Annotated Portfolio From Idea to Design

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annotated portfolio from idea to design

Group 12


Annotated portfolio From idea to design

group 12 Menno van es Kyara fasen charlot felderhof kayla fenwick oriana ferrari



Introduction Welcome to Group 12’s portfolio. The group consists of Menno Van Es, Kyara Fasen, Charlot Felderhof, Kayla Fenwick, and Oriana Ferrari. We collectively chose the design case, Health. This was the selected design case due to the fact that we generated the most ideas from it during the brainstorm. In addition, each member of the group found this topic to be the most intriguing as well as contain the most potential. Our final invention is a technical piece of clothing called ‘Grip’ that reduces stress using pressure points. Pressure points are nerve clusters or sensitive areas in the body that, when pressed, can reduce every form of stress. In order to make our product work, tubes are placed throughout the shirt which contain inflatable end compartments. These end compartments are inflated by compressed gas which is released through an adjustable valve. Our vision for this product is to minimize mental health issues through stress reduction, to have doctors prescribe it to struggling individuals as an alternative to medication, for it to be unseen under every-day clothes, as well as comfortable, and easy to use. Furthermore, this portfolio will elaborate on what we executed, completed, and achieved throughout the From Idea to Design course. It will also explain why our decisions were made and how we decided upon them.



Content 0. introduction


1. our journey meeting 1 meeting 2 meeting 3 meeting 4 meeting 5 meeting 6 meeting 7 meeting 8 meeting 9 meeting 10 meeting 11 meeting 12 meeting 13 meeting 14 meeting 15

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2. reflections Menno van es kyara fasen charlot felderhof kayla fenwick oriana ferrari

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our journey


Meeting 1 Date 13-09-16 Homework No homework Progress Tried to get a better understanding of the subjects. Writing down questions to ask our tutor. Hours spend From 12:00 till 16:30

Our mindmap about mental



Mindmap with ideas for products to improve healthy living

Mindmap about energy loss and saving energy


Mindmap about energy loss and saving energy

Mindmap about energy loss and saving energy


Mindmap about energy loss and saving energy


Meeting 2 Date 15-09-16 Homework Look into all the design cases and write down important information about them and ideas you already have. Progress Made mind maps about all the subjects, brainstormed together and chose our design case. Hours spend From 12:45 till 15:30

We combined all the information we found and the best ideas from our mind maps into one big mind map for every topic, Health, Energy and smart mobility.


We are discussing each other’s opinions, information and ideas about each topic.

These following pictures are the big mind maps we made about our visions for each topic. Because our vision was the clearest for mental health and we we’re all really interested in the topic, we decided to choose this as our topic.




Meeting 3 Date 20-09-16 Homework Come up with 30 ideas about (mental) health. Progress Talked about our ideas and made mind maps connecting them. We selected our favorite 5 ideas (of the 150 ideas) for further exploration. Hours spend From 10:00 till 14:00

Why we chose for mental health


We decided to all come up with 30 ideas to improve mental health for this meeting. These following four pictures are of some of our dummies.


These are the drawings that resulted out of the ‘drawing with each other’s hand’ challenge that Bart Hengeveld explained to us in his lecture.


We talked about all of our ideas and wrote the ones everybody liked down on one big piece of paper. There was clearly one idea we all really liked. A shirt with multiple functions that will improve your mental health.

Exploring one of the ideas a bit more. This picture shows the design for a cream to help drug addicts put a hold on their addiction.


Exploring one of the ideas a bit more. This picture shows the design for an advanced moodring.

We looked up information about where in the body stress management pressure points are located and where on your body you feel pressure when you experience a hug.


Exploring what a shirt needs to do to help you sit strait and what erea’s of a the body the shirt needs to cover so we can give it all the functions we want it to have.

Exploring where we should add pressure to create the feeling of a hug.


