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2015-07-22 Photo

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MICorr, Professional member of institute of corrosion UK, NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, CSWIP 3.2 Inspector, IIW Welding Inspector, European Welding Inspector, ASQ Certified Quality Engineer, ASNT Level III-MT, PT, RT, UT, LT, VI, ET, MFL, IR. ACCP Level III-MT, PT, RT API 570 Authorized Piping Inspector, API 510 Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector, API certified professional in- API 1169 Pipeline Construction Inspector, API 580 Risk based Inspection, API 577 Welding & Metallurgy, API 571 Corrosion & Materials, API SI Certified SI Source Inspector.

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1.0 Personal statistic. Name : Chong Chin Chan Date of birth : October 1958 Nationality : Malaysian Language Spoken : English, Malay, Indonesian, Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Language written : English, Malay, Chinese and Indonesian. Contact phone no. : +86-18317153150 (Mobile phone) Availability : Please Call +86-18317153150 Email : charliechong@qq.com Summary of Experiences: Undersign has been working in the oil and gas industries both onshore and offshore fabrication works with responsibility for approximately 23 years. Currently, work as a surveyor at DNV Energy Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and certification services to offshore pipeline installation , derrick fabrications, offshore structures, pressure vessels and equipments works. Currently and for the past 7/8 years major involvements are inspection and fabrication surveillances of Ultra Deepsea Derrick for National Oilwell Varco Shanghai and Derrick tools for Aker Solutions. Other experiences encompassing onshore pipeline; initially at PGUP II for Petronas (750KM) later for jetty loading facilities, Shell Refinery Port Dickson and MPP-DT pipeline for Petronas-Shell joint venture (140KM). Offshore pipeline experiences were also extensive mostly in Chinese water. Undersign is actively involve in offshore platform fabrication and Bolted Drilling plants works previously as QC inspectors, Senior inspector, Quality Supervisor and currently as DNV Surveyor. Expertise acquired may be roughly summarized as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Offshore pipeline transmission laying, construction and CP installation. Onshore pipeline transmission laying, construction and CP installation. Offshore platform and jacket fabrication and installation. Process piping fabrication and installation. Welding inspection and technology. Painting inspection and corrosion monitoring. Bolted Drill Rig fabrication.

Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: Shell/Petronas DEP/PTS L2-2/3, General Pipeline and Material & Corrosion, API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, API Spec 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, API Spec. 4F, Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 , BS 7361 and DNV-OS-F101 (2000), AISC codes. DNV-OS-E101, C401, B401, B101, F101Submarine Pipeline and other DNV-OS rules. China National GB Specifications and CNPC SY Specifications

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2.0 Professional attainment. a. CQE-Certified Quality Engineer by American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, USA. b. MICorr-Professional member of Institute of Corrosion, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, UK. c. SenAWeldI-Senior associate of The Welding Institute, Arbington, UK. d. MInstNDT-Member of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Northampton, UK. 3.0 Technical certification. a. API-570/510 Authorized Piping/ Pressure Vessel inspector, The American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4070 USA. http://myicp.api.org/InspectorSearch/default.aspx (search Name= ”chong”) b. API-SI, API Source Inspector. The American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4070 USA. http://myicp.api.org/InspectorSearch/default.aspx (search Name= ”chong”) c. API-571/580/577 API Corrosion & Material Professional / Risk Bases Inspection Professional & Adv. Welding & Metallurgy Professional. The American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4070 USA. http://myicp.api.org/InspectorSearch/default.aspx (search Name= ”chong”) d. ASNT certified NDT level III (MT, DP, RT, UT, VI , ET, MFL, IR & LT) by American Society for Non Destructive Testing, Columbus, OH, USA. Certificate #72917. https://www.asnt.org/MajorSiteSections/Certification/Certificate_Holders.aspx search for “chong” or “72917” e. ACCP certified NDT level III (MT, DP, RT) by American Society for Non Destructive Testing, Columbus, OH, USA. Certificate #72917. https://www.asnt.org/MajorSiteSections/Certification/Certificate_Holders.aspx search for “chong” or “72917” f. NACE certified Senior Corrosion Technologist by National Association of Corrosion Engineer, Houston, TX, USA. Certificate # 4325. Click Link http://www.naceinstitute.org/cstm/education/certification/certsearch.aspx search for lat name “chong” or certification number “4325” g. EWF certified European Welding Inspector level III by European Welding Federation. Certificate # EWI3/GB/00752. h. TWI registered Senior Welding Inspector by the Welding Institute, Arbington, UK. Registration # 618. i. CSWIP/PCN Senior Welding Inspector grade 3.1 & 3.2. Radiographic Interpreter 3.4 (reference no. W05210, SW02528 and A09003621763). 4.0 Membership of technical societies. a. Member of NACE. b. Member of ASQC. c. Member of BInstNDT. d. Member of AWS. e. Member of ASNT. f. Professional Member of Icorr. g. Member of WJS.

