Camversation series webinars ICM exploration With
11th November – Woodlands and trees 18th November – Water 25th November – Architecture 23rd December – Abstract and close up 30th December – Animals 10.00 – 12.00pm – Saturday mornings £5 per webinar
Those of you who follow my work or have joined one of my courses or watched a webinar will know that I love to share my love of creative photography. I am a great believer in two things when it comes to teaching: 1. That if you teach it, you teach all you know, not keep ‘secrets’ so no one can copy you. 2. That you teach to provide skills and knowledge that can be used by an individual to create in their own style, not just replicate what you have shown them. So, with those things in mind, I am delighted to be working with Mark from the Camversation platform, to offer a series of ICM webinars this November and December. Those of you not familiar with the Camversation webinar platform….where have you been! Its never too late to get involved though. During Covid, Mark decided to organise webinars when his camera club stopped meeting in person, and no one else wanted to organise online meetings. With a ‘let’s see what happens’ attitude, Mark’s webinars have grown from 8 to over 300 attendees (depending on speaker) over the last couple of years. Attendees tune in from the world over and the list of speakers is inspirational. I’ve been delighted to speak on the platform a few times, and so when Mark suggested we run a series of webinars I was delighted to get involved. I have chosen ‘ICM exploration’ as the series title. November 11th sees the first webinar event – ICM exploration - Woodlands and trees, followed by water, architecture, abstract and close up and animals. The webinar series follows closely a course I have been running for small groups for the last three years, and I have had wonderful feedback from every group, so I know it delivers useful and practical information you can put immediately into practice. Just so you have all the dates and subjects in one place, here they are:
11th November – Woodlands and trees 18th November – Water 25th November – Architecture 23rd December – Abstract and close up 30th December – Animals Each webinar will follow a similar format. The subject matter will be introduced and explored with a presentation, including loads of example images and videos. Before
and after images will show you the whole process from visualisation through to creation. The presentations will run at around an hour to an hour and a half long. During the first webinar there will be a recap on the basics of ICM, so no matter what your skill level, you will have everything needed to get started with learning the subjects one by one. In the following four webinars there will be a small proportion of the time dedicated to the critique/discussion of a selection of images submitted from webinar attendees while following the course. When I run this as an in-depth small group course, feedback and discussion form a major part of the course, and it gives individuals the chance to get timely feedback as they experimented with new techniques. This is so valuable to building the skills and knowing if you are on the right track, but also having the chance to ask questions with any niggles that have cropped up as you have experimented. So, to compliment the webinar series, I am also offering a small group feedback session a week and a half after each webinar. Numbers will be limited to just 6 places. You will have the opportunity to submit 5 images and will receive around 15 minutes personal feedback and discussion. But in addition to your own images, you will hear the discussion on those of others as well. This all creates a deeper understanding, and a chance to see how others approach the subject. I find that very rarely is there a replication in style or subject matter. Especially when you get an international group of individuals together. I love these opportunities to discuss and deepen understanding. If you are interested in signing up for these feedback groups there are just 6 places in each session available. If you go to my website, click on the education tab – online events. Then scroll to the button where you will find all the information you need and an easy book and pay button. The dates for the feedback sessions are: • • • • •
Feedback on Trees & Woodland – 23rd November 2023 Feedback on Water – 30th November 2023 Feedback on Architecture – 14th December 2023 Feedback on Abstract & Details – 4th January 2024 Feedback on Animals 11th January 2024
Woodlands and trees 11th November 2023 On the 11th November we start the webinar series with ‘woodlands and trees’. Anyone who knows me, will know this is my favourite ICM subject, and as a result you will be in for a treat, as I share 7 years of experience, examples and knowledge with you. The webinar will start with a recap on ICM concepts regardless of the subject matter, so is suitable for even the absolute beginner with no experience at all. We will then move on to looking at woodlands and how ICM can be used to enhance your images, bringing emotion, feeling and movement to an otherwise static photograph. Photographing woodlands is complex, regardless of whether you are using the ICM technique or not, so we look at aspects to help compositions, as well as utilising time to understand what we want to bring to the image with ICM. The movement options, shutter speed, managing distractions, finding balance and so much more. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready! The Feedback session for woodlands and trees is on the 23rd November. Find the relevant date on the calendar and sign up here if you would like to deepen your learning experience.
