How Do I Uninstall A Program
Steps to Uninstall a Program Uninstalling a program can be helpful in various ways. It helps you to free up disk space and make your computer work faster better than before. At first, let us find how to uninstall a program from your Windows computer. You can do it in simple methods.
Steps to Uninstalling a Program on Windows Using the Start menu:
Start by selecting the Start menu on your Windows computer.
Find the program that you want to uninstall.
Once found, right-click on the program and then click Uninstall.
Using the Settings menu:
Go to the Settings menu.
From the Settings window, navigate to Apps and features and then click on it.
You can now select the program that you want to remove and then click Uninstall.
Hopefully, the above methods look easier to uninstall a program. You can uninstall a program quickly from the Control Panel.
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