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5.0 Academic qualification. a. Diploma in Ferrous Metallurgy awarded by Material Engineering Institute, ASM, OH, USA. b. Certificate in Civil & Municipal Engineering awarded by British Institute of Engineering Technology. c. Certificate in Mechanical Engineering awarded by City & Guild, London, UK. d. GCE ‘A’ level awarded by Cambridge University LES, UK. 6.0 Safety courses. a. Occupational safety and health management course organized by NIOSH, National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health. b. Safety Workshop organized by Saipem SA-Exxon/Mobil c. First Aid Course Organized by Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Note: The contact persons quoted as references under each work experiences were correct at time of job involvements. The telephone or email may not be able to reach them by now.

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7.0 Work experiences. Following are brief description of undersign employment history and related work experiences and responsibility. 7.1 Employment period Employer Position Client



: 2006 September - To date : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor. : NOV Shanghai : Nabors Drilling International / NDUSA : NDC Abu Dhabi : Cronos : Conocophillips : Perstorp Formox AB : Ultra-deepwater drillship derrick construction and fabrication. : Land base drilling rigs. : DNV 2.7-1/2/3 Offshore Containers. : Sour service assessment of offshore facilities. : Chemical plant vessel fabrications. : Vietnam Ninh Binh Urea Fertilizer Plant. : China/Vietnam.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor at DNV Energy Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and certification services to ultra-deep water offshore drillship derrick fabrication works. The applicable codes and standards were; -

API Spec 4F “Spec. for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures” 2nd Edition. API 6A “API Spec 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment”. AWS D1.1 Welding of Steel Structure 2008. AISC Manual of steel construction, 13th editions. DNV Offshore Standard DNV-0S-El01 "Drilling Plant", October 2008. DNV Offshore Standard DNV-OS-F101 “Submarine pipeline System” 2010. DNV Offshore Standard DNV-0S-C101 "Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD method)", April 2008. NACE MR0175 -2009 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production SSPC codes for painting and surface preparations. Sour oil field operational assessment (Bohai Oil Field for Major Operator – Platform operation compliance assessment to API RP49 & API RP55.). Consultancy inspection and certification on quality conformity of project construction for Ninh Binh Urea Fertilizer Plant to GB/T Chinese Code & Standards.

Completed Offshore Derrick projects; Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 5 of 40

18 Ultra-Deepsea Derricks completed; ( 18 Derrick PCs issued by undersigned, NPS logged) - Blackford Dolphin. - DSME I to DSME V (5 derricks) - Gazflot I and Gazflot II (2 derricks) - HHI-I, HHI H2228 and HHI H2229 (3 derricks) - ODFJELL-I and ODFJELL-II (2 derricks) - Sea Dragon I and Sea Dragon II ( 2 derricks) - DSME Odebrecht 4. - HHI Noble I & II (2 derricks). - HHI Drillship Noble 2505 - HHI Drillship Noble 2506 - HHI Drillship Noble 2507 - HHI DWDS1 for Fred Oslen Energy - PDC5 for Pacific Drilling. - PDC6 for Pacific Drilling. - Atwood - Ocean Rig 5 - Ocean Rig 6 - Seadrill 6 Completed H2S Oilfield Assessment Project; -

Sour oil field operational assessment (Bohai Oil Field for Major Operator – Platform operation compliance assessment to API RP49 & API RP55 to COOSO requirements.)