Meeting 4 Date 26-09-16 Homework Make storyboards and build prototypes for our midterm video. Progress We combined the best parts of our storyboards to one great storyboard and planned where to shoot and who the actors were going to be. Hours spend From 9:00 till 10:45

Giving the final touch to the prototype we will use in the movie.


The movie script Oriana wrote.

The movie script Charlot wrote.



The moviescript Kyara Fasen wrote.


Meeting 5 Date 27-09-16 Homework Bring your props and learn your lines. Progress We have all our shots and we start on the editing. Hours spend From 9:30 till 17:30

Filming day. Shooting different scenes to show the different purposes of our idea.


Shooting the rooftop shot for the intro of our video.


Meeting 6 Date 28-09-16 Homework Think of the narrative. Progress We finished our video (finished editing, recorded the audio and found the background music) and mailed it to the professor. Hours spend From 10:30 till 14:30

Editing the video and coming up with a voice-over that catches people’s attention and fits with the video.



Meeting 7 Date 04-10-16 Homework No homework Progress Thinking about a solution about how to make the pressure points actually work, research what has been done in this area before. Hours spend From 11:00 till 16:30

Research about what has been done before in this area.


Our first try at the technical process behind the shirt. Mechanism with springs that push the pressure point using electromotors and a battery.


Meeting 8 Date 11-10-16 Homework No homework Progress We made a questionnaire for Facebook about dealing with stress and depression, we made better sketches, Searched and called with a technical professional (Mart Wetzels)and worked on our poster ideas. Hours spend From 9:00 till 13:00

Techniques that might work an expert told us about.


Another idea we thought of in our process. Was not good enough because it does not give the right pressure.

Research of ways to implement technologies. The car sickness bands in combination with inflation.


Meeting 9 Date 13-10-16 Homework No homework Progress Wrote pitch together and gave everybody tasks for the next week. Wrote pitch together and gave everybody tasks for the next week. Hours spend From 8:30 till 10:30

Our final idea of how the technology in the shirt could achieve our goal’: pushing the pressure points in the right way.


During this meeting each member of the group read aloud the pitch they had prepared. Then we chose the best parts from each pitch in order to create a final pitch. This was decided in order to include every group members ideas as well as generate a better end result.


Meeting 10 Date 13-10-16 Homework Research what has been done, write down vision, think about pitch, think about poster ideas, think about how to realize the product and write down precisely what pressure points are and how they work. Progress Talked to a processional (Mart Wetzels) about how to realize the pressure points, changed the design of the shirt, thought about the logo. Hours spend From 10:00 till 15:00


During this meeting Charlot experimented with different logo ideas and designs. Kyara, Oriana, and Kayla talked with a professional about how to make the technical part work. We decided to consult a professional because they have more experience/knowledge and therefore have the ability to open our eyes to new ideas. Solenoids and vibration motors were suggested but were ultimately not used. Kyara designed an idea for what the final product might look like.




Meeting 11 Date 20-10-16 Homework No homework Progress Concept prototype and storyboard finished. Reviewed each other’s work. Hours spend From 8:30 till 10:30

Designing the shirt


Charlot worked on the design for the business cards and poster.


A solution on how to make the technical part work was decided upon. Tubes, end compartments, gas, and valves were decided upon because they were the thinnest solution that induced enough force. Menno ordered the technical components for our final prototype. Ordering the parts.


Working on the design of the shirt.


Meeting 12 Date 20-10-16 Homework Prototype, logo, poster and business card finished, bring the props and learn your lines. Progress Filming and editing, Hours spend From 9:00 till 18:00

In meeting 12 we started shooting video nr. 2. Our final video had a more professional approach with photo studio lights. This, and an improvement of the script made a better final video. Here you see the shirt being put right for shooting one of the scenes.





Meeting 13 Date 26-10-16 Homework Finish poster and prototype. Progress Editing, start reflection. Hours spend From 12:30 till 18:00

In meeting 13 we focussed on editting the video. Kyara, Kayla and Oriana started editing the final video while Charlot and Menno were busy designing the poster and realising the physical model which was done at home after agreements of how they should look. This splitting of tasks made it easier to work on, and was also more efficient because people didn’t walk in each other’s way.