Water 18th November 2023 On the 18th November we continue the series with ‘water’. I First fell in love with ICM water photography while in South Africa 5 years ago. Although I don’t live anywhere near the sea (or have many waterfalls at my disposal in flat Holland) I love water ICM photography for the ability to play with movements that add drama or softness according to the feeling I want to bring to my images. Water can be challenging in ICM, because you are working with a moving subject matter, so I will be looking at various ways to work with this added factor. This webinar will look at beach, sea and wave ICM, as well as rivers, waterfalls (of varying size) reflections and if all you have is a puddle….no excuse you can still have a go! The webinar will cover, the movement options, shutter speed, managing distractions, finding balance and so much more. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready! This and the following webinars will conclude with a short review/critique/discussion on some of the images submitted by attendees from the previous webinar. I will pick a selection that I feel will offer an extra insight into the subject matter from the previous webinar. The Feedback session for water is on the 30th November. Find the date on the calendar and sign up here if you would like to deepen your learning experience.
Architecture and urban 25th November 2023 On the 25th November we continue the series with “Architecture and urban‘’. When I visit urban areas, I am most amazed by the lines, the colours and structures. Sometimes I love to capture a scene and show how an area is occupied, other times I like to try and capture the history of a building. Architecture can be a challenging ICM subject, as you are working with both verticals and horizontals, curves and straight lines at the same time. So, taking the time to look at what is in front of you and the movement possibilities with regards to what you want to express with your ICM can be really valuable. This webinar will take you from the city, to the village and the sand dunes! Anywhere you find structures that could be considered architecture (buildings). I love to look at the bigger picture and depict the locations as well –sometimes for me, capturing what is happening around buildings brings structures to life and shows their reason for being.The webinar will cover, the movement options, shutter speed, identifying dominant lines, bringing the essence of the location to your image and so much more. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready! This and the following webinars will conclude with a short review/critique/discussion on some of the images submitted by attendees from the previous webinar. I will pick a selection that I feel will offer an extra insight into the subject matter from the previous webinar. The Feedback session for architecture and urban is on the 14th December. Find the date on the calendar and sign up here if you would like to deepen your learning experience
Abstract and close up 23rd December 2023 On the 23rd December we continue the series with “abstract and close up‘’. Take a break from the Christmas preparations, and join me for a festive webinar. I promise you when you have finished watching you will see endless possibilities in your Christmas decorations or wintery surroundings! Having taught this subject for a number of years, I have come to realise, that although I find this an easy subject, this is not the case for everyone. Letting go of being able to see what it is you are photographing in your end image can be really tricky for some. But I am here to guide you through the endless possibilities right in front of you. You can even learn how abstract ICM can create great textures for overlaying in multiple exposures. Abstract images are successful when they accentuate lines, light, colour and structure. So taking the time to look at what is in front of you and the movement possibilities with regards to what you want to express with your ICM can be really valuable. The webinar will cover, the movement options, shutter speed, identifying lines, shapes, colour and light to create images that intrigue and impress and so much more. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready! This and the following webinars will conclude with a short review/critique/discussion on some of the images submitted by attendees from the previous webinar. I will pick a selection that I feel will offer an extra insight into the subject matter from the previous webinar. The Feedback session for abstract and details is in the new year on the 4th January to allow you some time over the holidays to practice your skills. . Find the date on the calendar and sign up here if you would like to deepen your learning experience
Animals 30th December 2023 On the 30th December we complete the series with “animals‘’. Take a little time out for yourself between Christmas and new year, and find out a little more about this fascinating subject to work with the ICM technique. Second to photography, is my love of animals. I was inspired by some images by Ernst Haas and Hal Eastman many years ago of horses using the ICM technique, and I made it my mission to understand how to capture and portray the various movements of horses using the ICM technique. Now, not all of you will have access to horses, and when I teach this on the course everyone gets quite creative for this subject! Think cats, dogs, spiders, frogs, seagulls, geese and ducks or your local zoo, fields of cows and sheep or even your pet tortoise. Creating ICM images of animals is similar to water, in that you have a moving subject to work with. The difference with animals is their unpredictable directions! But time spent watching and learning patterns, will help you with your image creation. Once again, the webinar will cover, the movement options, shutter speed, and thinking about what you want to bring to the images. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready! This webinar will conclude with a short review/critique/discussion on some of the images submitted by attendees from the previous webinar. I will pick a selection that I feel will offer an extra insight into the subject matter from the previous webinar. The Feedback session for abstract and details is in the new year on the 11th January to allow you some time over the holidays to practice your skills. . Find the date on the calendar and sign up here if you would like to deepen your learning experience
If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch with me. If you are interested in other online training opportunities that I offer, please check out my website. You can also sign up for the newsletter by scrolling down the welcome page to the signup button as shown below to receive a free thankyou ebook that you can view online or download as a PDF.