Completed Land Based Drill Rig Projects; -

Nabor Drilling – NDUSA & Nabor International drill rigs fabrication at SJ Yard. NDC – National Drilling Company Abu Dhabi UAE land based drill rig at Baoji Yard BOMCO.

Responsibility & Job involved:           

Involved in derrick fabrication surveillance. Interpretation of radiographic films. HP piping fabrication inspections. Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures. Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures. Conducting material receiving/verification inspection. Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping. Perform process and system audits. Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications. Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking. Perform facility safety surveys. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 6 of 40

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Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing. Conducting fabrication safety survey. Coating and painting qualifications and approvals. Material selections and approval for project implementations. AISI A4130 high pressure piping with NACE MR01-75 compliances. Material qualification Norsok Standard M-630 Ed5 on MDS D43 Duplex.

Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

AWS D1.1-96, NACE MR01-75, ANSI B31.3, ASME section IX, API Spec 4F “Spec. for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures” 2nd Edition. AWS D1.1 Welding of Steel Structure 2006. AISC Manual of steel construction, 13th editions. DNV Offshore Standard DNV-0s-El0 1 "Drilling Plant", October 2006. DNV Offshore Standard DNV-0s-C101 "Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD method)", April 2004, API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 , BS 7361 and DNV-OS-F101 (2000), NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403, Norsok standard in general.

References: Mr. YP Tee. DNV Energy Country Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com, Mr. Bide Alford NOV Shanghai Quality Director bide.alford@nov.com. Perstorp Formox AB Mr. Erik Timander Erik.Timander@perstorp.com, Pan Chien CHIEN.Pan@conocophillips.com

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Blackford Dolphin.

DSME Discoverer Clear Leader.

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DSME Discoverer Americas.

ODFJell Deepsea Atlantic.

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ODFJell Deepsea Atlantic.

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Deepsea Bergen and the Deepsea Atlantic

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ODFJell Deepsea Stavanger


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HHI Deepwater Champion.

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Petrobras HHI Deepsea Metro-I

Petrobras HHI Deepsea Metro-II Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 14 of 40

Nabors Drilling land based drill rig B&E 5000 series at Loadmaster/SJ Yard.

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NDC Abu Dhabi Rig# 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 fabricated at BOMCO Baoji Yard.

NDC Abu Dhabi Rig# 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 fabricated at BOMCO Baoji Yard.

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7.2 Employment period Employer Position Project Clients Location

: 2005 Sept – 2006 September. : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : PQMS / Surveyor. : Changbei Gas Development Project : CNPC/ SCEPCO, Shell China : China.

Brief description: Work as a Inspector / Surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing PQMS inspection for CPC / Shell JV at Changbei Gas Development Project. The project was a joint venture between China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Shell China Exploration & Production Company Ltd. (SCEPCO) to explore and develop gas resources at Changbei Block which will supply 3.0 bcm/yr of natural gas during the plateau period. Responsibility & Job involved:   

Involved in PQMS Project Quality Management Services for main pipeline and networks collecting pipelines and gas stations. Establishing of coordination / communications with CNPC/SCEPCO and Main Contractors on QA matters and field inspections. Supervisory involvements on field inspection performed of Clients’ Inspector of Local Inspection Agency.

Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

Shell DEP, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, China National GB specification and CNPC SY specifications, API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 , BS 7361 and DNV-OS-F101 (2000), NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403.

References: Mr. YP Tee. DNV Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com. Mr. Tan Heng Lee, Lead QA Engineer Heng-Lee.Tan@shell.com

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Shell SCEPCO/CNPC Changbei Gas Development Project: The project used a combination of 2km long single and dual-lateral barefoot horizontal well drilled from surface location cluster.

Shell SCEPCO/CNPC Changbei Gas Development Project field plan.

