we control the amount of noise that they would output and also the noise that the construction outputs,” Brady said. “But we don’t have any type of regulation on the books looking at the amount of visible light that these businesses and other residences could put off that could disturb their neighbors.” —Skyler Baldwin

Weaver’s bid for superintendent under scrutiny Most statewide political candidates are busy enough before election day with strategizing, raising money, shaking hands, attending gatherings, politicking and holding press conferences that they don’t feel like they have enough hours in the day. But Republican Ellen Weaver, who handily won last week’s primary runoff to be her party’s candidate for state superintendent of education, has an additional worry: She must get a master’s degree to hold the office Weaver she’s seeking. But if she doesn’t, what then? It’s kind of unclear, but lawsuits would be likely.

News 07.06.2022

A qualification added


Back in 2018, state Republicans pushed a statewide ballot referendum to transform the constitutional office of state superintendent from an elected position to one appointed by the governor. But part of the effort to get the referendum on the ballot was to approve job requirements for an appointed superintendent so the state would have a framework from which to appoint the position if the referendum passed. (It didn’t as more than 60% of voters said they wanted the superintendent to be elected.) All of the qualifications — except one —

were contingent on the position becoming appointed. But the one qualification that was enacted regardless of the referendum was for the state superintendent to have a master’s degree. According to the relatively new state law, the state superintendent must have “the minimum of a master’s degree and substantive and broad-based experience in the field of public education including, but not limited to, service as a classroom teacher, principal, other school or school district administrator, school district superintendent, or other education policy making body at either the state or local level or any combination of them” or “the minimum of a master’s degree and substantive and broad-based experience in operational and financial management in any field of expertise including, but not limited to, finance, economics, accounting, law or business.” Weaver, who did not respond to inquiries related to this story, is president and CEO of the Palmetto Promise Institute, a statewide think tank that dabbles in education, energy, health care and tax issues. Weaver, once a key adviser to former conservative U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, has not been a teacher or served in a classroom or “education policy making body.” She has, however, served as chair of the S.C. Education Oversight Committee.

Should Weaver be able to run? While the new qualification has long been public record, it didn’t get much atten-

tion until March when The Post and Courier published a story. According to the Associated Press, “several candidates dropped out while others like Weaver pledged to obtain advanced degrees.” In April, Weaver said she started an advanced degree in educational leadership at Bob Jones University and promised to finish it by November. According to media reports, the program at the university usually takes a year to 18 months to complete, but students can set their own pace. In June, the state Attorney General’s office issued a 9-page legal opinion on whether the S.C. Election Commission potentially would be caught in a controversy of having to figure out whether Weaver could be a candidate. The opinion essentially absolved the election commission, saying it was up to political parties to certify candidate qualifications. On Tuesday, Weaver didn’t appear bothered by the requirement for a master’s degree. “Tonight we saw that voters understand the real qualification for this job is leadership and a strong backbone,” Weaver said in the AP story. “That said, I will fully fulfill all the legal obligations to hold this job. I will complete my master’s degree in educational leadership in October ahead of the general election.” Weaver faces Democratic candidate Lisa Ellis, a teacher who founded a statewide teachers’ group, and Green Party candidate Patricia Mickel, a teacher. Both reportedly have master’s degrees. —Andy Brack

Blotter of the Week

A Charleston police officer June 13 observed a woman at a downtown bus stop holding an open 42-ounce Steel Reserve beer in her lap. She tucked the bottle in her purse, told the approaching officer it was closed and asked if she could just take the beer on the bus. Answer: No. This is one scenario where a purse full of beer is not a good thing. A good time spoiled A West Ashley man told police June 13 that his BMW XR had been stolen from his driveway after he left the keys in the console the night before. Items stolen included $500 of tools, $400 of sailing equipment and $1,500 of cigars. That kind of loss can put a serious dent in leisure activities. It’s the thought that counts Officers responded June 12 to a call from the West Ashley Dollar Tree reporting a shoplifter who allegedly concealed stolen items in gift bags before walking out with a cart full of stolen goods. The caller said the thief fled the parking lot in an old-model blue Ford Mustang. Late for an awards show he was hosting? By Chelsea Grinstead Illustration by Steve Stegelin The Blotter is taken from reports filed with Charleston Police Department between June 1 and June 15. Go online for more even more Blotter SPONSORED BY

Two views of horses working in Charleston’s heat When you’re sweating bullets in Charleston’s heat and see horses pulling wagons full of people on city streets, you’ve got to wonder whether it’s safe for horses’ health. So we asked two people in the know for their views on the city ordinance that protects working carriage horses. Note: The city’s safe operating threshold is set at 95 degrees or when there is a heat index of 100 degrees. But those metrics aren’t measured at ground level. Rather, there’s a thermometer on the fourth level of the Emeline Hotel of Church Street that is the official gauge for the threshold temperature. It’s too hot too often for working horses Ellen Harley, co-founder of Carriage Horse Advocates, says Charleston’s heat can quickly become dangerous for working horses. “It only takes 17 minutes of moderate intensity exercise in hot humid weather to raise a horse’s temperature to a dangerous level. That’s three to 10 times faster than in humans,” she said. Horses working on the city’s streets aren’t allowed to be brought in for the day until the temperature or heat index exceeds the statutory threshold four times, said Harley. And if the index drops below the threshold, the readings start over. Meanwhile, the horses stand on steamy asphalt with no shade. “No scientific peer-reviewed study has

been done on heat effects and the working environment for Charleston horses — forprofit operators are giving [that] data to the city,” Harley said. “There needs to be an independent peer-reviewed study to determine what are safe conditions.” Procedures make it safe for working horses in the heat Dan Riccio, the City of Charleston’s director of the Department of Livability and Tourism, says the city set up procedures following a 2016 special commission to monitor horses and give notifications on when to halt carriage operations. “The commission set up in 2016 agreed to set the correct standard based on a veterinarian-[led] study that compared the internal temperature of working carriage horses in the city with more than 2,000 temperature readings within a four-year period from the outdoor thermometer at its current location at the Emeline hotel,” he said. “The commission consisted of city Livability and Tourism staff, a carriage industry representative, a Charleston Animal Society representative, two neighborhood representatives in close proximity of where the horses are staging and where [they] go into their zones south of Broad Street, two veterinarians and a member of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).” —Chelsea Grinstead

REGGAE NIGHTS SUMMER CONCERT SERIES s d n u o s e h t o t Groove of the islands


Courtesy The Citadel

Dr. Scott Curtis and Citadel volunteers helped with 2021’s HeatWatch experiment that involved taking readings with mobile sensors he said. “Global warming is forcing us to be better prepared for heat. And what has been underappreciated is the fact that heat is life threatening.” The Citadel volunteered to participate in three heat-related projects last year under Dr. Scott Curtis, director of the Near Center for Climate Studies at The Citadel. The projects gathered heat data across the city to learn where, when and why it was hot. The studies focused on microclimates in areas such as the city’s medical district, to identify characteristics like tree canopy, urban design and heat index. Curtis is currently looking to particiapte in HOT’s efforts in 2022 and beyond.


JULY 15 AUGUST 5 7:30 - 11PM


canopy, crowded housing, poor building materials and inconsistent air-conditioning.” The City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) Department mapped historically hot and cool spots in the city to contribute to the study. A map of tree canopy coverage within city limits can also be viewed on the city’s website. HOT will compare temperature and air quality with morbidity and mortality in Charleston based on clinical data gathered from MUSC, Roper Hospital, regional EMS, the weather department and the consortium’s own temperature sensors. The research team will analyze two areas that are tied to heat-related medical problems to uncover differential factors and eventually improve the area that suffers most. “For example, if tree canopy is a factor in heat mitigation, more trees can be planted,” Reves said. Ultimately, the study will compare health outcomes in the vulnerable area after performing heat mitigation to determine which measure protects the most people. “If health improves with mitigation strategies, then city-wide mitigation will be employed where the benefit is the greatest,”



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Move forward with e-alternative for horse-drawn wagons A

Views 07.06.2022

reason many tourists ride around Charleston’s streets in horse-drawn wagons is they want to experience what it could have been like in plantation days to move around the city. But guess what? They also don’t want to walk in the summer heat and humidity. Makes sense. It gets hot here. But continue this line of thinking to include carriage horses. Do you really think as temperatures soar that they enjoy pulling heavy wagons crammed with up to 17 people who haven’t met a dessert they won’t eat? In recent years, the city of Charleston lowered the top temperature that carriage horses can work from 98 degrees to 95 degrees, or when the heat index is 110 degrees. This is better than it was, but also remember where the thermometer is — four stories on top of a Meeting Street hotel. When it’s 95 degrees up there, you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s much hotter on the steamy, blazing pavement. Want to understand how hot it is on the ground when it’s that hot? We challenge you to walk barefoot on Charleston’s streets for just 15 minutes and then gauge your comfort level. Fortunately, there’s a new alternative, the e-carriage developed by local entrepreneur Kyle Kelly. “This is a whole new concept and it kind of checks every box for the tourism industry in Charleston,” Kelly said at a May unveiling of the new contraption, which is




Staff: Samantha Connors (digital, news), Herb Frazier (special projects), Chelsea Grinstead (music, news), Michael Pham (cuisine), Michael Smallwood (arts) Intern: Stella LoGiudice (social media) Cartoonists: Robert Ariail, Steve Stegelin Photographer: Rūta Smith Contributors: Elise DeVoe, Chris Dixon, Vincent Harris, Chloe Hogan, Kevin Wilson, Vanessa Wolf, Kevin Young Published by City Paper Publishing, LLC Members: J. Edward Bell | Andrew C. Brack Views expressed in Charleston City Paper cover the spectrum and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Charleston City Paper takes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. © 2022. All content is copyrighted and the property of City Paper Publishing, LLC. Material may not be reproduced without permission. Proud member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia and the South Carolina Press Association. CP file photo

powered by 16 batteries. “So, I don’t see much negativity or pushback from the city. I think they’re going to be looking forward to this too.” We encourage the city of Charleston to move forward with all due speed to allow this animal- and eco-friendly twist on the traditional horse wagon. Not only could it reduce trauma on carriage horses, but it should improve the smell of downtown streets — and cut costs of companies having to patrol and clean up horse poop and urine.

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What can comedians tell us about Denmark Vesey and slavery? By Herb Frazier

Three nationally known funny men, however, will be in town July 14-16 for the Denmark Vesey Bicentenary, featuring a panel discussion, two concerts and a comedy performance. Three of the events have an admission cost, and one is free. Organized by the Charleston Gaillard Center, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and the-soon-to-beopen International African American Museum (IAAM), the events will highlight Vesey’s alleged plot to kill white Charlestonians on July 14, 1822, then flee with his supporters to Haiti where enslaved people had waged a successful 12-year revolt against France. During the Civil War, abolitionist Frederick Douglass and others hailed Vesey as a hero to inspire Black men to join the Union Army. When the Gaillard, the church and IAAM announced plans for the event in May, however, one local group asked why it was not consulted in the planning of the city’s first major event to remember Vesey, a carpenter who bought his freedom. The Gaillard website lists the six panelists who will talk July 14 about Vesey during a panel discussion entitled “Truth Be Told: Vesey,” panel. Dr. Bernard Powers, history professor emeritus at the College of Charleston, is a lastminute addition to the program.

