St. Anne Episcopal Church _ Sept 2015

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St. Anne Episcopal Church

September 2015

THE EPISTLE Time For A Change Of Time

September 2015

A message from The Rev. Phyllis A. Spiegel

new worship schedule for fall.

There is an old maxim in parish ministry that says, “Never change anything the first year after you arrive at a new call.” I’m not sure if that still holds true when members of the congregation are coming to you and saying, “This could use a bit of tweaking.” So even though such a change flies in the face of conventional wisdom, all those who have attended the meetings where this topic has been discussed are in favor of setting a new

The changes are slight, moving Sunday school to 10:00 am and the last service to 11:00 am, but we do realize this affects your plans and your routine, so we want to tell you why this change is taking place. During the parish wide meeting to discuss the Praise service, we received a lot of comments about the often “rushed” feeling at the service. The Worship Committee feels it is vital to give the Praise Service enough time to include critical worship elements such as the Nicene Creed and the Confession and Absolution (see Patty Cargill’s article for a detailed explanation). While we know that we have compelling reasons for making a...

Table of Contents Worship Time (page 2) Rally Day! (page 3) VBS photos (page 4)

Stepping Forward (page 5)

Welcome Beth (page 7)

Men’s Book Group (page 9)

Deadline for Oct Epistle: Sept 20

…Continued on page 2

Happy Birthday! St. Anne celebrated it’s 36th birthday on St. Anne Day on July 26th with a potluck lunch, cake, great fellowship and some of our founding members (who just happened to wear coordinating t-shirts): Jim Moon, Eileen Moon, Ann Wilson, Helen Goethel, Dave Wilson and Jim Goethel. In addition, Rev. Phyllis told us the story of the beginning of our church. Hear it again online at / News / Sermons. 1

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