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7.3 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: 2003 January – 2005 September. : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor / Corrosion Specialist. : CNOOC Chunxiao Gas Field Development Project : China.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to Chunxiao Gas Field Development Project. The field is located in Donghai, 300KM off Zhou Shan. It consisted of a Central Processing Platform and 2 Well Head Platforms and an Onshore Collecting Terminal DFTS. The gas produced was collected by the CHX CEP collecting platform and transferred to the Chunxiao via 300KM API 5LX56 sub-sea gas line. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in topside fabrication surveillance.  Involved in 300KM of offshore Sub-sea pipeline surveillance.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  Interpretation of radiographic films  Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures.  Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures.  Conducting material receiving/verification inspection.  Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping.  Witnessing WQT & WPQT for CS/SS/Duplex material.  Perform process and system audits.  Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications.  Establishing and approval of project painting and CP project specifications.  Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking.  Perform facility safety surveys.  Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing.  Conducting fabrication safety survey.  Painting and lining qualification testing and inspection.  3rd party inspection and verification of sacrificial anode to DNV RP B401 & BS 7361. Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 , BS 7361 and DNV-OS-F101 (2000), NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403.

References: Mr. YP Tee. DNV Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com.

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7.4 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: December 2001 to November 2002 : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor. : CNOOC DF1-1 Oil & Gas Field Development Project : China.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to DF1-1 Gas Field Development Project. The field is located in Beibu Bay, 110KM off Hainan Island. It consisted of a Central Processing Platform and 3 Well Head Platforms and an Onshore Collecting Terminal DFTS. The gas produced was collected by the DF1-1 CEP collecting platform and transferred to the Hainan Island via 110KM 22” API 5LX56 sub-sea gas line. There was also a parallel sub-sea cable from the mainland to provide power to offshore consumers. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in topside fabrication surveillance.  Involved in 103KM of offshore Sub-sea pipeline surveillance.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  Interpretation of radiographic films  Interpretation & evaluating of RD-Tech automated UT systems on Serimer Dasa Saturnax-5 pipeline welding.  Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures.  Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures.  Conducting material receiving/verification inspection.  Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping.  Witnessing WQT & WPQT for CS/SS/Duplex material.  Perform process and system audits.  Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications.  Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking.  Perform facility safety surveys.  Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing.  Conducting fabrication safety survey.  3rd party inspection and verification of sacrificial anode to DNV RP B401 & BS 7361. Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 , BS 7361 and DNV-OS-F101 (2000), NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403. References: Mr. YP Tee. DNV Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com.

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CNOOC Dongfang 1-1

Offshore pipeline installation for DF1-1 Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 23 of 40

7.5 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: May 1999 to December 2001 : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor / NDT Specialist. : CNOOC QHD 32-6 Field Development Project : China.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to QHD 32-6 Field Development Project. The field is located in Bohai Bay off Tangshan City. It consisted of 6 production platforms and a FPSO. The project was a joint venture between Arco, Texaco and CNOOC. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in topside and jacket fabrication surveillance.  Involve in the reviewed and approval of raiser tie-in procedures.  Involved in the offshore installation.  Cathodic protection testing and installations.  Coating and internal lining inspections.  Material qualification testing for H2S services in conformance with NACE MR01-75.  Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures.  Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures.  Conducting material receiving/verification inspection.  Conducting equipment’s receiving, MCC, NLT, pre-commissioning and commissioning works.  Pre-commissioning & commissioning of process, electrical and instrument systems.  Participated in systems’ commissioning.  Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping.  Witnessing WQT & WPQT.  Perform process and system audits.  Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications.  Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking.  Perform facility safety surveys.  Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing.  Conducting fabrication safety survey.  3rd party inspection and verification of sacrificial anode to DNV RP B401 & BS 7361.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection. Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403.

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References: Mr. Huo Jinlin CNOOC, QHD 32-6 Chief Company Representative 086-022-25808664. Mr. YP Tee. DNV Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com.

Bohai Shiji FPSO & mooring.

