Fastest ways to Lose Weight
Fastest ways to lose weight There are numerous ways to reduce your weight fast but most of them will make you hungry and craving for food all the time which lets your will power to give up on weight loss plan but if you really want to get rid of that extra flesh from your body and wants to shed off some pounds.
Choose low- glycemic carbs: a foods glycemic index refers to how quickly sugar food enters the bloodstream and how slowly the food is digested. Foods with a glycemic load measuring less than 55 enables your metabolism to run at more consistent pace which helps you to lose weight. Try a food substitute: it is very difficult to keep the count of your calorie intake and sometimes you may not be knowing calories a food has that you have cooked so to make sure that you take balanced diet with all required nutrients and protein you can try a food substitute though it’s not a dietary aid but it is nutritious and helps you keep a watch on your calorie intake.
Drink plenty of water: to keep yourself fit and free from extra pounds you need to drink plenty of water as water keeps you full for longer you don’t feel like eating any sooner, try to cut off your tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and fruit juices this will help you to reduce calorie intake. Always try to keep reusable water bottle with you all times to restrict what else you can drink it is hard to maintain but once you begin you will not stop. Eat fiber rich food: dietary fiber is not digested by the small intestines which keeps you full for longer due to which potential eating reduces and helps in reducing weight. Nuts and seeds, peas, beans, pulses, fruits, vegetables, whole grain breakfast cereals, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, oats, barley, and rye are the super fiber rich food which helps in reducing weight. Consume protein for breakfast: it is one of the best and fastest ways to lose weight as eating protein rich breakfast keeps you full for a longer time and the hunger hormone ghrelin decreases. Eggs, oats, nuts and seeds, quinoa porridge, sardines and chia seeds pudding are the best choice for a protein rich breakfast.
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