Progress of the poster


Nearly finished result of the physical model. Afterwards text was added to the shirt, to make it more clear.


This model was one of the final showcased products. The physical model came in handy when explaining people how it works, since explaining the technical part without the model seemed hard on beforehand.


Meeting 14 Date 27-10-16 Homework Pitch ready and learned, business cards and poster printed, movie done. Progress Presentation ready. Hours spend From 9:00 till 13:00

Final poster. The final poster which was showcased got a lot of positive results. People found it, self-explaining, clear and goodlooking. The goal was to make the poster more self explaining, so people can get into more detail when asking for information, and thus understand the concept better.


Practicing the pitch before the exhibition starts. The group seemed a little nervous before the start. Afterwards we found out that was all for nothing, because practice makes perfect and the final pitch sure turned out as well as we had hoped.

Our final presentation



Front of our business card Leaving our guests with business cards was a good idea. Guests often tend to forget minor things or details, since there are a lot of products getting showcased.

Back of our business card


Meeting 15 Date 02-11-16 Homework Finish your reflection. Progress Finished annotated protofolio. Hours spend From 12:00 till 13:00

In meeting 15 we discussed the layout of the portfolio so everybody was happy about it, next to that we also checked if we missed anything in the portfolio, like the meetings, or the things discussed in meetings. Just to make sure the portfolio is exactly like it should be, clarifying and complete!


our reflections

menno van es


Reflection menno van es Throughout the whole project I have learned a few different things. Group work isn’t always going how you want it to go. At first I was annoyed by it, but then I found a way just to accept it. Since it makes it a lot easier to work on your project. In the beginning when I didn’t accept it, I started being busy with the tasks of my group mates because they didn’t always do things the way I liked it. We didn’t really have roles, because first of all it seemed like a good idea that everybody in the group works together on all aspects. This didn’t turn out as very efficient. In this part, were everybody did everything, I constantly tried keeping an eye on what everybody else was doing. Soon I found out this wasn’t really helping. As a group we decided to split, and focus on different aspects, so I just started focussing on my own tasks. These tasks mostly consisted of finding a technical way of realising the project, and the design, together with somebody else. After a while I found out working together on the technical part didn’t really go as planned. Because I often was very curious so I started working things out myself, in the end realising the technical part on my own for a big part, after many tries. This was with feedback of the group. It all seems a bit negative, however, I think this was a good way of working, Since everybody was working on the parts and aspects they excel at. Which in the end results to a best possible product, atleast, that’s what you would think. The negative side from this is that you learn less. You’re only focussing on the part that you’re strong on. If you’re looking for a better way of learning, I think it is more efficient to work in pairs on different aspects, one pair containing of a less good insight in the specific aspect, and one with a better insight at that specific aspect. Like this the one with the less good insight will be taught by the one with the better insight. In the end I think this will connect the group more, make them more enthusiastic toward each other, and thus leading to a better end result. The best end results isn’t made by each focussing on your strong parts individually like I said before, but by working as a group. Another good thing to apply in working in a group, is making rules, and appointments. So you can expect what your group mates will do, and you wont have surprise issues in the end. Appointments however don’t always go as planned. In the group, it isn’t that much of a problem, because we would use the meeting to show what we had been working on, provide feedback for each other, then we made new appointments for homework, and then sat a bit longer to work on it, or got home to work on it. With the teacher however, it sometimes didn’t go as planned. We would sat there for 15 minutes to half an hour waiting for the coach to arrive. Valuable time that also can be spend on progressing with the product. Off course arriving late can be by accident, but when it happens multiple times it gets annoying. Although she does it to help us moving forward, rules are rules, and appointments will be taken seriously. That includes being on time, both for us, and for her. Not working via the most ideal way (working in pairs), made me focus on the technical part. What have I learned from it? Not that much, it gave me a bigger view of how certain problems can be approached. That technical things can be more that just machines, and electrical stuff. It can also make use of chemicals, like we did in the final project by using gas to make it work. Also, because we were doing things together in the beginning. Editing the video together showed me an insight of how the editing program works, and I can now find my own way with the program. My personal conclusion for a next project would be: Be more involved and tight knit as a group. This will make it more fun, and will make it more efficient as well. And you will even end up learning more!