Bohai Shiji FPSO & mooring.

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7.6 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: May 1998 to May 1999 : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor / Corrosion Specialist. : CNOOC Weizhou Oil & Gas Field Development Project. : China.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to Weizhou Oil & Gas Field Development Project. The field is located in Beibu Bay off Hainan Island. It consisted of 5 production platforms, namely WZ10-3C, WZ10-3A, WZ10-3AP, WZ10-3B, WZ11-4A and WZ12-1 collecting platform. The gas & oil produced are collected by the WZ12-1 collecting platform are transfer to the Weizhou Island via 12”/18” sub-sea oil line and 8” sub-sea gas line which is located approximately 32km away. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in W12-1 topside and Living Quarter fabrication surveillance.  Involve in the reviewed and approval of raiser tie-in procedures.  Involved in the offshore installation of WZ12-1 integrated platform.  Involved in the fabrication surveillance of WZ11-4C production platform.  Involved in the modification works of the jack-up rig WZ10-3AP production platform.  Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures.  Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures.  Conducting material receiving/verification inspection.  Conducting equipment’s receiving, MCC, NLT, pre-commissioning and commissioning works.  Pre-commissioning mechanical, electrical and instrument systems.  Participated in systems’ commissioning.  Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping.  Witnessing WQT & WPQT.  Perform process and system audits.  Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications.  Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking.  Perform facility safety surveys.  Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing.  Conducting fabrication safety survey. Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others:  API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, NACE TPC,DNV RP B401 and BS 7361, DNV B101, DNV C401, DNV E101, DNV RP-F103, DNV RP-B403. References: Mr. Lu YuanFa. WZ12-1, Chief Company Representative, Deputy Project Manager 86-(0)759-3900338. Mr. YP Tee. DNV’s Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 26 of 40

Weizhou 12-1 7.7 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: April 1997 to May 1998 : Det Norske Veritas AS Shanghai Station, China. : Surveyor. : CNOOC Pinghu Oil & Gas Field Development Project. : Korea and China.

Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Shanghai, PR China, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to Pinghu Oil & Gas Field Development Project. The field is located in East China Sea approximately 400km south east of Shanghai. It consists of a single 6-legged self-contained drilling and production platform with living quarter. Gas and oil produced are piped onshore via a 14” OD gas line and a 10” OD oil pipeline to a gas processing plant and storage tanks onshore. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in topside and jacket fabrication surveillance.  Involve in the reviewed and approval of raiser tie-in procedures.  Involved in the offshore installation.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  Reviewed and approval of quality control and assurance procedures.  Reviewed and approval of Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures.  Conducting material receiving/verification inspection.  Conducting equipment’s receiving, MCC, NLT, pre-commissioning and commissioning works.  Pre-commissioning & commissioning of process, electrical and instrument systems.  Participated in systems’ commissioning. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 27 of 40

          

Welding inspection for dimension, fit-up, visual for structures and piping. Witnessing WQT & WPQT. Perform process and system audits. Establishing NDE requirements and interpretation of codes and project specifications. Reviewed of NDE reports and NDE cross checking. Perform facility safety surveys. Perform coating inspection, adhesion testing and holiday testing. Conducting fabrication safety survey. Witnessing of CTOD and HIC tests. API 5L pipes mill inspection. 3rd party inspection and verification of sacrificial anode to DNV RP B401 & BS 7361.

Applicable codes & standards. Undersign is familiar with following standards and codes requirements, among others: 

API RP2A WSD, API2B, API2H, AWS D1.1-96, NACE RP001, NACE MR01-75, API RP14E, API 1104, ANSI B31.2/31.4/31.8, ASME section II/V/VII/IX, SSPC specs, NFPA 70, API RP 500B, DNV RP B401 and BS 7361.

References: Mr. Yang Binyi- CNOOC, Pinghu Chief Company Representative 0082-522-50-1576/9. Mr. YP Tee. DNV’s Offshore Services Manager 86-(0)21-62788086 yak.peik.tee@dnv.com.

