Portfolio Year 2 Charlotte Clarke

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Project TID1161

Taxonomy collect 30 of something that interests you

Project TID1161 Taxonomy - Rationale For this project I decided to base my taxonomy project around something that I have had a love of for a long while, classic mini coopers. I collected 30 examples of the cars at the largest mini event in the world. My design choices were mainly made around the photographs that I have taken of the cars rather than a specific movement in design but I did have to take basic rules into consideration when making my booklet of photographs. I originally planned to create a poster showcasing all 30 cars on one page but I deliberated whether this would work on an aesthetical level, which led me to change my mind to make a book. This would allow the viewer to have a deeper insight into the collection and allow them to really take in what I have put across. A lot of my research was more based on magazine layouts and grids rather than a specific artist or photographer to follow. My aim was to show off my taxonomy in a more basic way and concentrate on the photographs rather than use them as a base for creating something else. I brought in a personal aspect to the project by explaining the project and my connections to it in the first two pages; the minimalist theme is strong in these pages due to the strong titles on the white page. I then put in some other photographs that add some context to the whole trip on the double page spread after. Overall, I was quite pleased with the booklet especially the aesthetic that it gives in terms of minimalism and simplicity.

Project TID1161

Taxonomy T

hese are the final outcomes of my taxonomy project based around classic minis. My final outcome was a book that showcased my photographs and my experience at the London to Brighton Mini run that took place in June 2013.



hese are screen shots from my book showing the personal connection pages at the beginning giving some bacground context to the event and why I partook in it. I also included a double page spread at the end of the book showcasing all of the cars in the book giving the reader a chance to compare and contrast them to really take in the differences and similarities.


he book can be found on ISSUU at: http://issuu.com/charlotte-grace/docs/ bookletfinal070514

Project TID1161

Taxonomy T

his is looking into the developing stage of my project. Initially I didn’t know where I was planning to go with the photographs or whether I should create something from them or with them. This is the process I took into creating my end product.

Project TID1162

Data Visualisation Create a piece of data visualisation on a subject of your choice

Project TID1162 Data visualisation - Rationale My data visualisation project was again based around classic minis because I formed my survey and sent it out around the time that I collected the taxonomy photographs. I intended to gather information and try to prove that there are more people who own classic minis today than people expect and possibly see if there are any trends in the types of people who own them. I used an online survey with an array of questions about the different areas of classic mini ownership including how many cars they own, where they buy their parts and how much they spend a month on parts and maintenance. I managed to gain a response of overall 147 mini owners that gave me a fantastic base for my visualisation piece. Once I collected the data I used Pinterest and various online sources to look at the way that other people had used mathematical data in a visual way. I experimented with different charts and graphs that all gave various effects for each section. The problem I had is that I had a lot of information to process and I had to try and make it attractive and not overwhelming to take in and read through. I decided to stick to a certain colour theme and font family but use different type of graph/chart for each section in order to keep it interesting. The design choices I made were a lot more to do with the practicality of the information and statistics that I had. Overall, I was quite happy with the outcome of this project even though my final piece ended up being rather long.

Project TID1162

Data Visualisation T

his is my final outcome for the data visualisation brief in which I collected data using an online survey about mini owners in the UK to try and see if there were any trends and to see how popular they are today.

Project TID1162

Data Visualisation T

hese are the developing stages of my data visualisation as well as my process of taking the information I had gathered about this project and experimenting in making it visual.


his is an extract of my list of feedback from my survey, the responses totalled 147 responses which gave me a good ground to create contrast and being able to create percents and graphs from.


his page mainly shows my process from getting what I had in the survey responses to actual numbers and figures that I could use to make visual.

D&AD New Blood

Monotype brief Design and create a new typeface for a paper under the insp umberella

D&AD New blood Monotype - rationale I picked the monotype brief because it seemed rather challenging as well as looking into a slightly more creative field of design compared to the other work that I had done in the year. The brief outlined that we had to create a typeface for a street paper local to us that sort of brought the paper both into the modern light and strengthen the relationships between the person who was buying the paper and the person who was selling it. I thought of this and wanted to sort of keep a theme of the handmade and hand rendered type, which started off my research. I looked into previous issue of the big issue to see if there were any examples of hand rendered type on a magazine front. I also looked into other papers owned by the INSP (International Network of Street Papers) to see if they had any forms of hand rendered type on them. I did various experiments around my own handwriting and looking at the stereotypical hand written cardboard signs that are always associated with the homeless. I wrote out various letters until I found a style that I was happy enough with and took it into illustrator to make a vector shape. I then took this font and used it as a sub-heading font as shown on my insitu pictures. Overall, I was fairly happy with my font although there was vast room for improvement if there had been a longer time scale.

D&AD New Blood

Monotype brief T

he monotype was possibly the most difficult brief that I had this year but after a lot of hard work I managed to come up with these outcomes. My font is named Manibus taken from the latin ‘Manus’ which means hand. The font had to be personal and make connections which is why I went for a hand rendered font.

D&AD New Blood

Monotype brief T

hese are my supporting and developing work for the monotype brief. It was very difficult to get a good start on this and I think I could improve this font if I was given more time to revisit and adjust it. But overall it works rather well and I like what I have produced.


lot of my work looked into the handwritten font and trying to develop something from that so a lot of my develpment work included using my own handwriting as experiment pieces. I did this by writing quicker/slower and using different pens and different writing tools.

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