kyara fasen


Reflection kyara fasen I followed the course from idea to design this semester and I learned a lot from it! For this course we had to go through a design process in a team. We needed to design a product for saving energy, healthier living or smart mobility. I never went through a design process before, so everything was new to me. From being creative in a team to all the techniques I learned in the lectures. In the beginning I noticed I found it difficult to know what I should be working on. Should we already be working on the technical part of our product? Should we still be doing research? Questions like that couldn’t get out of my mind, worried I was doing something wrong. But luckily we turned out to have very good guidance in that. We met up once a week with a tutor. In those meetings she would give us feedback on the work we had done and we could hear what other groups had been working on and also learn from their mistakes. I really appreciated those meetings because it always felt like I learned a lot from them. The lectures were also really helpful, I never missed one. In each lecture we learned something about the stage of a design process we should be in that week. So as long as we kept up with the “homework” from the lectures I felt like we were doing the right thing. I will most definitely keep all my notes from these lectures and look into them every time I’m going through a design process in the future. Another thing I found really difficult was being creative at this exact moment of time during a meeting, especially while I’m there with people I don’t really know. But I also learned a lot of techniques for this exact problem in the lectures. For example the ’6-3-5 Brainwriting’ technique and sketching with each other’s hands. These techniques where all really fun to use and also good to break the ice a little in a group. I’m really glad I learned this and will definitely use it again in the future. But I think the most important thing I learned is to also pay attention to all my ‘stupid’ ideas. Generating tons of ideas instead of just trying to think of the perfect one appeared really helpful. Reading back through my own and my groupmates stupid ideas gave me every time a lot of inspiration for more and better products. My biggest learning goal is to get better at working with Photoshop, as I noticed being able to work with Photoshop is almost essential as a designer. I never worked with Photoshop before but I plan to watch a lot of tutorials in my free time and I already subscribed to an adobe course where we will also learn a lot about Photoshop. Another goal of mine is to improve my programming and Arduino skills, so hopefully I will be able to program my prototype, next time, such that it will actually work. Our project group was a real teamwork group. We all did all the work together and didn’t divide tasks till the last week. On the end of every meeting we would give ourselves homework for the next meeting and on the beginning of every meeting we would look at what everyone had done. Choose the best idea or combine our favorite ideas to one and work further on that. The downside of this technique was that I often spend a lot of time coming up with, for example, a video script and we would end up not even using mine. But that never bothered me because I wanted to learn everything. If we, for example, just agreed to let the person who is best at editing videos edit the video alone in her bedroom, I wouldn’t have learned a thing. Now that we all did it together I learned so much about video editing. Although I do not regret the way we did it, I think it would have saved us all a lot of time if had divided tasks early in the process. So in a future project I will most likely suggest to divide tasks a lot sooner. Like I said earlier in this reflection I found it difficult to be creative at this exact moment of time during a meeting. So to prevent that I always made sure to do our own assigned homework and to write every idea I got, during the week, down in my dummy. That way I always had a lot of work and ideas to show the others during our meetings. When we finally did divide tasks, the last week, I chose to work on the movie scenario, the design of the product/how to make the product look comfortable, the logo and the annotated portfolio. I chose to work on these tasks because I’m more of a creative rather than a technical type. I knew other people in my group would do a better job than me working on the technical part of the shirt. It is my goal to not only improve what I’m already good at, like sketching, but also learn the things that I’m not that good at, like video editing. So maybe in a future project group I will be the best at video editing. I’m planning to achieve this goal by practicing a lot. I think all the things I learned in this course are indispensable for designers. Not only the techniques I now understand but also my improved teamwork skills will definitely bring me closer to being a good designer in the future.