Pinghu. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 28 of 40

7.8 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: June 1995 to April 1997 : PETRONAS / Shell Joint Venture. : Quality Assurance Supervisor. : Multi Product Pipeline & Distribution Terminal Project. : Malaysia, Singapore.

Brief description: The MPP-KVDT Project consisted of 140km of 14” OD pipeline and a distribution terminal, inter connected to Petronas refinery and Shell refinery, delivering multi-product to KL City, Klang valley and the then newly constructed KL International Airport. Klang Valley Distribution Terminal Start Date: March 1993 Completion Date: June 1998 The project entailed engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of a strategic storage and distribution terminal with a capacity for storing up to 140,000 cubic meetings of hydrocarbon products. The facility is located on a site of more than 60 acres in the Klang Valley corridor between Kuala Lumpur and the West Coast of Malaysia. Gasoline and diesel products arrive at the terminal via a multi-product pipeline from Petronas and Shell refineries at Melaka and Port Dickson. There are individual storage facilities for leaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline and diesel, and a separate injection additive facility to cater for the different fuel formulation requirements of Petronas and Shell. The heart of the facility is the state-of-the-art computer control system, which is integrated with the multi-product pipeline product control system and monitors and controls the loading of road tankers. It also provides an accounting base for each of the Joint Venture partners (Petronas and Shell). Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in pipeline, storage facilities & distribution terminal fabrication, quality inspection and surveillance to Shell/Petronas DEP/PTS L2-2/3, General Pipeline and Material & Corrosion.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  Reviewed and approval of quality procedures.  Establishing acceptance criteria and interpretation of codes and project specifications.  Welding inspection on fit-up, dimension and visual.  Witnessing of WPQT and WQT.  Final inspection and issuing of certificate of compliance.  Initiated and conducted job specific audits, example SCADA/TAS functional audits, and pre-startup audits.  Setup quality system for Project Management Team.  Initiated and conducted audits on EPCC Contractors quality systems.  Participated in project safety and environmental control activities.  Participate in HAZOP / HAZAN and follow up actions.  Reviewed of commissioning procedures.  Participate in the commissioning team.  Reviewed of pipeline construction procedures.  Reviewed of tank construction procedures.  Supervision and monitoring of quality control on work activities to API 1104 for pipeline, ANSI B31.3 for distribution terminal, BS 2654 and API 650 for tanks. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 29 of 40

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Provide inspection services for painting, internal coating and FBE coating. Witnessing of FBE test to ASTM G42 and Shell/Petronas specification DEP L5/1-2-3. Coordinate with local statutory bodies on regulatory requirements & PTI/PTO. Assisting and participation in implementing tank automatic welding.

Applicable codes & standards.  Shell/Petronas DEP/PTS L2-2/3, General Pipeline and Material & Corrosion, API 1104, ANSI B31.3, API 650, BS 2654, ASTM G42, Shell & Petronas specifications. SSPC and ISA standards. References: Ir. Chan FungSeng. Project Manager for Petronas / Shell JV (Petronas Dagangan Sdn. Bhd.) Tel: 603-7823700. Dato Wan Kamarrudin – Joint PM, Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd. Tel: 603-7823700.

Petronas / Shell KVDT http://wikimapia.org/#lat=2.955427&lon=101.6640687&z=16&l=0&m=b 7.9 Employment period Employer Position Project


: November 1992 to June 1995 : Det Norske Veritas Pte. Ltd. Singapore. : Surveyor. : Phillip Petroleum Xijiang Field project : Total Thailand Bongkok Field. : Vietsopetro Vietnam White Tiger Project. : Atomash, Valkadon, Russia. Vessel Inspection. : Lanchou Petrochemical, China. Drilling Equipment. : McDermott, Indonesia, Vessel & Jacket Fabrication. : Dowell Schlumberger, Drilling equipment certification. : HEA, Australia, Boiler and Heat Exchanger certification. : Cooper Oil Tools / FMC / Baker Hughes, Xmas trees & Data lodging’s cabin certification. : Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Russia and Indonesia.

