Key Factors on How to Choose an Industrial Floor Scrubber Choosing the right floor scrubber is essential if you want to get the cleaning done fast and efficiently. There are plenty of factors that influence the selection of an industrial scrubber. Here we will discuss the most critical aspects of how to make a proper selection from the available industrial floor scrubbers. Each of them is very important, and each can make a huge difference when choosing a floor scrubber.
The size of the cleaning area The bigger the area, the more powerful and bigger the scrubber should be. That's the general rule. Each scrubber comes with specifications that explain how much surface it can clean in a given period. Understandably, the most powerful ones are the most expensive ones. But then again, not everyone needs to clean football sized areas in just a few hours. The point is to calculate the size, how many hours are allocated for cleaning the area, and based on that, choose a scrubber.
The brand So no, not all brands are made the same, and not all follow the same high standards. Luckily, the internet is here to help with the selection process, help us distinguish the best from the mediocre ones and the low performing ones. The general rule is the ones with the constant flow of positive reviews are the ones that are the most trustworthy. Tradition also plays a huge role in this industry. Many of the best brands out there has been on the market for ten or more years. Of course, all that doesn’t mean to exclude new companies and startups that are trying to make a name for themselves in this industry. Several new companies are trying to bring scrubbers with more advanced features and automation.
Door Width Many commercial facilities are connected with standard sized doors. Some of the biggest scrubbers on the market are so large that there is no way they can be fitted through a standard door. Expanding the door or more doors for the sake of the scrubber can only add up to the expenses of buying the machine. That is why it is essential to first measure every entrance and every indoor before buying a scrubber.
Storage space