charlot felderhof


Reflection charlot felderhof The Group It only was the first week and a lot is coming at you in that first week. Now, eight weeks further, I can walk around differently on the TU/e campus. First of all, I exchanged by short sleeve shirts for a warm winter jacket. But what I mean is that it all was a lot in that first week. Everything is new and unknown and it is hard to keep up with everything if you don’t even know the campus that well. Our first meeting was therefor also a bit stiff. So we decided at our third meeting that we should get to know each other a bit better by doing a warming-up exercise. After that exercise we could open up to each other more and tell the things that we really thought. For our group worked best when we assigned each other homework for the next meeting. For example: brainstorm at home or work out some ideas. Then the next meeting, we could discuss that homework and complement each other. In this way, we could think of everything our self first, before falling into the tunnel vision of the group. We, as a group, worked well. We were never in a complete disagreement and were always on quite the same line. We also worked together friendly(jovial), but could always give each other feedback. I myself find it hard sometimes to let other people do the work. I always want to do everything myself, because I think I can do it the best. But with this course I learned to let other people do the work too, because I sometimes am not the best at it, or other people can do it as even. I really trusted my groupmates with this. I mostly took the lead in the group, more than the others. For example, at the begin of the meeting I told everybody what we had to do and how we were going to do it and I mostly assigned the homework. But our roles were in the first four weeks of this course still quite even. We were thinking together of all the aspects of the product we were making. It was not until after the intermediate deliverable that we decided to divide the roles in the group. I chose to take the designing part. Eventually, I thought of the design of the shirt and I made the logo, the business cards and the poster. I chose to do this, because I had the most experience, plus I really like to do this. And when I like to do something, I will pour my heart into it. And that’s what makes it good. The course Starting this course, I expected something else, because of the name ‘From Idea to Design’. I thought the emphasis would be on the process of coming to an idea. I found this approach of the course a very good idea. If they would let us go through the design process very consciously, we could benefit from that for the coming years, because we would know how it should be done. But now, at the end of the course, I don’t think we got the chance to tell our process and choices anywhere during the final presentation. I found out that the emphasis laid on the final product more than on the process. So your potential as designer. What I mostly learned from this course, is how much we could exactly do without much foreknowledge. On beforehand I wouldn’t have guessed that we could exactly make an working prototype. Moreover, I learned how to brainstorm better. And I learned how you can use different kind of media types, to tell different kind of stories. I also learned a lot about shooting a movie. For the next time, I need to remember that I can trust other people with doing things for the project n a group project too.