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Brief description: Work as a surveyor in DNV Singapore, providing inspection and 3rd party certification services to major oil & gas companies. Responsibility & Job involved:  Involved in jacket, production platform & re-injection platform fabrication surveillance.  Welding inspection, heat treatment and piping hydrotesting.  Witnessing of WPQT and WQT.  Conduct system and process audits.  Reviewed and approval of NDE and quality procedures.  Witnessed and conduct anode electrochemical test and evaluation.  Performed pre-commissioning and commissioning of offshore facilities.  3rd party inspection and certification of wellhead facilities control valves and Xmas trees.  Certification and testing of drilling data logging cabin tower cranes and lifting equipment.  3rd party certification and inspection of vessels and heat exchangers.  Painting, coating and internal lining inspection.  General offshore platform inspection and certification works. References: Mr. YP Tee. Head of Facilities, Equipment & QA Department, DNV Singapore. Tel: 65-7796363. Mr. Tan Kah Seng- Process Engineer Heerema Far East Pte. Ltd. Tel: 65-2251085.

Phillip Petroleum Xijiang Field 24-3 / 30-2 Platform.

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vietsovpetro white tiger

vietsovpetro white tiger Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 32 of 40

7.10 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: May 1991 to November 1992 : Comprimo Malaysia : Quality Control Coordinator. : Shell Refinery Jetty Loading/Receiving Facilities. : Malaysia, Singapore

Brief description: Shell refinery jetty loading facilities, consisted of approximately 4km x 12 products of off-plot pipelines. Ranging from 36” to 8” NPS, extended into the newly constructed marine loading/receiving jetty, 2km into the Strait of Malacca. Responsibility & Job involved:  Performed inspection and quality activities on the construction of multi-product pipeline to Shell/PETRONAS DEP/PTS L2-2/3, General Pipeline and Material & Corrosion, API 1104.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  Perform inspection and quality activities on the construction of multi-product loading & receiving terminal to ANSI B31.3.  Coordinate with Local Statutory Bodies on PTI & PTO matters.  Initiated and conducted audits on Contractors quality systems.  Participated in project safety and environmental control activities.  Reviewed of commissioning procedures.  Participate in the commissioning team.  Reviewed of pipeline construction procedures.  Reviewed of tank construction procedures.  Supervision and monitoring of quality control on work activities to API 1104 for pipeline, ANSI B31.3 for distribution terminal, BS 2654 and API 650 for tanks.  Inspection and testing of the impressed current and sacrificial cathodic protection system for both pipeline and jetty terminal. References: Mr. JT Goh-Project Quality Manager, Comprimo Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Tel: 65-7435378 Mr. Tan Cheong Meng-Corrosion Specialist, Shell Refinery Port Dickson. Tel: 606-6471311

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Shell Refinery Port Dickson export pipeline and loading jetty. 7.11 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: July 1990 May 1991 : MMC Gas Sdn Bhd. Malaysia. : Pipeline Inspector. : Petronas Gas Utilization Project (PGUP II). : Malaysia, Singapore

Brief description: Petronas PGUP II consisted of approximately 750km of 36 inches API 5Lx70 transmission pipeline. Delivering LNG to power station and tap off station for industrial reticulation. The pipeline covered central and southern regions of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Responsibility & Job involved:  Performed inspection and quality activities on the construction of gas pipeline to API 1104 and metering station to ANSI B31.3.  Involved in the front end and back end activities.  Pipe manufacturing inspection and pipe coating inspection.  To perform visual, fit-up, weld up, checks on pipeline welding.  Witnessed of WPQT/WQT.  Radiographic interpretation.  Monitoring on weld defect rates and corrective measures.  Seconded to EPDM “Saturnax” Automatic Welding Team and its successful implementation.  Back-end lowering operation, including shrink sleeve, holiday detection and reinstatement works.  Tie in activities.  Interpretation and evaluation of “Pipetronic” intelligence pig's recordings.  Quality control activities on pipe spools and header fabrication.  Reviewed of QA/QC procedures.  Witnessing of CTOD tests to API 1104 Appendix A’s requirements. Curriculum Vitae of Charlie Chong updated on 2015 October / Page 34 of 40

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FBE pipe coating quality control activities.