The July 14 event will include W. Kamau Bell, a stand-up comic and host of CNN’s United Shades of America, and Moncks Corner-native Charlamagne Tha God, who brings a comedic delivery during his national radio show, The Breakfast Club. Two days later, Comedian D.L. Hughley will deliver his stand-up routine July 16. Both events will be held at the Gaillard. Bell and Charlamagne Tha God tackle tough, relevant topics. Bell even interviewed a member of the Ku Klux Klan. But can he and Charlamagne Tha God help Charlestonians understand the complicated issues of slavery and Vesey’s attempt to rebel against it? How much Vesey research have they done? Was Charlamagne Tha God invited to attract a younger crowd, many of whom have probably never heard of Vesey? Even if they’re interested in the topic, will they pay $25 to attend this event? Can Bell and Charlamagne Tha God settle a new debate that Vesey was a member of Second Presbyterian Church of Charleston and not a leader in the African Church, a forerunner to Emanuel AME? Most scholars contend Vesey was a member of the African Church when the city outlawed it and had the building burned, forcing its members underground until the Civil War ended. Recent research suggests a different narrative. Hughley, a comedian and actor, is the host of the D.L. Hughley Show heard on radio stations across the country. He has written extensively on race in America, which qualifies him to talk about slavery. But can Hughley’s levity break the lingering tension surrounding slavery to put

Vesey in a new light to settle questions of what role, if any, he played in the aborted uprising? The Gaillard, Emanuel and the IAAM should be congratulated for a program that brings more attention to Vesey. The genesis of the event began with Emanuel’s historian Lee J. Bennett Jr., who shared his thoughts on ways to recognize Vesey’s effort to liberate enslaved people with Lissa Frenkel, Gaillard’s president and CEO. “She offered an opportunity to do something at the Gaillard,” said Bennett, who will moderate the “Truth Be Told” panel. Frenkel said, “We hope that folks who might not come to a traditional panel discussion would be curious how more popular entertainment figures might contextualize the importance of this man.” Dr. Tonya Matthews, the IAAM’s president and CEO, said although slavery is a serious topic, the comedic art form and African-American comedy have been used “as one of our tools to have a more open, more honest, more empathetic conversation about the real black experience, particularly in America. There are few things more powerful than uncomfortable laughter. You laugh not because it was funny, but because it was true. D.L. Hughley is one of our modern-day comics in that tradition.” Herb Frazier, a former daily newspaper reporter, is a noted local author and is special projects editor at the Charleston City Paper. Comment? Send to:

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When Denmark Vesey rebelled against slavery 200 years ago that ended with his death and the execution of 34 of his co-conspirators in Charleston, I am sure he didn’t have comedians in his ranks.


Creating community

Feature 07.06.2022

Summerville’s Public Works Art Center is a vital cultural hub By Michael Smallwood


ummerville’s Public Works Arts Center (PWAC) is a nonprofit art gallery and studio that is working to provide residents with free access to galleries and hands-on activities while also giving artists a place to hone their craft. “What we’re trying to do is kind of be the cultural cornerstone of this community,” said PWAC Executive Director Jana Riley. PWAC sits at 135 West Richardson Ave. in what was once the old post office building in the 1930s. Fifty years later, the Summerville Commission of Public Works (CPW) took over the space and it became the Water Company building until it moved to a new location in 2018. Riley and her staff are still greeted by confused locals looking to make utility payments. A group of Summerville citizens, led by People, Places and Quilts owner Diane Frankenberger and educator Kevin Morrissey, came together in 2019 to save the building from becoming a retail space. Riley said the team had a vision for making it a public space that everyone could enjoy. “It was very much an underdog story,” said Riley, a Summerville native. “We had no money. There’d be investors who had millions of dollars and then there’d be us who had a dream and no money.” Riley said the CPW listened to their ideas and understood

We’re really intentional about making sure that we amplify as many voices as possible.” —Jana Riley

the importance of what they wanted to do. From 2018 through 2019, the group petitioned the community to hear what the public wanted to see in the space. Volunteers raised approximately $400,000 for renovations that began in 2019. The building was extensively renovated: offices, carpets, fixtures and ceilings were torn out. Gallery lighting was added. The tight office spaces were converted to larger gallery and studio spaces. The doors opened. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Birthed in a pandemic

“That was not fun,” Riley said. “But I would say that we had the silver lining of not having to really adjust our processes or anything. We kind of were birthed into the pandemic. If we’d started six months before, it would have been harder.” PWAC closed its doors from March 2020 before

Photos by Rūta Smith

Jana Riley, an artist and Summerville native, is the executive director of Public Works Art Center

printmaking and multimedia exhibition on display at PWAC in May. Area artists Kirsten Hoving and DeeJay Wiggins have exhibitions through July 30. “We’re really intentional about making sure that we amplify as many voices as possible,” Riley said. PWAC’s exhibition committee accepts proposals from all over through a submission portal on its website. The committee scouts potential Hands-on accessibility artists everywhere, from art museums to Hands-on accessibility of the arts is another Instagram posts. Outreach is a vital elecore tenet of PWAC. ment. Partnerships with advocacy groups “We want to make sure that everybody feels like Palmetto Luna make sure that PWAC like they can engage with art,” Riley said. presents a wide array of voices. When you walk into the Public Works Art “I always say that I understand that I Center, you’re greeted by smiling local volun- have a microphone,” Riley said. “But I like to just kind of step back and just pass it to as many people as possible and let people use their voices here.” She considers the space and building, and their mission in the community, to be a huge responsibility. The company is in the middle of an accessibility campaign to raise funds for the installation of an ADA-compliant ramp and interior teers. College students and recent graduates lift to ensure that everyone is welcome to take can be seen sitting at tables, laptops out, advantage of all that PWAC offers. working on projects. Visitors wander through the three galleries featuring exhibitions that Creating space for artists are changed out every six to eight weeks. An aggressive turnover schedule keeps Public Works Art Center isn’t just focused things fresh and exciting. Local artists are on the exhibition of art, but also on its featured more often than not, but Riley and creation and cultivation. Along with the her diverse board of directors also work to galleries, PWAC also has 12 studio artist bring in artists from around the country spaces, a pottery studio outfitted with two to expose local audiences to fresh ideas. kilns, two art classrooms for work with stuAtlanta-based artist Jamaal Barber had his dents and even a mobile art station.

Public Works Art Center offers summer camps (above) and year-round classes for aspiring artists The 12 studio art spaces, located in the renovated basement that originally acted as a bomb shelter, are rented to artists on a year-long basis in the style of other spaces around town such as Charleston’s Redux Contemporary Art Center. A tour of the facilities given to the Summerville Artists Guild in 2019 (while the building was still under renovation) led Susan Lowcavage to become one of the resident artists at PWAC. “I thought the concept [was] a wonderful opportunity for artists, and submitted my application right away,” Lowcavage said. “It was accepted, and I have been there [since] the opening in 2020. The wonderful studio space, the interaction with the other artists and craftspeople and the positive energy of the volunteers and staff have stretched my scope of work beyond what I thought I would accomplish.”

Fostering community

The entire space can be rented for events, though that aspect of it was understandably slow to start thanks to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. But recently, a Juneteenth celebration hosted by Torreah “Cookie” Washington of Cookie Sews Quilts and Peggie Hartwell, chairperson of Women of Color Quilters Network’s Summerville chapter, was held at the center: a big quilting event that featured kids crafting and talks. Riley was moved by the event and what it signified. “Holding space for the community to learn and grow together is a huge part of why we are here, and it was beautiful to see that intention in action,” Riley said. PWAC has events and exhibitions scheduled through the end of the year and beyond. The 2022 Spark Exhibition, an annual event inviting artists to create, exhibit and sell one

piece of either 3D or 2D art that speaks to a specific theme (this year’s theme is “Growth”), will be held Sept. 23 through Nov. 5. “[We’re trying to] have a place where the people who’ve lived here forever and the new people coming in, everybody can kind of engage with one another and they can connect with one another,” Riley said. “They can connect with themselves and they can connect with the artists. But just having this place that’s free and accessible and open to all I just think is really important, especially when an area is experiencing rapid growth.” Summerville is growing every year, with population up 26% since 2010, according to World Population Review, and becoming a cultural hub itself. Riley is well aware of that, and believes Public Works Art Center is a vital part of that growth. “Summerville is cooler than people realize and there are cooler things happening here than people realize,” Riley said. “So we really want to do our best to highlight the immense amount of talent that exists here in Summerville, in the Lowcountry, and then beyond.”

reopening in June 2020. Since its reopening, the PWAC has seen rapid growth with roughly 400 visitors a month in February 2021. That number jumped to approximately 1,600 people in February 2022. PWAC’s quickly rising popularity is a testament to its founding principle: free access to engaging art content. “One thing I’m super passionate about, being a mom in this area, is that there’s not anything for people to do that’s free, especially with kids, other than the library and the parks,” Riley said. Downtown Summerville’s bustling strip is full of restaurants, retail shops and local theater company Flowertown Players. “So for every exhibition we have [at PWAC], we have some sort of engagement activity. We always try to do something that a 2-year-old could do or a 102-year-old could enjoy.” Riley pointed to the “What Does Home Look Like to You?” station on display. Visitors used various materials, such as construction paper, crayons and blocks, to make small house art pieces. For an earlier show about identity, PWAC installed a selfportrait station. The 2021 Mother Figure exhibition included a wall where patrons could draw pictures of their mothers or write stories about them. Each engagement activity is free, as are general admission exhibitions.


What To Do

Have an event? Send the details to a week (or more) prior to.

2 3

What To Do 07.06.2022




Artcelium Fest Artcelium Fest is where artists, musicians, dancers and enthusiasts gather once a season to create together in nature. Artcelium is a combination of “art” and “mycelium,” the network of fungi that connects plants together underground. The all-day, family-friendly event has food and drink for purchase, more than 20 Charleston-based vendors and live music from diverse local acts. Vendors include Radiance Performing Arts, Locals Vintage, Beaded ’90s Bracelets, Moonstone Clay Jewelry, Adrienne Mixon Design & Art and Faline Tarot & Marketplace. July 10. 2-9 p.m. $10 adv/$15 day of. Woodlands Nature Reserve. 4279 Ashley River Rd.

4 5


Sound Bath in the Gallery Come relax at a meditative sound event in Redux’s main art gallery with energy healer Christian McClellan. Make sure to bring your own mat so you can lay down comfortably to experience a “bath” in beautiful sound waves created with various crystal singing bowls. Sound baths are known to lower blood pressure and heart rate to induce a deep state of relaxation. This group event includes a small guided meditation and optional essential oils and reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing. July 6. 7:15-8:15 p.m. $15/members; $20/nonmembers. Redux Contemporary Art Center. 1056 King St. Downtown. THURSDAY

Candlelight: A Tribute to Queen and More Whether you’re looking for a classical music performance or a relaxing candlelit experience, this concert is for you. In this final performance of the Candlelight series, a talented string quartet will be paying tribute to the works of Queen. You will hear Queen classics like, “Somebody to Love” and “Bohemian Rhapsody,” as well as pieces from Italian composer Giacomo Puccini and beloved Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart. July 7. 7-8 p.m. $35. The Unitarian Church. 4 Archdale St. Downtown. FRIDAY

Solo Exhibits at Park Circle Gallery A new month-long exhibit will display works from two artists: South African visual artist Jessie Renew’s collection of mixed media compositions and North Carolina visual artist CJ Howard’s series of life-size oil paintings that celebrate matriarchs and artists. The artists will host a free public reception at the gallery from 5-7 p.m. on opening night July 8. July 8-30. Wed.-Fri.. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 12-4 p.m. Free to attend. Park Circle Gallery. 4820 Jenkins Ave. North Charleston. SATURDAY

Charitable Event: Southeast Crab Feast Dine on all-you-can-eat blue crabs with music and family fun at the Southeast Crab Feast. Guests should bring their own chairs, tables and any crab-cracking tools. Proceeds benefit nonprofit cancer research through St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and American Cancer Society. The adult ticket provides all-you-can-eat blue crabs and one side of fish and chips. July 9. 1 p.m. $38/12-and-older. 8888 University Blvd. North Charleston.


Prep for hurricane season with a new local beer

Food news?