kayla fenwick


Reflection kayla fenwick For the “From Idea to Design” course, every member in our group contributed an equal amount. This reflection will explain how I personally contributed to the project as well as how the whole group contributed to the project. Firstly, I contributed by coming up with the idea to design a shirt that mimics the feeling of a hug in order to reduce stress. This was the starting point of our design that eventually led to a shirt that also applies force to pressure points in order to reduce stress. After doing some research, I discovered that a more advanced version of the hug shirt already existed so we decided to completely focus on the pressure points. I found that the most difficult part about designing a product is coming up with an idea that doesn’t already exist. In the future, I plan on coming up with only original ideas by choosing a design case and researching what already exists first. This way I won’t get too involved and excited about an idea that has already been invented. I also constructed the first prototype but it didn’t turn out the way the whole group envisioned it, including myself, so it was not used in the first video. Additionally, I contributed by drawing many sketches of the prototypes throughout the whole process. To continue, English is my native language so I was chosen to be the voice behind the voice over in both the first and the second video presentation. Lastly, I also contributed by editing the final video alongside Oriana. We began editing the day before the presentation day which meant we had to finish that day. As a result, we worked for almost 6 hours straight. Staring at a screen for that long absolutely drained the both of us. In the future, I plan on starting the project earlier so that it can be spread out over a few days in order to keep my sanity. As for the whole group, we all edited the first video together. I liked this because no one did more work than anyone else so there was no resentment. Unfortunately, I also found this to be difficult at times due to conflicting ideas and different choices in music. For next time, I will suggest taking a vote in order to save time rather than trying to find something we all agree on only to fail. For the pitch, we all wrote one individually. Then we read ours out loud and decided on the best parts from each one in order to write an improved final pitch. This way everyone’s ideas were included. Then everyone was required to memorize the pitch on their own. Unfortunately, some practiced more than others. In the future, I will recommend practicing the pitch together instead of individually so that it will ensure that everyone knows it sufficiently. The day of the presentation, we each went through the pitch once or twice but it wasn’t enough and also too late. As for the poster and business cards, Charlot designed them using suggestions from the rest of the group as guidance. The morning of the presentation, Charlot, Kyara, and I went to print the poster out in Metaforum together. For next time, I will suggest printing it earlier than the day of in case something goes wrong. For the prototype, we all brainstormed several ways to make the technical part work. We also talked to a professional who suggested solenoids and vibration motors. Unfortunately the solenoids were too big and the vibration motors didn’t provide the amount of pressure that is required. Finally, Menno came up with a solution involving compressed gas. Then he ordered the parts and constructed our final prototype. Lastly, Kyara worked on our annotated portfolio using pictures from our group work as well as from all of our dummies. We decided to divide the work for the final presentation so that each of us could focus on one thing and perfect it rather than focusing on multiple things. In conclusion, I learned a lot from this course. Such as, how to positively work as a team, the basics behind making a product, and the benefits of consulting a professional. I also accumulated new goals and ways to achieve them. Such as how to come up with original ideas. As a whole, this course was a beneficial experience and I’m thankful that I was lucky enough to be placed in such a productive and fair project group.

oriana ferrari


Reflection oriana ferrari From Idea to Design was the first design course we had to do this year. Before taking this course I had no knowledge about how to create a design. Therefor my goal for this course was to learn more about the design process and how you can use this while working in a group. For this course we were divided in groups of five. With this group we had to create a product for smart mobility, health or energy. In the beginning I found it quite hard to get started with the process. There were a lot of questions like: what is the best way to get an idea? We got a some answers to our question from the tutor meetings, but I found out that there is actually no “perfect� way to start when it comes to designing. You can start with sensing, perceiving and doing, envisioning or analysing. Before participating in this course the only way I knew how to come up with ideas was brainstorming. During the lectures I learned that there are a lot a ways how to become more creative so that coming up with ideas is easier. Examples of methods I did not know are: prototyping/tinkering and whole body techniques. It was very useful and exciting to try these new methods in our process to come up with an idea. After doing all these exercises we eventually chose the health option out of the three and after more brainstorming we decided to try and find a solution to stress. A problem we encountered with the group was that we tried to decide by ourselves what the technology from our product should look like. We found out that this was quite hard and that we did not have enough expertise. We spend a lot of time researching techniques that we could use but we were not able to come up with a good idea. After talking with our tutor about this, we went looking for help from an expert. The expert gave us some examples of techniques and we even went back to him to confirm our final idea behind the technology could work. This was very helpful. If we would have gone to the expert earlier, we would not have spent so much time looking for answers online. This is a good learning point for next time. In the future I will know how to use a lot of different ways besides to get in a creative mindset and come up with ideas. This especially will be very useful for future group projects. I have learned that I should not wait until the last moment to ask other people and experts for help and to get a different view of the design. This course did teach me how to come up with more and creative ideas and showed me that there is not a right way to start the process of designing, therefor my learning goal is achieved. My work in the group In the beginning of this course we did all the work that needed to be done together. We did a lot of the process during the meetings and then each one got the same homework so we could discuss it the next meeting and choose the best ideas. The last weeks we decided to divide the workload, so we could work faster. I had to do research for the prototype and come up with techniques for the design. For this I went with others from the group to the expert. In the final week my assignment was to edit the video together with Kayla.

Group 12

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