References: Mr. Roy B Backeley-Senior Metallurgist, MMC Gas Sdn. Bhd. Tel: 403-2849140. Mr. Ong Nam Siong-Deputy Quality Manager, MMC Gas Sdn. Bhd. Tel: 603-2547111.

PGUP II Cross Country Pipeline.

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PGUP II Cross Country Pipeline. 7.12 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: April 1989 to July 1990 : Sabah Shipyard, Malaysia. : General Inspector. : Petronas “Dulang” Off –Shore Production Platforms. : Malaysia

Brief description: Petronas “Dulang-A”, Production Platform and “Dulang-B” Living Quarter is situated in the South China Sea “Dulang” fields. Responsibility & Job involved:  Assigned as both Welding and Painting Inspector.  Welding and painting inspection.  Material verification.  Dimensional control and Hydrotesting. References: Mr. CM Cheyu Quality Control Manager, SASHIP Sdn Bhd. Tel: 087-41228. Mr. Rosli Shafe-Quality Assurance Engineer, Petronas Carigali Tel: 087-412228.

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Petronas Dulang platform 7.13 Employment period Employer Position Project


: May 1987-April 1989 : Malaysian Shipyard and Engineering. : Painting Inspector. : Esso Production Incorporation “Seligi-A” Offshore Production Platform Project. : Shell St Joseph Platform De-bottle Necking Project. : Malaysia & Singapore.

Brief description:  Esso EPMI “Seligi-A” Project consisted of 5 production platforms and 3 no of dehydration platform. Situated in the South China Sea off Trengganu, Peninsular Malaysia.  Shell St Joseph De-bottlenecking project consisted of a single platform for St Joseph Field located in the South China Sea off Sarawak, Malaysia. Responsibility & Job involved:  Assigned as Painting Inspector.  Painting Inspection and quality control. References: Mr. Nordin Mat Yussoft-MSE Quality Control Manager. Tel: 607-2512111. Mr. Ong Nam Hwa-MSE Quality Control Engineer. Tel: 607-2512111.

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Petronas Seligi “A”

Shell St Joseph Platform.

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7.14 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: Oct 1984-May1987 : Sepakat Setia Perunding Civil & Structural Consultant. : General Inspector. : Inter-Urban Toll Express Way. : Malaysia

Brief description: The project consisted of 120km of highway and bridges and toll facilities between Air Keroh and Pagoh Interchanges, in the state of Malacca extended into the state of Johore, Malaysia. Responsibility & Job involved:  Foundation piling and load testing.  Structural and reinforce concrete quality control.  Welding inspection.  Coating inspection.  Survey and leveling.  Highway construction supervision.  Bridge construction, supervision and quality control. References: Mr. CG Patrick-Chief Resident Engineer, SSP Sdn Bhd. Tel: 606-982523. Mr. B.Jovanovic-Chief Structural engineer, EnergoProject. Tel: 606-982520 7.15 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: August 1983- October 1984 : Bina Runding Sdn Bhd. Civil & Structural Consultant. : Inspector of Works. : Erection & Prefabrication of 43 schools. : Malaysia

Responsibility & Job involved:  Foundation piling and load testing.  Structural and reinforce concrete quality control.  Highway construction supervision.  Coating inspection.  Survey and leveling. References: Ir. Hiam Hoon.-Resident Engineer Tel: 607-3222984

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7.16 Employment period Employer Position Project Location

: August 1981- August 1983 : Malaysian International Consultant Sdn Bhd. : Inspector of Works. : Western Johore Agricultural Development Project (Phase I) : Malaysia

Responsibility & Job involved:  Foundation piling and load testing.  Highway construction supervision.  Structural and reinforced concrete quality control.  Welding inspection.  Survey and leveling. References: Ir. Mutiar Rahman-Resident Engineer Tel: 607-38373451

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