A la carte

Holey City Bagels has good problems

Malika Canteen now serves alcohol Malika Canteen has become one of the only Pakistani restaurants in the country to serve alcohol. Enjoy staple dishes like the chicken tikka masala with local libations like Westbrook’s One Claw or Munkle Pils or wines like a full-bodied Chardonnay or dry rosé. Malika is open Wed.-Sat., 12-9 p.m., and Sun., 12-7 p.m. —Michael Pham

Uncork celebrates four years

By Michael Pham

Uncork Charleston located at 476 King St. is celebrating four years of self-pouring wine in the Charleston community. To celebrate its birthday, Uncork is adding four special menu items. Uncork is open Wed. 1-10 p.m., Thurs.-Sat., 1 p.m.-12 a.m. and Sun. 1-10 p.m. —MP

All the bagels are rolled, boiled and baked fresh daily by owner Greg Odachowski (right, with his fiancé Bridget Byrne) “I kind of want to have the whole bottom of our cooler in the dining room with just local breakfast beers, which isn’t really a thing,” Odachowski said. But he’s going to make it one. Breakfast beer options he’d like to include are Edmund Oast’s Brewing Co.’s Honey Toasted Oats or Cereal Dinner. He’s still building that collection, so check back for new beers to pair with your breakfast sandwiches. But if you’re looking for a more traditional breakfast drink, Holey City carries PBR Hard Coffee, which, according to Odachowski, “isn’t that bad.” After signing the lease, Odachowski learned that the space included free parking across the street and a coffee bar, too. “When I first called the number on the sign that was outside the space, I didn’t know that was even part of it,” he said. “Five Loaves apparently made it into a juice bar and I didn’t know it was there. It was like an added bonus.” The coffee bar sources King Bean coffee. “Their cold brew is amazing,” Odachowski said. “We talked to a number of different coffee companies and I’m a cold brew guy, so that kind of pushed me to go with them.” In addition to cold brew, the Holey City coffee bar also serves drip coffee, traditional espresso and espresso drinks like Americanos or lattes. Drinks can be ordered at the main counter and in the coffee bar, but all food orders are placed at

Butcher & Bee hosts Turkey and the Wolf pop-up Popular Mediterranean restaurant Butcher & Bee is hosting a release party for chef Mason Hereford’s new cookbook Turkey and the Wolf: Flavor Trippin’ in New Orleans. The pop-up celebration will feature chefs from around the Lowcountry, including James London of Chubby Fish, Maryam Ghaznavi of Malika and Ma’am Saab, Vivian Howard of Lenoir and more. The special dinner will use one of the cookbook recipes. The event is 5:308 p.m., July 6 with a dedicated book signing for $85. —MP

Bastille Day comes to Brasserie la Banque Photos by Rūta Smith

the main counter. “We’ve been trying to figure out how to incorporate having two entrances,” he added. Odachowski has been rolling bagels (and selling out) for the Lowcountry at the Charleston Farmers Market in Marion Square since 2017, as it was always something he’s wanted for the city. “I’ve been here a long time,” he said. “But I still always thought there was a need for more traditional bagels. I wanted to do the hand roll well before you bake them, like CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

In celebration of France’s national holiday, Bastille Day, Brasserie la Banque at 1 Broad St. will host Vive la Banque. The soirée features a welcome glass of Champagne, full bar, caviar station, hors d’oeuvres and a pastry display. Charleston musician Mark Quinn will play live music. Cocktail attire is encouraged. Tickets are $150 per person and available through A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Charleston chapter of Alliance Française de Charleston. —Samantha Connors

Downtown Charleston recently received another hot breakfast joint — Holey City Bagels, serving hand-rolled, water-boiled bagels. Owner Greg Odachowski opened the shop June 4 at 43 Cannon St., the former space that housed Five Loaves Cafe. And in the month of being open, he has been running into good problems — selling out of bagels. “I’ve been in the back on Google trying to figure out how to make more bagels!” Odachowski said on June 19. It was around noon that day, and the only bagels left were cinnamon sugar. Twenty minutes later, they were gone. “It’s a very good problem, but my background is in fine dining, so it’s hard for me to tell everyone we’re sold out,” said Bridget Byrne, Odachowski’s fiancé. Byrne is the general manager of Holey City Bagels, with experience running Charleston establishments like Peninsula Grill and Halls Chophouse. “She’s my savior,” Odachowski said, “because I’m more of an idea person. I love the food, but I’m the idea man. She keeps me in check and is very organized.” It isn’t just his fiancé who helps around the business. Odachowski’s dad can be found in the back, rolling bagels with his son. The bagels offered at Holey City are available as a single ($3), half dozen ($18) or dozen ($36) and come in a variety of flavors, including its most popular everything bagel. Other options include cinnamon sugar and sesame. Vegan cream cheese and butter are available upon request. And what’s a bagel shop without a good bagel sandwich? Odachowski offers a plethora of different style breakfast and brunch sandwiches, including a classic egg and cheese, a veggie delight, pastrami Reuben and a New England favorite Taylor Ham, egg and cheese. All sandwiches are available on any bagel. Sandwiches and bagels can be washed down with breakfast-curated beers and a coffee bar just down the hall.


My Dream Dinner

Summer dishes with three American writers



Zachary Sharpe of North Charleston would like his dream dinner to include all the flavors of summer from earthy beet juice to classic fried chicken with three scoops of ice cream to top it all off.

Saturday & Sunday 10a to 2:30p

DREAM DINNER GUESTS: American writers Hanya Yanagihara, Eudora Welty and Truman Capote


DRINK: Beets by BK from Basic Kitchen. “Hydration is key in this heat, so a nice mocktail at Basic Kitchen would do the body good.”

Sunday - Thursday: 5 to 10p Friday - Saturday: 5 to 11p 5 2 6 KING STREET ( 8 43) 727-1228 @INDACOCHS

APPETIZER: Roasted beets from Butcher & Bee. “I’ve been really inspired by the taste of summer … I love the bright colors and bold flavors this season has to offer. Butcher & Bee’s roasted beets appetizer offers just the bold and fresh punch I crave.”

Jonathan Boncek file photo

ENTREE: Fried chicken from Leon’s Oyster Shop. “For me, nothing quite says summer like crispy fried chicken — and Leon’s has the best in town. Fried chicken always makes me think of gathering with family, especially our infamous backyard celebrations of years past.” DESSERT: Three scoops of Brambleberry Crisp ice cream from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. “The Charleston heat makes a cool treat like Jeni’s ice cream all the more sweet this time of year.”

TELL US YOUR CHARLESTON DREAM DINNER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN! Weekly winners receive a $50 gift coupon for use at any of Indigo Road Hospitality Group’s locations. Enter once a week at


Cuisine 07.06.2022





they do in New York City or New Jersey.” Odachowski grew up in New Jersey, 20 miles outside of New York City, where the bagel scene thrived. The now 39-year-old moved to Charleston at the age of 15 and has been here ever since. He purchased a food truck at the end of 2020. And for the past year and a half, Odachowski has been running Holey City as his full-time gig since leaving his previous profession as a teacher. “It was really successful,” he said. “I always wanted to open a bagel shop. That was always a goal of mine. I love teaching, too ... So it [was] tough to leave, but it was kind of the craziness of the pandemic.” Once Odachowski decided to leave teaching, he continued taking the food truck around town and participating in local markets and pop-ups. Before his brick-and-mortar, Odachowski spent his bagel-selling mornings at the KTCHeN in North Charleston. His days would start around 2:30-3 a.m., he said, to account for prepping the kitchen, cleaning the kitchen for the next person and transport time. “After doing that for six months, I was like, ‘I need a brick and mortar immediately,’” he added. “I can’t imagine how nice it would be just to take your bagels out of the oven and put it in the rack and you’re ready to go. Food truck life was a grind.”

Rūta Smith

The veggie bagel, and all sandwiches, can be served on any style bagel Now, with his own brick-and-mortar, Odachowski’s day only starts at 4 a.m. And they’re still selling out. Holey City Bagels is open 7 a.m.-1 p.m., Wed.-Fri. and 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat.-Sun.

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SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANT, JOHN DUGAN JR.: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action of which a copy is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint on the subscriber at their offices, 1921 Henderson Street, Columbia, South Carolina, 29201, no later than thirty (30) days after the first date of service of this publication, exclusive of the day of such service. If you fail to answer the Complaint in this action, and serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscriber within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.

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TO DEFENDANTS KRISTIN HOLLY INFINGER (AKA “KRISTIN SMITH”) and JOSEPH STACEY YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the complaint for termination of your parental rights in and to the minor child in this action, the original of which has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Berkeley County, 300-B California Avenue, Moncks Corner, SC 29461, on the 1st day of April 2022 at 12:21 p.m., a copy of which will be delivered to you upon request; and to serve a copy of your answer to the complaint upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff at 2 Belt Drive, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 within thirty (30) days following the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time stated, the plaintiff will apply for judgment by default against the defendants for the relief demanded in the complaint. Jason D. Pockrus, SC Bar#101333, 2 Belt Drive, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. (843) 719-1095.

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS C/A NO.: 2020-CP-10-01373 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Plaintiff, v. HEDY L. FIELDS A/K/A HEDY COLLINS-FIELDS; ANY HEIRS-ATLAW OR DEVISEES OF DECEASED DORIS COLLINS, DECEASED, THEIR HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES ENTITLED TO CLAIM THROUGH THEM; ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS OR ENTITIES WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, INTEREST IN OR LIEN UPON THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; ALSO ANY PERSONS WHO MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE; AND ANY UNKNOWN MINORS, INCOMPETENT OR IMPRISONED PERSON, OR PERSONS UNDER A DISABILITY BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE., Defendant(s). SUMMONS AND NOTICES (Non-Jury) FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the subscribers at their offices at 3800 Fernandina Road, Suite 110, Columbia, SC 29210, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; except that the United States of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by Attorney for Plaintiff. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff will move for an Order of Reference or the Court may issue a general Order of Reference of this action to a Master-inEquity/Special Referee, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that under the provisions of S.C. Code Ann. § 29-3-100, effective June 16, 1993, any collateral assignment of rents contained in the referenced Mortgage is perfected and Attorney for Plaintiff hereby gives notice that all rents shall be payable directly to it by delivery to its undersigned attorneys from the date of default. In the alternative, Plaintiff will move before a judge of this Circuit on the 10th day after service hereof, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order enforcing the assignment of rents, if any, and compelling payment of all rents covered by such assignment directly to the Plaintiff, which motion is to be based upon the original Note and Mortgage herein and the Complaint attached hereto. LIS PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been or will be commenced in this Court upon

complaint of the above-named Plaintiff against the above-named Defendant(s) for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage of real estate given by Doris Collins and Hedy L. Fields to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Wachovia Mortgage Corporation dated December 19, 2006 and recorded on December 21, 2006 in Book S 609 at Page 222, in the Charleston County Registry (hereinafter, “Mortgage”). Thereafter, the Mortgage was transferred to the Plaintiff herein by assignment and/or corporate merger. The premises covered and affected by the said Mortgage and by the foreclosure thereof were, at the time of the making thereof and at the time of the filing of this notice, more particularly described in the said Mortgage and are more commonly described as: All that piece, parcel or lot of land, with any improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in St. Andrews Parish Area of Charleston County, South Carolina, shown and designated as Lot 14, West Park Subdivision on a plat dated September 4, 1958, prepared by Joseph Needle, CE, and recorded in the Office of the RMC for Charleston County in Plat Book Z at page 45. This being the same property conveyed to Doris Collins and Hedy L. Fields by deed of Dendrinks, LLC., dated December 19, 2006 and recorded December 21, 2006 in Book P609 at Page 885 in the Records for Charleston County, South Carolina. TMS No. 3510600141 Property Address: 1967 Carrie Street Charleston, SC 29407-4717 NOTICE OF FILING COMPLAINT TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the original Complaint, Cover Sheet for Civil Actions and Certificate of Exemption from ADR in the above entitled action was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on March 13, 2020. A Notice of Foreclosure Intervention was also filed in the Clerk of Court’s Office. ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, upon reading the filed Petition for Appointment of Kelley Woody, Esquire as Guardian ad Litem for unknown minors, and persons who may be under a disability, and it appearing that Kelley Woody, Esquire has consented to said appointment. FURTHER upon reading the filed Petition for Appointment of Kelley Woody, Esquire as Attorney for any unknown Defendants who may be in the Military Service of the United States of America, and may be, as such, entitled to the benefits of the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act, and any amendments thereto, and it appearing that Kelley Woody, Esquire has consented to act for and represent said Defendants, it is ORDERED that Kelley Woody, P.O. Box 6432, Columbia, SC 29260 phone (803) 787-9678, be and hereby is appointed Guardian ad Litem on behalf of all unknown minors and all unknown persons who may be under a disability, all of whom may have or claim to have some interest or claim to the real property commonly known as 1967 Carrie Street, Charleston, SC 29407-4717; that he is empowered and directed to appear on behalf of and represent said Defendants, unless said Defendants, or someone on their behalf, shall within thirty (30) days after service of a copy hereof as directed, procure the appointment of Guardian or Guardians ad Litem for said Defendants. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Kelley Woody, P.O. Box 6432, Columbia, SC 29260 phone

