For the last three years I have been visi�ng the woods of the Veluwezoom Na�onal Park, and I have fallen in love with their beauty, and I can not wait to share this with you. My book ‘If The Woods Whispered Would You Hear Them’ is a collec�on of images and some art work created on my visits to this very woodland, with accompanying poems and text which reflect my experiences of slowing down, seeing and hearing things which may not be immediately obvious.
I hope your few days of immersion into this special place will offer a chance for you to experience and explore without expecta�on.
What to expect
The weekend will start on the a�ernoon of the 1st November.
Once you arrive, you are free to do as much or as li�le as you like, be as social or hidden as you want. You may arrive and immediately get your walking boots on, or maybe the lure of the woodfire and a glass of wine will mean the sofa is more appealing!
Your days will have no set structureif you want to be out at sunrise or sunset, you will find the loca�on on your doorstep offers unique opportuni�es. Have you ever walked in the woods at night fall? This is one I am personally intrigued by, but would prefer to have some company! Equally if you want to snuggle up under the duvet with a book and a cup of tea (at any point in the day) you are welcome.
I have a great app to recommend if you want to go out walking, and am more than happy to offer ideas to s�mulate your crea�vity and photography if you would like.
Breakfasts will be a help yourself affair. You can let me know what you would like me to order in if arriving by train, or you can bring your own if you have a car. Lunches you have the choice of organising yourself or the cafe next door is open every day. The evening dinners we will plan before the weekend, but we will all muck in with the cooking and �dying up.
Photography in the woodlands at this �me of year is a real treat with the autumn colour. The woodlands vary from majes�c horse chestnuts lining the old paths, to beech, evergreen and silver birches, a real mix of opportuni�es if you love trees and woodlands. Quite unique for The Netherlands, the Veluwezoom Na�onal park has an undula�ng landscape and offers so many varied opportuni�es.
You might like to try your hand at pain�ng, gelliplate prin�ng, cyanotypes or wri�ng. I will bring a wide range of art materials with me, so you will just need to bring a sketchbook or paper.