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■ Aqua Zumba –Classes are $6 each. Our schedule is Tuesdays at 10:30am and Saturday at noon. Please feel free to reach out to Lisa Stanley if you would like additional details: 609-284-7297.
■ Aqua Aerobics –Classes are $10 each. The schedule is Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm. Please feel free to reach out Tonika Taylor for more information: 678-644-4742
■ Cardio Mid-Impact Aerobics with Ava Jordan; Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am8:15am.
■ Dance Lessons with Sondra Chan! Tuesdays beginners 6pm and intermediate level at 7pm in the yoga room.
■ Healthy Backs with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday; 10am10:30am.
■ Let’s Dance with Roz! Saturday 11am11:45am.
■ Line Dancing with Kandis Larkey; Monday 1:15pm-3pm; $25 per month experienced line dancers only.
■ Low Impact Aerobics with Fran!! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am.
■ Strength Training with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday 9am-10am.
■ Yoga – Come join yoga with Jill! Thursday 2-3 p.m.; $10 per class. For more information contact Jill at 678-615-4854.