(803) 787-9678, be and hereby is appointed Attorney for any unknown Defendants who are, or may be, in the Military Service of the United States of America and as such are entitled to the benefits of the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act aka Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940, and any amendments thereto, to represent and protect the interest of said Defendants, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That a copy of this Order shall be forth with served upon said Defendants by publication in Charleston City Paper, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, together with the Summons and Notice of Filing of Complaint in the above entitled action. Brock & Scott, PLLC 3800 Fernandina Road, Suite 110 Columbia, SC 29210 Phone (803) 454-3540 Fax (803) 454-3541 Attorneys for Plaintiff

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE FAMILY COURT FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DOCKET NO. 2021-DR- 10 – 3307 & 2022-DR-10-0319 SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES VERSUS Naydine Lawson, Symone Ivey aka Samone Ivey, Devon Jasper and Maurice Thompson DEFENDANTS. IN THE INTERESTS OF: MINOR CHILDREN BORN 2012 & 2015 TO DEFENDANTS: DEVON JASPER & MAURICE THOMPSON YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on November 8, 2021 & February 2, 2022. Upon proof of interest, a copy of the Complaint will be delivered to you upon request from the Charleston County Clerk of Court, and you must serve a copy of your Answer to the Complaint on the Plaintiff, the South Carolina Department of Social Services, at the office of its Attorney, Regina Parvin, Legal Department of the Charleston County Department of Social Services, 3366 Rivers Ave. North Charleston, SC 29405 within thirty (30) days of this publication, exclusive of the date of service. If you fail to answer within the time set forth above, the Plaintiff will proceed to seek relief from the Court. Regina Parvin, SC Bar # 65393, 3366 Rivers Ave. North Charleston, SC 29405, 843-953-9625.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. 2021-CP-10-04639 Eliza J. Evans and Angela Simmons, Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Victoria Ferguson, Joseph J. Ferguson, The Estate of Geneva Freeman, The Estate of Charles Edwards, Charles Edwards Freeman, II, The Estate of Richard Evans, Veronique Horton, Richard Streeter Eliza J. Evans, Marion Evans, Rose Harrell, Dorothy Wiggins, Brenda Faulk, Victoria Gadsden, Marie Brown, and The Estate of Richard Evans, John Doe, Mary Roe, and any Defendants who may be deceased and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon the lands of or any portion thereof, includ-

ing any such as may be infants, incompetents, or otherwise under any disability. Defendants. SUMMONS (NON-JURY) YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiffs or their attorney, Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire, at P.O. Box 42270, North Charleston, South Carolina 29423, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint with the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 6th day of September, 2021, at North Charleston, South Carolina. LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Commons Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the abovenamed Plaintiffs, against the Defendants above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title of the below described property and to partition the property by the Defendants to the Plaintiffs as shown in Deed Book K486 at Page 353 in the Register of Deeds Office for Charleston County. The Real Estate affected by this action is described as follows: All that Lot known in the present numbering system of the City of Charleston as No. 47 Reid Street, lying on the South Side of Reid Street Measuring on Reid Street 32’ more or less and depth 135’ more or less. Butting and bounding on Reid Street on the North, on the East on land now or formerly of John M. Gragg, on the West, now or formerly lands of P. F. Lynn, and on the South on land now or formerly of Martha White. Being the same premises conveyed to Joseph J. Ferguson, Geneva Freeman and Eliza J. Evans by the Personal Representative of the Estate of Victoria Ferguson by Deed of Distribution dated March 5, 2004; recorded in Deed Book K486 at Page 353. TMS#: 459-09-03-013 NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Complaint in this action, together with the Summons and Lis Pendens, of which the above are copies, were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on the 7th day of October, 2022. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that George E. Counts, Esquire of, 27 Gamecock Avenue, Suite 200, Charleston, SC 29407 has been designated as Guardian Ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County dated, and said appointment shall become absolute thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Notice unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall petition the Court to have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for them within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this notice. NOTICE NISI (NON-JURY) TO THE INFANT DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED, IF THEY BE OVER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS AND TO THEM AND

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED! s:/Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire The Curry Law Firm, LLC 6518-D Dorchester Road P.O. Box 42270 North Charleston, SC 29423 843-767-5284 843-SOS-CASH 843-767-5286 (Fax) South Carolina Bar Number: 62991 Federal Bar Number: 05648

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. 2020-CP-10-03204 Derrick L. Bonneau, Plaintiffs, vs. The Estate of November Bonneau, The Estate of Rosa Bonneau, The Estate of Amanda Bonneau, Catherine Bonneau Frazie, The Estate of Thomas, Bonneau, The Estate of Mary Bonneau Palmer, Curtis Thomas Bonneau, Karen Bonneau Simmons, Pamela Bonneau Washington, Carrie Bonneau Ancrum, Calvin Bonneau, Elijah Bonneau, Derrick Lemar Bonneau, The Estate of Douglas Bonneau, The Estate of Jackie Bonneau, The Estate of Paulett Bonneau, The Estate of Linda Bonneau, Dontrell Bonneau, Catherine Bonneau Frasier, Catherine B. Frasier, Marion Bonneau, Shirley Wright, Joyce Smith, Harold Bonneau, Isaac Frasier, Earnest Lee Frasier, The Estate of Benjamin Bonneau, John Doe, Mary Roe, and any Defendants who may be deceased and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon the lands of or any portion thereof, including any such as may be infants, incompetents, or otherwise under any disability. Defendants. SUMMONS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff or his attorney, Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire, at P.O. Box 42270, North Charleston, South Carolina 29423, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint with the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this July 24, 2020, at North Charleston, South Carolina.

described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land together with all buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and boing in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, shown and designated as “16-1 PART OF LOT 16 NOVEMBER BONNEAU ESTATE “ and “16-2 PART OF LOT 16 NOVEMBER BONNEAU ESTATE” on that certain plat entitled “PLAT OF A SUBDIVISON OF AN EXISTING 1.70 ACRE TRACT SITUATED ON S.C. HWY 41 OWNED BY THE ESTATE OF NOVEMB ER BPMMEAI SUBDIVIDED INTO LOTS 16-1 & 16-2 EACH CONTAINING 0.85 ACRE, “ prepared by E. M. Seabrook , Jr., Inc., dated June 192001 and recorded June 29, 2001 in Plat Book Dc at Page 833 in the RMC Office for Charleston County, South Carolina, said plat being incorporated herein by reference thereto for a more accurate and complete description. Being a portion of the property described in deed recorded November 28, 1936 in Book F-39 at Page 529 for the Estate of November Bonneau. TMS#: 583-00-00-033 (Lot 16-1) and 583-00-00-298 (Lot 16-2) NOTICE NISI TO THE INFANT DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED, IF THEY BE OVER THE TO THE INFANT DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED, IF THEY BE OVER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS AND TO THEM AND THOSE WITH WHOM THEY RESIDE IF THEY BE UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem to represent you in this action within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you, and if you fail, application for such appointment will be made by Plaintiff herein. NOTICE OF FILING TO THE INFANT DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED, IF THEY BE OVER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS AND TO THEM AND THOSE WITH WHOM THEY RESIDE IF THEY BE UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem to represent you in this action within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you, and if you fail, application for such appointment will be made by Plaintiff herein. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED! s:/Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire . Eduardo K. Curry, Esquire The Curry Law Firm, LLC 6518-D Dorchester Road P.O. Box 42270 North Charleston, SC 29423 843-767-5284 843-SOS-CASH 843-767-5286 (Fax) South Carolina Bar Number: 62991 Federal Bar Number: 05648 Charleston, South Carolina MAY 4, 2022

LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTSABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Commons Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendant above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title of the below described property and to partition the property by the Defendants to the Plaintiff as shown in Book F-39 at Page 529 in the Register of Deed Office for Charleston County. The Real Estate affected by this action is


of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff or his/ her/their attorney, Gary A. Ling of Berlinsky and Ling, LLC, 2971 West Montague Avenue, North Charleston, South Carolina 29418, within thirty (30) days from the date of such service. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for judgment by default the relief demanded in the Complaint. FILED 8:35 AM 1 APRIL 2022 Charleston County Common Pleas Court 100 Broad St. Charleston, SC BY: s/ Gary A. Ling #3344 Gary A. Ling 2971 West Montague Avenue N. Charleston, SC 29418 843-884-0000 Attorneys for Plaintiff North Charleston, South Carolina April 1, 2022.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO: 2022-CP-10-00221 ALONYIA GREEN, Plaintiff, v. KRISTIN VICTORIA RANDOLPH, Defendant. SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff or his/ her/their attorney, Gary A. Ling ofBerlinsky and Ling, LLC, 2971 West Montague Avenue, North Charleston, South Carolina 29418, within thirty (30) days from the date of such service. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for judgment by default the relief demanded in the Complaint. *FILED: 4:25 P.M. JAN 14, 2022 CHARLESTON COMMON PLEAS COURT 100 BROAD ST. CHARLESTON, SC BERLINSKY AND LING, LLC BY: s/ Gary A. Ling #3344 Gary A. Ling 2971 West Montague Avenue N. Charleston, SC 29418 843-884-0000 Attorneys for Plaintiff North Charleston, South Carolina January 14, 2022.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Civil Action No.: 2022-CP-4001390 David Voros and Alexandra Stasko, Plaintiffs, vs. Allison Dunavant; and Fitsnews, LLC and Mandy Matney, Defendants. SUMMONS (Jury Trial Demanded) TO: THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS AND THEIR ATTORNEYS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of

your Answer to said Complaint on the subscribed, the HHP Law Group, LLC, located at 924 Gervais Street, Columbia, South Carolina, 29201, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the date of such service. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Respectfully submitted, s/ William R. Padget March 17, 2022 William R. Padget (SC # 72579) Columbia, South Carolina Christina M. Brown (SC #104085) HHP LAW GROUP, LLC 924 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201 Tel: 803-400-8277 (office) Email: Email: Attorneys for the Plaintiff

