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Charli Denae
My name is Charlotte... you can call me Char or Charli... I am a Fanfiction writer/reader... http://www.fanfiction.net/~charlidenae I've been a reader and writer my whole life. I've loved books since I was old enough to hold one and could not imagine life without books. I'll read anything, any time... even a cereal box. I carry a book or my Kindle with me everywhere. I even read on my phone. I am currently writing Fanfiction but I have tons of work for novels that I'd love to finish and publish one day. I also have a few childrens' books finished and would love to publish them, as well. I've always been a story teller and really hope I am a good one. I've had people tell me that they love my stories and that I'm a good writer but it's so hard to judge yourself. I think fear of rejection is a major phobia for authors. Hopefully, I'll get over it one day and go for it!