3 minute read
Walker Poole and Wellford Tabor Raise the Bar for Extraordinary Volunteer Leadership
IN 2015, when Mark Reed asked Walker Poole and Wellford Tabor to co-chair the largest, most comprehensive campaign in Country Day history, they both checked with their wives first and then said, “Yes!”
Their easy partnership, genuine love for the school, and can-do attitude were overwhelmingly factors in the success of the Forefront Campaign. We also benefitted from their financial acumen as they served on the Board of Trustees as key construction and financing decisions were made. They led by example with their time and with their resources, and their commitment inspired others to do the same.
For five years—through raising their families, through their own busy and successful careers, and through a global pandemic—they showed up time and time again to countless meetings, phone calls, coffees, and events to share the Forefront story and the importance of this transformative campaign in our schoolʼs history.
They both shattered previous fundraising records and raised the bar extraordinarily high for volunteer leadership and service. Suzanne Hilser-Wiles, campaign counsel to Country Day and president of Grezenbach Glier and Associates, an international consulting firm, notes: “Volunteer leadership is critical to any successful fundraising effort, and Walker and Wellford exemplify what we tell our clients they need—leaders who are willing to dedicate the necessary time and energy to engage others, who are thoughtful partners to advancement and the Head of School, and who set an example with their own generosity. This kind of leadership inspires others to dig deep and do their best for the school too. This campaign exceeded expectations and transformed Country Day. That would not have happened without your co-chairs.”
For generations to come, our school community will be strengthened by the impact of their leadership and hard work.
Mark Reed shares, “Their love and deep respect for this school will be appreciated in perpetuity through the legacy this campaign and all their leadership made possible. We are indebted to them for their incredible service, not only to this campaign, but for all they have done for our school.”
In the truest sense, both Walker and Wellford embody what it means to be at the Forefront, and we remain ever grateful they said “Yes!”
Walker Poole’s clear and thoughtful leadership has strengthened our school in countless ways. There isn’t a fundraising hat he has not worn at Country Day, and he served on our Board of Trustees from September 2010–May 2020. For his distinguished and selfless service to our school community, Walker was inducted into our Honorary Alumni Association in 2020.
Walker is a founding partner of Ridgemont Equity Partners. He was also a Morehead-Cain Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received a BS degree and currently serves on the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund Board of Directors.
He and his wife, Anne, have three children: Walker ’15, Virginia ’17, and Lilly ’20.
-Walker Poole
-Wellford Tabor
For more than a decade, Wellford Tabor has served Country Day in numerous leadership capacities with his trademark energy, enthusiasm, and drive. He has served as a Board of Trustees member since 2009, as co-chair of the Parent Committee for the Believe & Achieve Campaign, and as the Country Day Fund’s Leadership Chair 2013–14. In 2020, he was inducted into the Honorary Alumni Association for his tremendous service and tireless leadership on behalf of our school.
Wellford is the managing partner of the investment firm Keeneland Capital LLC. He and his wife, Ann, have three children: Grace ’17, Alex ’19, and Russell ’21.