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS C/A NO: 2022-CP-10-01408 Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, PLAINTIFF, vs. Brian K Williams Sr; Susan R Carn a/k/a Susan Renee Carn; MFD Rental Properties, Inc.; South Carolina Department of Revenue; The United States of America, by and through its Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, DEFENDANT(S) SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT AND NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CORONAVIRUS AID RELIEF AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY ACT (NON-JURY MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE) DEFICIENCY REQUESTED TO THE DEFENDANTS, ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, or otherwise appear and defend, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, except as to the United States of America, which shall have sixty (60) days, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff immediately and separately and such application will be deemed absolute and total in the absence of your application for such an appointment within thirty (30) days after the service of the Summons and Complaint upon you. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to Answer the foregoing Summons, the

Plaintiff will move for an Order of Reference of this case to the Master-in-Equity/Special Referee in/for this County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master-in-Equity/ Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case with appeal only to the South Carolina Court of Appeals pursuant to Rule 203(d)(1) of the SCACR, effective June 1, 1999. NOTICE OF FILING OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing Summons, along with the Complaint, was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on March 25, 2022. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-05-02-01, you may have a right to Foreclosure Intervention. To be considered for any available Foreclosure Intervention, you may communicate with and otherwise deal with the Plaintiff through its law firm, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202 or call (803) 726-2700. Hutchens Law Firm LLP represents the Plaintiff in this action and does not represent you. Under our ethical rules, we are prohibited from giving you any legal advice. You must submit any requests for Foreclosure Intervention consideration within 30 days from the date of this Notice. IF YOU FAIL, REFUSE, OR VOLUNTARILY ELECT NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION, YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY/ AGENT MAY PROCEED WITH A FORECLOSURE ACTION. If you have already pursued loss mitigation with the Plaintiff, this Notice does not guarantee the availability of loss mitigation options or further review of your qualifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT My name is: Gregory Wooten First Middle Last I am () the Plaintiff or (X) an authorized agent of the Plaintiff in the foreclosure case described at the top of this page. I am capable of making this certification. The facts stated in the certification are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. 1. Verification Pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Orders 2020-04-30-02 and 2020-05-06-01 and based upon the information provided by the Plaintiff and/or its authorized servicer as maintained in its case management/database records, the undersigned makes the following certifications: Plaintiff is seeking to foreclose upon the following property commonly known as: 146 West Broad Street Summerville, SC 29485 Street Address & Unit No. (if any) City, State Zip code I verify that this property and specifically the mortgage loan subject to this action: ( ) is NOT a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. (X) is a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. Specifically, the foreclosure moratorium cited in Section 4022(c)(2) of the CARES Act has expired as of May 18, 2020, and the property and mortgage are not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. I hereby certify that I have reviewed the loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or its authorized mortgage servicer, in either digital or printed form, and that this mortgage loan is not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. Pursuant thereto, I certify that the facts stated in this Certification are within my personal knowledge, excepting those matters based upon my information and belief as to the said loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or mortgage servicer, and to those matters I believe them to be true. See, Rule 11(c), SCRCP; BB&T of South Carolina v. Fleming, 360 S.C. 341, 601 S.E.2d 540 (2004). 2. Declaration I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true and correct. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment by contempt. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Hutchens Law Firm LLP

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Citibank, N.A., not in its individual capacity but solely as Owner Trustee for New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust 2018-5, PLAINTIFF, vs. Lerone Washington a/k/a Lerone H Washington, Individually and as Personal Representative for the Estate of Wilhelmina R Jones a/k/a Wilhelmine R Jones, a/k/a Wilhelmina Jones, a/k/a Welhemina R Jones; Rhodee Washington a/k/a Rhodee Shernette Washington and if Rhodee Washington a/k/a Rhodee Shernette Washington be deceased then any children and heirs at law to the Estate of Rhodee Washington a/k/a Rhodee Shernette Washington distributees and devisees at law to the Estate of Rhodee Washington a/k/a Rhodee Shernette Washington and if any of the same be dead any and all persons entitled to claim under or through them also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, interest or lien upon the real estate described in the complaint herein; Any unknown adults, any unknown infants or persons under a disability being a class designated as John Doe, and any persons in the military service of the United States of

America being a class designated as Richard Roe; SouthStar Funding, LLC; City of North Charleston; Columbia State Bank s/b/m to Merchants Bank of Commerce; Comenity Capital Bank DentalFirst Financing; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; AscensionPoint Recovery Services, LLC on behalf of Synchrony Bank;, DEFENDANT(S) SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT AND NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CORONAVIRUS AID RELIEF AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY ACT (NON-JURY MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE) C/A NO: 2022-CP-10-02168 DEFICIENCY WAIVED TO THE DEFENDANTS, ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, or otherwise appear and defend, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, except as to the United States of America, which shall have sixty (60) days, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff immediately and separately and such application will be deemed absolute and total in the absence of your application for such an appointment within thirty (30) days after the service of the Summons and Complaint upon you. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to Answer the foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff will move for an Order of Reference of this case to the Master-in-Equity/Special Referee in/for this County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master-in-Equity/ Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case with appeal only to the South Carolina Court of Appeals pursuant to Rule 203(d)(1) of the SCACR, effective June 1, 1999. NOTICE OF FILING OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing Summons, along with the Complaint, was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on May 10, 2022. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-05-02-01, you may have a right to Foreclosure Intervention.

To be considered for any available Foreclosure Intervention, you may communicate with and otherwise deal with the Plaintiff through its law firm, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202 or call (803) 726-2700. Hutchens Law Firm LLP represents the Plaintiff in this action and does not represent you. Under our ethical rules, we are prohibited from giving you any legal advice. You must submit any requests for Foreclosure Intervention consideration within 30 days from the date of this Notice. IF YOU FAIL, REFUSE, OR VOLUNTARILY ELECT NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION, YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY/ AGENT MAY PROCEED WITH A FORECLOSURE ACTION. If you have already pursued loss mitigation with the Plaintiff, this Notice does not guarantee the availability of loss mitigation options or further review of your qualifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT My name is: Gregory Wooten First Middle Last I am () the Plaintiff or (X) an authorized agent of the Plaintiff in the foreclosure case described at the top of this page. I am capable of making this certification. The facts stated in the certification are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. 1. Verification Pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Orders 2020-04-30-02 and 2020-05-06-01 and based upon the information provided by the Plaintiff and/or its authorized servicer as maintained in its case management/database records, the undersigned makes the following certifications: Plaintiff is seeking to foreclose upon the following property commonly known as: 2630 Woodlawn Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405 Street Address & Unit No. (if any) City, State Zip code I verify that this property and specifically the mortgage loan subject to this action: (X) is NOT a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. ( ) is a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. Specifically, the foreclosure moratorium cited in Section 4022(c)(2) of the CARES Act has expired as of May 18, 2020, and the property and mortgage are not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. I hereby certify that I have reviewed the loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or its authorized mortgage servicer, in either digital or printed form, and that this mortgage loan is not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. Pursuant thereto, I certify that the facts stated in this Certification are within my personal knowledge, excepting those matters based upon my information and belief as to the said loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or mortgage servicer, and to those matters I believe them to be true. See, Rule 11(c), SCRCP; BB&T of South Carolina v. Fleming, 360 S.C. 341, 601 S.E.2d 540 (2004).

THOSE WITH WHOM THEY RESIDE IF THEY BE UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem to represent you in this action within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you, and if you fail, application for such appointment will be made by Plaintiff herein.


2. Declaration I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true and correct. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment by contempt. NOTICE TO APPOINT ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT(S) IN MILITARY SERVICE TO UNKNOWN OR KNOWN DEFENDANTS THAT MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALL BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED that Plaintiff’s attorney has applied for the appointment of an attorney to represent you. If you fail to apply for the appointment of an attorney to represent you within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you Plaintiff’s appointment will be made absolute with no further action from Plaintiff. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Hutchens Law Firm LLP


Classifieds 07.06.22, LLC, PLAINTIFF, vs. Gary L Jones; Keith A Jones; Thaddaues Jones, Jr and if Thaddaues Jones, Jr be deceased then any children and heirs at law to the Estate of Thaddaues Jones, Jr, distributees and devisees at law to the Estate of Thaddaues Jones, Jr, and if any of the same be dead any and all persons entitled to claim under or through them also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, interest or lien upon the real estate described in the complaint herein; Any unknown adults, any unknown infants or persons under a disability being a class designated as John Doe, and any persons in the military service of the United States of America being a class designated as Richard Roe; Louise Jones; Thomas Rose; Raymond Lamar Jones; Hinita LaToya Jones; Richard D. Kinard; Republic Finance, LLC, DEFENDANT(S)



your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, except as to the United States of America, which shall have sixty (60) days, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff immediately and separately and such application will be deemed absolute and total in the absence of your application for such an appointment within thirty (30) days after the service of the Summons and Complaint upon you. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to Answer the foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff will move for an Order of Reference of this case to the Master-in-Equity/Special Referee in/for this County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master-in-Equity/ Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case with appeal only to the South Carolina Court of Appeals pursuant to Rule 203(d)(1) of the SCACR, effective June 1, 1999. NOTICE OF FILING OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing Summons, along with the Complaint, was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on February 4, 2022 and the Amended Summons and Complaint were filed on April 13, 2022. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-05-02-01, you may have a right to Foreclosure Intervention. To be considered for any available Foreclosure Intervention, you may communicate with and otherwise deal with the Plaintiff through its law firm, Hutchens Law Firm LLP, P.O. Box 8237, Columbia, SC 29202 or call (803) 726-2700. Hutchens Law Firm LLP represents the Plaintiff in this action and does not represent you. Under our ethical rules, we are prohibited from giving you any legal advice. You must submit any requests for Foreclosure Intervention consideration within 30 days from the date of this Notice. IF YOU FAIL, REFUSE, OR VOLUNTARILY ELECT NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION, YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY/ AGENT MAY PROCEED WITH A FORECLOSURE ACTION. If you have already pursued loss mitigation with the Plaintiff, this Notice does not guarantee the availability of loss mitigation options or further review of your qualifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLI-

ANCE WITH THE CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT My name is: Gregory Wooten First Middle Last I am ( ) the Plaintiff or (X) an authorized agent of the Plaintiff in the foreclosure case described at the top of this page. I am capable of making this certification. The facts stated in the certification are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. 1. Verification Pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Orders 2020-04-30-02 and 2020-05-06-01 and based upon the information provided by the Plaintiff and/or its authorized servicer as maintained in its case management/database records, the undersigned makes the following certifications: Plaintiff is seeking to foreclose upon the following property commonly known as: 2716 Leola Street North Charleston, SC 29405 Street Address & Unit No. (if any) City, State Zip code I verify that this property and specifically the mortgage loan subject to this action: ( ) is NOT a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. (X) is a “Federally Backed Mortgage Loan” as defined by § 4022(a)(2) of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. Specifically, the foreclosure moratorium cited in Section 4022(c)(2) of the CARES Act has expired as of May 18, 2020, and the property and mortgage are not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. I hereby certify that I have reviewed the loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or its authorized mortgage servicer, in either digital or printed form, and that this mortgage loan is not currently subject to a forbearance plan as solely defined in Sections 4022(b) and (c) of the CARES Act. Pursuant thereto, I certify that the facts stated in this Certification are within my personal knowledge, excepting those matters based upon my information and belief as to the said loan servicing records and case management/ data base records of the Plaintiff or mortgage servicer, and to those matters I believe them to be true. See, Rule 11(c), SCRCP; BB&T of South Carolina v. Fleming, 360 S.C. 341, 601 S.E.2d 540 (2004). 2. Declaration I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true and correct. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment by contempt. NOTICE TO APPOINT ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT(S) IN MILITARY SERVICE TO UNKNOWN OR KNOWN DEFENDANTS THAT MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALL BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED that Plaintiff’s attorney has applied for the appointment of an attorney to represent you. If you fail to apply for the appointment of an attorney to represent you within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you Plaintiff’s appointment will be made absolute with no further action from Plaintiff.


STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. 2022-CP-10-01899 782A Rutledge, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Porteaner Bowens, and if they be deceased, their heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns and spouses and all other persons with any right, title or interest in and to the real estate described in the Complaint, commonly known as: 4653 Hassell Ave Charleston County, South Carolina TMS Number: 470-03-00-182 and also any unknown adults and those persons as who may be in the Military Service of the United States of America, all of them being a class designated as John Doe; and any unknown minors or persons under a disability being a class Designated as Richard Roe, Defendants. SUMMONS AND NOTICE To the Defendants above-named: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned at his office at: 1721 Ashley River Road, Charleston, South Carolina 29407, within thirty (30) days, after service hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, except as to the United States of America, which shall have sixty (60) days, exclusive if the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to answer the foregoing summons, the Plaintiffs will move for a general Order of Reference of this cause to the Master-in-Equity or Special Referee for this County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina Rule of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Masterin-Equity or Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case. NOTICE OF FILING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Lis Pendens was filed on April 26th, 2022, the Summons and Notice, and Complaint, were filed on April 26th, 2022, the Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem was filed on April 27th, 2022 and the Order of Publication was filed on May 13th, 2022 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, State of South Carolina. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF

GUARDIAN AD LITEM FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Carl B Hubbard, Esquire of 2201 Middle Street, Box 15, Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina 29482 has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability or in the Service of the Military by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated April 27th, 2022 and the said appointment shall become absolute 30 days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf shall procure a proper person to be appointed Guardian ad Litem of them within 30 days after the final publication of this Notice. THE PURPOSE of this action is to clear the title to the subject real property described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE, parcel or lot of land, with all improvements thereon, or hereafter constructed thereon, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Charleston, and being situate at Liberty Hill, Eight miles Meeting Street Road, just South of Montague Road and being a portion of the Old Henry Hassell lands now owned by Blanche Ellison, located on Hassell Avenue. SAID LOT MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the East Side, Thirty-four (34’) feet, and extending back West, One Hundred (100’) feet from Hassell Avenue 34 feet; to the North by Hester M. McFadden, et al 100 feet in depth, and to the West and South by other lands of The House of God which is the Church of the Living God. BEING the same property conveyed to Porteaner Bowens by deed of the Palmetto Mortgage Corporation, dated July 31, 1981, and recorded August 5, 1981, in Book E126, Page 306 at the Charleston County Register of Deeds Office. Tax Map # 470-03-00-182 s/Jeffrey T. Spell Jeffrey T. Spell 1721 Ashley River Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 (843) 452-3553 Attorney for Plaintiff June 14h, 2022 Date

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT C/A No.: 2019-CP-10-04274 Margaret Bennett Washington and Jacques Conaway, Plaintiffs, vs. Clarence Mays, Jr. a/k/a Clarence Lincoln Mays, Jr. and Margaret Mays a/k/a Margaret Bennett Mays, and if they be deceased, then any children and heirs at law to the Estate of Clarence Mays, Jr. a/k/a Clarence Lincoln Mays, Jr. or the Estate of Margaret Mays a/k/a Margaret Bennett Mays; distributees and devisees at law to the Estate of Clarence Mays, Jr. a/k/a Clarence Lincoln Mays, Jr. or the Estate of Margaret Mays a/k/a Margaret Bennett Mays; and if any of same be dead, any and all persons entitled to claim under or through them; also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, interest, or lien upon the real property described in the complaint herein; any unknown adults, any unknown infants or persons under a disability being a class designated as John Doe, and any persons in the military service of the United States being a class designated as Richard Roe; Emma Bennett-Williams; Theodora B. Byrd; Artelia E. Bennett-Banks; Jonetta Bennett;

Natalie B. Thomas; Bettina C. Bennett; Oscar H. Bennett, Jr. and Regina Bennett Monday, Defendants. SUMMONS (Non-Jury) Quiet Title Private Partition Sale TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the below subscribed attorney for the Plaintiff, Dean A. Hayes, Esq. at the law offices of McCabe, Trotter & Beverly, PC, 4500 Fort Jackson Blvd., Suite 250, Columbia, South Carolina 29209, within thirty (30) days, from the date of service, exclusive of the date of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time stated, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF FILING YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Summons and Complaint, of which the foregoing is a copy of the Summons, were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina on August 14, 2019. Dean A. Hayes, SC Bar No. 66066 MCCABE, TROTTER & BEVERLY, P.C. 4500 Fort Jackson Blvd., Suite 250 Columbia, South Carolina 29209 Phone: (803) 724-5000 Fax: (803) 724-5001 Email: ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NUMBER 2021-CP-1005555 Sadye L. Logan, Plaintiff, vs. Alethia Logan Bryant, Thern T. Logan a/k/a T. Thomas Logan, Wilbur Logan, Theodore Logan, John A. Logan, and also the decedents WILLIE A/K/A WILLIAM LOGAN, (“SR”), WILLIAM LOGAN (“JR”), ARTHUR LOGAN, AND VIOLA VERMILLE LOGAN, DECEASED, and also JOHN DOE and MARY ROE, adults, RICHARD ROE and JANE DOE, infants, insane persons, incarcerated persons, incompetents or persons under other disability, if any, and JOE ROE and MARY DOE, persons in the Military service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, known as the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA), as amended, if any, being fictitious names and designating the unknown persons who may be heirs-at-law, widows, devisees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of any of the above named Defendants, known and unknown, their persons, estates, corporations or legal entities unknown or claiming by, through or under them or any of them, and also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon the real estate described herein, and JOHN DOE and MARY ROE, adults, RICHARD ROE and JANE DOE, infants, insane persons, incompetents or other persons under disability, if any, and JOE ROE and MARY DOE, persons in the Military service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, formerly known as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940 (SSCRA), and now known as the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA), if any, being fictitious names and designating the unknown persons who may be heirs-at-law, widows, devisees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of any of the above named Defendants, their

persons, corporations or legal entities unknown or claiming by, through or under them or any of them, and also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon the real estate described in the Lis Pendens, Summons and Complaint, as amended, referenced, herein, Defendants. SUMMONS (NON-JURY) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVENAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, as amended, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to this Complaint upon the subscriber, at the address shown below, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. BY: S/John J. Pinckney Attorney for Plaintiff PINCKNEY LAW FIRM, LLC P.O. Box 313 Bluffton, SC 29910 Tel: 843-815-3530 Dated: March 16, 2022 NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lis Pendens, Summons and Complaint, as amended, were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on December 9, 2021, and that a copy of the same may be had by applying to the said Court or at the office of John J. Pinckney, of Pinckney Law Firm, LLC, P.O. Box 313, Bluffton, South Carolina, 29909, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS NOTICE under the South Carolina Code of Laws (See S.C. Code Ann. §15-11-10 et seq. (1976), as amended), is hereby given that an action is now pending, and that a complaint, as amended, has been filed or will be filed within twenty (20) days after the filing of this First Amended Lis Pendens, in the Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, affecting title to certain real property described as follows: ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with any residential improvements thereon, situate, lying and being on Johns Island, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, known as lot number fifteen (15), containing fifteen and ¼ (15.25) acres of land, more or less; the aforesaid lot being formerly a part of the Black Pen Plantation of Johns Island, formerly belonging to the Estate of Hugh Wilson and also J.M. Humbert, as will appear by reference to a Plat by Samuel J. Wilson, Surveyor, dated February 20, 1872, the said lot No. 15 being one of the 23 lots surveyed and platted as aforesaid. This being the same lands sold by Jacob M. Humbert to Benjamin (a/k/a “Banjamin”) Capers on January 9, 1875, recorded in Book D-26, at Page 239, in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County; and also sold by the heirs of Benjamin (a/k/a “Banjamin”) Capers to Avon Patrick on February 8, 1916, (see Book H-28, at Page 11; and also sold by Avon Patrick to Julia Johnson on March 30, 1918, (see Book U-28, at Page 98), and also sold by Julia Johnson to William J. Kelly, on March 30, 1918, and also sold for taxes by Joseph M. Poulnott, as Sheriff, for William J. Kelly, on December 21 1931, to the Forfeited Land Commission, (see Book H-36, at Page 72) and also by the Forfeited Land Commission to L.H. Oliver on March 5, 1942, which deed is recorded in Book U-39, at Page 455, in the R.M.C.

Office for Charleston County. SAVING AND EXCEPTING: All that lot, piece, parcel of land, situate lying and being on Johns Island, in the County of Charleston and State aforesaid containing one (1) acre, conveyed by Willie Logan and Estelle Logan to Theodore Logan, by deed dated December 22, 1976, and recorded January 10, 1977, in Book H-111, at Page 133, in the ROD Office for Charleston. ALSO BEING the same property conveyed to Sadye L. M. Logan, by Deed of Alethia Logan Bryant, John A. Logan, T. Thomas Logan, Wilbur Logan, and Theodore Logan, dated June 26, 2006, and recorded July 13, 2006, in the ROD Office for Charleston County in Book B-591 at Page 152. TMS No. 281-00-00-006 BY: S/John J. Pinckney Attorney for Plaintiff PINCKNEY LAW FIRM, LLC P.O. Box 313 Bluffton, SC 29909 Tel: 843-815-3530 Dated: March 16, 2022 ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI AND NOTICE NISI IT IS HEREBY, ORDERED that Willie B. Heyward, Esq., of the Heirs’ Property Law Firm, LLC, 27 Gamecock Avenue, Ste. 200, Charleston, SC 29407, (843) 225-8754, willie@heirspropertylawfirm. com, is appointed Guardian Ad Litem Nisi for all of the unknown Defendants, named herein, if any, whether they be minors, incompetents, incarcerated, under other disability, in the military service, or who otherwise cannot be found with due diligence; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that this appointment shall become absolute and permanent on the thirtieth (30th) day following the last publication of the Summons, as amended, in the Charleston City Paper, unless a Petition for Appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem be submitted by or on behalf of any of the said unknown Defendants named herein. BY: Julie J. Armstrong, Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina Dated and Filed: June 6, 2022

RDC File No.: 21-13203 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NO.: 21-CP-10-4308 Bridge Charleston Investments F, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. Barbara Haynes, Willie Lee, Yolanda Brown and William Jackson, and if they be deceased, all other persons entitled to claim under or through them and all unknown persons with any right, title or interest in the real property subject to this action, those who are adults being as a class designated as John Doe and any unknown infants or Persons under any disability or person in the military service of the United States of America being as a class designated as Richard Roe, Defendants. Lis Pendens NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced pursuant to the provisions of 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws §12-61-10, et. seq., and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, upon a complaint of the Plaintiff abovenamed, against the Defendants above-named, for the purpose of obtaining a Decree establishing that the Plaintiff is the sole owner in fee simple of the title to the property described in the Plaintiff’s Complaint, and that the Defendants do not have any right, title, interest, claim, estate in or lien upon the said property;

NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS C/A # 2022-CP-10-01856 REV Federal Credit Union f/k/a Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff, v. Laura Gunter, Defendant. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING COMPLAINT (Claim and Delivery) (Non-Jury)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-05-02-01, you have a right to be considered for Foreclosure Intervention. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been commenced and is now pending or is about to be commenced in the Circuit Court upon the complaint of the above named Plaintiff against the above named Defendant for the purpose of foreclosing a certain mortgage of real estate heretofore given by Kaimath Tracy to NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing bearing date of December 22, 2020 and recorded January 29, 2021 in Mortgage Book 0955 at Page 897 in the Register of Mesne Conveyances/Register of Deeds/Clerk of Court for Charleston County, in the original principal sum of Two Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($278,000.00). Thereafter, by assignment recorded June 25, 2021 in Book 1007 at Page 596, the mortgage was assigned to the Plaintiff., and that the premises effected by said mortgage and by the foreclosure thereof are situated in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and is described as follows: ALL that piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the Village of Pine Grove, County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, being rectangular in shape, measuring Fifty (50) feet on East Richardson Avenue and measuring Fifty and eighteen hundredths (50.18’) feet on the rear property line, and on the side property lines a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six and four-tenths (186.40’) feet; butting and bounding as follows, to wit: Northeast by Richardson Avenue, Southeast on Lot “G”; Southwest on lands now or formerly of the SCDOT; and Northwest, by Lot “E”. The above described lot of land will more fully appear as

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON THE FAMILY COURT FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Case No.: 2021-DR-10-613 HARRY CAPERS, SR., Plaintiff, vs. HARRY CAPERS and ADREAN SADE BEATON CAPERS, Defendant. In Re: C.S.C. (d.o.b. 10/19/16) And S.M.C. (d.o.b. 4/20/19) age of 17 years

The Plaintiff above named, complaining of the Defendant alleges and says:

NOW THEREFORE, on the Motion of Attorney for the Plaintiff, it is hereby ORDERED, that the Summons and Complaint herein, be served upon the Defendant by publication of the same in a newspaper in Charleston County and Dorchester County, which newspapers are most likely to give notice to the said Defendant, once a week for three consecutive weeks.

