How To Perform HP Deskjet 2542 Factory Reset? Executing a factory reset will restore all the printer functionalities to the default settings. Start the HP Deskjet 2542 Factory Reset process by implementing the below instructions.
How To Perform Factory Reset On HP Deskjet 2542 Printer ● First, check whether the HP Deskjet 2542 printer is turned on. ● Turn on your HP DeskJet printer by pressing the Power button. ● Press the Cancel button six times. ● Now, your printer will take some time to perform the reset process. ● Alternatively, you can also perform the below steps.
● Hit and hold the Wireless and Cancel buttons simultaneously. ● Wait for at least 3 seconds. ● Check if the wireless light blinks on your printer to ensure that all the settings on your printer are restored to factory defaults. ● Otherwise, repeat the procedure.
Quick Steps: How To I Reset My Hp Deskjet 2542 Printer
● Turn off the HP Deskjet 2542 printer. ● Remove the power cable from the printer and wall outlet. ● Wait for at least 30 seconds. ● Now, reconnect the power cord to the printer and the electrical outlet. ● Turn on the printer again. ● Hold the Resume button for 10-20 seconds. ● Wait until the Alert light turns on. ● Now, release the Resume button. ● Wait until the Attention and Ready lights turn on. ● Use the printer once it is reset. Solution For Hp Deskjet 2542 Password Reset
● If you want to reset your printer’s password, you should reset its settings to defaults. ● Perform the factory reset process on your printer by pressing the Power button. ● Next, hit the Cancel button six times and then release the Power button to complete the HP Deskjet 2542 factory reset process.
● You can also reset your printer’s Wi-Fi password from its EWS page. ● To do this, open your browser and enter your printer’s IP address in the URL field. ● On your printer’s EWS page, you can change its password just as you prefer.
Finally! By performing the factory reset operation, your printer will automatically restore all the settings to default. So, you should have now finished performing the HP Deskjet 2542 factory reset process by implementing the above instructions..
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