1. That Plaintiff Ashley Rummell is a resident and citizen of the State of South Carolina, County of Charleston. 2. That, upon information and belief, Defendant Evelyn Fiesta is a citizen and resident of the State of South Carolina, County of Charleston. 3. That on June 16, 2021, at approximately 5:10 P.M. Plaintiff was the operator of a 2016 Honda vehicle traveling through the intersection of Line Street and Meeting Street in the City of Charleston, South Carolina. 4. That on the aforesaid date, time and place, Defendant was the operator of a 2006 Ford Pickup bearing license tag #LVF687, when by and tln·ough the negligence, carelessness, recklessness, willfulness and wantonness of the Defendant, Defendant ran a red light and violently collided with the Plaintiff. 5. The Defendant’s truck struck the front driver’s side of the Plaintiff’s vehicle causing the Plaintiff’s vehicle to spin. 6. Plaintiff hit her head on the window. 7. The Plaintiff’s vehicle sustained heavy property damage as seen in the image submitted to the court.

AND IT IS SO ORDERED! Laura D. Beck Magistrate Charleston County South Carolina This 16th day of May, 2022 Charleston, South Carolina STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT CASE NO.: 2022-CV-10-10600100 SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANT ABOVENAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint upon the undersigned attorney, at 207 Carolina Avenue, Moncks Corner, South Carolina 29461, within (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to Answer the Complaint within that time, judgment by default will be rendered against you for

8. The negligence, carelessness, recklessness, willfulness and wantonness of the Defendant consisted, among other things,

SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to his attorney, W. David Johnson, Esquire, at his office, at 6650 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, S.C. 29406, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER, that if you fail to appear and defend and fail to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons with thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED at Charleston, South Carolina, on this the 5th day of February 2021.


December 22, 2021 Moncks Corner, SC




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W. David Johnson Attorney for the Plaintiff 6650 Rivers Avenue North Charleston, SC 29406 Phone: (843) 843-722-7722 Fax: (843) 720-5289


Respectfully submitted, E. Mason West, Esq. Bar# 100788 WEST LAW FIRM, P.A. P.O. Box 1869 207 Carolina Avenue Moncks Corner, SC 29461 843.761.5626 (Telephone) 843.761.5627 (Fax)

9. That by reason of and in consequence of the foregoing and as a direct and proximate result thereof, Plaintiff was struck in a violent and destructive maimer, resulting in multiple injuries to Plaintiffs body including injuries to her neck, back, shoulders, head and other trauma requiring treatment from physicians and other medical personnel, by reason of which Plaintiff has







s/ J. Ronald Jones, Jr. J. Ronald. Jones, Jr. (SC Bar No. 66091) Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Myers, LLP 171 Church Street, Suite 120C Charleston, South Carolina 29401 Direct: 843-714-2535 Email: ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina June 28, 2022


Riley Pope & Laney, LLC Post Office Box 11412 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Telephone (803) 799-9993 Attorneys for Plaintiff 4617



TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the subscribers at their office, 171 Church Street, Suite 120C (29401), Post Office Box 22795, Charleston, SC 29413, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, except that the United States of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 15-69-40, you have the right to a pre-seizure hearing. You may demand such hearing by notifying the clerk of court and the undersigned in writing within five (5) days of the service of this Notice of your demand for a hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the original Complaint in the above-entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on April 22, 2022.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the original Complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on May 10, 2022.

TMS No. 3790000028 Property Address: 516 East Richardson Avenue Summerville, SC 29485

IT FURTHER APPEARING that service by publication on the Defendant is appropriate pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §15-9-710.

been caused to expend great sums of monies and will in the future be required to expend further sums of monies; and as a direct and proximate result of which she has suffered and will suffer pain and mental anguish and has been prevented and will be prevented from engaging in normal activities, including work, and she has been deprived of enjoyments of persons in like circumstances and she has been otherwise damaged. 10. Defendant is liable for compensatory, consequential, actual, and punitive damages, as well as such other relief as the Court may deem appropriate. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendant for such sums as will fully, fairly and justly compensate Plaintiff for actual damages and costs of this action, and for such punitive damages that may be just and proper under the circumstances.

of the following: a. In failing to observe traffic laws of the highway as she traveled when Defendant knew or should have known that this would inevitably cause the collision that occurred; b. In failing to stop; c. In failing to slow down; d. In failing to apply her breaks properly; e. In running a red light; f. In failing to obey a traffic device; g. In failing to allow safe passage by the Plaintiff; h. In driving while distracted; i. In driving while being inattentive; j. In operating her vehicle upon the highway at a high, excessive and dangerous speed under the circumstances then and there existing; k. In failing to keep a proper lookout for other vehicles; l. In failing to take any precaution to prevent Plaintiff from being injured as a result of the dangerous condition created by Defendant; m. In failing to have and keep her vehicle under proper and reasonable control; n. In failing to exercise that degree of care which a reasonably prudent person would have exercised under the same or similar circumstances; o. In such other and further particulars as the evidence in trial may show.









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ORDER FOR PUBLICATION IT APPEARING to my satisfaction from the attached Affidavit of E. Mason West, Attorney for Plaintiff, that present whereabouts of the Defendant are unknown; and that said

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s/ R. David Chard S.C. Bar No.: 1190 Attorney for the Plaintiff 2050 Spaulding Drive, Suite 2 N. Charleston, SC 29406 (843) 554-6984

TO THE DEFENDANT(S) Kaimath Tracy: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in the above action, a copy which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned at their offices, 2838 Devine Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29205, within thirty (30) days after service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for relief demanded in the Complaint.

the relief demanded in the Complaint.


TO: THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned at his office, 2050 Spaulding Drive, Suite 2, North Charleston, South Carolina 29406, within thirty (30) days after service hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to answer the foregoing summons, the Plaintiffs will move for a general Order of Reference of this cause to the Master in Equity or Special Referee for this County, which order shall, pursuant to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master in Equity or Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case. Notice of Filing YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing Summons and Complaint, were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina on September 17, 2021. Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem UPON READING AND FILING the Petition of the Plaintiff for the appointment of Richard A. Steadman, Jr., Esquire, as Guardian ad Litem for any unknown defendants who may be minors, infants, persons under disability or incompetent, including those persons who might be in the military service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, commonly referred to as the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act of 1940, being as a Class designated as “John Doe,” and “Richard Roe,” and it appearing that the names and addresses of such persons, if any, whether residents or nonresidents of the State of South Carolina, are unknown to Plaintiff and cannot, with reasonable diligence be ascertained, and that the said Richard A. Steadman, Jr., Esquire, whose office is located at 6296 Rivers Avenue, Suite 102, North Charleston, South Carolina, is a suitable and competent person to understand and protect the rights and interests of said Defendants and has no interest therein adverse to the interest of said Defendants, if any, and is not connected in business with the Plaintiff, in this action or with its counsel. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that said Richard A. Steadman, Jr., Esquire, be and he is hereby designated and appointed Guardian ad Litem Nisi for said unknown Defendants who may be minors, infants, persons under disability of

NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, Plaintiff vs. Kaimath Tracy, Defendants.

Defendant is a necessary party to the within action.


Summons and Notice


Lot “F” on a plat dated January 8, 2020 by Atlantic Surveying, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is specifically incorporated herein by reference. Further, said lot butting and bounding as follows to wit: Commencing at a 5/8” rebar located +/- 249’ feet from the right of way of Butler Street, thence running S37°34’04”W for a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six and four-tenths (186.40’) feet; thence turning and running S52°32’38”E for a distance of Fifty and eighteen hundredths (50.18’) feet; thence turning and running S37°30’45”W for a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six and four-tenths (186.40’) feet; thence turning and running N52°20’01”W for a distance of Fifty (50’) feet to said point of beginning.


TMS No.: 466-03-00-065 Address: 2652 Harvey Avenue North Charleston, SC 29405

Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Myers, LLP., is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt, any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. It is our understanding that you are not currently in bankruptcy. If you are in bankruptcy, please disregard this summons in its entirety and have your attorney contact our office as soon as possible.


All that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina and known as Lot No. 8, in the subdivision of Sunrise Heights on a Plat of the same by Hilliard B. Good entitled “Plat of subdivision of Sunrise Heights, situate on the South Side of Burton’s Lane in Charleston Heights, Charleston County, SC, formerly on parts of Lots 8 and 10 of “Stromboli Tract”, dated November 16, 1954, and recorded in the ROD Office for Charleston County, SC in Plat Book J, Page 148.

incompetent, including those persons who might be in the military service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, commonly referred to as the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act of 1940, being as a class designated as “John Doe,” and “Richard Roe,” and he is hereby authorized to appear and defend the said action on behalf of said Defendants, unless Defendants, if any, or any of them shall within thirty (30) days after the service of a copy of this Order upon them, exclusive of the day of service, as herein provided, procure to be appointed, procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for said Defendants, if any, for the purposes of this action. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order shall be served upon said unknown Defendants who may be minors, infants, persons under disability or incompetent, including those persons who might be in the Military Service within the meaning of Title 50, United States Code, commonly referred to as the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act of 1940, being as a Class designated “John Doe,” and “Richard Roe,” by publication of a notice of this Order as required by law in a newspaper published in Berkeley County, South Carolina, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks.


that the premises affected by the said Complaint in the action hereby commenced were at the time of filing of this Lis Pendens described as follows, to-wit:



Lauren Hall explores the ups and downs of love with new singles page 22

Arts news?

Arts, etc. Colour of Music awarded South Arts grant

Photos provided

Mark McIver will perform with his band Remedy during The Windjammer’s 50th anniversary party

The Windjammer celebrates 50 years with some familiar faces

Culture 07.06.2022

By Vincent Harris


Charleston singer Mark McIver has performed in numerous bands since the 1970s, but the common thread through each? All of the bands played The Windjammer on Isle of Palms constantly. In the early ’70s, he played in a band called Free Mountain Standstill. He was 14 years old at the time. Then in the ’80s, with largely the same lineup of friends, he was part of High Stakes, which then morphed into RU. Around 2003, he became part of his current band Remedy, a classic rock cover group. On July 10, The Windjammer will celebrate its 50th anniversary, and it makes sense that Remedy will be there. “Well, we did the 40th anniversary as well,” McIver said. “We got Free Mountain Standstill back together. So to be asked to participate again, it’s an honor. The Windjammer, it’s a first-class outfit. You walk into the ’Jammer, they make you sound good and that’s important. They have a reputation for taking care of their people, taking care of their customers and taking care of their bands.” Though Remedy will be taking the stage this time, McIver’s many groups have been fixtures on The Windjammer’s calendar for decades. “The first time that I played in The Windjammer was about 1973 or so,” McIver said. “And I remember it vividly because we set up where they played shuffleboard. Malcolm (Burgis, The

Shows at The Windjammer regularly spilled out onto the venue’s back patio in the early ’80s

Windjammer’s co-owner) took us under his wing and took care of us. “As far as the ’Jammer goes, that was our playground, so to speak.” McIver said. “We played outside on Saturdays, and we played Fridays and Saturdays inside for years and years.” In fact, without McIver’s bands, it’s a pretty good bet that other bands would’ve had a hard time being heard at The Windjammer.

“We were also the sound company for the ’Jammer back in the day,” McIver said. “We would come in and set up. Bands like the Swimming Pool Qs from Georgia we ran sound for and provided the PA.” For nearly two decades now, Remedy has been banging out the classic rock hits, playing everything from Zeppelin to Paul McCartney and beyond. McIver’s favorite tunes to sing are The Allman Brothers’ “Ramblin’ Man” and Led Zeppelin’s “What Is And What Should Never Be,” but in general, he’s just happy to be up onstage playing music. “I used to say that [when] I was onstage with my bandmates, everything else went away,” he said. “If you have problems in your life or at work, all that goes away while y’all are focusing and kicking butt.” So what’s the secret to keeping a band together for nearly 20 years? You’ve got to love the music and you’ve got to be able to put up with the people you’re playing it with. “It’s the ability to deal with people and their eccentricities,” McIver said. “Everybody has them, and there’s always gonna be something that sets you off, but it’s about the music. We take the tunes and make them our tunes. We found the right musical combination. We have commonality in music.” In fact, Remedy (formerly known as All Purpose Remedy) is so close that they’re more than friends or bandmates. “We’ve lived in each other’s lives for so CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

Colour of Music, Inc. was chosen by nonprofit regional arts organization South Arts as one of its inaugural Southern Cultural Treasures. This new four-year initiative will split $6 million amongst 17 organizations throughout the Southeast that advance the arts and cultural works of Black, indigenous and people of color. The Colour of Music Festival, which features Black classical musicians, presents a program of baroque, classical and 20th-century music to communities all over the country. The Southern Cultural Treasures program runs through March 2025 and will provide up to $300,000 to each organization for operating funds distributed over three years. —Michael Smallwood

Indie pop and emo artists share a bill at Tin Roof Local indie synth artist Pierce Alexander will share the bill with Charleston-based emo band Newgrounds Death Rugby July 17. The 9 p.m. concert will kick off Death Rugby’s summer tour. Local emo band Never Any Ordinary will round out the evening with its confessional punk rock tunes. Tickets are cash only at the door. $7 for 21 and older and $10 for younger than 21. —Chelsea Grinstead

American Jukebox at Charleston Music Hall for two shows

Charleston Music Hall is hosting American Jukebox for two shows on July 9. Presented by Moranz Entertainment, American Jukebox brings the biggest hits of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. The two shows feature singers, dancers and musicians from across the country to perform a range of classic hits, Broadway tunes and comedy sketches as well. Shows take place at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $42 for adults, $39 for seniors/military, $24 for students and $21 for children 12 and younger. Tickets can be purchased online at or in person at the Charleston Music Hall box office. —MS



Artist resource center gets a second act

By Michael Smallwood







West Ashley actor Sarah Dionna opened Actors Resource Center (also known as Arc) in 2019 as a place where aspiring actors could find help filming auditions. The process can be overwhelming for beginners — getting the lighting right, creating strong sound and having the right camera. Arc aimed to rid novices of that anxiety with the help of more experienced people on hand. But like many other companies, it was shuttered because of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. The halt of the film industry during the early part of the pandemic meant there were no auditions to film, and therefore no local actors to take advantage of Arc’s services. Dionna is again looking to open the doors of Arc to the local film industry two years after closing, albeit with a few changes. During the pandemic, Dionna focused her energy on her burgeoning pole dancing career. She started doing gigs and teaching classes, and subsequently met dancers, musicians and other performing artists in need of places to hone their skills. “I started realizing that we all needed this space that we could go to so that we could learn,” Dionna said. “And so that we could network and get better at our crafts. And get more work. So I started working on a design for an Arc Take 2.” The new Artists Resource Center in West Ashley is called Arc Take 2 after the film industry term for a second attempt at a shot. The new goal is to serve not just actors, but voiceover artists, dancers, producers, directors, writers, musicians, aerialists and drag artists. The company will feature actor services like audition filming, coaching and headshots, and will expand offerings to dance classes and other artist services in the future. Dionna has recently settled on a space for Arc Take 2 in the Citadel Mall, a 3,100-square-foot storefront, and is about to begin Photos provided renovations this summer. The new space will be outfitted with two audition rooms and a voiceover recording studio for acting services. Langley Cornwell (top) and Sarah Dionna (above) film A new floor will be laid in for dance training, and the studio will be and coach acting auditions at Arc Take 2 outfitted with poles, silks, trapeze and other dance equipment. point of the best minds in the entertainThe front lobby of Arc Take 2 ment industry. Dionna already has actors will feature a lounge, complete like Rachel Paulson and The Righteous with tables and couches. This Gemstones’ James DuMont scheduled to open space is intended for artI started realizing that we all give classes in the coming months, and ists looking to network, write actors are being lined up for lectures and prepare for auditions. needed this space that we could more in the near future. Televisions outfitted in the go to so that we could learn. Arc Take 2’s website doesn’t currently space will allow actors to watch list prices for services, but those will go TV shows and movies to get And so that we could network online as the company opens its doors in into the groove of styles. Arc late August. As a disabled Marine Corps Take 2 will also feature a coland get better at our crafts.” veteran herself, Dionna wants to provide lection of industry books that —Sarah Dionna opportunities for other veterans to transiare available to be read onsite tion to civilian life through creative arts. As or borrowed. such, Arc Take 2 will offer its classes and Dionna and her team, which consists of actors Langley Cornwell and Scott Gaver, intend for Arc Take 2 to be a Lowcountry meeting services 100% free to veterans.








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Lauren Hall explores the ups and downs of love By Chelsea Grinstead Local country artist Lauren Hall’s two new songs put love in the hot seat. Her most recent July 1 single, “Make Believe” calls out her love interest. The uptempo twanging tune explores how love is an action you can see. Her June 10 single, “Excuse” is a keys driven ballad that laments the mistake of holding onto a relationship that isn’t working. “I own up to being a part of my own heartbreak because I didn’t let go sooner,” Hall said. The new track was recorded in Nashville with producer Dan Frizsell who has worked with country artists such as Lee Brice and Jason Aldean. Hall’s music video for “Excuse” premiered on Country Music Television (CMT) thanks in large part to Beverly Keel from Change the Conversation, a music initiative to fight gender inequality in the music industry. Scenic shots from the new music video were filmed on a piece of land in Jedburg, S.C., which coincide with domestic scenarios that show the yin and yang of a romance. “So every scene, there’s a happy moment with me and this guy and then it shows we’re moving apart and we’re distant — showing how the relationship started to fall apart, showing the good and the bad,” said Hall. She first got into ’90s country music from names like Trisha Yearwood, Shania Twain and The Chicks, developing a passion for the simplistic songwriting about love’s frustrations and triumphs. She tried her hand at songwriting when she was 14, and of course she didn’t really know what she was doing at first. “I loved love — writing about interactions and relationships whether it was heartbreak or actually falling in love,” Hall said. “As I grew as a writer and had more serious relationships, I would use [writing] as therapy.” To her, music is a remedy when it falls on the right ears. “That’s why I write music: for me to get through whatever I went through, and then to send it out to people who maybe went through the same thing. If they’re crying in the car at night, they get to put on your song and cry


long, when the bass player wanted to get married, he asked my permission,” McIver said with a laugh. “We’re more family than anything else. And that family allows us to deal with any internal conflicts, and the music is what keeps us together.” Suffice it to say that Remedy is happiest when they’re up onstage together playing classic rock for people at The Windjammer.

Rūta Smith

Local country artist Lauren Hall premiered her new music video “Excuse” on CMT June 10, and her latest single “Make Believe” dropped July 1 with you. It’s an honor to have an opportunity to connect with people in that way.” As a 25-year-old woman immersed in live music culture, Hall feels like she’s often dealt with the assumption that somebody else is doing everything for her. Behind the scenes she is her own manager, handling all the booking details, running her brand as a business and dictating how she displays her art. However, she’s experienced a strong support system within Charleston’s creative community. “The musicians and the artists really work to go to each other’s shows and support each other and that’s really important,” Hall said. “We are all individual artists. Human nature is you want to be the best and have success — you just have to remember you’re bringing something different to the table. If the opportunity is for you, I’m a firm believer that it will find you and it will come to you. It’s not easy. We’re meant to cheer each other on.” “It gave us a chance to grow and to hone our craft and to become familiar with other musicians,” McIver says. “The Windjammer, we’ve seen everything come through there, we’ve provided audio for it, it’s put money in our pockets and made us feel good.” Remedy will play with Rob Crosby at The Windjammer July 10, 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. For more information, visit

Sponsored by 504 meeting street

By Matt Jones

BOC2022 BEST DANCE CLUB best jazz & blues club




Down 1. Raise up 2. Cookie that collaborated with Ritz in 2022 3. Uhura’s rank on the original “Star Trek” 4. “The Jetsons” dog 5. Nickname used by at least two boxers 6. Checklist bit 7. Cost of a ride 8. Alternative to “person” or “place” 9. Marlo Thomas sitcom 10. “It’s Your Call” singer McEntire




Across 1. Song by The Kinks 5. Pan for gold, e.g. 9. Dragged fishing net 14. Eye color location 15. Rainbow Bridge National Monument state 16. Placed a curse on 17. Fathom divisions 18. Halliwell once known as Ginger Spice 19. “Doesn’t ring ___” 20. See66Across 23. Go out to play? 24. Performer’s booking 25. Buck’s companion 27. Undergarments in a drawer 30. Reproductive part of a flower 35. Kendrick who voices Poppy in the “Trolls” movies 37. Feels lousy 39. Bus driver’s itinerary 40. See8Down 43. Bean or horse variety 44. Dreamcast maker, once 45. Suffix after “suit” or “wear” 46. Spanish architect Gaudi 48. Smallest chess piece 50. Fleur de ___ (Hubert Keller’s famed S.F. restaurant) 51. Econ. indicator 53. Riviera resort city 55. See43Across 62. Home of ancient Bethlehem 63. “___, said the fly” 64. Classic TV kid nickname, with “The” 65. Arctic, for example 66. Egg timer noise 67. Painter Magritte 68. Literature category 69. Wilder formerly of Depeche Mode 70. Throws in

11. Battle weapons 12. TV bandleader and accordionist Lawrence 13. “Bad” cholesterol initials 21. Worn-down pencil 22. Insider’s offering 25. Defense Dept. tech agency 26. ___ a million NOW OPEN 28. Goes on TV 29. Hit the sack 31. Tofu source, in some places 32. Stock Western prop 33. Winter Olympics host country of 2006 34. Starts of news articles 36. Saxophone range 38. Drawn-out drama 41. Attribute for a unicorn, or, say, Fabio 42. It may show support for a graduating student or a political candidate 47. Suffix for hydrox 49. Nothing, to Nigel 52. “Kung Fu ___” (2008 animated film) 54. “King” of snakes 55. Purplish brown 56. Barbara who played a TV genie 57. Back end 58. Work too hard 59. Vesuvius’s Sicilian counterpart 60. Hit the tarmac 61. Saint Laurent of fashion 62. Get some morning exercise, maybe

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